Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Location: Archive Room
Equipment: Armor (in sig), blaster pistol (also in sig), one of Feanor's sabers
NPC Squad Comp: 1 Wild-Dog Grenadier, 1 Rifleman (incapacitated), 1 Coyote Sniper, 1 werewolf gunner, 1 Slicer
Allies: GA and co. | Nearby Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"]
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"] | Sith and Dark Jedi
Objective: Find and Exploit Enemy Weaknesses

"For a Jedi, you're pretty stupid, and for a Mandalorian, you're pretty soft."

Mereel looked back in disbelief, the grenadier had just insulted him in basic. Of course he did. But why the feth did Alex talk to them in .. whatever that was?

"Look Jedi, we aren't exactly the Jedi Agricultural Corps. You don't need to worry about saving us, we get paid to deal with freaks like this. Just worry about that behemoth back there."

Before Mereel could respond to the grenadier, the demon landed right next to him.

Fierfek, he's fast too.

His helmet allowed him to see the fist coming towards him at incredible speed, and Mereel dove toward the ground in an attempt to dodge the blow. Like most things in life, the attempted evasion did not work out perfectly. The demon's fist connected hard with the tip of his jetpack, sending Mereel sliding across the floor for a meter and a half on his stomach. He collided with an archive databank, which stopped his slide.

A few sparks sputtered out of his jetpack as he propped himself up on his elbow. I'm soft. That merc was right. Ever since I've joined up with the Jedi, I've been less of a weapon and more like a dull knife, incapable of even slicing through butter.

I used to do whatever it took to win. But what's this guys weakness? He's kriffing fast, and he either dodged or ate that missile, but I didn't see how that worked out. The only thing I know is that he wants something from the archives.

"Demo! Toss me a thermal det."

A round ball sailed through the air towards him, and he called it to his hand with the force. Mereel didn't give a flying flip about preserving the data in this room. It could be recollected or recreated, and now his opponent's want for information was the only important thing he knew about his enemy. If he had to explode a couple of hundred archive databanks to take out his target, so be it. He deactivated Feanor's lightsaber and clipped it on his belt, opting to hold his blaster pistol in his right hand and the the thermal detonator in his left.

Mereel stood up, centered his vision on his target, and used his jetpack to propel himself at the beast. With his left hand, he thumbed the thermal detonator's activation button. One.

As he flew toward his foe, he fired two rounds from his pistol at the center of the monster's mass in an attempt to keep the behemoth busy for a fraction of a second. He felt, saw, and heard a sniper round sail just above and past his helmet, toward the staff-wielding goon. Two.

He was now only a foot away from his adversary, flying a collision course directly for the monster's chest. He clutched the detonator tight as he raised the bomb in his left hand. Three. A blinding flash of light exploded outward from the palm of his left hand.
Location: Jedi Archives
Objective: Defend the Light
Allegiance: GA and allies
Enemies: Sith, their allies, and those who violate the Jedi way - [member="Darth Tacitus"]

"You caused great damage to the Temple, insulted life itself by forcing the dead to rise and brought them into sacred grounds, and caused the Dark side to only flourish more on this planet. Yet despite that, you claim to be an ally of the Jedi." Although the words she spoke were far from friendly in nature, they were spoken in a way that was in stark contrast to how the man had addressed her. Nylea remained calm and collected, steadfast in her beliefs and unmoved by the threats and sneering she had been the target of. "You are a Sith, Darth Tacitus. Yet despite that, you claim to be an ally of the Jedi." She shook her head, taken aback by how absurd his claims sounded to her. "Not a single true Jedi would consider you an ally, no matter what you claim to be."

Despite the tension that was building up, the lightsaber in the echani's hand remained in an inactive state. If he truly wished to be an ally, then violence would perhaps not be necessary. It was something she doubted, knowing the Dark side as well as she did she was ready to react to any hostile moves, but in the end she was a Lotus Jedi. Combat was only the very last resort. "Actions speak much louder than words and insignias. If you truly wish to be on the side of the Jedi, the very least that you must do is cease defiling this temple with their presence." It was abundantly clear it was the group of undead Nylea referred to. "The archives are in a dire enough state as is. I cannot stop you from 'hunting', as you put it, those you have marked as your enemy, but lay a hand on the archives and you will force my hand. If that becomes my end, then so be it."

The woman stepped to the side to free the entrance to the archives, showing that she had no intent to fight Tacitus if it wasn't necessary. "I am here to protect the Light. If you are not here to oppose it then I have no reason to try to stop you, but your actions up to this point have sent a different message. No matter what you do however, I will not see you as a true ally."
Location: Jedi Temple near the archives
Allies: GA and their allies
Companions: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]
Enemies: Sith and eventually [member="Xevek Rakama"]
Incoming potential enemies and allies:
Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Darth Sabezt"], [member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Objective: Deal with the ruckus around her

Alexandra had maybe hoped to deal with both what had been Vereshin. He had changed since their last encounter, just Jairdain was positive it was him. The person that came with him though sensed what she was doing and decided to put a stop to the Battle Meditation.

The skill he used was not entirely related to using the Force for a full attack. Her natural defense that had built up over the years did go off. If it connected fully with Adrian, then it would blind him and cause him to see like she did through the Force. Vision was still there but totally different than what he would be used to.

His intention was disrupted her meditation and that it did. The results of his spell might surprise him. As she had grown up, those fears she had changed of the years. What he did not know about her was, she feared very little anymore. Having been one with the dark and the light, she feared nothing from either one. Whatever that spell was had very little effect on her, a simple disturbance to her meditation only and something that brought an end to it so she could deal properly with him.

