Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation End of an Era: AC Annihilation of Korriban

Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Objective III : It comes...
Location: Korriban's atmosphere and orbit
Equipment: uniform, custom-made blaster pistol, ceremonial sword, telescope

Allies: Ashlan Crusade | NIO | Galactic Alliance | SJC/CIS/EE
Ennemies : Brotherhood of the Maw | Sith

Commanding Officer​
X101 Pride of Anaxes (flagship)​
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X102 Audacious
Fully crewed, operationnal​
X103 Courageous
Fully crewed, operationnal​
CV-2 Tonnant
Fully crewed, operationnal​
Fully crewed, operationnal​

Legend: comm in, comm out, ship's intercom and broadcast system, crew


Escort frigate X101 Pride of Anaxes
Commanding officer : Captain Albrecht Herlock

"Status of our Task Force ?"

"Sir, the Pride of Anaxes and the Courageous have taken damage to their hulls, their shields are once again operationnal. The Audacious and the Tonnant are safe and the Silencieux has taken no damage and is still cloaked."

"Alright. Comms, contact the Audacious, the Tonnant and the Silencieux. Tell them to get back to us and form a battle line. We'll strike the remaining ennemy ships and then we'll get back to the dockyard for repairs."

"Aye Sir!"

The Tonnant came back to the Pride of Anaxes and the Courageous, followed by the Audacious and the Silencieux. Once the formation was complete, the five ships started accelerating delivering a few blows towards the remaining ennemy shipsand finally jumped into hyperspace, toward their dockyard...
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Location: Korriban System, Drifting Wrecks
Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


Sometimes there was nothing left but to take a leap of faith. The Hollow Heart was finished, and there would be less than an hour of air in the cargo hold once the Midnight Kyber detached from it. Outside, space itself was tearing apart, and the planet below was being rapidly consumed in a duel of sorceries both light and dark. Staying here, staying anywhere near Korriban, was surely suicidal... and if there was any alternative that offered any chance of survival, that was better than certain death. If it ended up leading to the same dark fate, at least there had been an effort to fight the inevitable.

And if it led to something better, a chance to walk away...

"You make a good argument, Captain Gemini," the Anomid finally said. He lowered his arm and flicked the dead man's switch back to the inactive position, then hooked the grenade to his belt. "My name is Dyrshan Sanberge. And if you're willing to offer me those terms you mentioned, maybe we can make some good money together." He floated forward, arms at his sides, trusting - hoping - that the pirate captain was as good as her word. If she was, his skills would soon be added to her crew - fighting, scavenging, first aid, starship repair. If she wasn't, well, at least he'd given survival a shot.

The Midnight Kyber was his only chance, after all.



Galidraani Forces: Enedina Tal Enedina Tal Hiran Avola Hiran Avola Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Fiolette Fortan

Allies (NIO): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Aemilio Valaar Aemilio Valaar

Allies (AC/GA/EE/SJC/PO): Lonnie Kai Lonnie Kai Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Damsy Callat Damsy Callat
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Aelina Corsanis Aelina Corsanis
Darth Petrichor Darth Petrichor Creuat Creuat Mikhail Grayson Mikhail Grayson Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Enemies (Sith Remnants): Vector Monk Vector Monk Laertia Io Laertia Io Danika Leventis Danika Leventis Darth Orcus
First Sister First Sister Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Caulder Dune Caulder Dune
Dis Dis Darth Voracitos Darth Voracitos Crane Baxa

Enemies (BOTM/NSO): The Mongrel The Mongrel Alars Keto Alars Keto Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Gowrie's Loadout
Primary: Custom Blaster-Pistol (Right-hip Holster - left-or-right hand draw)
Secondary: Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Rapier (Left-hip Sheathe - right hand wielding)
Last Ditch/Second-Blade: Shugg's Fairbairn Vibroknife (Right-hip Sheathe - right-or-left hand wielding)
Pocket-Weapon: Barbershop Razor (Right-pocket - right-hand wielding)

