Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enemy mine – the CHAOS cut

Corvus shared Avreet's sense of unease. The dried blood could have come from any number of sources but her mind kept on heading towards the less savoury alternatives.

She was broken from her thoughts by Avreet's. "Force Light is something I am learning. At the moment it tends to work best when I'm linked with at least one other, but through practice I am confident I can improve to a level where I would be a threat to someone like Balaya. I trust it's just a matter of time."

"In terms of other non-lethal uses of the Force, I will continue to seek them. But the blood? You must have seen it. Yes? What are your thoughts?"

[member="Dux Pontus"]
The fact the Knight was learning how to use the Light Side power known as Force light certainly pleased Avreet. To people like him, it did little to no harm; independent on the Dark Side of the Force and knowing how to use the Light Side, the only effect Force Light he would face was inability to use the Dark Side. Those completely lost in the dark though, those would not be so lucky. Being severed from the very thing that was their one and only source of power and that often kept them alive, such sentients would be severely weakened, if not killed outright. In a way, Avreet pitied those people, but then again, he knew all too well they did not hesitate to kill innocents for their own amusement. Utterly disgusting.

Involuntarily shifting his attention towards the red stains again, the amphibian shrugged, searching for any danger through the Force, finding nothing. "The blood can have many explanations. Seeing how those hunters lived, it hardly surprises me to see the inside of the speeder to be unwashed. The Force is silent though; I sense no malicious intent. Still, I am careful. There are many beings who can hide their presence in the Force..."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was satisfied with Avreet's response. She was clearly not being paranoid - and would keep her guard up without being overly cautious.

She looked ahead - there was still no sign of civilisation but at the pace they were covering the ground, surely they would reach their destination soon. However she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Nothing specific - just an underlying current of discomfort. But she was not skilled in Farseeing and so pulled herself back to the here and now rather than trying to speculate on what might come to be. But the thought sparked another.

'Are your skills entirely Dark-sided or can you use the Light-side?' Corvus was aware of both types of Force User and wondered which Avreet was.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"A true Sith should control the Force as a whole. Rejecting one of its aspects means rejecting knowledge and power," Avreet answered the telepathic question that resonated within his mind, "I know how to use both sides of the Force. Naturally, the Dark Side is something I know much better, as I have started studying the Light Side just a few years ago whereas the Dark Side was my companion ever since joining the Sith. The only purely Light Side skill I know right now is Force heal. It is a shame most Sith, or rather Dark Jedi who call themselves Sith, see using the power of their enemies as tabu. What I see as advantage they see as weakness." The Mon Cal finished explaining, shifting uncomfortably and shaking his head at the foolishness of many Sith. While he understood the Jedi avoided the Dark Side due to their fear and weakness, the Sith had no reason not to command the Force in its entirety. The Light Side also makes resisting the corrupting effects of the Dark Side much easier, both physical and mental.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
'It is interesting. For Jedi - as far as I can tell - it is less that the Dark-sided powers are forbidden. It is more that the use of the abilities would not be in keeping with the Jedi way. The use of emotions for example to fuel the use of the Force. Yet I see Jedi who call themselves loyal to the Light-side who think nothing of using Force Lightning or Force Choke. How they fail to see their own hypocrisy is a mystery to me.'

'But I do not judge them as people or even Force-users. There are many Orders that would have them as part of their number in a heartbeat. And if they do good in the world, where is the harm? But the Order I serve is very simple in its teachings. So why do they look to join us and then turn us into something we're not? Tell us we are wrong and should change? This still puzzles me.'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"You are like the One Sith," Avreet pointed out, quickly explaining "When it comes to taking in new students, I mean. They were also accepting everyone who asked and look what happened. But I guess that alone is not to blame." The former Sith sighed softly, though no sound came out as he silenced it through the Force. "Their training should have fixed that. It is a shame most teachers either chose to be on friendly terms with their students or chose to abuse the students for no reason. Both are bad. A teacher has to be firm, but just. Punish appretices if they do wrong or if they do not listen. Show them you are the authority, someone more experienced than them, someone they should always listen to."