Through the Force, she found and focused on him. There was a good chance, he would even feel her attention.

Y​ou think to cause me to tremble in fear? Learn this...

With that mental message, Jairdain would touch the living Force and twist it. She walked the fine line between light and dark and did not fear to use it when it was needed. Now was one of those times. Memory Walk had been used on her before and here it was her turn to use it back. The boy had potential and if he lived through the day, she hoped to meet with him some time.

I know your fears​. You will live them for a time.

The ability flew out from her and connected with him. As that happened, a voice from the past reached her ears. A man she had met and been stranded with for a time on an ice world. Those days they had together had given him the knowledge he could use the Force. She had told him then, but he denied it. Now it was clear he had embraced his calling.

"Kainan Wolfe. I'd say it was good see you, but sadly I lack vision. What brings you here?"

Walking out from the corner she had been meditating in, part of her focus was still on Adrian to see if he made another move against her. In theory he would be unable to make a comeback, at least for a time. Another part of her attention went to Wolfe and what was left was on the area around them.
Location: Archives
Allies: Any who would side with her.
Enemies: Any who oppose her. | [member="Cambria Zadira"]

Valeska Daeranthe grinned at this growing opposition, her own lightsaber resting in her hand, ready to slice the woman in half. "So you won't come easily? I was hoping this would be the case." With a soft step forward the elegant human reeked of dark influence, corrupted power and utter hatred.

The black eyes flecked with red tinges scanned the other up and down, deciding where to maim her first. With that, her left hand crackled with a deep crimson energy. "What are you waiting for runt."

It was a subtle pleasure she took, making those who tried to fight suffer, just like she had done on her first proving. A fight did not rest on who was stronger, nor who was faster, what it relied on was the wit of the combatants, the utter experience and strategy. It was not in size, but in mind that Valeska shined, that, and of course ruthlessness.

The crackling electricity grew stronger with each waiting moment, and the saber continued to shine its crimson light over the area before them. The sound of battle called all around the two, however, that was of little importance now, all Valeska cared about was having her fun.
Location: High Council Platform
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Romi Jade"] & Force Meld
Enemies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Gear: Lightsaber, training lightsaber, K-22 Bryar pistol

Cotan's strike rang true—

Minus a couple inches of space.

He glared mutely at the sight for a moment, before quickly withdrawing his blade; he didn't have time to mount another attack, howver, before Carnifex's voice came to his ears, and the red lightning that the Sith Lord called forth slammed uncaringly into Cotan's torso.

He wasn't even able to writhe in response, the energy coursing along his nerves locking every muscle in place while the lightning threw him backwards, back into the middle of the platform and just outside the range of Carnifex's blade. Once the bolt ended his limbs released themselves from their rigor into a fit of spasms, even while the energy that the Dark Lord had released felt like it had taken root inside Cotan's body. It sent waves of pain outwards, threatening to remove any of the control that Cotan was desparately reestablishing over his limbs.

He stood shakily, his lightsaber held back out in a defensive stance. He called on the Force to do so, quelling the shakes and restoring the soundness of his limbs so that he could stand reasonably surely. Opening himself back up, however, pulled his attention to something else.

The energy that had nestled within him.

The burning.

It was as if a ball of white-hot, molten metal had deposited itself in his chest. It burned furiously, and with Cotan calling on the Force, it seemed to pull at the connection. Staring at Carnifex, it was obvious that it wanted to get itself back out. Unbidden, his left arm started to raise, and Cotan could feel the heat within him stir, trying to connect with the energies of the Force that Cotan could summon. As he did so, however, his attention was drawn for a moment to the other feelings within the battle meld, as his tunnel vision for the Dark Lord dissipated and he could process what else he'd just been noticing.

Coren Starchaser, pushing back against the meld, pushing it away, and the obvious imbalance within him. Mishel Noren, with her plea to Coren that it was time to go. Deep below, the other fights that were happening, the others who joined the meld. He grit his teeth, bending his arm at the elbow and bringing it up to his face, rather than pointing it claw-like at Darth Carnifex.

It took nearly all the force of willpower that he had, but he brought the seething energy in his chest under control, and activated the commlink he grabbed as his arm rose. "Kiss, I need you to bring the ship up to the high council chamber," he said, barely registering the pain in his voice. "There's three of us up here. Get here as quick as you can and try not to get shot down." He deposited the commlink back in a pocket, his droid's chirped response going unheard. He looked back at Carnifex even as Darth Prazutis alighted on the platform. The odds weren't looking good; one Jedi Master, one Jedi Knight, and one Jedi Padawan versus three Sith Lords.

Mishel was right. It was time to go.

"You're going to have to try harder than that if you intend to keep me down, your highness," he growled out to Darth Carnifex. Off in the far distance, he could see a small, but extremely fast ship that was rushing towards the platform. It wouldn't be long. His eyes fell back on the Dark Lord, and he raised his lightsaber back up in full. "Or is that the best you Sith can do? A little disappointing, compared to what I've experienced in the past." Then, entirely unbidden and driven more by a need to gather time than to try and actually attack, Cotan punched a fist forward, a focused wave of telekinetic energy reaching out to envelop Carnifex and sweep him off of his feet back to the other end of the space.
Location- I don't even know anymore Archives
Allies- [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Nylea Apollodor"]
Enemies- [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Valeska Daeranthe"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Darth Sabezt"] [member="Tathra Khaeus"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"]

One last stab downwards with the lightsaber and the final Sith went down, a hole burned through them. Veino stood and surveyed the scene for a few moments. Things had gotten significantly worse in the Counil chamber, based on what he could feel. Then again, the entire planet had gotten significantly worse. The assault was overwhelming and its effects magnified by the betrayal. No, this battle was lost, and it was counter-productive to maintain the fiction that they could drive back the assault. Not when there was a fleet in orbit and one emerging from beneath them. Unaffected by treachery, it would be a different story. But that was not the story of today.

