Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Vili Ozouf

Location: Main Hall
Objective: Tango with [member="Romi Jade"]
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Tsisaar Taral"]
Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

“Oh, were we playing the entire time? Didn’t you say something similar only mere moments ago? Or are their tiers to your seriousness?” Vili asked teasingly to the Jedi as sparks flew between them their weapons clashing as her saber was within the inner hook of Mani. Vili often times wasn’t one for banter during combat but there were certain instances where you couldn’t let the chance slip by. A simple taunt in battle can be just as disorienting to someone as a hit to the face, it could distract them, anger them, make them react before they were truly ready. Though he didn’t believe the Jedi would be so easily fooled, it was worth a shot though.

As the Jedi fell to the ground having lost her balance due to Vili’s prior maneuver he was fully intending on bringing his saber down and ending the Jedi but his attention was drawn to the ceiling looking up for a brief second as he heard a faint cracking and felt as dust and a small piece of permacrete hit him on the shoulder. You’d think the Jedi architecture would be sturdier… Vili thought his attention dropping back to Romi and in that split second where he was distracted she’d once more turned her back to him. Doing such a thing in combat once could be deadly, any more than that and you were asking to be punished. Taking a step forward raising Mani, Vili stopped as he heard the faint snap-hiss as the saber activated and the scent of scorched leather and ozone filled his nostrils. He saw as the crimson blade emerged through the Jedi’s jacket and he fell back half startled and half to dodge as it came to a stop right where his abdomen had been. Feeling the sharp impact as he fell onto the stairs laying on his back Vili groaned his left palm opening and summoning Sol once more, this time Vili caught the weapon and kicked off the stairs rolling backward as the Jedi’s blade swung right where he’d been.

Completing the roll and coming to his feet Vili’s eyes widened as the Jedi’s palm stretched out, he’d come to know that movement all too well recently and prepared to use his axes as anchors. Instead, there was a device in the Jedi’s hand. Head tilting slightly to the side Vili glanced at it. He truly had no idea what the object was, he, after all, hadn’t had many interactions with technology till very recently. Before he could voice his question Vili was put on the defensive by the Jedi as she lunged forward her blade carving elegant patterns in the air as she drove the Valkyri back step by step.

Axes were not the preferred weapon of defense, nor was Vili used to being put on his back foot. Up the stairs they went as the sith bobbed and weaved, occasionally bringing up an ax using the flat of it to deflect a blow. It took every ounce of concentration for Vili to survive the onslaught as he’d been pushed into a full retreat and somehow had been completely circled around to where now the Jedi had the high ground and was turning to flee up the stairs. “NO!” Rearing back Sol, Vili released it in a throw once more though this time it wasn’t at the back of the Jedi it was aimed at the stairs where she was going. With a solid thunk, the alchemized ax met the marble stairs crumbling it. Charging up the stairs after her, Vili called out past her to warn the others above. “She’s heading your way!” Akin to a bull rancor Vili flew up the steps in a rage his longer legs allowing him to close the distance between him and the Jedi.
Location: Temple (Hidden Route) -> Vaults (?)
Allies: GA & SJO [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] (just tagging people who have affected me <3)
Group: [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] (Sorry if I forgot anyone yell at me on discord!)
Potential Targets: Some stuff

The temple shook and Allyson paused for a minute, she held up her hand to let the others know to do the same. It actually felt kind of cool to be doing squad gestures at a time like this. She felt as if she was in some of her favorite Rebel films. Shaking off the feeling, Allyson waited to see if the shaking would happen again. Surprise, it did. It happened a few more times and she pulled up her feed on the arm mounted HUD. The security cameras she was sliced into showed a very static image of fighters bombing the temple. Putting her hand down, she covered her face. “This makes no sense, why are they bombing the temple? Who? What?”

Looking through each of the viewpoints, the ones that were still active, Allyson was able to see that the Archives was not going to be in their best interest. “Seems like the archives are on the verge of collapsing, seems it would be a better idea to move to plan B, don’t you think General?”

