Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ENDGAME] - Shadow's Fall

Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Mishel Noren"] [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

Equipment: Armor in signature, lightsaber

She could see her words were getting under his skin, and their current surroundings probably weren't helping his mood. He charged at her, no words spoken and lightsaber held high. The debris he had been using to shield himself starting pelting at her, rushing forward and now accompanied by his lightsaber spinning towards her. So aggressive, a pity he continued to fight this pointless struggle against the dark. Ah well, he could either be converted or die.

Calling on the dark side yet again, an odd light purple shimmering barrier would form in front of her. As the debris passed through it, dust came out on the other end to spread out around her form. The technique was much like Force Drain, but instead of draining vitality, it accelerated the rate of entropy of whatever passed through it. Everything would turn to dust, but she had to drop it once the last of the debris passed to avoid the lightsaber. Cartwheeling to the side, she glanced up and smiled coldly.

"You lost something," she said, her will reaching out to something overhead. An Alliance loyal fighter had just shot down a Sith-Imperial TIE, but it suddenly stopped as she gripped it in the Force. With a gesture, it came hurtling down towards Coren, the surprise and fear of the pilot exquisite.
Allies: Galactic Alliance (sort of), Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemies: The Sith Empire
Objectives: Acquire Holocrons | Convert Jedi to the Darkside
Troops: 6 Undead (2 destroyed)
Attn: [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] Duelling: [member="Darth Sabezt"] Allies: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Rylan Kordel"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
  • Archives
    Jedi Temple on Coruscant

Tacitus felt the tendrils of his mental attacks shatter as his opponent turned his own attacks against him, stealing his own energy to use in his spells as his mind filled with ear-splitting static that forced him to retreat. Something exploded nearby, sending debris flying into his foe's shield and casting the rapidly collapsing chamber into an eerie light.

His opponent seized control of debris falling from the roof, compacting it, pulling it inwards until... a singularity. He felt its hunger draw him in, trying to consume him, so he dug his feet in and pushed back against the floor beneath it with a telekinetic blast powerful enough to shatter stone, the recoil making him slide backwards across the floor. The Overlord of the Shrouded Republic let a grim smile light his face. "Impressive," he said. "But pointless. That trick will not stop me," he said, even as he reached out with his mind, taking back control of the dark energies which his enemy was stealing from him, his iron will forcing the torrent to come to a grinding halt.

Elsewhere in the temple, his Wolfguards would be fulfilling the tasks he had given them, collecting fleeing Jedi who's courage broke in the face of the terror that they were facing, their minds unprepared for the carnage that was unfolding around them like a staged play. Everything was still going according to plan, though now that the tower was collapsing, they would be making their way to the waypoints they had been instructed to head towards, once their mission was complete. That meant that the Overlord had more than enough time to deal with his opponent, which was good. It had been too long since he had enjoyed the thrill of a challenging battle.

Around the two battling Sith Lords, the chamber shuddered and shook, more debris collapsing in from the roof, its way of warning its occupants of the imminent collapse. The Overlord's mind made a few quick calculations, assessing the situation and planning the outcome, factoring the building's demise into his overall strategy and giving him several extra options to use, when the time came.

Even as he dug in his heels and his undead minions surged around the singularity, attacking from the enemy's flanks, two of them unlucky enough to be sucked up and shredded by the singularity,which ground them into a cloud of blood and bone fragments as it hungrily consumed its prey, the Overlord sent out a tendril of energy, like a malevolent tentacle, questing about the ruined chamber for that which it sought, until it finally found it.

Drawn to the death it had been directed to seek, it latched on, even as Tacitus began to recite the words of the ritual, pouring his hatred and killing intent into the spell. Somewhere behind, the rubble stirred as a cold, lifeless hand punched through the debris that had buried it, crawling out of the impromptu grave who's sanctity the Overlord had defiled. The hand was holding a silver cylinder upon which Tacitus forced his will, telekinetically igniting the dead Padawan's weapon even as its desecrated wielder shambled forward at a half-run, charging its enemy in death as it had done so in life. It would not be much of a challenge, but it may provide a useful distraction.


Location: Jedi Temple Archives
Allies: [member="Adrian Vandiir"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Darth Ophidia"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Tacitus"], [member="Mereel Vaun"], [member="Vulpesen"]
Objective: Go crazy​

Rubble fell around the feet of Vereshin and Tacitus as the two Sith Lords engaged in the fateful duel. The singularity on an earthly scale grew even larger as Vereshin directed the maw towards Tacitus, ripping his undead soldiers from the ground in the process. As the rival Sith Lord retreated for the moment, he stole the force Vereshin was casting and unleashed a telekinetic explosion. The singularity was abruptly destroyed as Vereshin was sent flying backwards. As the roof continued to crumble, the magus directed the trajectory of his form through the Force and landed on his feet with a stumble.

"Impressive and pointless?I have a doctorate in that." With a jovial chuckle, he poked Tacitus' threats with levity. Everything Vereshin did was out of scientific curiosity and a desire to test the limits of magic. He knew by now that there were no limits.

The bandages covering Vereshin's head had come loose with the impact and now fell away around his neck, revealing his pristine white features and glowing, green eyes. His raven hair was visible, as his hood had been pushed down. Pulling away the bandages, he discarded them on the ground and pulled his hood up over his head, staring Tacitus up and down with menacing intent. As the undead soldiers charged towards Vereshin, the Sith Lord lunged forward and shred each one to bloody pieces.

Vereshin stood backwards and retracted his hands, pulling the dark energy which Tacitus cast inward, drawing on the rage of his opponent in the process. He uttered an incantation beneath his breath, which grew louder as the energy emanating from his form became thick. The indiscernible lyrics rolled off his tongue, singing a sweet melody to the Void, which blessed him with it's dark power. The energy summoned from the netherworld compacted and took the form of a four-armed demon, sneering down at the undead Jedi which Tacitus had created with curved horns and red eyes.

