Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] Meld: [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Marcus Faust"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, training lightsaber (will he ever use it?) Bryar pistol (see previous)

The single-minded intensity which Cotan threw into the lunge was distracted by the presence of another Sith Lord falling into the chamber. The Force swirled about both Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis, and when Cotan noticed the outstretched hand of Prazutis, he stopped his lunge. He drew from the mingled energies of all the Force Meld participants, forming another barrier around himself; it stopped the harmful energies from reaching him, but not from throwing Cotan and barrier both partway across the room. With a splash, Cotan landed in one of the fountains, standing quickly to hear the taunts that Darth Prazutis levelled at him, and he snorted in momentary disgust.

"You two don't quite get it, do you?" he asked them, his lightsaber held loosely. He was interrupted from continuing as another crash was heard all about them, the Vanguard slamming into the temple and damaging it further. Water tanks that fed the fountains burst under the impact, starting to flood the floor of the room ankle-deep. Cotan noticed one of the exits collapse in on itself, cutting off the options for his tactical retreat. Almost uncaringly, he set his eyes back on the two Sith Lords.

"The Sith and Jedi are really quite similar, you know. The shared history, traditions, beliefs; even with all the differences, the connections are obvious. And yet, neither side has managed to learn one simple truth about the entire conflict." He raised his lightsaber, prepared to bat away any lightning blasts or otherwise the Sith shot at him. "For millenia, the Jedi have been trying to destroy the Sith, and vice versa. Both sides always think that they can destroy the other, they always gloat when they've come so close. They always think its hopeless for the other side." He jumped backwards, landing on top of a relatively dry stone that had been dislodged and fell due to the impact.

"But it's never really hopeless, is it? The Sith survived the destruction of Lord Kaan's brotherhood, and a millenium later they were able to launch a Jedi Purge. But the Jedi survived too, their teachings preserved and passed on. It's been the same story throughout the history of both orders, millenia earlier and even up to now, neither side ever being willing to admit that they need the other to survive." He reached down inside himself, tapping not just into his wellspring of energy, but also into the seething ball of flame that had been deposited by Carnifex's earlier attack.

"And, just for posterity's sake..." Cotan lifted a hand, sparks dancing between his fingers to match the grim determination in his voice. Somewhere inside something seemed to click, as he finally, truthfully admitted something to himself. "I'm not a Jedi." A blast of lightning shot forth from his hand, the arcing emerald bolts aimed not just for the Sith Lord and his uncle, but also for the water that both men were standing in.
Enemies:[member="Marcus Faust"]
Allies: N/A
Objective: Be the villain.

Luck had it that the crash of the tower and the super star destroyer (fething hell, these people were insane) had coincided with Lord Fa deciding to glide.

He was in the air.

Speeding up and only the third crate crashed into him. It hurt, the wooden splinters digging between feathers, but Saarai did not care. No, he saw... opportunity. The moment that Faust got caught off-guard, stumbling the Thirriken was already there. Sharp edges, sharp feathers, moving to slice through robe with his wing and cut flesh. Rather than sit there and bask about it, the Thirriken immediately faded again. The smoke and ash covering his pull-back.

"Too many times.... but many more will come." Tai's voice called out, the sound bouncing from many directions. "The war of light and dark will never end. It stands eternal. We are but cogs in the machine."

Nothing more, nothing less.

This Tai had made peace with. Mostly. But right now the Thirriken just wanted to end this battle and move on, figure out what had happened outside that caused the explosions. His side? Their side? It could be either or at this point in time.

One way or another, Coruscant had descended into chaos and would eat itself up before the day was over.
Location: Coruscant, high orbit (Luna Transport)
Objective: Save the children
Allies SJO & Friends: [member="Aubrey King"], [member="Alyisa Mithel"], [member="Charlie"], [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Opposition: Sith/None yet
(Performing Force Inspire)

The Colonel’s words of encouragement brought warmth to the Grandmaster’s heart. For a brief moment, her smile grew and she gave a nod of agreement. Valkren’s tone had not gone unnoticed by the Jedi healer, this time it was friendly, not the terse, flat tone she’d experienced before. Yes, perhaps time did heal all wounds, she couldn’t help but muse. His camaraderie made the mission that much more bearable, it was always good to have a friend at your side. And though she remained silent, she did remember Ord Radama, very much so, in fact. It had been her first real taste of combat against the Sith, but the Antarian Rangers had been quite a sight to witness in their steadfast dedication to the Order and their allies. Valae imagined that it would be much the same today.

“Alright,” She said, drawing a deep breath. “We should get to the transports; we’ll be breaking atmo soon.”

Giving the Colonel a pat on the shoulder plate, she moved past him to lead the way to the hangar. With every step down the corridor, she could feel the weight pressing on her shoulders. Valae could only imagine the scene that awaited them, it was certainly not going to be easy getting down to the planet. But she had Onyx Squadron here and other fighters of the Silver Spacy, they would do their job well, of that she had no doubt. As the pair entered the hangar, the transports were being made ready for their arrival. A few offered respectful nods and stepped to the side to let the Colonel and Grandmaster pass.

Climbing aboard, she tapped in the frequency of Master DragonsFlame, she knew that he would be waiting. “Josh,” She addressed him informally, “We’ll be starting our descent very soon, let our fighters cut a path and follow them down -- we’ll be right behind.”

Taking a seat, Valae closed her eyes as the transport began to leave the Stargazer. There were so many engaged in battle all around them, she could feel it. The odds seemed to be stacked against them, they needed a boost, and the Grandmaster knew just what to do.

Momentarily pulling the force in around her like a cacoon, she began to focus. Her intention was clear in her mind: inspire. Memories swam in her mind -- meeting her Master for the first time, making friends at the Temple on Voss, learning to heal others. They were just the kind of thoughts she needed to empower her and enable Valae to reach out to the minds of allies around her. As her presence began to grow and spread -- far beyond the hull of her transport and the Stargazer.