"Now, I am not saying to physically hurt students if you're thinking of some horrible Sith stereotypes. All I am saying is that many of those who seek to train in the ways of the Force lack any sort of discipline. Those who lack it tend to succumb to the corrupting influence of the Dark Side and you have another Dark Jedi to deal with. What is also important is that they follow the Code to the letter. Imprint it into your students, ensure they don't bend it as they see fit. If they want to become Jedi, they should abide the rules, not try to change them. Good intentions do not matter; many people have good intentions, even use the Force, yet they are not Jedi or Sith. It is the Code that makes both Jedi and Sith what they are. Those who do not follow it can say they are members of their respective Orders all they want, but in reality they are just another Dark Jedi."

"Remember my words, Corvus," the Mon Calamari sent to her mind, "It is better to be a firm teacher and produce a strong Jedi than to be too soft and make a Dark Jedi."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened to Avreet. Some of what he said resonated with her but other aspects were completely alien.

'I cannot say I would ever punish a Padawan. Their failing should be punishment enough. And they should learn from it. That is the way of things at the Order. And I believe passionately that the learning process is two-way. I expect respect but I also give it.'

'In terms of their true path, I can only show the way. The weak will fall with or without me. I will do everything I can to help them stay on the Light-side but if they are weak? And it seems almost funny that those who can't make it as a Jedi drift to the One Sith.'

'Which of your Padawans are you most proud of?'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"I am most proud of my first... apprentice," the Sith Lord's mind drifted back into the realm of memories as he thought about the Zabrak, by far his greatest success. The values and morals passed on from the teacher to student, creating an excellent Sith Assassin. Corvus would be able to feel the sense of nostalgia that washed over the Mon Cal when he thought of the Sith Empire that no longer existed and how his apprentice emerged victorious from a tournament of Acolytes. Losing an eye, but victorious and proud. Avreet ensured the boy received a quality replacement for his lost eye, the same model the Mon Calamari had, albeit much smaller to fit. "He was a Zabrak from Dathomir. Willing to learn and listen. I was just a freshly promoted Knight when his training started. Teaching him was a real pleasure; the kid was skilled and disciplined. Winner of the Sith Acolyte tournament and an excellent Sith Knight after his promotion. And... one of many who have perished when the Sith Empire fell to the Republic." The happy memory was quickly replaced by sadness, Avreet had never seen the Zabrak again after the Empire collapsed. Whether he survived or not, the Mon Cal Sith Lord had no idea, though the young Zabrak's absence suggested the worst possible scenario.

"I've had two other apprentices after that. One was a Silver Jedi healer I have persuaded to join the Sith after telling her more about her order. I have underestimated those Dark Jedi though; they sent a commando to bring my apprentice back, no matter the cost. Beasts! Had I known what they were going to do to her, I would have rather killed my apprentice that to let her suffer her fate. There are worse things than death...." Another wave of sadness, this time followed by a flicker of anger. How much he hated those Dark Jedi for all the suffering and tragedies they have caused! This feeling did not stay in him for long, the former Sith quickly chased them away.

"My third apprentice was unfortunately too insane to train under me. Unwilling to listen and seeing me as a fool, she soon found another teacher who fit her... personality more."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus had yet to encounter a Padawan that was such a bad fit, but she'd trained some who fell short of what they were capable of. 'It is interesting to hear your experiences. My only disappointment to date has been when I have worked with some Jedi who decided the life was not for them. Better that than fall to the Dark side - but they underestimated themselves.'

'But if I am honest, I love to train Padawans, Youngling and even some Knights have worked with me. The thrill of sharing knowledge is exhilarating. In more peaceful times I would have chosen to be a Jedi Librarian.' She was brought out of her musings by the Force.

Corvus looked up - there was definitely something on the horizon and she wondered if Avreet could sense anything yet.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"More peaceful times," Avreet dreamed of such a wonderful galaxy full of peace, but knew very well he would not live long enough to see it. If it ever happened, that is. "Many things would have been different."

Unwilling to think about it too much, as that only brought back memories of friends that were no longer with him, the Mon Calamari changed the topic to something else that interested him, but not before taking a look at the desert surrounding them, watching the hot air shimmer above the ground, a sign that the sun would lord over the heated sands of the planet for many hours. Soon, it would be unbearable inside the speeder, leaving the amphibious Mon Calamari with hopes of reaching the destination soon. The big object on the horizon assured him of that, as it was getting bigger with each passing second.

