Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Eternal Crusade: Next Steps (SGHW) | EE/AC Junction of Abraxas/Telos

Location: Administrative Dome, Haven - Iol
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Allies: EE ( Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Corin Autem Corin Autem )
Enemies: BotM ( Onrai Onrai )

It was just a voice. Just an errant thought. Ivixa quickly pushed it aside, intent upon neutralizing the reinforcements which were sure to converge on the team’s location as they pressed inside the target building. However, the thought lingered at the back of her mind, even as she set her sights on a pair of patrolling stormtroopers, lining them up in her crosshairs before squeezing the trigger. Her rifle’s report was whisper-quiet, but the supersonic projectile made a sharp, resonating crack as it sped through the air before striking the closest stormtrooper in the skull, taking off the soldier’s head in an explosion of gammaplast, red mist, and brain matter. Not a second later, the second stormtrooper met the same fate, but he had not been stunned by the sudden death of his comrade. The man was struck down as he dove towards cover, the massive slug finding its mark in his chest and punching a gaping hole in his armor amidst a similar explosion of gammaplast and blood.

It went without saying that hitting a moving target was of little issue for the veteran sniper.

From there, Ivixa set to work in systematically thinning out the Final Dawn stormtroopers, her probe droid reporting enemy positions as she did. Prioritizing the snipers next, Ivixa set her crosshairs on a stormtrooper with a blue pauldron after her drone reported the soldier’s position. Setting her crosshairs over the sniper’s helmet-clad head, Ivixa squeezed the trigger, sending a single, armor-piercing slug towards the stormtrooper’s head, decapitating the soldier with a sharp, high-pitched crack as his helmet shattered under the force.

Then, she killed another sniper. And four regular stormtroopers after that.

It was then that the Avatar's Force Push struck Ivixa, sending the Asa'nyx flying from the tower, just as a stormtrooper in the area had his head blown off, within sight of his comrades.

Not a moment later, the alarms began to cry out across the complex.

Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


The Magister returned the smile with one of his own. He knew Ingrid was no fool. After all, one didn't rise to a position such as hers by being foolish. The Cardinal's opinions of the Empire weren't exactly a well-kept secret, but Scipio would do his best to maintain the air of a proper ally. He was a military man, and would leave the politics to the politicians.

"Indeed he could."

His attention turned back to the holoprojector as they discussed the Final Dawn.

"I agree. Should the Maw begin to seem less than beneficial, the Final Dawn will likely try to find a new angle. Nevertheless, until that happens, the threat remains all the same."

He couldn't understand why anyone would want to serve such a dark cause, no matter their motives. No amount of power was worth the wanton destruction wrought by the Maw. Those that walked in such darkness were certainly irredeemable in the Magister's eyes, and he hoped to one day bring every one of them to justice... preferably by firing squad.

"Epoch certainly is a potential target. As much as they cry the names of their avatars, Solipsis seems to be a man with his own agenda. I would certainly not put him above such personal retaliation."

She was right, the Alliance was certainly in a delicate position. They had left their Jedi to die at the hands of the Maw, and their senators seemed as focused on fighting each other as their enemies. It was a less than ideal situation for any body of government to find themselves in.

"Cutting their territory in half would be a terrible blow, and would put the Maw closer to Concord Space... yes, come to think of it, that is definitely a possibility. Normally I would consider such a deep push unwise, but the Maw seem more focused on the result, rather than which road to take to achieve it."

He saw them as rabid animals, not unlike many of the Sithspawn killed by the forces of the Light time and again. One never truly knew where the beast would show its teeth next. All that they could do was make sure that they were ready.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Protect Arturo
Location: Cantina, Batuu
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As I waited on the terrace and watched the area, from below Arturo's men said on the radio that someone was arriving. Based on his appearance, he may have been a member of the Pyke Syndicate. Great. How many more are there? We will slowly be like Tatooine here. It was a place I didn’t want to go back to again. I didn't like that place. No, not because of the sand, it's less bothering. Rather, it was the scum of the galaxy why I felt uncomfortable there. I know that was my problem with Nar Shaddaa too, but it was easier to find trustworthy people there.

Even though I knew it was coming; when the man reached the roof where we were, I instinctively raised my pistols to him. When he introduced himself, I just lowered them. The droids still didn't signal anything. Maybe today we will really have luck and have a calm day. I would have been happy about that. Meanwhile, it seemed that poor Ubese was the one who had no luck and had to do the dirty work.

However, I was glad that Arturo did not do it either after the request. No, I wasn’t jealous, I didn’t care if he did. But I was disturbed by her behaviour, as if she were the mistress of the Galaxy. I didn’t like this kind of behaviour. After his words, I looked at her under my helmet, angrily.

"I don't care if you're shot. It is not my job to protect you." I told her in a cold voice. "I never hunt women or children! So keep your insults to yourself! You're only a guest, act like that. You are no one in this place, not the Queen of the Unknown Region or the Galaxy's!"

I was already snarling, luckily no one could see it. And when he asked me to join them, I didn't even respond. I’ve built up a pretty big reputation over the years that I’ve never, ever hunted women and kids. This is well known about House Orchid, for which this woman insults and humiliates me. Questioning my honour! Not to mention the Enclave, after I told you I had nothing to do with them, I didn’t work with them, for them. To the best of my knowledge, I don't even know anyone from there.

