Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Every Which Way but Ruusan (Techno Union Dominion of Ruusan)

Post 9 of 20 (shared with [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"])
Objective: Assist [member="Aiden Bacra"]
Location: Ruins of abandoned Sith Base overlooking the Valley of the Jedi
Arms & Equipment: HoloLink, the Power of Attorney

The terrain was reflected off the silvery skin of the Nubian star yacht, as it descended from among the clouds to settle over the dusty valley below.

A sharp whistle cut through the air, the hiss of compressed air being released as the loading ramp dropped and the gangly form of the former Republic senator from Cyrillia emerged. Cyrillia, of course, was no longer a Republic world. Which had necessitated that the ex-pat lawyer and politician find new employment. He'd toyed with being a minor politician and lobbyist on Druckenwell, which had set him up for an unexpected opportunity when Corell Financial had opened on that world.

Now he was the director of a powerful investment bank, for one of the galaxy's most upstart corporations from out of the Corellian Sector. Was it as prestigious as being a senator? No, but it paid better. Much better in fact.

But, with great paychecks came trivial responsibilities. Such as making certain that a minor contract as to the refurbishment of some old Jedi thing was taken care of, while their boss was off playing archaeologist in the dirt. Flanked by G-series maintenance droids, some of whom carried spools of fiber-optic cable or other assorted bits necessary for assembling a server room, the lanky Gungan lumbered inside of the structure. Spying a nearby humanoid, the Otolla gestured toward him as he said, "Ex-squeez me. Would yousa be Mister Bacra, sah?"
Post 8, Darksiders/Temple Entrance [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] (and entourage)

All hell had broken loose overhead as the Jawa squatted behind the shrubbery close to the temple door.

Turrets atop the temple had started booming shots towards a vast shimmering barrier that had formed towards the valley entrance. More shots ripped through the air from temple windows. One of the turrets began to shake, its motors grinding unhealthily as it traversed, until finally it exploded in a hail of metal pieces. The Jawa dived to one side just in time to avoid being obliterated.

As the sounds of battle began inside the temple on the second floor a booming shot tore into the second front turret of the temple. Two more shots from the same source speared through the temple windows, accompanied by screams. The temple doors opened and a number of its inhabitants ran out towards a now-unshielded enemy, armed and ready for battle.

The sound of distant thunder that had grown throughout the battle rose further until it was clearly chanting, an ominous and vicious rhythm in tune with bursts of static that danced on the bush concealing the Jawa. Soon lightning was arcing between the trees across the valley. It might have been fatally mesmerizing if not for the explosion that occurred out of sight, somewhere in the direction of the charging templefolk.

There was nowhere else to hide but in the temple itself. At that moment something flashed by into the front door, followed by gunfire inside. Death by lightning, or by gunfire? Junker Pugn made the choice quickly as he frantically patted out the little electrical fires forming on the frayed tips of his robe. He ran straight for the open front door.

The Jawa ducked to one side of the door and crouched down, his eyes adapting to the darkness within. A young boy stood there with his blaster pointed across the room. It pointed at a blaster bolt suspended in mid air.

”All right, that’s not going to work…”
said the boy as he turned around. He was looking right at the entrance. Right at them. The Jawa froze.

L3P0 sought to break the ice as it hung there on the Jawa's bandolier. "Maybe if you tried again?” Oh, smart. Remind your potential opponent of his gun. ”In that same direction, I mean.”

1 of 20
Objective: Explore moon for ruins of an ancient civilisation.

Werah stepped out of the shuttle, and looked at the vast expanse surrounding him. A barren rock, riddled with craters. Nothing could have lived here...but still, he felt a strange disturbance in the force on this planet. He kneeled down, the coarse green sand swirling around him. Sifting his long fingers through this empty desert, he felt strangely connected to this place. Another check. Nothing. Sighing, Werah set off in the direction of the nearest crater.