"What do you think of the Force? Some say certain powers corrupt and bring you closer to the Dark Side... others say it is not the powers, but how you use them. What is your opinion, Corvus?" the Mon Cal telepathically asked the Jedi seated next to him, looking at her. The projection of Kana looked outside though, paying no mind to her friend [member="Corvus Raaf"].
Corvus took a short while to respond. It was a conundrum she'd discussed many times. Finally she responded. 'I fear that too many Jedi use the argument that the powers themselves are harmless and they they are the only Jedi in the history of time that can control themselves enough to stay Light-sided. I have to say this is a weak argument and essentially a lie.'

'Their hearts are not true to the Force. They simply use this argument as an excuse for their use of the Dark-side. Their deeds speak the truth. Their words betray them. I have heard of Jedi that consider themselves militant. The last time I checked the definition it said it was about aggressive behaviour. I mean? Aggressive Jedi? That is an oxymoron.'

'What are your views?'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
After the words materialized in Avreet's mind, [member="Corvus Raaf"] could feel the Sith Lord's amusement. Indeed, the Mon Cal found it fairly funny. Not what she said more like the fact he once again agreed with her. "As an actual Dark Side user who knows about the Dark Side more than the majority of the Jedi, I can tell you your opinion is right and not different from mine. No matter what some of your brothers and sisters say, some powers do corrupt, as they use the Dark Side. Take the infamous Force lightning, for example. This infamous power released from one's fingertips is the pure manifestation of the Dark Side. Before you shoot it out of your fingertips, you have to use your passion to call upon the Dark Side and use your own body as a conductor to its energy. It courses through your veins, slowly gnawing at your mind. You are filled with the purest form of the Dark Side until you release it. What does good intention matter when those who have no proper training of how to resist its influence voluntarily open themselves to it? Jedi who use the Dark Side are weak and greater good swiftly becomes nothing more but an excuse for them to use the Dark Side more often, to feel its vast power...," the thoughts pouring into Corvus' mind stopped for a moment.

"Those Jedi who believe they can safely use the Dark Side to destroy the Dark Side are fools. Their hate for the Sith, their desire to defeat their enemies and prove their superiority clouds their judgement. They do not seek diplomacy or alternate solutions. They seek complete and utter annihilation of the other side. They want to command vast armies, send billions of young men and women to slaughter, they want to have power over life and death itself and shape the galaxy to their liking as they please. If the other Jedi show too much disapproval... then the militant ones will group together and leave, claiming to be the true protectors of peace. Hiding behind mask of tolerance and diplomacy, they promise anything to gather followers from among the innocents, who are swiftly turned into guards. Militia. Soldiers. And then the militant Jedi decide to 'liberate' more people, so they wage wars against smaller groups and subjugate them, gaining more manpower. This goes on and on... and both Jedi and Sith have another Dark Jedi Order to deal with."
'It is odd that we are in many ways so different yet agree on so much. Yet despite those agreements, we will always disagree about our respective use of the Force.'

'And back to the matter in hand, what are you expecting next. I still have a bad feeling about all of this. I suspect the whole slaver thing is going to cause me issues. I just know it.'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Indeed, the Mon Calamari Sith also found it surprising he could agree on so many things with a Jedi. Before encountering this one, Avreet never had a chance to witness the striking similarities between the two Orders. If not for the militant fanatics, he would have discovered it sooner, most likely. Not like Corvus changed much; the Mon Cal would still have to watch out for Jedi of all kinds, from the ones true to their Code and tenets to those who preferred to quickly cut through their problem, literally. Hopefully the One Sith had its hands full with the Jedi and the Republic and vice versa. Who would ever search for a former member of the One Sith? The opportunity to disappear was there, a perfect chance to start a new life on a neutral planet... but men like him rarely became farmers. Most of them died by a weapon or, in rare cases, peacefully after choosing the life of an exile. Avreet certainly was in his self-imposed exile - did his former allies even realize he no longer fought on their side? - and did not want to get killed, yet he could not just withdraw from the ongoing event and watch as the galaxy marched towards destruction. No, he had to participate as long as necessary. And discuss everything with his beloved Grima as well. The Sith Witch always offered a great advice.