Chanting with audible passion, Vereshin commanded the demon with the force of his outstretched palm. The entity disintegrated Tacitus' undead soldiers with his very touch. His four arms extended in length, transforming into long tendrils which wrapped around the lightsaber of the undead Jedi, disintegrating the components and causing the plasma blade to flicker and die. As Vereshin pulled the strings of his Void-spawned puppet, the Sith Lord shielded his head from the falling rubble. He allowed the two arcane creations to battle it out while Tacitus and himself focused on leaving the temple with victory in their hands.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple Archive Entrance
Allies: SJO & GA, Nearby- Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Vulpesen"], Yuroic Xeraic, [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Enemies: FO, TSE Nearby- [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Darth Sabezt"], (invisible [member="Darth Ophidia"])
Engagin: ..... No one

At this point Tana felt more like a movie goer then an actual participant in this whole invasion, for as far as the eye could see every person was in a duel, often enough two Jedi on one Sith, more so with the arrival of the CIS personal. In addition there did not seem to be any more immediate Sith reinforcement, the Jedi outside the Archives probably getting things together and preventing the enemy from pushing any further. It had actually gotten to the point where he saw medical personal taking away the injured Jedi and troopers out of harms way.

Sitting a top of a book shelf in a cross legged position the young Jedi contemplate his next move, actually a little disappointing he did not bring any popcorn, could probably make a good movie out of this scene right here. "Everyone seems to have a dueling partner, and I have a feeling getting involved right now would cause more harm then good, there could be some super Sith lord assassin walking around unnoticed, but I don't think I'd last more then two seconds against them". "I don't have any battle meditation powers so mental help is a no no, don't have any ranged weapons on me so melee is the only option for me, nor do I have a data pad to take a video of this, what a day, I hope older sister is having fun".

Yep when you think battle for Coruscant you don't think leisurely sitting on the side lines and watching, the best he could do was maybe heal someone if they got hit, but with how chaotic things where he probably wouldn't be able to do a good job. Well that was until the ceiling caved in, mainly on the center floor, himself having to direct attention to a metal beam headed for his head, which Tana promptly stopped with a small force push. "Well i guess I can fight teh temple, but are we not on the same side, seems like and odd match up".
Allies: Galactic Alliance (sort of), Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemies: The Sith Empire
Objectives: Acquire Holocrons | Convert Jedi to the Darkside
Troops: 6 Undead (5 destroyed)
Attn: [member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] Duelling: [member="Darth Sabezt"] Allies: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Rylan Kordel"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]
  • Archives
    Jedi Temple on Coruscant

His opponent reached out beyond the veil and into a place that, for Tacitus, was as intimately familiar as one's childhood home. He called forward a demon, shackling it to his will with the powerful sorcery that he wielded, then sent the abomination forward into battle. The Overlord's minions ceased to exist, turned to ashes by the demon's touch, which then proceeded to attack the Padawan that the Overlord had raised. This time, the minion managed to hold on, at least for a while, an echo of its desecrated light giving it some measure of resistance to the demon's touch, although it was clearly not going to win. It would not have to.

As his feline eyes fell upon the nightmarish creature, Tacitus smiled. It was a cold, cruel expression that held nothing pleasant within it as the Overlord took the measure of the creature. Letting his eyes drift back to his opponent, he laughed, once more filling the chamber with his dark, Force-amplified voice even as more and more of the building collapsed around them. "The Netherworld? That was a mistake," he said, his voice dark and triumphant, even as he reached out with the Force and seized control of the flying debris like a master yanking his slave's chain. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the debris flying forward towards his opponent's barrier even as he directed some of it into the roof above, attempting to cause it to collapse on top of his enemy.

It was all a distraction, though. Something to keep his foe preoccupied as he unleashed his true attack. "You see, I have been to the Netherworld," he said, even as he reached out with tendrils of invisible darkness, which he cast out at the demonic creature. "I have been marked by it in ways you can not even begin to comprehend," the Overlord continued, even as his own alien mind sought the demon's, finding similarities and attempting to attack them, to wrest control of the creature from his foe. The sorcerer's mind may have been a jumbled mass of insanity, but the demon's was something far more familiar, something that he could exploit. Afterall, he was part demon himself, since his soul had been bound to that nightmarish realm.

It was a battle of wills on a scale that few would be able to understand. Currents of energy slammed into eachother like tidal waves crashing upon a cliff, sending ripples of mental energy who's mere echoes could shatter the minds of lesser opponents as Tacitus pitted the full strength of his iron will and demonic mind against the sorcerer's immense skill, seeking to seize control of his demonic brethren.

"I am Darth Tacitus!" the Overlord announced himself as he stepped forward and around the singularity, putting himself on a diagonal path that kept both it, the demon and his foe within his sight. "Reaper of Lorrd and Breaker of Nibelungen! Do you think you can stand against me? I will show you the true power of the Darkside!" the Sith Lord cried out defiantly as he unleashed the full might of his terrible strength against his opponent's spell. It seemed as if the galaxy held its breath in anticipation of the mental duel's ultimate conclusion.

It was a sight to behold that was as terrible as it was fascinating, two full-fledged Sith Lords clashing against eachother, holding nothing back as each sought to annihilate his foe, as an entire world burned around them and thousands of lives were extinguished like candles doused in water, fueling the nightmarish power of the Darkside upon which the two combatants drew.
Location: Near Archives
Allies: [member="Darth Imperia"] [member="Vili Ozouf"]
Enemies: [member="Jace Khel"] [member="Quvox"] [member="Romi Jade"]

The temple above Tsisaar rumbled, even as chunks of the ceiling released themselves to fall upon the weary combatants below. Some of them were small as pebbles, only a minor nuisance alongside all the dust. Some, though, were great boulders, leaving deep gouges in the floor. The stresses put upon the space by the collapsing tower were nearly too much for the ceiling to handle, and Tsisaar's insanity-driven attempt to bring it all down on them had tipped the balance precariously towards full destruction. Even if it could be stabilized, the newly-loosened chunks of duracrete, numerous of which continued falling, wouldn't manage to be cease doing so for some time.

