Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

S u p e r i o r
Vorn Salis

Coruscant, Jedi Temple - Detention Block
Liberate dangerous criminals and force users

Vorn casually strode through the hallways of the Jedi's grand temple, most of the fighting happening on the upper levels with most of the security being pulled to the defense of the Jedi in an attempt to keep the Sith back. It was a futile effort, between Coruscant going up in a blaze of wrath and fury as well as the Sith attempting to burn the temple to the ground, breaking it apart, stone by stone. It was all quite poetic in the crazed pirate's mind really. It truly was just the intoxicating scent of anarchy in the air...Or the stench of burning corpses. On second thought it was definitely the stench of burning corpses he had left in his wake. Vorn casually twirled his blaster pistol around in one hand, and a bloodied vibroknife in the other. A kind little guard had given him the location of his true objective within the Jedi temple; the detention center where all the dangerous criminals and Force users were kept under the watchful guard of the Jedi.

Vorn would peak his head around a corner as he looked both ways at the T shaped intersection. A pair of guards coming from both ends that were about to converge and run down the hallway Vorn was in. He'd quickly step out, blaster pistol raised, firing a pair of expertly placed shots that dropped the first pair of guards before twirling around and sending another carefully fired pair of shots that dropped the remaining guards. He'd look around at his handiwork before looking up, looking around and speaking to nobody in particular, "Damn I'm good..." He'd angle his blaster pistol up as he continued on his way. It would not be long before Vorn had made his way over to the detention block, a team of four guards holding down the entrance.

A blaster shot would be heard along with the body of the pirate flopping out onto the ground as if he were clutching his gut, his back to the guards. The four of them would look at one another before gesturing, two of them moving up to go check the hallway where Vorn had seemingly been shot from. As their footsteps neared, Vorn would have his blaster pistol clutched just underneath his armpit, listening carefully as he mapped out their positions as they approached. Once they came close enough, a pair of blaster bolts would fire out from underneath Vorn's arm as the guards dropped, his other hand tossing out a cooked thermal detonator at the last two that vaporized them both when it detonated. Vorn would get up as he dusted himself off, helping himself into the prison full of dangerous individuals who had a dislike for those that held them captive, and as it would turn out, Vorn would be their way out...For the small price of their loyalty that was. If they failed to do so, they'd simply just be left in there, or if they really pissed Vorn off, executed in their cells.
Location: Jedi Temple
Allies: Sith Lord Combattere
Enemies:Marcus Faust Vulpesen

Morgoth scowled as he felt the building began to quake, and rubble began flying, it seemed he was not the only only one with reinforcements, and if he wasn't careful his babies might get hurt. Without second thought he raised a shield of pure energy around himself, the rancors and the boy, letting it flash with his anger. In contrast to the jedi's defense earlier his was made of lightning and seemed to be crushing the boulders with kinetic energy in the form of black lightning. Looking over his shoulder to the Young Chiss He said "Fall Back behind the rancors, take a shot if you see it but do not be reckless!" he began to walk ever closer to his two adversaries, allowing the shield to eat up the tiles that littered the floor. With a sharp whistle he commanded the rancors to flank him on either sides hoping to close the gap and corner the Jedi before they could get away. 'And it seems you are just as cowardly as I thought" Came the words in a hiss, hoping to provoke the two to stay and fight him.

Lord Combattere

Location: Jedi Temple third floor
Allies: [member="Darth Morgoth"], Sith Empire
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"], Jedi
Objective: Kill and destroy

Seeing the last child boarded the ship he turn his view towards the man " You won't be allowed to leave " with a blade in each hand glowing blue he got into his Form IV Ataru employing Jar'Kai to wield two blades more effectively running at Faust he jumping pulling both his sabers down on his head and shoulders.
Location: Jedi Temple, Archives
Allies: Sneering Imperialists & [member="Darth Sabezt"]
Immediate Obstacles: [member="Alexandra Feanor"] & [member="Jairdain"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, [2] Potion of Invisibility, [2] Blackroot Potion

As they made their way into the archives, he could feel the raw power rolling off his master in waves, like an insidious toxin looking for a victim. Truly, he almost felt a bit of pity for the Jedi defenders, but they were in his way. They had to be dealt with, or at the very least distracted.

With a nod to Vereshin, Adrian split off from the Sith Lord, attempting to outflank the Jedi while his master kept them busy. Suppressing the unease he felt at seeing the elder Sith mutilate the librarians, he stretched his senses outward, reaching for the secrets hidden within these halls of knowledge. That's when he felt it. The beginnings were subtle, but it quickly grew, stretching outward like ripples in the force itself, eroding his resolve. Battle Meditation. But who...

As he began to struggle with the doubts and fears he had been suppressing, the white-haired woman broke through whatever the Darth had been trying to do within moments. This was bad, really bad. Almost giving in to panic, he caught himself. This wasn't him. It was someone else. It was her. He could sense her presence now, the wellspring from which the disturbance flowed. He had to deal with her before it was too late. As the Jedi shifted into a new and twisted form, followed with an attack on his master, he leapt upwards, landing atop one of the holo-bookshelves he had been standing beside.