Their allies in space would feel a hopeful swell of confidence and courage. Soon, those on the ground would feel it, too. As their armored transport began to break atmosphere, she opened her eyes and looked to Valkren.

“The presence of the dark is strong here,” She noted, “Be on guard.”
Location: Ground Zero
Objective: Medical Aid
Near: [member="Aten Ramses"] [member="Kaharak Hyn"]

They were not alone, that much was apparent. While there were still imperial troopers about, it seemed that the bulk of them had been sent streaming into the city, targeting heavily populated areas and the Alliance warriors that defended them.

Farah and Lukas had gone against orders to stay at Coruscant General. She couldn’t, not when she’d be of better use in the rubble. Though, now it seemed hopeless as they fished corpse out of corpse from the debris.

The Togruta Jedi, exhausted and weakened from defending civilians and absorbing blaster bolts, was the first to approach. Despite his waning power, he still found the strength to protect his charges. Dedication like that was admirable.

“We’re doctors from Coruscant General.” She called back, flashing the ID badge hanging around her neck. Lukas gave her the side eye, willing to cooperate with her for now but still clearly unnerved by both the attack and his partner’s apparent allegiances.

Farah took a few careful steps closer, not wanting to trigger any aggression. “Is anyone in your party injured?”

Though Sith essentially by birth (and nature to some degree, who was she kidding), Coruscant had been her home. The Zeltron hadn’t been born here, nor could she claim any family ties. But it was the first place she’d lived on her own, building her own life and reputation out from under the Zambrano family. And while they had treated her well, Farah was determined to be known for her own skill and ability and not her surname.

Coruscant was her home and in a way, she felt responsible for helping its people as a doctor. Jedi and Sith be damned. Were her morals off? Was she willing to sacrifice an innocent life to get what she needed if it was the best option? Yes, all yes. But after fixing their ailments day in and day out, she had developed a sort of protectiveness over the Coruscanti people. The revelation surprised her.
A speeder approached from the distance and Farah squinted. Wariness all around, it seemed.
Location: Somewhere in the Burning/Ruined/Collapsed City
Wearing: This
Weapons: Lightsaber, X, X, X, X
Purpose: Evacuation/Recovering and Shuttling Survivors Off-World



Srina did not know the word, not with such clarity, before now. It took her moments to realize that the finality of the emotion did not belong to her. Aryn. He was here. From what she could feel, through their bond, he seemed to be losing hope. Giving up. The white-haired woman would not allow it. Just as she had always tried to keep him safe from his darkness, from Force-Forsaken [member="Koda Fett"], and even his own stupidity—Srina Talon would not allow it. Not now, not ever.

A moment after she dropped to the platform below, and her Jaeger-made camouflage activated, she felt the deep baritone of her Master’s voice echo in her bones. She turned, deactivating it with a switch, so that he could see her once more. Certainly, he would always, always be able to feel her through the Force but it wasn’t the same as seeing one another with their own two eyes. Her wintry expression was dead. Empty. The alarm, uneasiness, and disquiet she felt would remain buried beneath layers of training.

She felt the deaths of the people of Coruscant no more than she could feel the air she breathed. It was there, present, but she didn’t process it. After the initial shock of the mayhem and nigh apocalyptical sight wore off she banished any semblance of emotion. It would not serve her here. To blink, to falter, was to die. The Sith Empire had already won.

The presence of her Master was the only thing in the universe that was capable of reigning her in with mere words. His logic ran true, just as plain as his concern, and slowly she nodded her head as the firefight overhead seemed to worsen. The lights from ships firing on one another were almost blinding. At times, more blinding, more jarring than the explosions. “Together.”, she agreed, beginning to multitask as well as she was able. Their forces would need direction. The Confederacy had gotten more ships to the ground than they’d initially anticipated but escaping would be just as difficult.

Srina Talon had no love for Coruscant. Yet, this? This wanton obliteration? It was madness.

Both the white-haired Echani and [member="Darth Metus"] began to make their way through the broken terrain as quickly as they could. They were accompanied by a several battalions of droids, that from the sky, must have looked like spiders crawling all over the rubble. This would certainly exhaust their personal supply of Magnaguard for quite some time. “[member="Darth Tacitus"]—Do not forget our purpose.”, Srina called through the HUD on her wrist, uncertain, as to what trouble could have found himself in. “There are innocents here and our focus must lie with an evacuation. Deal with any of the enemies that get in your way, as you see fit, and retrieve any survivors. There are reinforcements headed your way. Barons by air and B2’s by ground.”

Many of their forces wouldn’t be able to navigate the terrain. Droideka models, as well as some of the other larger war machines, would be entirely useless. Super Clanker’s and Barons were the best bet. At least, for now. She sent a new set of orders through all of their comms, hoping, that the channels were still secure and encrypted. “Knights Obsidian and CIS personnel—this has become a rescue mission. Coruscant is lost. Search for friendly distress beacons and escort our allies to the designated area.”

[member="Rylan Kordel"] had found a hidden spaceport that was mostly intact. Somehow, by some miracle, it was one of several that they had been able to access. “Knight Kordel—Keep that spaceport secured. You’ll have an influx shortly. Providences will be sweeping in to collect groups of people. Send them on their way once they’re full.”

“There are sithspawn all over. Watch your back.”

Srina could see them. [member="Adron Malvern"] was just above them. Thankfully, he had managed to secure Sector 17-D for evac, and the pale woman felt a small glimmer of hope. The movements they made were small. But, it was all they could do now. “Thank you, Adron.”, she returned through her comm, grateful, that despite Galactic City burning down around their ears, something had gone right.

“Be safe.”

The young woman cut her comms when something moved in her peripherals. The Magnaguard and B2’s that accompanied herself and Darth Metus seemed to have noted something, but, Srina couldn’t be sure what it was initially. A particular flavor crossed through the Force and the young woman held her hand out for her lightsaber. Sithspawn.