I even looked at Arturo angrily, though he couldn't see either. From here, only he could know how hurtful Cass’s words were to me and how sensitive they might have touched me. That she was blended and mixed me with an average assassin or mercenary who works without principles and the like. Not to mention that he questions the truth of my words and mentions the Enclave again.

"I'm working!" I said grimly.

With my jetpack, I flew to the top of the building next door and sat down on top of it where no one could see me anymore. I was in a terrible mood… I wanted to cry and shoot that woman.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Meeting
Location: Base, Odessen
Equipment: Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The red-haired woman chuckled barely audibly. She was always amused by the cardinal's behaviour. The Empress could actually imagine how much damage the man's ego could have suffered about what happened at the trial. Or when the woman had to save her. His behaviour was the only reason she really liked the man's company and was always happy to meet him. The cardinal was really one of the few who amused the woman. All this in that way, Ingrid didn't want to seduce him.

"Agreed! And at the moment, I don’t really see how we could break and stop them. I mean, it could be, with combined attacks. But this is impossible." she told him.

Maw has been very tactical to arouse doubt in everyone, to share the enemy. Most saw them only as barbarian hordes because of their warriors. But they were much more than that. Solipsis may have been crazy, but he’s also a great tactician, just like his warlords. The Coruscant's events shattered the entire galaxy and there were no joint strong sides, only shattered and alone Empires and nations. Now she didn't try to put the different sides together. It didn't make sense; it hadn't worked before. It was just a utopia; she has since become more realistic. She was still young and naive then.

"Hopefully we will know more information soon if the team succeeds. Until then, everything is just a guess and every potential target."

There were too many options and too many places that even the woman would have attacked if she had been in Maw's place and situation. The Empress nodded at the man's words; it was a really good question. Probably, however, there was still something, tactically.

"Maybe they’re trying to "play" to that, if the GA's enemies see them as weak, they'll open a second front that indirectly helps Maw’s work and intention?" she thought aloud.

She should have talked to Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , though she knew the man wouldn't tell her anything like that. This time, she should sneak deeper into the gen’dai mind to get more information. Maybe she should have tortured the man for the information, but she had a feeling that Zach would enjoy it too much and have fun. She dropped this opportunity.

"Result… nevertheless, experience has shown that weakness is a sin within the Maw. So by no means will they attack weak targets, but definitely strong ones, which is important to the GA. They will sacrifice easy targets for their own ideas and designs. Do you agree?" she asked him.




Location: Haven, Iol
Objective: Steal information
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Corin Autem Corin Autem Onrai Onrai
Personal Equipment

The force harmony from Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir was by no means a plesant experience for one seeped in a much darkness as Rhiza, it felt like it was trying to wash her clean before she was ready, but it did calm her and it did bring clarity, for which she was thankful.

The creature reached out its arm towards her and whispered too, offering truth about her past and secrets to immortality, who says she seeks that, it is not something she had ever discussed with anyone, it was a tempting offer, live forever in beauty, but watching those she cared for grow old and die? She felt the creeping tendrils of the dark woman's words and she sealed herself. "The Qâzoi Kyantuska is an old power of mine, do you think i would be have you in my mind and be swayed so easily? A Zygerrian is a slave to noone!"

Her blade hummed in the air and with her force enhanced feline grace she swept down at the outstretched arm, aiming to sever it from the body, before spinning the blade across the torso of the woman attempting a killing blow. As she passed. "Lady Eina, I will attempt to complete the mission, may the force be with you." she barely looked back before disappearing into the building and heading upwards towards the command room. The guards were on alert now, but the force adept was fast and deadly, her powerful force concealment allowed her to close the distance unhindered and dispatch the first guards blocking the second doorway at the end of the atria. As she spun she launched a shuriken that took a third guard in the throat, taking him down in a shower of blood. This was more violent than the way of the Ashlans, but the way behind her now was clear for the ultranauts to join her and lend support. She would be able to prevent them getting ambushed as they went room to room.

Rhiza paused, feeling a presense in the next room, a thin metal divider separated them, her breath was silent as the night but she could hear them crackling into their military communicator requesting backup. She plunged her light saber through the thin wall under her armpit and was answered with a gurgle as she pierced the heart of the hidden storm troopers. " Corin Autem Corin Autem move up and join me when you can. Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas there will be further reinforcements coming imminently, keep them off our backs." to Eina she just sent a thought, she would not need any instruction, but she would hopefully get the feeling that Rhiza could be trusted and that she wished her all the power she needed.


Location: Administrative Dome, Haven, Iol
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Onrai Onrai
Kit: "Shatterpoint" Machine Shotgun, HH-38 "Geysa" Hybrid Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Imperial "Hellhound" Armour Mk. I

The dark figure came apart like shattered glass as the shotgun slugs tore through her, and for a moment Corin was convinced that would be the last they saw of her. But such fickle dreams never did last. Looking on in surprise, Corin watched as tendrils of black smoke wove and weaved, piecing the figure back together. "Ow." The creature spoke as if getting shot was just a minor inconvenience. Perhaps it was.

