Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everyone Does Something

Aela stood quietly in the bridge of the Rising Ride outside there was a huge clearing, a dozen or so tents sat in it, a few fires burned, and even half a durasteel house had been constructed. She smiled slightly and looked down a the clearing, the place that the Covenant had made their home.

It wasn't much honestly, it wasn't anything huge, but it was something.

It was a place that was safe, a place that they would go to when they needed somewhere safe. The building would of course grow larger as time went on, and she suspected that eventually this would become somewhat of a base, even now it was somewhere to feel safe, somewhere to feel at home, or at least Aela found it to be so.

She turned on her heel, stalking back through the spine of the Rising Tide and wandering towards the exit ramp. Though this small camp was growing, growing alongside the Covenant itself, Aela knew that if they wanted to get bigger, they would have to organize themselves, become more cohesive.

That would be hard, after all they weren't exactly the most experienced bunch, but together they would be able to figure it out, or so she thought.

As she exited the ramp Aela wandered over towards one of the boys her own age, tapping him on the shoulder and snapping him out of whatever thought had been going through his head. “Gather some of the others would you? I think its time to figure out what everyone can do.”


Lilin sat on the ground and looked at the sky, thinking. Only a short time ago had she known nothing of these people, nothing of this place, absolutely nothing about the Covenant. Yet that day, she sat, surrounded by others who she could call friends. She had found the people she cared about and who would probably care about her as well.

She had friends.

Fighting against the darkness was a difficult thing -- the Jedi Order could not do anything against the dark dominating and invading new lands, the Silver Jedi Order were so stagnated that she had never even heard about them doing anything against the Sith. But along with friends, it was supposed to be easier.

By so far, she had had to fight mostly alone, opposing the One Sith at their missions to new lands and trying to prevent them from gaining them under their control. A tedious task, but she loved it.

Some said aggression would lead to the Dark Side. She didn't think it was right. Well, not as a general term. She thought aggression did lead to the darkness when it was against the wrong side, against the innocent.


She turned her head towards a tent which was placed nearby. Such a nice home for the group of people. Homely, comfy. Not like a huge palace in the middle of an incredibly popular planet, surrounded by massive amounts of guards.
Kaia was... she had a strange relationship with the Covenant. They were doing exactly what she wanted to do, but the girl herself was a wanderlust. She lived for the thrill between worlds. And seeing how she could help people in pinch. Still, she did her best to check in with the Covenant every so often. And as luck, or writer cheats, would have it, Kaia was at the little home base of the Covenant, her freighter the Wandering Star not parked too far away.

She preferred to sleep there, not in a tent. Tents had bugs. And dampness.

It was gross.

She wasn't exactly a fighter, but she did bring supplies, food, and medical gear to the Covenant on at least a bi-weekly basis. She was good at that. Contacts through the Undergronud and Levantines, really. The girl was walking through the camp, looking very out of place in some like... Imperial surplus fighter pilot's outfit mixed with some odd bracelets, and her hair a black and blue mess of tangles today. Right. She should probably make herself look nice some time.

Just not today.
The clanking and hisses of pistons and servos bounced off of the synthetic walls of her tent. This was Kaili’s domain, hers and mine. Lying down on her cot she was fast asleep despite the sound of work outside as I figured it was only right that she be allowed to catch up on sleep. A rigorous maintenance session had taken place not too long ago and the idea of letting my master recharge her batteries felt like the nice thing to do.

Exploiting the soft synthetic fabrics of the tent my glorious metal legs allowed me to place myself in ambush over the entrance to my master’s tent. My photoreceptors kept on alert I awaited any sign that the girl was in danger.

Sure enough the first mark entered and not long after; I pounced him.

His scream of fear only amplified as I extended my buzzsaw. I wasn’t looking to kill him, just cut his throat a little, perhaps. In any case the boy fell over backwards and with the quick thrust of my boosters I saved myself the trouble of touching the muddy ground again. The boy however decided that the best move was to run for his life.

I didn’t hold it aginst him, I would also have trembled should I have met a robot as superior as me.

<[ ^-~--~-^ ]> <[ ^-~--~-^ ]> <[ ^-~-_-~-^ ]>

“Henry!” The angered voice of a rudely awoken Kaili called out for her pet. “What are you doing?”

The robot merely lowered the front of his chassis to emulate regret or guilt. The girl got out of her cot and took a look outside. Someone must have been here, probably the messenger Aela had told of before. The kid extended her arm for the robot to climb up and with a swirl around her back it placed itself on her shoulder.

“You gotta keep it in. Not everyone is out to kill me, you know.”

< “Have you not ever read about the Sith? They could be anywhere! I am only doing my duty as a friend.” >

She shook her head with a smile. “Look, Henry, I appreciate it but you really should try to keep it in, okay?”

< “Fine, if you are so eager to get stabbed, I won’t stop you.” >

“You's the man, man.” Kaili chuckled as she held her fist out in front of the little spider. “Hit it.”

Metal impacted upon flesh before both the girl’s limbs and the robot’s front leg withdrew themselves to the sound and movement of a mimicked explosion.

“Alright, let’s go see what Aela wants.”

And so they went to see what the big fuss over in Camp Grumpus was. Hopefully not another lecture on privacy and how others would prefer Kaili to use her droid. That wasn’t really any of their business, even when it was.


Free from Darkness
"Oops! Excuse me! Coming through!" The droid wheeled through the small crowd of young humans like a zig-zagging snake. His crude robotic arms raised as he rolled towards the area of tents, spotting the stationary ship with his big, blue eye. Disembarking from it's ramp was a girl, the one they had described as the 'leader' of this group. Yet she looked young for a human, in fact they all did...
Or maybe every other human he had met was old?

