Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: The Adams Family a.k.a [member="Jairus Starvald"] & eventually [member="Irajah Ven"]
Nearby: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]

Ember had caught him just there and then giving him an opportunity but before he could exploit it...the presence was gone. He saw the Sith's body frozen but his presence disappeared, a linger presence of the dark side shuffled somewhere around him but the Jedi was too busy trying to figure out what was going on and uselessly clutching the man in stasis. He did not notice the newly arrived ship as well in the midst of all the heat around him.

Screams intensified from behind him and the dragging of metal against metal piqued his curiosity to the point the Jedi gave a flashing glance. Upon the seeing the view, Ember's mind screamed in horror. His spine froze as he watched Anais pushing forward the repulsor truck they had arrived on along with civilian casualties stuck on its hull due to her telekinsis.

The truck fell and the Jedi finally realized that she would be next.

"NOOOOOO!" The bellow escaped his lungs leaving him without breath and releasing the grasp over the Sith's body.

Emotion threatened to bury him and throw him off the rails, off his code, off his way of life right there and right then. To save her or to save them. Did he even have the moment to ask himself that question? Time was against him.

The possibilities opened before him in visions in which he always was doomed to fail. The burden came crashing down like a moon on the surface of a planet but where the moon left a scar on the planet's surface in the form of a message echoing in his mind.

There is no death, there is the Force.

With humid eyes and a rock in his throat, the Jedi Knight turned his back on the girl on the edge as he dashed forward with speed enhanced by the Force directly towards the Sith with blue blade in hand looking to strike him down and protect those...left to protect.
Teams: Team Three, Vixen Crew and Guards
Objective: Blast it all and bug out
Allies: Mereel Vaun, Alexandra Feanor, [member="Jairdain"]
Enemies: [member="Tathra Khaeus"] (out of view), Vanessa, Darth Sabetz, other Sith forces within the archives.
Main Weaponry: Vanessa and Sabetz) Structures and Promethean Guards) Targetting Promethean Gaurd, 3 providing cover agaisnt Sith Forces)

The kinetic wave of force energy rumbled toward Vixos, and suddenly grateful that his training had taught him not to fight in the open, he crouched down and hugged the massive stone he was hiding behind. He felt a jolt run through his body as his cover was lifted momentarily off the ground, pushing him several feet as it moved. But thankfully, he had survived, though he'd likely have one hell of a bruise on his left shoulder. The pain however, was largely overshadowed as a vision as good as an angel appeared right outside the hole he had just been beside.

The roar of engines would fill the room of the archives as the first hole in the wall was suddenly covered by the Vixen's arrival. And with it, perhaps a hope of salvation for the light sided occupants. With its loading ramp open, three of the crew had armed themselves with werewolf machine guns and were now laying on the ramp with a group of younglings crouched behind them, prepared for a hot exfil. "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" Their voices called out in unison as a storm of blasterfire filled the room. Having finished his job, Yonu, Slicer of Squad 3 had gotten around to calling out enemy descriptions and general areas to open fire. And now that backup was here, he beat a hasty retreat back aboard the Vixen.

Trusting their companions to not shoot them, Squad Three, quickly turned to make their retreat. "'Bout time! We need a raise!" Harlow's voice lifted through the dust of the surrounding explosions as he turned to race towards the ship, adding to the hail of gunfire with his own in an attempt to screen his escape from the promethean. And right beside him, Garlan the grenadier was doing the same with the steady thumping of concussion grenades. "Damn straight!"

With the two heavies of team 3 accompanying their friends with general covering fire, Vixos started his run back to the Vixen, though he did aim to squeeze off another pair of rounds at the sith attacking [member="Alexandra Feanor"]. While cut off from Tathras, he still managed to pick off shots at the center masses of [member="Vanessa Vantai"], and [member="Darth Sabezt"]. "Things are getting hot in here! Get a move on lady!"

Of course, the last member of the VSF'S team 3 wasn't forgotten. Private Ferrole, with an arm around [member="Mereel Vaun"], was on the very edge of unconsciousness, a hand trying to hold pressure on his stomach which continued to pour blood. His skin was now alabaster and if he didn't get medical attention immediately, he'd be looking at more than an early retirement. Thankfully, there was a group of young force sensitives aboard the ship, and while they might have still been learning, together they had enough strength in the force to lift at least one man, taking the weight off of Mereel's shoulders as per the directions of the adults that had brought them there.
Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group
Enemies: Assorted Sithies, [member="Darth Saarai"]
Objective: Follow the Will of the Force

With [member="Vulpesen"] buying him a few moments, Faust followed the call of the force. As his newfound comrade had mentioned, those in the archives were in trouble, and were guarding many more younglings in an attempt to let them escape. They would escape the archives, the force would will it so, he trusted in that, but escape would mean little if the hangars of the temple remained the slaughterhouse they had become.

Through Romi's meld, Marcus reached out to those connected to him through the force. I will hold the hangar for you all to make an escape, ensure that you and the children make it there

He wasn't one to give it commands, and was making no attempt to be, he only hope to alert the servants of the light that he would ensure their exit, so that when the day came to end, and darkness reigned, the light would live on. They, and the children they protected, were to one day restore the galaxy and save it from the darkness that now engulfed it, to do that they could not die in this place.

