Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enemy mine – the CHAOS cut

Corvus groaned inwardly. Could this get any worse? If she ignored the slave there was a chance he'd be punished. But getting him to do things felt worse - as if she was condoning this way of life. First Avreet now slavery. How many more conundrums would present themselves?

And as much as she had learned from Avreet and agreed with so much he said - she didn't enjoy being lectured by him about how the Sith would run this planet any better.

So she waited for the man (she refused to even think of him as a slave) to clear up the mess before heading to their accommodation. As she did, she connected with Avreet. 'Who are you going to call? Who can help you out? You need to get off this rock first, before the Jedi or Republic come - and certainly before the One Sith.'

[member="Dux Pontus"]
The door of the large turbolift closed once the two 'Jedi' and their slaves stepped inside. Receiving the telepathic message from the only actual Jedi in the building and possibly on the entire planet, maybe in the whole galaxy, Avreet wanted to answer, but did not know what to send to her mind. The music that started playing in the turbolift once it started moving up offered no answer either, nor did the eternally silent slaves. "I do not know," appeared in [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s mind when Avreet finally communicated with her, "Calling my allies and friends puts them at risk. I am not going to endanger them because of this." That was very much the only thing he felt certain of. Risking lives of friends, allies and useful assets just to get himself off this planet? Absolutely unacceptable.

"I can take a ship from one of the slavers. Their economy is alive mostly because of the drugs they sell to the rest of the galaxy. The ship will undoubtedly heavily guarded, but that does not bother me. The alternative is to wait for the Republic and take their ship. The third option that comes to mind is giving an echo to the One Sith. Unless they send someone powerful, I should be able to take their ship."

His stomach let him know the turbolift stopped moving, and truly, the door opened, revealing a nice looking hallway, much better than the pompous lobby. Wall panels imitating wood offered the kind of warmth uncommon on this planet, with lights placed in each space between the panels illuminating the hallway itself with white light that offered just the right level of brightness. This pattern running on each side of the hallway was occasionally broken by what appeared to be door; also possessing the brown wood-like colorization, but having metal framing that clearly differentiated it from the walls. Leaving the cabin of the turbolift, Kana took a comical glance to the left and to the right before striding to the left, her slave obediently following the blonde illusion.
Corvus listened to Avreet's options. None were perfect. There was another option of course and she had to offer it.

'I could have my ship repaired and then take you where you need to go. It is another option for you to consider but I will respect whatever decision you make - and support you as best I can.'

Was this person a menace to the galaxy? Absolutely not. Could she help him and sleep with a clear conscience? Absolutely yes.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Although his female companion could not see it, the invisible Mon Cal smiled and nodded. Not because of particularly liking her idea, but because of offering her own way of solving this situation. Too often Jedi failed to think, too often they simply followed another without giving their action much thought to consider better alternatives and consequences of their choices. It was unfortunate, truly; had more Jedi displayed themselves as humble servants who wish to help as many sentients as possible and can use their brain to make their own choices, Avreet would have considered joining them. Of course, too much independence and freedom gave birth to many Dark Jedi. It seemed Jedi could either follow their leaders blindly, or go in the opposite direction. Two extremes that led to many unfortunate situations. Then came the excuses, of course. Refusing to admit their mistake, many Jedi justified their actions by the greater good or some other thing that served as nothing else than a poor cover to the fact they have failed to use their head and connection to the Force to solve the situation differently.

"Your idea is good, Knight. As it should be. It will not endanger as many people as my options would have," sent the amphibian into the brunette's head through telekinesis while the blonde haired illusion gazed at the numbers on the doors. "Hmm," Kana observed the control panel next to the door that led to her room after she found a number identical to the one on her chip. The small device also served as a key; upon being brought close to the control panel, something beeped and the door opened. Corvus appeared to have a room right on the opposite side, eliminating the possibility of being separated by having apartments on the opposite ends of the hotel. "I'll visit you once I get settled," informed Kana her friend and entered the room with the slave at her heels. The door shut, leaving the blonde Jedi and her temporary slave alone.

