Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban



Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | AC | GA | NIO
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | MAW | SITH

The Trade Federation has seized this page, perfectly legally


Task Force Venality
  • Morai, Morai-class Super Star Defender
  • Arquebus, Emancipation-class Artillery Cruiser
  • Mon Borea, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Clistenes, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Helios, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Mon Tellus, MCv110-class Multirole Frigate
  • Absolution, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Amnesty, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autarchy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Autonomy, Avalon-class Corvette
  • Purgill, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • Chiaki, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • Phillak, Oswaft-class Corvette
  • Drogheda Bounty, XY-48-class Freighter
  • 120/120 E-Wing Starfighters
  • 96/96 Y-Wing Starbombers
  • 60/60 A-Wing Interceptors
  • 48/48 B-Wing Starfighters
  • 24/24 X-Wing Starfighters
  • 8/8 Ferret II Recon Drones
  • 10 support craft squadrons

Allied and enemy fleets continued to decant into realspace above Korriban. Tithe could not recall a space battle of this scale in recent history, as hundreds of ships exchanged weapons fire in orbit over the dead Sith world. The flags of half a dozen governments were being fought beneath.

It was a crowded marketplace, but that suited the Aargauun just fine. He had a long career of rising about the competition.

This would all be over soon.

The Vice Chancellor watched from the bridge of the Morai as the Ashlan Crusade fleet dove toward the Fatalis. The colossal Brotherhood super star destroyer analogue dominated the battlefield. Sooner or later it would need to be neutralised. Tithe’s own vessel, much like the man himself, did not pack a big punch but rather relied on other unique capabilities. The Republic Engineering Corporation had ensured that the Morai could control the battlefield just as Tithe dominated the business sphere.

“Sir, message coming through from a Sularen,” Admiral Chalu announced. “An acquantice, sir?”

Tithe gave a knowing grin. “Persona non grata would be more apt,” he replied as the call connected.

“Ahh, yes, Marlon. You seem to have landed on your, ah, feet,” he observed. “Unfortunate, unfortunate business that whole Byss ordeal.” Admiral Chalu drew Tithe’s attention to a holodisplay - Suralen had launched his fighters and was orientating his fleet toward the Morai. The Vice Chancellor took a moment to study the display. The former-Lord Imperator’s temper was matched only by his love of all-out offence. His fleet, with more than six times the meterage of Tithe’s, had at least ten times as much firepower. But that all came at the expense of a key capability.

There was a reason why small companies could bring down the biggest corporations in the galaxy - they were agile. Tithe’s fleet were pod racers compared to Sularen’s. He’d easily be able to keep out of the range of his weapons.

“Move fighters and escorts up range of the Brotherhood fleet,” Admiral Chalu ordered. The powerful shields of the Morai would be able to deflect any stray attacks while managed to cover the increasing distance between the two fleets as the Alliance vessels opened their throttles. “Weapons free, suppressive fire.” Sularen’s fast-moving fighters would still be able to cover the distance and swarm the Alliance fleet.

“Cardinal, I’ve found myself in a quandary,” he explained Pietro. “I'm afraid out convocation will be delayed, momentarily that is.”

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Location: The Fatalis, High Orbit over Korriban
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | KV-6000 | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Fiolette Fortan | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Relynia Sorrene Relynia Sorrene | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce


Enemies, as always, continued to multiply. More Ashlan and Alliance vessels entered the system even as Tu'teggacha braced for impact, his line of sight out the viewport completely filled by the onrushing crusader battlegroup. To the marauders and zealots, this was as it should be. They wanted to fight a war against the entire galaxy, secure in their faith that the Three Avatars would strengthen them and the Dark Voice would guide them to victory. More foes only meant more chances for glory, or to earn a good death and be reborn into the better galaxy that would emerge from the ashes of the Maw's dark crusade.

Tu'teggacha wasn't so sure about taking on everyone at once. He was no true believer; it was hunger, not faith, that drove him. Even among the Ebruchi, a species whose nomadic pirate culture was noted for its casual cruelty, he had stood out as depraved. Perhaps he had been born wrong, with something missing from his mind... or soul. Whatever the truth, he did not want to die, not even in the name of the Avatars. What he wanted was to feast on suffering, to draw in the pain that the Maw inflicted upon the galaxy and feast. Why did that gratify him? Even he did not know. His spirit was somehow twisted and corrupt.

He knew he was a monster, but he saw no reason to try to change.

No more time for philosophical musings; if the Taskmaster wanted to survive, he needed to put his full focus on commanding this fleet. His initial gambit appeared to be working, at least. The enemy carrier pulled up short, forced to maneuver sideways so that the Brotherhood ships couldn't continue to pound its prow section. That would certainly slow the fighter response, granting the Maw an early advantage in fighter cover. Squadron after squadron of Darkshears and Doomsayers emerged from the hangars of the capital ships, forming a shimmering curtain of starfighters. But this was only the first act in a long play.

As they advanced, the Ashlans turned Tu'teggacha's own tactic against him, focusing all of their fire on a single ship - in their case, the Fatalis itself. In a way, that was the best possible news for the Maw. Had every Ashlan ship focused on one of the frigates, it would have been rapidly destroyed, and even the smaller star destroyers might have suffered terrible damage. But the Fatalis was a spaceborne fortress. It was sluggish and unwieldy, slow to move and utterly unable to make quick tactical maneuvers, but its armor and shields were incredibly strong. It had survived pursuit by two fleets at Csilla; it was a tough nut to crack.

Still, the powerful weapons of the Ashlans - all focused in on the Super Star Destroyer - took their toll in that initial barrage. No single ship can hold against a fleet for long, and even the Fatalis found its forward shields strained to the breaking point. The prow viewports were filled with the flash of incoming fire as the enemy battlecruisers pounded away. Tu'teggacha's facial tendrils writhed in agitation, swarming around his circular maw of fangs in a flopping, rubbery mass as he attempted to keep up with the onslaught. But the shields continued to drain as fast as he could redirect power to them, and soon enemy shots came through.

"Minor damage on decks twenty-one and thirty-six," one of the bridge officers reported. "One ion cannon battery is out of commission, and MegaCaliber Three is showing signs of strain." Tu'teggacha's glassy eyes narrowed; it was too early to allow one of his principal weapons systems to be knocked out. At the same time, he could see the enemy directing ion fire and starfighter attacks on his escorts, hammering the frigates' shields before showering them with bombs. It was a good tactic, and it was already showing promise; the Wretched Fate, previously damaged at long-range, was particularly hard-hit.

The Taskmaster needed to shut this down before the situation worsened.

"Crimson Offering," he said, opening a channel to the lead Crucifix I star destroyer, "the enemy is focusing its fire upon us. Exploit their distraction. Move to engage the battlecruisers at close range." It was a bold move, but with the battlecruisers focused on the Fatalis and the small support craft, the star destroyers were relatively free to maneuver. By engaging the battlecruisers up close, they would force the enemy ships to divert their fire from the Fatalis in order to drive them back. That would give the flagship time to equalize its shields, and free it up to deploy its fearsome armaments against softer targets.

That left the matter of the enemy multirole fighters. They were quick with their SLAM systems engaged, much quicker than any of the Maw fighters... but they were also clumsy, trading maneuverability for speed. And with the enemy battlecarrier forced back, unable to launch its full fighter complement, they were also outnumbered. As they withdrew after deploying their bombs, leaving the Wretched Fate with fires and depressurization across multiple decks, the Phoenix squadrons found themselves in the middle of a veritable swarm of Darkshears... and their pilots didn't seem to have any sense of self preservation.