Taking aim, Corin's finger drifted back to the trigger, only to pause as a wave of energy washed over her.

A sudden sense of calm flooded her mind, and the Hellhound Major brought her weapon down. Her red-visored eyes never left the one Eina had referred to as Onrai. Pulling back, she made to join her squad where they waited at the bottom of the steps alongside Rhiza. The Juror had ignited her blade in preparation for what was to come, but it seemed this fight was to be Eina's. "Understood, ma'am. May Ashla guide your hand." Signalling for her squad to go around Onrai, Corin began to move towards the bunker, her troopers leapfrogging their way towards the objective.

They had a job to do after all.

A sudden barrage of blasterfire split the air around her, and the Major dove for cover. "Contact! Twelve o' clock! By the blast shields!" One of her men warned. Returning fire, Corin's eyes widened slightly as the shotgun slugs punched through the heavy dura-armor, tearing into the defenders sheltering behind them. The Darktroopers fired back, ready and willing to die where they stood, which, inevitably, they would. "Fenn! Myrtle! Get some 'nades in there!" Corin yelled across to her comrades, her magazine running dry.

It was then a voice spoke to her, cutting clear through the din of battle. Onrai's voice.

Remembering Eina's words, the Hellhound did her best to ignore the Sith's nattering as Fenn and Myr' arced grenades over the enemy shield-wall. The thump-thump as they detonated did little to drown out the voice in Corin's head. Forced to listen to the Sith, the Hellhound pushed forwards with her troopers, noting as she did the figure walking at her shoulder. Under normal circumstances, being stood so close to an enemy would've resulted in one of two things. Her death or theirs.

The calmness of before lingered however, inspiring her to keep her mind on the mission. Sensing that words were preferable to weapons, Corin replied, "And there you have it, Onrai. You had to worm your way into Lilanna's heart, whereas she let me in of her own free will. As for power you offer, well, you've definitely misread me if you think that's what I seek." Ignoring the apparition from then on, Corin funnelled into the the bunker behind Rhiza. The Juror had made her move during the skirmish, powering her way past the defenders to await the Hellhounds deeper within the complex. Blaster shots rang out as her people dead-checked the Darktroopers. Corin activated her comm-link.

<<"Rominaria Seven, this is Fort. Raiders have made entry and are proceeding to the server room. What's your status, over?>>



Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , Arturo Braga Arturo Braga , Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a

The drinks began to flow, and the present parties were beginning to settle in. Well, all except for the Twi'lek, who flew away in frustration. Daozu paid it little mind, as he was only here to talk business. As for who he did business with, well... that also didn't matter much to him, as long as the credits continued to flow. Daozu looked to the pirate woman... a Kraken, if he wasn't mistaken. He hadn't had much in the way of interaction with the pirates, but his contacts within the Tingel Arm had provided enough information to know what he was getting into.

"Relationships are only important if they increase profit. The moment they don't, they become... tedious."

His thoughts momentarily drifted, thinking of his cousin Mako. A once profitable relationship indeed... until Mako got sloppy. Though Daozu may not have been the one to pull the trigger, it came as no surprise when he heard of his cousin's death. What a fool, he would think to himself. His death only served to prove that Daozu's point.

As Arturo spoke of business, Daozu calmly took a seat, taking another hit off of his helmet's spice dispenser as he made himself comfortable. Once the effects began to kick in, he leaned back in his seat.

"The Syndicate is beginning to stir. With all of these... regime changes... come with considerable opportunity."

His gaze fell upon the pirate for a moment.

"I'm sure that the Krakens can attest to the state of the Tingel Arm."

The spice-induced euphoria forced a short pause in his speech.

"The Crusade holds control of much of the region, but there are plenty of cracks for one to slip through, should they be so inclined. I have begun establishing connections with a... collective of sorts. Connections that are looking to extend their reach..."

It was a bold play that he was making. The Pyke Syndicate knew little of his operations outside of their sphere of influence, but Daozu was nothing, if not opportunistic. Besides, what the Syndicate didn't know, wouldn't hurt.​
Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


"Yes, the sheer coordination we would need to unleash onto the Maw to snuff them out would be impractical. Even with all of the forces of the galaxy against them, they still remain as strong as ever. And then there is, of course, their faith. I'm don't have to tell you my thoughts on the power of faith."

The Empress had spent a considerable amount of time around the Ashlan hierarchy lately, something that had several members of that same hierarchy less than pleased. Scipio himself often pondered the motives of the Empire, though his doubts were much less passionate than those of someone like Pietro. The Magister was a tactician first and foremost, and as such, erred on the side of pragmatism more than anything.

"It would be what I would do... goad the galactic powers into picking each other apart while they could. They largely achieved that, as well, when they attacked Coruscant. They managed to dismantle the Bastion Pact in a single blow, and well... we know how that turned out."

The Magister hadn't been able to deploy enough troops to Coruscant to make a difference, as the Maw's attack came swift and without warning. They were lucky that they got their people offworld at all. It was what had caused the Magister to insist on the bolstering of their own borders to even greater lengths than before.