They moved ahead. This breed, apparently seemed content to stalk them, before making a move. Some of the B2’s began to engage Sith Soldiers further ahead but it was what started to surround them that gave the Echani reason to pause. The white-hilted blade leaped to her fingertips and she ignited it instantly before attacking through instinct. She swung and cleaved one of the alchemized creatures in half before throwing her arm out to send a second flying from the broken building.

Bright flashes and explosions came from above causing her to brace herself. The Vanguard was falling. Cut in half? Not only that, but, in the distance, she could see more buildings taking damage. Was it the Jedi Temple? They had people there. [member="Darth Tacitus"] was there. “The Alliance…That was their flagship.”, she murmured more to herself, however, Darth Metus may have heard. For a fleeting moment, she feared the Commander might have been on it. But, no. She could feel him. In anguish. But, still alive.

Back to her comms, she sent another message through, warning their people away from the Temple. It would all come crumbling down eventually. The Vanguard, even half of it, would be more than the structure could reasonably take.

It had taken her a moment to realize where they were. In the sudden chaos, the sudden fighting, though quickly ended, she noted familiar terrain. Above Verd Industries. An irony that she didn’t have time to acknowledge swept through her. Regardless, it was cooled, almost instantly when [member="Aryn Teth"] finally responded to her mental calls. Finally. It was as if he lived to try and make her worry, to bring some sort of reaction out of her, good or bad.

The words that followed… Srina could not respond to. Her breath caught in her chest, nearly costing her, as a sithspawn swiped at her torso. She turned on her heel and spun out of the way, her lightsaber a flare of brilliant white, before she struck down the creature. It was not clean. It was not pretty. It was survival.

‘Come to me, Aryn. Bring your people—We’ll get them out.’

His misery could not be her own. She wanted to take away his pain. It was impossible. Teeth grinding together the Echani temporarily shut down. Instead, she moved mechanically, fighting through throngs of enemies with renewed precision. She trusted her Master to fight beside her, to push through the chaos, and rescue as many of their allies as they could.

So few were left. So very, very few.

Location: Jedi Temple, Archives
Allies: Sneering Imperialists & [member="Darth Sabezt"]
Immediate Threats: The front half of the Vanguard
Interacting With: [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Equipment: Lightsaber, [2] Potion of Invisibility, [2] Blackroot Potion

In his confusion, in his agony, he felt a slight pricking sensation on his neck, followed by a pleasant feeling spreading through his physical form, which was quickly drowned out in the sea of pain and remorse that had swallowed his rational mind. Then, just as quickly as it had started, it came to an end. Had he not still been recovering from the experience, he would have laughed out loud. The irony really was quite delicious; to think that he, who had been studying the Holocron of Wyyrlok III, had fallen prey to the very same ability the Chagrian had used to such great effect against Darth Krayt himself. The very same ability he himself had been planning to test today.

As his eyelids fluttered open, his gaze fell upon a head of black hair. He felt a pair of hands holding his head steady. That was odd, why would... then he put the pieces together. Panicking, he pulled together as much energy as he could muster for a desperate counterattack, only to notice that he wasn't being drained. Quite the opposite, in fact. What in the blazes was going on?

"I... are you... I didn't know you could... what?" His tone strained, he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Last he remembered, he had barely prevented her from taking his head, yet here she was, spending her own energy to heal him. He hadn't been out that long, had he? His master was fighting a different opponent, that much he could tell. The raw darkness emanating from their duel was palpable, even in his confusion. And yet, there was something else. Something felt wrong, like a strange nagging at the edge of his consciousness.

Then, a resounding bang. As if a mountain had fallen from the very skies. The grinding of steel against stone screeched through the halls as the dagger-shaped remnants of what had been the pride of the Alliance fleet tore through the temple.

Walls crumbled. Disembodied voices cried out in fear and agony. Cracks spread throughout the Archives like the tendrils of some great beast of the seas, ready to swallow them whole.

As time slowed down before his eyes, greater and greater chunks falling from the roof, he leapt to his feet. "I'd return the favour, but you're probably faster than me. Besides, you did try to kill me not too long ago, so I'd say we're even." Before she had a chance to respond, he dashed towards a gaping hole in the crumbling wall, leaping into the air as he allowed the dark side energy pervading the burning Galactic City to pour into him. With an immense exertion of energy, focused by the Qixoni and Meditation crystals in the lightsaber at his hip, he propelled himself forward, forming an incandescent globe of purple energy around himself to shield him from the chunks of stone falling from overhead. His every desire, his every emotion, coming together as one to drive him forward faster than he had ever thought himself capable of. He was no Jedi. He would not sit quietly, waiting for death to claim him. He was Sith, and if death wanted him it would have to drag him to the depths of Chaos kicking and screaming.​
Potential Distractions/Allies:
  • [member="Xevek Rakama"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], et al.
Potential Obstacles/Enemies:
  • [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Romi Jade"], [member="Quvox"], [member="Jace Khel"], [member="Darth Tacitus"], et al.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location - Jedi Temple > Main Hall > Archive Entrance

Actively Engaged: [member="Vulpesen"] and [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Jairdain"]

Objective - Evac

Alexandra smiled, watching Circe finally reach for a weapon, her feet lightened as she prepared to step forward and strike. Her free hand drew back and the force started to take form as she closed her hand, a thin ribbon of light coming from the closed hand. She waited for the sound of the building to silence, for the stones to settle and for the light from the sky above to fall on the their small battlefield. And for something more, Daeda informing her of something coming so she waited until it was time to go.

Her eyes narrowed and she moved drawing the staff back and ready to use it like a spear. It would not take her to cover the distance between Circe and herself, maybe a dozen seconds at most as her movements were not the rapid assault she had done before. Instead she moved with a more predatory manner to her steps. They were light, careful to so much as make a tap on the ground when they landed. She moved to place herself in a position where she remained outside of Circe's reach, careful as she looked at the weapons at the woman's side.