The first thought that popped into Werah's head when he saw the crater was that it was massive. A huge, gaping scar in this lonely landscape. The sand poured in, slowly filling the hole. 'Careful now', Werah thought to himself, 'one wrong step and I'll plummet to my death'... He carefully leaned closer to the edge, looking down into the pit, and the force rippled around him. "Oh, feth", he muttered. It seemed that what he was looking for was down there. Too small for the shuttle, he thought, but...maybe I can climb down. Ever so slowly, he eased himself to the edge. His 4 fingers grasped a indentation in the side, and, leaving his feet dangling below him, he swung his other hand in. He swung his foot, hard against the rock, cracking the weak stone. He tried again, this time making a small pepple come loose, and making a gap for his foot. Jamming his foot in, he freed his hand, and reached for his lightsaber. Positioning it carefully, he carved a second foothold. And so he began to descend...
Post: 5/20
Objective: Secure the valley
Allies: [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Seela Tarkona"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Ek noticed some of the cultists turning on one another and figured one of his comrades might be responsible. Ek also noticed the force lightening storm coming to a head and figured that being up in a tree was not the safest place to be in a storm, not to mention that this new chaos was a perfect opportunity for him to get into the fray. It seemed the Archon was focused on protecting his new apprentice and he could protect himself better than any here. Ek jumped from the tree. Just in time it seemed, lightening struck the tree just after cracking off a few branches. Ek was now in mid air leaping into a small group of confused cultists who were on the verge of turning on each other. Ek's skin prickled as he felt the force fill him. The lightening charged air was a boon to him. As he landed, Ek unleashed a fan of lightening of his own at the two cultists on his left sending them into convulsions. Ek drew his purple curved hilt lightsaber and with a cracling hum laid his blade into the chest of the nearest cultist on his right. A clap of thunder drowned out the man's dying scream. Ek dodged a blaster bolt aimed at his head by the cultist behind the now slumping corpse. Ek could sense the ones he had shot up with lightening beginning to recover. He turned and force pushed the one who shot at him, knocking him of his feet. Turning back to the recovering group he began executing them his blade passing through the neck of the second even as the head of the first was still tumbling through the air. It was then that a blaster bolt pinged of the side of his armor. "Ah, I guess I've been noticed." Ek took off at a run skirting back to the edge of the battle. He searched for his next opportunity.
Objective: Destroy the Jedi Academy
Location: Ruusan, Academy
Enemies: All Jedi, Enemies of the Techno Union
Allies: [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Lord Mythos"], Techno Union

Nomkneer had no choice but to distract the entire building of Jedi coming his way, will he live through this? will he survive? Not knowing these questions he went forward as he launched his lightsabers forward with his telekinesis in a dual pointed piercing aerial strike. He took then while running forward as the lightsabers flew, his Baneful Scythe given to him by Sage Bane himself. Strong grip on the Scythe as the jedi jumped to dodge the lightsabers as he could not go left or right. Nomkneer jumped with the baneful scythe and with one slice diagonally from the upper left to the lower right. The kaleesh sliced him in two pieces.

Academy jedi guards that were students of the academy itself came out from the doors as the padawan students were left inside for protection. The masters that were with the padawan students stayed to protect them while they let security handle the detail. So that saved Nomkneer from a bigger troop of jedi warriors that was anticipated. About fifteen guards had come close to Nomkneer as he used telekinesis to pull both his lightsabers back to his waist.

A jedi guard launched force light towards Nomkneer as he never has encountered something like this he was able to dodge it close enough. While using the scythes amplification abilities he used force push to burst him with brute strength towards a few jedis behind him. They crashed and were hurt from the weight of the push and the crash against the wall of the academy.

"Hey Wilo are you preparing things already?"
"Meesa checked building and weesa picked the right boom for job"
"Ok thats all i needed to hear, i have some enemies here and after i am able to escape i'll lay the signal for boom"
"No worry weesa got this, youusa make sure to get out!"

Nomkneer had around ten more to take down or at least find a way to escape quickly as the gate was being tapped by two jedis. The good thing was he had no enemies behind but not that good when you have ten jedis on you. Nomkneer focused his force power to sense out the Masters within the room. He sensed enormous force sensitivity within his left foe, just behind the doors. Luckily that they dont know their enemy as much as Nomkneer doesn't know his own.

The kaleesh used gazed him in the eyes, smiling at him the jedi with significant force power saw how his cheek bones rose from the eye holes of his mask. Bad decision, as he has the powers of the deadly sight. Nomkneer gazed at the very center of his eyes and engaged a beam that desintegrated his eyes within seconds using the amplification of the Scythe.

That took some toll on the him but focusing the force on his knees made him able to skip forward with a lot of speed and do a wide long strike that would rip the two jedis in half. Nomkneer loved slashing with the scythe, he had many tricks for it having only use it such a short time. The kaleesh ran through the exit while using the lightsabers to break the ceiling and make it fall trying to close in the jedi inside the Academy. Rubble fell down behind Nomkneer as he ran with much speed using both his lightsabers to take cut down the ceiling into pieces and fall. Some jedi went behind him and had a terrible fate of being squished like the insects they are.