The Darkshears dove freely into the bombs left by the departing multirole fighters, heedless of their losses. They couldn't catch the Phoenixes, but they didn't have to; they simply got in the enemy fighters' way, striving to crash into them or fire indiscriminately in any direction they might retreat. It was easy to take losses and keep going. Each Darkshear squadron was composed of twenty craft, more than twice the number in a Phoenix squadron, and none had pilots worth saving. The men in the cockpits were half-formed clones controlled with smokestone implants; back on the Fatalis, Heathen Priests puppeteered them from afar.

The priests wielded each squadron like their own fingers and toes.

Through the chaos dove three squadrons of Divine Eagles, hunting their prey. Their pilots were Knyghts of the Maw, Force-sensitive warriors cybernetically linked to their ships' systems. Every Knyght was horrifically accurate for this reason, able to tear apart even well-armored enemy fighters with their heavy beam cannons... and these were Knyghts of House Daedalon, the finest warrior-pilots the Maw had to offer. They were recruited not from promising marauders, as other Knyghts were recruited, but from the most skilled and savage Knyghts of other houses. They were the best of the best, and they were on the hunt.

The Doomsayer fighter-bombers, meanwhile, joined the Brotherhood frigates as they moved in to engage the enemy Templar-class star destroyers. They were outclassed by such large vessels, but by working together, perhaps they could take one of them down. The Doomsayer squadrons opened up with their many ion cannons, as did the Samael-class frigates, which bristled with such guns - twenty of them on each frigate. If they could manage to disable even one Templar, that was a significant victory for the outnumbered Maw fleet... so they focused all their fire on the closest Templar.

They had to strike as many blows as they could before the foe was reinforced.

As these tactics kicked into effect, the Fatalis drew back slightly, letting the fleet's other ships take the lead. Technicians worked frantically to stabilize the shields and get all key systems back in working order, knowing that any reprieve would be short-lived. At Tu'teggacha's command, the Super Star Destroyer opened up once again with its long-range weapons, targeting the Dominion-class escort frigates. If it could damage - or even destroy - some of them while they were still trailing along behind the battlecruisers, before they made it to the battle, that would give the Maw's escort frigates a major advantage.

Fatalis, a Fatalis-class Star DreadnoughtShields Low, Minor Damage, Firing on the Dominion-class frigates
Crimson Offering, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerShields Weakened, Firing on the Pillar of Retribution
Severing Blade, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerFiring on the Divine Purpose
Sanguine Cruor, a Crucifix I-class DestroyerFiring on the Divine Purpose
Vile Nativity, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on a Templar-class
Ember of Sin, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on a Templar-class
Opened Vein, a Samael-class FrigateFiring on a Templar-class
Wretched Fate, a Samael-class FrigateMajor Damage, Firing on a Templar-class
Hollow Heart, a Samael-class FrigateMinor Damage, Firing on a Templar-class




Operation: FINAL DAWN
‘Avatar of War’

The Admiral stared into the holographic image of Derix Tirall Derix Tirall , High Regent of the Final Dawn who had taken full command of the superweapon personally alongside the Final Dawn Armada itself. His chin held high, back straight as a washboard, and posture perfected like a COMPNOR poster child, Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick spoke to his superior with anticipation to give the order.

“The estimated wait time for the superlaser to be ready for live fire is ten minutes. Shall I give the order for the ‘Avatar of War’ to take aim on the enemy fleet?”

The primary weapon of the massive idol of supreme annihilation was a planet-killing superlaser beam. A prolonged surge of power generated from the quintessence collected from Dark Matter. This super weapon had the capability to end this conflict once and for all. Once the objectives on the ground were complete on the planetside they would leave it a floating debris field like Csilla before it.

“The scale of this engagement has exceeded all expectation, I do not believe we can afford to suffer the level of casualties we afforded at Csilla once more. With your benevolent approval I can show them the futility of their actions and the glory of the Final Dawn!”

The command deck froze in place, all awaiting the grand say of the august authority sitting upon the command throne of the ‘Avatar of War.’ The Sith cultist, Admiral Garrick, smiled wickedly with anticipation.


Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"I will not be lectured to by some halfwit nerfherder who believed one of this galaxy's most powerful Dark Lords never even visited Korriban-"

But Starlin was already gone. Captain Monk scowled in contempt and fired his ascension gun down into the pit at a shallow angle. He disengaged the tether line and tied it off in an elegant knot. Vector slid down the zipline until he was halfway to the bottom when the Sith agent dropped into a somersault. One arm and leg outstretched, he landed a few meters away from the Jedi and lifted his head in a graceful albeit slightly effeminate action pose.

"Well then Starling," his superior smirk seemed even more fiendish in the gloom, "Prepare to take notes for you are about to witness a real professional archaeologist at work."

With a tap of his index finger Monk activated the preposterously lavish glass frame nestled over one eye. Data readouts of their surroundings scrolled past a shrewd gaze. With another tap Vector toggled thermal imaging. He navigated the dark as if were an old friend. Every half dozen or so meters he paused to tap a small chisel against stone muttering phrases in the Old Tongue and converting ancient distance measurements to modern standards in his head. After much wandering in circles the Reclamation Service agent finally seemed to find what he was looking for.

"There is a hollow chamber behind this rock," Captain Monk glanced down at Starlin's lightsaber, "Would you kindly?"

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Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline


Objective III : It comes...
Location: On board of the Pride of Anaxes
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

Allies: Ashlan Crusade | NIO | Galactic Alliance | SJC/CIS/EE
Ennemies : Brotherhood of the Maw | Sith

Anaxes Navy Task Force 58 composition:*​
Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


"Sir, we are now in the atmosphere."

"Alright. All guns to starboard. Fire on all ennemy positions. Have the Courageous, the Audacious and the Tonnant do the same. We will annihilate this bloody planet !"

As he spoke, the guns of the four ships turned to starboard, aiming at ennemy positions. All of the 105 turbolasers of these vessels were ready to fire their deadly blows.

"All of our guns are ready Sir."

Herlock took his microphone and said to his fleet :

"All ships open fire !"

Suddenly, the four ships fired. The deadly bolts were tearing the sky towards the Sith positions.


On board of the stealth corvette Silencieux, behind Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's fleet
Commanding officer: Lieutenant Lucas Traumen
Ship's status: cloaked

The Silencieux was behind the ennemy lines. It has been cloaked since the start of the battle and slipped silently behind the Maw's fleet. Lucas was a bit nervous.

"Comms officer, open a link in the broadcast system."

"Aye Sir."

"Gentlemen, this is your commanding officer speaking. We are now behind the ennemy lines and will carry out the second part of our mission. All hands, man your battlestations. Accoustic situation silent. You may fire when ready."

The small corvette, designed as a submarine, silently turned around, her torpedo tubes opening and her main guns ready to fire. Suddenly, the six front torpedo tubes fired, lauching their deadly gifts towards Tu'teggacha's fleet. The main gun also began firing, but it was not as powerful as the torpedoes. The Silencieux was also moving, in order for the ennemy ships to be unable to pinpoint the firing point of the torpedoes.
will you sink down to me?

~ open to interact ~

It got easier and easier to see the barbarian force moving across the northeastern ridge with every step she took up the terrace. She glanced in the direction they had seemingly came from, still hidden to her under the horizon and tons of decertified stone. Then back at the war band.

To swim with or against the current.

Naeelete!” The decision was made for her by a patchwork barbarian calling out to her disguise from over the rise. Tall, dark, an’ grimy.Whatcha doin’ down dere, ya crazy schutta?!

Charming, the lot o’ y’all.

No great actress, Damsy didn’t say a thing aloud, but that seemed acceptable to the man. “Ya, ya, nothin’ ta say ‘til there’s people ta kill, I get it.” He continued with a scoffed chuckle, “Just get up ‘ere ‘fore ya miss the fun.

Damsy didn’t need to be told twice.

The man led her back into the violent stream, where its momentum washed them down grade. The entire band was eerily silent except its collective symphony of footsteps, but after a few moments that became background noise. Curiosity and some doubt welled up in the empty emotional space around Damsy:

Where were they going?