One of the weapons were unfamiliar, something that Alex could not figure out. The second was more than familiar though, a weapon she had seen many times in the past and it was nothing new to the woman. Lightsabers were something that could be predictable, their features only becoming special in the most extreme circumstances and Circe was not one to create such a thing.

It was then that Vulpesen appeared from below and spoke, her feet stopping and her eyes focusing on him. She laughed a bit under her breath and her mind relaxed as she stood there. Her hand lightened its grip, light bleeding through her fingers a bit more as she continued to push the force into her palm. Vulps being there helped Alexandra.

She relied on the force, and relied on its differences between light and dark. The dark had been Hel's domain since the spirit's creation, a power Alexandra could not tap into anymore without it being significantly weakened. She simply could not feel those emotions with such strength anymore, Hel having caused her numbing of such emotions when she and Alexandra had become two. Instead Alexandra found herself drawn to the emotions she could still feel in their fullness. And the ones she relied on were the stronger ones at that.

Her mind fell into the past, drawing on her memories as she began to project happiness and a far more euphoric emotion. She drowned herself in these memories, star filled nights, a world without the Force, a singular date, a home with students filling the area, two small children in her hand, a tiny white wolf, and a single man. The memories flooded her mind and the light in her hand began to brighten to a significant degree, her hand turning orange as the light punched through the skin and illuminated the inside of her hand.

She stood there now, letting the light grow brighter yet and sending one thought through to Daeda. Knowing he was likely already doing his job. She needed to make sure that she could land the blow on Circe, otherwise she would have to push more energy through to recover from the use of her powers.
Everything had begun to come crashing down. The walls, the ceiling, the pillars that supported it and the balconies that individuals fought and died on. Even more dead fell off of it now. The rounds Fett had fired were sure to kill Traske, but one could suppose he had his lucky break with the Tenloss Canon. It didn't matter much, really. The Mercenary who opposed him managed to disappear from sight and scanners, but even then a pursuit was futile as all around them came crashing down, even creating a dividing wall of pure rubble and debris between the two.

The Mandalorian knew one thing, and that was to get out as quickly as he could. His T-Visor scanned his immediate area within a fraction of a second, and in a stroke of luck nothing collided with his heavily armoured body- but even then, nothing should be able to survive a strike from this. After all, it was a Super Star Destroy careening through the temple after falling from space itself. A cacophony of crumbling duracrete, marble and more echoed within his mind, it was all that he heard and saw. Nothing else mattered in this moment except for self-preservation.

His jetpack sparked with flames, thrusting him further into the air as he began to weave in and out of every gap, no matter how small, in his desperate attempt to escape. In time, it had all fallen down. Where did the Bounty Hunter go? The roof, to which he sat upon like an injured child. His right arm limp, his left reaching for the medical supplies he carried in case of a dire emergency. Applying them to his arm, and catching his breath. Whether or not he'll get back up to complete his objective was anyone's guess.

Allies: The Sith Empire

Adversaries: [member="Minorous Traske"]
Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
, [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
​A clever move on behalf of the Knight quickly reacting to his blast, before jumping to high ground and firing out a burst of lightning focused on the water around them. It was an ingenious attack that would strike both of them since they both were standing in water flowing from shattered fountains and busted pipes in various areas of the room. The Shadow Hand reacted quickly rushing forward he carefully absorbed the raw energy from the lightning blast through the art of Tutaminis, but its wide spread of damage undoubtedly allowed some to wrap around and strike him directly surging through his body through the mag coils.

He felt the lightning burn through muscle, bone, and cell surging through his very veins. The pain was raw and white hot like knives digging into every cell the energy surged through his body. It kept the lightning from reaching Kaine and allowing the Emperor to launch an offensive from a different direction. "It may be true of the past but I have lived through history, boy. I have seen the centuries pass by and I have seen new generations rise and fall and I can tell you the future is always changing. Every so often something happens to break its cycle and a new age sprouts forth. The Jedi Order and their decrepit ways and foolish philosophies may return they are like cockroaches, you just might be right about that but it won't be in this age, or the next."

The Destroyer had a different attack in mind.

Cotan's pure energy was gathered inside his palm glowing with an emerald light, so he took it inside his body and smashed open the vaults of pure, repressed emotion to fuse with the influx of energy. He gathered what he could muster, the dark side flooded through his cells. "So you can conjure a few sparks dog?" ​He roared his voice thrummed with power as he slowly lifted from the ground. Quite suddenly he outstretched his arms and smashed loose the dams holding back the energy and released it in the form of a massive explosion of crimson lightning. The air stank of copper and ozone as a storm of lightning enveloped the chamber, guided through the will of the Sith Lord before him. One blast struck towards the stone Cotan stood on with enough force to shatter it while many more began to arc towards him and the area around him.

The energy grew and the storm expanded with each passing moment its destructive power was unleashed. He didn't want to just make the man feel agony, he wanted the sheer force to break his bones, fry every cell in his body and consume what was left in the storm of dark energy. "Let me show you the storm!"
Location: Hyperspace > Coruscant High Orbit
Objective: Escort and fulfill life long dream of piloting
Allies: SJO & Buddies ([member="Aubrey King"] [member="Alyisa Mithel"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Varindar Asyt"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"])
Enemies: Sith and Co.

Being on her own in the cockpit of the fighter, Charlie mumbled under her breath everything that Jyoti had taught her while they were on another mission. Her eyes darted quickly over the monitors as her senses were on high alert. Excitement drowned out her fears being responsible for the craft in an extremely difficult combat situation. When presented with the choice to join her Master or fly the fighter, Charlie let her excitement override her logic.