Moving through the halls, the saber came to his hand and sprang to life, the old assassin descended into a group of the traitors with a merciless onslaught, the blade cleaving through limbs and catching oncoming strikes just long enough for Faust to reach out and break the necks of those who forsook the light in favor of the Sith. They, and others after them did little but slow him down as he entered the hangar of the temple, alone.

The bloodbath that had already occurred in the hangar left it devoid of life, all who had stood there for either side had fallen. For now at least, it seemed he was alone, but he knew far better than to trust that.​
Kor Vexen

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Slaughter the Jedi

The Sith General stood at the forefront of his forces storming the Jedi temple, his crimson blade swinging to deflect blaster bolts across the halls of the temple. Sith troopers would utilize the Fang wardroids wielding thick durasteel tower shields moving shoulder to shoulder as mobile cover as they continued their advance. The wail of blaster fire would intensify as Vexen pushed forward, a blaster bolt firing straight at his chest before it was reflected directly back into the defender's forehead, his head kicking back at a sickening angle as he fell backward. Trails of bodies would be left behind of temple guards and Jedi that were caught in the path of the unrelenting assault of Vexen.

Several Jedi would leap out from above, a pair of Knights as well as their Padawans. A series of green and blue blades would flash to life as they landed in the midst of the forefront of the droid forces, cutting through both them and their shields to create an opening for the defenders to fire upon the Sith's Legion forces. Vexen with his crimson blade would turn as he raised it up in defense against the blue blade of one of the Jedi Padawans, holding it up in one hand in a horizontal block to an overhead swing. Vexen seemed slightly amused at the attempt to attack him directly as his dark aura seemed to intensify exponentially around him. The pressure from the Padawan's saber seemed to fade as they seemed frozen.

Vexen would lower his saber down to his side, the Padawan still suspended in time, having been caught in Vexen's Force Stasis Field. A mistake that they would pay for with their life. A quick diagonal swing upwards would cut the Jedi Padawan in half as the Stasis Field was lowered, their halves falling to the ground as Vexen cackled. It truly was a terrifying sound indeed, causing the remaining three Jedi to turn towards Vexen. His arm would raise up, reaching out with the Force to tear a large pillar from the wall and bringing it crashing down behind him, cutting off the defenders that Vexen had been advancing upon, leaving the Jedi trapped between Vexen and his men.

In the brief moment that the Jedi had turned to face Vexen his men would fire upon the Padawan, quickly riddling her body with holes as her blue lightsaber sputtered out of existence. The Jedi Knights would quickly be back to back, their green sabers raised as one was deflecting blaster bolts to defend his partner. Vexen would move forward with his saber off to the side, marching upon the Jedi facing him who seemed to be gripping her saber tighter. Perhaps it was the realization that they were far, far out of their league, and the despair was settling in. Whatever it was, Vexen would show them the futility against the Dark Side. The Sith Empire would tear down their shining temple, and slaughter all who defended it. Like the olden times when the Republic fell, no man, woman, or child would be spared if they failed to flee.

Vexen's blade would raise itself as the Jedi moved forward to get some space, only to be met with the crimson saber that came with an overwhelming amount of force behind the strike. Vexen would continue to relentlessly bring down his saber upon the Jedi, hammering their stance into submission as they soon fell to a knee, helpless in the face of Vexen's immense strength. Vexen would bring down his saber, the crimson blade flashing out of existence as it was about to make contact with the green blade before sparking back to life, past the defensive blade of plasma, slicing right down the Jedi's center, bisecting them as a look of horror was the last thing could be seen on either half of the Jedi's head.

The last remaining Jedi would turn as the last of his comrades had been slain, " NO! " He'd turn around, swinging his saber at Vexen's left, directed at his neck, the side that did not wield his saber. Normally he wouldn't have time to bring up his blade in time, but twas the beauty of his Phrik armor. His left arm would raise up to shield his head that was being swung at, the green saber clashing against his silver armor and being stopped by it. He'd deactivate his saber and clip it to his belt as his hand reached out and grabbed the Jedi's wrists, twisting and turning until a bone cracking snap was heard, a scream heard as he dropped his saber. It had been a while since Vexen simply used his size and strength to kill somebody, perhaps now was a particularly good time to vent some rage.

He'd easily lift the Jedi up off the ground, using their arms like handles as he swung the Jedi over his shoulders and slammed the Jedi onto his stomach. He'd plant an armored boot on the Jedi's back amidst his screams of agony, reaching down as he grabbed the man's broken arms like reigns before pulling on them at the same time he pushed his foot down, pulling and pulling as bones snapped, dislocated, ligaments and muscles tore until finally, the man's arms gave away and were torn brutally from his body, blood splattering over Vexen's armored visage. Vexen would walk to the man writhing in agony, blood pouring from his body and creating a crimson pool while Vexen's armored boot would slip under his body to turn him on his back. The last thing the Jedi could see through his bloodied and blurred vision was the Sith General's armored boot being slammed down on his skull, causing it to explode in a splatter of blood and shattered bone.