Who awaited them there?

Was this the right thing to do?

Strangely, she hadn’t felt a point of no return pass her by, not yet. She could still slip away somehow and get back to Arisso and the others.

But then that point--many, actually--rose its red aura far out but also too close. She squinted through the eye holes of her wooden mask. Okay, alright. Those were proper lightsabers. Sith, to boot. Anger bubbled in her veins. The Maw ranks bristled, preparing for contact, much more excited than terrified.

Damsy found that she was feeling it too. Forget the budding Jedi in her, the Sithspawn was vengeful, selfish, and not benevolent. Thissss is our chanccce, it whispered to her, not intent on saving her fellows, but on putting down as many who had done them all wrong as possible.

For the first time in a long, long time--since her initial possession on Dagobah by the alter--Damsy listened to Syreni. She didn't surrender bodily control this time though; that would have been dangerous...
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SIDE: Defender
OBJECTIVE II.: The friend-saving
LOCATION: Tombs, Korriban
WEARING: x | x
CARRYING: x | x | x | x | x
TAG: Dis Dis

T H E _ S W A R M K E E P E R

Melydia's eyes widened with new recognition, expression warming as she put two and two together, though not quite as warm as it'd be under previous circumstances. The gravity of the situation, of encounters that had lead up to this day, had hardened the insectoid like chitin. "Oh that was you!" She said, wings fluttering vacantly with her words.

"We very much appreciate your gift." Her hand drifted to the belt that kept the friend holder in place with her other equipment. They'd been a wonderful surprise and a great boon for handling friends, exactly why she'd been sure to bring them this day. With the friend holder fresh in her mind and Dis bringing up the spirit from before, her brow furrowed in careful consideration.

"It could hurt our friends, yes," she started slowly, a hand reaching up to pet the winged creature upon her shoulder. "But also, perhaps we could use the spirits in there. To protect our friends. We interacted with it before, who's to say we can't do so again? Turn the creature onto those who would hurt our friends?"



Prove it, baldie!” Starlin taunted good-humoredly over his shoulder, already plunging his shoto into the door.

The stone hissed as the lava crystal-powered blade burned through it with enough heat to turn individual grains into glass.

And it’s Starlin, not Starling. I’m not a bird.” He grimaced, still cutting down the door. “I was named after Jim Starlin, an author. My parents had trouble coming up with a name for me, so one day my mother looked over at a bookshelf and started listing off author’s names. Jim Starlin stood out, so I got named Starlin Rand.

The rock crumbled, creating a molten-edged space big enough for them to walk through. Starlin ducked through the opening, still running his mouth. “Oh, I’ve seen real archaeologists at work. They don’t do this Indiana Jones adventurer crap. I’m probably more akin to a reliable smuggler in their eyes... I get the chit out of the warzone more or less in one piece, so that they can study it in a nice, safe, dry place...

Tags: Vector Monk Vector Monk


Objective | Annihilate the Allied Fleet
Main Focus | Ouroboros Task Force

Maw Irregular Fleet

Sularen watched as new Arrivals from the Allied Fleet arrived at Korriban. Despite the presence of his Maw Irregular Fleet , the Brotherhood of the Maw was still no match for the combined strength of the Alliance , Ashlan Crusade and the New Imperial Order , a painful reminder of his defeat at Byss and how his lack of allies and isolated position within the Core Worlds facilitated his downfall. Nevertheless Sularen remained determined to show the Galaxy that he was still a force to be reckoned with and that Byss was just the Beginning of something larger.

Then , the Grand Overseer noticed something. A Second Star Dreadnought identified as the
Ouroboros had arrived and unlike any other Fleet mobilized by the Galactic Alliance was mostly comprised of Battlecruisers with a smaller compliment of Support Ships also escorting them. But there was something else , escorting the Alliance Dreadnought were Long Horizontal Black Ships of Corellian Origin...the Damocles Corellian Star Defender. Sularen thought that those vessels had been grounded like elements of His Fleet from Byss but now here they were spearheading the Alliance's Efforts at Korriban. Given the presence of the Corellian Warships Sularen knew exactly who was in command of that Fleet , High Admiral Dracken Pryce and he was standing in the way of Sularen's route towards the Morai

As Sularen evaluated his current situation he received two replies from Alliance Vice-Chancellor Aerarii Tithe and Taskmaster Tu'teggacha. Regarding the former , how Tithe became Vice-Chancellor was a mystery to Sularen as all he knew about Tithe before hand was that he was a Sith-Imperial Moff who fought for the Sith Empire during the Braxtant Campaign before being Captured and defecting to the Alliance. Sularen never understood why Chandra made him Vice-Chancellor and what she saw in him although he did not care that much. All that mattered was that Tithe had been instrumental in his downfall and now he was going to face the wrath of the deposed Lord-Imperator of Byss.

“Ahh, yes, Marlon. You seem to have landed on your, ah, feet,” he observed. “Unfortunate, unfortunate business that whole Byss ordeal.

"That's Grand Overseer Sularen to you , Vice-Chancellor. Nevertheless Byss was just the Beginning of a larger struggle Vice-Chancellor. Unlike Grayson Imperium , Zweihander Union , New Imperial Order or your precious Galactic Alliance i have received fair treatment within the Brotherhood of the Maw and with their support i will take what is rightfully mine , what the Alliance and those who came before it had denied from me. What happens here is nothing but rehearsal , this fleet nothing but a mere fraction of what i have in store for my return. I hope you understand Vice-Chancellor that the Alliance's Days are numbered for one way or another i will return and i will leave a trace of death and destruction behind. Enjoy your Democracy while it lasts Vice-Chancellor as sooner or later your Alliance will be in ruins"

Sularen then proceeded to send a reply to Taskmaster Tu'teggacha. The Ebruchi was a complete mystery to the Grand Overseer. Unlike most people Sularen worked with there was little information about Tu'teggacha's Life before the Brotherhood of the Maw available to the Grand Overseer and Sularen had never had any in-person interaction with the Mawite Taskmaster. But with his reputation as the individual in charge of brainwashing captured prisoners into Fanatical Slave-Soldiers , the Grand Overseer knew it was best if he saved his curiosity for something else.

"The fleet is prepared for battle , We will engage with the first Ashlan thrust within moments. Thus far they have kept much in reserve, preparing to test our defenses. Between them and the other enemy fleets, we will be hard pressed, even with your formidable reinforcements. I would advise you not to overextend yourself, Grand Overseer, lest you become surrounded and picked off by our foes.We must only hold until the Weapon arrives."

"We will do whatever we can to inflict as much damage as possible to the Alliance Fleet. Already my Fleet is engaged with the Galactic Alliance's Main Fleet spearheaded by a Super Star Defender and supported by numerous Battlecruisers. In addition to this i have word that Vice-Chancellor Tithe himself is present and i believe that if we succeed in capturing him we can demoralize the Galactic Alliance and further weaken them to our own benefit. In order to reach Tithe we first need to rout the Alliance and Ashlan Fleets led by High Admiral Pryce and Grand Admiral Draellix which represent the bulk of the Allied Fleet here at Korriban and i already have a solid plan on how to deal with Pryce's Fleet"

Sularen looked at the datapad attached to his chair which displayed the current situation of the battlefield. Already his Fleet had already established a defensive position wand had engaged with Pryce's Fleet. The Corellian High Admiral's Fleet was quite impressive , a worthy opponent of the Maw Irregular Fleet. Task Force Ouroboros was comprised of A Star Dreadnought , the Ouroboros (Hence the name given to the Fleet) along with several types of Battlecruisers such as the Corellian Damocles , the Alliance-Class , Redeemer-Class and Starhawk MkIII. However the Grand Overseer had no idea on the exact number of ships within the Task Force which put him in a dangerous situation. After all numbers were important and without proper knowledge on what he was up against it would be impossible for Sularen to launch a proper offensive against Pryce and his Fleet.