Not always good thing, but she was thrilled with it. What made the deal even sweeter was that she was with the Onyx Squadron. Her new friend Aubrey was in charge. Everything seemed to be working right and Jyoti was right with the help of the systems flying was a bit easier than what she had to do while learning.

Charlie was hit with reality when Aubrey chimed over the coms about the situation. As they entered the atmosphere she watched as the radar lit up like a life day tree. It was concerning, but their mission was to escort, if they didn’t more was going to happen. Before the Padawan could react to anything, the friendly ship hovering over the temple shattered like glass. She watched as the pieces made their way into the temple. Hairs stood on the back of her neck as she knew there were several Jedi from the Silvers in that temple – she also knew her Master was there. Charlie did her best to stay cool, she couldn’t lose it here and zip off. Jyoti would probably scold her if she disobeyed a command and put more lives in danger.

Leaning back into the seat, her hands gripped the yolk of the fighter and she remained quiet. Charlie did her best to take comfort in the force to focus her mind on the mission at hand. Nothing could harm the gunships till they got the NJO headquarters. Charlie focused on the mission, she couldn’t think of anything else otherwise.

“Roger.” Charlie responded with everyone and she took her place in the escort formation. The girl remained quiet beyond responding to orders and commands.
Location: Coruscant
Allies: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Weapons: Primary Lightsaber, Secondary Lightsaber, Combat Sword
Objective: Assist with the evacuation
Soldiers: 30x BX-Commando Droids, 4x IG-100 Magnaguard


From the peak of the building Adron had occupied, he was able to keep an overwatch over the surrounding blocks. Violent flames roared over the lower levels, while the mid levels had rapid exchanges of blaster fire. Even from this distance it was apparent that the battles surrounding him were coming to a close in favor of the Sith forces, which meant they would be upon him next. His eyes rose to the smoke-filled sky, staring at it intently, his searching gaze met silence as the clouds remained undisturbed.

To his side, one of the IG-100's began to twitch softly, it's optics refocusing before it took a step closer to Adron.

"Sir. Nearby units are reporting a heavy civilian presence in this area and have begun routing them to our location." The droid reported, setting it's staff on the ground with a soft tap.

Peering over his shoulder, Adron looked to the droid with a curious expression. He had expected there to be a large refugee presence, however their units had only JUST deployed. I suppose it makes sense when given the massive overpopulation of city-planets.

"Hundreds?" He would ask.

"Thousands." The Droid replied, before being given a curt nod from Adron.

Above his head, more of the Confederate warships were struggling to punch a larger hole through the Sith blockade. If they were not successful, the enemy would stumble upon Adron's meger forces, burdened with thousands of unarmed civilians. Turning his attention from the heavens, his eyes were reverted back to the streets below. Already there was a steady trickle of civilians making their way inside of the building, some flanked by platoons of B1 Battle droids, and others merely wandering in on their own. They had chosen a wise place to set their evacuation zone, the building would allow them to safely funnel the civilians to the awaiting transports without the threat of open fire from the streets. Of course, this plan was reliant on one small detail, he transports actually being there. A ragged exhale came from the man before he turned to his own guard, the gathered squad of IG-100's. "Keep the civilians from the top and bottom floors. The walkways need to be left open so we can maneuver freely, so host them in rooms until the evacuation begins. We only have a few minutes before the Sith find us, once they do we won't have much time."

Immediately, each of the Magnaguard bowed their heads in acknowledgement before turning back into the building's stairwell. Glancing back up to the skies, Adron could only hope those transports were on their way.
Location: Alternate Archive Entrance
Objective: Secure Archives Get Out
Allies: SJO and friends
Opposition: Sith and conspirators
Directly Engaging: [member="Tathra Khaeus"] (?), [member="Darth Ophidia"] (?) (I'll be heading over to the hangar area if either of you want to duel.)

They hadn’t been quick enough to beat the Sith to the temple...unless they already been there the whole time. From the way the defenses of the GA’s capital world had been so thoroughly compromised, that could only mean infiltration. Strange actions and failings by the GA started to make sense when viewed in that light.

“Oh, I can assure you that we will,” Jyoti replied to Asaraa. “The desecration of Jedi Temples is a time-honored tradition among the Sith.”

She had been half-joking with a deadpan delivery, but her expression grim as she sized up the temple against the backdrop of black skies, feeling all sorts conflicts breaking out within. Their mission had gotten even more complicated.

Fortunately, Allyson was able to sniff out an alternate route with her technomancy, providing them with a hidden passage that should allow them to bypass most if not all fighting on their way to the Archives.

She offered no complaints, following right behind Allyson as she led the way through the dimly lit corridors. She had yet to draw any weapons, but a hand rested on the pommel of her sword as they made the trek.

It took a while to reach the Archives, but as Allyson had promised, they faced no resistance along the little-known path. Still, she kept alert as she could hear the faint echoes of battle.

Allyson finally stopped at the side entrance to the Archives, giving the area a check while Jyoti reached out through the Force to do the same. She frowned. Already there was a great duel unfolding.

Out of nowhere, there was a small quake as loud explosions reverberated through the hall. Then the quaking grew more intense as the boom of falling debris could be heard.

Jyoti had to steady herself as Allyson tried to figure out the source of the explosions. After some probing, the Corellian quickly came up with a chilling conclusion.

The temple was being bombarded.

Jyoti couldn't see Allyson’s face behind the helmet of her power armor, but she imagined that it was probably twisted in confusion as she tried to figure out what had happened.

“Either it’s the Sith trying to finish the job, or it’s our allies thinking we’ve been overrun. Whichever reason, we’re screwed.”

“Plan B is withdrawing,” she informed Allyson. “Evacuations are now taking priority. I refuse to have us risk our lives for some dusty computer servers and holocrons. Those bombers are already doing our jobs beautifully, anyway. We’ll double back to the hangar area and hold that position until reinforcements arrive.”

