Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enemy mine – the CHAOS cut

As the visitors grew closer, Corvus was unable to tell any more about them. Her range with Sense or Sight was not sufficiently developed much beyond her usual field of vision.

She was therefore pleased and a little disturbed when Avreet spoke. Glad that he was aware of their impending meeting but alarmed how much more powerful he was. She had developed a trust in him – but was this misplaced? If there came a point where she became expendable or a barrier to what he wanted, what might happen then?

Bu the Force hadn’t warned her to act and so she pushed these thoughts from her mind. Better to focus on the here and now. But the present was just as disconcerting as Avreet managed to change his appearance to first appear invisible and then to slowly morph into a perfect likeness of Kana – identical in every detail. It was downright odd.

Trying to act as if this was not fazing her in the slightest, she nodded to Avreet. “It would fool me, so they’ll have no chance. And unless they’ve met Kana, the voice is close enough."

And so they continued towards the ‘locals’ and sure enough, once she could see them in the moonlight, she could sense them. Friendly might be generous but not necessarily hostile. Once they closed the gap enough to see all five faces, Corvus waved and then bowed politely. If they’d met Jedi before, this ought to appease them. Assuming of course they’d met her Order under positive circumstances.

[member="Avreet Zatarus"]
"Good." "Kana" said in Avreet's Imperial accented voice, glad his mastery over bending sound, light and shadow through the Force was still as perfect as at's always been. After all, the young Sith prided himself as one of the few beings in the galaxy who could do something like this. After devoting much of his life to the arts of two particular Force powers, he was happy so see hard work and devotion paid off.

The Kana - Avreet thing followed [member="Corvus Raaf"], the amphibious Sith's mind focused on keeping the projection stable, yet detailed. His eyes at the approaching beings, all looked human or near-human, Avreet could not tell. Five men, all dressed in similar fashion to the Jedi Knight, their bodies covered in cloth, which gave away they were locals. Most sentients who could afford to travel across the space could also afford better clothes. Jedi apparel was often dubbed the choice of the poor for a reason. Following Corvus' example, Kana offered the men a bow as well while Avreet studied their hands. Not just the tools the men carried; four held weapons one could tell to be scatterguns and blaster rifles, one held a large device, looking at it. Possibly a map that showed them the way through the sand burrowers' territory and guided them in the direction of the crashed ships.

The Mon Cal did not stop there though, he focused on each of the men's hands, noting them to show signs of labour. When he connected these things, he came to an assumption those five were slaves.

All five took a step forward and bowed in return, their bows quite deep, something they did quite often when bowing to their masters. The largest one of them eventually made one more step, lowering his blaster, and Avreet could see the empty gaze in the man's eyes, but not empty enough not to notice the lightsabers, something that gave away the unlikely duo's allegiance.

"Masters Jedi!" he exclaimed in awe, "We did not know of your visit! Are you the ones who have crashed in the storm? We were sent to investigate..."
Corvus smiled. “Jedi yes, but Masters no. We are both Knights of the Jedi Order, on a routine mission from Ossus.” Corvus found even the opening exchange odd. Standing next to ‘Kana’ and knowing she wouldn’t say anything. Corvus mused she could get used to this. Well, for about five minutes anyway.

“Our visit was not planned. We were both affected by a freak ion storm in the space above your atmosphere. Our instruments are no longer operational, so it is good indeed to hear you have come to help us.” Corvus purposefully turned the word ‘investigate’ into something more positive. If they weren’t here to help, they’d find out soon enough.

“So tell me, how far have you travelled to reach us?” Corvus glanced at all of the men, waiting to see if the remainder lowered their weapons now that the spokesman had done so. His voice suggested he would cooperate but pointed guns were at odds with his tone.

[member="Avreet Zatarus"]
Kana remained silent, letting the real Jedi Knight talk and explain everything. If it came to the knowledge of the Jedi Order, she was still vastly better than the Mon Calamari Sith Lord, despite his studies of them. While Kana stood motionless, Avreet continued to carefully observe the five slaves, observing their body language for signs of aggression. While those men did not lower their weapons like their leader, Avreet could not see or feel any tension in them, common to those about to fire.

"Quite far, Master Jedi. We come from the city," the same man answered, one of his hands letting go off the weapon and pointing somewhere in the distance. Nothing could be seen, obviously, due to the fact it was night. "The moment masters spotted the light in the sky, we were tasked to go and investigate it."

"Have you travelled by some sort of transportation?" Kana spoke up as Avreet noded the men did not look tired, which was quite odd.

"No, Master Jedi," the talking one shook his head, "We know how to walk the desert and avoid the worms sleeping under the sands. Follow us... we will take you to the city so you can greet our masters."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corfus nodded to the Man that was doing all of the talking. "Thank you, that would be most appreciated. And so we may be most respectful when we get there, could you tell us something of your masters?"

