Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Escape from Purgatory •[Thread Planning/OOC Discussion]•

[member="Jakkor Kess"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Joran Del-Finn"] | [member="Silas Miu"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]​
[member="Acaleus Thorn"] | [member="Jansal Corego"] | [member="Nicair Claden"] | [member="Singularity"] | [member="Aerin The Lost"]​

Hey, all! Welcome to our little discussion thread. It'll be here we take the time and effort to pre-plan what we want to accomplish out of our long-term campaign, share ideas, thoughts for character development, settings, tech, etc. In case you were, as of yet, unaware, what we aim to accomplish here is this: we've set out to plan a long-term, dedicated storyline that all of us will be given opportunity to commit to and influence equally; I would encourage you to take your schedules into account and only commit what you are willing and able.

Thus far, five of us have sat down in a private PM and discussed our thoughts regarding the story; up until that point, we've made a few decisions regarding the content, but shortly after, interest has begun to ramp up exponentially - thus, we've agreed to take the conversation to a OOC discussion thread, to both better account for everyone's position regarding the subject matter, and to keep a constant, stable line of communication. Hell, people might stumble into this and think, 'wow, this seems cool; I want in!' The more, the merrier.

Thus far, ultimately, we have agreed on the following; please make sure you maintain up-to-date through recaps provided in this thread, to make sure we remain on the same page of the development process.

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Ultimately, our current idea revolves around the concept of us forming an underdog force, utilizing guerilla tactics to disrupt the operations of a superior, well-financed, and powerful antagonist. He'll be operating independent from any faction and thus-far canon organization, which means we'll be creating our own through the codex, which, also, likely involves the creation of a planet to be used as the setting. Joran will be utilizing a company as his organization, while also providing IC funds and resources to fuel his forces. Joran will be heavily involved in the planning and organization, however; he has the same objective as us: to create a long, fun, and in-depth RP experience for all involved.

We, too, will be creating a company to serve as the backbone of our group; we can use this as an outlet for creative factory ideas and to mix up the role-play subjects. The person who will be directly responsible for managing this company has yet to be chosen.

The story will start out with all of us, as individuals, being forced onto a collective prison ship named the Purgatory, which has yet to be fully developed and submitted to the Factory for review, under the control of the antagonist and his organization. From there, we'll escape and, for one reason or another, purely at an individual level, we'll form a group to combat the antagonist from there throughout a long, difficult campaign; though it will be competitive, us versus the forces of the antagonist, remember we're all working together here to accomplish the same goal. Ultimately, the opponent will be defeated and each step will be taken to better tell the story that we are all here to right. :cool:

Beyond this skeletal structure, we have much planning to do, and I would love to hear both input and ideas from all of those willing to take part in what we're attempting to create!

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TL;DR Version: We're making a long, cool story that will require your attention and dedication. Come and join us in planning it out.

Advertisement Thread: A Dedicated Storyline!
I like the outline of the recap at the bottom. ^.^

I, myself wouldn't mind running the company that our band of merry misfits would use to fund our private war against the antagonist. However, I'm still relatively new here and have no idea what goes into running companies or submitting tech or other such stuff through the codex. I'm really interested in that aspect of it though, as my character is very technical-minded.

OOC, I enjoy researching anything that involves stuff like this. When I used to play DnD, I probably read through all of the rulebooks, just for fun because I found it all so fascinating. Nowadays, I'm into sci-fi and I'd love to come up with new droids, ships, components, weapons (there's a new grenade I want to make, it was an idea I came up with while talking to my brother. It's called a sublimation grenade.), Just anything imaginable, I'd enjoy learning more about it and drawing up tech specs and whatnot.
I have one idea for the Purgatory. Let's say after all of us are basically abducted,and captured. We are all seperated,and placed with explosive devices around our necks,and is forced to fight each other in gladiator style matches,and after a little while of fighting one another for the sick amusement of the antagonist,and the other prisoners,and wealthy people. Who has come to watch the spectacle that get's broadcasted through the holonet. We all create an uneasy alliance,and try to figure out how to escape. Thus our little band is formed eh. :)
[member="Silas Miu"]

From what I've gathered, it's relatively simple; with the qualities you listed off, I imagine you'd do well for the job. You could devise a company for us to use during the RP, which can sell certain products through the marketplace; the funds and resources obtained through that can be then used to produce our own private lines of equipment for use in the fight.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