The Shadow unclipped her comlink to shoot a message to Coren, but as she did it fell out of her hands as series of violent quakes rocked the whole corridor, the narrow space soon filling with clouds of dust. Then she could hear a steady rumbling as if the whole place was about to come down. To her horror, she could begin to see cracks spidering out across the low ceilings.

“We need to go, now!”

She gritted her teeth as she plucked the comlink from the floor and began to practically shove her fellow Jedi and Rangers to get them moving the opposite direction.

“Coren, this is Jyoti. If you’re still out there then come find me where we started. The temple is lost.”

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Tanauski Yumi"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"]

(Apologies if I missed anyone relevant, there's just so many tags, lol)


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Objective: Ascend

The debris was hurled towards Vereshin with breakneck force. As he entwined his fingers in the air, he pulled back his hands and wrapped the Force around the slabs of stone thrown in his direction. Sliding backwards on one foot, he maintained his hold around the blocks and rotated them in the air at a speed which increased as they turned. Keeping the bricks in their spinning motion, Vereshin redirected the trajectory of their mass and forced his hand forward, hurling them towards Tacitus.

Avoiding the debris from the roof, Vereshin momentarily let his guard down and released his control of the demon. While Vereshin shielded himself from the falling debris, Tacitus attempted to puppeteer the demon which Vereshin had conjured, a grave mistake. Having been to the Void more than once and successfully returned, Vereshin too, had familiarized intimately with the netherworld, which he had bound to his will. When Tacitus attempted to control the demon, Vereshin coiled his fingers in the air and implanted the entity in Tacitus' body.

"I have stretched the very fabric of space and bound time to my will." Pulling the metaphysical strings with his outstretched fingers, Vereshin taunted Tacitus. while using the demon to posses him. "The netherworld is my maiden." Vereshin stated in a resounding tone. He toyed with Tacitus physical willpower like a child playing with a doll. Should the Sith Warlord fail to resist the assault, he would feel his entire form burn with searing agony, along with the loss of control of his arms and legs.

"I am Vereshin." Vereshin uttered as he released the invisible strings which he pulled. He allowed the entity to sit and fester within Tacitus body while he summoned his final spell. "... and I need no titles." The voice echoed throughout the hall, followed by a cacophony of laughter.

Relaxing his hold for the moment, Vereshin channeled the fury surrounding both of the Sith Lords and wrenched his hands downward with climactic force. The life energy of the remaining beings, soldiers, Sith and Jedi were ripped from their bodies and absorbed into form. Figures flopped over where they stood and the tendrils of life leaving each body entered the vessel of Vereshin, who felt invigorated by the influx of life.

The ritual drew to a close and Vereshin stood upright. With the roof collapsing, there was very little time to get out alive. His power enhanced by the mass of life energy he had consumed, the Sith Lord dissipated the particles making up his body and apparated into a spear of opaque energy. In the form of an apparition, he surged through the wall of the temple and tore a hole through the stone. He flew outside and ascended far away into the sky.
Location: Near Ground Zero
Nearby: [member="Kaharak Hyn"] [member="Farah"]

Hair whipping in the wind behind him Aten’s body leaned forward over the bike he could feel the body of the woman who he’d saved mere moments before clinging to him tightly. Between them tucked close to her chess was the young child who she sought to protect as blaster bolts flew by Aten on either side. He hadn’t saved the two but somehow managed to put them in danger as not too long after they’d set out on the speeder bike had a far larger speeder carrying six troopers came down from above in hot pursuit. Jerking at the handlebars he spun down a side street, the whine of the speeder cut through the air as Aten pushed the bike harder. GO GO GO. He thought as he felt the slight tingle up his spine, a sensation that was more a warning than anything else. Pulling the speeder to the left dodging blaster bolts Aten heard them whistle by all too close for comfort. The child passenger obviously thought the same as their cries were somehow louder than the engine of the speeder bike.

Casting a glance over his shoulder Aten saw that the speeder the Sith troopers occupied was nearly too wide to fit in the side street thus forcing them to slow down and maneuver carefully. Taking this chance, he gave what bit he could left to the bike turning back ahead. They would soon be back in the open streets and the speeder would be upon them once more, but there was one thing Aten could do to rid himself of them. He shot out of the alley turning the bike to the side and with an exertion of will the saber on his hip snapped to his hand, a blue blade coming to life. Aten never wished to take a life but in order to protect innocents, it was sometimes a necessity. Closing his mind off to his surroundings he held out his saber waiting, watching as the troopers fired.

Just as when he dueled Aten didn’t use any extravagant flourishes but instead made minimal movements his wrist doing most of the work as he deflected three bolts into the ground and two on a return trip. The first impacted the speeders viewscreen shattering the glass and the second followed impacting the driver through their visor. Body leaning forward against the steering yolk the speeders nose turned to the ground colliding with it before flipping through the air before erupting into a roaring ball of flame. Breathing Aten tuned back into his surroundings the cries of the child once more apparent but more than that the groans of the mother and an all too familiar scent. Looking back to them he saw that the woman had grown three shades paler and there was a circle of charred skin on her side. An overwhelming sense of guilt filled the Jedi. How had he failed to protect those under his charge, how had he let himself be so consumed?!

“Hold on we’ll get you some help. Just please hold on.” Shifting himself on the bike to where the woman sat in front one arm on the handles another holding onto her and the child Aten sped towards the evac zone. The engine of the bike roared as its owner pushed it as though it were no more than a beast of burden but nearby Aten felt two great signatures, one of the dark and another of the light. Before he knew it he was right on top of them, a pilgrimage of individuals and at their head a Togruta male, and across from them a zeltron woman. Looking between the two Aten could tell these were where the presences were coming from but he didn’t know if the woman would survive a full ride without some sort of treatment. Pulling up alongside the Togruta, Aten nodded to the woman who was now sweating profusely her mouth tight. “She took a blaster bolt to her side. She needs help.”