As he escaped to the outside he had contacted Wilo.

"Wilo i am out! Give me two minutes to leave the area!"
"Youusa better run Long General, Weesa have something that will make everyone within miles go boom"

Nomkneer started running fast using the force on his legs and trying to speed up his run, while concentrating on the words of Iziz of a lesson long ago. He ran until suddenly he achieved force speed and ran forward, the reaction to the size of the bomb made his body activate the force speed startled by the danger of being blown up with the rest of the academy.
Post: 6/20
Allies: [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] [member="Seela Tarkona"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"]

Acaleus reached to Xantha, leaving a trace of dead bodies behind him "Do you know something i remember from my classes?" they were more of hearing stuff during his rough days. His former owner teached his slaves with rough hand. Stupid slaves would be a problem during great parties "Ruusan. The though bomb. We are just a few force users survived the explosion. going for two things and that would be create an earthquake around that force shield in an attempt to disappear or bomb the damn thing in the safety of the space" he whistle looking to the roof, putting his hands in his back neck "So tell me. Could the bomb that killed entire armies of Jedis and Siths be used against us?" asked getting close to the shield, position his hand and turning his wrist lightsaber, trying to penetrate the shield but it didnt worked "No use to that..." said putting his hand down
Objective: Valley of the Jedi
Allies: [member="Seela Tarkona"] [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Sumiko Tanaka"] [member="Nomkneer"]

With Seela gripping the Lightsaber out in front of her, Draco finally decided it was best to enter the fray. Whatever chanting and worshipping the priests and cultists were doing was causing the Force to wriggle and writhe here. The spirits may have been released, but this was still arguably the most potent nexus of Force energy, and so anything a group of Dark Side cultist were attempting needed to be stopped. The Sith Lord drew on the Force with a deep breath, taking it in, feeling it flow through him like a river into an ocean. Inside his head something twinged and gnawed away at something, the feeling of uncontrollable anger and hatred pressed in the back of his mind, oddly as Draco was at ease at the moment.

He shoved the thoughts from his mind and stood beside Seela, and just in front of the olive green twi'lek, shielding her somewhat with his body and keeping a barrier at the ready should she need it. The timid twi'lek kept close as he advanced into the main chamber. With a jolt, lightning tore from a cultist, sent in his direction. Black armored gauntlets absorbed the majority of it, the remnant sparking over his arm, numbing it where the bolt struck him. He reached out to the priests that were chanting frantically and sought to suppress them, or at the very least stall them to give the knights and apprentices a chance to permanently put an end to them.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Darth Vulkan"], [member="Seela Tarkona"], [member="Ek Vilibro Griz"], [member="Acaleus Thorn"], [member="Nomkneer"]

The chanting of the priests was rising to a loud crescendo. Across the area the Force writhed as they called upon the power of the Dark Side and sought to harness the abundant energies of the nexus. Through her mind games, some cultists had turned on their brethren, but the little spat of infighting had obviously not ended the ritual.

Bolts of lightning threw everywhere, the ground itself seemed to shake as if struck by tremors. Sumiko herself was slammed hard into the ground by the minor quakes. Ouch. Blood dripped down her face. The Atrisian grit her teeth when stray bolts of lightning leapt towards her. Souldrinker absorbed most of the bolts, since it was a Sith sword, but some got past her defence and struck her shoulder and arm.

A bit shaky, she got to her feet. A mad cultist charging at her with a Force pike was taken out when she fired her bolt pistol and blew his head off.. The chanting was getting so loud that it was sorely abusing her ears, yet she focused. She felt the Archon exert his might and realised what he was doing. Force Suppression was not a skill she had mastered by any means, but she had some skill in it. And so she pulled upon the tangled web of the Force and sought to imprint her willpower upon the loudly chanting priests, trying to suppress them.

It would be like placing a mental lock upon their powers, making them feel like the Force was weakening inside them and then eluding their grasp. One Master of Mentalism and a high level Knight should have an effect and give the others a good chance to wipe out the heathens.
Objective: Search moon for ancient ruins.