Wildcat Battalion

19 XT-62 Cataphract Tanks (-5)

6 Scout-AFVs (-5)
10 MLVs
5 Predator Launch-Platforms

2 Guardian Tac-Teams
1 Combat-Engineer/Logistics Squad




Night was gathering slowly, and the automated lighting for the excavation had come alive with activity, illuminating the magma cracked fighting-stage as the myriad of exposed rock glowed in a wild array of colours once more, the beauty of their setting was once again in full view, but Lord Aron and the Mongrel were still much too focused on each other to care. Everything was as it should've been in their eyes, but neither the Tuath nor the Mawite were particularly impressed that Korriban's surface would wilt and groan under the battle's pressure before they had, creating an entirely new face as a mask of death for Korriban's long and storied history, a corpse picked clean before the heart had a chance to stop properly. For the planet's latest and last batch of archaeologists, the general changing face of the planet, the death of all the old statues, tombs and monuments would matter very little either, as their claws had already been sinking deep into the place for a quite a while before the Sith's victorious enemies arrived.


And in reference to caring very little, this would quite possibly be the only thing the planet's scavengers had in common with the duellists in deepest depths of the Maw's own excavation site, though the Sith-loyalist artefact collectors would be long gone by the time the Kellas and the Mongrel were done with each other. However, with that being said, the duellists still weren't happy about the magma, the storm or the flimsy surface of Korriban itself, all of which would be seen as pure nuisance and potential reasons as to how it took so long for the fight to conclude; both Gowrie and the Mawite champion knew that there was no Barran drawing out the fight with the fight itself to use as an excuse, and therefore, going the distance would be noted ruefully by both as not being part of either's plan. All they had left were the last plays to initiate, for victory, defeat or inconclusive end-results; for the former-marauder, a high, cheek-covering guard with the blade dipping low, and for the former Blue-Heart officer of nobility, an off-hand blocking counter with both hands attempting something they weren't strong enough to attempt.


"An' wi nae formal training whatsoever, Aron.", indeed, Erskine. Nae wonder ye allowed me t'go after 'im. Curious, so ye were.

It wasn't much in either case, not for the calibre of swordsmanship that had been on display until then, but it was all that Gowrie had left to use against the Mongrel and vice versa, and with no complaints on the matter, it was finally time to see who was stronger - once and for all.


For the glory of the New Imperial Order, I let fate decide if my heart continues to beat.... I am at peace now.

Springing into action from the last safe place to fight without burning to a crisp, Lord Aron would sprint forth with every energy reserve he had left in his body as the Mongrel did his best to move forward with intent, enacting the final attacks of the fight. The world was gasping it's death-rattle, the myriad of exposed rock was shining, the sands on the ground around the mountain were blowing in all directions, the beauty of that moment was enough to make even the hardest heart soften in appreciation; but the duelling fates would see and experience none of it, and thus wouldn't be able to react in time to what happened next, the result neither of them wanted. The end-result had been left to chance, though both duellists would be denied their life-or-death sacrifices by chance, and possibly for that reason alone, though neither the Mawite nor the Tuath would ever know why. Tegan Starfall's latest and last hand of the battle would be the cause of several hyperspace rifts, and one of which had opened right behind the Mongrel as their blades clashed in preparation for their last fight-finishing attempts, pulling the Mongrel (though he struggled against it with everything he had) inside and disappearing almost as soon as it appeared.


The only thing keeping Gowrie from falling in it with him was the fact an overturned crane had gotten in his way, cracking his face off the ground as soon as the gravitational pull had ceased to drag Lord Aron into certain death, though it seemed that the Mongrel's many cybernetic enhancements would see him safely away from the Kellas' blade for the time being; and though Lord Aron was equally safe from the Mongrel's broadsword, the new contusions on his head opened the gashes on his forehead and his eyebrow, and the Tuath had to climb out and find his men so the Wildcats and Unit-44 could get him to safety. None of it would be easy from that moment onwards, but Gowrie still couldn't help but get hung up on feeling he'd been cheated by his own destiny, but he somehow knew that his opponent (wherever he had been dragged off to) would've felt the exact same way. Venting all his frustrations, with all these thoughts bouncing around in his mind with wild abandon, the Kellas would throw his head back and bellow,'ONE OF THESE DAYS, MAN!!!! ONE OF THESE DAYS WE'LL FIND OUT WHO WOULD WIN BETWEEN US!!!!! ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!', with all his heart, before inhaling again for the wildest primordial rage at the stars he could muster.