"I agree that the Maw has zero fear. They will attack wherever they belief the damage will be greatest. I've even heard reports of them glassing their own planets purely to kill more enemies."

It was a frustrating thing for a man such as Scipio to fight the likes of the Maw. While they employed their fair share of conventional tactics, their endless need to serve their dreaded Avatars always created an x factor in battle. The Magister had to constantly alter his own tactics just to account for their fanaticism.

"So I suppose that the question is... which planet would do the most damage?"

There were obvious answers, of course, but when it came to the Maw, the obvious counted for little...

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Steal information about the Maw's plans
Location: Haven, Iol
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Allies: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural | Open
Enemies: Onrai Onrai | open
[ The Valley of Deaeth ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"There are no gods, at most powerful entities, or Force users." she said with exactly the same voice and emphasis as Ingrid had told the woman before.

Eina never believed in god-like beings or gods. She knew exactly what Darth Voracitos was, she had fought the Maw Avatars countless times and still does today. There were no gods, none of them, just incredible strong souls or Force Users. She knew what Ashla was, she met her as well as the Manda. She did not even accept the Celestials as gods.

"If you were truly a goddess, you wouldn’t have to do such prestidigitation, and you would have killed everyone before we arrived on the planet. You are just a Sith, a very corrupt and rotten one that has changed and is no longer a human being, and is held captive by chains that others control. I see your sins that you have committed. You devoured forces from other beings. But you are not them. You are just a parasite that uses their stolen power. This is what you are, Onrai, a parasite, not a goddess. Your soul is not lying." she said with sorrow and compassion in her voice. "A puppet, a pawn in others hands… and I feel sorry for you for it."

As she looked up, her gaze was very similar to that of Ingrid's and Adrian's, she might not have been born physically, but Onrai could easily see the traits of both of them in her features, the colour of her eyes, and her gaze. However, there was something in it that she had never seen from L'lerim and Vandiir, compassion, empathy, kindness. These were there in Eina's eyes as she looked at Onrai.

The alarms sounded then, and Eina sighed. She nodded at Rhiza and Corin's words, then saw them leave. When she felt they were far enough away and out of the reach out of the Force Harmony's range, she eliminated the effect. The Valkyrja hadn't attacked yet, she was just looking at the other woman. She trusted the others that they would be able to do the task while she held this woman here.

"But there is still hope for you." she offered kindly.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Meeting
Location: Base, Odessen
Equipment: Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I would say practical, but unfeasible. The galaxy did not even want to work together at the state level against the Bryn'adûl." she told him.

Ironically, however, the Sith Emperor and former Grand Master of the Silver Jedi Order, Thurion Heavenshield, were also able to work together against those genocidal beasts. But not in the open. She still considered it a fortunate event that, in the end, Bryn'adûl was unable to take advantage of this opportunity. It was another matter, however, that in the meantime, Maw also had a chance to get stronger. Maybe if they had gone nicely in order, Bryn'adûl and then the Sith, everything would have been different. And then they would have joined forces against Maw, who was just getting stronger, then the conditions today would not have existed.

"Faith… I prefer to believe in rationality and the right strategies. I hope I didn't hurt you, magister."

She nodded at the man's words; yes, they did it very well. The Silver Jedi have essentially ceased as a factor in the galaxy ever since. Or if they did, they didn’t interfere in the Maw’s fight anymore. Yet they had even been attacked in the past. The attack on Lao-Mon seemed to seriously break their ranks. The CIS also collapsed, though they were never members in the Bastion Pact. Although EE was left out, they have since been able to strengthen their ranks in the galaxy.

"Yes, I agree. Do you think the situation will continue to escalate between NIO and GA? Maybe the Cold War will turn into a real war?" she inquired.

Ingrid nodded again, she also saw such intelligence reports. And of course, she saw it with her own eyes. Last but not least, the red-haired woman knew the leader of one of the greatest tribes, and assumed that Mongrel was once Zachariel's man; the Empress had no illusions about what kind of tribe the Scar Hounds might be.

"Yes, because of their religion they do not care about the losses, for them to die in the name of the Avatars is a glory. So anytime, anyone will sacrifice for their purposes. The fact that crazy religious fanatics… makes them even more dangerous and unpredictable."

She nodded, then zoomed into the galaxy's map in the part near the border and the Core Worlds. The real question is what will be the next planet.

"Yes, that's the real question. If the Core Worlds are their targets… Coruscant, Tython, Empress Teta, or Byss. I say Byss because it was Sularen's planet, and when we attacked the planet, it was one of Maw's sorcerers, Tegan Starfall, who detonated the quantum bomb there. But anyway, it's an industrial planet. Of course, I may be wrong, but these may be the primary targets." she told him.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas

As the avatar of Onrai began to dissipate, looking over the edge of the building at Ivixa as she fell, she took a moment to ponder over the fact that the stormtroopers killed by the sniper were those of the main Maw power, the Final Dawn. She shrugged, her essence manifesting by Ivixa upon her contact with the ground as she sought to perform a simple Force Pull, seeking to take advantage of the woman’s disoriented state in order to disarm her. While such a heavy weapon was not the most accurate at close range, it was still very dangerous to Onrai’s avatar and anyone else if Ivixa was able to bring it to bear.