"Why don't we have any information regarding the exact number of Task Force Ouroboros?" the Grand Overseer asked a bit frustrated that his Officers had forgotten to include the amount of ships that made up the Fleet commandeered by Pryce. "Sir we are unable to acquire any information for some reason. Could be a result of Sensor Jammers" Sularen thought for a second before giving a response. Without any intel , he could not determine how strong the Task Force which meant outright attacking the Fleet would be dangerous. At this point the Grand Overseer had two Options , either he could go on the offensive which would be a risky action or he could remain on the defensive which was a more safer option.

After some minutes of hard thought , Sularen had made his decision. "Maintain our current Defensive Position , deploy all Starfighter Squadrons and begin formally engaging Task Force Ouroboros." the Grand Overseer ordered. "I want all Ships to open fire on the enemy Fleet. The Predator , Purfier and Vengeance are to target the Ouroboros , the Invincible will fire upon the Alliance-Class Vessels and the Corellian Damocles while our Supremacies will deal with the Starhawks and Redeemers. I want all Fighters to focus on destroying those support ships and diverting attention away from their own starfighters. We will destroy their Support Ships and proceed to hammer down on their Fleet until it is completely destroyed."

And with that the Battle between the Maw Irregular Fleet and it's Alliance Counterparts began as Sularen moved forth to engage the Alliance Task Force. It was like he said to the Vice-Chancellor. Today was a rehearsal for the upcoming Second Great Hyperspace War and Sularen needed to make sure his performance here was exceptional lest the Alliance continue treating him as a joke and nothing more then a thorn on their side. The Grand Overseer was determined to make them suffer for their transgressions against him and Korriban was just an opportunity to make them witness what he was capable off and the fate of those who would dare oppose him in the Mawite Conquest of the Core Worlds.

  • Sularen Shifts primary focus away from Tithe and towards Pryce's Fleet
  • The Maw Irregular Fleet establishes a Defensive Position alongside Tu'teggacha's Fleet
  • All 3,000+ Fighters are deployed and begin launching attacks against Alliance Support Ships and Fighters
  • The Predator , Purifier and Vengeance all open fire on the Ouroboros
  • The Invincibles open fire on the Alliance-Class and Corellian Damocles
  • The Supremacies open fire on the Starhawks and Redeemers


Carnifex strode down the wide trapezoidal halls with the haste of a man filled with purpose, his stride measured and uninterrupted with each heavy footfall. The battle beyond the boundaries of the Eternal Rule was a dim muffle, the occasional staccato vibration in the metal beneath his feet weaving the story of the battlecruiser's cannons as they fired in sequence; the gunnery crews methodical and efficient to the point of unnatural automation.

None of that mattered to Carnifex, the battle outside was a flickering light in the dark and would pass as quickly as a candle was snuffed. All around him, men and women in identical uniforms and armor moved to respond to the growing threat. Their actions and their lives had already been pre-determined, every aspect of their existence controlled and guided by his will, his voice, his hand. They moved only so that they could carry out his bidding, they breathed only so that they could declare their undying fidelity to him, and they shed their own blood in sacrifice for his vision.

Carnifex slowed to leisurely walk, approaching one intersection of the hall that bordered the outer hull near the command tower. He needn't go much farther, for a few seconds after his arrival the wall was punctured by several grappling talons. Sparks and debris burst forth as the boarding pod split open and disgorged its complement of Star Corps marines into the hall. Carnifex need only extend his left hand towards the approaching soldiers, their weapons trained on him and levying laserfire, and allow the power of the Dark Side to flow freely from his outstretched fingertips.

Scarlet electricity filled the hall, the metal walls and floors melting as bolts danced across their surface, the heat so intense that sections that had been untouched still glowed red hot. When he was done, all that remained of the hall and the soldiers was molten metal and a thick haze of heat.

"Is this all, San Tekka?" Carnifex's voice permeated the very Force itself, projecting it across the entire ship. "Show me something worthy of a Jedi Master."



Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Chasianna Chasianna | Alars Keto Alars Keto
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor | Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Hiran Avola Hiran Avola | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar | Laertia Io Laertia Io

In the chaos of battle, with outright clashes finally beginning on all sides of the hill, many things went unnoticed. Damsy Callat slipped into a War Shaman's costume, and no one questioned that she was part of the Brotherhood forces. Aemilio Valaar arrived amid the Galidraani forces, preparing to join the assault, and the Mawites above - locked in combat - did not see the swelling of the NIO ranks. Jester Squadron streaked over the battlefield, firing indiscriminately into both sides struggling over the excavation hill, and the marauders assumed it was NIO air support with poor targeting data.

After all, random killing by a third party made no tactical sense.

The rocks and sands of the rugged hill and the barren plain around it turned to glass as the bombers unleashed their payloads... glass that soon cracked beneath booted feet as Mawites and Unbelievers charged one another, battling fiercely for every meter of Korriban's unhallowed ground. They soon found that ground to be infested with a foe unfriendly to both sides: the strange Umbaran tanks that wriggled and writhed in the dirt, bursting forth to crush and blast whatever they beheld. The confusion these emergences generated was actually a boon to the Maw, despite their losses.

They made the mountain paths even more treacherous to the enemy.

In the end, however, these attacks - these last gasps of vengeance, born of bitterness and rage - would do little to sway the tide of battle. They could kill and maim and wreak havoc, but so long as they targeted both sides at random, they were more of a final, hateful flailing of the vanquished Sith than an attack with any real chance of controlling the battlefield. Perhaps that was all their master desired, to make everyone bleed, even if it accomplished no greater purpose in the end. Their time was limited in any case; they would soon be whittled away by air support and antitank weapons.

Meanwhile the battle, the real battle, raged on all sides of the hill.


Northeast: The Petrite Front

Khazzak the Twisted, War Shaman of the Maw, gazed down the northeastern slopes of the excavation as the enemy approached. The Petrite troopers, rank after rank of crimson-armored soldiers moving in disciplined formation, did not concern him in the slightest. On Csilla and half a dozen other worlds, the Brotherhood had proven that their brute strength and savagery was far more powerful than discipline or training in close quarters; the enemy was marching into the place where the Maw had the greatest advantage. When hand to hand fighting broke out, they would break these toy soldiers.

The Exalted and their leader were another matter.

Khazzak knew well the power of that weapon they bore, that "lightsaber" that had led the way in great crusades across the galaxy for thousands of years. He had been born on an isolated world at the galaxy's very edge, to a primitive people with bloodthirsty gods - the lone survivors of an ancient colony disaster, degenerated into savage, cannibalistic tribes over the millennia. Khazzak had risen to become a spiritual leader among them, skilled at interpreting the will of the Dark Ones... and at wielding their sorcery, to heal or to harm. But when that Jedi explorer had come...

The saber-wielder had offered them peace, but when the Dark Ones rejected him and the tribe turned on him, he had fought off fifty warriors before they had brought him down. That was how Khazzak had become Twisted, his back broken when the mage-knight had flung him against a tree. But his sorcery had been strong, and he had walked again despite his hunched spine and scarred flesh. He had taken the Jedi's ship and followed the omens, until they brought him to the Brotherhood of the Maw and their dark crusade. But even now, despite his victory, he feared the power of saber-wielders.

Against so many of them, even the Tarar would fall.

The scavenger warbands showed no fear, however. Dug into their rocky foxholes all along the side of the hill, their positions reinforced with rusted metal spikes forged from pilfered junk, they aimed their heavy weapons and opened fire. The hillside lit up blue, and the air shimmered with heat, as dozens and dozens of plasma rifles opened fire. These were weapons that could sear through heavy armor with ease, melting durasteel to slag... with even more unpleasant effects on the flesh beneath. The enemy would have to advance uphill, through this withering barrage, to close with them.