The great city could be seen quite clearly by now, its majestic outline letting everyone know this was the bastion of civilization on the planet. Or one of them, most likely. "You have nothing to fear," Avreet quickly reassured the young woman, resisting the urge to place his hand on her shoulder. "You are a female Jedi, someone highly respected by those slavers." This time, he had to hold back the chuckle that almost found its way out of his large mouth. Jedi, people who claimed to fight against oppression and promote equality, respected and supported by those who enslaved sentient beings and held themselves above the less fortunate.

Finally slowing down as they approached the great walls that protected the city from both hostile lifeforms and sand, the speeder passed through the entry and flew a few more metres before stopping. Avreet could finally see what lied behind the tall shield of a wall. It almost appeared as if the city did not belong to this planet; while not even close to Coruscant, the modern look was in stark contrast with the shack where the slaves lived. Not only that; the pedestrians roaming around, almost exclusively women dressed in fancy clothes. Here and there, the Mon Cal's eyes caught a slave following one of the women or carrying something for his master.

The slave behind the controls remained sitting there motionless and Avreet was just about to exit when an attractive tanned brunette in a sand-colored uniform approached the speeder, the frown on her face letting them all know she was not happy with something. "Why didn't you bring any sand worm? Explain yourself!" she shouted at the slave before looking at the two women, her expression suddenly changing to a warm smile. "I apologize for the slave, he will be taken care of." The brunette's eyes drifted towards the hips of the two women, gazing at the lightsabers, but quickly shifting her attention back to their faces. "Oh, I did not know Jedi will be visiting us! Such an honor!" The awe of the woman could literally be felt through the Force and Avreet wondered if her reaction would be the same if she found two men sitting in the speeder instead.

"I am officer Aadila. Please follow me, I will see that you get a proper treatment!" The woman even opened the door of the speeder for them, letting them out.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened to Avreet as civilization loomed. Once they'd stopped she had to stop herself gaping at the sights. Avreet probably thought she was worried about being accosted by a slaver. Rather she was bothered how she would react when watching masters mistreat their slaves. How would she keep her thoughts to herself?

And she was tested immediately. "This slave did us a great service - I trust his treatment reflects our appreciation for his efforts?" She shot a glance at Kana, momentarily forgetting who her companion was.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Finally, he could stand on solid ground that did not threaten to hide one of the hideous sand burrowers beneath. After the clone of Kana Truden carefully stepped out of the speeder, all of her movements being controlled and created by the master of the Force power that had given birth to the projection, Avreet and Kana alike glanced at [member="Corvus Raaf"] before turning their gazes towards Aadila. The tanned woman cast an innocent smile as an answer to the Knight's question before actually putting words to it. "Do not worry about the slave, master Jedi."

The strange tone in the woman's voice did not make Avreet feel any better, as he had a good idea of what was going to happen to the slave, given the planet's culture. What could be done to prevent it from happening though? The slave appeared to be completely docile, awaiting his fate in the speeder, not daring to protest the beautiful female that represented law in this twisted parody of a society. As such, the elegant way of making the slave disappear with the help of the Force and allowing him to escape would not work. Same as killing the police officer; Avreet would have to kill many, many women to give the slave a chance of living. Being raised to treat women nicely, which also explained his constant compliments towards Banshee and Zarrah, he disliked the idea, though he trusted he would be fully capable of doing so given their condemnable way of life. Not all females deserved his respect; beasts in sentient bodies often earned themselves the exact opposite.

Still, whatever he did, Avreet realized it meant an awful lot of trouble for Corvus. Helping the slave escape would have portrayed Corvus as someone who does not respect the local laws and customs. Killing the slavers would have made her a murder accomplice. Ironically, it appeared to be the better of the options; for some reasons Avreet never understood but had witnessed regardless, Jedi tended to wave the crime of murder away as long as committed by one of their more loyal members.

Then again, the young Knight was going to be in trouble regardless. Accompanied by a friend that was not truly there, with two crashed ships instead of one... there would be plenty of explaining. As would be staying around for too long. Avreet did not want to bump into more Jedi. That posed too much of a risk of being discovered.

Noting the awkward silence, Aadila, turned towards the two, changing the topic. "What brings you to our wonderful planet? And what forced you to spend your time around the slave? Slaves are not someone deserving your attention!"