Doubt flared across his mind. What if she defeated his master, then came for him? What if more Jedi arrived? What if... No. Snarling with frustration, he allowed the rage at being manipulated to flow through him, momentarily ousting the invasive presence from his mind. There she was. Sitting in a corner some distance behind the ongoing duel between his master and the wolfish... thing. A bit of his usual smugness returning, he began to twist his fingers in a complex pattern. She wasn't the only one with tricks up her sleeve, though she had the advantage of experience, of that he was sure. Brow furrowing in concentration, he doubled down on the spell he was casting, attempting to turn her deepest fears against her. That ought to give her something else to think about.

Potential Distractions/Allies:
  • [member="Xevek Rakama"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], et al.
Potential Obstacles/Enemies:
  • [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Quvox"], [member="Jace Khel"], [member="Darth Tacitus"], et al.
Locale: Jedi Archives South Entrance
​Allies: N/A
​Enemies: Current - [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
​Potential Enemies - [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Romi Jade"]

​Tathra's nature was like a calm breeze before the storm arrived, watching as the young Jedi quaked in his boots; igniting the silver blade of plasma from the saber's hilt, ready for combat. Tathra's legs digged into the ground, widening his stance as his arms hung back, forearms held back as to refrain from over-extending.

​However, instead of engaging Tathra himself. The boy fired a small rocket, directed at his torso. Tathra raised his right hand, catching the missile before it collided with his chest, using the force to ready his hand for the absorption of its energy as it exploded, like a hushed gun-shot as it caused him to merely lurch and growl as he observed the young Jedi attempting to escape with the use of his jet-pack. He was headed for Seimar, for his men.

​Tathra was no stranger to the cowardice of men, but he had expected more from one so audacious as to stand in his presence as an act of defiance. However, Mereel did catch Seimar unexpectedly, the wall of force energy causing him to barrel backwards into a crouch as he raised his bisento upward to defend himself as he pushed to his feet.

​Tathra broke into a sprint, leaping a massive length with a force imbued jump as he dropped into the smoke. His infrared eyes allowing him to see Mereel quite clearly.

​"I see you, boy. If I must tear you apart, I will."

​Tathra threw his fist like a boxer, with terrifying velocity at the mass of flesh that was Mereel.
Location: Near Jedi Temple
Objective: Defend the Light
Allegiance: GA and allies
Enemies: Sith and allies - [member="Darth Tacitus"]

It was as though the Force had anticipated it and guided Nylea to Coruscant, the world that once was her home, before disaster had struck. Her time living on the planet been a dark one yet she had pulled through and found the light then, but now dark times rapidly approached for not only the entirety of the planet, but for all of the Galactic Alliance and although the echani had never worked directly with them in any way in the past, they were allies of the Light just like she herself was. Darkness had already been spreading throughout the galaxy and if the Alliance fell here that would a fell swoop in the efforts of those who were behind it. It would be a disaster beyond proportions and she could not sit idly by and watch that happen.

As a Jedi of the Order of the Sacred Lotus, she stood for neutrality. But now, she simply had no choice but to act.

While Nylea rushed towards the Jedi temple a full-scale conflict had already commenced, but she prayed it was not yet too late. The streets of Coruscant were being conquered in a rapid pace, but her sprint was promptly halted when a sudden outcry in the Force reached the very core of her being, its strength almost completely overwhelming her. What little of the Light she could still grasp onto as death spread all across the planet was being smothered by an even more foul Darkness than what already had been propagated. Although the echani wanted to avoid it, she knew that whatever it was had to be stopped and she was perhaps the only one who could even hope to do so. And so, she pressed on.

The woman quickly burst up the Temple steps, but as she did she could almost physically feel the pain the Force exerted. All around her Jedi were fighting to fend off the beings of the Dark and although she wished to help them, there was something even more sinister deeper into the temple that was potentially uncontested in their effort. It did not take long to find the cause of the sickening feeling that hung in the air, however. The sight one would see if they entered the archives, like Nylea now did, provided the answer.

A man was surrounded by the dead, yet they walked alongside him. It was a violation against life itself, but like how this once again proved it, the Dark side and its practitioners were often too obessessed with death to see the true nature of their atrocities. Nylea grasped the metal cylinder that hung from her belt and unclipped it, beginning her approach while the lightsaber remained in hibernation.

"I will not allow you to defile the Jedi Temple. I may a member of a different order, but I stand with them today," the echani called out as she stood at the entrance, looking to keep the man and his unwilling servants from proceeding any further than he already had. From her physical sight to that which she saw through the Force, she knew she was outmatched, but fear was something she had battled before. It had been defeated then and would be defeated now, for the Force was with her. She took a number of steps forward and stood ready to protect the temple with her life, if it came down to that.
Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Cut Loose and Destroy Opposition
Allies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Targets: [member="Darth Morgoth"] and Apprentice

"Go on, git!" Waving off the Vixen, he sent his men off with one final command. "Reinforce the boys in the Archives, I hear they need a bit of help!" Truth was, Vulpesen had no intention of leaving his business unfinished. But as the Vixen flew away, a sense of liberation and freedom feel over Vulpesen. Faust could hold his own, and finally the Valde wasn't concerned about protecting children. It was time to cut loose.