"Coren!" Veino yelled through the comlink. "Abandon the council." He could sense his old friend's imbalance and the lure. Brilliant. He'd get there, but as he pushed the buttons for the repulsorlift, nothing happened. It'd take far too much time to get there manually. "That's an order, Starchaser. Fall back."

"Hangar secured!" The voice came through the comms. "Area in lock-down. Engines in pre-ignition." After a moment's hesitation, Veino nodded, and strode away from the lift.

"Confirmed. En route. Lifts are down. Have to take the long way."

He broke into a jog, his duraplast boots hammering against the durasteel floor. Darkness flooded through the area ahead of him and Veino skidded to a pause. Beneath him, the archives were torn by conflict. Better to bypass them, but he caught sight of a similar woman. Alexandra. He twitched a small smile. Glad to see that she had found her way again.

As he stood there, tremors ripped through the temple and the upper floor of the archives cracked open. Veino just barely grabbed a rail as the floor fell beneath him, sending rubble and pouring into the archives below. The railing creaked and groaned as his weight bent it slowly downwards.

After a moment, Veino let go and fell onto the rubble, sliding into the madness of the archives themselves. A Force meld welcomed him and he embraced it, feeding back into the connection, letting his own focus, calm and calculating, spread into the meld as well.

Abandon the temple. He let the thought drift through the meld. Retreat and regroup elsewhere. This is Master Veino Garn. Fall back. We've secured a ship for evac.

His lightsaber sparked to life in hand as he strode, armored form lit by its silver glow, into the madness that surrounded them. He assessed the situation, picking out targets and threats. In his own mind, he ranked them, and the most vulnerable Jedi. Quite a few of them were outmatched, but so be it. They needed to be evacuated to safely as well.

Evacuate. His mind clicked around the facility. That door led out and would give them access to the hangar. The escape route is what needed to be secured. Veino stalked over towards it and took cover behind the remains of a study table. It was big, heavy, and would stop blaster fire while he assessed the situation.

Yeah, like that would work. There was too much chaos. No coordination on anybody's side. Time to change that.

Rally near the eastern wall. Work together and fight out.

Lord Combattere

Location: Jedi Temple third floor
Allies: [member="Darth Morgoth"], Sith Empire
Enemies: [member="Vulpesen"],[member="Marcus Faust"]
Objective: Kill and destroy

Still, mid-air attempting to strike down one of these Jedi both his blades about to come down he felt himself stop get held and then thrown backwards with a power that the Chiss was unable to stop he was powerful for his age and skillful, but with the Darkside he now felt that power grow further but his power was still not near a seasoned Jedi master as the Chiss was flung hitting whats left of a wall falling hitting the ground with his ears ringing he looked around pushing himself up to his knees trying to regain his bearings.
Locale: Jedi Archives South Entrance
​Allies: N/A
​Enemies: Current - [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
​Potential Enemies - [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Veino Garn"]

​Tathra watched with a cruel amusement as he barely caught the child with his strike, but send him hurdling into a archive terminal. Tathra had forgotten how weightless and small humans were, most of all how foolish they could be. Tathra waited, patiently as his eyes shifted to the seen behind them, observing how the Jedi forces were defending against their Sith attackers.

An exercise in futility, somehow even in such trying times; they managed to bicker among themselves. Children, he shouldn't expect much of children.

​To his left, Seimar thrust his Bisento in the stomach of the Grenadier, pulling back and upwards as his liver and intensities boiled and collided with his quaking hands, the startling speed of the Promethean Guard caused the others to return to cover as he so effortlessly dodged their blaster fire. Behind them, Kabel Drei; had arrived. Carving through the Gunner's leg with his Axe, and throwing another through an archive shelf.

​Tathra turned to view the Jedi Mereel stumbling to his feet, looking even smaller now that he was a little farther away. Part of him wished the fool would stay down, another part wanted to break him in two. The event played out quite predictably, from the broadcast of his plan to the running jump he made.

​Tathra felt the force boil through his body, raising his fists to cover his face defensively; attempting to cover his eyes. The heat was blinding, and tore into the magnetic shielding of his armour, but did little damage to the mutant himself. The Dravalan species by nature were resistant to heat; and by extension explosions.

​The kinetic impact caused Tathra to lose his footing, dropping to one knee as he squinted, rubbing his sockets as his vision became clear once again. Eyes, falling on the Jedi as he felt something. An ooze, raising his hand he felt at his cheek, feeling where the thermal detonator had seared and opened up a cut in his face. His hand moved back, observing the blood between his fingers.

​"All that for a drop of blood.."

​Tathra walked over to the crumpled form, lying on the Archives floor. He crouched down, rolling over Mereel as to face him.

​"Is it fear, or courage that compels you, child?"