Nearby, Tsisaar noticed a Jedi getting crushed by one of the boulders, their shriek cut short with a crunch that was both sickening and satisfying. Above, he noticed the leaping Jace Khel run into one of the boulders, his attack effectively cut off. Tsisaar danced out of the way of more boulders, noting curiously that he was laughing while he did it. Somewhere, deeper within, some portion of his thoughts railed against the presence of the Shard of Nil that refused to exit his senses. The fear he felt on seeing the collapsing ceiling was merely a temporary reprieve as the shard took hold of his mind again.

He struggled and stumbled, wrestling with the shard. Tsisaar had become well versed in recognizing and dealing with mental attacks during his time among the Sith, but in using the Shard of Nil, he allowed it to bypass all of his defenses. Moreover, the mind of a heavily mutated, Dark Side-corrupted clone was a volatile one. For all that Tsisaar seemed to be under control every day, there was always a danger that his mind could slip, and quickly, as his brain itself began to deteriorate under the strain of the Force.

Allowing a powerful blast of Force Insanity into it, then, was proving extremely difficult for him to wrest control back.

He rolled away from another falling chunk, coming up shakily, his senses slowly returning to a normal, trustable state. His skin was fine, his huleppi were all still attached, he could breathe without feeling his lungs liquifying inside his chest. His senses still sought to betray him, however, the edges of his vision still being hazy, his mind slow to work around what it was seeing. As he turned, however, his eyes landed upon Jace Khel, who was leaning against one of the boulders.

As comprehension quickly dawned, a new sort of insanity seemed to take hold in Tsisaar's eyes. Where before his eyes blazed with madness, however, they were now iced over with the cold, mechanical contemplation of a murderer. "Good, boy," he growled as he approached, his voice dripping with condescension. "I can sense the fear in you, and I know how it powers your actions even now." He lifted his hands, lightsaber still within one of them, and telekinetically grasped a boulder that fell from the ceiling.

"Now," he began, his voice straining as he tried to both hold the rock and maintain control at the same time, "Release your anger. You'll need its strength to break free of the insanity—and to protect yourself!" He heaved his entire upper body as though he were throwing the boulder himself, and the rock sped from its hovering position down towards Jace, intent on crushing the Padawan in between itself and the boulder he was leaning against.
Aryn Teth

Outside Sunset Tram-Station, Coruscant Streets, Corusca Sector, Core Worlds
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: The Sith Empire
There was something about trying to do good which always seemed to garner unwanted attention. During his ride from the Vanguard's launch platform into the city proper, Aryn hadn't encountered any trouble, but as he led the refugees he'd found through the streets, drawing closer and closer to the tram system to get them to the spaceport, he seemed to be encountering more and more Imperials, looters and criminals, opportunistic parasites taking advantage of the chaos that had engulfed Coruscant.

The distant sounds of battle grew increasingly common, and far closer as they made their way through the streets of Galactic City. Aryn could hear over his communicator as time went on, more reports from the battles elsewhere. Sith swarming around the Jedi Temple, the Senate Tower on fire and the fleet being decimated in orbit. From the immense battle above the planet, Aryn could see as debris began to fall into the atmosphere, the smaller pieces burning up as the larger chunks began to crash into towers and down into the streets. Galactic City had been bathed in a flame, an orange glow which covered the entire world.

As he led the refugees on, it wasn't long before Aryn reached the tram station he had been searching for, Sunset station was one of the few he knew was still operable enough to get himself and the refugees to the spaceport, and he began to quickly usher them all inside, yet, he was greeted with a sharp and searing pain across the back of his shoulder. Before he could even cry out, Aryn spun around, holding up the rifle he had taken from the Sith troopers and firing a shot which immediately took down the soldier who had fired upon him, yet there were more coming, among their rank, Aryn could see at least two red sabers as well. Slinging the rifle, he took his saber from his belt and ignited it, turning his gaze to the refugees. "The station will be safe, i'll catch up with you when I can!" As the refugees hurried down into the station, Aryn leapt into the fray, lightsaber in hand.
"Engage the Warhammer, fire on the Emperor's Flagship!" Admiral Ello Threnalli called as he looked out over the immensity of the space battle which had engulfed Coruscant's orbit. It was a fight more intense than the Abednedo had ever seen before, and even considering the immense defenses that surrounded Coruscant, he knew the Alliance was in trouble. The number of automated defenses that remained under Alliance control were minimal, and the immediate surprise assault had caught the Alliance Fleet off-guard, quickly crippling a number of ships before any sort of response could be mustered. The presence of The Vanguard clearly had boosted the morale of the Alliance's naval fleet somewhat, but even he knew that the ship was out of its' depth.

Competing head-to-head with just one of the Empire's flagships, The Behemoth or The Goliath, would have been more than possible for the Alliance's new flagship, but going up against both of them? Suicide would have been putting it lightly. Yet, the Abednedo had been among the Alliance navy for many years, and he had been intimately familiar with the systems of The Vanguard from its first conception. He knew that the ship could pull through the battle, if the Warhammer was utilized well enough. As the low hum of the Ion Pulse Cannon's charging rolled through the ship, he couldn't help but smirk, until he heard the voice over his shoulder. "Sir, there's a squadron of small craft heading straight for the Warhammer!" Threnalli turned his gaze downward as he looked out of the command tower's viewport, in the distance, he could spot the fighters, they weren't just going for the cannon, they were going lower, for the exhaust-port, supposed to be hidden away beneath the weapon itself.