"Sit down boy!" His eyes went over to lock onto the chiss who was descending towards Faust and his hand extended with the might of the force. With nothing to anchor himself to, [member="Lord Combattere"] would find it difficult to resist power of a master's telekinetic pull. Sweeping his hand aside, Vulpesen exerted his power to launch the apprentice towards his master's destructive shield.

Location: Coruscant, Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Opponents: [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]
Others: [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]

Something crashed against Mara's ambulance.

A hand, bloody, left a trail as it slipped down and then the violence began for her too. Cultists trying to shatter the viewports to get in, one trying to squeeze through the side-door that a panicking attendant did their best to close again. Through it all the screaming and wailing would only grow louder as the people caught on the roof unaware fought for their lives and sanity. Wild eyes, bloody faces, they had become frenzied from the smell of death and more.

There was no negotiating with these.


The field of battle was dominated by the principle of momentum.

You could feel it- in your bones, your veins, the adrenaline rushing through you and spurring you on as the momentum shifted in your favor. Push hard enough, keep them on the defense... and your opponents wouldn't have enough time to recover. One step was taken towards the young padawan. She hadn't noticed him yet. Not when Jairus was surrounded by fire, blood, death, she had other things on her mind. But that wouldn't last once he beg-

Suddenly his movement was arrested.

Momentum wrested from his claws for a singular moment.

Jairus scowled at that intrusion, feeling the moment slip from him, the anticipation in his body nowhere to go. He wanted to push forward, but it seemed as if his body was suddenly sealed in jell-O. Ember's mind strained against him as the Sith Lord tried to break free from the stasis. In that moment the Jedi Knight and the Sith Lord were more intimate than most people could ever get. The oil darkness of his mind crashing into the focus of the light, trying to shatter the hold.


The Sith smiled. "We will see about that." The disembodied voice whispered, licking like a flame against Farseer's hold. Then all of a sudden the presence was gone. It slipped away and that was when Ember would realize his mistake- focusing so hard on the Sith Lord's physical state, that he had neglected to do anything about the mental.

For decades Starvald had honed his skills in mentalism and today, once more, it bore fruit.

The mind raced with singular focus... destination? One Anais Auraeli. While they were focus on what happened in meatspace... Jairus crashed into her mind, attempting to burn a single command and image in her head.

"JUMP." The image? Her path through the corridor back towards the roof. A ledge. Cultists fighting around an ambulance and trying to kill those within, but that wasn't her concern. Her only concern, her only will, her only desire was to take a leap from that ledge. It would be good, she would be free at last and there would be nothing wrong in the Galaxy anymore. Deneba would no longer weigh on her. There would be a moment of fear and then liberty.

All that Anais had to do?

Was jump.
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Traske knew that with potential victory, there always had to be sacrifices. Always. He knew that getting this close to Fett was a risk in of itself, and one of the big reasons were what decorated his hands; Mandalorian Crushgaunts. Bone reparation, surgery and even limb cloning were all options later on, so Minorous wasn't afraid of the potential mutilation that he could carry out. He was thankful that Fett didn't go for his windpipe, which could've made the whole thing a lot worse for him right now. He enjoyed breathing, and he preferred to keep things the way they were with his airways.

Of course, he had known about and expected the Crushgaunts. Why would Fett not use them? They were an incredibly useful tool, that could crush metal and bone alike. In truth, Traske had been hoping he would make use of them; with his hands occupied on Traske's arms, he could continue as planned. His heads-up display responded as he darted his eyes about, activating his shield as well as the intended submodule; to protect against Kinetic force. This type of shield would also have covered explosives, which was why Traske kept it handy - should he be unable to dodge a missile or a grenade thrown in his direction, the last minute-activation could save him. It would do so here.

Minorous darted his eyes about to divert the shield, focusing its power on a certain area; his arm, specifically the one holding his knife. As blaster shots rung against his abdomen, the armour only just protecting him, the shield began feeling the pressure of the Crushgaunt. His other arm was less lucky, but Traske only grunted loudly from the pain as the knife came up and he found his spot, sinking it into flesh as deep as he could from here. The electrical current ran up the blade, forcing its way through. It was the most dangerous place this blade could be; a spot in which it was to disable the use of the nerves of the entire body, rather than just one area as a slash would. The battery was powerful, enough that he could keep this up for a solid fifteen minutes, if he had to.

The pain in his other arm was dreadful, his armour plating still holding for now. Despite all that, he was going to get what he came here for, and drive the blade deeper home. He kept close to Fett still, making sure the blade was as small and hard to find as possible as he kept it in, knowing he couldn't, and most certainly wouldn't give reprieve.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple-->Record Halls
Allies: SJO & GA, Immediate ([member="Tanaski Yumi"])
Enemies: FO, TSE, Immediate Enemies Darth Sabezt (Ignore for now) [member="Adrian Vandiir"] (cut his head off)

As quickly as it came the feeling of a brunt arm had dissipated, now her skin back to it's slight pale form as she raced through the upper halls of the Jedi temple she had visited many times in the past, flame, bodies and weapons lining the floor. Quite a few Jedi, seemingly just as many Sith, along with quite a few civilians and non-combatants as well.