Ignoring the majestic bed that dominated the middle of the room and took much space, paying no attention to the glorious view of the city and the vast emptyness of the desert the window offered and deciding to ignore the computer that sat on a small table opposite of the bed, the Mon Cal made his way to another door, this one opened by an archaic handle. Kana waved her hand at the slave, motioning for him to stay away and give her some privacy while she entered the bathroom and locked herself in. Before Avreet dropped the illusion, he scanned the white and sterile walls of the room with his cybernetic eye. Once Kana vanished and the Sith Assassin took her place, he looked at himself in the mirror, observing the reflection. Normally a slightly moist skin with rich brown and orange texture appeared somewhat wrinkled in some places, colors suppressed under the dust and sand from the desert. Rolling up the tunic, the young amphibian checked on the wound. Little to no blood showed on the white bacta patch covering the injury he had suffered at the beginning of this strange journey.

After a much needed shower and applying another healing bandage to his left side, the Sith masked himself by bending light and created a projection of Kana using the same method. Dismissing the computer yet again as he passed through the room and made his way to the exit, the Sith closed the slave inside and made just three steps to cross the hallway, standing in front of the door to Corvus' room. Since his key thingy obviously did not work on her door, he simply sent a telepathic nudge towards the Jedi Knight. Feeling relaxed and refreshed, he decided to ask her a very strange question she might know an answer to. A Jedi probably would not have much experience when it came to that particular thing, but he needed her opinion.

@[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus didn't really know what to do. Her initial instinct was still to dismiss the slave - but feared for his safety if she did. So she asked him to stay outside of the door and to permit nobody to enter the room except for her Jedi colleague.

Swiping her key on the door-lock mechanism she entered the room and closing her eyes, used Force Sight. She scanned the room for anything out of the ordinary.

Confident there was nothing out of the ordinary, she entered the bathroom and took a quick shower. Washing her hair was a problem as her shoulder was still sore but no sooner had she lathered her locks than she was aware that Avreet was outside of her room and had a question for her...

@[member="Dux Pontus"]
Passing the slave and entering Corvus' room that was identical to his own, the Mon Cal waited until the door shut behind him before speaking, waiting until the door closed. Once the two were alone, he de-masked himself and revealed his normal form, letting Kana dissipate into the air, he blinked upon noticing the woman must have had a shower as well, judging by her hair. "I am sorry for interrupting, but I have been thinking about something you might be able to help me with...," the Sith Lord started, "After I get off the planet, I will meet a certain Sith Lady. A possible ally who will leave the One Sith for me, but most importantly a woman I love very much... and I would like to give her a present as a thanks for all she's done for me, but also something that shows my feelings and is practical at the same time. She is not one for flowers and trinkets, you see." Avreet said, smile twisting his lips, imagining how his old Master would react if he gave her a bouquet of roses.

"I have a few things in mind, but I'd like to hear your ideas. You are a woman and a Jedi, I am sure you will be able to think of something other than a ship, weapon or armor."

@[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was...surprised. If she's listed a hundred question Avreet might have for her, this wouldn't have made the final cut. Worse still it was a very, very difficult one to answer. But she was nothing if not honest, so she replied as best she could.

"Every person is an individual, so knowing her well is a good start. Something practical without being boring and something personal without being frivolous."

"So...if it were me, I'd want something I could use that was personal enough to have been given some thought. A lightsaber crystal for example - but one that was specific to my needs. Or a holocron that held knowledge I hadn't seen before. If you want to be slightly romantic - and I mean that in a friendship way - then something that reminds you of your first meeting. Something from that planet. But ideally useful too."

"Is this helping at all?"