Already having a feeling of what the Jyoti was going to say, Allyson already was trying to find a route to where they kept the good stuff. Instantly, the HUD displays of everyone would flash a new route within the tunnel they were in. Allyson started to move following the trail that she had found within the tunnels. It helped with her K’paur heritage that when the hallway became dim she was still able to see pretty clearly in it. “Our second location seems to be a lot closer than where we were originally headed. Just a few minutes and we’re there.”
Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group
Enemies: Assorted Sithies, [member="Darth Saarai"]
Objective: Hold

"Did we ever?"

Saarai, the name put him in the second category, if Marcus' hunch was to be believed. This one would seek to take him apart with the precision of a scalpel, not the brute force of an axe. His saber did not rise, not yet, instead his hand shot outwards and the force with it. Rather than a simple push, this was concentrated, focused, a telekinetic punch speeding towards the bird like a mag train.

Once upon a time he'd have let the Thrikken in close on purpose, Darth Vindica had been quite the duelist in his prime, but now, Marcus was old, his body ravaged by years of conflict, betrayal, and corruption. Maybe he could have still held his own for an entire bout, but he wasn't going to risk it. Stalling was the name of the game.

He wondered if he'd stopped a Jedi from doing exactly what he sought to do now? He'd helped burn down so many of their enclaves, extinguished so many lives in the name of bringing order to the ever chaotic galaxy. That's what he'd told himself, to justify the atrocities he'd committed so freely, all the lives he'd taken, all the minds he'd warped into servitude.

Marcus would hold this hanger, he had to hold it.
Connected, he could feel the other Jedi, the determination, the fear, the conflict in his team. He knew what that was, it was where he had been moments ago. This day was a loss, he knew they couldn’t win this day. But he also knew he could make it so the Sith did not step away with total victory. He could make them bleed. Pushing back into the Meld to the Jedi nearby, determination, compassion, and focus was going to be flooding back up the two lane road that he was a part of right now.

Using this, he was controlling the way he landed from the fall. The Sith may take the structures down, across the Alliance, Jedi Temples may be collapsing, but they were just buildings. The men and women who stayed the course, from the lowliest Jedi Padawan to the most advanced member of a fringe group who supported the galaxy in the ways that some Jedi could not, were the reason the Alliance would continue. Their message, their hope, their goal. It would not be extinguished here. And that determination gave Coren the strength he needed.

Not wasting the energy to help slow himself too much, he directed his fall and activated the Ancile Shield on his left arm, letting the energy shield catch his fall. And with that impact, the shield shattered. He tossed the apparatus from his arm and got to his feet. His armor was light, with only his arms, shoulders, and legs covered in a cortosis/armorplast hybrid. Well, aside from his right arm, the arm that he lost in a battle with Vrag years ago.

He heard the commlink go off, the call for Veino. He reached out to his long-time brother in arms and gave single directive. Get the Jedi out of here. The Jensaarai were a unique group that he knew could hold their own, but it didn’t mean not to get them out either, everyone. All of the Alliance needed to be brought back. Of course, Veino may only see the message in flashes, lightsabers, ships, space. And the Alliance logo. The message was amplified by the Force Meld and those would see it, even Mishel and Cotan. Coren had unfinished business.

“You’re going to lose.”

With that he started running, the Force sparking up around him. Omai Rhen’s final line of defense. The Jedi Zealot took the several steps and leapt into the air, surrounded by Force Light, with the intent of landing on Taeli with a side-slash from his orange lightsaber. That was until he got close and vanished from view, only to fold-back in behind her, using the momentum from his intended slash, he would be continuing, to turn around, as he slid to his knees, going for Taeli’s midsection.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

[member="Romi Jade"]
[member="Jace Khel"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
[member="Marcus Faust"]

[member="Veino Garn"]
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

"We'll see," she replied, bringing her lightsaber up into a ready position. Around her, the dark side of the Force gathered, snapping and crackling at the presence of Coren's light. He leapt into the air at her, saber poised for side-slash at her... and then he vanished. That trick might have worked on her servant on Byss, but on her... In the currents of the Force, having studied a great deal with the Fallanassi to learn their ways, much like Coren had clearly studied with someone who know the Aing-tii techniques, she tracked his passage through the currents of the Force. You could vanish from physical space for a moment, but your metaphysical self... that still traveled through the realm of the Force.