Herself spurred on down the battlefield hallways, but not chase of the Mando that was sending rockets all over the place, no instead she had felt a odd but familiar feeling. If was not a force hint, not a communication though her com-link, or even other senses, no it as just a feeling, a feeling that her brother was in grave danger. It was one of those strange undocumented feelings that close siblings had, and it never failed in the past, Sukai soon coming to the archive doors, seeing an intense battle taking place. Several Sith fighting one on one towards several Jedi, but what shock her was the gruesome way several bodies had been... mutilated.

Bodies ripped apart, in way clearly instantly bringing death, but the shear way they had been ripped apart was just wrong, not even she had give people such a brutal death in the past, and Sukai had done a lot of karked up stuff in the past. Instantly her face became stern and stoic, instantly shifting towards the dooerrs of the deed, her blue gaze falling upon two Sith. One that seemed to be fighting Alex, another, one that was familiar standing by, mediataing atop a book shelf, seeming to be the accomplice of the Sith. Adrian, that must have been his master, and the one that had killed the librarian... and the same one that seemed to have immobilized Tanasuki, her sibling laying against a pillar, still alive but seeing to be gripped in a mental attack.

"... I knew this day would happen", walking forwards she drew Shishio from its ornamented scabbard that was attached to her Kimono, foot steps light on the floors as she stalked the Sith, but not before giving her bother a swift kick to the head. "Get up Tana, your going to let a mental attack get to you"? The Jin Jedi did not wait for the younger sibling to reply, quickly reading the deadly Katana in a high guard as she leap utop the book shelf that housed the Sith acolyte, not hesitating to swing it in a side ways arc towards Adrians neck. The sharp tip only needing to touch skin to cut, it's alchemy infused blade being resistant to sabers and other swords alike, not a weapon to take lightly.
Location: Random roof
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Objective: Baby sit

It was a good thing she shaved her head.

Because these babies were menaces that Cerbera hadn't quite encountered yet in her life. If not for the shave she might have torn them out, if they hadn't done it for her. Strong smol hands, gripping, pulling, they were rather active little buggers. Strangely enough they didn't seem all that disturbed by everything happening around them. Right now the alchemist was sitting on a roof, legs dangling over the edge while she overlooked the chaos in the under-city.

It gave them a beautiful scene.

Absently she dangled a toy over their little heads in the smol makeshift crib she had taken along. "Yes, very pretty colors, I know, loves." Cerbera murmured softly while watching with interest as one of the Sith Battlecruisers crashed into a district below.

The explosion that followed would presumably wipe out at least three levels below that district too. Of course, that was when a familiar voice beeped into existence in her ear. Cerbera listened calmly as Irajah, concerned and fast, was rapidly firing sentence after sentence in her ear. It was... amusing, but also understandable. These were her babies, after all. The alchemist might not truly recognize what was so special about these ones, but she had her own children.

Forged from the darkside, blended through biochemistry.

"Mhm, left the apartment half an hour ago." Head tilted as ships started to break through the lower levels, escaping from their earthly confines and the destruction they wrought in their wake. "Battlecruiser indeed, I did not quite expect this level of destruction. I suppose dear Kaine's passion for the elaborate has not dimmed yet."

That had been a point of tension in the past between them, but once Irajah realized that their secret was safe with the alchemist? Well, that made things easier.

"Oh, I am fine, darling. The babies are quite mesmerized by that toy I made them." Cerbera hummed a bit. "No harm will come to them. You have my word on this. Go, have some fun with your husband. Force knows he needs a steady hand every once in a while." Once the call ended the alchemist stretched a bit, letting part of her arm shift. Painful, but red pushed out and claws appeared within minutes. They dug into the concrete of the building they were on.

There Cerbera started experimenting on the molecular structure of the rock.

It wasn't exactly a lab, but she would get bored otherwise, so.

Might as well.
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Cotan's blade came down...

And down...

Before stopping several inches short of the mark, the blade paralyzed in midair as if it struck an invisible barrier and came to a full stop. The Emperor's armor was protected by a highly advanced magnetic field generated by mag-coils laced throughout the armor plating, protecting him from a wide variety of energy-based attacks.

Which included the plasma blade of lightsabers.

The protection field extended to whatever item the Emperor happened to hold at the time, and right now that field stopped the Jedi Knight's blade from continuing on through his weapon. Which was utterly unfortunate for Cotan, because now he was within direct reach of the Dark Lord of the Sith, one of the most powerful Sith Lords of the modern age.

"A worthy effort, Jedi, but futile!"

While keeping his lightsaber hand in the same position, the Emperor extended his weaponless left hand forward towards Cotan. Power coursed through the Emperor's body, rising up from his center to infect his limbs with a malign darkness that quickly manifested itself as dark crimson energy arced between each of his fingertips. A microsecond later that energy was released, scything bolts of red lightning erupting forth from his fingers to spear through the air; staining it with the revolting stench of ozone and copper.