'If rebirth ever finds you, remember not to fight a Galidraani with the weapons of his comrades!'

At the last leg of their uphill struggle for strategic control over Mongrel Hill's southwestern face, Galidraan III's Wildcats and Bastion's very own IMPMAG would meet their sternest resistance yet, fighting tooth-and-nail against the Legion of the Leech, survivors of both the Rough Rider and Deathgang contingents, and the Cirihuts for survival and prevalence at the summit; in the hopes the ground would become safe enough for Lady Fiolette's evacuation landings, every last Mawite warrior in sight would need to die, and though it seemed like it was near impossible nearest the summit, Torayga's supporting charge for the finish would finally tip the scales in favour of the New-Imperial ground forces. But before that, Reed and Valaar's frontline subordinates would need to keep fighting doggedly, keeping the remaining opposition bogged down with their relentless assault as the fresh legs advanced to aid them, though Alun didn't mind in the slightest. And as far as the Commoner-Captain was concerned; the more time he had alone with his enemies, the happier he would be in the end.



The machete was easily overcome with the quickness and cruelty in the way Reed's officer-issue rapier was wielded in the fight, and with the plundered weapon retrieved, it was business as usual with all the others who would dare get in his way, and all the easier as soon as the others began to file in with bayonets lashing out in all northerly directions. Joining them with what little energy he had left to exert, Alun lurched forward to complete his part of the final stretch, cutting down and shooting everything Mawite he could get his hands on until he realised he was standing at the very summit of the mountain itself. Looking up to his left, Galidraani corvettes and TIEs, looking along to his right, the victorious advance of Unit 44 and the Wildcats' Cataphracts; but his attitude would make an immediate change from rage to desperation when he looked down to the excavation site. The visibility was low, and getting lower as night pushed the sun further and further down on Korriban's western horizon, but it was still enough to spot the Lord-Colonel sluggishly escaping the rising magma beneath, lit up by the lava-glow and by that of the fluorescent excavation-lighting to make it easier to identify their wounded commander.

'Reed to Cataphract One! Intercept the Lord-Colonel near the excavation site - you'll have ti outrun that karkin' lava biht, so move yer erses! Go!'

<"Copy that, sir! Moving in now! Cataphract One out!">
Haud the dropship, is that a Woad accent ah just heard? What the Hell- where the kark is Lord Byron then?

Intercepting their Lord-Colonel on his way to safety, the (made lighter by expending the last of their ammunition in the last charge) crew of Cataphract One would remain on the move as they snatched him jumping up from the XT-62's right-hand side and pulled their commander in through the LMG-hatch at the top of the turret. Lord Aron was safe for the time-being, especially when the evacuation ships landed with medics and further infantry support, and in that moment, Captain Reed allowed himself a chance to slump down and let the relief wash over him for a while; allowing that same expression of satisfaction to take hold like that which he felt after the battles of Generis, Serenno, Csilla and Muunilinst in particular. From the scar-faced survivor of the Stygian Campaign, to the bloodsoaked juggernaut of the Battle of Korriban who was steaming with sweat and the body-warmth of extreme exertion, covered in the sand and dust thrown up in the storm; the new Alun looked almost demonic in comparison to his younger self, and at the same time, seemed to appear almost broken by the sheer weight of a fatigue that had finally caught up with his fearsome momentum.


<"Doyle to Wildcat Two! We are in the clear, and the Lord-Colonel's wounds aren't life-threatening this time around. Let's get our best an' brightest on those ships, sir! We're done with this place!">

'Thanks for that, Jackal Three! We'll talk again soon - perhaps then you'll be able to reveal what befell Guard-Captain Scott, eh? But don't sweat it too much though, we both know Scott isn't that easy to kill. WIldcat Two out!'
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Location: Korriban, Mawite Excavations
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall
Foes: Ashlan Crusade, NIO, GA | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie

The Excavation
All things must come to an end. The Brotherhood embraced this simple truth as their central gospel. Even the stars die in time, burning out and going cold, so why should any man expect to live forever? No one can hold back the churning, devouring cycle of ages, a cycle that devours pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, hope and fear. To be eternal, forever unchanging, would be a torment beyond what any mortal could bear. They are not meant for immortality, and that is what gives their lives meaning: the knowledge that all life must be lived to the fullest before it yields to time.