Vexen would let out a pleased sigh before looking down as he lifted his armored boot before shaking his head, "Jedi filth have gotten my armor all dirtied...Remember troopers, no one is to be spared...Hunt them down, corner them, and slaughter them all. Leave none alive. Show them the full fury and wrath of our glorious Sith Empire and let them know true fear and despair." Vexen would reach to his belt as he ignited his saber again, moving to lead his men down another route after he had brought a pillar down earlier to block off one route, his men following him without question as squads broke off to spread out and cover more ground, the intent of securing exit routes and locking them down. There were many Jedi to be slain, and those that stood with them should pray that they are not found helping them lest they risk the Empire's wrathful gaze falling upon them as well.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

Landing light near where Coren would be, she gave him a cold smile. The fall seemed to have calmed him some, although she could not see his apprentice. Sense her yes, and she seemed to be with the Dark Lord and the Lord of Lies now. Well, that would be an unpleasant experience for her. She could not see or sense the other Jedi, but he had not died. She would have felt that. Perhaps he had landed further away or managed to escape. The tower rumbled again, and the floor was starting to slant. Something must have exploded below and now the rest of the tower was beginning its slow fall.

Her lightsaber reignited as she waited for Coren to ready himself.

"Alone at last," she quipped.

As soon as Coren was on his feet, the duel would recommence in the falling tower, rubble lifting up to blast at him as she re-engaged him with her saber, feints and controlled flurries attempting to beat down his defenses. Even so, she kept herself engaged in the currents around her. Now that they were on their own, she expected a few tricks to start appearing. That was fine, she had her own as well.

Location: Coruscant, Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Opponents: [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]
Others: [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]

There was a distinction between being smug and pausing to savor it.

Any other Sith Lord might have been caught unaware by the sudden dash exhibited by Ember Farseer. How often, after all, did a Jedi Master actually follow their own code and pick peace... over emotion. They had known the score- if Ember had turned to try and save his Padawan Jairus would have punished him by slaughtering every civilian around him.


Ember choose duty. He could respect that, even as Jairus moved the exact moment that he unfroze, feeling sensation return to his body. Rather than enjoy the emotions tearing Ember into two, the Sith was already thinking a step ahead.

It was for this reason that rather than speeding towards a surprised target? Ember would turn around and leap towards a figure who was dashing towards him himself.

His hand lashed out, touching hot plasma -- the skin heated up, burning, pain lacing and Carach fed on it. With a swift move the lightsaber was flicked to the side, before it could do more harm to his hand and in that moment time slowed down. Inch by inch. It was the Sith Lord's mind suddenly bearing down on Farseer's presence, making him see all that was around them.

The cultists ravaging the hospital, killing, stealing, abducting (it hadn't been murder on his mind), the truck crashing down and crushing even more innocents during its journey down. In that moment as Jairus leaned in, his voice whispered huskly against Ember's ear. Almost tender as he said: "Duty... failed." Then his free hand opened up, palm straight against Ember's chest.

And unleashed lightning against the Jedi.

It cackled, its strength turning towards his own arms as well, but pain was his ally in that moment and Jairus did not care.

All he cared about was the success of the mission, this Jedi brought low and... the presence of his love... closer than expected. When had that happened? "Mmm, need a... hand, Raj?" Jai murmured while letting the lightning dissipate.
S u p e r i o r
Lunabelle Belltranova

Coruscant - Jedi Temple
Keep the wounded alive

Blaster fire was heard as the pillar Lunabelle was hidden behind took a smattering of rounds, leaving divets in the stone as she peeked around the corner. The entire situation had gone from bad to worse, and was continuing to get progressively more so as time went on. She'd kneel down as she looked over at the group of Jedi younglings she had picked up, having rescued them from being slaughtered after the Jedi Knight who was protecting them had been gunned down. She was accompanied by several temple guards as well, trying to evacuate the area. She had her standard medkit attached to her back, an old DC-15S carbine that had been refurbished and repaired in her hands. Being in such a scenario brought back quite a few old memories from her past, especially with her time in Task Force Aurek after the Republic fell. Having been thrust into this timeline from where she was certainly was a shock after the hyperspace accident, but she had come to terms with the here and now. She was a professional after all.

Lunabelle would peak from the corner, the barrel of her DC-15S poking out as she squeezed the trigger, sending a steadily aimed pair of stun rounds into a trooper's chest as he fell backward. She'd motion for the temple guards and the Jedi younglings to go the other way as she left a little parting gift for those unfortunate to come too close to it. She'd quickly fall back as the marching of droids and soldiers came closer, falling back as she kept her carbine raised and at the ready. As a squad of droids and Sith troopers rounded the corner, she'd pause before clicking a detonator, activating the remote explosives that sent metal and bodies flying. While the usual motto was 'do no harm', Lunabelle decided perhaps this wasn't the best situation or group to practice and hold it close to the chest for. She had innocent people to look after and ensure their safety.