Corfus felt uneasy at the situation. It had nothing to do with the Force, it was simply their demeanour. Add that to the fact that they talked of their masters and she suspected she knew their status. It troubled her on two levels. Firstly the concept of slavery. The second was the nature of men who would enforce sentients to be slaves.

What was already a tricky situation was about to become even more challenging. The Jedi were obliged to honour local laws, even if they didn't agree with them. She wondered where Avreet stood on the subject of slavery - but now was not the time to ask.

[member="Avreet Zatarus"]
The men started to walk, expecting the two Jedi to follow. "We are not allowed to discuss our masters," the talking man simply shook his head, letting the other four men walk first, the one having the map leading the way. Sand crunched under their feet as they moved through the vast desert bathing in night. Underneath the steely mask of Kana, Avreet frowned after the man spoke of the masters again. Slavery was distasteful in his opinion, a thing of the past where it should be left to rot. This was not the case, unfortunately, and the Mon Calamari found it quite hard to stomach, especially since the Jedi committed atrocities in the name of freedom when attacking Sith planets to "liberate" their citizens, but supported slavery in their own space.

While Kana continued following the men, Avreet reached out through the Force and playfully nudged [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s presence to get her attention. "Isn't this a shame of your Order?" he sent a telepathic question into her mind, "You shield yourself with words of freedom and rights when plundering our planets, yet you allow slavery to blossom in your own space if it's profitable for the Republic. How can you claim you give hope to those in need if you help those who enslave sentient beings?"
Corvus frowned mentally. 'We are Jedi. I am not a political animal. We are expected to follow the rules of the Republic and local laws wherever they exist. The day the Jedi start to decide what is or isn't appropriate to our moral code, is the day we cease to be Jedi. We serve. That does not mean I agree with slavery but my life is not to voice my opinions. And it does not dent my devotion to be a Jedi.'

[member="Avreet Zatarus"]
"Who do you serve? The innocents or the Republic? I suppose you ultimately follow the will of the Jedi Grand Master. If she decides the Republic is corrupt, you will follow her. But if you turn blind eye to crimes that happen because the Republic allows them to, how are you any better than those who commit them?" questioned the Sith Lord again, also sending his feeling of disapproval to the young woman's mind. His invisible eyes looked around the desert, helping himself with the night vision built in the cybernetic eye to see. There was not much to witness; just sand. The only thing to note was the temperature, as it became significantly colder than during the day.

None of the men leading the way spoke, possibly not interested in conversation, possibly too brainwashed to have any thoughts of their own. That also meant they paid absolutely no attention towards the Jedi duo, blindly following the first man who carried the device showing him the safe way through the desert.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was conflicted, that much was obvious - but she had many years of having to deal with this particular conundrum. 'I serve the Republic and trust in them to serve the needs of the innocents. Should they fail in that duty to a point where we can no longer serve them with an honest heart, the Grandmaster will surely advise us. And then it may prove interesting. With no Jedi Council, I suspect such a decision would be taken by consulting widely. That is her preferred style.'

Corvus then looked at the landscape ahead. There was little to see - but it afforded a break from a conversation that she always found at best uncomfortable.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"This begs a question. Can the Jedi leave the Republic if it turns to be just another dictatorship?" Avreet's question resonated through the Knight's mind, "You seem very much dependant on it. The food that supplies your Temples. Clothes, weapons and armor. Whenever you need, you get several ships full of soldiers to die for you. Imagine all of that being taken from you. I have no doubt many would join the Dark Jedi if you parted way with the Republic. The Silvers have all that you possess, and much more... and they have no Republic, no laws they need to follow. No Code..., Is it possible for the Jedi to exist and stay true to their Code without any support from the government?"

It felt quite weird, having the sort of conversation going on in their heads while none of the group spoke a word.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was not surprised Avreet returned to the subject. Achilles' heels tended to attract the most attention.

'To begin with, we serve the Republic, we are not part of it. At least that is my understanding.' Even though only thoughts, they were most likely beginning to sound tetchy.

'And as far as we are concerned, the words of Kagoro spring to mind. "I wear my robe so that I am warm; I carry my lightsaber so that I am safe; and I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry." And nobody dies for 'me.' I would gladly lay down 'my' life to protect any member of the Republic. But I understand your point of view. I am sure there are those that have perhaps a little more in their pocket than enough coin for their next meal and who would and could sell their allegiance - even if the Jedi remained in the service of the Republic. But that does not make the ideals any less valid. It is their application that is lacking - and we are, after all, prone to error. I shall not tear my mind or soul apart searching for some utopian world. I will continue to do what I believe to be right and know in my heart that I am at one with the Force and the Code. How many can say the same?'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"Quite a lot of people," Avreet answered, even though it was meant to be a rhetorical question. "Do you think any of your brothers or sisters believes they are doing anything wrong? Constantly being fed they are heroes, the force of all that is good and just, peacekeepers, guardians, protectors... How many of you realize you are doing something wrong when you're doing it? How many of you automatically assume you do the right thing?"