Aten’s eyes never left the Zeltron across from them before he spoke to the Togruta. “I can’t treat her, I don’t know how. If you can please do, I can keep them busy if need be while you work.”
Location: Hyperspace . Coruscant High Orbit
Objective: Escort
Allies: SJO and friends ( [member="Charlie"] [member="Aubrey King"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Varindar Asyt"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"] @Valkre Calderon )
Opposition: Sith & Friends
Equipment and ship: Is in siggy and bio
Troops: 11 Tengu X-Wings

A bunch of bright white streaking lights and then plop, Coruscant system. Aly glanced around out of her cockpit and took a good look at the silver spacey battle group. The blond Corellian grinned at the growing excitement then looked over to all the pretty lights around Coruscant.
Alyisa heard all the com chatter and the directives coming from Fleet command.

“Roger that Silver Command, Olympus inbound”, Aly was still glancing out of the afterglow panels. She could feel the thump of her heart and her breathing started to match the rhythm.

“That’s us Olympus Squadron. Keep it tight and protect those gunships”, those under command we’re loyal and handpicked by @Sala’dine. They were professionals and followed commands well.

Alyisa Mithel, she was a whole other story.​
Location: Aboard the Vixen
Allies: Painkillers
Objective: Test a theory

After the jetpack bomb failed to give Alex an opening, Mereel had realized he had outlived his usefulness in this engagement, and had subsequently marched up the Vixen's boarding ramp before it had been given the order to clear away from the danger zone.

Presently, Mereel found himself laying on a large crate turned makeshift medical table, all of his armor pieces above the belt had been removed by a medical droid in order to inspect his wounds and inject him with a variety of medical needles.

While his body was confined to the table, his mind was still back in the archive room, processing the events that had occurred during his fight with the beast man.

I've heard stories of Mandos in beskar'gam throwing themselves over grenades with only minor injuries. Maybe those weren't thermal detonators.. or maybe -

Mereel slowly lifted his neck off of the table and looked around a group of nearby Jedi Padawans until he saw one that didn't immediately greet his gaze with malice or nervously look away. "Hey, Youngling. Yeah, you. Come over her for a second."

A young male Mon Calamari padawan youngling slowly and cautiously approached the wounded Mandalorian.

"Ease up ner vod. I'm a Jedi too."

The Mon Calamari's expression and posture didn't change.

Yeah, I don't believe it myself sometimes. "You can sense that to be true, right? That's ok, here watch -"

Mereel trailed off his sentence as he thought of something he could use for a demonstration. "watch the helmet on the floor next to me."

Mereel cleared his thoughts and slowed his breathing, allowing his head to fall back onto the table as he focused on using the force to lift his helmet off of the ground. The helmet met his peripheral vision as it rose up and hovered next to his head. He grabbed the helmet from the air with his right hand. "Believe me now?"

The Padawan nodded.

"Alright. This is an odd request but I need you to turn on your saber, and deliver the strongest blow you are capable of on a piece of my armor. Here,"

Mereel pulled off his left bicep guard with his right hand and handed it to the youngling, "give that your best swing."

The Mon Calamari reluctantly took the armor piece, "You're right, that is an odd request."

Mereel nodded, "Yep, but it might be the most important thing I do today. Please, hurry. I'm pretty sure I'm about to pass out. "

"Alright, fine." The Mon Calamarian said as he set the armor piece on top of an unoccupied crate. The youngling's lightsaber hilt spewed out a green blade, and the youngling positioned the blade over his fishy head. Mereel watched as the Jedi brought the blade down onto the armor piece. It failed to slice through, but he could see a vibrant red streak emanating from the top of the armor.

"Give it one more kid."

The youngling obliged, and the top of the armor piece gave way to the lightsaber blade, melting in on itself and collapsing inward.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Mereel didn't feel surprised or disappointed. Those feelings could come later. Now, he only felt tired.

"Thanks kid. Keep the piece if you want. Use it for bragging rights.. or something"

And with that, Mereel closed his eyes and let his exhaustion win out over his consciousness.
Location: Alternate Archive Entrance – to the Exit!
Objective: GTFO
Allies: SJO, GA, RR
Baddies: Sith
Maybe: [member="Tathra Khaeus"] & [member="Darth Ophidia"]

Security cams finally died out and Allyson was left blind on the outside. She quickly moved to other feeds to see if she could still see the inside of the temple. All of it had been demolished and Allyson cursed under her breath. She was ready to move forward and push through whatever was going on yet Jyoti corrected her on what plan B. It was a good thing the Jedi couldn’t see the Corellian’s face through the power armor. She would have the response of a frustrated and disagreeable woman. Allyson hesitated to move towards the exit, she knew there were others still inside the temple and here they were able bodies heading towards the exit.

Dust filled their small tunnel and Allyson quickly made sure the power suit was filtering it. She still suffered from breathing problems from her adventure on the space station. The last thing she needed was to enter a never-ending coughing fit. Another rumble and the structure began to give out. No longer was it the dust that entered the narrow tunnel, the ceiling and the walls were falling on them.

“Feth, not go-“The pieces were small and Allyson felt it against the power armor. She began to move quickly behind Jyoti. A larger piece of rubble hit her in the shoulder and she groaned from it. The power armor took the brunt of the load from the crumbling walls. She started being able moving out of the way as she quickened her pace. Though unlike the Jedi she couldn’t precognit9ion this or even use the force to protect her.