And all that rage and energy was directed, almost point-blank, at Cotan.
Location: Somewhere in the Burning/Ruined/Collapsed City
Wearing: This
Weapons: Lightsaber, X, X, X, X

They were too late.

Silver eyes reflected the flames the growing destruction of Coruscant. She had flown through these skylines, traveled in the turbo-lifts, eaten in the cantinas, and slept beneath stars that were nearly impossible to see from light pollution. The Confederacy had pledged themselves to aid their ally in times of need, especially when they were under attack, and so they arrived among [member="Darth Tacitus"] and the rest of the CIS forces in a subtle snap from hyperspace. It was immediate chaos. Loss. Death. Lucrehulks fell apart en masse and the remnants of Providences burned up in the atmosphere.

The Imperial Fleet that had erupted from nowhere and everywhere was a terrifying sight to behold. Buildings that touched the sky fell before their eyes. They had two ships that were at least as large as the Fortressa and the Midnight Exigent Srina had initially been wholly uncertain whether or not they would make it to the ground. Or, what was left of it.

She stood on the edges of a sky tower, for the first time, with a sense of defeat. Coruscant was in ruins. Her stomach twisted. Srina Talon could feel [member="Aryn Teth"]. Somewhere, buried, in the flame and destruction that rained down from every possible angle. Her heart was momentarily stuck in her throat at the sight of the body after body decorating the once pristine remains of the upper levels. Citizens screamed in terror. Silver eyes hardened before she turned to look at her Master, [member="Darth Metus"]. Normally his sulfuric eyes held comfort for her. Not today. Nothing would remove this sight from her memory. Nothing.

They were too late.

Darth Tacitus was already headed toward the Jedi Temple. His methods were questionable. But, the Confederacy did not judge. It was not their place. Neutrality was a line that was growing increasingly more difficult to walk. While some nations were closer to the Alliance, Geonosis was about as far away as it got, minus the ORC. Deploying massive forces took time. Traveling, took time. It all took too much time. The Sith Apprentice desperately wanted to break something. Currently, she just felt numb. Nothing. She could allow herself to feel nothing when faced with such bleak circumstances.

‘Where are you…’, her mind whispered, rolling through the muddled feeling of a thousand forcer users, all active, all struggling. All fighting. So desperate. So full of hate. A need for revenge. ‘Where are you. I can’t find you.’

She took her gaze from her Master to peer over the edge. He hated when they separated. She hated it. Did they really have a choice? Members of the Mandragora, Knights Obsidian, and even droids of all kinds were making their way through the city as they evaluated the situation. More and more she became certain of their role. They had enough forces to help, perhaps, but the damage was already done. The losses on the side of the Alliance were too high.

They could not help them win. If they were careful, perhaps, they could help some of them live.

“I’ll be careful, Master. This battle…I fear it is lost. Our intelligence claims that there are reports from other planets facing similar circumstances. We do what we must. Save who we can. Do you agree?”

Yes. What choice did they have? He would communicate as much to the CIS since his voice held the most weight. This wasn’t the time to be heroic, to pull off anything reckless, or to try and turn the tide.

It felt spineless. Was it cowardly to want to spare as many as they could? Srina couldn’t be certain but either way, the pings coming through the HUD on her wrist were more and more insistent. She reached for Darth Metus, once, but her hand fell away. She turned and stepped off the ledge, dropping onto a crumpled platform below, before her form blurred and entirely disappeared from the naked eye.

She should have said something more to her Master. Something. But her tongue felt like someone had cut it off. Anything else she could say felt too much like saying goodbye.