She was glad he'd dismissed weapons and armour and the like. Corvus could think of nothing she would appreciate less.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"Hmm," Avreet's large eyes narrowed as he thought of Corvus' words, pacing back and forth, his sight not looking at anything in particular. "Indeed, I know her better than anyone else. That is what makes is so hard to decide. She is the wisest person I have ever met, a Sith Witch whose knowledge of the powers of the Dark Side is unsurpassed. About twenty years older than me, but that is irrelevant. I know she loves the Sith Order, yet I believe she will leave it if I discuss the matter with her," Avreet spoke, thinking out loud to give [member="Corvus Raaf"] a deeper insight into the relationship between the Togruta and her former student, "In her own words, I am her greatest accomplishment. Therefore, the present for my Sith Lady has to be perfect, to mirror her own perfection and the perfection she expects from me."

"We have met in the Sith Temple on Korriban. That was a long time ago. We both dislike the planet thought, so giving her something that would remind her of the first meeting might not prove to be very, ehm, romantic. There is nothing on Korriban, anyway. The planet's been looted for far too many times to still have any worthwhile secrets." Stopping in his pace, the Sith raised his hand and his webbed claw tapped on his chin, both eyes staring at the Jedi Knight in front of him, "I believe she is satisfied with the crystals in her lightsabers. As an alchemist, she can create much better than I ever could, anyway." Another short pause. Only one option was left of those Corvus had suggested.

"A holocron? Hmm,... yes, that is logical. She knows much about the Dark Side, but perhaps she'd be open to learning secrets of the Light Side as well. The problem is that all such holocrons are in possession of the Jedi and there is nothing about them that'd express my feelings towards my beloved."

"Maybe, maybe... a dress? Something that is elegant and shows her feminine beauty as a woman while offering her protection to some degree? Luckily, my heavenly love is not one to wear those...," Avreet felt as blood rushed to his cheeks and he blushed slightly at the thought, "Revealing. That is the word. She does not like overly revealing outfits."
Corvus smiled. "Then something practical and elegant. If you know a style she favours then a similar design but in a quality fabric would be a good choice. If you can remember her expressing a preference for a particular colour, that would be ideal."

It was all Corvus could do not to break into a grin. This was so incongruous.

[member="Dux Pontus"]
Closing his bulbous orbs and nodding in approval, the former Sith Lord imagined his beloved Togruta. She always liked to wear black bodysuits that did not restrict her movement, therefore he had decided to get her one of those, a special one that also has protective capabilities. As for the rest of her outfit, the Sith Witch usually wore traditional Sith robes, making Avreet's decision much easier. All would be black, naturally; he had noticed the Togruta's reddish orange skin stood out when she wore black clothes, nicely accentuating her beauty. In combination with her majestic montrals, perfect complexion and figure...

Before the young Mon Calamari got lost in his imagination, he opened his eyes, shifting his attention towards Corvus. "Yes," he nodded again, this time not even trying to hide his smile, "That will be perfect. Thank you." Before the silence became awkward, especially since it followed such topic, Avreet quickly broke it with his smooth Imperial-accented voice. This topic was not much better, but definitely closer to Corvus than asking her to give him a few suggestions of how to surprise his dearest. Even though Sith are allowed to love, many of them surprisingly see love as nothing but weakness, killing all beings they actually like and hold dear. It made no sense to Avreet as a young Acolyte when he dearly loved his parents, it made no sense to him now as he was madly in love with his former teacher. What about the Jedi Order though? He could not pass this opportunity to ask, knowing he might not get another chance to talk to a living Jedi.

"How do Jedi look upon love?" he asked, "I know it was not frowned upon during Luke Skywalker's rule. But what about now?" Before giving [member="Corvus Raaf"] any time to answer, he quickly raised his hand to stop her from talking. "And if it is not obvious, my questions are serious and I am by no means attempting to flirt with you. You are a beautiful and intelligent young woman, but my heart belongs to another," he quickly added with as polite tone as he could. Only after this official declaration to ensure there would be no misunderstandings, the former Sith Lord let the Jedi speak.
Corvus smiled and then actually giggled. This conversation was going from the sublime to the ridiculous. She hadn't considered Avreet was hitting on her but he wouldn't be the first. Or the fifth. Or the tenth.

"I believe the Order is more liberal than it ever was. Many are married or in relationships. But not me. But for no other reason than my concern in having an attachment. I tell Padawans this every day. What if your loved one was captured by the Sith and used against you? What if you had to save your partner or a village of strangers? Whichever one you choose you will hate yourself for it."