The group would move further into the temple, trying to avoid the larger skirmishes happening throughout, though combat was inevitable. The two leading temple guards would round a corner and be quickly struck in their armored chests as they fell down in a loud groan. Just as soldiers were advancing to finish them off, Lunabelle would leap out from the corner as she fired carefully placed stun bolts that neutralized the incoming pair of Sith troopers. She'd kneel down next to one of the temple guards as she checked his vitals. Both of them needed immediate attention, but it was too dangerous out in the hallways to operate on. Then, like an answer to a prayer a vocoded voice could be heard as a sealed doorway opened up, a droid slowly marching out, remarking in an awfully snarky manner that was still a relief to Lunabelle,

"Hello there." The medic would turn to see one of her OB - 01 'Oberon' droids walking out as they picked up the other wounded guard. "Aren't you just a sight for sore eyes Obi...Come on, we need to get them patched up and then get out of here." The droid would let out a vocoded chuckle, shuffling off to go get the men patched up as Lunabelle carried the other in after the Jedi younglings followed after the droid. For now they would have to hunker down and set up a defensive area around the medical bay. They would need to move fast otherwise they might be trapped and cornered.

[member="Soos Ramona"] - Where you at
Location: Jedi Temple - Halls of Healing
Objective: Eliminate target and sow chaos as well as death before moving towards the Archives.
Allies: Sith and friends.
Enemies: Galactic Alliance and friends.
Potentially Nearby: [member="Lunabelle Belltranova"]

Growling to himself in annoyance, Xevek shook his head sharply, uncaring of the flared headache that was beginning to beat against the back of his skull and make his eye water and vision swim. At the moment, he had lost the steady focus that had been festering within his mind since the start of his mission and let hatred fill him, self directed hatred. He hated how weak he was in that moment, how quickly the negative effects of rendering himself invisible to the awareness of the gathered Jedi and patients around him had caught up on him. Still, he did not let that fire burn for long before freezing it, halting it in place and forging it into the icy tundra that was the feral and primal anger constantly stirring in his soul. The time for flared tempers would come, but, now was not the time. Now, he needed steely focus and frozen fury, both of which he reclaimed over the next few seconds.

Pushing himself upright from where he was slumped over against the wall, the Assassin’s legs quivered beneath him for a few seconds, feeling like they were going to give out on him and send him tumbling to the ground. But, in the end, he regained his balance as the pain that had surged across his body faded back into nothing, leaving the pounding headache to be the only symptom he was suffering from. Such were the consequences of his strength. It may allow him, with ample time, to pass by nearly all without them seeing him, but, the strain maintaining the mask within the Force, the aura of nothingness, was a great stress placed upon his body that served to threaten incapacitation.

The brief moment in which his utter focus had been pulled away from the mask, though, also had its own costs as one Healer passing by had managed to catch Xevek just before the persona of non-existence could be reestablished. That was another drawback of his ability to dissociate with reality and life enough that he could fully withdraw through into the Force, if someone had seen him they would be unaffected. He could not, after all, convince those that knew where he was that he was not truly there, he could not remove the knowledge they already knew. He could, in the end, only stop people from knowing.

“Are you okay?”

Twisting and shaping his personality in a matter of a few seconds through instinct and habit, Xevek looked up at the approaching Jedi with a wry smirk on his lips, purposefully keeping his head turned to the side so as to prevent the approaching Twi’lek from seeing his empty eye socket. Thankfully, even beneath the mask of nothingness the thin veneer of the Light he had crafted after his first kill had remained, meaning that the Jedi before him did not suspect him of being Sith - not immediately anyway.

“Yes, I’m fine. Though I thank you for your concern. I just-” His words halted with a grunt as his body swayed once more before the Iridonian quickly resumed him balance. “I think I might’ve overexerted myself in my efforts to help. Nothing more than a little exhaustion, nothing more that what a few minutes meditation can’t fix, I’m sure.” Despite his words, Xevek could easily not the small twitches in the woman’s body language broadcasting, at least for him, her hesitance to leave the situation be and move along. Sighing heavily within the confines of his mind, Xevek decided to extend a branch of a way to aid him towards the young woman to ease her concerns and get her to move away.

Huffing slightly to himself in amusement, the wry smirk slowly relaxed into a warm grin as Xevek stepped forwards to rest a hand upon the woman’s shoulder. “If you really wish to help, can you direct me to Master Shec? I have an important matter to discuss with him and if you could help stop this old fool from stumbling around too much in search of him, I’ll be able to take my rest sooner rather than later and get back to work all the quicker.” Xevek’s honeyed words were emphasised by the slight squeeze he gave the Twi’lek’s shoulder, nothing to tight or hard, but, instead, something gentle meant to convey that she could trust him to not bring harm.

For a moment, the Jedi’s eyes flickered away from his face to stare at the wall over his shoulder, looking at nothing. Indecision could be seen as she shifted in place and the ends of her lekku curled up slightly, but, in the end, her emerald gaze returned to his own amber one as he body relaxed and a small smile pulled at the corner of her lips. In the moment she had looked away, below her eye line, Xevek had casually palmed one of the poison tipped needles from his person and now cradled it in his free hand. That moment of hesitation, of turning her eyes away would be what would cost her in her life in the end.

