Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Quiet-like? Not ornery?Ellie Arceneau?"

Makai gave a genuine snort of laughter. Were they even talking about the same woman? Granted, he and Ellie had known one another since early childhood. There was a different relationship there if even one took out the romantic feelings they had. Shared secrets, little nicknames, stupid jokes all had been part of their friendship. Still was.

It wasn't far off to assume that Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and his father had much of the same relationship.

"No, I still considered her my best friend, even then. Doesn't go away even though were quarreling. I get where you're coming from, I do. However...I can still be concerned. Don't want you to end up hurt is all."

A sip of his brandy.

"Which is always easier said than done."
Danger sank back into the comfort of the acceleration couch, another sigh falling from her lips that turned into a wry chuckle. After all, she knew her daughter well.

"Well, friendships come with the expected irks, flaws, and reminders of humanity at its worst and best," she closed her eyes, internally musing back on her friendship with Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . They'd come far in the nearly two decades that they'd known each other. However, there was no denying that each held their portion of secrets and facets at bay; Judah perhaps held his chest more tightly on some aspects than Danger did for others.

"But once you have 'em, well... gotta think long and hard just how much one is willin' to put in it compared to the other. Perhaps, no different than a business arrangement."

Perhaps the sort of friendship Judah and her had was more aligned to business with an odd casual familial air that only managed to surface to intimate levels when it dealt with their kids. Anything beyond that, well, was clearly off the table. But Danger could work with that. She'd decided to in the wake of that Naboo fight after the gala.

"As it is, don't go runnin' off so fast. See if your pa has anythin' to tell you when he comes. Be best to meet him half way at least."
"I'm not running off anywhere. Not that much like my Ma."

A joke in poor taste but he made it anyways. Another sip of his brandy as he watched Danger, unable to make out what was running through her head. Maybe she was reflecting on her friendship with his father. Maybe it was some recent events. Maybe what she was going to do once he returned. How to proceed forward.

There was a lot of 'what-ifs' and ambiguity in his opinion. Ones it was a waste to dwell on in this point, at least in his mind. So much was up in the air it was impossible to even begin to fathom how the next week was going to go. They had enough to worry about in his opinion without driving themselves sick with worry about something that may or may not happen.

"We shall see what happens. I'll keep an open mind. Naturally, I would never shun my own father. Despite my feelings, I will treat him as if whatever happened on the Farm didn't happen, at least until proven otherwise. Don't worry, you won't have to worry about a yelling match. I've never been one for hollerin' to begin with."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
It really was a terrible joke.

Danger opened her eyes and shot a feline perturbed expression over at Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell 's direction. Of all the jokes he could give. Then again, self-effacing humor is likely the type of the younger Dashiell had to work with considering his upbringing.

Dad jokes were not suited for him yet.

"Didn't reckon you would. You have a better handle on your head when it comes to dealin' with your pa than others." Danger admitted.

"We'll see how things land. Take it a day at a time. All we really can do."
She added, bringing her glass up to take another sip of brandy.

Now on to other news.

"So, what's goin' on the business front, hmm?"
"We shall. It will be interesting either way."

Makai took another sip of brandy, Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had her eyes open after his poorly landed joke, moving onto the next subject. One that was probably a little better than the emotional status of his father.

"Not bad. It's hard to focus on Aina when I'm in the trenches with Salacia and standing in for Dad. One small reason to be happy he's returning, at least let him settle in for a week then throw him to the wolves."

Thinking a moment he continued.

"Centrality is doing well. I've considered that we should buy Junkfort Station and restore it to glory. Add a mining refinery attached so Aina can keep a foothold in the region."

Taking a sip of brandy, he changed the subject back to her.

"How's Arceneau? Ellie has been working hard on the MaraTibX front but what about the rest of ATC?"
Danger gave a few nods as she listened to Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell detail how items with Salacia and Aina Holdings were doing. He was correct; there was only so much he could juggle until Judah's return.

The proposal to purchase Junkfort Station was a curious one.

"Why purchase it instead of salvaging it and starting from scratch?" she asked, curious on his thoughts regarding it.

As for Arceneau...

"Catchin' up to a lot of items on my end. Took to spendin' time with family the past decade and it shows. I have to reconnect and walk on a knive's edge around the powers that be. I've managed to get reacquainted with trusted partners, so that is a blessin', but there have also been significant changes. The Trade Federation for example. Where I once used to be a board member, after I left there were plenty of shifting about. Relearnin' how they like things and what can be done is a fine juggle."