There was no pop to show or sense he had reappeared, but she was already turning, saber coming down to deflect his attack at her midsection away to the side. Positions had shifted, he was on a lower footing being on his knees, saber deflect wide for just a moment.

Lightning crackled from her hand, blasting out in a combination of Force Lightning and Push. The floor shifted again as the tower continued its collapse, requiring some concentration of using the Force to grip onto the surface they were dueling on.
It seemed as if the temple was not long for this world. Crumbling around each and every individual that fought within it, soon to be turned to nothing but ash. Traske chose the losing side, and perhaps he'd never receive his payment as a result. An unfortunate set of events that Koda wouldn't wish upon anyone, that is, if he could put himself in their shoes - which he couldn't. Relating to people wasn't his strongest strength, but then again it was never required in the world that he lived in. Only keen senses, a quick gun hand, and a versatile and dangerous arsenal that was ready to be deployed at a moments notice. All of which Fett possessed an abundance of.

A thermal detonator soared through the air, it's beeping persistent on it's way towards the intended target. It flushed Fett out of his cover, the Mandalorian activating his potentially volatile jetpack once more to activate a burst- departing the blast radius as it exploded in the area he once stood. A Sith that stood nearby was unaware, and found itself consumed by the detonation: vaporised in his entirety. Not a thing was left.

Time seemed to slow in the moment he and Traske removed themselves from cover. The HUD inside Koda's helmet signified a lock, and as the Carbine continued to pour forth a barrage of crimson bolts in the direction of the man ahead of him. The right arm raised a HG-54, and the trigger was squeezed several times. A series of magnetic pellets departed the weapon at an inconceivable speed of an (estimated) 2,520m/s. The armour piercing rounds tracked on Traske's armour with their extreme stopping power, not allowing any time to react to incoming blow. It was a fight ender, and potentially a killer.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Minorous Traske"]

Location: Coruscant, Beyer's Hospital
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"]
Opponents: [member="Anais Auraeli"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]

"Mmmm, that wasn't one of my pets. That was the Jedi clinging to your sleeve, love."

Still alive then.

Some Jedi truly had the survival instinct of a roach and then some, almost as elaborate as that of a Sith. Speaking of- instinct send a shock through his body, alarm of danger rocking through him. Everything slowed down a fraction and Jairus could see it clearly. Ember, assaulted by the lightning crashing backwards, but his arm lashing up one last time for the kill.

The lightsaber hanging in the air where the Jedi had dropped it... slowly... slowly falling, until the beam of light hit it straight in the middle. A burst of power, then an explosion that would cut right through him.



He thought not. Jairus blinked and time speeded up once more, too fast, faster than he had expected it to and the Sith Lord realized he couldn't avoid it completely. Instead his hand rose up and barely managed to get a shield between himself and the explosion half a meter from his face. The beam hit the lightsaber, internally it whined and then, buffed by the crystal within, it exploded.

It shredded straight through his shield, causing flames and metal shrapnel to embed itself into his shoulder. Robes burning off, licking skin, cutting and hurting. Those in the direct vicinity were not spared and didn't have the luxury of a shield to block the worst of it.

Cultists and civilians, half a dozen in total, were send like ragdolls in every direction. Some dead, some dying, some hurting.

"My, my." Jairus hissed between teeth as he took that pain, pulled it deeper into himself. The light of his eyes burning just an inch brighter. "First your Padawan kills innocents, before ending her own life." Not true.... but the Darkside blinded and right now? It was all around Ember. So close to the one of the Dark Lords of the Sith. It would choke him.