In the excavation pit, with the heat of the magma rising from below and the fury of the storm raging above, The Mongrel sensed an ending approaching. It was the ending, he believed, of a contest that had begun years earlier, among the flurrying snows of Csilla. In the hours before the Chiss homeworld had been shattered, he had matched gazes with Aron Gowrie and seen a kindred spirit: a man driven by ferocity and skill at arms. Neither of them could rest until he tested himself against the other at his peak, until he knew whether Mawite savagery or wild Tuath blood was superior.

Now there was no way out. Mongrel's Hill had finally fallen to the three armies assailing it, and the honor guard was dead to the last... save The Mongrel himself. There would be no escape for him this time. If he fell before Gowrie's blade, he was dead; he would have it no other way, for he could not bear for the Lord Colonel to show him mercy twice. That earlier mercy had been solely to ensure that they met as equals, fresh to the fight, and there was no purpose in repeating it. But if The Mongrel won, striking Gowrie down, he would surely die in a fusillade of vengeful NIO blasterfire.

But that didn't matter, not in the slightest, because this wasn't about survival. If The Mongrel emerged from the pit carrying Gowrie's shattered sword, that would send a message to the galaxy - that even hopelessly outnumbered, the Brotherhood would take the heads of their enemies' leaders and drench the ground in foemen's blood. That there was no stopping the march of the Maw until every last Mawite was dead, and that the galaxy would have to pay a terrible price to make it so... if they even could. That every last Mawite was eager to die so long as he dragged a foe with him.

Such a dying message was a death worthy of paradise.

And besides, The Mongrel had to know. His road had begun on a nowhere planet in the deep Unknown Regions, where a man who'd never so much as thrown a punch had been made a slave. That slave had fought for the Brotherhood, had learned to fight by doing it without so much as a day of formal training. Now that road was drawing to a close, asking a final question: could three years of a battlefield "school of hard knocks" possibly match up to the discipline and training of a veteran Galidraani officer? If it could, if The Mongrel actually beat Aron Gowrie, surely that meant the Maw was blessed.

He had to know. None of the surrounding apocalypse mattered.

The warriors leapt at each other, blades bared, wounded and exhausted but determined to see this through to the bitter end. The light of rising lava gleamed on their blades, and their chests heaved with exertion. The swords met in a clash of durasteel that spat sparks over the half-molten sand... and then, all at once, destiny was denied. There was a sound like wet fabric tearing, but as loud as a speeder crash. Then The Mongrel felt himself pulled backward, wind and sand rushing past him as if an airlock had undergone explosive decompression right at his back. He fought, struggled, pushed forward...

And he lost. Tegan's unstable hyperspace rift swallowed him whole.

As the battle wound to a close, NIO troops putting final blaster bolts in any Mawites that looked like they might still be twitching, Fre'shaa Vokk crept across the battlefield. She'd been a back alley kid on Nothmir, surviving through stealth, hiding from the police and the gangs that roamed the rundown parts of her home city, and she put all those old skills to use now. A few times she had to use her vibro-knife, cutting down a straggling enemy soldier as she flitted from boulder to boulder, wrecked tank to crashed starfighter, dune to dune. She did it one-handed, one arm still hanging limp.

She was a survivor, and she'd been through worse.

The rest of her swoop gang were dead, that much she was sure of. There was no way they could have slipped past the tightening NIO noose, and many of them had been fanatics anyway, as determined as any Cirihut to meet their deaths in battle. Fre'shaa wasn't quite like that. She wanted glory and plunder, sure, but she wasn't ready to travel to this supposed paradise just yet. There was too much in the way of booze, spice, and hunky zeltrons that she still wanted to experience in the present galaxy for her to seek rebirth into a future one. So she crept across the battlefield, searching for a ship.

That was when she saw it: the sky opened, ripping apart in a swirl of dark blue and dizzying grey that just appeared in midair, and something tumbled out. It fell about twenty feet, thudding onto a sand dune, and more sand and rock fell on top of it. Fre'shaa paused. She shouldn't let it distract her - all sorts of bizarre, impossible, apocalyptic things were consuming Korriban right now, which just meant she should focus all the harder on getting off this crazy, haunted rock. But she'd seen what was hidden in the midst of the debris that the rift had just spat out: a human form, still twitching.