Werah's fingers scratched against the sand, his goggles barley giving out enough light to see. Nearly at the bottom now. He concentrated inside himself, and dislodged a people below him, waiting for the sound of it hitting the bottom. A distant splash came from far below. "Hmmm" said Werah as he continued his journey. Finally, after a long descent, he reached the bottom. Strange, he thought, where is the meteorite? He stepped away from the wall, and felt his foot encounter a strange sticky liquid. He took another step, and the liquid shot up to his waist. Alarmed, he tried to go back, but he was stuck. Twisting his head, he tried to look closer at the liquid. It was black, and had a film of slime over it, but that didn't really help him. Reaching inside, Werah attempted to free himself with force. Eerily though, his powers seemed to have stopped. Lashing out, he struggled as hard as he could, and managed to take a step forwards. Almost instantly, the black sludge rose over his head, submerging him. Panicking, he told himself to keep calm and take long deep breaths from his mask. Sinking rapidly now, he accepted his situation, and stopped struggling.

Suddenly, he shot out of the sludge, into a golden room. The black sludge made up the ceiling, but didn't fall down somehow. A door with a red symbol painted on it was located at the other side of the room. Curious, Werah walked to the door and looked for a way to open it. He felt again, using the force, but found nothing. He looked closely at the symbol, and realised it was writing. "Rëńūœ?" What does that mean he thought. He said it out loud again, confused. Activating his Mimic Mask, he said the word again, using the mask to say it in as many voices as possible. Unfortunately, nothing worked. Angry, he pulled out his light sabre. He pressed the button to ignite it, but nothing happened. Suddenly, a booming voice appeared. "Welcome to the Gate of Infinity! If you are a citizen, please speak a Holy Word. If not, wait here, and we will be along to incinerate you soon!" Shocked Werah pressed against the wall. Incineration didn't sound fun, so he resolved to open the door. Using the mask again, he spoke the word inscribed on the door. He got no response, but he had a sudden idea. Copying the booming voice, he spoke the word. Strangely the word came out as a series of harsh grunts, but it seemed to work. The door slid open, and Werah ran through it...
Post 9 [member="Darth Vulkan"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Seela Tarkona"]

Junker Pugn’s question to the young blaster-wielder went unanswered, for the boy now appeared to be slowed - not frozen stiff like the blaster bolt, but it would clearly be unwise to wait for the boy to breathe his dragged out response. Even as L3P0’s thought of making a quick exit another warrior dressed in metal arrived down the stairs from the second floor. The Jawa crept sideways in the shadows as the warrior stepped up to the boy and outlined a worse case scenario for this battle - something called a thought bomb! The warrior then produced a lightsaber blade from one wrist, testing it unsuccessfully on the paralysis field that took up a large part of the middle of the room.

The warrior’s focus on the barrier gave Junker Pugn time to slip into a sacristy on one side of the temple. He was just in time, as two more combatants entered the room. Another warrior and a twi’lek. The new warrior was focused on the chanting priests towards the back half of the nave. The Jawa stayed in the shadows as he peeked around the side room.

Almost completely hidden in the shadows on the other side of the room was a young temple acolyte staring straight back at the Jawa, lightsaber ready but wisely unlit. In the acolyte’s other hand was a sack with something small but heavy in it. Outside the sounds of battle raged louder, while the background chanting was becoming much less coordinated. A stray blaster bolt flew though the open door and burnt a deep hole in the wall. Junker Pugn waved at the acolyte. The acolyte’s head cocked in response. The Jawa then signalled closing the door, with a push of his hand, and the acolyte nodded eagerly. Junker Pugn pushed the door and it swung closed. They would be safe from stray blaster bolts now.

Immediately the acolyte lit up the near darkness with her red lightsaber and leapt into a combat pose. The Jawa’s knack for making new friends could not possibly work here, what with invaders murdering the occupants at every turn. In hindsight, closing the door was probably not the best option. There was no time to open it again. << Up, Up! >> cried L3P0 in Jawaese. The Jawa drew the lightsaber-droid, and it lit up the other side of the room in bronze.

L3P0’s last thoughts of a diplomatic resolution were dashed by the obvious mismatch in saber colours. All the droid could hope for now was that the acolyte knew as little about lightsaber fighting as the Jawa. Winding up with an elaborate spin, the acolyte coiled to lunge. Uh-oh.