"Impossible, the Sith couldn't know..." But they could, betrayal had led to this assault in the first place, and it had to have come from one of those high-ranking enough to have had access to The Vanguard's plans, one of the Triumvirate. Threnalli could barely react, could barely even shout an order as the ships disappeared from sight, the cannon growing closer and closer to firing. Seconds before it could however, a bright, blinding flash of light came from the body of the Vanguard, and an immense explosion rocked the flagship and the ships nearby as Threnalli fell back, his head hitting hard against durasteel.

When he scrambled to his feet, he saw it, with the built up energy of the charged weapon, the destruction of the exhaust had caused a cascade failure, an immense explosion which had decimated the armour at the front of The Vanguard, while the ship was still functional, it was badly damaged, and the Sith knew it. Turning his gaze to the two immense Imperial flagships, Threnalli saw the deep green beams of energy as they arced across space, towards the crucial weakpoint that had been just exposed on the Alliance's flagship.

Threnalli sighed, closed his eyes, and waited.

By the time he deactivated his saber again, Aryn was out of breath. The Sith and troopers who had assaulted him had been well trained, more than a few times Aryn had been on the back-foot, but he had fought his way through, the two Sith laying still at his feet as he turned his gaze over the Galactic City vista he had come to. From here he could see the Temple, it burned, one of the towers appeared severely damaged, and Imperial craft flew here and there undergoing strafing runs and dropping bombs.

Aryn's attention was diverted suddenly by a flash, a great white light which came from far above the surface, from the battle above. Through the clouds he could see the immense shape of a ship, suddenly cleaved in two by an immense burst of power. As it began to fall, Aryn realized just which ship it was, and his heart fell, despair set in, and what little hope the man had left faded in an instant as the Vanguard began to fall, split into two immense pieces of debris which came cascading down to the planet's surface. He saw as the front half of the ship, the knife-shaped tip, crashed down onto the Jedi Temple itself, slicing apart the remaining tower and decimating the building beneath its immense size, whilst the back drifted further over the city, falling deep into the depths and down into the sublevels.

For Aryn, all the sounds of battle stopped, the world around him simply grew silent as he dropped to his knees, as he dropped his saber and collapsed back down to sit, unable to stand under the sheer weight of his anguish. As he stared, only the piercing feeling of [member="Srina Talon"]'s voice in his mind made its way through it all, yet he could barely find the strength to respond, certainly, he couldn't find it to give her a real answer. Even through their bond, through the force that linked them, misery poured with Aryn's words.

"I couldn't stop it."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Coruscant-Jedi Temple Archive Entrance
Interacting with: [member="Adrian Vandiir"]
Allies: SJO & GA, Nearby- Allies: [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"], [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Darth Tacitus"]
Enemies: FO, TSE Nearby- [member="Tathra Khaeus"], [member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Tsisaar Taral"], [member="Darth Imperia"], [member="Vili Ozouf"], [member="Darth Sabezt"],(invisible [member="Darth Ophidia"])

She was unsure what Adrian had been doing before she arrive, but it seemed to be a mental battle of some sort, with no other that Jair, a force master that had actually trained Sukai in force shielding and Tutaminis, not someone you wanted to mess with. As her blade came around for the swing, no hesitation behind the blade the young Sith suddenly turned around, shooting a last ditch and powerful arc of force lighting at Sukai to avoid having the deadly blade decapitate him.

Unfortunately she knew how to handle this, her old Sith teacher often shooting lighting at her for minute on end to resist it's effect, and combing that with her armored Yukata and such an attack was mealiness. Even when the blue bolts stuck against her body all it did was push her back a little, but it was enough, her blade missed, the boy falling off the bookshelves just at rubble came down from the ceiling, stabbing though his leg. "Pitty, but I can't kill you know, not like this".

Jumping down she used the force to keep anymore falling object away from them, inspecting the stabbed leg, the metal skewering right through his skin, blood pooling out from it. "The Riben Jin often have a 'take no survivors policy', but I think having you alive will be better then dead", she mused, contemplating how to fix the leg, "guess I will have to bite you, gees I hope no one see this". Last thing she needed where rumors of her making out with Sith on the battle field.

Taking Adrian by the head she lowered her mouth to his neck, pressing the sharp vampiric teeth again his skin, piercing it with ease. Concentrating hard Sukai slowly fed pure energy into the Sith body, using the force to remove the foreign object from his leg, the wound most likely beginning to heal already. 'Not what I imagined my day would entail, wonder what Tanasuki is doing now'.
Locale: Jedi Archives
​Allies: N/A
​Enemies: Current - [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Vulpesen"] | [member="Darth Sabezt"] | [member="Vanessa Vantai"]
​Potential Enemies - [member="Xevek Rakama"] | [member="Darth Imperia"] | [member="Vili Ozouf"] | [member="Adrian Vandiir"] | [member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Darth Tacitus"] | [member="Mereel Vaun"]

​Tathra didn't have time to respond to the white haired Jedi's request as shards of [member="Aryn Teth"]'s Vanguard carved through the ceiling causing Tathra to back up, using his thrusters to put some distance between himself and the group as a massive piece of debris from the ship, shaped almost like a dagger crashing into the side of the building. It was massive, almost like half of the ship had fallen from the sky. Tathra activated his thrusters, peddling back as the debris tipped over, entirely collapsing the archives, causing the walls to crash in on top of them.

​It was almost like someone had driven a sword through the Temple, destroying almost all of the archives in one fel swoop. Yet, as fast as he may have been, he couldn't outrun half the side of the Vanguard. Tathra was buried beneath the debris, crushed by the massive pieces of the ship and the caved in temple walls.