​Tathra spoke, observing his form as his hand wrapped around his throat, lifting up the nearly limp body of the young Jedi. His question was nearly rhetorical, perhaps the Jedi himself didn't even know the answer to that question. But all in all, bravery was a mixture of both. But sometimes bravery got you killed.

​The Jedi's arm was charred and almost destroyed, but still; he managed to rip a dagger from his belt and thrust it into Tathra's arm. The blade barely made it's way through the thick rock like hide of his wrists, but did enough to irritate him. Tathra's arm shot up, yanking away Mereel's charred arm, crushing his wrist and hand in the palm of his own.

​Tathra sneered with pure malice as ripped flesh and bone apart, ripping away the flesh of the young Jedi. His lower forearm was in pieces, charred and crushed on the floor. While he remained, elevated effortlessly by Tathra's arm. ​"You have stock, but you lack the strength to make the change you wish for."

​Tathra raised him slightly, tensing his arm as his left hand rolled into a fist; tensing up as he punched Mereel in the chest; likely crushing most of rib-cage and sent him flying into an archive shelf. The shelf collapsed in on him, assuring to Tathra, that he was dead.
LOCATION: Coruscant's Thermosphere
OBJECTIVE: Neutralize and Capture Enemy Ships and Evacuees

Upon being granted permission for Edwin to go on with his plan, he began to inform other allied ships through the same channel to dock and switch to ion weapons to neutralize and capture as many enemies as possible. As ships retreated, the enemies were taking advantage of the sudden defensive; taking out what starfighters they could. Edwin attempted to intercept them, ionizing whoever and switching back to blasters due to the slow charge. Initially he was the first, trying to keep himself just as alive as he neutralized enemy starfighters; but soon enough more and more starfighters were coming back in with the new arsenal. Now they didn't need to worry. They could simply have it where one after the other would blast the enemy with ionized charges.

Now they only had two problems to face with this scheme:

1. Making sure they were close enough to their targets for the shot due to the inability to fire as many and how finite it was for their usage.
2. Making sure they wouldn't hit each other as they their starfighters would be rendered useless; becoming a target for their own destruction. Not to mention re-securing them.

Edwin reported to the imperial command, demanding for the ensigns to detail enemy locations and try to report when they couldn't. Not to know what enemies are their, but what enemies will be coming and whether to continue with their barrages or to swiftly maneuver out of the fray for backup.

So far, Edwin's idea had been going pretty smooth. Enemy starfighters, shuttles, bombers. All were neutralized. There was an occasional miss-fire. Some ships had also been rendered useless. But ultimately they were actually gaining ground, albeit slow. Compared to the enemies; their numbers were small. But they acted in groups as they took down enemies one by one. Issue was, the closer they got to the enemy, the more vulnerable they would become. Some of the more unskilled pilots were being taken out by turret fire as one of the Star Destroyers were nearing them. Smaller ships were slowly replacing the larger ones which they were previously fighting.

It seemed the enemy had caught up on Edwin's plan. Missiles were being launched, causing nearby allied starfighters to explode into piles of debris. They were going have to switch tactics and fast. No longer was it easy to neutralize ships. They were too small and fast to hit. But their fragility is going to be their weakness.

It seemed the higher-ups were noticing, changing tactics as heavier ships were going out. Edwin hoped they had enough people to last several negotiations. He began to soar back, as to refit himself for the new situation; reporting Darth Morgoth's men to follow. They'll retreat as the larger ships come in on the new offensive. Edwin was about to get all the tracing missiles he can stockpile.
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Stray strands of electricity sparked and crackled through the air, some dancing across the Emperor's fingers before they finally dissipated away. Carnifex watched the Jedi Knight stumble back, but didn't bother to press the advantage as much as that would have secured him a quick victory. He reveled in the pain and misery his power inflicted on others, finding sustenance in their agony as the energy bounced along every nerve and illuminated the bones beneath the skin before finally exiting the body through another conduit in the floor.

"Ah, see now, young Jedi. That is but the smallest sliver of my power."

Carnifex was willingly toying with Cotan, never expending any of his true power against the smaller man to better enjoy the spectacle of his defeat. The Jedi were finished here, there was nothing they could do to reverse such a fact. Even now the space above Coruscant clogged with more ships, wreckage, and debris, some of which began to plummet down from the sky to smash into the cityscape with colossal destructive force. And for every hidden ship the Alliance managed to bring down, it would only cause more destruction to Coruscant's city. It was an insidious tactic formulated by the Emperor and the Lady of Shadows, ensuring that even if their losses began to mount, the Alliance would suffer for every ship destroyed.

The Dark Lord extended the same hand that had unleashed lightning upon Cotan and met the Jedi Knight's wave of telekinetic energy with his own shimmering shield. The brunt of Cotan's energy was caught and dissipated by the Emperor's shield, while the rest of it cascaded over and around him to send the remnants of the chamber's walls behind him clattering down the tower as they were brushed aside like loose paper.

"Ah, the fiery hope of a Jedi. Even in the darkest hour, you refuse to bend with the rest of your weak-willed brethren. I admire your dedication to your hallowed lies, let them console you as your worlds rot."

The Emperor lashed out with the Force, seizing the floor beneath Cotan and forcing it to buckle upwards, the metal groaning as it was perverted to the Dark Lord's designs. Wasting no time, Carnifex charged forward and lunged several meters into the air, his lightsaber pulled back above his head. Right as he began to descend he simultaneously started to bring his blade down, cleaving the air in front of him that sought to butcher the hopefully tossed Jedi Knight into pieces.
Location: Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Ember Farseer"]
Enemies: Sith Cultists & Co | [member="Jairus Starvald"] & [member="Irajah Ven"]
Others: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Objective: Where is my mind?