OOC: CIS - If you need a way in here it is. We'll mostly be focused on helping our friends escape/live. Don't let it deter you from engaging and having fun.
[member="Adron Malvern"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]
[member="Ahani Najwa"]
[member="Alden Kyr’Nau"]
[member="Aleksander Miles"]
[member="Alistair Myre"]
[member="Alyva Terrix"]
[member="Amaya Cardei"]
[member="Anastasia Vi'dreya"]
[member="Anya Malvern"]
[member="Aoker Veru"]
[member="Arabella Darkhold"]
[member="Archim Calixis"]
[member="Ari Zanareth"]
[member="Aria Lyr"]
[member="Arken Lussk"]
[member="Arthur Pendragon"]
[member="Asher Mossa"]
[member="Aston Jacobs"]
[member="Auswyn Nothrael"]
[member="Averin An'Arach"]
[member="Aya Clarke"]
[member="BNI-Bella and BNI-Leo"]
[member="Bulthos Dorrir"]
[member="Cairyn Midore"]
[member="Causstik Rahn"]
[member="Chalim Vern"]
[member="Chek Zun"]
[member="Chikako Liona"]
[member="Cim Salro"]
[member="Cora deWinter"]
[member="Cyprine Talon"]
[member="Dakita Calfur"]
[member="Dalton Kenway"]
[member="Damien Van-Derveld"]
[member="Darth Atrox"]
[member="Darth Illisus"]
[member="Darth Inanis"]
[member="Darth Interitus"]
[member="Darth Malus"]
[member="Darth Metus"]
[member="Darth Nius"]
[member="Darth Phren"]
[member="Darth Rixas"]
[member="Darth Seraphic"]
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
[member="Darth Zurvan"]
[member="Daxton Bane"]
[member="Derek Dib"]
[member="Dinah Vekarr"]
[member="Eladia Laux"]
[member="Ella Nova"]
[member="Emberly Carrick"]
[member="Erin Tenel"]
[member="Eternal Ambition"]
[member="Eternal Muse"]
[member="Eternal Spark"]
[member="Eternal Vision"]
[member="Faustina Beryll"]
[member="Fawn Alzi"]
[member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
[member="Firenne Van-Derveld"]
[member="Galven Hansol"]
[member="Gerwald Lechner"]
[member="Ginnie Verd"]
[member="Hadashah Vi'dreya"]
[member="Hades Dai"]
[member="Hala Jast"]
[member="Hypatia Najwa"]
[member="Ian Sade"]
[member="Iris Issey"]
[member="Irys Arist'lar"]
[member="Isamu Baelor"]
[member="Iskander Verd"]
[member="Ithiel Verd"]
[member="Jack Anderson"]
[member="Jaron Lesan"]
[member="Jasmine Zittoun"]
[member="Jayce Pryde"]
[member="Jennifer Blanchard"]
[member="Jerad Lettiere"]
[member="Jia Darkhold"]
[member="Jorco Czeku"]
[member="Judah Lesan Jr."]
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[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Kaiah Sixsipita"]
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[member="Kalee Bladesworn"]
[member="Karlie Lynn Destat"]
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[member="Lady Psyona"]
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[member="Lera DeVana"]
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[member="Marek Starchaser"]
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[member="Nine Lives"]
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[member="Super TD-T47"]
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[member="The Fallen"]
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[member="Werah Unon"]
[member="William the Bloody"]
[member="Xero Wran"]
[member="Yuca Najwa-Keth"]
[member="Yuna Hart"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]
[member="Zyrias Pax"]
She Left Behind A Legacy
Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Engage [member="Vili Ozouf"]
MELD ALLIES: [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Marcus Faust"](any others who accept)
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]



Coren Starchaser said:
“No…” He sent out to her as he continued to call the Force to him.
That voice...

It didn't belong to neither Jace or Quvox...she knew what it was but didn't know how. Had she really reached out that far? She'd never been able to touch more than two minds before...

Either way there was a lingering ripple there that she couldn't help but feel that it had layers of darkness to it; fueled by frustration, it wasn't her own inner conflict. It belonged to someone else. If this person was able to send back a response...then had they fully rejected her call? In some way they were still teetering along the edge. Subconsciously she'd still been reaching out to find and guide this particular mind...

It hit her as she began to recognize that specific signature, "Coren...?"

She only knew him from a distance, but in her revelation forgot that her thoughts were connected through this link; they'd all hear it. The hiss-crack of her lightsaber smashing against his axe drowned all of that out as she returned to the heat of battle. A cool chill crawled the length of her back to rest just on her neck; she knew.

She kept her head and her cool. The lightsaber's glowing blade swooped in an down-turning circular parry between the two, forcing Vili back a step at best, and angled enough so that it'd slide through his axe. Within that moment, Romi leveraged the spin and followed it through. As she spun around she slightly dropped her right knee down a bit and back, pivoting away from her opponent. Coming through with the full circle of her weapon, she slashed down beside her foot in a wild blur of motion, intercepting his projectile and even brushing against her pants leg; a precise enough stroke that left her clothing intact.

Her blonde hair shone with the reflected highlights of her lightsaber as it lashed from one shoulder to another. Her blue eyes blazed with another sort of light, one that matched the serious snarl on her face, with no obvious sign of weakness from her up-keeping the constant flow of energy that was the Meld.

However, she wasn't done with him yet, and she'd be on him within the next second. Quickly bring her left leg across, she spun around again and brought her lightsaber with her, she'd bat her weapon agains't his but would push through to press her own attack. She weaved a staccato of quick cuts that paralleled each step forward before retreating. Stepping back, she bent just slightly at the knee and propelled herself into the air and over him. She landed on the other side, a couple of steps up from him, in a crouched position with her back facing him.
Location: Archives
Allies: Any who would side with her.
Enemies: Any who oppose her.

Valeska Daeranthe, missing Sith Knight and enslaver of civilizations (small ones but the point still stands!) made her entrance, fashionably late as always. Armed with only her saber and rather useless blaster at her side, she waited for any to try and slip past the wall of fighting that had already formed. No one liked a kill steal, and Valeska was sure to not deprave one of something well earned.

Few in the area caught her attention during this time, though the presence was brushed off without a thought as a young warrior slipped his way behind the line. With a flick of her wrist the dark red blade slipped from its hilt, and the woman began making her steps towards the man. "And where do you think you're going." A slight smile crept across her face as she stared him down. "Come back here child." Her words dripped with a honey sweet poison, almost too beautiful to resist.
Location: High Council Chambers
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
, [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
"The Empire thanks Lady Raaf for her service in gutting your pathetic alliance. The light dies today." He said activating his lightsabers. The Lord of Lies lept into the fray as Taeli fought both Coren and Mishel, launching a devastating assault to pull the pressure of their barrage off her. The field around his armor deflected most short of a direct thrust, he towered over his enemy and flooded his body with the force enhancing his speed and reflexes. It was ironic that he was fighting alongside Taeli, considering most last saw the two trying to kill one another on Thyferra. But as the events today proved that was all a carefully crafted lie.