Being a neutral party had its advantages but also harsh realities.

"But also most folk now a day don't seem to be all keen on movin' forward without steppin' on a few heads. Perhaps, a bit more brutal than it used to be."

It was an interesting dilemma. One she'll need to navigate carefully.
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Makai nodded, listening along. Pushed out into his own a bit quickly, he saw many of the same behaviors Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had mentioned. At first he had thought it relating to his inexperience in the more delicate parts of business.

"It's almost like every government out there wants companies to pick a side. Not realistic for larger ones. Look at Salacia, if we aligned with just say the Galactic Alliance it would be extremely risky taking salvage jobs anywhere else. Also not great for profits just to be aligned to one government. I'd hate to see if that happened and a sudden governmental collapse occurred."

Another sip of his brandy, swirling the liquid.

"I'm sure you'll find your footing again. I mean, the name Danger Arceneau holds a great deal of weight still in the 'verse. I'm sure a few folks will come around with some good sense. "

As for other business, his business dealings, he hadn't thought of scrapping Junkfort Station and starting fresh. Would make his life easier.

"New Junkfort Station? Has a nice ring to it. I'll be sure to ensure Arceneau Trade owns a good portion of the station, say thirty-three percent along with Aina and Salacia...well, Salacia thirty-four percent."

Might as well keep the station in the family if there were plans to rebuild. Plus, it would be a nice foothold for Arceneau's warehousing system.
"It is a delicate dance," Danger agreed that the powers that be were more apt to be prone to requests that someone pick a side, but Danger understood the reasons of it. Most likely it was due to appearance sake and publicity. It came with pros and cons a like.

"It will just take time and reconnecting with folks again," Danger replied with a faint smile.

"I ain't worried. Arceneau Trade's reach is expansive, and the work we've done into it reflects not only in the reputation but the amount of product and services we provide. I didn't put so much effort in charting new hyperlanes and trade routes for our transports to not use them to our full advantage." they were more dangerous routes and may take longer, but at least product and goods would keep moving.

"So, try not to stir the pot. Take the time to listen. Don't rush. You catch more flies with honey than you do with a fly swatter."

As for the station.

"New or not, it all works. I just wasn't sure if there was a reason to salvage it or not. Restoring it is fine if you think it would work well with upgrades. But if you think it would be better suited new, that works as well. The terms are good so no issue with me." Again, easy going on the decisions.

"Getting Trader ATC underway so will be establishing large warehouses for bulk goods and needs. I reckon I could focus on the Outer Rim, Expansion, and Unknown Regions before I push hard onto the Core. That war will only continue to make things more unstable."

A tap of her finger.

"The Black Wing virus is still prevalent. However, a good friend of mine reminded me that a contract between Aurora and PharmaTech has a version of the vaccine available. I'm going to use it to deploy it to every Arceneau Trade and affiliate employee within the hot zone, surroundin' it, and where our analysts and intelligence have indicated that it may move next. " it wasn't foolproof, but it was something. If it came from Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , then odds were, it would work. "It ain't fool proof. We need to confirm if it will work with the current strain afflictin' folks... but it is a placeholder while a more advanced version is in development."

"Do you want Salacia and Aina Holding's employee to get the vaccine as well?"
"I wouldn't expand Trader ATC out into the Core yet either. Besides, it seems like so many forget the Outer Rim and Expansion Regions. Plenty of business out there and the ability to place a stronghold easily on the market. Always could put one on New Junkfort Station too, maybe smaller than normal but spacers need groceries too."

Vaccine development? Would have been handy when he and Ellie had been caught up in an entire horde of undead after Alric's passing. There was a bit of paranoia about getting scratched of if something was in the water or air or who knows what. In the end they were fine, but it was still a curiosity on his end. Whoever released the virus achieved their goal, there was chaos spreading through the 'verse thanks to the virus.

"Of course. Whatever the cost, it is worth it. I'll sign up too, never know when trouble will catch up with me. I never go looking for it but it always seems to find me, take Empress Teta for example. Started off by annoying Casteel at a sports bar and ended up stuck in some bunker for days on end. Yet back to a serious note, it is great to hear the fast track of a vaccine. Sounds like your friend is wise, and putting themselves in a good position to make some credits in the short-term while assisting others."

Another sip of brandy, debating.

"Could even change the course of some of the unrest in the Core. Or at least make it easier for innocents to move around with less fear of turning. Will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months."