Kana stayed silent as Avreet observed the street, looking at alleys and paths is his search of the nearest spaceport. Or anything that housed spacecraft, really. He needed an escape plan if things went south.
Corvus decided that the truth was more convenient than a lie and less likely to be of concern if challenged. But for obvious reasons, some of the details would be amended.

"We crashed as a result of an ion storm above your planet. A freak of nature but at least we are in one piece. All we seek is a means of communicating with anyone who is looking for us, so that they can make repairs and we can leave. In terms of the help, someone sent men to check out who we were and they guided us here."

Corvus kept it as simple as possible and awaited a response. She opened up her mind to any emotions from the woman - as she was still unwilling to trust anyone on this planet.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"Ah!" an expression of sudden realization spread over the brunette's face as the provided information gave her a better picture of the situation, "Yes, it happens from time to time that travellers encounter an ion storm that downs their ships. If it's noticed, it is reported to us and we send a group of the untouchables to search for the crashed ship." She nodded with a smile. Avreet did not share the sentiment though, frowning upon the mention of the 'untouchables'. Slavery also fell into many categories, as similarly to Sith or Jedi, not every slaver had to be the stereotypical kind of a slaver. These women on the planet unfortunately fit the stereotype really well; completely uncaring, seeing the slaves as something less than animals, less than things. Worse, they apparently believed wasting them pointlessly was a good thing. This dangerously reminded Avreet of how some Sith treated their subjects, another reason he felt no regret for leaving the One Sith and possible the Sith as a whole. Even if he were the last true Sith in the galaxy, he would not accept the pointlessly ruthless ways of the majority.

"They know how to roam the desert. And if they don't, they die. After a few days, we send more men to look for the ship. Some will eventually make it back and report their findings." The police officer shrugged, her voice void of emotions as if she talked about what she had for lunch yesterday. A silent hiss escaped the amphibian's lips, immediately silenced by the Force as his large eyes observed the woman to reach for her comlink. "Central, this is officer Aadila. Two Jedi have crashed southwest... No, they are here in the city now. Both appear to be fine. Their ship will need repairs though... Understood." The cold expression was almost immediately replaced by a warm smile of the tan woman. "You will be accommodated in a hotel until the Republic comes for you. Shouldn't be longer than a day. We will contact the Republic, though you can do the same from your room," the smile grew wider, "Such honored guests will be housed in a room that has access to the HoloNet and also a Holoprojector. Please, follow me! I will show you the way." The uniformed brunette scurried away, Avreet/Kana in her heels. For such a monstrous society, they certainly appeared to be well-equipped. Then again, spice always meant very large income. What passed through the Mon Cal's mind was the possibility of contacting his former allies and revealing his location; let the Republic, their One Sith enemies and the slavers fight it out. That would have been an excellent way of disposing of all three problems at once while having them distracted enough to borrow one of their ships and escape. Then again, the former Sith Lord did not want to needlessly endanger Corvus. There were many better ways of achieving what he wanted, that is escaping the planet, preferably in his own ship.

The trio passes through several stands with street vendors trying to sell their merchandise consisting from exotic goods and food. The small of fried meat lingered in the air and made Avreet wish for a good meal, not the low-quality Republic-made rations Corvus carried. The illusion of being hungry quickly faded away when the Mon Cal thought of what kind of meat that had to be and what kind of people sold it. Again, one could not help but notice all of those were women, the upper caste. That was nothing compared to what they witnessed after rounding a corner though; a small podium with three men standing on it, all naked, all having signs hanging on their necks informing the potential buyers of the prize, physical condition and fertility. The only dressed being on the podium was a woman, obviously, the trader bidding the three men.

Kana stopped in her pace, looking at the scene. This did not escape the police officer who gave her a friendly nod. "Would you like to get one of them, master Jedi? They accept Galactic Credits." The blonde Jedi Knight decisively shook her head and Avreet gave Aadila a look that could kill. He had always thought this kind of thing to be happening on some backwater planets ruled by Hutts, but in the Republic space? Unfortunately, the Sith have attacked Zeltros and not this terrible, terrible planet full of terrible people. Had things been different, he would have stayed with the Sith and gladly helped purging this world of all life that claimed to be sentient. The thought horrified him, yet a small part realized it technically did not go against his personal Code nor the Sith ways. As terrible as it was, it appeared the Sith were the only ones capable of bringing the galaxy close to something that remotely resembled order. While not enough to make him regret his decision, it certainly sparked anger in his heart to realize neither side cared. Dark Jedi revelled in their madness of slaying innocents somewhere else while Jedi pretended everything was alright.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus took it all in. She liked none of it. At the mention of rescue, her first thought was of Avreet. If he were to start a new life, away from the One Sith, his escape needed careful planning.