That'd be a cool idea - it'd definitely give us a sense of urgency to get the hell out of there. It'd definitely be cruel enough to make a large portion of us want to go back for vengeance, also.
[member="Jansal Corego"]

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Like I believe I mentioned in the PM, I was thinking of possibly designing droids, as it's be a useful commodity to a very broad market. Also, if we had a couple subsidiaries that produced weapons and/or something else, then that's allow us to be more marketable.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

Where in my characters neck would they put the explosive, though. He has a very long neck. If it's at the base, then his head might be okay. He could live with a droid body. :D
[member="Jansal Corego"]

I thought you might think so after all no prison ship is ever complete without having the captured fight to the death for the amusement of others. :)

[member="Silas Miu"]

You know that's a very good question. I hadn't thought of how they would do that with a kaminoen. Oh well I'm sure we'll figure something out. :)

[member="Jakkor Kess"] | [member="Silas Miu"]

Maybe just a really long chain of explosive devices, like the Padaung.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]

At any rate, I don't think they'd take the time to find me a new body before finding a new play toy. So, my character should still be highly motivated to get off the ship and get the explosive out of his neck.
A quick update: Joran will not be playing the antagonist, due to character conflicts; however, given the people who've recently joined up with the story, I'd imagine it won't be hard to find one, or, hell, a handful of people willing to fill the role.

Preferably, let's try and find someone passionate to take the spot; it'll be a long road ahead, through the campaign. We should make sure they have fun with it! :D
[member="Silas Miu"]

Yeah we could go with that. Like you said. That will give you a hell of a lot more motivation to get off the ship,or you'll just go BOOM,and even if that happens you could still get a droid body!
Either way you win!! :D
Is a prison break an option? There was a thread I was in awhile ago that I thought was kind of an interesting idea. Not only are we forced to make an uneasy alliance with each other we will also have to deal with other prisoners who no doubt actually deserve to be there. Prison ships are just filled with whiley people that, even going the NPC route, could liven up any roleplay with a sort of sinister, what's-that-behind-me kind of feel. I am liking the idea of a Condemned style of recorded fight, something my character has had some experience in (for better or worse).

[member="Jansal Corego"]
[member="Nicair Claden"]

Definitely a cool idea and one to consider. Also, a huge Condemned: Origins fan here, so bonus points for you.


Maybe we're not the ones who incited the prison break? Rather, we're onboard the Purgatory for one reason or another, but the antagonist is one of those prisoners who incite a massive prison break; we get caught up in the middle of it and use it to escape, but for one reason or another, go after him. Thoughts?
Hm... A very interesting idea, Jansal. I like it, but, as a prisoner, would his accounts and company assets have been frozen?

An alternative could be that the antagonist doesn't even own or operate the Purgatory, but does business with them in the form of shipping in loads of brand new, sometimes innocent, prisoners off the books. For tax purposes. Our group could've been taken prisoner by him, just to be "sold" to the Purgatory. We escape and plan our revenge.
[member="Silas Miu"]

I suppose that would be true, unless the Purgatory was illegitimate; that would fit well with the suggestion by [member="Jakkor Kess"], where we'd be forced to fight, like slaves. Or, then again, we could have him allied with the Purgatory, sure, but wouldn't we need to create an organization to own the Purgatory then? In addition, in that case, we'd have to be together prior to being captured, if one guy was to take us all in - if that were the case, we'd need a reason for this many people of so many cultures and species, to be together.
While I understand my toon has the smarts to learn spells on her own, at this point she would still be limited in her ability to cast spells other than projecting alcohol, and her lightsaber skill is limited at best. I wonder whether there is any rationale for the antagonist to take me prisoner if I read the premise correctly?
[member="Cathul Thuku"]

Well, if we are a prisoner ship, perhaps the owners of the Purgatory, whoever we decide they'll be, might need a therapist to better maintain their emotional condition. That is a reality in the world we live in - I wouldn't be surprised if prisoners stationed aboard a ship-based prison, isolated and forced to combat each other, would be left mentally unstable; rather than be a part of the group taken prisoner for whatever reason, maybe you could be a part of the civilian staff on the ship that simply gets caught up in the prison break?

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