“Just remember, Princess - someone always has the higher ground.”


Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural

The arm was severed from the avatar’s hand, evaporating into nothingness as Onrai looked at her severed limb, watching as digits regrew and shaped themselves, the second slice having passed through her as though she was made of vapor. “Slavery… What does a god do with slavery? To bind the unwilling is a foolish task, but to have one willingly supplicate themselves towards your worship is the greatest of things.”

Onrai’s avatar for the most part watched as Rhiza moved into the complex. The Darktroopers who had engaged her were beginning to withdraw, leaving the less apt stormtroopers of the Final Dawn to take the casualties - a lack of several decades of combat had proven poor for their tactical acumen. A large mechanical Darktrooper, an Oppressor-15 model, glowed with power from its inbuilt energy shield as it stepped into the hall between Rhiza and her goal, its aging heavy repeating blaster unloading down the barrow hallway at the Zygerrian as Onrai looked on, feeling Eina’s attempt to support her weaken.

“I can sense the darkness inside you, Rhiza. I know that it was improperly cultivated. End this fruitless effort, come to Kiross, and let me help you.” The goddess said frustratedly.


Corin Autem Corin Autem

The Darktroopers’ resistance was strong, but ultimately the contingent of them were small compared to the Final Dawn stormtroopers that predominantly manned this facility. Onrai watched as they slowly worked to slur the progress of the Ashlans into the facility - a deliberate act. The Final Dawn stormtroopers were a regrettable loss, as each of them could have come to serve her, but in the end it was a wakening of a potential future enemy. And the entire purpose was just to keep stalling.

“I feel sorry for you, Corin. Such indoctrination, never able to form your own opinions. The Ashlans are zealots, pursuers of a false god made incarnate who seek to harm the balance of the galaxy maintained through the natural order of things. Well… as natural as anything can be now that the Celestials no longer maintain the balance. A galaxy where the past is destroyed is not a galaxy based on universal truth.”

In the server room, still several places away, a familiar oil drum-looking device had been set up, the integration of it into the server core a rush job by the highly skilled radtroopers working at breakneck speed, their rad-rifles at the ready in the event they were attacked. The server core was an isolated enough area where their weaponry would be able to hopefully contaminate any Ashlans who breached their perimeter.


Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Onrai could only laugh. “Coming from the woman who many laymen in Crusader territory look at as a demigoddess, the irony of your words is not lost on me.” The woman’s elaboration continued as Onrai kept her attention, bearing the demeaning statement of how she was apparently a parasite for having slain the last of the primordials and inherited their power.

“What right do I have to forcibly end your lives?” She asked. “A god who rules through fear instead of freely given worship is not much to a god, as many who have proclaimed themselves to be one have showcased. You accuse me of being a Sith - I am far more than that. There is no rot or corruption. Yes, I admit to having slain the dark ones with your mother’s aid. I admit to having taken their power as my own. But to call me a parasite when I have used my power to help those who have sent their prayers to me - those who your kind helped drive out of our own homeworld - is very un-Ashlan of you.” She crossed her arms, not particularly impressed by Ingrid’s daughter.

“Eina, it’s not a matter of hope. I gave hope to those people on Nathema, the ones who are now refugees fleeing their homes for a new life on Kiross. They are once again being forced to rebuild the ruins. And I am there to help them to the best of my abilities. I will not give them a paradise where their every need is fulfilled - mortals whose lives are without struggle rot from within as the need for stronger pleasures overwhelms them - but I will give them rains for their crops, bless them with children, and do whatever I can to act as a supportive force. The absolution you say that I need is already here, grasped one my hand.” She paused for a moment, choosing to address something else.

“You know, your mother believes to this day that I deliberately sought to have her possessed by the Night Spirit. She thinks the entirety of breaking the Endor Gate happen was some sort of scheme. I tried to take the Night Spirit into myself so your mother would not have to fight a battle I believed she as a mortal could very well lose. I was glad that she was able to overcome Gorog and subjugate her power, but our relationship, once amicable at least, has never been the same. I’m sure that every attempt to show you affection, if she still can, hurts her from being close to such a lightsided individual.”

She thought for a bit. “We have no reason to conflict if your underlings are willing to withdraw. If they continue to head into the complex, they will die. The server core has had its input ports spiked and a nuclear device has been installed to trigger if any attempt is made to access the core, or remove it. End the senseless charade, Eina, and they will live. The complex will be vaporized if they proceed, and if the fireball doesn’t incinerate them, the radiation levels they receive will be far too high for them to survive in intensive care.”

Location: Cantina, Batuu
Objective: Talk and drink
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke


Once the Sunscreen was placed evenly and covering Cass's skin, Tovald retreated, his hands back down to his sides once more, he only did the task as nothing was being done and it's bad for any skin to be too exposed to the sun, sunburn hurts, peeling is frustrating and the results of too much exposure are even worse. He even had to have a nasty looking mole looked at years ago, luckily it was caught early and he was able to recover but it was scary and concerning.

