Ivixa Nera'kas
As the avatar of Onrai began to dissipate, looking over the edge of the building at Ivixa as she fell, she took a moment to ponder over the fact that the stormtroopers killed by the sniper were those of the main Maw power, the Final Dawn. She shrugged, her essence manifesting by Ivixa upon her contact with the ground as she sought to perform a simple Force Pull, seeking to take advantage of the woman’s disoriented state in order to disarm her. While such a heavy weapon was not the most accurate at close range, it was still very dangerous to Onrai’s avatar and anyone else if Ivixa was able to bring it to bear.
“Just remember, Princess - someone always has the higher ground.”
Rhiza Dural
The arm was severed from the avatar’s hand, evaporating into nothingness as Onrai looked at her severed limb, watching as digits regrew and shaped themselves, the second slice having passed through her as though she was made of vapor. “Slavery… What does a god do with slavery? To bind the unwilling is a foolish task, but to have one willingly supplicate themselves towards your worship is the greatest of things.”
Onrai’s avatar for the most part watched as Rhiza moved into the complex. The Darktroopers who had engaged her were beginning to withdraw, leaving the less apt stormtroopers of the Final Dawn to take the casualties - a lack of several decades of combat had proven poor for their tactical acumen. A large mechanical Darktrooper, an Oppressor-15 model, glowed with power from its inbuilt energy shield as it stepped into the hall between Rhiza and her goal, its aging heavy repeating blaster unloading down the barrow hallway at the Zygerrian as Onrai looked on, feeling Eina’s attempt to support her weaken.
“I can sense the darkness inside you, Rhiza. I know that it was improperly cultivated. End this fruitless effort, come to Kiross, and let me help you.” The goddess said frustratedly.
Corin Autem
The Darktroopers’ resistance was strong, but ultimately the contingent of them were small compared to the Final Dawn stormtroopers that predominantly manned this facility. Onrai watched as they slowly worked to slur the progress of the Ashlans into the facility - a deliberate act. The Final Dawn stormtroopers were a regrettable loss, as each of them could have come to serve her, but in the end it was a wakening of a potential future enemy. And the entire purpose was just to keep stalling.
“I feel sorry for you, Corin. Such indoctrination, never able to form your own opinions. The Ashlans are zealots, pursuers of a false god made incarnate who seek to harm the balance of the galaxy maintained through the natural order of things. Well… as natural as anything can be now that the Celestials no longer maintain the balance. A galaxy where the past is destroyed is not a galaxy based on universal truth.”
In the server room, still several places away, a
familiar oil drum-looking device had been set up, the integration of it into the server core a rush job by the highly skilled radtroopers working at breakneck speed, their rad-rifles at the ready in the event they were attacked. The server core was an isolated enough area where their weaponry would be able to hopefully contaminate any Ashlans who breached their perimeter.
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Onrai could only laugh. “Coming from the woman who many laymen in Crusader territory look at as a demigoddess, the irony of your words is not lost on me.” The woman’s elaboration continued as Onrai kept her attention, bearing the demeaning statement of how she was apparently a parasite for having slain the last of the primordials and inherited their power.
“What right do I have to forcibly end your lives?” She asked. “A god who rules through fear instead of freely given worship is not much to a god, as many who have proclaimed themselves to be one have showcased. You accuse me of being a Sith - I am far more than that. There is no rot or corruption. Yes, I admit to having slain the dark ones with your mother’s aid. I admit to having taken their power as my own. But to call me a parasite when I have used my power to help those who have sent their prayers to me - those who your kind helped drive out of our own homeworld - is very un-Ashlan of you.” She crossed her arms, not particularly impressed by Ingrid’s daughter.
“Eina, it’s not a matter of hope. I gave hope to those people on Nathema, the ones who are now refugees fleeing their homes for a new life on Kiross. They are once again being forced to rebuild the ruins. And I am there to help them to the best of my abilities. I will not give them a paradise where their every need is fulfilled - mortals whose lives are without struggle rot from within as the need for stronger pleasures overwhelms them - but I will give them rains for their crops, bless them with children, and do whatever I can to act as a supportive force. The absolution you say that I need is already here, grasped one my hand.” She paused for a moment, choosing to address something else.
“You know, your mother believes to this day that I deliberately sought to have her possessed by the Night Spirit. She thinks the entirety of breaking the Endor Gate happen was some sort of scheme. I tried to take the Night Spirit into myself so your mother would not have to fight a battle I believed she as a mortal could very well lose. I was glad that she was able to overcome Gorog and subjugate her power, but our relationship, once amicable at least, has never been the same. I’m sure that every attempt to show you affection, if she still can, hurts her from being close to such a lightsided individual.”
She thought for a bit. “We have no reason to conflict if your underlings are willing to withdraw. If they continue to head into the complex, they will die. The server core has had its input ports spiked and a nuclear device has been installed to trigger if any attempt is made to access the core, or remove it. End the senseless charade, Eina, and they will live. The complex will be vaporized if they proceed, and if the fireball doesn’t incinerate them, the radiation levels they receive will be far too high for them to survive in intensive care.”