Makai turned the conversation back to something personal since they were alone. Something that needed to be addressed without even Ellie present. Since she was busy singing Skylar Quick in the shower, the half-Galan knew his fiancee wouldn't come looking for him anytime soon.

"Don't forget you still need me to sign the pre-nupital agreement. Plus any other terms you may have thought of since the engagement announcement."

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
Danger gave a nod; it was good that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell was also picking up on the reasons why Danger wasn't pushing to put Trader ATC in the Core Worlds yet. It was an intricate balance. Besides, with the storm between the Dark Empire and the Alliance, and from what she heard from Kaine, likely the Empire of the Lost and others, things were about to get even more chaotic.

"I'll have Aeri connect you to Miz Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf . Aurora is another company that would do you some good in gettin' ties with. In the many years I've done business with her, she has proven herself to be an excellent business partner and is more than willin' to discuss projects for the betterment and benefit of both parties. Pragmatic to a fault, but I respect that. She handles Sparti clone labs as well."

That she was a member of the Sith did not matter to Danger. Much like Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex what mattered to her was that she was treated with respect and that they abided by the terms of agreements made. That spoke far more than whatever use of that mystical hoodoo that the Force gave.

As much as she held prejudice towards female Jedi due to the failures of her past love life, Matsu Ike Matsu Ike also had proven herself a great business partner as well. As had her newest arrangement with young Braze Kai'el Braze Kai'el .

"Be as it may, likely wouldn't be a bad idea to consider alternative options with droid workers in hot spot hazardous areas just in case."

Now as for that prenup...

Danger arched a brow and gave a chuckle.

"I'll have the lawyer draw it up. Be best if you get Hugo to get one drafted on your end as well. Terms will be that Arceneau Trade must be overseen by a capable and direct descendant -- and must carry the Arceneau name. Give your little ones whatever surname you wish -- but whoever will ultimately head Arceneau Trade directly must be an Arceneau. The rest of the subsidiaries I don't mind as much. Then again, for all we know, perhaps none of them will want to."

She gave a shrug.

"That's a bridge we will cross on to see who steps forward or not." feline green eyes would swivel towards Makai.

"Sound fair or no?"
"Miss Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf is the one who coordinated and granted some projects with this Centrality project, no? It was nice to see her take initiative in setting this up, it's a massive undertaking. Smart business was too, no doubt her corporation will benefit long term from the strides made her."

A small pause. It seemed Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was on friendly terms with Miss Raaf. Perhaps the three of them could focus on more projects in the future. Something to consider.

"I'd love to meet her. I just bid on the contracts, we never had any face-to-face interactions."

Yet back to personal business. It seemed fair to him, a failsafe that he couldn't aggressively take over Arceneau Trade for himself. Not that he wanted to in the slightest, but when dealing with this many credits, he always was aware Danger had to protect the company.

"Don't worry, I'm sure one of your five or six grandchildren will be interested in following in your footsteps. I hope you're ready to pass on your wisdom."

A joking tone but he was quite serious about the size of his future family. He and Ellie wanted a large family and they had the financial means to do so, as well as the resources.

"My only real stipulation is a clause regarding the children and businesses. If Ellie and I were to divorce or the unthinkable happened and I passed away, and she have a child with someone else, I would like the clause that our children will come first in line of succession should they choose to be interested in ATC."

Makai didn't see them divorcing. Nor did he plan on dying early. However, things did happen and he wanted to ensure his future children would be the rightful heirs to Arceneau should they so desire.

"Other than that, I don't think there any pressing issues on that front."
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"Don't worry, I'm sure one of your five or six grandchildren will be interested in following in your footsteps. I hope you're ready to pass on your wisdom."

It was lucky that Danger had finished taking her sip of brandy; otherwise, she would have coughed at Makai's response. Instead, she gave a short chortle, shaking her head at Makai's joke.

"Goodness... what are you tryin' to do there, Makai? Be a high achiever? Are you sure you can handle five or six kids?" she questioned, lofting an auburn brow at that news. Granted, Danger herself had always wanted a big family. The only sibling she had was Remi, and he passed early due to an unfortunate accident that caused her father to look badly on Noxu after.

Chuckles aside, Danger gave an incline of her head, "Fair on that aspect. Alright we can ensure that clause is in there as well."

Another deep breath, then a sigh.

"You got all your plannin' set for he weddin' or still have things to hash out?"
Chuckling at her reaction, Makai was surprised that she found the news shocking. He and Ellie had mentioned such a thing once or twice, perhaps she considered them joking. Which was fair, who takes such a thing at face value the first time? A small sip of brandy before he answered, a bit of a grin on his face, clearly amused.