​The weight of the ship acted like a drill, driving him through the temple floor and below, the thick marble floor became a crater; with his body being pulverised beneath.

​Tathra barked, turning his head to breath; gagging on dust and ash as he felt the immense weight on top of his body. In mere moments it would crush him if he didn't act, the magnetic fielding of his suit was fried, sending his body into an overdrive; his pain receptors were on fire, driving his mind to a blinding red of anger.

​He screamed, hot magma shooting from his mouth onto the thick plating of the debris, burning away at both his armour and the ship debris above. Burning just enough, as to use his hands to dig through the floor, pulling himself away from the ship. Tathra grunted and grovelled for a moment, throwing a frustrated fist at the wall; causing shards to fall.

​Jedi or Sith, the next person he saw would pay for that.
Location: Beyers Hospital
Allies: [member="Anais Auraeli"]
Enemies: The Adams Family a.k.a [member="Jairus Starvald"] & eventually [member="Irajah Ven"]
Nearby: [member="Mara Merrill-Valkner"] floating around, chillin'

Ember still sporadically trembled from the lightning that fried him a moment ago and standing back up on his feet in pain was a challenge. Nonetheless, the Jedi climbed back up on his feet but his posture clearly indicating the man was damaged. Meanwhile, the Sith Lord taunted him sending the waves of emotion he struggled to keep down crashing in his mind eradicating the barriers he had learned since he was just but a child.

Metaphorically, the Jedi abruptly leaned opposite of his usual Force spectrum.

He saw the damage he had done and did not notice that the Sith Lord's machinations had led him to this outcome. Ember surrendered to guilt, abhorrence and regret. Unbeknownst to him, the Sith's words worked.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

The recital faded away deep within him, drowned beneath the emotions the situation and more specifically Sith orchestrated. Ember didn't even register the man called his name.

Stand your ground, Ember. Stand within the Light.

A voice echoed through him trying to keep the flood of emotions down but barely to any avail. He raised both of his arms and focused upon the Force within the environment around Carach.

"If it means saving them, I will!!" Ember raised his voice vigorously and tapped into the Force. The air pressure in the Sith Lord's immediate proximity would drastically increase in an attempt to tie him in one place and potentially burst his ear drums. The Jedi Knight had chosen duty first but the outcome now broke him thanks to the Sith Lord.
Minorous Traske

Location: Jedi Temple
Engaging: [member="Koda Fett"]
Today was his lucky day, apparently.

Traske fired the tensor cannon as Fett flew up into the air, just out of range. It was however, fired just before the railgun shots were, those same ones that found themselves caught in the tensor cannon but still bearing down on Minorous like knives descending upon him. They seemed to have moved in a formation, aiming for him. Possibly smart-tracking, but they certainly weren't going to be tracking heat, and although his reflec may have made him invisible to all conventional scanners, perhaps they were using something more advanced. His cloak activated quickly, Traske disappearing from sight as he quickly moved before he deactivated the tensor.

The shots struck where he was, unable to find their target again. That was a weapon Minorous would have to look up; this entire fight was basically an advertisement for half the weapons that Fett was trying out. Traske rounded more cover, trying to keep himself hidden as he stayed low and moved quietly, his cloak still functioning as he popped up from cover, the Carbine raised and aimed towards Fett. He had him now, he knew he did. This fight had gone on far longer than he would've ever expected, but he wasn't going to be sitting back and letting this continue any longer.

Then everything collapsed. There was a horrifying screech and boom as not only the tower of the Jedi Temple, but the front end of a capital ship came crashing down through the ceiling. Traske was sent flying through the air by the impact as dust and smoke kicked up all over where he had been, the temple itself beginning to collapse as the armoured man was sent tumbling around, unable to even tell where he was. He fell into a pile of rubble, even more collapsing onto the rocks on top of him as he was pushed deeper, buried beneath the debris that had formerly been the ceiling of one of the most sacred places of the Jedi.

Everything became dark.
Allies: [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Romi Jade"] [member="Allyson Locke"] anyone really who isn't Sith, but specifically Archive Group
Enemies: [member="Darth Saarai"]
Objective: Be the hero

Lightning arced towards him, hungry, hoping to devour him in a shower of dark energy. Had they been younger, more inexperienced, the two's opening salvos likely would have incapacitated one another, but both the two were masters of their craft, they had trained and perfected their skills over a lifetime of training and battle. Neither would fall so easily. Shifting his stance, he sunk low and let himself focus in, calling on strength from the meld to bolster his own. The force was his ally, he trusted in it to guide him, and so it did.

Projecting a telekinetic barrier outward in the blink of an eye, the Sith Lord's lightning danced across the shield, enveloping it in its crackling energy. He could've stayed behind it, stood his ground and let Saarai come to him, but Marcus had been where the Thrikken was now, thought how he did or at least similarly, staying put made him a dead man. With the force bolstering him, his prosthetic legs propelled him out to the side of the shield, a blur of speed much like his avian counterpart.

Vindica too had focused on physical enhancement, and while Marcus was no longer the same man, some of the talent carried over.

Turning suddenly at a sharp angle that might've left a normal man with ligaments snapped, Faust's prosthetic worked in conjunction with the all surrounding force to let him execute the maneuver with ease. As he did, a telekinetic hand reached out and hurled a trio of large crates in the Lord's direction. If and when they missed, they'd smash harmlessly into the opposite wall. The Sith was right, he was stalling.

However, suddenly the hangar and the temple itself shook as a certain Dark Lord sent a large tower down into it. The sudden rumbling forced Faust to slow, stabilize himself for the briefest instant, and he could only hope that his foe had been forced to do the same, otherwise Faust would once again find himself in need of a quick counter. Seconds later, a massive Super Star Destroyer crashed down into the cityscape.