Sparks danced before the padawan as she cleaved a vibrosword in half at the hilt, her grip switching on the backswing to two hand parry aside it’s mirror twin as it that tried to seek vengeance for its fallen comrade. The force lending her preternatural strength that her young build otherwise belied, shoving them back for all she was worth to avoid harming them further. With what had affected the civilians still fixed clearly in her mind, there was an understandable degree of hesitancy at striking bear flesh with her weapon, even that of the crazed cultists, for fear that they were just caught up in the unseen web that had affected the civilians she’d saved. Minds wrapped in the phantom barbed wire of the dark side. Dominated by an unseen opponent. Reduced to nothing more than salivating, deranged puppets for the simple purpose of chaos and bloodshed.

It sickened her.

Where was the sense in violence such as this? Surely, there was nothing to be had by assaulting the hospital while the rest of the city burned around them, ripe with far richer targets. Striking here was just… barbarism for the shear twisted sake of it. Sadistic gratification. In the face of such overwhelming reckless hate and death, what good could two lone Jedi ever hope to accomplish?

There wasn----

It might have been a simple word. Four letters, one syllable. Inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Yet it was enough to cause the young padawan to stagger as if struck by an invisible blow, her lightsaber almost tumbling free form her grip as she dropped to a knee. Jump. The word repeated itself, seductively sweet yet demanding all the same. Whispering sweet promises in her ears even as it ruthlessly smothered the objections tried to simmer forth. Silencing all doubts and concerns that had clouded her mind and heart since the tragedy of Deneba. Replacing them with one unassuming, repetitive mantra.

Jump. Jump. Jump.

Was it really that simple?

She laughed. An almost childlike sound, unfettered and almost absurdly gleeful at the realisation that perhaps it really was. If the galaxy was filled with dark terrors, haunted from the corners of the wild, uncharted regions to the deep core itself, then the surely the only logical solution it all was to simply remove yourself from it.

Her hand tightened around her lightsaber, back straightening as she found her resolve in that implanted idea. Greeting the first oncoming cultist with a carefree smile as she almost casually lopped his hands off at the wrists. Barely registering the act itself as she regained her footing and pressed past the howling man without a second glance. Why would she? There was no point in guilt any more. Cultists, civilians. They were simply in the way. Obstacles that would soon be forgotten the moment she made it to that ledge, the moment she achieved her goal.

She raised her hand and buffeted them aside with a telekinetic shove, throwing them backwards out of the entrance and slamming them into the repulsor truck that Ember and herself had arrived in. Pushing them harder with each and every step she took towards her final destination, affixing them to the side of the vehicle to avoid them getting in her way any further…

It was only then that Anais hesitated. The strength of the command wavering slightly as her own, internal screams of protest fought to be heard from the deep, distant recesses of her mind they’d been chased to.

Ah, but it was only a temporary reprieve. The word returned, stronger than ever.

Perhaps like her, the cultists would find freedom in the fall. The Jedi way was to help people, wasn't it?

With that in mind, she gave it another, final push over the edge before moving to take its place.

Vili Ozouf

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Tango with [member="Romi Jade"]
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"]
Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

Sparks flew free as the inner hook of the axe and the saber met and Vili looked through them at the Jedi who’d been all too willing to maim the Valkyri. As their weapons began their circle and Romi began her circular parry Vili took the chance to move from his kneeling position his right leg stepping a stair up to join the left. This maneuver put just enough space between himself and the tip of Romi’s lethal blade to ensure that as she completed it a limb wouldn’t be hewn off. Mere centimeters were between the Valkyri and the blade of plasma that sang a lethal song in the air, and in one swift, decisive maneuver the Jedi had managed to deflect Sol sending it clanking down a few stairs where it came to a stop.

The way the Jedi wielded her weapon would make the women of Midvinter proud for in Valkyri culture even the women could be great warriors, but what stood before Vili was his greatest challenge to date. His blue eyes taking in his opponents moving looking for potential flaws none stood out as of yet, and despite her size the Jedi still possessed a great strength. Possibly amplified by the force but still the point stood that Vili would have to be careful as on his first pass if he’d been any slower he would’ve lost an arm.

Perhaps she shall be the one to end me… Vili thought as he watched the Jedi take the offensive, she completed the spin the crimson saber coming around to bat at Vili’s axe. Right hand bracing itself on the hilt of Mani, Vili steeled himself and breathed in. Time slowed for a fraction of a second as Vili drew in all the chaos and despair surrounding him, it filled his being driving him, igniting an infernal furnace within his heart. He felt the heat flowing through his limbs, pushing his muscles far past what their limits once were. A smile slowly crept across the Sith’s lips as time returned to normal. The thing about doing a full spin is that you devote yourself to the attack and Vili’s axe didn’t move to meet it, not in the conventional way. Instead he brought the axe around once more the hook of his weapon moving to intercept the path of the blade. The weight of the axe would carry far more weight and force behind it than the weightless blade, yet another reason Vili despised the fabled lightsaber.