“Of course. He’s currently in the Circle of Healer’s Main Chamber.” Though she might not have done so consciously, her hand lifted to gesture down one of the corridors. “Last I saw, though, he was attending to a high risk patient, so you may have to wait a few minutes. Perhaps-”

“Thank you, my dear.” Xevek cut the Healer of with a few gentle words, a small smile and another gentle squeeze to her shoulder before stepping back a few steps and stumbling again, this time on purpose. As he fell onto the Jedi with a grunt, the needle he held pierced her sides, administering the fast acting poison while the sensation would be partially obscured beneath the feeling of his over six foot tall body collapsing onto her much shorter and lighter one. Gathering himself with the Twi’lek’s aid, Xevek only had to add the panting to portray someone whose body was under large amounts of his stress and small drops of blood still clung to his lip and sweat dampened his forehead.

“My apologies, my dear. I appear to be slightly worse off than I thought. Ah, but, no matter, let not this old fool’s tiredness distract you we should, after all, both get back to our duties now.” Lowering his voice to a whisper, the false grin stretched across his lips deepened slightly. “Besides, the sooner I speak with Master Shec, the sooner I can rest.” With a slight bow from his shoulders, Xevek’s long strides carried him away from the now slightly confused Jedi. As soon as he was beyond where she could see his face, the mask of warmth fell away into a more stoic expression as his focus returned to his target and maintaining the impression of non-existence within the Force. Now he had an idea where his target was and his duty would, indeed, be performed soon; though obviously not the duty that the Twi’lek had thought him to be speaking of.

As he turned the corner, the confused and taken aback Twi’lek stumbled into the wall just as he had done so, choked cries for help reaching out into the air around her but, due to them not being loud enough to pierce the chaotic noise that filled the Halls, they went unheard as she slid to the floor. Shortly thereafter, Xevek’s poisons claimed another victim.
Location: Next to the Vixen's Boarding Ramp
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Marcus Faust"] , Other Archive Room GA and Friends
Enemies: [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], Darth Sabezt (Heads up), other Sith or Dark Jedi Archive Room peeps
Objective: Save Feanor's Shebs

Mereel was ready to collapse from the utter exhaustion and pain he felt. He popped off his helmet and held it in the crook of his destroyed arm as he took a swig from the flask of tihaar he always kept on his belt. There was still one more task to fulfill before he could pass out in peace. His field trip chaperone was still in the heat of battle.

Even with the laser show given by the rescue ship crew and Team 3, he didn't know if Master Feanor had enough of an opening to fall back safely, or if she even wanted to fall back. When he had sensed the room before coming in with Team 3, he had only felt presences of primal or focused angers inherent of Sith, and apparently Alex had been one of those presences. If the flurry of blaster bolts now coming from Team 3 and the rescue ships crew weren't enough to make an opening or pull Feanor back into the present, they could very well end up leaving her behind.

Mereel almost activated his jetpack to jump into the fray, but stopped himself as he remembered the sparks that had flown out of the device earlier during his engagement with the demon. He was too afraid to use the jetpack like this, during a rescue mission on Dressel he had been rendered unconscious when his jetpack had exploded after taking much less punishment than it had taken today.

Wait, I can still use this.

Mereel put his helmet back on in preparation for combat.

The helmet hid his ambitious grin as Mereel hastily removed the jetpack from it's housing on his backplate. As soon as he had the device fully off, he hit the manual ignition switch and threw it with all of his remaining strength toward a Sith who was wearing sinister looking dark robes and bandages on his face. He gave the pack a little nudge in the force to make sure the makeshift-bomb would make the distance to his recipient ([member="Darth Sabezt"]) so long as nothing intervened.

As Mereel had expected, the ignition switch failed to cause the jetpack to fly, and sparks began sputtering out of the device at a continuous pace as it fell towards the Sith. Not wanting to leave too much to fate, Mereel drew his pistol and fired five shots at the jetpack as it sailed through the air. Three of the blaster bolts hit the jetpack across the device's body, and trickles of flame began spilling out of the jetpack.

If all went according to plan, the jetpack would explode momentarily.
Nearby: [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Anais Auraeli"] [member="Jairus Starvald"] [member="Irajah Ven"] plus a freaking ton of folks driven nuts by the Dark Side.

The ambulance tilted, a door banged open, and the crazies started dragging people out. Patients, medics, the evac transport's pilot. Pain flooded Mara's mind as she rolled off her cot and bashed her injured leg on the floor. She scrambled up the slanted deck and into the cockpit. Barely, just barely, she got a hand on the controls -- but that was plenty. The ambulance whirled in a circle, back end skidding across the roof, and threw off the attackers via raw centripedal acceleration. Mara goosed the repulsors twice, hard, and bounced off anyone that remained. Only once the ambulance went quiet and her empathic senses registered nobody nearby did she stop shaking.

She brought the ambulance to a halt, maybe fifty metres above and away from the hospital block's roof. There seemed to be all sorts of peril and violence, Jedi versus Sith. Maybe someone might need a ride once the situation calmed down.
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

He was right.

It didn't take long for a long shadow to crawl over the wall, the clicking of claws against the metal floor, the shadow growing longer and more grotesque as it approached the hangar bay doors. The presence in the Force bleeding out, growing as the Darkside unfolded itself and became stronger by the moment. Then a beak poked in between the doorway and eyed the lone Jedi Guardian in the middle of the bay.