A breeze of wind washed over them, picking grains of sand and swirling them around the desert. If anyone looked at Kana in that moment, they would be able to see the sand entering her body. While Avreet could add more detail to the projection by adding sand here and there, there was little he could do to stop it from going into the bent light and shadow until it hit his body. In other cases, he could feel the sand impacting his sensitive skin on the head, which stopped the grains too soon. Luckily, none of the slaves bothered to look their way; too busy following orders.

"I wonder, Corvus...," the Sith started changing the topic to something he never understood about the Jedi. "Why lightsabers? Many weapons have stun setting. Blasters, batons, spikes. For blaster deflection, you could use one of those energy shields or turn your lightsabers to lower power level. Why do you need to have weapons that can cut through anything? Would't it suit better to your beliefs to simply stun people instead of mutilating them or violently killing them? Most forms of lightsaber combat are very unethical."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus started to frown, but was caught short as there was a chance their guides might notice and as unlikely as it now seems, question her. At the very least, they would be likely to pass the information on to their 'masters.'

So she kept a face that was without expression as she followed the men. 'It is not for me to judge other Jedi. Not as individuals. Any that are found wanting are arrested and brought before the Grandmaster. And yes, it has happened in my time. But as to how many genuinely believe they are doing the right thing? I hope there are none. I would rather that they were hypocrites than simply ignorant.'

After a short pause, Corvus was aware that Avreet had changed subject - much to her relief. Although the change wasn't much better at face value. 'The saber is as much a symbol as a tool. And yes, I see it as a tool rather than as a weapon. And like any tool, it is how you use it that counts. A hammer can cause terrible damage to someone's head. Or it can build a house. Should we ban them? And you pre-suppose that all Jedi go around killing people. It is a measure of last resort, remember. And, it feels odd to be challenged on ethics by someone who no doubt would consider using something like Force Lightning just to prove a point!' It was a good-natured retort, there was no malice in the thought - but Corvus did want to throw some of the attention away from the Order.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Avreet decisively nodded, completely ignoring the fact [member="Corvus Raaf"] could not see it. As strangely as it may have sounded, Avreet was very worried about ethics, which very much tied into his chosen Form, Makashi. "You may not worry about your attacks being ethical," the Sith Lord carefully suggested, the thought sent into the woman's mind just a silent whisper, "But have you witnessed what a lightsaber can do? And I am not talking about maiming, that may be disturbing to see and incredibly painful to experience, I am talking about those wild and savage attacks so many of you favour. Lightsaber often cauterizes much of the wound it inflicts. That means what would have led to the victim bleeding out leads to dozens of minutes of agony. What do you think happens when you cleave someone in half? Not only you kill that person; you make them suffer incredibly before they finally die! It is disgusting. I have seen a man's body cut in three separate pieces, yet he still lived and was fully conscious." The Sith Lord would have sent the horrific image into the Jedi's mind if not for the slaves leading them; he did not want Corvus to suddenly vomit. While not paying attention to the two quiet young women that followed them, the slaves would have surely noticed that.

"As such, I prefer Makashi. One precise stab into the heart or head and it's all over. It is professional and as ethical as possible. Same with the Force. I can make your blood boil until you explode, but I will never use it on living beings because it is just wrong and gross."
Corvus mused at their conversation on a conceptual level. A former Lord of the One Sith lecturing a Jedi on ethical behaviour? It would make for an interesting entry in her mission log.

'I prefer not to kill anyone. But that's just a Jedi talking. Anyway, do you have any idea where they might be taking us? I suspect you've done more research on this planet than I have.'

As she asked, she glanced at her 'companion' and was disconcerted to see sand quite literally enter her body. She hoped the wind died down before they got to their destination.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"I suppose they're taking us to the city, though they may as well be leading the way towards one of the drug mines where they undoubtedly have a speeder. Or a settlement that houses slaves hunting the sand burrowers? Who knows, but I do not think they have ill intentions; women are very highly regarded in their society, just as Jedi. Since they think both of us are female Jedi," Avreet could not help but smile at the thought, finding impersonating the Jedi Knight from Zeltros quite amusing, "I think we are very safe."

The Sith Lord stared into the distance for a while, having no care for the grain of sand that occasionally crashed into his cybernetic eye. The enhanced vision gave him a pretty good idea of where the slaves led them; as he went through several vision modes, the former member of the One Sith could quite clearly see a silhouette of something. Its artificial, sharp edges towering over the otherwise mostly flat desert left little room to discussion. A building! Whatever purpose it served, if it was inhabited, the people living here needed to have some sort of a transportation to get into the city. Or, given the nature of this planet, to transport just the bare necessities for the slaves to survive.