But he was more careful of going out in midday sun back on his homeworld. He was jealous of those Ubese who still had hair. That Whiskey sure looked delectable and tempting, the glass was calling out to him, but he unlike Diocletian knew moderation and did not have 15 glasses in a single afternoon. Taking a moment to wipe the residue suncream off his hands he took a glass, the whiskey looked better than the ones in Mos Eisley.

He was not averse to doing the less comfortable jobs, he knew he could never pick and choose what jobs he gets, well he would never hurt children, the no deal, the termination of contract clause. No exceptions. Then he had to remember what the word Shebs meant, it took him a second to realise it, he soon sat back down and nearly put up his feet, instead he kept them firmly planted onto the ground. It would be rude to do so. They had guests.

The Terrace even had raspberries, a few places on UbaIV grew them, he picked one to taste, just as he remembered them. He helped himself to more.

<"Nothing would have gotten done if I didn't step in,"> Tovald replied dryly, with an invisible smirk under his helmet.



Location: Cantina roof terrace
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Arturo Braga Arturo Braga Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke
Wearing: This outfit


Cass watched at the mandalorian shot her mouth off then retreated up to the balcony, Cass rolled her eyes and looked at Arturo Braga Arturo Braga "Is she always like this?" she was annoyed, Cass had been friendly and relaxed on front of the woman but she had gone off, but she wasn't entirely suprised. "I guess mandos just don't like me, I'm a little suprised that a guest and potential business partner would be treated like that and called a nobody, but it is what it is. Maybe I should have you both on the Kyber and show her some proper hospitality." or she might take the opportunity to airlock the grumpy bucket head. She laughed privately to herself, funny, but not her style.

"I'm sure that the Krakens can attest to the state of the Tingel Arm."

Cass laughed, "I don't know what you mean, that Casino was already detached from its foundations when we found it." no doubt he would have heard about the krakens lifting a casino off of the planet surface, was a fun heist, messy, but fun.

She looked over at Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a and Arturo Braga Arturo Braga "Screw it, I don't like not being liked, it's bad for business. Tell your mando 'I'm sorry for what I said, I wasn't implying she would cheap shot me and bag me up, only that she could if she was inclined." she shook her head and closed her eyes for a moments silence. The abruptly sat up, quickly clipping her outfit back together as she did.

"ok, business, I'll go first. What I have, a group of very skilled pirates, privateers or whatever you want to call is in ships that you can deny knowledge off, we don't care, you don't owe us any more than we owe you.

What i wants, oooh, lets see, an Imperial Letter of Marque would be nice, don't suppose you know anyone high up in their chain."
she winked "what else, a decent agreement on fencing rates, safe ports, the usual stuff if I'm honest.

Now its your turn."

She leaned backward on the sun lounger now watching for Arturo's response. She sighed and spoke in a jovial manner "Queen of the Unknown Regions, has a nice ring to it doesn't it. Think I knew a drag act with that name if I recall."

She looked again at Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a And was curious what his postion was, a man of few words it seemed, but that was hardly a problem.
Location: Administrative Dome, Haven - Iol
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Allies: EE ( Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Rhiza Dural Rhiza Dural Corin Autem Corin Autem )
Enemies: BotM ( Onrai Onrai )

This time, she didn’t fall like she had on Annaj.

Ivixa grunted as her armor’s lyra gravity belt kicked into life, slowing and stabilizing her fall, until she eventually landed in a graceful roll, having practiced the routine many times before after Annaj. Still holding onto her rifle, seeing the avatar manifest before her eyes, Ivixa immediately moved to level the weapon towards the figure, but found that it very nearly left her grasp, saved only by the molecular electric cling in her gloves.

The sniper immediately realized that this being was a Force-user.

“We’ll see who has the high ground!” Ivixa called out in reply. As she did, the sniper raised her right gauntlet towards the avatar and willed a burst of repulsive gravity out from its repulsor weapon, aimed to strike the avatar’s chest and send her flying backwards in a manner similar to a Force Push, from nine meters away and increasing, if her attack was successful. Then, not a second later, the assassin took aim at the avatar and fired a pair of massive, armor-piercing slugs towards her center mass, hoping that they would rip the avatar apart.

"Busy, right now!" Ivixa called back in answer to the Hellhound and the Juror, as she readied herself for the avatar's next move, if there would be one to begin with.



Location: Haven, Iol
Objective: Steal information
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas Corin Autem Corin Autem
Personal Equipment

Rhiza laughed ironically at Onrai Onrai attempt to highlight the darkness inside her, better not tell Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir she thought to herself as if it was some secret that she was still a lot of the person she was before. She shook her head and replied to the telepathic message "Tell you what, lets give it ten years of you living with me, controlling me and manipulating me, then ask me again. Its only fair, its what my husband got before I rejected his insidious gifts.". Maybe she should make an offer herself, the woman was a servant of the darkness and if she supposed it was that easy to wave a tainted carrot in front of someone, Rhiza should give it a try herself.

Her train of thought was broken by the visage of a heavy battledroid striding into the corridor in front of her. A ship crackled into life and the heavy repeated opened up. In a flash her rift blade was in her hand and as she swung the handle across in front of her the segmented blade trailed behind her in an arc, the incendiary effect ignited the air in a streak behind the sword and sparks flared as the blaster rounds struck the phrik coated antimatter blade.