The Thirriken stepped on through.

Careful, measured, the talons ticking while his robes (white and red and black) were stained with blood. "A guardian without their guard... curious." Lord Fa murmured slowly as he watched the butchery spread through the bay.

Their people had truly gone to town here.

It was... well, sometimes there was no other way, no? Progress meant that some eggs needed to be broken sometimes. "You stand here while your brothers and sisters die to protect the temple, hm? Why is that pray tell." Curious, yes, but the focus within the Force only magnified. Internally Saarai strengthened himself. Feathers rigid, sharp enough to cut through durasteel.

Enough to rip someone into shreds with a beak alone.
[SIZE=9pt]Location: Now departing Beyer’s Hospital
Allies: [member="Ember Farseer"]
Enemies: Sith Cultists & Co | [member="Jairus Starvald"], [member="Irajah Ven"] & Gravity.
Nearby: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]
Objective: We All Fall Down.

[SIZE=9pt]Her foot hesitated as it dangled above the precipice. Those dark amber eyes staring down at the chaos and destruction she’d rained down on the unsuspecting below. The shadows of Carach’s manipulation keeping her from fully comprehending the magnitude of what she’d just done. Almost as deaf to their screams as the one that echoed out behind her, her head turning almost absently to watch as Ember placed the code above all else. Executing his duty like a true Jedi.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Just as she now had to execute hers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She smiled, beautifully.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]And then she was simple gone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Vanishing over the edge with a flutter of robes, already tumbling freely as soon as she left the duracrete behind, head over foot. Arms flailing wildly in a sudden, animalistic panic as command competed, reality snapped back hard and fast. Blindly clawing and grabbing anything to try and stop or slow her descent. Unfortunately for her, the truck that had blazed a trail ahead of her descent had done so a little too effectively, destroying everything in its path besides...

Her fingers suddenly snapped around a dangling arm. Nails digging in deep as the muscles in her shoulder voice a vocal protest, sending hot pain through her body even as it filled with adrenaline and relief.

The latter, temporary as she stared up into an unfamiliar face.[/SIZE]
Jedi Temple - Records Hall
[member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Darth Sabezt"] [member="Adrian Vandiir"] [member="Nylea Apollodor"] [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Xevek Rakama"]​
[member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]​
My god there are a lot of you. Apologies to anyone I've missed.

Last she had seen Coruscant, it had been burning. The skies had been clouded with ships of the Alliance, the Jedi, the wretched light. They had struck home where it counted the most, pierced deep into the One Sith's core and plucked its jewel from their grasp. That was when the Sphere of Mysteries had known it was over, it was not a tide she could turn prematurely. The Dark Lord's edict had been put in motion: Burn it, burn it all. But the trail of ashes she had left behind her as they retreated could never make up for the one world she could never torch. What was a jewel without the fire at its heart? Now, they returned with new fire and new malice to place a stake through the heart of a poisoned Alliance.

Yet, the Queen of Shadows was displeased. Her face, rather than twisted in malicious glee, was wrought in anger. Oh the sensation of the devastation was sweet, but there was a pebble in her proverbial shoe, rubbing against her significant personal pride.

Lightsabres clashed and spit sparks as the cleaved through stone and flesh and metal. Monologues were cut with cries of pain or extreme effort as blue and green and red clashed over and over again. Bodies piled up and were trampled underfoot. Acts of heroism, outcries of violence, a tremor ran through the building entire parts of is sheer mass came tumbling down upon itself.

The Pale Assassin, while revelling in the fall of the Jedi, had not engaged anyone. Her presence in the Force was more than subdued, it was erased; her physical stature was hidden both by her choice of path, a stealth field generator, and an illusion of insignificance. She had made a point out of wrapping herself in these levels of stealth and took great care to avoid the combat happening on her path into the Jedi Temple, even if it meant she let Sith die at the hands of her ideological enemies. They died because they were weak, in mind, in body, in will. Success or death.

At one point she stopped just short of a blade as it pierced the pillar in front of her, she looked into the eyes of the Sith Knight from over the shoulders of the Jedi that has killed her. The Jedi himself had then been bashed over the head with a bust dislodged by the Sith Knight's apprentice. The devoranian straddled the Jedi's back and repeatedly threw the solid stone head of a bith Jedi Master down upon the twitching body in tan robes, soaking to black: Life, death, and ascension - Beautiful in its brutality.

Her path kept her on the ground floor as she headed into the Jedi Archives.

Once upon a time, a false Sith by the moniker of Gravid had tried to destroy the progress of the Sith. His actions had set them back hundreds of years. In more recent years, another zatitsis had tried to destroy the library of Krayiss II rather than let it fall into the hands of his political enemies. Inspired by these traitorous events, the Pale had decided that her target should be Jedi Knowledge; the wisdom they held dear.

Burn it, burn it all.
The moment that helmeted head turned towards her, a wave of dread washed over Saphir. This was a mistake. A huge one. She shouldn't have called attention to herself, especially not to the one controlling these things. She glared up at the helmet, brow furrowed, gaze wild, like one putting on a brave face in the light of a revelation that they were way over their head.