"I have struggled with the loss of friends, let alone a partner. I haven't seen my parents since I was four. For precisely the same reason. Some call me cold or even callous. Perhaps they are right? But I am a Jedi and so put that duty first and foremost."

"Does that surprise you?"

[member="Dux Pontus"]
This certainly answered much of Avreet's original question. And more. He was not going to ask Corvus about such personal things she had shared with him, yet it provided the Mon Cal with much information of what kind of Jedi he was dealing with. Had he not told her about Grima already, he would have done it now. Their outlook on the same matter finally differed greatly, and yet in a good way, unlike some of their previous differences they have discussed earlier. Interestingly enough, he had to ask himself the question; what if Grima was captured by the Sith - or rather Jedi, as the Sith Witch still belonged in the One Sith - and used against him? Save her or an entire village of strangers? Avreet could not answer that, he needed more information. Considering the Sith Lady was quite capable of saving herself though, Avreet found himself inclined to pick the villagers. Then again, had the Sith Lady truly been threatened,... he did not want to think about it.

Clasping his webbed hands behind his back, he slowly paced towards Corvus, passing her and moving towards the large vindow that offered him a great view and also bathed the room in natural light. Blocks of buildings appeared as nothing more than toys, people becoming tiny bugs. "Yes and no." Avreet finally answered her question, continuing his stare down the window.

"When I was younger, I believed Jedi to have no feelings. No emotions. I thought they were nothing but cold machines and the moment the fire of passion sparked in their heart, they became faulty like the machines they were and fell to the Dark Side. Now I obviously know better... but I still think there are many Jedi who are nothing but machines of flesh and bone. Some individuals who are capable of throwing even the youngest of children, scared and crying, into a pit of fire, if they are capable of ordering their turbolasers to glass entire cities... are such people capable feeling anything, or are they just empty shells?" One of the eyes swiveled at the brown haired Knight.

"You obviously have your way of dealing with emotions. If I understand it right, you try to avoid situations that would emotionally involve you, or you simply try not to give into your emotions. You feel, but you do not let it affect you. Huh," the cybernetic eye zoomed on the streets, watching the slave auction. Only two men remained now. There was no trace of the third one, suggesting he's been sold to someone. "I realize it is the Sith way, but perhaps you should let the emotions out when it is appropriate? Laugh with your friends, visit your parents, love someone,... that will not hurt you. Actually, locking all feelings and emotions inside makes you more susceptible to the Dark Side. Accept the feelings, let them out, but do not let them affect you if they go against what you believe in."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"Emotions have always been a thorny discussion amongst Jedi. Many believe we should not have them. That is impractical and to be honest unhealthy. My belief is that we have them but choose not to act upon them without considering the consequences. Perhaps that is what differentiates us from the Sith? Perhaps?"

"I have a natural affinity to Empathy and since a young age have had to keep my emotions under lock and key. Without any training to regulate this ability, I have had to learn to build a wall to keep emotions out and by definition, emotions in. Recently I have been trained to allow emotions to flow if I need to. It certainly feels a lot more healthy."

[member="Dux Pontus"]
So there truly existed Jedi who believed being devoid of emotions was the right way. That certainly explained much, yet those who opted to follow the emotionless path usually ended up joining the Sith after suffering an emotional breakdown. The exact opposite was not any better; Jedi who allowed their passion to control them fell even faster. Thus, Corvus' chosen path appeared to be the best option, yet the inner Sith that shared Avreet's body with the Imperial half saw many ways of how the young woman could learn to control her emotions better. Control was the key. [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s natural empathy posed no problem in the Mon Cal's opinion, as he had encountered a Jedi with the same ability before. "I don't think that is what differentiates you from the Sith. Maybe from the majority who find it unable to resist their urge to act upon their momentary feelings, but the quality of thinking of consequences before acting is what Jedi and Sith both share. I believe the main difference is that Sith, true Sith, control their passion and use it to strengthen their connection to the Dark Side. The weak members of our Order are unable to control it. It is like fire. A powerful tool, but you have to be careful, or you risk being swallowed by the flames."