Blind him.

Maybe if Anais had been closer, she could have let him know of her survival, but no... too far away for now.

"Now you kill those you swore to protect just to end me." A bloody smirk there as Jairus stepped closer. "What am I even doing here? You are doing a far better job at killing them than I am." His mind dashed against Ember's mental barriers, trying to shatter them with the force of his will. Making him feel the pain of those he killed or those who were dying at his hands.

"Maybe... you should end me... take my place. Would you like that, Ember Farseer?"
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple Archive Entrance
Allies: SJO & GA, Nearby- [member="Nylea Apollodor"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Jairdain"]
Enemies: FO, TSE Nearby- [member="Darth Sabezt"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
Engagin: ..... No on

The sudden force delivered to his head by [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] did indeed pull Tana out of the trace of seeing nothing but horrible images induced by the Sith, but crap did it hurt a tone. Being unprepared for the strike feeling almost all of the recoil form the hit, jut about slamming into a nearby pole, a feeling of releaf but also annoyance at his sister washing over the Padawan as he stood back up, clutching his throbbing head.

"For fucks sake, did ya need to be that forceful", she could have very easily knocked him out, and if that as the case be a sitting duck. Unfortunately Sukai was unable to hear him, running off to take down some Sith apprentice along the bookshelf, around him several Jedi like [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Alexandra Feanor"], fought off several Sith, for the most part the fight in the archives being in favor of the Jedi considering their numbers.

"Soo, now what do I do"? he had been so focused on trying to save his sister that the young Jedi had zipped off from the other Silvers without knowing the whole plan, Tana now standing around the archives like a lost child, not having any immediate goal at hand.
Dark and light, this was beyond good and evil. This was for survival, freedom, and subjugation. The Jedi were here to defend the living, to allow for the way of life to continue. The dark side, they were controlling, enforcing the rule of another, rather than allowing someone to decide for themselves how to live their life. The Jedi here were hoping to continue allowing the galaxy to fall to their own choice, that was the difference. But now, the betrayal was turning the focus, and the Jedi were having to defend themselves, and that meant the removal of the Sith.

The Jedi’s story was more than just fighting the Sith, it was about connecting life, preserving it, assisting those who needed it. But for now? It meant using the Force to defend these people, and the students. Starchaser understood what that meant, he couldn’t quite weaponize the Force, not the light side, not as directly as the Sith could. But Coren was more than just the Jedi teachings. He was one who learned from the Jensaarai, from the Aing-Tii, from the Wardens of the Sky, and the Gray Paladins. There were tricks he had that could do everything he needed.

But the Light Side was his ultimate weapon. The Force Light was flaring around him, to push the dark side away, as best as it could. But he was reaching out to his other tricks. Reverting from his fold-space, he turned his body, on his knees, intent on getting Taeli’s leg out from under her, but instead, it caught her saber, and the Lady of Shadow sent him flying back.

With the maelstrom of Force Light around him, he was intercepting some of the lightning, not absorbing it, but burning it away, but his focus was still not where it should be, and the pain wracking his body was hitting. Through the pain, shunting it into the meld, and that space in between his body and his mind, he reached a hand up, focusing the Force. A brilliant white light with the intent of blinding Taeli was launched from his hand. The intention was to Fold Space again, and get Coren away from blast zone of lightning.

This fight was going to be something else.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

[member="Romi Jade"]
[member="Jace Khel"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
[member="Marcus Faust"]

[member="Veino Garn"]

Cassus Stoma



Jace watched with determined and eager eyes after forcing Tsisaar off of him through the use of his Lightsaber. It didn't seem as if he had a long time to recover, but Taral appeared to love a good monologue. Thus, Jace let him ramble, he spoke without interruption and on about things that Khel never cared for, nor did he really listen. It was his stance that Jace took note of, watching every minor movement, and sifting through each detail waiting for an attack that never came. At least a physical one never did, the last thing Jace expected was a mental attack to flood his mind. Primarily because he never encountered one before, and Jace surely couldn't recognise one when it was to happen.

