Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Erin's Signature, Avatar, and Rank title shope

[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"],
Got yours done. I wanted it to look dark, and I have the background a little smokey feel to it so it feels as though you are a silent person who is deadly. or as the TV trope puts it "Fear the silent ones."

Signature -

Puppet Kyrios

Name: Asteria Starcatcher
Quote: My people live through me. And through me, they will have revenge.
Title: The Last Camoa Princess
Theme: like Saunders but Orange and green background please?
Pictures: choose anything for the right, but use pictures 1(in the center please), and 2(left please) for sure.

Just sig please


Can you get me a avatar of my playby (Willa Holland), you choose a picture of her, whatever you think fits.
For my other character:
Name: Fanus Rendix
Quote: Family is more than blood
Title: Mandalorian
Theme: You choose
Pictures: Something of Jango in armor, one of Mark Walhberg, and one of your choice in whatever order

[member="Darren Shaw"]
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Colrenn"], [member="Vyctora Romanov"], [member="Lena Abren-Rendix"], [member="Isabet Skirata"], [member="Curupira Hawk"]

Hey all! Sorry I have been really busy with a recent uptaking of a second job so I can pay for a few things. (Car, bills, Mission) anyways, it will be a while before I can really have any freetime to do this without having a severe lack of Muse. I want to make the best for you guys so I don't want to make it on a bad muse and make it turn out not so great. I may be taking an LOA in a while because of all the stress that is bombarding my life right now. So if you all could give me a little bit of a break, that would be awesome!

Once again, I am sorry for the inconvience and those of you who just posted for things. (like today for instance) but I am going to need to take a small break from everything.

Cheers all!

Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker

Name: Kyra Tendal
Quote: I will stay strong, though my future is bound in chains.
Title: Innocent Slave
Theme: chaos and light mixed?
Pictures:1 2 3
Life has decided to take a dump on me. So I will try and come back to do this..... only my like entire 126 GB's worth of images on my computer was wiped.... So give me some time to work with the internet and everything else to get this started up again. First and foremost, I need to catch up on my posts anyways. Give me some time. I will return.

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