But the Exalted and their general had abilities beyond those of ordinary soldiers. Their sorcery bolstered the armor of the Petrite troops, enabling them to survive more of the armor-piercing barrage than they otherwise would have. In turn, the War Shamans lashed out with their greatest power: Force Fear. Khazzak and his fellows raised their twisted totems, built of grotesquely joined flesh and bone; Khazzak's own was made of a fused spinal column topped with a still-fleshed hand, which writhed its dead fingers in time with his chanting. Terror and uncertainty swept across the battlefield.

That same effect only emboldened the Mawite forces.

With this power unleashed, the War Shamans prepared to meet the Exalted in battle. They wore no armor, unlike their dark metal-clad foes; the runes carved into their skin, given life by their Dark Side powers, would serve to protect them, even against lightsaber blows - at least, the first few. Their totems were force-imbued staves and spears, and many bore dread blades, halfway between a sword and a lightsaber. But these were their secondary weapons; they would first lash out with curses, lightning, and constriction, trademark Dark Force attacks. Still, Khazzak feared they might be outmatched.

Until the Rhandites arrived behind the enemy. The shaman smiled.

As the choking, blinding cloud of sand swept across the valley and the lower slopes of the hill, slowing the enemy advance and making communication and spotting difficult, the Tarar Warbands kept up their relentless plasma barrage. Khazzak stood among them, chanting dark praises, ready to charge the first Exalted who dared advance through the storm. They were still outnumbered, but the enemy was caught between two forces now, and likely disoriented by the Rhandite sorcery. There was a chance to hold the line here, so long as the saber-wielders did not break their lines...


South: The Galidraani Front
Fre'shaa Vokk revved her swoop's engine again, already bored. It hardly seemed far that the warbands up north had already made contact with the enemy while her deathgang - and their Kagan-Jin rivals - were still holding position. The NIO was being cautious, as usual, and while it made good strategic sense and conserved their valuable vehicles, it frustrated Fre'shaa to no end. "Come on," she growled, tapping the butt of her power lance against her swoop's handlebars. "Make a move, you sleemos. You're too clever for your own good. Just put up and fight already." Irritating mother-karkers.

The gang leader could see the vanguard vehicles of the armored detachment moving around the base of the hill, huge debris-clearing prows attached to the front of each AFV so that they could clear the rugged terrain and allow the troops behind them a swift and clean advance. It was clever, and would help to negate the defensive advantage that the rocky hill provided the Mawites... but watching the accursed things go back and forth without mounting their attack yet was driving Fre'shaa to distraction. The enemy was circling all around the southern outcrop, and here she was, doing nothing.

So she resolved to change that. "Alright, you huttspawn," she yelled at her riders, "listen up. We're not going to let these NIO pretty boys ride all around OUR hill unopposed. Get your anti-armor grenades ready, and get your ass in the seat. I want quick, probing attacks only. Get up above 'em on the ridge, hit 'em with grenades and launchers, and then withdraw as soon as you start to come under fire. Don't you fething dare pursue if they start to withraw."

"Any man out of position gets gutted by me."

The gangers let out a whoop as Fre'shaa kicked her swoop into gear, skimming out over the rocky trail and heading for the edge of the ridge. The thirty of them unclipped grenades from their belts and bandoliers, or unslung light rocket launchers, and took aim as they approached the enemy scouting positions. As soon as any foe came into range they let fly, laughing and hollering as their payloads flew down at the Galidraani, before kicking their swoops in the opposite direction and racing back to the cover of the ledge. It'd do at least some damage... and keep the unruly gangers entertained.

They did not know that Kryll, the Vinesworn, would follow...


The Hilltop
At the edge of the excavation, The Mongrel waited.

He could see a lone figure picking his way across the sands, a man in a fine uniform, an officer he remembered well: Aron Gowrie, his features as fine as The Mongrel's were mangled, a warrior as refined and skilled as his foe was savage and brutal. The marauder warleader paced and paced, spinning his blade, stretching his muscles. In his last battle, against Gowrie's mentor, he had been unable to break the old general's defense. Every attack had been countered, every pass defeated. Despite his rage and ferocity and battlefield prowess, his blade had never touched Barran's skin.

Would his protege be equally skilled? Would The Mongrel, this time fresh and uninjured rather than tired and bruised, be a better match for Galidraani skill? Would the blade he had brought, a heavy, broad, well-forged warblade rather than a borrowed marauder sword, make the difference in this contest of bloody skill? The veteran raider had no idea... but everything in him screamed for the chance to find out. Gowrie and Barran had treated him as an equal, a worthy foe rather than a mad barbarian, and that only made him burn all the more to prove himself the superior fighter.

"Clear a path," The Mongrel ordered, and Mawite warriors parted like the sea as Gowrie approached. There would be no interruption in their duel, no interference by any of the mad raiders who held the hill. Behind the warleader, the fearsome Cirihut Warriors solemnly beat their power maces against their palms and chests, the thump - slap - thump - slap of the weapons against flesh forming a sinister drumbeat. Though they waited in reserve, ready to intervene should any of the three Mawite fronts falter, they were also there for another purpose: to bear mute witness to the coming clash.

"Come on, Gowrie," The Mongrel hissed. "It's time."
The Jedi Master was performing in a way that wasn’t typical to his youth, but it was accurate for who he was now. He was the Jedi Master, the Warden of the Order, a Jedi who had become a travelver, a wanderer, a wayseeker, in the archaic terms of the High Republic. He was as versed in the Force as anyone could hope to be, more so than in his youth, where his attitude and drive was all that pushed him along, where he lost himself to the Light and was betrayed, not seeing the shadow of the Dark rising around him. He paid the price.

And with the Bryn, he knew more than to trust the darkness, to trust that breed of dark that fed the Sith. To say that he was completely against the darkness anymore was folly. The dark, and the light, had to exist in balance for the galaxy and the worlds within it to spin on. There were fractions of all people, however tipped to one side or another, within the dark and the light. The Light was where one should hope to be.

Selfless, caring, protective. Even of this world.

Something was afoot here, and he felt Laertia was involved, but he wasn’t certain it was only her.

“Csilla was my home! My home for many years. I cried with the Chiss at the falling of the world. I will not allow it to happen again, I don’t care which world. And in case you failed to notice on your crusade. The Silvers don’t answer to me. They are a government. The politicians make the calls there. I did what I did to protect us from losing ourselves!”
The galaxy needed a Jedi state, but the Ashlan Crusade was not it.

“If the governments of the galaxy are failing to act, that is their own fault.”
His hand on his blade’s hilt, still dark, as he saw her move, standing in a guard. He was willing to act against her, but he was not going to make the first move. As he sensed her lunge though, his blade ignited.

The snap-hiss of the green-hued-white-core saber came to life as he moved, adopting the more agile Shien form, his blade meeting Laertia’s. One, two, three clashes before Coren spun, adopting the more suited Djem So. He gave a step, almost stumble, back, granting her onslaught a minor victory.

“I don’t believe you do this from the dark, Laertia. You can change your path, change the current you ride.”
The Corellian’s voice calm, almost collected, as he was not making an advance against her with the lightsaber, but using the Force to protect himself, to sustain himself.

Laertia Io Laertia Io
Location: MVS Prepulence
Korriban Orbit
Allies: None.
Enemies: Imperial Tax Collectors.

Moff Zori Kapshan stood upon the command deck of the Prepulence, a rather ragged looking retrofitted Star Destroyer sitting at the rear of Orbit. He could see the Trade Federation, the Galactic Alliance, and the Brotherhood of the Maw's forces colliding in the far distance - and on his navigational screens. For now, though, his own vessel sat far on the edge of Korriban's orbit. Alarms began blaring throughout the ship as "general quarters" was declared, preparing the ship for defensive maneuvers and for possible incoming hostiles. They didn't really know who to trust, but like a doctor without borders, the Prepulence and Zori were in a position to actually help people - and help they would provide.