His arm moving out to the right using the inner hook to pull the saber with it Vili’s left leg would lash out in a quick kick, not one high into the Jedi’s chest. No, that would leave him open to possibly losing it, instead it was a kick at her shin for causing someone to lose their balance on the stairs was just as good as kicking them down, and in this instance a safer for Vili.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

The girl was familiar with Makashi it seemed, even though her distraction meant her blade had scored a hit. Taeli could feel it in the currents, the Jedi attempting a meld to better coordinate their resistance against the Sith and Order of Shadows. It was too little, too late. Coren was leaping at them, emerald lightning coursing around him. Mishel seemed to be moving to intercept him, but even then, a blue shield of lightning surrounded Taeli, meeting green of Coren.

The feedback of power was absorbed into her lightning shield, but the brief flash did obscure the two from her sight for a moment. When it faded, a line of fire was separating them as Mishel tried to reason with her Master, to calm him down. Prazutis had joined the fray, and Kaine was toying with the meal that was the Jedi Knight fighting him. She wasn't paying attention to what the girl was saying to Coren, but she did hear the Knight calling for a ship. Oh no, there would be no easy escape.

"There will be no escaping," she laughed, digging her power of the dark side into the floor of the platform now, tendrils of power cracking and breaking it. With a twist of her mind, she unleashed a quick burst of pure power shattering the floor and a few floors beneath them into the rubble, starting them freefalling into the tower itself. As they fell, using the Force to control her fall, she sent a powerful push at Coren in a different direction. She and him had unfinished business.

Unknown, but not caring either way, a Holonet new drone had captured the beginnings part of the fight and were now trying to broadcast the image of a Grand Marshal wielding a red saber and fighting alongside the Sith to other parts of the Alliance. Some would receive it, others would get grainy images, and yet others would not as their relays had been damaged in the chaos gripping the Alliance.
Location: Near Archives
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

"Awfully quiet today, aren't we?"

Tsisaar grinned when his blade was caught, seemingly ignoring it as Jace fought against the way the blades locked together to try and disarm Tsisaar. "Very disappointing, but I suppose I can deal with it." Tsisaar shifted the angle of his blade, the pommel of his lightsaber facing skyward as he shifted into a drop point parry, quickly stopping Jace's blade. His movement didn't stop there, however; he quickly stepped forward and off to the left with his right foot, placing it just behind Jace; as he did so his blade nearly disconnected from Jace's and slid upwards, transitioning into a cut as Tsisaar deftly rolled his wrist around, twisting his body as he completed the passing maneuver with his other foot.

The movement had been seamless, and Jace would quickly find a lightsaber blade bearing down at the back of his head, unless he were to react quickly.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"]

"Apologies for the delay, ladies." Vanessa said, smiling. She had a dicobaltyne jezzail pistol on the other hip, opposite the lightsaber she had not yet withdrawn. Neither weapon was in her hand, nor had she been even thinking of it. Through the shadows of a corner of the room, she had entered, some arcanery allowing her to reach her most likely targets. She had been willing to take the long way - then the doors had shut on her and she was forced to improvise the nearest route to her opposition.

"So, let's get down to business. Either the darkness, or death. Which will it be?" Her hands were in a fighting stance, and she expected both [member="Darth Sabezt"] and [member="Adrian Vandiir"] to potentially wonder why she had not taken out her weapons yet. This was deliberate. "Or rather, which do I have to subdue first?"


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"], [member="Xevek Rakama"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Darth Tacitus"], [member="Jairdain"]
Gear: Robes

Coiling his hand before Alexandra's forehead, Vereshin penetrated her mind in an attempt to source her most painful memories. What he found was a conscience as distorted as his own, in a different manner entirely. Separate pieces of a self all jumbled together in a chattering mess, confusing his direction through the Force and disallowing him to properly invade the woman's thoughts. Having her soul imprisoned for two years sounded very much like Vereshin's own experience with a black hole.

"Woman, you are as deranged as I am." The Sith Lord paused to allow for a small chuckle, before returning his voice back to his usual venomous hiss. His opponent was eccentric, that much was true, to an extent with which Vereshin could familiarize. "Your nonsense impresses me." As he drew back his hand and prepared to cast, Alexandra imprinted the memory on his mind.

Suddenly, Vereshin was forced backwards where he stood. The sensation caused him to grip his chest in pain, as though a blade had been shoved through his heart. Rendered immobile for the moment, Vereshin felt that he could not use his arms and legs, as though they were being gnawed away by a fearsome creature. Gasping for breath, he reached out through the Force and focused inward, channeling the pain into anger.

"Ah! queen!" Lurching forward, the bandaged visage spat at Alexandra, defiling her name and condemning her every while. She had transported him back to her personal hell, now Vereshin would show her his own. As he stood upright, the Sith Lord sent forward a hand and collected the properties of the spell which Alexandra had used, inserting his own memory within the components and unleashing the effects on the rogue master.

"You discern a fraction of reality." Vereshin threatened as he gripped her through his arcane hold. A pause held the air between them as he focused on reversing the effects of the spell, transporting Alexandra to his past experience with the plane beyond existence.

Directing his palm towards her forehead, Vereshin collapsed Alexandra's thoughts and vision into space. She would feel her body compacted to such a density that her bones would crack and her organs would burst. Ripped into the Void and out of the other side, she would experience a plane devoid of light. Time would slow and her every function would decrease to a painful halt. The spell was broken with a telekinetic blast from Alexandra, which hurled towards Vereshin and threw him backwards onto his feet.