The young Mon Cal finally turned away from the window and made two steps towards the Jedi Knight, observing her for a moment. Nothing inappropriate; he simply studied her for a while, thinking of his meeting with a certain Jedi who also possessed the gift of great empathy. "I don't think emotions, feelings or passion are the problem to be honest. It is the lack of devotion. Many Force users who join the Jedi see themselves as great heroes using fancy powers and forget the fact they have responsibility and duty to the innocents. They do not see the Code as something important that should guide them, but as a necessary restriction. They do not want to spend years by training their body and mind, they want power as soon as possible. They have no devotion and end up paying the ultimate price for it."

"Several years ago, I have met a Jedi who was also an empath. She let her emotions flow quite freely, yet she refused to act on those such as anger and hate. Her devotion was admirable, truly; she wished to be a healer and despite what all Jedi said, she helped all wounded, friends and foes alike. She is no longer with us, unfortunately, but she made me realize what truly matters is being devoted to your Code, be it Jedi Code, Sith Code, or your own personal code. In fact," Avreet raised his finger and swiftly turned on his heels, pacing back to the window and clasping his hands behind his back once the sun shined directly into his eyes, making the cybernetic orb automatically adjust to it.

"I also have my personal code that I follow alongside the Sith Code. As long as I don't stray away from it, insanity and madness will never claim my mind. Once I cross those boundaries I have placed upon myself... I will know I have failed and take my own life. It is an honorable way to die, a preferable option to turning against my friends and beliefs." As he said that, he felt a slight tinge of pride in his words.
Corvus listened. This volume of information would need to be reflected upon to make complete sense to her. That was her way. But it was interesting to hear about others that were naturally empathetic.

"My problem is that if I don't regulate emotions, they overwhelm me. When we were in the desert, I was able to feel every emotion from every creature nearby. That is what gave you the boost of emotion to help you fuel your Dark-side powers. For me it is not as easy and to simply allow them free reign. But your words have a ring of truth and I will genuinely reflect on them."

"And your own strength is commendable - any Jedi could learn from you in this respect."

[member="Dux Pontus"]
After [member="Corvus Raaf"] revealed it was her empathy what gave him strength back in the desert, the Sith pondered about the problem of being overwhelmed by emotions. Despite wanting to find a solution and help this young Jedi, he soon realized none of his answers could solve the issue. He, too, had been relentlessly attacked by many feelings and emotions on several instances, but those were the result of his own doing as he fed on the raw emotions in the time of need to summon the destructive potential of the Dark Side. The Knight could theoretically use those to empower herself greatly, yet that would be the Dark Side of the Force giving her its corrupting energy and trying to claim the girl's mind. The brown haired woman appeared to have very strong will though, which made Avreet think she'd be able to resist the influence. Undisciplined weaklings usually fell in the matter of seconds, but what about those Jedi who lived by the Code and believed in it? Avreet wished to know, but did not want to test.

"If you find yourself overwhelmed by emotions, perhaps you should seek someone who can teach you how to use the power properly?" he fired a blind guess, "I am not saying you do not know how to control it...," he quickly turned around and raised his hands in an apology, as his words could have been interpreted in a different way that made it sound the young Jedi did not know how to use Empathy. "But there has to be a better way than regulating all emotions like that. As I always say to my students, you have to learn how to control your emotions, do not let them control you. It is all in your head." Avreet sighed softly and placed his webbed hand on the woman's shoulder to emphasize the importance of his words. "I can strongly recommend you to have your personal code, be it a complex code of honour or just a few lines you will adhere to no matter what. It is always good to have strong values and to maintain them. In war, in training, always and everywhere. Create yourself a Code that goes hand in hand with the Jedi Code and teachings!" Roguish smile threatened to change his calm and collected expression.

"I will help you and give you one of the lines. You will never kill an innocent."
Corvus listened. Her life to date had been punctuated by sage advice and this could be added to that ever-growing list.