The hangar was spared, but the shockwave threw him to the ground, smoke and dust filling the air as chaos enveloped the area. This world was going to burn.

"How many times has this day come? How many times have ones like us torn this temple to the ground only for it to be rebuilt?" He called out, voice rife with a mixture of guilt and clarity.
Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
, [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
The fall was hard but they were prepared for it.

​Alerts exploded in his HUD of nearby explosions, a falling dreadnought that was inevitably coming down on part of the temple they were fighting in. But it wouldn't deter the Sith Lords from gutting these pathetic Jedi.

The Shadow Hand turned and switched targets leaping into the fray alongside the Emperor, his blood nephew, a man who was like his brother. He pulled back behind Carnifex and gathered the power of the dark side into an exposed hand, pure anger and hatred surged gathering into a single point. The world around them was awash with the dark side as fear gripped it in a stranglehold, he fed on it all. A true Sith Lord in his mind should know how not only to use their own emotions but to consume the essence of emotion and feeling from around them. The power bubbled and surged through his body, the strain was alleviated through the dark side amulet and amplified through the qixoni crystals.

Until he saw an opening.

Cotan lunged towards the Emperor with deadly intent lightsaber in hand but he wouldn't get close. A destructive blast of pure dark side energy ripped out from his outstretched hand in a crimson blast that would miss the Dark Lord but would put Cotan right in its path. The price of a thrust was getting hit by the power of the dark side itself.

"Your determination in the face of such hopeless odds is admirable Jedi, but no songs will be sung about your heroic battle against the darkness. You will be sliced down like a dog, your corpse disintegrated when we turn this world to ash." ​He stood alongside Kaine then a united front to launch at their enemies.

Everything was about to change because of the falling Vanguard that was coming down towards them.

Aubrey King

Location: Hyperspace > Coruscant High Orbit
Objective: Escort
Allies: SJO and friends ([member="Charlie"] [member="Alyisa Mithel"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Varindar Asyt"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"])
Opposition: Sith and Conspirators

Aubrey looked out through the cockpit of the flashing blue and white lights streaking past as her fighter cruised through hyperspace. When locked in hypertransit there was little else to do, and it helped take her mind off the anxiety of impending combat.

All around her hundreds of fighters and dozens of warships in synchronized flight, a great armada to help relieve the Silver’s beleaguered GA allies. There was a chance they could, but the problem would be that they would be too late to make a difference.

“Dropping out of hyperspace now,” her CAG announced to the wing. “Everyone and their mother is here for Coruscant. Prepare for the worst.”

Multiple Spacy and ISAF battlegroups reverted out of hyperspace near the upper limits of Coruscant’s orbit, behind the dark side of the moon to provide some cover as commanders quickly regained their bearings before diving into the chaotic battle taking place closer to the planet.

Not long as after reversion, Aubrey’s cockpit was getting pings from hundreds of warships, and even more distress calls of stranded civilians caught in the middle.

Her stomach sank. This was her largest conflict yet, right over Coruscant of all places.

“Hotelier, Olympus, and Onyx, after an electronic corridor is established, you are escorting the first wave of gunships to the NJO headquarters.”

Her parent battlecruiser initiated an info dump over datalink, providing her and the other squadron leaders with detailed flight plans to the surface on the path of least resistance.

“Roger that. Onyx, you heard the man. Form up around our group of gunships once they launch. Keep those formations tight, we cannot stray or the gunships will be toast.”

She received a chorus of acknowledgements, reminding her that she was missing her permanent XO. Locke had been pulled elsewhere for some special mission, leaving Lieutenant Walsky to take her place. He was capable, but she liked have having all the experience within her squad.

The battlegroups began to edge out from behind the moon, opening up with ECM and decoy drones to mask the advance of all the air groups destined planetside. All the while, warships began to rain fire upon the hordes of hostile ships at range in concert with their GA allies.

For the Silver Spacy, the operation had begun, but like with Thyferra, it may have been too little too late.
Location: Coruscant high orbit
Objective: Escort medvac
Allies: [member="Alyisa Mithel"] [member="Aubrey King"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"]
Enemies: Sith and conspirators

“Hotelier, Olympus, and Onyx, after an electronic corridor is established, you are escorting the first wave of gunships to the NJO headquarters.”

"Roger, roger" She then turned to the others in the squadron. "Keep the formations tight, there are other gunships in tow, as well as other medvac: this is not an enemy that will hold fire at medvac"

With the flight plans uploaded to all their craft, as well as the first wave of medvac through to the NJO headquarters, Varindar started deploying her squadron in a tight formation around the medvac they have in tow. Although she wasn't there on Thyferra, the horror of what's taking place here was just the same as what she heard about it: the Vanguard exploded - the Alliance's SSD was destroyed in that one engagement it was deployed in, with big chunks of scrap metal threatening to take down entire districts of the city. Poodoo: it's entirely possible that there may not even be anybody left to save once we arrive, she thought, while staying focused on keeping a tight formation around the medvac transports. Thank the Force she didn't fly a Chiloon-III here: she knew that keeping a tight formation in that craft was much trickier because of those explosive tiles. The tortuous path gave her no rest, but the Confederates and the Silvers were doing the best they could to keep the Sith from attacking the medvac - and maybe, just this once, the Confederates would be doing medvac as well.

"Approaching landing zone"

12 Premion light shuttles (endurance configuration)
Location: Arriving at Archives
Allies: Archive GA forces and VSF Troops(@Alexandra Cinthra, [member="Jairdain"], [member="Mereel Vaun"], others)
Enemies: Sith Forces ([member="Vanessa Vantai"], [member="Darth Sabezt"], @Tathrea Khaeus)
Objective: Arrive at Archives and provide support

As Vulpesen neared his destination, a presence would suddenly burst onto his radar. Remembering the familiar presence earlier, the surprise of who it was nearly caused him to trip over his own feet. Ace! Alexandra was here... Memories surfaced, many good, but the most recent very bad. Their love, his loss, her banishment. But he had a mission to do. And while he had banished her from Veradune, it seemed the force had decided that she was not banished from his life...