Controlling the trajectory of his form through the Force, Vereshin landed neatly on the soles of his boots, the hems of his robes billowing upward and melding with the opaque energy swirled around his ankles. Bringing his hands backwards, he aggravated the particles above his palms and sent forward an enormous wall of lighting towards Alexandra. The space between them expanded and Vereshin sensed the presence of a woman he had not met in years, somebody who had known him when he was nothing other than a soft Sith Knight.

Jairdain was here, he knew it was her. Time would only tell if the master who had traversed both the Light and the Dark had changed just as much as Vereshin.
Starchaser had felt the feedback coursing through him and his aura, and attack that was interrupted by the betrayer in front of him. He felt the hit and the Force sparked and exploded between he and the Sith. The Sith, a woman he trusted, followed into battle, worked alongside of to clear the First Order from the Alliance space, and fought the Sith that were coming into the nation he helped forge. Now that all lay to waste, the New Jedi Order’s temple laying in under siege. The Alliance military scattered and double-crossed. With the strike of colliding Force energy clearing, he felt himself knocked back from where he figured he would be. And there was Mishel Noren, he looked at his student.

Mishel was the one he had taken under his wing. The Knight of Ren who was looking to become more. She knew what he had gone through, what Coren had done in his life before waking up in the modern era. The dark side was an old friend of his, one he knew how to combat face to face, one he knew how to avoid and dodge. He was not prepared for the subterfuge that the Dark Side had created this strike on the Alliance. Looking at Mishel, he was hearing her, and feeling her intention.

Shaking his head, he looked back. A hand, with the extinguished blade, on the ground.

Light side, dark side. Right now it was just the living Force. Just the fight at hand. Taeli and Mishel, Carnifex and Cotan, Jedi and Sith around. Down below, and incoming. The Jedi Master knew what this was, he knew who he was. He was here to defend the New Jedi Order, and the light side. He had to stall for time, to ensure the survival of his nation, and its peoples. That was when he felt it, another voice in his head, the one that was linking Jedi together, [member="Romi Jade"] had called out to him. She knew what was needed, the Jedi needed to work together. They had to keep one another focused, and in check. He reached back out, he could feel the meld of the Jedi, the light side of the Force was here.

“We can win this day. We need to give our allies time to move.” He stood up, his orange blade igniting as he twirled it, pointing it at the Lady of Shadows. “She will lose the day.” He said, to Mishel and Taeli. He had the Jedi in the meld to keep him on the right side, to pull him from the rage, to allow him to steer into the storm, and not fall into it.

He felt the dark side, the movement of the Force shattering the floor. Extinguishing his blade, he reached to the Force, to Mishel, and out to the other Jedi. He needed to make sure they were safe, but while his focus was on this, he called the Force to absorb the incoming throw, a second too slow. Pushed away but not before he took some of the push into the Force, charging him, and reinvigorating his focus. He knew what he’d do next. But first, he needed to reorganize and gain control of his fall.

This war wasn’t over yet.

[member="Mishel Noren"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

Mishel Kryze



It happened so fast - too fast.

Green, blue - lightning and then the cracks.

There was too much at stake, Mishel refused to back down from her fight. If it had been one thing that the Ren knew how to instill it was discipline, something she could never hold while under their thumb. She heard that laugh, the cackle from the Deceiver. The Tygaran missed the call for a safe ride out her focus had been on the fight at hand. Coruscant choked on the debris, the ships, the wreckage - the whole of the Galaxy had amassed at this historic turning point. Mishel managed to look up above at the darkening clouds where ships fought, buildings tumbled and the small still of a logo that she caught sight of, "the Confederacy?"

She hadn't time to react as Coren got to his feet, his orange lightsaber ignited with the familiar snap-hiss as he stood. Mishel now at his side, ready for another round, who said anything about an easy exit? Kerrigans were known for their stubbornness and pride sure, but they were also known for suviving. And that's exactly what Mishel intended to do, but it seemed Lady Raaf the Deceiver had other plans. Energy tore into the floor breaking an already fragile level beneath their feet and before the Tygaran had time to truly progress what was happening, the floor beneath her feet gave way.

For a moment she reached out to him, her master, called for him but her voice was lost in the noise of the council chambers breaking into the floors beneath it. Shattering everything as it went, Mishel quickly pulled the Force around herself leaping from debris to debris. Until she realized it wouldn't work for too much longer and let herself into the fall doing her best to control it.

The ripples of betrayal could now be matched by the symbolic destruction of the temple. For her part Mishel was unsure of where she would land all she knew was that she was going to keep her word. I'm with you until the end of the line. Wherever Coren had ended up she knew that would reach him at the very least. The still standing floor of the temple was rapidly approaching. Utilizing the Force to help her leap down the padawan looked up and noticed that she had not been the only one to fall down to this part of the temple.

If it had been the one fight she wanted to avoid.

It was one with the Emperor, the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

She steeled herself and her courage, until the end of the line.

"I would say that the Force works in mysterious ways, but I have this feeling that we were meant to meet." Mishel began, her lightsaber at the ready - she knew there was no way she could match him on this day. The brunette could however bait him just long enough to help someone escape, maybe. Dust of the council chambers fell through the air met with the stench of death and the sounds of war all around them.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]

Team: Squad 3
Composition: Coyote, Werewolf, WildDog, Sliver, Rifleman(Out of Commission)
Task: Defend Allies
Allies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Jairdain"], other GA forces
Enemies: Sith Forces, specifically Promethean Guard ([member="Tathra Khaeus"])

There were not grunts. They were royal Guards of the Valde himself. Trained on Veradune in each of the Zorren Martial arts, and trained to use their weapons as more than boomsticks. Their lives were preparing for war, preparing to defend and protect the good and eradicate the evil. Vulpesen hadn't chosen team 3 because they were expendable. he trusted them to have his back and to get the job done. As such, the Promethean Guard of Tathra was in for a surprise when they tried to cleave through them like butter.