"Before I'd even reached Ossus, I made a couple of promises that weren't exactly part of the Code - that would fit in with what you've said. One was to never become a killing machine. This was because I was taught how to use Tëras Käsi. And the second was to be the best person I could. Not the best Jedi - the best person."

"I like the idea of my own mantra. And to never kill an innocent fits right in."

"Do you have one?"

[member="Dux Pontus"]
"Of course, as I have already stated," Avreet flashed a warm smile, removing his large hand from the Knight's shoulder. "It is composed of many lines and promises that some consider to be obvious and automatic, such as not killing innocents. Yet, by adding it to my personal code, I know it is something I have to adhere to no matter what. I do not know how about you, my dear Knight, but I have placed my mantra above everything else. It is an impenetrable wall I cannot cross. As it should be." That was not entirely true. A certain person Avreet had mentioned several times had the ability to override the Mon Cal's code. He'd do anything for her, literally, yet he did not realize it at all. Such was the influence of his former teacher, the respect, loyalty and love he felt towards her bordered on obsession. Still, not counting the exception, Avreet had showed numerous times that no matter what happened, he stayed true to himself, the most recent example being his decision to leave the One Sith. "If I am to be guided by honour, I will not look for ways to walk around the rules I have placed upon myself. Forget the greater good, necessary sacrifices and other excuses so many use to justify their actions. Of course, it is not always easy, but I am at peace with my decisions as I live by the code," he pointed out, "How many can say they regret nothing? Except for sentients with no conscience, of course. Do I consider myself to be an honourable being? Definitely. A good person? That is for others to judge." He shrugged.

"My friends often do not understand my willingness to sacrifice friendship for the sake of my mantra, yet they do not realize I have little choice. It is not something I am happy to do, or something I enjoy doing, but if their intentions, however good, go against my code, I cannot support them. Once you have principles, you have to adhere to them."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus felt slightly foolish as now she thought, he'd only just mentioned he had his own code - it was just the words he'd failed to mention specifically.

"We see the world not as it is - but as we are. A former Master used to recite that too me often if I ever appeared judgemental. It was a constant reminder to be objective and to avoid applying my own values onto other's actions."

"When I arrived on Ossus, I was initially shocked at how different the Jedi were. Some wore robes and others sported T-shirts. Some were scholarly and others avoided the library like the plague. But I came to appreciate how they all added something to the Order. Initially I avoided those that were different to me. Now I seek them out. As long as they follow the Code, how they follow it is entirely up to them."

"But to the matter in hand - how do we get you off this planet, so you can buy this garment?"

[member="Dux Pontus"]
The large eyes of the Mon Cal stared at the Jedi Knight in confusion for a moment before the former Sith Lord realized what she meant by buying some garment. Although there was nothing funny in the sentence or the way the brown haired woman said it, Avreet found it quite humorous to get from something as serious as a personal code - which he took very seriously - to Grima's apparel. At first came the Mon Cal's amused smile, then his chuckle, then the laugh. He could not help himself! As if he only wanted to get off the planet to buy his former Master a new set of clothes. The seriousness of the situation and the fact he was in enemy space and if actually arrested, he'd be found guilty of being associated with the Sith and executed quickly killed the humorous moment he had found himself in and his sense of calm took over.

"We'll stick with your plan. Wait for the inhabitants of this planet to repair the ship, both of our ships if we're lucky so you don't have to take unnecessary risk of hiding me in your ship." His head turned to gaze at the desk underneath the computer sitting on it. Observing it for a moment, he eventually turned in its direction and took several steps closer.

The small box-like device came to life after his webbed claw pressed a button on the left side of the computer. In two seconds, a holographic monitor hovered above the table, with several big icons representing different actions. This confirmed Avreet's suspicions; the device was capable of receiving and sending holographic messages. "You should contact the Republic," he shot a glance backwards at [member="Corvus Raaf"], "Tell them you are fine and that you'll enjoy the great hospitality this planet offers until your ship is repaired."

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