​Suddenly, his mind became filled with futility. As if everything he was to do was to force him to fail, despite his complete determination from before. It was all in the past, and nothing mattered. He would fail, he was a failure. He was no Jedi, just a boy with a stick. It angered him, all of it, and it turned him into something he never wanted to be. Taral was the only enemy he ever truly faced, and it was going to be his last, or so that's what his mind told him. Jace turned into a ball of hate, and as a result he lashed out violently.

His form remained true, but he was less focused. An angered opponent was more susceptible to failure because of it, or so he was told previously. Jace stood at a respectable distance with a burning hatred within his eyes, the blue bladed lightsaber of the Jedi held up towards the right side of his head. The hilt angled, but held in line with his skull, the blade itself glowed above and beyond his shoulder. It swung forth in a slicing motion from right to left, down the chest region, with an aggressive push forwards of his left leg. It seemed that all was lost and he could only kill Tsisaar. There was no other viable option within his mind.

Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Quvox"]

Enemies: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] - [member="Darth Imperia"] - [member="Vili Ozouf"]
The events of the battles and duels were developing, every motion caused a flux in the Force and different futures opened themselves to those that could see, others collapsing and dissipating as they became improbably or impossible. Meditating on the future wasn't what Orthus had come to Coruscant to do, but he couldn't help but get small glimpses at the possibilities, each one just as intriguing to him as the next.

"Interesting." Orthus mused silently, holding his empty glass off to the side. A moment later it was retrieved from his grasp by the giant dark-robed warrior without a word. There was a method to having his guardian act as a servant, careful not to humiliate but ensure dominance over his minions as he did not ask or expect them to dote over his every need, and yet some of them would. "Thank you Amon." His metallic tone grating across his vocal cords, a simple sign of that their respect was mutual however false or hollow it may have been.

Silently the glass was returned to his hand, however the Dark Master stood quietly, placing the crimson filled tumbler on the side table. As the being stood, the sound of a creature rising with a huff emanated from alongside him. "Come Megaera, I believe a change in scenery is due." The tapping of claws on durasteel flooring echoed beside the light foot-falls of the Dark Master and the heavy march of his guardian. The sounds of canine grunts became simple background noise as the doors to the apartment opened, screams and howls from the masses scrambling to get to safety.

One trillion people or more on a planet and all of them wanted the same thing, to simply exist. To simply be. If rather than flight, the mob had chose to stand and fight, the Sith would already be defeated, crushed under the weight of two trillion boots. But that required someone with the will to unite them and rally them to fight.

Orthus and his guard moved higher in the city, where only a handful of people remained huddled in their homes rather than chasing the fleeing masses into the crowded Coruscant Underworld. "Power is not meant to be grabbed or stolen, but accumulated slowly and quietly. Gathered across a series of deals, transactions, and manipulations. That is why every Dark Lord who sacks or conquers Coruscant meets their end within a handful of years. Learn from the mistakes of your predecessors and counterparts, never continue the same paths that have already ended in failure dozens of times." If one does not learn from history, one is doomed to repeat it.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

"You can't keep up that level of Force Light forever," she laughed. "Eventually your cells will burn out... and the dark side is everywhere. You are but a pinprick of light in the darkness."

She was going to follow up with another blast of Lightning, but before she could, a blinding light left his hand, forcing her to shield her eyes or risk being blinded. Snarling as she brought her sleeve up, she still was seeing spots in her vision. A distraction, to allow him a brief reprieve from her attack so he Fold Space again. Smart of him, he was switching to a hit and fade tactics if she had to guess. Still, the Jedi meld was going to be an irritant if he could use it effectively.

Calling on her command of the dark side, she intoned a Sith spell of her own creation, "Wotjizi ri asarsi!"