Good thing John makes good stuff…should send him a thank you card after this. Allyson thought as she winced feeling another few larger rocks fall onto her back. The weight caused her to stumble to her knees, the collapse continued and Allyson caught one of the rocks and throw it aside before it crushed her on the top of the head. Standing back up, she continued to take the beating as she ran and began to slow down slightly from the beating.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Tanauski Yumi"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"]

(too many tags sorry if I forgot you)
She Left Behind A Legacy
Main Hall, Jedi Temple
WITH: [member="Jace Khel"] & [member="Quvox"]

OBJECTIVE: Engage [member="Vili Ozouf"]
MELD ALLIES: Paddys [member="Cotan Sar'andor"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Marcus Faust"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Veino Garn"] (any others who accept)
ENEMIES: [member="Tsisaar Taral"] & [member="Darth Imperia"]


Everyone was all over the place, connected but not on the same page at all; it was becoming a liability quick. The fluctuations were cutting holes in the net that linked their minds and she tried her best to hold it together with what energy she had left. One stride after another she climb the staircase, covering a few steps at a time. The last, she would propel herself into a dash that saw her land just at the top. Behind her the ceiling finally gave and the collapse was really happening...

A tremor branched through the ground at an alarming rate in reaction to solids colliding with solids, and it knocked her off balance a bit as she landed on the tips of her feet along the edge of the first stair. Catching herself, she shifted her weight forward in order to anchor herself and regain her balance.

Immediately, "Jace!" he was the first one she saw, she shouted for him knowing that he was being consumed by anger brought out by the machinations of his opponent. "Quvox, we've gotta go!" Her voice echoed through their link, and she communicated her thoughts to him on exactly what the plan would be going forward. In her last attempt to salvage what energy she had she cut the link to the meld as in this point they needed to get clear; survive. When Quvox was ready and was near, she tossed him the emergency beacon and would cover his flank.

She dug the heel of her boot into the marble tiling, providing friction as she twisted her body. Rarely does she ever use this ability, and never when she was feeling this drained. She squeezed in, her core working with her as the muscles in her throat and abdomen began to tense up. She'd tilt her head upwards in order to increase her range, clutching her fist she released an ear splitting wail. It'd be stunning enough to buy a few more seconds of time and draw attention to her from the three Sith she and her Padawan had been fighting. She wouldn't spare Jace she’d need his attention too.

"That was about all I had left..."

On a good day she could use it to devastating effects but... She cradled her lightsaber hilt, slight haunched over as her own locs hung on either side of her head; she was panting.

She turned and moved towards Jace while Quvox helped put things in motion.
Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]

Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Again, the Shadow Hand came to the Emperor's defense. He put himself in the path of the lightning, absorbing it into himself and magnifying it tenfold into a powerful Force Storm. The Dark Side of the Force permeated the Room of a Thousand Fountains, staining the air with the heavy rancid stench of ozone as lightning flashed through the air, and the deep rumble of thunder overpowered every other sound. Taking stock of his surroundings, the Emperor raised himself via levitation over the lip of the pool they had been standing in. With a twist of his hand, the Emperor broke open the chamber's emergency drainage systems, funneling the standing water into the undoubtedly busted sewage systems that ran beneath the ground.

The Emperor spoke, his voice cutting through the sound of the storm wrought by his second-in-command. "What you describe is the cycle that has pervaded all of galactic history since the inception of the Jedi, it is a cycle that many over the millennia have attempted to sever. The Sith and Jedi have become spokes of a wheel, and when that wheel turns one side finds themselves on top and the other pressed into the bottom. And over and over that wheel turns, the Light and the Dark... And therein you see the true nature of the Force, for it is neither balance, compassion, cruelty, or power... It is conflict."

He spoke with such infectious conviction, that it was no wonder that he had amassed so many loyal followers. Carnifex stood away from both Prazutis and Cotan, his back turned to them. He looked beyond the broken fountains, through a massive gash in the far wall created by the Vanguard's descend. On the other side was the once magnificent cityscape of Coruscant, now pocked with uncontrollable infernos and the tumultuous chaos of war as starfighters filled the skies and entire buildings were laid low by falling warships from orbit.

It was a beautiful sight.

"And my Empire is the embodiment of the Force's true nature, for it is war made manifest. That is why it is perfect, and that is why the Alliance now crumbles against its unbridled might." Now he turned to face both of them, regardless of the outcome of his uncle's Force Storm. "And Jedi or not... You will die alongside them all the same." The Emperor raised his right hand, curling his fingers into a tight fist as a stream of unintelligible, but undoubtedly ancient, words spewed forth from his mouth, warping the very fabric of space and time with their mere utterance. Around Cotan the air began to shimmer violently, taking on a sickly green coloration as strands of dark energy materialized from thin-air, snaking through the air like living creatures in an attempt to ensnare the Knight in a terrible embrace.

Cassus Stoma



Jace's youthful mind turned into a war zone. All these things he couldn't control, but tried so desperately too. It appeared as if the Darkside was consuming him, which was true to a certain extent. It was trying oh so very hard, but he fought back with everything he could. His subconscious did the hard yards initially, but it was now his turn. He almost crumbled to his knees as he resisted the anger the swelled within him, telling him to do nothing but kill Taral for the pain he inflicted, and then Romi and Quvox for leaving him for dead - the dark side was full of lies, however.

That boulder came his way, ready to smash him into oblivion and with the final piece of strength he could afford to strain himself with, he thrust himself out of the way. Throwing his body in one direction before narrowly avoiding the rubble as he rolled across the floor. Cuts, bruises, and everything else you could expect were plastered over his skin.

The screech struck out through the physical realm, and it took the full force of Jace's attention. Whatever was in his mind was now gone, a desolate wasteland, barren of thought. His eyes twitched, his hands rushed to his ears. It was gone, he snapped out of it. Weakened but alive, and by the time it was over his ears rang with nothing but white noise.

His hands fumbled across the shattered marble, grasping at his Lightsaber as the ringing in his ear was slowly yet surely dying out. Eventually, he cast a glance to Romi who had approached him, looking with sorrowful eyes for he had failed in his own mind. His movements were sluggish and he'd need assistance, especially after scrambling to his feet. Not a word escaped his lips.

Allies: [member="Romi Jade"] - [member="Quvox"]

Enemies: @Tisaar Taral -

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