"Subdue? Woah, woah, isn't that a bit unnecessary?" Her question was met by the approach of the four humanoid monstrosities, their master bringing up the rear. Saphir's eyes widened, face warping into a tight-lipped frown as she took up a slightly more defensive stance. Not good. Not good at all. Her dread increased in intensity as she watched the master of these creatures telekinetically use one as a shield. Powerful and ruthless, it seemed. And advancing on her. Hot. Just dandy. Saphir really knew how to pick 'em.

There was no sigh of relief when the unknown shooter drew the armored individual's attention, not with the four creatures still advancing on her. There was a sort of challenge in that last glance the armored one spared her, one that Saphir would be more than happy to not deliver on if she could help it, though she doubted that would be the case lest these monsters be the ones to do her in. This wasn't her fight, she had no stake in the fate of this planet, and yet she'd wound up getting dragged in, something happening with alarming frequency.

The first few attacks dealt by the monsters were blocked with relative ease, the electrostaff spinning in Saphir's grip. Yet as well as things looked to be going, she found herself stumbling back. To let these creatures surround her would be suicidal, just as it would be to let them herd her into a terrain of their choosing. She kept with the defense, electrostaff a blur in her practiced hands, letting the momentum of each swing and block bring about the next one. She managed to dispatch one of the creatures, frying the poor entity when one of the ends of the staff got lodged into its side. As that happened, one of its cohorts took advantage of Saphir's staff presently stilling, getting a good slash in her arm.

Saphir hissed in pain and in the heat of the moment, lobbed a punch at the attacker. Her fist connected with the soft flesh of the monster, sending it toppling to the ground as her other hand pulled the electrostaff from the other being, swinging to block an attack from another creature. Even with the relatively soft flesh of the creature, she could hear her knuckles pop and crack with the impact, mostly due to her having not cracked said knuckles since earlier that day, but a wave of pain as shot up her arm. "Ow, ow ow ow!"

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Darth Imperia

Location: Jedi Temple
Objective: Break Him
Enemies: [member="Quvox"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Jace Khel"]
Allies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Equipment: Sith Robes, The Penumbra, Sera's (But Actually Imperia's Because Possession) Cybernetic Suite, Jin'Wodasir (x2)
Music: Break You


The Padawan lay broken, crippled and humiliated, and Imperia was satisfied. Except, not quite.

For although her target was certainly no longer a threat, the Knight was a petty creature, as prone to cruelty as fire was to burning. But more important than that, she was a creature of conviction and devotion. This child had rejected the call of the Dark - and like any misbehaving child, he needed to be punished.

Arcs of crimson lightning crackled at Imperia's feet.

She wouldn't kill him, of course. He was young, easily manipulated, impressionable - it wasn't his fault that he had succumbed to the lies of the Jedi. Besides, he had much left to learn, and (with few exceptions) the dead didn't do much of that at all.

The blood-shine lightning began to spread, crackling and jumping about in the cracked masonry of the Jedi Temple.

But pain? There would be much pain.

Fueled by rage and focused by will alone, the arcs of lightning coiled, serpentine, around Imperia's form. Then, without either her typical ceremony or gloating, the Knight struck out, lightning scorching the masonry in a line headed straight for the Padawan.
Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group
Enemies: Assorted Sithies, [member="Darth Saarai"]
Objective: Hold

He didn't know this one, the Thrikken who stood before him now was a complete stranger, which left both of them at a disadvantage he supposed. Neither knew what to expect.

"I go where the force wills me to go." Faust mused, saber humming gently in his hands as the Guardian of the Whills locked his scarred gaze onto the Sith. Power radiated from it, a deep, twisted strength who's dark allure he knew all too well was practically cascading off of the Sith Lord. Marcus wondered what had led the bird onto this path of destruction and violence. Had he even had a choice?

Quietly, he hoped that those in the archives would not delay, it could not be long before the Sith before him was joined by others and the escape for the younglings would vanish. He could not allow that to happen, he would not.

"What do they call you?" The once Hand of the Dark Lord inquired. There was much one could learn from a name, especially in Sith, those who fought with strength and brutality often boasted titles to match 'Carnifex', 'Praztius', whatever the Gurag had called himself, while those who took quieter, more precise approaches often held more elegant names 'Ophidia', 'Isolda', and the like. What kind was he facing here?
Jedi Temple
With: [member="Jace Khel"] and [member="Romi Jade"]
Objective: Survive [member="Darth Imperia"]
Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"]| [member="Vili Ozouf"] |
This lady was nuts.

She really did enjoy what she was doing, but he supposed he shouldn't have been surprised. He'd heard things about the Sith and their penchant for honestly, mindless cruelty and desire to cause pain in others. He had never really believed it, until he was seeing things for himself. Whoever she was, she was loving it. To an unhealthy degree. By which he meant, especially unhealthy for him, if this continued. There was lightning, fittingly enough the colour of blood that began to arc around and surround her, beginning to make its way towards him all of a sudden. It was getting close now.

