Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erin's Signature, Avatar, and Rank title shope

Erin Ecthelion said:
Life has decided to take a dump on me. So I will try and come back to do this..... only my like entire 126 GB's worth of images on my computer was wiped.... So give me some time to work with the internet and everything else to get this started up again. First and foremost, I need to catch up on my posts anyways. Give me some time. I will return.
Okay, that's a lot. How did ALL THAT DATA get wiped though?
[member="Kyuubi"], I made my own computer so it has a three terabyte hard drive and all this extra stuff to run really fast and whatever else (very fething long list) and my hard drive crashed. (still don't know why) and so everything I had. (literally everything from games, photos, and even word document were wiped) So I am trying my best to recover it.
Hi can you put the blue border around this picture, I have zero photoshop skills.

and if you have the time make me a sig using scott eastwood, if you don't have time don't bother.
Hey [member="Erin Ecthelion"]. Just wanted to say, I love your signature style. I would love to have one.

Should you find the time to start making sigs again, please let me know and I would be grateful to provide details for my own.
So I found out I can get most of the pictures that I lost, because I can take the last saved form of my computer before it crashed and start it from there. However, the last saved date was almost 6 months ago...... So give me a little more time. And with the Holidays, it will likely be after the new year that I will start doing these again.
[member="Anija Ordo"], I know what your's look like and I see alot now. So yeah. lol
Yeah I know. I'm still working on it because the recovery process for a 3 terrabyte hard drive is no where near completed.
[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Name: Zendaya Selah
Quote: With great advice and greater pie, anything can be solved
Title: Owner of Zen's Diner
Theme: Maybe retro, but with a bit of modern to it. Mostly soft colors if you think it looks good, though.

My PB is Jennifer Hudson, if that helps :) Thank you!
Name: Hakora Cinthra
Quote: “New eras don't come about because of swords, they're created by the people who wield them. ”
Title: Phantom Knight
Theme: Dark blue, Gold. Over the middle picture can you take the shield for the Tenevi Order.
Pictures: Up to the artist as long as they involve Riku from Kingdom Hearts. Also, if you have the time I would like one picture to have Hakora in armor, though I can't find one. I always imagined Hakora in a dark blue Assassin's creed robe, but not the civil war style, the more sleek ones (like the signature below) He also wears a mandalorian style mask simular to the one in the picture.

Alatar Istari

[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Name: Edston Firestone
Quote: And that's checkmate. I win.
Title: Game Master
Theme: Dark
Pictures: (In order from left to right, if the pic on the right would not be to your liking, find another pic to replace it with that makes more sense, I just want a 3 pic sig, as long as i get 2 out of 3 pics however, I'm fine with it)
[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Hey you sexy ear pointed sword dancing midget! How are you man? Just read all your stuff about the computer crashing a airplane into a car, then skidding into a grocery store. Bad juju man.

Anywaysss I need a rank please, I want it to say


Then put something representing lust as the background.


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