But the mention of the slaves for purchase pulled her out of her thoughts. "I am a Jedi. I keep enough credits for my next meal, so that I am not hungry. Even if I wished to purchase anything - I would not have the means." She stopped short of criticising the selling of slaves, less she offended their host. But she felt the need to add, "And I have no use anyway." She was worried in case one was gifted.

And it was all she could do to keep her face neutral under the circumstances. She shot Avreet a glance, wondering if he would react.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
The police officer remained silent, pondering about Corvus' words, most likely unable to understand how someone held so highly in this society did not have enough credits to buy a slave. Or not? Avreet's cybernetic eye swiveled at the slaves, noting that sentient life in the Republic was worth 30 credits according to the price tags. He would have thought it to be a bad joke if someone told the price to him, but seeing it with his own eyes... Avreet found it disgusting, a clear sign this galaxy needed the Sith more than anything since the Jedi turned blind eye to the injustice happening on their own playground. If nothing else, it served as a deterrent display of how deep society can fall. The pit appeared to be bottomless. A place where human life is worth less than an old bantha, less than a few bottles of alcohol. Even a humble Jedi such as Corvus would most likely be able to afford that. Luckily for everyone around, except the slaves, Avreet held his anger in check, his Sith training tranforming it into power and making it easier to maintain the illusion of Kana. "As my friend said," the Mon Cal spoke up in the blonde's voice, "We have no need of such... merchandise. Please understand, we are quite tired after walking through most of the desert on foot and we want nothing more than to rest. If you'd be so kind and showed us the way to the hotel..."

Aadila's eyes darted from [member="Corvus Raaf"] to Kana Truden and back before finally nodding, not pursuing the topic further. The Force clearly revealed the young woman's confusion that remained in her mind, making the rest of their way to the hotel entirely silent. The building was not far anyway; a massive, pompous monstrosity with butchered architecture that clearly said someone did not know what to do with credits. Again, Avreet found it amusing to compare this supermodern building to the shack where the hunters lived in. The towering hotel the three stood in front of undoubtedly housed delegates and important visitors; such as the Jedi. Walking through door that automatically opened for them, the trio walked into a lobby, as pompous as the building's exterior. All kinds of galactic currency were glued to walls with a large painting hanging here and there, red carpets adorned the floor,... one could easily feel like the richest person in the entire universe. It was also the first place where Avreet finally witnessed well-dressed men. It almost made him feel he had encountered free beings untilhe noticed the uniformity in which they walked. Officer Aadila walked up to the reception and muttered something into the ear of a very well-fed woman behind the desk. The obese lady glanced at the two Jedi and nodded, reaching for something and handing it to the police officer. The brunetter turned on her heels, large smile on her face, and extended her hand with an open palm, which held two small devices.

"The chips that will open the door to your rooms," she explained, "You have such systems in where you live, right? Anyway," once the two Jedi took their chips, two tan men immediately approached the group, "You get you personal slave for the duration of your stay. I suppose you don't know how to communicate with those." Before Kana/Avreet opened his mouth to protest, the pretty officer walked over to the desk and took an ashtray before moving behind the motionless slaves and throwing the glass in her hand to the floor, shattering it. Neither of the slaves reacted to it.

"Their ears have been pierced and tongues cut," the policewoman explained further, "It it to prevent them from talking or being distracted by meaningless things. If you need them to do something, knock on their shoulder and point at what needs to be done. They are properly trained and will know what to do. If they make a mistake, slap them to let them know to do something else. Easy, right?" flashing a disarming smile, the brunetter tapped on Corvus' personal slave's shoulder and when the man turned, the officer pointed at the broken glass. Immediately, the man started cleaning the mess she had made. "I hope you'll enjoy your stay in the city! Farewell!" And with that, Aadila marched away.

"I think the Sith can only improve this place. It cannot be worse than it already is," Avreet telepathically sent to Corvus' mind, moving towards the turbolifts, not even realizing his personal slave followed him.

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