It was The Mongrel... and he could be her ticket out of here.

Rushing to the dune, Fre'shaa tore at the sand, pushing it away with her one good hand. For a moment she despaired; the warleader must have hit the ground hard, for he was clearly deeply buried, sinking into the unhallowed ground. Perhaps it was only his corpse that had been tossed about, thrown through space and unreality, or perhaps the passage through hyperspace had killed him; unprotected mortals were not designed to survive such travel. The swoop gang leader leaned back with a sigh. Well, it'd been worth a try. She could still find some back-line supply shuttle to hijack, escape that way.

A durasteel hand burst from the dune, grabbing her by the wrist.

Fre'shaa gasped, tried to jerk her arm back... but that iron grip held. So instead she did her best to dig, and the hand's owner did his best to pull himself up. Finally he was unearthed: The Mongrel, bloodied and bruised, grit sticking to the wounds on his scalp and leg. "So I'm not the only one left alive," Fre'shaa said, chuckling nervously as the warleader finally caught his breath; his gasps were eerily distorted by his metal mask, now covered in deep blade scratches. "Good. Between the two of us, it should be easy to hijack a ship and get out of here." She rose, turning to scan the horizon for transporation.

Then she gasped again as something cold slid through her back.

Fre'shaa looked down, uncomprehending, at the length of warblade piercing her stomach. Blood spread across her shirt and biker jacket, and she swayed on her feet, eyes glazing over. The Mongrel kicked the gang leader off of his sword, letting her fall, and then casually wiped the blade on her trousers. She stared up at him, uncomprehending, trying to gurgle a question. "Mawite warriors do not flee," The Mongrel said, his voice cold. "They stand, no matter the odds, and kill until they die. That is the lesson Korriban will teach the galaxy. The Honor Guard died bravely, fighting to the last man."

The warleader stepped forward, until he stood beside Fre'shaa's terrified face. "You will not jeopardize their legend with your cowardice." Raising an armored boot, he stomped on her head, smashing through flesh and bone like a sledgehammer obliterating an egg. The Mongrel paused a moment, grinding his foot in the sand to remove the gore. Then he began to walk, heading for the transport he knew he would find over the next hill. He had survived the hyperspace void, had dug himself out of his sandy grave, for a reason. The legend of the Honor Guard would fuel his own legend's growth.

The Heathen Priests would say that the Avatars themselves had interceded to save the battle's greatest warrior... and he would wield that supposed omen to his advantage. He would rise in the Brotherhood's ranks once again. He would bide his time, grow in might and influence.

And one day, at long last, he would finish Aron Gowrie.
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Aboard the Hollow heart
Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha

Cass watched with some relief as the thermal detonator stopped blinking. She deactivated her light saber and holsters her pistol. "Welcome to the crew then Dryshen, I am keen to see you skills put to use, the Maw have a fearsome reputation." A skilled crew member was as valuable a find as a good cargo haul, particularly one who seemed to relish the chance to do the more dangerous jobs like leading the charge into a defended target.

"You will I pay my crew fairly, and as I said, the cut for a crewman involved in a combat breach is doubled. If you intend on returning to Maw territory you can work until we get there, there are more than enough scores in that part of the galaxy since the Csilla incident to cover a brief detour."

The moaning of the metal of the ship was beginning again as it made its approach run on the planet again, this pass was going to be close and she would rather not be aboard or have the Midnight Kyber docked when it happened. She ordered her crew to finish loading as many munitions as they had time for and got her ship ready to depart the system with their haul.



Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"Be warned, sir. I've bested some of the finest duelists on Galidraan-oof!"

Monk doubled over from the cheap shot aimed at his midsection. He swung his purloined sword in wild defense, clattering against the feint in an instinctive attempt to make Starlin think twice about pressing the advantage. Stone debris crashed down between them as Vector shuffled backwards catching his breath. Korriban's scourging threatened to collapse the entire chamber.