Quvox waited, focusing one of the few things he had been taught and figured out during his short time so far in the Praxeum. In terms of actual forms he had little knowledge beyond the fundamentals, but he did know one good trick. Spinning. Telekinesis was something that the Padawan had gotten a hang of very early into his training, and he'd even had some time to practice it, even if he wasn't at the level of a Knight, or a master. He certainly wasn't at the level of his opponent, which was why he was coming up with this plan. He still seemed to be on a knee as the arc neared him, until nearly the last moment.

The Ubese suddenly shifted, leaping to the side as he tossed his lightsaber, the green blade spinning rapidly through the air. He knew that he couldn't hit anywhere decently with how her guard would be, so he was aiming to slice just a bit into the outside of her leg. Not for permanent or really disabling damage, but enough to maybe slow her down and throw off her focus, so he could try and get out of here. Despite his efforts, part of the arc still travelled up his body and pain wracked it, causing him to yowl out for a moment as his entire body spasmed, though he fought against it enough to keep trying to move, calling on the force to bring his weapon back to him. Without the meld, he wouldn't have stood a chance.

That same meld began to feel odd and fluctuate slightly, as Quvox could feel something. It was like an approaching presence, trying to push down a door into there, and it was...who was that from. It felt like it was coming from Jace. He better not be in trouble. He was meant to be the talented student.
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

"We all have our paths." Lord Fa retorted neutrally while taking a deep breath.


Head tilted.

It was not often that the Jedi inquired about those that they faced. More often than not... they were eager to wade into battle, more eager than their Sith counter-parts at time, which always served as amusement to Saarai. He studied the Jedi in front of him. The scars, the stance of feat and positioning of body. The calmness being projected with ease... even if there was anticipation behind the veneer.

This one was stalling, Lord Fa decided, but it did not matter.

There were others that would handle whatever it was that Faust was stalling for. "I named myself Darth Saarai." Lord of Truth. The Lord Inquisitor of the Saaraishash and one of the few Sith Lords with an... odd reputation.

Nobody would accuse him of being good.

But perhaps they would agree that he was the least insane of them all. Patient, fair once a word was given, to some degree even honorable.

"I suppose now is the time we fight. Sadly the Sith have not come to talk on this day." A step forward, one wing already flowing out to the side, its edges gleaming by the faint light.
Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: The Adams Family a.k.a [member="Jairus Starvald"] & eventually [member="Irajah Ven"]
Nearby: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"] floating around, chillin'

The lightsaber came down to be caught by...the Sith's hand? Skin screeching from the melting plasma as the palm pushed away with surprising strength the blade before Ember's world turned black succumbing into another vision, this time one produced by a foreign intrusion upon his mind. Rather than a vision captured by his sight it affected his feelings. The feelings of despair, sorrow and anguish. It froze him and sent him into a mute delirium where no sound existed when a soft voice whispered.

"Duty... failed."

Ember came back to reality just as the Sith's other palm came crashing into him buzzing with lightning. Momentarily, aided by the Force, the Jedi Knight released the grasp of his blade as the lightning of the Sith Lord sent him away. Midair, still galvanized, in an instant of distress, Ember's hand heated up in a flash of condensed white energy sent forth as a stream of ionic energy. The stream met the Jedi's lightsaber hilt overloading it and leading it to explode near the Sith Lord in a bright, white flash.
Location: Beyer's Hospital-> FALLING
Allies: [member="Jairus Starvald"]
Current person of interest: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Future persons of interest: [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"]
Objective: Stop dangling. Rendezvous with Jairus- AKJFSKFJSDKDON'TDIE

~I don't know what you and your pets are doing up there Jai, but maybe look first before throwing trucks, hmm?~

The tone in his head was a particular amalgam of terse and amused. She assumed it was his cultists that had been responsible for the falling vehicle, it seemed their M.O. after all.

~No, I can make the jump,~ she continued, certain of it. Well within her abilities. ~You enjoy your-~

Shock and pain tore through the connection from her to him.

Irajah didn't let go of the railing despite the sudden grab and jerk, the full weight of the girl making her shoulder and wrist scream in agony. She looked down in surprise, hazel eyes locking with Anais's burnt amber gaze.


The jerk of the grab and the added weight were too much. With a scream of failing metal, the railing tore away from the wall- sending both of them plummeting through open air. The sudden drop sent Irajah's heart into her throat and she honestly wasn't sure which one of them screamed. It might have been both.

With the girl clinging to her for dear life, the choices were simple and really no choices at all. Save them both or die.

That was a silly sort of math.

Irajah didn't let go of the railing, the length of metal trailing above them as they fell. She didn't think, just reacted, thankful for the first time of the sort of sheer distances a fall like this allowed especially since the truck had plowed through the walkways beneath them. If those walkways had been intact, none of this would have happened yes, but it also meant there was time rather than becoming a very, very big mess at the end of a very, very hard drop.

Light weight and hollow, Raj was able to swing the railing, catching the edge of it in a crack in the ferocrete facade of the building. It stopped them hard and short, and she cried out in pain as the jolt of the sudden stop met the weight of the girl on her other arm. Fire laced through her shoulder (dislocated? Possibly), but she hung on.

"Either let go or climb," she snarled. "I don't care which."

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