I know. Annd well, here's some stuff. Ace's 'voice' filled Vulpesen's mind, then suddenly a rush of new information. Apparently his friend had been speaking to Daeda, though giving all that information to Vulpesen at the time might have been a deadly distraction while fighting a pair of sith. Surprising as it might have been, it was like having been right next to Alex during her time in the room. He saw everything Daeda saw, and now he knew exactly how to react.

Thanks. Stopping where he was, Vulpesen looked up and centered himself in the force. "Here goes nothing..." Reaching up, he issued out several orbs of pure force energy before leaping up to chase after them. "GOIN UP!"

In the archives, a steady thumping would sound under everyone's feet. First distant, then growing ever closer. As it neared the thumping would turn to crashing and perhaps a few might have begun to recognize it as the sound of shattering duracrete. And if they couldn't recognize it, then they'd see it as duracrete launched into the air behind Vanessa, and the coated figure of Vulpesen flew out of the ground behind it. With his boots hitting the ground, Vulpesen would lean over, placing his hands on his knees as he took a moment to catch his breath. "Y-Ya know... This place... needs a remodel." Taking a moment to wave his hand, he ordered his ship to take off. If needed, he could call them back, but for now, it was time to get the injured out of here.
Location: Room of a Thousand Fountains
Allies: [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Alvarex Zambrano"]

Enemies: [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Cotan Sar'andor"]

The war in space was grown more chaotic by the second. There had never been an opportunity for orderly battle lines to be formed, as the Sith-Imperial Armada had exited hyperspace right in the midst of the Alliance flotilla, utilizing real-time information relayed to the Sith by their agents within the defense fleet. Several Alliance ships were then commandeered by the Sith sleeper agents, and their guns were turned on their former colleagues as the fighting quickly began to center around the Empire's twin dreadnoughts. Deck cannons launched volley after volley as the battle condensed to such a degree that ships could broadside each other at point-blank range, adding to the clutter and debris that fell down to the surface of Coruscant like metallic rain.

As even more ships, pulled from other Alliance sectors, Imperial reserve fleets, and new arrivals from the Confederacy, jettisoned into the system the shield which had been hastily erected over the planet began to fail at an exponential rate. This opened up the Coruscant surface to more damage from falling debris, stray or deliberate turbolaser fire, and the disembarking of more Imperial soldiers and Confederate recovery teams as more and more city blocks were reduced to ruin.

The greatest blow to the Alliance came when the Vanguard was beset by both the Behemoth and the Goliath. Both traded blows via long-range turbolasers and mass-driver cannons, but neither's shields had been weakened enough to allow more than glancing blows against each other's outer defenses. That all changed when the Vanguard, in the middle of charging its main gun, was critically wounded by the Sith aces of Skull Squadron, who flew without the Emperor in defense of the Behemoth. They targeted the Vanguard's Warhammer Shield Cracker, utilizing a weak point identified in the dreadnought's blueprints provided to them by Taeli Raaf.

Once the weapon had been damaged, both of the Imperial dreadnoughts moved in for the kill. Their Annihilator Kyber Crystal Cannons had been charged, and now they fired a pair of perpendicular lines of highly volatile energy towards the exposed Alliance flagship. The two beams of energy slammed into the Vanguard, scything through the dreadnought's midsection before both beams collided with each other and exploded right in the heart of the Vanguard.

The two halves of the Vanguard stayed connected only for several seconds before they began their slow descent down towards Coruscant's surface, as the entire took place dangerously close to the planet's gravitational pull.

Disheartened, the Alliance forces began to suffer greatly as their pride and joy, the symbol that was supposed to rally all of the Alliance, crashed down into their capital with destructive consequences. Meanwhile, the Sith-Imperial Armada was bolstered by the Vanguard's destruction and pushed the attack even further, pushing the Alliance fleet closer to the planet's surface as the noose began to encircle Coruscant.


The Emperor held his ground, letting his uncle and second-in-command come to his defense on his behalf. Still, even if Cotan managed to avoid Prazutis' attack, the Emperor was ready to defend himself by erecting barriers of tutaminis to catch and block the lightsaber's plasma blade.

The sounds of battle surrounded them, and the hypersonic boom of the Vanguard's descent into the atmosphere shattered every window over an area of several kilometers. A shadow fell over the Jedi Temple as the prow of the once mighty dreadnought drew ever closer before finally crashing into the temple's remaining tower, and coming to a rest buried deep in the temple's center. The area where the Emperor, the Shadow Hand, and the Jedi Knight fought was left strangely unmolested by the Vanguard's death, but the effects could be seen all around them. Part of the chamber had collapsed in on itself, tanks of water bursting as walls and floors buckled beneath the warship's weight.