With a flick of her wrist she fired a grenade off of the belt of one of the downed storm troopers, it was unlikely to get through the shield on the first time, but it might, and at the very least the flash would give Rhiza a moment to take cover. There was nothing else in the corridor of note and the server room was still further down and out of the blast. Ducking into a side room, Rhiza was fairly confident the nearly 3 metre monstrosity would struggle to fit through the human proportioned door, but she wasn't going to wait around and be shot at. She cut through the wall with her saber and pushed it open just side enough for her to squeeze through into the next room. She repeated the process again on the other side of this room, attempting to bypass the corridor entirely.

Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


"I must admit, I was too preoccupied with helping my own people during the Bryn'adul threat. They were still under Sith occupation at the time, and I devoted my life to seeing them freed. I imagine many others felt the same. It is certainly commendable that the Empire was able to put an end to that threat, however. Truly quite the accomplishment."

In reality, Scipio rarely thought of the Bryn'adul in those days. It wasn't that he didn't care about other worlds, but in the days of the Sith occupation, he simply couldn't imagine worrying about the troubles of others. Perhaps that was selfish, but his people needed their freedom. Thankfully, the Crusade had finally made that a reality.

"Not at all, Empress. Faith is simply one of many tools that may be used to achieve victory. One must also adhere to rationality as well. I, for one, tend to err on the side of logic."

Faith was certainly important to the Magister, though one did not reach his station on faith alone.

"As for the cold war between the NIO and the GA... I have seen reports of de-escalation, though things can always change. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned on one another once the Maw is gone. That being said, I certainly hope that I'm wrong. A war between the two would be... complicated for the Crusade."

The truth of the matter was that there were clear lines being drawn within the Ashlan ranks. Those lines would likely make choosing a side difficult for them, should their allies go to war with each other. It was something that Scipio thought of often, though he wouldn't put forth much more on the matter to a foreign official.

"Byss... certainly another possibility. Sularen has quite a bit invested in that planet."

He thought about it some more, looking over the map as he spoke.

"Wherever they hit, it will be devastating, should they succeed. If they push that far into the Core, the number of worlds in danger would be staggering."

As if that weren't already the case.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Meeting
Location: Base, Odessen
Equipment: Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Scipio Kaarz Scipio Kaarz | Open
[ Stormtroopers ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I understand; the truth is, for a long time I, we didn’t deal with them either. After all, we lived at the other end of the galaxy compared to them. Was a mistake. We learned this when they attacked Firrerre. To do this, they had to cross the SJC, GA and CIS areas, and possibly the former TSE and partly the NIO, because the attack came from the north. This was happened just before Dantooine…"

It was Dantooine where Adrian died; and she did not have to continue, everyone knew that the policy of the Eternal Empire had changed at that time. After that, they sought peace and an alliance against the Bryn'adûl. That attack changed everything. It was there that they realised that those savage beasts were able to traverse the entire galaxy without anyone noticing it. And because of that, they are in much greater danger. They were a much greater danger than the Sith.

Which was the most personal revenge on everyone’s part, though it was very understandable from the NIO as they once had to serve them. Yes, she was definitely glad that this did not end as a disaster. Ingrid smiled at the logic and nodded. She preferred others to also act on logic rather than on their feelings. However, she raised an eyebrow at the next one.

"Would it be complicated? I understand that GA became in part the state of which the rulers were the family of Lord Grayson. Would he support those who might not recognise his status as a legitimate ruler?" she asked him. " Of course, I get to know Lord Grayson in such a way, who is able to put aside his personal insults, so it is conceivable that you are right and the decision will be complicated."

ShHe had an easier time on this issue; they were still completely neutral and so it was easier to miss out if this happens and it will be necessary. Although they were diplomatically closer to the NIO. With that, the woman could only agree that wherever they, the Maw, would go, there would be great devastation.

"Do you know anything about why the SJC hasn’t intervened in the fighting since Lao-Mon?" she asked him again.



Location: Batuu
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Daozu Pyke Daozu Pyke

Keeping a frown from his face was harder than Arturo remembered. <<"Where's she going?">> Nara's voice whispered through the once-Underboss's comm-bead. "Haven't a clue," he replied under his breath, sitting a little straighter as Sil made the jump from the terrace to a neighbouring balcony. The move garnered more attention from the other patrons than Arturo would've liked, but there was nothing he could do about that, nor the feeling of guilt welling up inside.

Luckily, he had Cass to distract him.

"No, she's not," he replied to her question, sharing a look with the pirate captain and Sil's subordinate, Tovald. "Mandalorians always tend to be a bit... prickly. They don't appreciate it when aruetii like us question their honour." Maintaining eye contact, Arturo kept quiet as Cass gave voice to her frustrations. "I know what you meant. I suspect Lynne does, too. But we all have our pride, and words have a habit of being misinterpreted." Sighing gently, he turned to gaze in the direction Sil had gone, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beautiful twi'lek. "She'll come around." Arturo said, forcing Silhanna from his mind as he regarded Daozu.