This was the truth.

A well crafted lie to bring down the decrepit alliance. Every life taken today was another one that could not be saved, another one that would fall due to the failures of the Jedi.

While the fight raged in the High Council Chambers the streets were flooded with the legions of the Sith. The path to the Temple was quite possibly the most dangerous on the planet. An entire legion of Blackblade Guard headed by Highlord Osbasid himself reinforced by soldiers from the Order of Shadows, protected by Sithspawn Hordes under the beastial King Gorgannoth and defended by the devastating artillery strikes of the Jen'Lazea. While just like the Sith egos, arrogance and pride swirled among the dangerous lieutenants of House Zambrano. But unlike Sith of the past the men and women who led the family's dark legions were carefully chosen for the jobs they held. They were brought together because each had qualities that helped the others, each was motivated to work together towards common goals.

Together it was a bloody slaughter.

They bathed the streets in fire and blood. Thanks to Lady Raaf and her Order of Shadows no one knew who was friend or foe, it could be anyone at any time. A healthy dosage of paranoia flooded the streets and it saw even loyal soldiers kill each other out of the thought that they might follow this dark order.
The Mandalorian had faced hardships from this side of the galaxy to the rest. It was more often than not that they involved the possibility of death, yet Fett had eluded it thus far. There didn't happen to be very many people that contended evenly with the Bounty Hunter, and of them, none had truly bested him in his entirety. Taking a loss was a foreign to him as was the understanding of a peaceful life: an utter anomaly for a man designed to kill. An apex predator, if you will. The last loss he faced was beneath the rubble of a warehouse, brought down by the destruction of a famed Jedi Knight, a renowned Sith Lord and his Acolyte. It took the three of them to defeat Fett, although he got his revenge. He always did.

Both of his hands continued their vice-like grip, unrelenting in the stationary squeeze it provided despite the continuation of the shields persistence. The knife in Traske's hand was palpable upon the flight suit he wore beneath his armour, fiddling at the very edge, almost daring to penetrate the flesh beneath if not for the enhanced strength of the Clone. They rapidly flew throughout the air, almost colliding with several things as they were a coloured blur that soared by the other combatants. A mixture of muffled grunts and groans coming from the pair as their mouths were concealed by the helmet itself.

That wrist mounted blaster continued to fire away, unrelenting in it's persistent sound and impact on the armour that surely wasn't capable of holding up for much longer- especially considering it struck the same area over, and over. The Bounty Hunter could hold this pose for a long time. The added benefits of crushgaunts prevented the movement of that hand, even if it wasn't being crushed. Meanwhile, the left hand of Koda removed itself from that of Traske's arm wrapped around his neck for stability. It was only that after all. It rushed for the throat instead, and it appeared as if there wasn't much in the way of capable defences. Although, that is only as it appeared.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Minorous Traske"]
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Traske was hardly the talkative type, and even if he had been, he would've made sure nobody knew him, where he'd been, where he was from. He seemed to have only come out of the woodwork recently, with an understanding of the Galactic War and what was going on beyond what he should have. He claimed to have been Sovereign Army, but it was possible he was more; an elite soldier perhaps, or some kind of intelligence agent who had been working for another team the whole time. In the end though, none of that mattered now. Now was the Endgame, the final push of one group against another, and Traske realized he had backed the losing side at just the wrong time.

So he wasn't worried about the outcome of the battle at large, or how many kills each individual Sith Lord got or would lay claim to. All he cared about right now was beating the man in front of him, tapping into the warrior instincts and the professional pride that were buried deep within him. Fett had already pushed him harder than most men ever would, and he knew he'd go farther. The Mandalorian had fought many times before, and so had he. He couldn't allow himself to be compromised. He could feel the blade skirting so close to flesh, and see the hand coming for his throat. He had an option, and although he didn't like it, he would take it.

As Fett's hand reached out, the seemingly broken arm of Traske came to life, just for a moment to yank down; not with his grip, but an invisible force to yank down the heavy gauntlet and hold it at Koda's side, the pain actually providing a decent catalyst for his power. Minorous had never been interested in the light or dark sides of the Force; don't overuse it, don't let it get to you. As he did that, he focused on the force to enhance the strength and speed of his physicality, using his newfound brute strength to suddenly try and force the blade the inches deeper that it needed and into flesh as the two continued to flail around in the air, looking more like an odd air show than a fight, to most.