Of course, it was more of a battle-tested experimentation to further his own science, for Zori. He didn't really have any morals in that department, of choosing sides. Sith, Jedi, Imperial, Alliance, Bryn'adul. A true scientist, a true doctor, didn't differentiate between any of them. They weren't his friends or allies. He wasn't there to help, only to provide the perception of it. A mutual gain, for all parties. Recover from wounds, find yourself treated, and in response the Prepulence would gain more data. Of course, if his patients knew that, literally none of them would accept his help. If they knew about the cloning, the biological sampling, the twisted cybernetic frameworks and tracking methods... he'd be out of a job.

Luckily for him, the Prepulence put on a good show.

"Provide the hail, Navigation." Zori gave the nod, and a comms officer nodded in return and turned back to their console, pressing a key that applied a holoscreen for recording before them. To the planet's surface, preferably condensed frequency trackers and towers, the following comms signal would be recieved.

"This is the MVS Prepulence. We have come to provide necessary medical supplies and war-time evacuation for all willing refugees. Shuttles are inbound. This is the MVS Prepulence. We have come to provide necessary medical supplies and war-time evacuation for all willing refugees. Shuttles are inbound. This is the MVS Prepulence."




Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir
Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Sala Corsanis Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Danika Leventis Darth Orcus
Chasianna Chasianna Ana Malixar Darth Adekos
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Gowrie's Loadout
Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Shugg's Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion

55 XT-62 Cataphract Tanks

20 Scout-AFVs
10 MLVs
5 Predator Launch-Platforms

2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Field-Medic Platoon
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad





'That'll be me, an' aye - likewise.', the Commoner-Captain replied before cutting himself short, though being welcoming enough as could be allowed of operational curtness. Alun Reed would always be kind to those who chose to step up with the Wildcats, (regardless of how many soldiers each new acquaintance brought with them each time) so making acquaintances with Valaar's lot would contribute to the ease in how Gowrie's battalion established early cohesion, and it looked to Ginge that the men who'd come showing up from the southern approach with Aemilio in particular looked to be extremely well-equipped for the Woad's plan, bringing a reassuring smirk to Reed's face as the lad from Bastion met his handshake in the middle. The Commoner-Captain could see a will to fight resonating from within Valaar as he searched the eyes, not for tenacity, not for weakness either, but searching for a will to go above and beyond the projected path of the Scout-AFVs; knowing deep-down that the quickest vehicles in their array, for all their great uses, could only get the brave new arrivals so far.

'We need one of two things to happen, an' if the tanks on the mountain to our right are as quick as they have been, fortune might favour us moving forward-'


Interrupted by a flash of light in the distance, the unlikely duo turned to see what was going on when the flash of white light erupted into a widespread firestorm, splitting the two forces off from each other as the frontier between them came alive with fire, smoke and a heat that beat against the armour and the hulls of the Scout-AFVs with windy fury. Embers and smoke would soon follow, lighting up in a fiery, misty yellow hue, irritating Wildcat Two enough to roar,'AN' THAT SURE AS KARK WASN'T ONE OF THEM!!!', at the hindrance in the north with veins popping out in his temple by the time he was done shouting. Relenting when he rounded back to Valaar and his subordinates, Reed chuckled a little before shaking his head at nobody in particular and declared,'You know what, if random enemies want to give us a fireworks display, I reckon it's high time Galidraan shows Korriban a taste of it's OWN TRUE FIREPOWER!!!', like he'd been annoyed into some drunken bet by faceless peer-pressure.

'Sorry about this, lads. The Captain's usually a lot calmer than this, but at least we get to see something quite rare before we go into the crucible.'

'Settle doun, Corporal. Ah'm just fine as am are, ah'll have you know! NEVER BEEN BETTER!!!', Alun interrupted AFV One's driver as he stepped in, with slide-door wide open already, and pulled the freshly-charged comm-device from the unit behind the top gunner's magazine-bay. Turning back and sitting at the opening, Reed would leisurely rest his booted feet on the iron stepladders below and quietly try his hardest to remember which Galidraani fleeters were focus from orbit and beyond, all whilst the crewmen of his AFV were beginning to worry, with each and every one of them hoping that he wasn't just moments away from calling in an overkill orbital strike. Fortunately for Reed's subordinates, the Miltoner from Westcape had other plans, though it didn't stop them from shuddering with horror-struck dismay when the Captain patched through to,'Rose One! This is Captain Reed, 2-IC of the Tuath Wildcats. Callsign: Wildcat Two. I bid you warm greetings, and my head-bowed respects - I believe it is time I request for bombing and warship assistance at low-altitude! Good luck up there, Milady.', with a confidence that only served to compounds those worries.

'We don't need that, sir! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!'

Stepping his tall, athletic frame into the open to round on the driver once more, Ginge was clearly proving himself in a wrathful mood, one that brooked no argument on the methods of warfare that would speed their approach, one that was further compounded by the sound of distant swoop bikes kicking into gear echoed across the valley ahead. As Alun grabbed his subordinate by his coat-collar with one hand, he threw the driver into his usual seat and retorted,'Could'nae gie a kark about what we dae or dinnae need, McClung. NOT THE TIME FOR IT, LAD!!!', then shut the door behind the Corporal in an attempt to wash his hands of the disapproval. Walking back to the youth standing outside the other side of the AFV, Reed reloaded his blaster-pistol and looked around to see that everyone was doing the same with their own weapons, all seeing this as a sign that he intended to move soon; this both relieved and impressed the Woad, happy that both Tuaths and the new arrivals were on the same wavelength, such a quickness to act that Alun was more than keen to make good use of.

'Excuse my poor manners, mate. As you can tell, there's quite a lot going on at the moment - you arrived on the scene already knowing my name, so might I have the pleasure of being acquainted with yours? Whether you survive it or not, such bravery can't go unaccredited.... Not on my watch anways.'




Pushing up the east face of the Mongrel's hill, with eyes popping up in just about every crack and crevice in the rises that led to the excavation-dig at the summit, Lord Aron was well aware of the fact he was being watched; even before Shugg vanished to check for him, Gowrie knew the east front would be better guarded than was being shown, knowing there was more to his clear approach as ha clambered on with sword and rye in each hand. Drinking from the latter in excessive revelry, the Kellas' head tilted back and made contact with the sun reaching high-noon, showing him a symbol from his old Sandhurst days; like God himself had shown the ancestral Lord of the Tuaths exactly what he needed to see, with little to no effort in doing so, with nought but the emblem of his fraternity within Sandhurst Military Academy's School for Officer-Swordsmen. Barran's lot were omniverous-swordsmen of,"The Acolytes of Fiore", but Gowrie honed his skills with another group entirely, one that had grown to prominence in the years since Lord Erskine's graduation.


"The Meyerite-Gawains", of course.... I understand it all now! And it never felt as right as it does now!

Screaming delight at the sun as he stood still in his tracks, with his military-coat unbuttoned four from the top, Gowrie roared with arms and sword-and-bottle-laden hands spreading out wide defiantly; bellowing from the deepest depth of his chest and gut, Gowrie's voice would echo off the hillside in challenge to the Mongrel, and his chosen stormy wilderness. If he knew how close he was to the summit, the Kellas may have opted for a more fitting entrance for a Lord (and opponent) of his stature, but the Lord-Colonel cared little; the Tuath's racket had brought out the main bulk of the Cirhut contingent to look down from the edge of the summit anyway, and Lord Aron knew that the Mongrel's hardest defenders would await to challenge his approach before their commander showed face. Knowing how the approach to his opponent could be delegated, all Gowrie needed to draw on for reference was his approach to Mawite lines on Csilla, so he continued drinking and waving his sword around with increasingly flashy intent, snarling at the mass of Cirhut Warriors jeering at him in the distance.