"Look around you, Jedi scum! Peace is a lie. For thousands of years your craven religion has jealously sought to eradicate Sith culture. Even now you defile our sacred burial sites for what? Trinkets to steal? Our history will not be distorted to fit into your narrative until all that is left of us are the monsters in the stories you tell your children. Not on my watch!"

He raised the ancient sword above his head and uttered forbidden words of power in an archaic derivation of ur-Kittât. Whether caused by unholy intervention or merely the resonance of his booming voice the tomb began to crumble even faster. More stone tumbled and the ground beneath their feet shook. But it was the Sith spirits Starlin had driven away before which Vector intended to summon with the Old Tongue. They were drawn to the power which still lingered in his blade.

Harmless manifestations of the Force. Manifestations which confused the Jedi's otherworldy senses. From behind the cover of a ghastly semi-transluscent apparition Vector struck.

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Starlin parried Vector’s defense, pushing (or so he thought) the archaeologist backwards. But by now he had noticed the tomb coming down about their ears, and was forced to consider whether it might be better to end this fight here and beat a hasty retreat.

Hey baby, it’s a holy war, a culture war, and a regular war all wrapped up in one neat package! That’s part of the fun!

Then the archaeologist started yelling in Olde Sith. It was then that Starlin learned it was possible for a non-sensitive who happened to know ur-Kittât to summon ancient Sith spirits. Despite the suddenness of this unexpected revelation, Starlin felt he handled what happened next rather well.

His lightsaber was up and ready to block Vector’s masqued attack, but he didn’t try to bar the apparition before him. The ghostly visage had time to utter a shriek before Starlin… er… ate it, but that was all.

The Padawan continued to fight Vector, smoke billowing dragon-like from his nostrils with every clash of his lightsaber against the alchemized blade. His lips parted and a vapor spilled out of either side of his mouth, white tendrils of fog joining together to form a new being. Starlin grinned, the flash of his white teeth biting off the end of the Luminous like the end of a long draw of cigarra smoke.

Anyway, I gotta go. Nice meeting you, man!

He pushed away from Vector, backing up towards the nearest exit, and left Vector to deal with the converted soul.



"You Jedi should have listened to Diana Moridena, perhaps you would have won." Carnifex was referencing the Jedi Master he had fought thirty-one years ago on Mon Cala. She had taken one glimpse at the darkness that lurked within his soul, and declared him to be utterly irredeemable. It was that candor that he chiefly remembered about the Jedi Master long after her body had grown cold, the bluntness that had been a refreshing experience against the inane sacrosanct mercy that the Jedi peddled to their own detriment.

"But she is dead, and you and your friends will soon join her. They are not fairing as well as you, San Tekka, not when you separated yourselves upon entering my domain." It was the manner in which he spoke that would have had the most impact, the rogue Emperor spoke as if everything he said was already set in stone. The finality of his words was only eclipsed by the sudden crackle of his lightsaber as he launched himself towards the Jedi Master, the Dark Side writhing around his body like a burial shroud.

The Dark Lord's strikes were highly aggressive, unceasing in rapid-fire bursts that struck from every conceivable angle. To those who immersed themselves in the ancient Lightsaber forms, it was known as Juyo; the ferocity form. Carnifex allowed the Dark Side of the Force to suffuse his every action, everything running on pure instinct rather than complex thought. The Dark Lord accompanied this unrelenting barrage with tactical applications of the Force, extending his fingers to unleash a deluge of scarlet lightning or ripping off panels from the walls and floors to wield as ballistic missiles against the Jedi Master.

Two diametrically opposed forces clashed together, their conflict spilling out through the Force to all around them.


The two replicas were silent as they leaped and danced through the air like circus acrobats, crimson lightsabers slashing out towards the enemies in their midst. Even when their focus seemed to fixate on the Jedi and the Jedi alone, they moved in such a cruel manner that the follow-through of their attacks would often come into contact with the Jedi's marine escort. They also made use of their strength in the Force to marionette the marines against the Jedi and themselves.

But perhaps the most frightening aspect of these two replicated foes was that as they continued to fight and struggle against their Jedi opponents, their stances and style of fighting began to more closely mirror those of the Jedi themselves. However, because the replica of Kirie was fighting the true Thalia and the replica of Thalia was fighting the true Kirie, each replica began to mirror the Jedi they were opposite rather than the Jedi they resembled. The fabricated visages remained the same, but the way they fought began to rapidly shift to accommodate.