"Excuse me!" Kana said, making the whole train of people in front of Avreet stop and look at the projection. It gave him creeps, actually. "Uh, can you please tell me about that building?" Avreet pointed in the direction and all five heads turned there in unison. "That is where the hunters reside, Master Jedi." The one who had talked before answered after turning back to Kana. "I assume the sand burrowers they hunt are transported into the city?" questioned the projection resembling the blonde Jedi. "Yes," was the simple answer that came from the slave. "Why not to use that to get to our destination?"

"We are not allowed to use that to travel...," as if the man had no idea what the Knight wanted to say before, he suddenly realized what Kana wanted to say, "But you... you could travel to the city like that! The next speeder will arrive in the morning."

"Kana" glanced at [member="Corvus Raaf"], "What do you think, Knight Raaf?"
Corvus considered Avreet's words. 'Then why do I get a bad feeling about this.'

"Would using that speeder get us there quicker?" Although she had no objection to the current debate she was having with Avreet, she wouldn't necessarily be upset when it was over either. It was at best disconcerting and at worst extremely uncomfortable. But she had learned a lot about the different divisions within the One Sith and that knowledge might provide the Jedi Order with a wedge one day. A divided enemy is invariably a weaker one. And if they could be encouraged to turn on themselves - as was the case on Zeltros, it would make for a shorter war - which certainly appealed to Corvus.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Avreet turned his head to the slave, waiting for the answer. Kana gave the man a polite smile, to which he did not react at all.


Thinking about it, the Mon Cal guessed the man was right. Indeed, if the slaves embarked on the journey to find the crashed ships immediately after the event, and if they had not rested, Avreet could easily see the distance being farily great. Considering the Force sensitive duo took their time before getting out of their ships, walked in the direction of the other, waited for the sun to set before moving out, resting for a while after jumping around... Yes, it was possible waiting for the morning and its speeder would take them less time to get into the city.

"Then we'll wait for the speeder." Kana decided, looking at [member="Corvus Raaf"], "At least we'll rest and avoid travelling with the sun burning us alive!"

All the slaves turned in the direction of the structure and they started walking again. Avreet followed, piercing gaze of the large amber eys fixed at the building, which turned out to be a larger shack. He hoped it at least offered protection against the sand and sun.
Corvus nodded as the decision was made. "Thank you for suggesting the alternative. It seems the most practical course of action."

The connecting with Avreet she added, 'How long can you keep this image up? And I saw earlier what happened with the sand. Can you sit or pick things up for example?'

And as they approached the shack, she allowed her focus to drift in this direction. If there was anything to be alarmed at, she wanted as much notice as possible.

'Any idea what the shack is for?'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"Keepi this up while being invisible myself? Quite long, but not longer than necessary. The projection cannot pick up objects. I can, however, use telekinesis or pick it up myself," the Sith Lord telepathically explained, "I am limited only by my own imagination. And my power, of course".

From the outside, it certainly did not look like much. As the group of slaves and two Jedi approached and Avreet could see the finer details, he clearly noticed many small holes penetrating the rusty metal plates that made walls of the shack. Briefly glancing around the corner of the structure, the Mon Cal saw no windows, though the many rips in the metal certainly made up for it. From down there, the roof did not look much better; from what he could tell, the roof was made from the same plates as walls. Still, it offered some protection against the occasional gust of wind that sent hot sand over the area. While the projection of Kana remainded standing after the slaves stopped in front of the make shift door that led inside the shack and the one with the map pounded on the metal, Avreet gazed through one of the holes to discover what lied inside. the Mon Cal saw nothing, there was no light inside.

"I suppose this is where the hunters live... or where they rest after hunting? It could also serve as a safehouse," commented the amphibious Sith. The answer shortly presented itself. The door handle clicked, the door flew open, and a large man with skin burnt from sun, dressed in the typical clothing of the poor revealed himself, his gaze questioningly staring at the slave with the map. "Leave," the slave ordered, "The two Jedi will spend the night in here." Offering no resistance, the man from the shack firmly knocked on the metal wall, making a loud noise and walked outside, soon followed by three others. Without saying a word, the men started pacing somewhere into the desert.

Kana stopped being more than just an immobile illusion created by Avreet and spoke up. "Where are they going?" she asked, looking at the one with the map. "Slaves cannot sleeps in the same room as masters... or Jedi guests," the slave stated, "Rest now. It is safe here. The landspeeder will arrive tomorrow." Right after saying that, the train of slaves moved to their destination again, abandoning the Force sensitive duo.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

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