'Clear a path!'
I know that voice, he's actually here!

Clearly admiring the spirit of their commander, the warriors around the Mongrel (much more intimidating than the likes the Lord-Colonel encountered on Csilla) parted for the approaching swordsman, ascending the last few yards with ghost in tow; some of the warriors would make sllash and stab attempts on the spectre of Shugg, but in seeing their blades passing through like hands through mist, the Cirhuts quickly backed away from the deceased-Captain also. Neither Gowrie nor the ghost with the red-irises were particularly bothered enough to say or do anything about the matter, much to everyone's relief, as everyone really just wanted to see the fight instead, and none more than Lord Aron Gowrie and the Mongrel in particular. Hissing with sneering intent, the Mawite champion stepped forth as he growled,'Come on, Gowrie.', lifting the sword he'd chosen for the fight, baring it's wide form for the Kellas to see and visualize such an end by the Mongrel's hand.

'It's time'

As the stage set itself for them, with observers backpedalling enough to grant a very sizeable space to fight in, Gowrie drank another heavy draft from the Dunwall Rye bottle and put it's cork in before tossing it over to his opponent as he replied,'Indeed it is! Might as well celebrate a long-overdue event in style though, eh?', nodding with appreciation when the Mongrel caught it and finished what was left on the spot. Once the bottle itself was disposed of, signifying the Mawite's absent need of it's contents' disinfectant-qualities, Lord Aron took his opportunity to give his officer-issue Vibrosword rapier a proper, nuanced showing; when he let the sunlight bounce off the flat and it's edges, shimmering as the reflected glow shot life and hue into the air above the Mongrel's head, the Kellas looked to the champion-marauder for his reaction. Seeing an avarice in his eyes, Lord Aron considered his opponent's reaction as he weighed the rest of his response carefully, but decided that this kind of caution was for weaklings when he concluded,'The spoils of war can be seen in all hands, Mongrel. Barran would disapprove, but it might surprise you that I covet that sword of yours as much as you desire this sword of mine!'


'Tribalistic habits die hard, man. Doesn't matter how noble one's blood is, the blood itself still reveals the native in the man. In that matter, as much as the swordsmanship itself, you'll find me very different to the man you fought on Ilum.'

Last edited:

Fiolette Fortan



In the void that surrounded Korriban, the Galidraani Navy watched from a safe distance as elements of the Sith Eternal and Galactic Alliance armadas clashed with one another. Captain Fortan stood beside Commander Treloar as the two of them overlooked data being presented to them by the heavy corvettes. The Fortan IV's were designed as crypto-intelligence vessels with quite the surveillance capability. This enabled the Galidraani Navy to keep a closer eye on the ground engagement as it unfolded.

This information would prove vital as Captain Reed, the 2-IC of the Tuath Wildcats 'phoned in' the call for a bombing run. "Treloar loaded up a typographical look of where the Tuaths are. I'd like to see just how everything is shaping up down there." It was only then that she wished that her science vessels were ready to go, as it stood they were stuck in conversion at the Scapa Flow Shipworks between Galidraan Station and Galidraan III. On his part, Commander Treloar worked diligently to prepare the image. "Here is the projected movement of troops this white line here, and this is where I suggest we place ourselves."

"I'm considering dispatching the Raskovas."

"We'll only need one."

"Quite right, but there is the possibility that they may be taken down as I'm not entirely sure just what our enemies are holding down on the ground. We'll ask Captain Reed if his men are able to transmit data to the Warspite." While formidable the Fortan's were not capable of providing a real-time photographic image of the events unfolding on the ground. Thus, the request, "I'd like to get a better idea of what our ships will be dealing with once they arrive."

Treloar nodded slightly, he then added, "Let us also dispatch bombers and escorts."

"Goes without saying, but yes, we will also detach at least two corvette groups to go with the Raskovas," she returned, further elaborating on what would be arriving to aid the Wildcats. "Patch me through to Captain Reed."

:: Captain Reed, this is Rose One, we'll be dispatching a bombing group to your aid, designation Bombing Group Harris. We are going to request data on your location and more accurate enemy placements. Compositions of Bombing Group Harris are as follows, two Raskovas, eight Bolts, along with twelve bombers and their escorts. Once they return we'll dispatch close air support to finish off anything we might have missed. Good luck down there, Rose One out. ::

Commander Treloar had issued out an order for Dunlop. Dunlop's orders were to inform the lucky chosen of their new task, this then would see RGNV Rachkevich and RGNV Raspopova depart the formation. They along with corvette groups Alpha and Victor and a small contingent of bombers and their escorts join the two Raskova IVs. Captain Fortan then ordered, "reform the fleet into new lines, on these orders." The information was dispatched through encrypted channels and Galidraan's Navy regrouped to compensate for the departure of the ten ships.


if they're watching anyways

Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Romi Jade Romi Jade Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Dakrul Dakrul Maestus Maestus | Dark Lord's Crew (definitely missing someone lol)

Auteme found herself oddly relieved by Cedric's words. Equally, it was odd that she found it odd; Cedric was not someone she knew especially well, so being surprised at the things he said and did was hardly appropriate.

Just as quick her relief turned to ash as a cloud of smoke turned humanoid. The demon roared forth -- in the distance she could hear, almost as a whisper, the words spoken that would summon these spirits. Suddenly the halls seemed to tighten and constrict, the walls closed in on each side, the corridor before her extending into infinity. Watching those soldiers crumble to dust had reminded her of the weight of this place.

Cedric posed a question, but she couldn't find the will to answer. Even on her best day it might've taken forever. He was the experienced one, the leader; how could she possibly make such a decision? Her confidence crumbled further.

Romi's timing was perfect, distracting enough for Auteme to find her breath again. The corridor seemed tighter but not quite constricting; the smoke demons seemed clear, and she grasped the light in her hand, long enough to ward them from their group.

She cleared her throat, suddenly aware of the sweat that had built on her brow and neck. "We can go," she said, nodding to the two Jedi Masters. "Just... be careful."

She probably didn't need to remind them.

Location: Korriban, Beneath the Academy
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw, Sith Remmanats
Foes: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Romi Jade Romi Jade Auteme Auteme


To the mortal beholder, the chambers of the underground ritual site grew darker and darker. A shadow, growing and growing yet no light to feed it.

Like pitch-black dust particles reflecting in the sun, one could firmly reach out to grab the tiny floating flocks. Specs of ebony all around. A thick fog of darkness rolled through the holy corridors. Oozing from every crack and crevice, expelled from doors and walls. As if shed off by this ancient theater.

Dakrul the Faceless Hunger was not a mortal beholder though. To him this had been a lightless pit from the moment he first stepped into the accursed dwelling, nothing matt textures that outlined the shape of its brickwork, stairs, and corners. It had taken some time and the inspiring image of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis shape before him to invoke the assurance that he could maneuver inside these halls.

Accompanied by some of his Dark Master's apostles he ventured forth. He was going to hunt creatures of the light. To hunt was part of the predator's most innate instinct, Cha’ta’ri were born for it, raised into a belief centuries-old that the only way to live was to take the life of others.

Firmly gripping onto his staff, he began his pursuit by reaching out to the recently departed. Souls of those that been struck down not long ago. Many spirits lingered, especially in places with gravity such as here on Korriban and they all had a story to tell. He whispered into the void and with an alarming volume, it screamed back. More so than he could have expected, what seemed like a lake to him was actually an ocean. It was overwhelming. A thousand voices and more all yelling their tales of death and defeat at the necromancer. It quickly expanded to not just those who had passed off late but fiends that had spent decades wandering these caverns.

He felt like glued to their presence, entangled in their words, a sticky web of tragedies.

He roared back at them, his overconfidence had cost him, but he wouldn’t be a loyal subject of his masters were he not to make up with it in more of the same.