They were dangerous because they learned as they fought, at an unnatural rate. Though they resembled their opponents, they were little more than reflections of everything put before them. They held none of their stolen identity's memories, their quirks, their personalities. They knew only a life of darkness and pain, of hatred and anger. They had been born for a purpose such as this, sharpened to a razor's edge to accomplish it. They held no distinct identities of their own, all of that having been stripped away before they had been released from the exo-womb that gestated them.

And so they fought on, learning as they did, and growing ever more proficient against their Jedi enemies.


Lightning danced across the black hull of the Eternal Rule, a loud hum permeating every deck as the Dark Side seemed to swell from some unseen place deep within the bowels of the warship. Arcs of this lightning lanced out from the Eternal Rule, striking the empty space in front of the ship's prow as if striking a physical object. Where the lightning hit, an anomalous crackling light shone through the darkness. More and more of these anomalous points in space popped into existence as the lightning struck the empty void with ever greater frequency.

These patches of light very slowly grew of their own volition, and only faster when several patches met and combined into a singular patch. It was as if space itself was being torn open, like a knife through thick fabric like wool. It was unclear what exactly was happening to those outside of the Eternal Rule, though there seemed to be a system of protocols being exercised by the bridge crew and the other tenants of the vessel.

Whatever it was, the Dark Side was strong with it.


"Not very talkative huh?" Thalia rasped as she struggled against the Sithspawn creation. What else could it be if not Sithspawn? Her green blade clashed with the red over and over again. She couldn't spare a glance to Kirie as she fought though from the few glimpses she could gather she had faith. A quick strike to the face with the but of the fake's lightsaber caused her to stumble back. She felt the bot blood trickling down from her nose and over her lips. She swore a Pamarthen oath and redoubled her efforts.

It was odd.

The creation tried to mimic her fighting style but...It just came out as an awkward imitation. Thalia was using a saberstaff and the Not-Kirie was not. It made her movements exaggerated and easily telegraphed. The only reason she'd taken the blow earlier was that she had spared a moment to try and touch the Force and feel out how Kirie was doing. Kierie was right though, this fight needed to end. Gritting her teeth under the surprising strength of Not-Kiere as the beast pushed Thalia's green blade closer and closer to her own throat she crused loudly and gave her saberstaff's hilt a twist. The mated blades snapped free of one another and Thalia twisted around, and deactivated the blade Not-Kieie had been clashing with. Hoping to catch the creature in a stumble she slashed with her free hand blade in her left hand as she came to a Jar'Kai ready position.

"Try and copy this you karking schutta."

She attacked again, now with a greater speed than before, laying into the Sithspawn with two blades now rather than one. Her attacks came in a flurry of blows, one after another, not allowing the Spawn to recover ground.

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

Tag: KV-6000
The Sergeant didn't wait to see the grenade explode. He knew they were going to need to push through this gun deck no matter what. Now it was time to lead the charge. Without hesitation, the Clone ripped off his helmet with his remaining hand and opened his remaining arm's storage compartment, the butterfly knife's hilt gripped inside those same pearly whites. If he was going to die, he was going to die swinging. The Sith Troopers scattered like cockroaches when the grenade went off, not noticing the clone running up to them and grabbing one of their own comrades before stabbing them in the neck with his precious knife, the enemy servants lifeform draining from his living shell. He grunted in the effort of hauling the soldier with what remained of his shot-off arm. He cursed in his mind, seeing clearly that this action was harder than it looked in the holovids.

He shot with his DC-17 pistol shooting at the other enemies as he dragged the body back towards the friendly marines who were covering him, blasting down the hallway with all they had. It was then that a stray lightning bolt made by the Master Sith struck the Eternal Rule's side, shaking the ship to its core and making powerlines and debris drop from the ceiling, making the clone fall on his rear with his human shield in tow. This ship was starting to show just how many scars were cut into its hull. As the clone tried to get up again with his remaining arm to balance him, he could only think Please let me get off this hulk of evil metal alive... over and over again.

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