Objective: Search ancient ruins on the moon

Werah walked through a dark corridor, leading to an even larger door than before. It was painted black, with a red gemstone set into the centre. He spoke the word again through his mask, and it clicked loudly. He walked up to it, and pressed lightly against it. It swung open, reaveling an entire city. A hidden world, beneath the black sludge. He looked around. He saw a giant black palace sitting in the centre of the city, and what looked like a giant factory to the west. It was inside a huge underground cavern, with huge pillars holding the roof up. Looking closely, he saw loads of little houses, and a large black building. Staring, he saw a human dressed in purple and black walk out of the black building. Werah ducked down, hoping he hadn't been seen. A loud, hollow voice filled the entire cavern, "People of the Gate! We have an intruder from the empty lands! He seeks to destroy us! Kill him!" Werah froze, suddenly filled with an urge to kill the intruder...until he realised that it was him they were talking about. Whoever had spoken then must be very powerful indeed, if he had that kind of hypnotic power. Werah turned around, and saw a woman pointing a sword at his neck. "Fretu, Serrdh Xurrt!", the woman shouted. Waving his hand, Werah replied, "You do not want to harm me", speaking in the hollow voice he had heard. The woman dropped her blade and knelt before him. The woman stood up and gestured for Wearh to follow...

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Objective: BYOO

The legions of Zenith Prime had been called upon by the Techno Union. Their overlords were of questionable morality, but the legions would serve all the same. Just as his father had done, and his father before him, Delam Mairev responded to the call to arms with unquestioning devotion. He and his men had been asked to help purge one of the holdout factions on Ruusan - a band of depraved spice dealers and their ilk. Use of stimulants for recreation was something to be abhorred - it was weak, something those who could not handle the galaxy as it was embrace.

Their existence on an allied world could not be tolerated.

The High Lord arrived near the suspected spice outpost after the majority of the Techno Union force had landed across the planet. Their presence was a silent one; none knew of their activities on the former Jedi world. Zenith Prime's children were a well kept secret as of late, and for good reason. They were a weapon to be deployed when there was no other option, a trump card.

This was but a test.

The shuttle came to rest at the base of a mountain range. The spice outpost was two klicks to the east.

Delam hefted his broadsword over his shoulder and crashed to the ground, the first of the legion to step upon this world. He turned to those who accompanied him - some of the legions, others assigned to observe, assist, or otherwise.

"The fiends are not far. It will be a bit of a walk. Do try and keep up."
Objective: Crimes, build a crystal mine
Location: Construction site
Allies: [member="Crix Meriet"]
Enemies: NA

Cryax was obviously getting no work done today. Grinned wickedly at his lover, he let his blue-skinned hands roam wherever they wanted as Crix teased him. Bane was helplessly captivated by the other man as usual. Slicing could wait.

"Oh you're high maintenance alright," teased the slicer. "But totally worth it."

Cryax stood up, and with Crix held firmly in his arms, he deposited the slaver down on his desk. Clothing was torn off with teeth so that lips could find bare skin. In a matter of minutes, the two began to do things on that desk that Cryax's writer isn't allowed to describe on the site. Let's just say it wasn't paperwork.

Afterwards, the office was a mess. Flimsiplast documents lay in piles on the floor among discarded clothing. The two men lay on the floor, tangled up in each other's arms.

"I missed you, darling," pouted the Chiss, running his fingers through the slaver's soft russet curls. "And I really missed that."
Objective: Support [member="Delam Mairev"]

Laman walked up behind Delam, he was willing to fight behind the high lord any day, and this was no different. They were going to go hunt out some spice dealers, this would be easy for the trained warriors of Zenith Prime, they were the best in the galaxy, and nobody could tell them otherwise. They were trained from birth to be the best, and they were. Laman was ready for this fight, this was his calling.

"Ready to go when you are sir." He replied to the high lord.
Post 7 of 20
Objective: Build a new mine with Thais's money
Location: The Kallisto Mine [Ruusan] (Under construction)
Allies : [member="Cryax Bane"]

Crix gave cry a mock scowl as this Chiss called him High maintenance "Damn right I'm high maintenance " he replied "You're being a terribly naughty slave Today Blue ... " He teased lifting his crown back of cryax's head "I think this has gone to your head so I'm having it back"

Crix yelped in surprise when Cryax picked him up , when did his Cry get so strong ? Crix thought for a moment then realised he didn't really care. He chuckled as he was deposited on the desk. This was beginning to feel like a rom-com. Then in a dramatic series of very passionate events crix ended up sprawled on the floor in Cryax's arms and dramatically underdressed ... he'd kept the crown on though.

He blushed as Cry pouted and reached up to run his finger over cry's jutting bottom lip "I missed you too sexy " That was true he had missed cry "You were quite spectacular". He continued gushing for a few seconds more then pinched the pouting blue lip and scowled.

"But right now I'm cross with you ..." He half teased half whined "you ripped my trouser zipper and those pants were made from the wedding dress Thais wore when her life went the way of the republic" He pulled cry down to nuzzle his neck "So you have a lot of making up to do ... you can start by finding my clothes and helping me look regal again" Crix was always at his best when he was bossing people about.