"High achiever? No, nothing like that. More like she can't keep her hands off me....well, its mutual., what am I talking about. Ideally, we'd like to have a larger family. However, if we have the one and its just too much to handle, then we just have the one. Well, the one plus Persie, its been settled she's ours at this point. Handling Persie and Rue has given a bit of insight and small amount of practice, in a way, plus living here with everyone has given us some practice in balancing time as a couple and our other obligations."

Makai figured Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau would agree to the clause. It wasn't something he had to think of until recently. Hanging out with Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal and some of these slighted sons had put it on his mind. There was a lot of cutthroat family issues out there. He was trying to avoid those pitfalls, especially if they were having a large number of children.

"As for the things. Persie will be leaving for a festival on Ukatis soon, and I think you and Rue are headed out on business. We will have a few days alone so in between catching up we can nail down all the details. Its just a small wedding,so I don't forsee a lot of hard decisions left to make."
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This... was not the sort of topic Danger honestly wanted to be privy to. Oh it wasn't to say that she wasn't fully aware of the sorts of carrying ons behind closed doors Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell did - as evident by that earlier reveal about sneaking out of their rooms when they were younger months back - but more that, well, couldn't quite deny that odds were Myra was marking her territory in ways that would make the younger Dashiell firmly know just who he belonged to.

Danger couldn't blame her.

But still...

"Apple, don't fall far from the tree, Makai, " Danger shrugged, gesturing casually with her glass of brandy. "Be grateful you found a woman that wants you just as passionately as you want her. Don't ever let her doubt that. A girl can question herself with what ifs and maybes and wonder if a man truly does want her unless he shows her. "

Speaking from a little more from experience there.

"You are probably right; won't take much. Ain't gotta do the pomp and circumstance Alric and I did years ago." at the time, they were at their prime of connections and partners. They had to put on a show.

"Got your honeymoon plans underway? What about that house there that you've been talkin' up a storm back on the farm."
"Apple, don't fall far from the tree, Makai, "

He looked at the proverbial tree in question, brow furrowing. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , of all beings in the 'verse, had confidence issues? At least, that was what he was assuming based on just that small sentence. The apple in this case did have some issues around comparing herself to imaginary women that certainly did not exist during their time apart. A jealousy streak brought on by not thinking she wasnt good enough.An issue he had smoothed out and worked on.

Danger was saying she felt the same way? Makai wanted to ask more questions but such things were a deeply intimate and personal nature. Plus, he could only imagine the feelings brought up if he did pry.

"I really thought Ellie was going to want the big pomp and circumstance wedding, the guest list of a thousand people. Which would have been fine, just not my cup of tea. So she definitely surprised me with the small solarium wedding at the Farm."

He was eternally thankful they were on the same page on this front. In all reality, they just wanted to be married. Having just family and possibly a few close friends present made sense, especially after Alrics death. Eloping just seemed cruel given the circumstances. It was important their families at least got to experience the zenith of a long and rocky road.

"Two weeks on Spilrusa, the resort city of Tritoria Bay. I've already booked a few things for us, spa day...a wine tasting on the Alderaanian Isles, dinner at the casino ring...I'm sure we will do other activities too, maybe a boat tour or some exploring, but I didn't want to overbook us either. Last time we went away together we spent the entire first day dead to the world and asleep. I can see that happening again...oh, and don't tell her about the activities. She knows where we're going, but I'd like to keep a lot of this a surprise."

A small pause.

"I may need you to watch Persie too...I'm not sure Dad is the right choice. If not, I can just arrange something with the protocol droids and Persie's governess to keep an eye on her while we're gone."

As for the house, Makai had plans. Plans he couldn't tell Danger yet until he talked to Ellie, obviously needing her approval.

"A slight delay because I changed my mind about something. I'll let you know how it shakes out but otherwise great. Amazing location in front of the water. Further inland we've already started to establish the vines for the small winery portion. Persie has already designed her room and closet. So there is progress despite a stoppage on one portion."
"I won't tell her," Danger chuckled, before taking another sip of her drink. "Sounds like you got some big plans. Although you are right, don't overlook. Odds are you'd be just fine relaxing and not havin' to go out and about and block off the 'verse for a bit of peace and quiet."

A finger would tap against the wall of her lowball glass, "That's fine, Persie can stay with me. I'll talk to your pa if there is any issue on his end." Sure, she was taking the hands off approach with the older Dashiell, but if push came to shove, Danger was the one who could out stubborn him -- or at least lock him out of the station of needed.