Communication channels on both sides were in a frenzy, the Alliance were demoralized by the destruction of their greatest flagship while the Sith were either reporting its destruction or were shouting frantically that part of the dreadnought had landed on the Emperor's last known location.
Location: Dropship, on way to temple​
Mission: Save younglings and fry bad guys​
Troop count: 3 squads of ten dudes each​
Draven and his Dudes sat in the dropship, the squad of ten massive mech suits powering up and fixing any last minute repairs as they prepared to drop into the temple. Draven had absolutely no idea of what he was walking into, but had a feeling it would be rather gruesome, or they would not have asked for his help.​
The dudes were alive with noise as they prepared to drop, each mech suit had been through enough fights and battles to have its own distinct look. Many even had gone so far as to take trophies, skulls hanging from the hips of almost all of the suits, as many as they could collect. The skulls had little symbols carved into them and painted on to them, skulls and ears were the trophies of choice for the dudes, they would pin the ears in rows across the chest of their mechs, and tie the skulls on to the massive belts which they wore. Draven did not really approve of it, but he allowed it nonetheless. The Dudes were a ruthless shock trooper force, and bravado was apart of that. Though it did disturb the knight a bit.​
The ship came into some heavy turbulence, and shook them back and forth, causing some muttering about pilots being fools, as well as some off colored jokes, to which Draven said nothing. The knight wondered where his apprentice was, and if he had joined up with commander Felix on the other drop ship. [member="Dorian Van Seafire"]​
In the mean time, Draven began to lock his saber's hilts together, the sabers slowly forming into a much larger, and more powerful hilt, in its disassembled state, the saber looked to be a mess of clicking and whirring metal, but once it was together, it would be a sleek, and powerful saber. The knight crackled over comms,​
"The objective is to save the younglings. Use whatever means necessary Dudes. Get as many out, as quickly as possible, we don't have time to hold hands and cradle feelings. Grab and go." In his mind, the knight was wary of even mentioning this to them, because the dudes were...rough at the best of times. But if it came to it, and they were really going, casualties would be unavoidable, especially with children. Draven just hoped they would have the time to be careful.​
The Sith was not going to overpower him. Coren had to stand firm. He was the Grand Marshal of whatever would survive from here on out, from the New Jedi Order. Gritting his teeth, he had landed and turned. The rocks and debris were hurling towards the Sith, along with his lightsaber were flying to them. The Force could call a Jedi to be just as aggressive as a Sith. It was just a matter that the Jedi held back.

The shield that she put up grabbed the incoming attack and rendered it inert. Terrific trick. But his lightsaber still came flying back to him. Had he lost it, he wasn’t lost. If Taeli paid attention, she would have felt the blade of Omai Rhen, something Coren had recovered on Byss. But the weapon was of a leader, not a warrior, not a murderer.

And Starchaser was riding that line very closely today. He saw her and heard her. Looking at where he knew the trouble was coming from, he saw the Alliance fighter. X-Wing. Of course, someone was going to need to upgrade this navy with E-Wings. Leaping into action, Coren reached for the fighter in the Force, waiting, and timing the ejection of the pilot to get him not going to the ground. From there, he was timing the fighter. Hitting one knee, he called the Force for protection.

The fighter hit near him, and the wreckage and fire came at him. And he grabbed it in the Force. To stop it. He wanted to gain control of it. But that was when he felt it. The Vanguard, the Alliance’s flagship was torn in two. The lives extinguished, the dreams ripped away. This was not going to end well. He needed the Sith gone, and he needed them gone now.


That was what was covering every thought that the Jedi Master had. Not white-hot rage, not anything sustainable, but rage all the same. Swirling the fire and wreckage around him he carried it with him as he leapt from the crash site, right at the Lady of Shadows. The fire and steel his shield, and all would be launching from him, what he could, would be focused towards Taeli.

The orange blade would hold solid from the firestorm as Starchaser stepped, with purpose towards her.


[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Cotan Sar'andor"]
[member="Darth Prazutis"]

Probably all feeling Rage
[member="Romi Jade"]
[member="Jace Khel"]
[member="Cambria Zadira"]
[member="Marcus Faust"]

[member="Veino Garn"]
LOCATION: Coruscant's Thermosphere
OBJECTIVE: Overwhelm Enemy Fleets

As Edwin and the enemy kept fighting and exchanging fleets. There was an apparent imbalance. Smaller ships demanded larger ships which demanded medial ships which demanded smaller ships. Apparently their little plan to capture ships set off an imbalance between all current parties. If anyone were to join now with a more versatile standing as of now for either side, one could or the other could easily get dominated. They need a way to overthrow the enemy while also being prepared for more. More of backup was to arrive, but they needed to take this opportunity in the space battles.

Edwin suddenly got the idea as he docked back at a star destroyer to refuel. They needed to create holes in the enemy force. Weak spots which could then be exploited by their upcoming reinforcements. But how? How will they create these weak spots that could be exploited? Edwin then realized there might actually be a way to do it where they could create holes while currently giving them an advantage. He pulled up a private channel further inside from the hangar.

"Hello? Is the Admiral there?" There's was the low hum of static before a voice picked up.

"No, this is Ensign Reese, Admiral is a tad busy keeping us alive,"

"This is Lieutenant Edwin; send the Admiral the call; I believe I have figured out a way to give us an advantage even without the need of our impending reinforcements," There was silence for a moment. A return to the low hum of static before an older voice picked up.

"Lieutenant Edwin, what's this about a plan to our advantage," Admirals didn't have the need to address acolytes with respect. It was only when they would become a Lord of the Sith where it would become a requirement. Edwin was half happy for it as it meant he was talked towards as not just a Sith, but still not entirely pleased as he knew the Admiral was purposely not showing respect.

"I figured that we could deliberately force our enemies to change ships into our benefit. Considering the cycle of ship specialties going on without much mix in between I propose we could cause certain areas to be forced to change to ships advantageous against us,"

"Wouldn't that simply give them the ability to overwhelm us? The balance out there is chaotic enough,"

"We can have ships at the ready that would be advantageous against these ships in reserve before we do a full on assault. Reinforcements should also be notified,"

"To purposely make weakpoints that way, huh? Impressive Lieutenant. I will notify through the private comm channels to change ships and go on the defensive for our fighters,"

The Admiral hanged up before Edwin had the chance to. He's certainly trying to dance in his superiority. Edwin raced back to his TIE-S "Subjugator" before being refitted for a more generalist approach. He didn't know whom to attack and was exceedingly finding him it simpler to order and support rather than acting on the main assault for their fleet's favor. Hopefully his strategy will pull off. More than just his face depends on this.

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