He didn't care about his reputation for anything, except being good at the jobs he was given. To defeat a worthy adversary was its own reward, and he had known Fett and seen his work more than the Mandalorian may have expected. He was certainly a worthy enemy, and Minorous could not help but respect that. There were so very few who forced him to reach inside and use his gifts now, and those individuals would never leave his memory. The ones you avoided, if you could help it.
Allies: Galactic Alliance (sort of)
Enemies: The Sith Empire
Objectives: Acquire Holocrons | Convert Jedi to the Darkside
Troops: 5 Undead
Attn: [member="[/SIZE][SIZE=12px]Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] Duelling: [member="Nylea Apollodor"] Allies: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
  • Archives
    Jedi Temple on Coruscant

Elsewhere in the great galactic city, he could sense the presence of his friend [member="Srina Talon"], who had finally managed to make her way through the raging fleets above and arrived to help with the evacuation. He knew she would find his methods questionable, but he had already seen the writing on the wall and knew that the Galactic Alliance would not survive this raging inferno. He would do his duty and recover who and what he could for the Confederacy, by any means necessary, which included using his Necromantic skills to raise more soldiers for the battle. But he could not honestly say that he was not pleased by the Alliance's fate.

An annoying voice interrupted the Overlord's hunt for enemies. With a growl, the monstrous Sith Lord turned to face the mewling Jedi which had so brazenly challenged him, raising an eyebrow as his slitted, feline eyes fell upon the white-haired Echani woman that stood before him. The claws on his free hand twitched, even as the three crimson lightsabers that he held aloft through the invisible telekinetic tendrils that held onto them with a vice-like grip, turned to face his challenger as well, ready to block any attack from the Sith Lord's defiant opponent.

"You bantha-brained fool," the Overlord spoke, his tone one of disgust and condescension. "I've always known you Jedi are stupid, but I never imagined you would rise to such heights of stupidity, like the ones you so expertly climbed. In case you haven't noticed, I wear a Confederate uniform. That means we're supposed to be on the same side," the Sith Lord spat out, his anger driving him to take a step forward towards his offender.

"I am Darth Tacitus. Overlord of the Shrouded Republic, Lord of Admirals of the Confederacy, Reaper of Lorrd and White Wolf of Ession," he announced himself, the grip on his longsword tightening until the leather cracked in protest. "Do you know what I do to traitors and mutineers, little Jedi?" he asked, spitting the word 'Jedi' like it was an insult. "Because it seems to me that you have a death wish."

"Seeing that you are so stupid as to not recognize the insignia on my uniform, I will assume that the pathetic excuse you have for a brain has led you to a rash decision. I will give you one last chance to fall back into line and do your job. Because, right now, you are standing between me and these imperial Sith that I came here to hunt," he said in a raspy, malicious tone.

"However," he warned, even as he took one more step towards her, his remaining Undead minions shambling in agitation as what was left of their minds felt their master's rage. "If you insist on your desire to depart this galaxy prematurely, I will be more than happy to grant you that wish."
Jedi Temple - Archives
GA Battle Meld w/[member="Romi Jade"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Marcus Faust"] et al
Engaging SE [member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
~Lightsaber, shoto, blaster pistol, light armor, Twi'lek warrior dagger

The Jedi Guardian had been out on a joint mission with a Galactic Alliance Guard unit in the city when her danger senses flared. Cambria called her lightsaber from the utility belt slung low upon her shapely hips to her right hand while spinning quickly on booted heels. She brought to bare the cerulean blue blade just as two of the four GAG officers, ones she had worked with for a while now and had never had a problem with, suddenly opened fire on the Jedi and their two seemingly unsuspecting comrades. Was this how it was when the clones followed through on Palpatine's Order 66? Why only the two not all four?

The Rutian Twi'lek deflected the volley of blaster bolts back with precision towards the traitorous men, taking them out squarely. She hated to do that, but they had given her no choice.

In the next moment, the Knight felt the darkness creeping in, down, and around the Alliance's capital city like a thick fog coming in off the ocean. Shutting down her lightsaber, the nimble Twi'lek jumped onto a nearby speederbike and sped off towards the Jedi Temple that was supposed to be a pinnacle of light for the galaxy and all it stood for. Cambria was a defender of the Light, and that she would do this day against the Dark that threatened to put it out.

It wasn't easy getting to the temple or even inside for that matter as all hell was raining down from the skies and rising from the concrete confines of the earth as Sith forces and their minions attacked the ecumenopolis Core World and the New Jedi Order's home. She knew the younglings would need to be protected so Cambria headed to that area of the temple steadfastly cloaking herself as much as possible to slip pass on the edges of the fray, but would have to pass by the archives to get there...

Cambria in the mean time heard the call through from the Force for a Battle Meld. She easily joined in with the other Jedi as it was a strong suit of hers, feeling the comfort, strength, and focus that it brought and letting the light side of the Force flow through, in, and around her mind, body, and soul.

That is when a slickly sweet voice rang out from the shadows. The Twi'lek Jedi stopped and turned to face [member="Valeska Daeranthe"] as she stood there with dark side charisma dripping out of her pores.

"Oh I can assure you I am no child," Bri answered the female Sith in her thick yet smooth Twi'lek accent, then the blue-hued exotic ignited her primary lightsaber and brought it up to a guard position. "Nor a man for that matter," she added with a slightly amused twitch of her lekku while golden eyes set upon the young dark side woman with stoic determination.

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