"Then take your time with the home. Ain't like we movin' far from the Centrality for a bit. And if needed can always go back to the farm for a break now and then."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"We had fun blocking off the entire universe that time. Very disorientating though, especially because we blocked clocks too. Next time I'd at least keep something to tell the time I think. Small advice if you ever do such a thing."

Makai idly wondered if Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau would ever do such a thing. Maybe if she had someone to hangout with, although there were benefits to staying alone in such places. A chance to enjoy ones self without interruption. Some reflection. Maybe in the future he should offer such a thing to her, to let himself and Ellie take over while she let the 'verse drift away.

"Thank you for watching Persie. I know she's a bit of a handful at times but she's starting to simmer down a little. Just interesting ways, I guess one would say. I think she's going to be fine given some time."

The very small amount of liquor left in his glass was swirled. He nodded about the house. There wasn't no real rush and they did have holdings elsewhere. Well, he didn't, having stayed all of one day in Ellie's Chandrilla apartment. His things were still there, in storage, and at the Farm. He planned on approaching the subject of having Danger and Rue live with them, on the compound, having changed the design to be a sprawling mansion. Hr still had to broach the subject with his better half.

Having spoke much of the time, he turned the questions on her.

"Did you and Mr.Kuhn have a honeymoon? Did you do anything fun...well, anything you can share." Makai chuckled a little. "Where did you go? Any advice?"
Block off the ‘verse for a bit? Perhaps might be good, but then again, silence can only go so far. If anything perhaps she’ll take up the offer so she could return to Tatooine and settle at the enclave there.

“Maybe. Reckon we’ll see. Too much goin’ on now to really take time away.” Danger replied with a small sigh, bringing her free hand up to rub at her forehead.

At Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell ’s question, Danger’s hand fell away and she thought back.

“We spent some time travel in’ while keep on’ up appearances. Both of us had quite a bit of work to still do. Alric planned it all to ensure we had some personal time while leveraging everything else that was goin’ on,”
Danger admitted. It had been romantic in that sense that the Tetan knew what Danger had to juggle.

“Just be sure to spend time together. If you’re takin on Persie, time alone will be hard to juggle as a newly wed with your responsibilities.”
Downing the last of his brandy, Makai relaxed, listening to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau speak, but also watching as her hand touched her head. She rubbed her head as if she had a headache or was worried about something. There was also a lot on her plate, he was very much aware of that. Not to mention she was still probably grieving.

"A working honeymoon, got it. I think that is almost impossible to fully disconnect without tossing the comm away. Makes sense that you guys had to juggle everything with both companies and trying to start a life together. Seems you made it work out alright."

They were getting along with Persie fine. Hardest part was setting boundaries down for her and making sure the girl stuck to them. Difficult for any teenager, but add in the fact the girl hadn't been brought up in the best environment plus the turbulence brought on by her mothers death. Makai was lucky Ellie had been so willing to take care of Persephone, drawing some parallels of her own adoption, not that the teenage girl was privy to such information. It just helped in understanding some of her actions.

"Its not Persie I'm worried about. I'm not looking forward to getting back to work after this and being separated again for long stretches of time. I mean, we'll be completely fine, I just don't like being apart for so long. Not after living together for months, got used to seeing her every morning."

It was not something that would disrupt their relationship. Makai knew they would be perfectly fine and such a thing as distance working apart wouldn't drive a wedge between them. It was just a less-than-ideal situation.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to do anything? If you need some time to yourself I can have Rue tag along with me for a few days, she'd love a chance to follow me around. Maybe I can have a little geology buddy yet."
Did I need anything? Danger mused, pondering, tapping the glass of her low ball in contemplation. After rubbing her forehead, she dropped her hand and gave Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell a soft smile.

"Perhaps I do need some time to myself. Reckon doin' some unpluggin' before the weddin' might be in my best interest after all. Perhaps after your pa comes and makes his way on over. We'll get everything settled and see how things go then. Perhaps a weekend or a week would be good for me and a good practice for Myra to see how she can handle the entirety of Arceneau Trade."

As it was, it was already getting late.

"How bout you make your way back on to your bride. I've a few things to cover myself before I tuck myself in." She told him, bringing the glass to her lips to drink the rest of her brandy.

"Unless you reckon you need another two fingers worth of liquid courage before you face Myra and her series of questions?" she chuckled, aware that her daughter would read Makai like the book he was.

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