"Then we can go and spend some of Thais's money ... does my blue know anywhere fun we can go ?" He asked "Then tonight we are going to a hotel ... Or maybe a dungeon and I'm going to remind you who the boss is "

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Objective: Purge the spice dealers

Delam drew in a deep breath and turned toward the mountain range. In another time, he might have thought the terrain to be beautiful. The peaks were limned with the faint light of an early morning, and the dense fog that enshrouded them only added to the mysticism. Such a shame that this almost holy place was sullied by the unclean. Delam scowled.

"Then we march," he grumbled, "We'll have no friends here. Whatever we find - whoever we find, is an enemy of the Techno Union. Purge them all." The High Lord hefted his rifle up from over his shoulder, and nodded toward the mountains. He began at a steady pace up the spine of the range, green eyes narrowed as he peeked out for anything unusual. A dozen men followed him.

"The rest of the occupation force is busy with menial tasks," he boomed, "We'll deal with whatever threats there may be while they make this world a home for our people."

[member="Laman Ress"]
Objective: Support [member="Delam Mairev"]

Laman followed the high lord as he commanded them towards the mountains. The march would take a bit, but he expected them to arrive by the end of the day.

The group of soliders came up on a mountain pass, it was a beautiful sight, as the green trees and grass, with the dew forming on the grass below their feet. The pass was long and narrow, a perfect choke point, the area was probably defended, atleast if these spice dealers had any tactical sense they would heavily defend the location. Laman saw movement up ahead, confirming his suspicions.

"Sir contacts up ahead near the pass." He said

[member="Delam Mairev"]

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Objective: Purge the fiends

[member="Laman Ress"]

Delam barely had time to register the captain's words before he was fired upon. The personal shield generator he wore began to blink red as bolts of energy crashed against it. Biting back a curse, the High Lord pitched a roll, finding himself behind one of the massive oak trees that lined the pass that led to the top of the mountain. Grumbling a string of obscenities under his breath, Delam chanced a look over his shoulder. He could just barely make out a group of leather clad men and women, all human, and each armed with military grade weaponry.


"Chaffer, up left!" He boomed over the comms. The man he'd spoken to - one of his sergeants - broke into a dead sprint along the treeline. Two other men followed after him. The attackers did not seem to notice.

After a moment of waiting, Delam poked his head out from cover and filled the range above with fire from his Shacklebolt. His cohorts did the same. It was around that time that Chaffer and his compatriots fell from the rocks to the attackers' right. Delam could only watch as the bandits were massacred via vibrosword, blaster rifle and brawn.

None could say his warriors were not effective.

"Search the bodies! We'll see if they were in contact with our quarry."

Objective: Slay.

Marching alone toward the action, a stranger appeared. Clad and steely like the men around him, the cloaked and elegantly decorated no-name caught up with both [member="Laman Ress"] and [member="Delam Mairev"]. The soldier said nothing and didn't even seem to acknowledge that the two clad gentlemen, raising his rather large slugthrower to rest against his shoulder, tilting his head slightly. Silence was all the man could offer for conversation, walking about casually while looking at the kills of his comrades.

They killed well, and this could prove to be quite an advantage to any military force. They had discipline and skill, something the former Imperial admired.

A whimper caught the darkly clad figure's attention, and to his left was where he saw one of the victims of the massacre. They looked traumatized, frozen in fear as the two made eye contact. Satsujin-sha lifted his slugthrower, non-chalantly unleashing a burst-fire. He turned around and rested his cannon against his shoulder, awaiting to be confronted.

Objective: Loot corpses.
Laman stepped out from the tree he was behind, the tree smoking from multiple blaster bolts hitting it during the fight. Laman searched the nearest spice dealer, on it he found a communicator, fairly in tact, probably still usable.

"Sir i found a commlink, i belive it may still be operable." He said.

The commlink was fairly old, in contrast to the dealers weapons which were modern and high spec, probably purchased off the black market, seeing as the serial numbers were scratched off to prevent tracking by any governments, they might put up a fair fight, though this was unlikely as they were untrained and unmotivated, they would never reach the ability of even the weakest of his people, pathetic. This thought was broken however by whoever just showed up, this mystery man seemed to be merciless, and deadly, though he would let the high lord deal with him, as it was not of his duty.
[member="Kiro Masahide"]
[member="Delam Mairev"]

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