The immediate area they were in would be blanketed in a cloud of the dark side, almost like a fog. It wouldn't do anything harmful to Coren, but it would deafen his connection to the meld for a time. Sith sorcery was such an enjoyment for her, Sith magics was something she had striven to enhance, to grow, to create new spells.
Enemies: [member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

Curious choice of words from the Jedi indeed, but... did it truly matter?

Faust proved that it did not only a moment later.

In his own youth, younger, brasher, he would have been taken off-guard by the sudden move, but now? Lord Saarai knew better than that and moved accordingly. His strength laid in the enhancement of body, the conduction of lightning. Whilst others used Sith Magic, twisted nature through Alchemy or held proficiency in dozens of other obscure arts?

Saarai could make himself strong as a rancor, staunch as a mountain, while lightning escaped the tips of his feathers. In the past he would have made himself rigid, embedding himself in the floor and weather the storm.

Postering was beneath him now.

Instead the Thirriken blurred, dashing to the side and narrowly escaping the blast of kinetic force. It buffeted past him, crashing into the wall and causing metal to whine with its sudden stress. Tai did not care, he was already making his approach- in the wake of his trail, blurred, fast and moving with purpose, lightning started to cackle from between his long digits.

Moments into the collision it suddenly erupted towards Faust.
The blast of blinding made purchase, it gave Coren the distraction he needed. The Jedi Master knew she was right, however, and his sparked and lit aura would burn through him. With the Jedi linked to him, they were acting as the battery power that he needed. The way to charge his body with the light side, and the Force. From that, he was able to sustain the Light better than normal. But still, Taeli Raaf knew him, unfortunately. And he was going to burn out.

He needed to hold something in reserve for the battle ahead.

Reverting back to the room from the fold he performed, Coren was off to the side, his back to the wall, and the Jedi-Sith battle that was going on beyond the tower. He could feel the others, their conflict, their determination. Their strength. The man heard her speaking, and that was when he approached the Sith Lady, reaching to the Force and the meld… but it started coming up short.

“You’ve been busy, Sith.” He spat the last word out with the disdain it always carried. The way the Force worked, though, there were more than just the one way to skin a cat. Concentrating the power into his hand, he threw it forward, focusing on sapping his opponent’s energy. If he could slow her down, a lethargic Sith was a weakened Sith. And that may give him the upper hand.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

Meld - Interrupted
[member="Romi Jade"]
[member="Jace Khel"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
[member="Marcus Faust"]

[member="Veino Garn"]
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

"You aren't the only one who has tricks up their sleeve, Coren," she replied, amused. She was pleased to sense her spell was hampering his connection to the meld. It was a new one for her, just recently created, and there were clearly a few things she could do to improve on them. She would have commented further, but then a ball of Force Light was heading her way and she was force to leap away to avoid being struck by it. She was not about to allow him to weaken her connection to the Force. It helped him though because it meant he had more space to recover and she would need to close the gap to attack again.

If she did that, it likely meant another ball of Force Light, but if she got too far away... he could Fold Space again. Time for a middle ground play while she appraised the situation more, studied him... and draw the fight out longer. The longer it went, the better chance he would have to stop channeling Force Light or risk his body betraying him too.

"Rayi jiwiso!" she called. With an anguished moan, Taeli called on the dark side to entrap a few spirits of the recently deceased, the Temple and the planet could provide plenty right now, and summoning forth a few smoky wraiths. "Asimi!" and they rushed forward to attack him, their smoky upper limbs turning into scythes, shiny black and very very real.

The Starchaser was a journeyman, he had been around the galaxy. He was trained by Sith, used as an agent for a sect of Sith who worked with the Hand of the Krath. Doing their bidding, he learned techniques that did not require a higher learning of the Sith magics. But what he did know, and what helped him in his current day, was how to take the Sith face to face. And someone like Taeli, was a completely different approach. She was as well versed in the mysteries of the Dark Side as he was in the Light.

He heard another call from her, another spell. Sith witches. He had let the Force light subside when he felt the meld break. He needed that to feel confident in what he was getting done. The initial confidence was gone. He needed the Force, and he had to continue this fight. He had to slow Taeli, to stop her.