No doubt the Pyke was eating this little drama up, though, Arturo suspected his mind was fixed on more important matters. Like Spice. Or credits.

Hell, probably both.

Laughing at Cass's words, Arturo gave the pirate queen a genuine look of amusement. "Just so long as you remember that there's only one Empress in the Unknown Regions. I know it's not any of my business, but I would rest easier knowing you hadn't gone and picked a fight you couldn't possibly hope to win." Smiling, the glimmer of amusement lingered in the crime boss's eyes even as the expression began to fade. "On a more serious note, I'll... see what I can do. Maybe my highly placed friends will see the value of forgiving you your past transgressions and will be all for issuing you with a letter of marque."

"In return, I would appreciate it if you and your crews helped eradicate a few pests infesting Black Sun space. In particular, a collective of gangs calling themselves the Frost Claw. I believe you're acquainted?"
Grinning at what, in truth, was a lame excuse for a joke, Arturo pressed on. "Together, our forces could wipe the Claw from the face of the Galaxy. And yes, there will be loot. Copious amounts of loot." Waiting for a response, Arturo turned once more to Daozu. He knew he had neglected to mention to Cass that it wouldn't just be the Frost Claw they were fighting, but the Black Sun's splinter factions too.

He knew, and yet he said nothing.

"You wouldn't happen to be speaking of the Midas Web, would you?" Arturo inquired of the Pyke, his voice losing none of the warmth he had used to address Cass. "That particular... 'collective' has been somewhat instrumental in making sure my organisation doesn't expand into certain areas of Crusade space. Not that I can blame them for doing so. My agents have been doing the same here, where the Imperials hold sway." Leaning back in his recliner, Arturo folded his hands against his chest, smiling softly. "That said, I believe the Black Sun and the Midas Web could indeed find some common ground upon which to stand, given time and ample opportunity. Perhaps the Pyke Syndicate could help in this endeavour?"


Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , Arturo Braga Arturo Braga , Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a

The frustrations of communication were always amusing to Daozu. Words, expressions, even the slightest movement of one's body could alter the course of a conversation. It was all the more reason for him to act so indifferent. The less one expressed, the less they revealed. And Daozu sought to reveal nothing more than what was necessary.

He listened to Cass and Arturo discuss the letter of marque, as well as this so called Frost Claw. It appeared that Black Sun had their needs, just as everyone did. Perhaps he could make himself useful to them after all.

The Pyke took another hit off of his spice dispenser, allowing the euphoria to continue as he leaned back. The spice kept him level-headed, allowing him to maintain his usually casual posture. Many took him for a simple, spice-addicted Pyke. They would be right, if he were like his brethren within the Syndicate... but he was of a different sort. His weapon was that expectation, and because of it, his competitors continued to underestimate him.

Arturo Braga, however, didn't seem to underestimate anyone.

"Yes, the Midas Web."

He wasn't sure how much Arturo knew of the Web, nor what his intentions were regarding them, yet Daozu would humor him, regardless of whatever he may or may not be hiding.

"I am here to speak on their behalf on that matter. I want it to be known that the Web has no intent on hindering Black Sun's business. In fact, we would be happy to work something out that would be... mutually beneficial. We simply wished to speak to you first."

A short pause...

"As for the Syndicate, lets just say that they aren't exactly fully aware of my involvement with the Web. Call it... diversification of one's investments."​
Magister Militum Dei


Scipio Kaarz: Magister Militum Dei of the Crusade

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


"I suppose we all fall prey to immediate dangers, then."

It certainly was no secret that the Empire had their reasons for switching focus; such an attack would have brought the full fiery justice of Ashla, had it been against the Crusade. Though Scipio still believed the Bogan to be the greatest threat to galactic security, he could not overlook the havoc the Bryn'adul had brought upon countless worlds.

"The Kaiser has been much more focused on the homefront, as of late, though I imagine that he could go either way on the matter. The complications come from certain... political divides. Divides that would make navigating such a conflict difficult for the Crusade as a whole."

A brief pause followed as he stared into the holoprojection for a moment.

"I, for one, would wish to side with the NIO, should it come to that. I served in their military, for a time. They were the ones that taught me the art of war. And they were, for quite some time, my people's best bet for freedom."

In truth, the Magister owed a lot to the New Imperial Order. They had given him the tools to become the man he was today. That, combined with the countless times he bled with them in battle, provided him with a certain unending gratitude toward their nation.

"The SJC seem to have their hands full with former Bryn Space, or at least, that's my takeaway. That whole region is a mess, and though there are several groups working to mend the damage, it will take time. Time... and a lot of effort."

There was much more to be said about Scipio's thoughts of the leftovers of the Bryn'adul's rule, but for now, he would simply leave it at that.

"Tell me, Empress, where do you see the Empire once the Maw is defeated?"

It was a broad question, but one with purpose. Scipio wished to understand Ingrid's motives, or at least, as well as he could. The Magister had not been present for the negotiations between the Eternals and the Crusade, and wanted to know just who they had thrown their lot in with. Perhaps, through such insight, he could better serve Ashla while fighting side by side with these Imperials.


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