As the first guard came to rip through the Grenadier's stomach, the man slammed his weapon downwards, catching the hilt of the axe while his stomach lay against the durasteel of his trusted weapon. These men lauded over their strength. It was time to show them where cleverness could be use. Allowing his feet to leave the ground, his body was slung aside, skidding across the ground after a few moments in the air. Maybe had he tried to tank the shot, his weapon would be damaged, but in simply using it as a less than squishy shield, a large gash would be its only damage. "MOTHA-" Thump Thump Thump. Kark the archives, kark delicacy. Three 40 millimeter Grenades hurled themselves at the feet, chest, and ceiling above the guard that had tried to do him in, one to drop him, one to blast him to itty bitty bits, and one to collapse the roof on his arrogant head.

Across the room, Corporal Harlow was dealing with his own problems as an Axe swung down towards his leg, preparing to lop it in two. "Cruxo!" With the zorren curse leaving his lips, the man jumped into the air with his rifle covering his chest. His hips emitted a double pop which would be lost to the sounds of battle around him. More likely to be noticed was the new angle of his legs as their new range of movement made it much easier for them to reach his chest. Zorren Physiology truly was a wonder, and what would the Veran Royal Guard be without Zorrens in their midsts? The legs that moments ago were in danger of being removed, were now slamming forward in a drop kick at the enemy's throat while his axe was dealing with its own momentum.

And the final assailant, the Coyote had other designs. He was patient. Always waiting for the moment to shoot as he sat crouch in the corner behind a large piece of rubble caused by his initial entrance. In his hands, a weapon that had nearly killed the Valde himself, or at least, something based off of it. The Coyote Sniper Rifle. As Tathras's shadow loomed over Mereel, Sergeant Vixos squeezed off a round, his weapon sounding off with a near inaudible 'pft' as the projectile raced for the sith's heart.

All troops are named after their main weapon

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location - Jedi Temple > Main Hall > Archive Entrance

Allegiance - Help the GA people. [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Mereel Vaun"]

Enemies - [member="Tathra Khaeus"] [member="Xevek Rakama"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Darth Sabezt"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] (And others heading for the Archives)

Objective - Deal with the Master and the old friend.

Alexandra drew her hands in to her sides as the man twisted and landed where he did. She did not know what to say to the man, nor how to respond to the situation as it quickly deteriorated every further. She could feel Circe getting closer, she felt the hostility from what was supposed to be an ally spike and she felt things worsen above her, as the force became unsteady once more and she had no way of knowing why. Her hand came to bring the staff out infront of her, watching as lightning sparked in her enemy's hands and it was launched.

She was a tad distracted, a combination of what was happening around her and the world that Vereshin had drawn her into for all the time she had been there. She didn't betray how she felt though, keeping that locked behind the three minds of her and letting Hel fear for her. Her eyes focused themselves on the target in the realworld though, and the force traveled through her body once more, slamming the staff hard into the floor and watching as it planted itself upright. Her body then pushed backwards, stepping back from it and watching the result as the lightning was launched.

It made the hair on her arms stick up and her own hands reached out to the ground, ready to create a protective barrier against what ever bolts leaked through the staff's purpose as a lightning rod. But there was something more that drew her attention, forcing her to split it between Vereshin and this new presence. Her milky white eyes turned in their sockets, focusing on the woman even if she no longer operated through physical sight. She stared in the woman's direction, waiting those split seconds for the lightning to cease and for her target to be left standing there.

"Deranged... Interesting word to use but not wholly wrong. I am certainly deranged and you are a rather curious being to realize this so quickly." Her smile softened and seemed far more kindly and teasing again as the woman almost seemed unable to keep one emotion going.

"If you don't mind indulging me in seeing an old friend, we can continue this momentarily." She would wait, looking at Vereshin for a few moments to see what came next before choosing to speak with Vanessa, her hand in the mean time moving and visible gathering the force into her palm, not ready to trust Vereshin considering the feeling she was getting under her skin. Something was wrong and she wanted to be prepared. Her other hand in the meantime rose, reaching towards the archives and tugging on something, bringing it to her hand.

It would only take a second, but soon Alexandra's second saber touched her palm and she would put it to her side, curious as to if [member="Mereel Vaun"] had been using it when she yanked it back to her form and to her hand.

"Circe, a... pleasure. Did you finally grow yourself a damned spine, or are you just another one of your illusions. You would think someone who couldn't stay in a body for more than two months would have made something more impressive but I see you are actually downgrading this time. A shame." She paused and made a face that was meant to resemble thinking.

"As for turning to the Dark, for once myself and the spirit in here agree on something. You can go Kark yourself. And try to stay in hell where you belong this time?" Alexandra waited now, looking at the two individuals who were of interest for her and who were in conflict with her. Her hand came to rest on the staff, confident that it was safe by now and she drew her arm upwards to yank it free from the temple floor. Only then did she clear her throat and speak to Vereshin, assuming he had let the conversation go.

"Free to continue our dance. You are very fun, far more fun than that woman there." She smiled at him, the wolf like features that her body shared still present but more docile now as she took a much softer and teasing tone to her voice.

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