As the beings were summoned, the wraiths, he nodded. “Fine.” He said to himself, twirling his lightsaber. He ran towards the wraith closest to him, slashing for it, before hurling a kinetic ball of Force energy at the next. He had the Force, but he couldn’t pull it yet. Another slice at the wraith and he took the second to survey.

Debris. Good.

Grabbing the debris with his intent, the Jedi Master folded the debris between he and Taeli, before hurling a shove of Force energy at it, into the direction of the Sith.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
Location: Near Ground Zero
Objective: Evac citizens

Coruscant, a world that Aten had always wanted to see, the sprawling ecumenopolis a planet where one could find all the amenities common to the Core Worlds. Dine at the finest establishments, shop for the most elegant of clothes and carve out a name for oneself if they were truly devoted. The heart of the galaxy but what Aten saw before him now was something out of his worst nightmares, a city brought to ruin as in the sky above starfighters buzzed around cannon fire penetrating the air, dust from a nearby collapsed building still filled the streets coating Aten in a layer from head to toe making him look like a powdered pastry. If it weren’t for the goggles the youth always carried with him he probably would’ve been blinded like many others had been.

Sitting on the seat of the speeder bike he’d “borrowed” Aten examined his surroundings, from all around the waves of pandemonium filled the air, it was like a thick miasma of darkness in the air that attempted to cloud the Jedi’s thoughts. Shaking his head Aten pushed against the negative energy that endeavored to claim the Jedi. He was here to evacuate though it didn’t seem the Sith had the same idea. Their creatures filled the streets, soldiers shooting innocents as they fled, women, children… Aten had always been that boy that wished to be a Jedi, that wanted to battle the sith, he wanted to be a shining beacon in the galaxy. Had he known then what he did now the Morellian would’ve picked a different career.

Dismounting the speeder Aten cleared his mind reaching out trying to sense if there were any still alive, what he felt was two small diminutive signatures. It came from a nearby pile of rubble, one that didn’t look all too natural. As he approached Aten felt his boot hit something solid, then wet. Steeling himself before he looked down Aten was welcomed by the sight of a corpse where a blaster bolt had penetrated the right side of his skull. Bits of blood still leaked from the cauterized wound and now that he was aware of the bodies presence Aten smelt the sickly-sweet smell of singed flesh. His stomach tightened and nausea filled Aten. Moving past the body though now a bit unsteady on his feet Aten reached the rubble his gloved hands digging at it.

Piece by piece he dug away till as he pulled a chunk of permacrete back he saw two faces stared back up to him. An auburn-haired woman, possibly in her early thirties at best and in her hands a child that was no more than two years old. A look of fear crossed the woman’s face as she tucked her child closer to her chest in an attempt to protect them. “No! Spare this one! Do as you wish with me but just… Spare him.”

The willingness of a mother to give her own life in order to protect her child was touching, and horrifying. Is this what the Sith truly wrought? Fear in a mother to where she wouldn’t see her child grow. “I’m not one of them, but if we don’t hurry they’ll be here shortly.” Reaching out a hand Aten waited for the woman to grasp it, at first, she pulled back but then realizing that he was possibly her best chance for survival she took it.


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Darth Tacitus"], [member="Mereel Vaun"], [member="Vulpesen"]
Objective: Go crazy​

Looking into the very depths of Alexandra's mind, Vereshin saw the fragmented pieces of a soul sent to the Void and back. He controlled the doppelgangers of himself like a puppet master pulling strings, pinpointing each location within the woman's shattered conscience. A mother wept over her dead children in the imagery displayed to him and to his glee, he realized he had touched Alexandra's most traumatic experience. The Jedi Master lunged towards the apparition on the far right, only to fall directly into a cloud of black energy.