“I will set you freeeeee”

With that, his four arms lifted his magick staff into the air and then let it slam down onto the ground. And like the filling of lungs, he breathed in their presence, reversed the push and pull relationship. Acting as a catalyst to the Nether he began to absorb those too weak to resist his vacuum. His kin would feast themselves on these souls and he would reap the power they contained.

A vile toothless chuckle went out into the night, as the voices grew dimmer and dimmer. Those that could detached themselves from the carnivorous energies the heathen had sent forth to locate his prey. Those that couldn't would be fed to the plane of the undead.

The massive figure of metal and flesh moved into motion once again, he had picked up a trail. There was death near a whole flock of lightbearers. He had smelled blood and now he would come for it.

The Mawite could sense the power of the Ritual chamber now a good way behind him grow stronger, richer and more saturated and he felt it latch onto his own flow of energies, it laid itself over him like a second layer of skin that was melting into his own. A second surge in dark side force energy.

I will liveeeeee forerverrrrrr

Empowered and enthralled by the prospect of the hunt his massive body moved through the fog of shadows, accompanied by the few of the Dark Lords guardians that could be spared he would seek out the light …. And drown it.


ALLIES: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Thalia Senn Thalia Senn
ENEMIES: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Chasianna Chasianna | KV-6000

Kirie's comprehensive guide to:

Surviving a Capital Ship Boarding With a MandalMotors™ Boarding Spike

1: Prepare

So far Kirie had kept up the stoic Jedi act just fine, but the time had come to get hurled into space in a metal spike, so she did her best to slow her breathing, still the shakes in her hands, and check her harness was secure one last time.

Kirie glanced over to her allies as the door hissed shut behind her, sealing the three of them inside. Master San Tekka and Padawan Senn were doing a good job putting on a brave face too, but as the moment of launch approached, she could feel their doubts and fears spilling out. She felt the same.

Once the interior lights turned down, she allowed herself a few moments to adjust to the dim red glow. After a couple of seconds, she could see the silhouettes of the two Jedi beside her.

The launch system was spooling up, and a humming sound filled the air around them. Kirie did her best to ignore it.

She muttered some platitude about the Force in reply to Master San Tekka. It was drowned out by the sounds around her. She did not look at Padawan Senn. She was certainly judging her. They were both judging, both watching. That is, they are until it was time for the launch.

2: Launch

The moment had arrived. A little light at the opposite end of the pod's interior went green and, for the briefest time, everything stood still, before, very suddenly, the pod lurched forward with a deafening thump

Kirie held on desperately as the pod catapulted out of the ship, rumbling and shaking with a ferocity that rattled her skull and pressed down upon her without mercy as it accelerated violently for what felt like hours but could only have been a few moments.

She lost track of everything around her as she gripped the seat. All around them dozens of pods were launching too, careening into nothingness, hurtling towards the enemy as one.

3: Sail through the void

Eventually the rumbling quietened. The boarding spike was still accelerating, but it was without the aid of the great machines pushing it from the belly of The City of Ashes, so for a while the journey was quiet and almost graceful.

On one side of her was the view of the barren planet below, yellow and sickly. On the other side was the endless expanse of space. Once, the familiar sight of the star studded abyss would've brought her comfort. However, stuck in a metal coffin hurtling towards a capital ship, the sight merely served as a reminder of the peril she was in. Occasionally, from either side, She spotted arcs of turbolaser fire, passing ships, and, every so often, distant explosions. She was, after all, careening through a battlefield.

4: Against all odds, survive the barrage.

Since the view was beginning to sicken her, Kirie stared down intently at her datapad. The Alliance's forces had set up a map display of the flight for her viewing pleasure, and as the pod approached its target she watched in dismay as the capital ship's fire drew closer and more immediate. The little winking lights of her allies’ ships began to go dark, first only a few at a time, but, as the Eternal Rule drew nearer, the deaths came in droves.

For the majority of those who launched out of the belly of City of Ashes, the end of their journey was marked by fire and destruction. Kirie watched the casualties mount on the display and felt sadness and a pang of anger, but mostly she was relieved that they were not so close that she could feel them die.

Through some miracle of fate, luck, or the Force, her pod was one of only a few that were spared. As it closed in on the Eternal Rule the ship's point defences locked onto it, and the boarding spike was peppered with fire, though it was travelling much too fast for the ship to land many meaningful hits.

5. Impact

Kirie braced again, and the boarding spike collided with the hull of the Eternal Rule, shredding through its outer armour, sinking into the metal plating and anchoring itself. The noise was colossal and overwhelming, and for a while the crash was all that surrounded her.

A few moments passed, and Kirie unclipped her harness, staggering to her feet. Kirie grabbed her lightsaber from her belt, and tried to prepared herself for the fight ahead.

The trio had survived the journey, and now she was here, huddle in a boarding spike Eternal Rule, flagship of a Sith Lord. Their fight had only just begun.

Dis, the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Side: Defender
Objective II.: Save the friends!
Location: Tombs, Korriban
Equipment: N/A
Writing with: Melydia Gold Melydia Gold
~ Yes, I was, only I was more shy and different than Kal Kal , this is why many times I don't reveal my identity. Many do not like talking, animal-looking creatures. ~ they explained in a sad voice.

Especially in the early stages of their life, Dis had bad experiences that also made them a pacifist, preferring to keep in touch with animals rather than sentient beings who hurt them. It was for this reason that they introduced themselves to only a few, as themselves when they possessed someone. Dis knew that Kal was doing this more often, but their Shadow peer was more courageous and also had better social abilities than the Shadowcat.

Dis found the flapping of the wings cute and conveyed happiness to Melydia. Especially when the girl thanked them for the gift she received from Dis. Their snow-white iris-free eyes widened and grew large when Melydia shared her idea. They tilted their head to the side and looked in the direction of said hall. Eventually they looked back to the girl, they had doubts and would have been happy if it had been possible to protect her friends without a fight. But they knew that was impossible.

~ Do you have any ideas on how to persuade them not to hurt us and our friends, but to deal with those who have come into this world as intruders? ~ they asked curiously.

Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

Allies: Ashlan Crusade
Enemies: Defenders of this Dust Bowl.

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Maybe Creuat Creuat Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina
Guest appearance of Bernard Bernard possibly​

The slightest of frowns crossed his normally placid features. "I will offer this 'chit' to you and any other Acolyte I come across." He explained, tone still placid despite the rebuff from Ishani. "And you do always have a choice. You can take many different paths from here."

Some of them ended with the pair regarding each other with much less hostility, some of them more. And others involved them never meeting again.

"Those choice of which one of those paths you end up on is up to you."

She could leave, but if he could not get some kind of guarantee that she was not just going to wind up right back with the Sith, he was reluctant to let her just walk away. As it was now, she was still relatively innocent. Abrasive and dabbling in dark practices certainly. But not a true danger to those around her. She hardly seemed power by hate or anger.

No, he was fairly certain that fear drove her.

So, it would do well that he try and remove some of that fear.

Reaching down slowly to his belt, he took his lightsaber in hand. And with a careful, deliberate movements, placed it down at the floor by his feet. A slight nudge of his foot set it rolling away. Making one thing absolutely clear.

He was not here looking for a fight. He was not looking to coerce or threaten her. He was not going to force her into anything. But was instead legitimately looking out for her. A stranger who had little issue attacking him over a perceived threat.

"'“Yeah, sure, whatever,' Is not exactly reassuring Ishani. This is not a game." Such a statement could mean anything. And even if she did not know where the Sith were gone into hiding, it did not mean she could not look for them. Or perhaps they would reach out to her again. "If you have a concrete plan, tell me and I'm fine letting you go. Provided of course it won’t involve you falling back in with a dying cult."

"And if not, I can help you. You're not the first person I've helped leave the Sith and start a new life."
He held out a hand. "I am genuinely trying to help you out here. You and the rest of the acolytes that might still be stuck here."

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