"Riddle-dee-dee, you can't catch me!" The Sith Lord cackled as Alexandra as she directed all the force of her body into the center figure. Swallowing a gulp, the true Vereshin recoiled and braced himself for the impact. From the side of their duel, Vanessa shoved Alexandra to the side and engaged the Jedi in combat. As Vanessa and and Alexandra squared off before him, Vereshin snarled in response to Alexandra's threat to hunt him down and slay him.

"Spoken like a true Jedi Master." Sarcasm dripped from his tone. The dire hypocrisy of Feanor's behavior irritated him to no avail. At the very least, Sith had the honesty to admit their monstrous behavior, whereas Jedi hid under a guise of peace and justice. The doppelgangers waned and died, dissipating and collecting back into Vereshin's true body. Alexandra and Vanessa settled the score of their rivalry which had lasted decades, while a dark presence emerged and threatened the power of the Sith Lord.

Another master had come to play. Breaking away from Feanor and Vantai, Vereshin regained his posture and channeled his focus, absorbing the Dark Side energy which radiated from Darth Tacitus like a sweet melody. The other Sith Lord insulted him right off the bat, which caused Vereshin to shake his head in dismay. Such discourtesy would not prompt a gentle response from the Magus of the Void. Spreading his hands apart, Vereshin sucked up the energy radiating from Tacitus. He channeled the properties between his palms and redirected the spell towards the other Sith Lord.

"Misdirected passion, such a waste." Tutting under his breath, Vereshin threatened Tacitus in a cool tone. "So blinded by your pitiful devotion to assets and borders, true power is lost to you." The words escalated throughout the hall, laced with venom and testing the very will of the Sith Overlord. As Vereshin focused his power into casting a barrier to deflect the blows from Tacitus lightsabers, he allowed his psychological barrier to weaken, leaving him vulnerable to Tacitus' mental assault.

When Tacitus entered Vereshin's mind, he would find no personal trauma. Instead, Tacitus would witness a grainy slideshow displaying images of indescribable horror, juxtaposed with scores of rarefied equations too cryptic to understand. Ear-splitting static would fill Tacitus' mind as he entered Vereshin's thoughts, who could physically feel the tendrils penetrate his brain. With his mind invaded, Vereshin was furious. Raising his hands, he conjured a powerful barrier which forced the the spear of dark energy which Tacitus had cast back in the direction of the Sith Lord.

As he held the thick pane of energy separating himself from the explosion, Vereshin allowed Vanessa to deal with the bullets fired in their direction. The jetpack thrown by Mereel exploded between the two Sith Lords, the damage of which fell into the barrier cast by Vereshin, who retracted his hands as the dust settled. Pulling the barrier towards himself, Vereshin wrenched the debris falling from the roof inwards, compacting the falling stone into one dense mass, which he collapsed into the space between Tacitus and himself.

The mass formed a cyclonic maw opened between the two Sith Lords, which pulled with a colossal force at Tacitus, threatening to wrench him from existence itself. With his fingers outstretched, Vereshin controlled the singularity, commanding it to consume Tacitus, who would feel his bones begin to crush and his organs being squeezed. Should he come any closer, the Sith Lord would be pulled directly into the Void. As the mass grew, the force became stronger and time in the surrounding area would slow down.
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

Good, the Force Light had faded for now. He was smart enough, and skilled enough, to recognize continued use of that ability in such a way wasn't going to do nothing but wear him out. Her summoned wraiths tried to attack, but they were no match for Coren's lightsaber. Not that they were meant to be. Simple distractions, things to move him out of a safe position. A few quick slashes of the saber destroyed one, a burst of Force energy destroyed the other.

And then debris was flying at her, surging forth at Coren's command.

With a scowl, she attempted to dodge or destroy the debris pieces as they neared her, but one clipped her in the chest. Even with the phrik chestpiece, it still hurt and breathing was seemingly difficult for a few moments. The Force surge behind the debris also connected, sending her crashing through a wall into another room, and she landed heavily on the slanted floor. For Coren, it would be a prime opportunity, at least for the next few seconds before she got to her feet.

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