Shaking his eyepiece side to side, he continued towards the ship. A small crowd seemed to be congregating around the area suddenly, as if a meeting had been called. People brushed and barged past the durasteel shell that was Miscarius.
"Ow!" His annoyingly high-pitched voice exclaimed, causing him to push forward again to try and get a good view at what was going on. All he knew of these people was their goal; fighting the Sith. The brilliant coincidence was that it was the exact same goal as his!

Except... He couldn't real kill any Sith...
So he'd just have to help these guys out for now...
Maybe they needed something building? Or just the company of a handsome robot like Miscarius?
Like a wraith, she moved through the camps silently. The flickering fire light did not illuminate her form, merely highlight her pitch black silhouette against the background. Vexen found the seat she'd been occupying near a fire and picked up her book.

"Auresh... Besh ... " she started mumbling to herself. A child on the far side of the fire smiled a greeting and Vexen nodded in reply. Yet she still shrank back into her chair at the acknowledgement of her presence. Curling her knees up to her chest as if she was about to roll into a ball. Since coming here, she had caught many by surprise, but no one screamed in fear, no one chased her, no one hurt her. That filled her chest with elation and she often found herself rubbing moisture from her eyes as she concealed a tear of joy. But she still felt exposed here. Fear would creep up on her, make her jump involuntarily when someone called her name. It was good here, but it was... Difficult still. A little voice often plagued her by highlighting her insecurities. At night her mind played out countless scenarios where all of this was taken away. Micah would take care of her, she told that voice, but it was never silenced for long.

She went back to her letters. The strange sequences of lines were starting to form coherent shapes on her mind now. Soon she'd be able to put them together into words. Even though the sun was rising, and she would soon sleep, she was determined to carry on learning these. Other than exploring their surroundings at night, it was what she spent most of her time doing. She was determined that she would be able to read. Perhaps one day she would find a book that gave some clue about what she was, or where she came from. Apparently much knowledge had been lost during the dark times during some kind of Galactic plague, so there was hope that once her species had been more well known.

Vexen blinked her eyes at the increasing light, eventually pulling down her goggles. The sun had not even crested the horizon, but the light was already too much for her eyes. She had almost been ready to give in to sleep, when several children passed the fire and shouted something about a gathering. Vexen had found out she simply could not sleep in a tent in the open like this. Rest only came in the dark nook she now inhabited in Micah's engine room. Sleep could wait a little longer,she supposed. She followed the crowd.
The point of being a shadow was to remain unseen and unnoticed.

People were funny that way, but staying in the sidelines certainly helped at getting a feel at just who else had decided to join this little shindig of younglin crusade. Granted, not all of them were kids. Some were in their late teens. Other’s older still; with a weather to their faces and eyes that said they’d experience life and death.

It was an odd thing. Word had spread, not too much but enough to reach a few rebels here and there. By Rebels, those were better defined as the resistance cells among the outlying planets against One Sith Rule. The local underground militia.

If anything, unifying those resistance cells would glean this naive crusade with more ranks, with more men. But to what point? Was it worth it?

Or was this all just mere ideology by the elder Talith that will lead them all to their death?
Minna's eyes opened, harshly adjusting to the light. For how long she had been sleeping was unknown, but it felt like a long time. Her journey had been tiresome, and her rest well deserved. It was hardly a simple task to find the Covenant she had heard about, especially when the Jedi back at the Academy wished her to stay and be watched over. Patience, they said, was the key to her redemption. Yet that patience had brought nothing good so far. Either eagerness or impatience had brought her here; maybe both.

Snapping out from her thoughts, Minna noticed a crowd gathering around the ship in the clearing. Through it she could just make out Aela, the one she had been told was their leader. She was young, alot of them were, but to them Minna looked the same age. They wouldn't know her true age, or what she used to take the form of, but it didn't matter now. This was a new start for her. The chance to redeem herself and fight the Sith.

Which meant fighting her lover...

Was he her lover any more? He had saved her from trial and execution at the hands of the Sith, but refused her help... Refused to come with her and escape...
Now she was to become a Jedi, which made them enemies...

With a deep sigh, Minna stood up and stretched. Something important was no doubt about to happen, maybe a speech or announcement of sorts. Either way, she better not miss it, and so made her way over to the crowd. Looking around, she noticed they were all strangers. She had been so used to familiar faces she had forgotten what it was like to be new.

Hopefully she'd make some friends.
Hopefully she'd forget [member="Darth Ferus"]
There were so many now.

They had started with a little over thirty people. Most of them had been her age or younger. Her and Mara had never expected there to be so many people, yet now...Aela tried to count them all, her eyes following the small sea of faces that had gathered in front of her then moved passed them towards those still working in and around the camp.

She lost her count at fifty, and there were still dozens more running around the small makeshift village. Her eyes opened wide and her teeth sunk into her inner lip. For a moment she found her nerves fraying.

There were more than a hundred people in this camp now. Everything had moved so fast, everything had come together so quickly after Tantorus. There were adults now, company owners, former Jedi, all the people one would expect to fight the rising Sith. She stared out for a few more seconds, her heart beating fast until it suddenly reached a state of simple calm.

A realization washed over her, and she smiled.

They were all here because they believed in what they were doing, they were here because they wanted to help, because they wanted to make things better. The force flowed through her, and she began to speak. “I want you all to look around.”

Aela gestured to everyone.

“Everyone here, all of you, want to help.” Her eyes spotted a small droid, then shifted to a padawan, then to another. “Everyone here can help. We need supplies, we need to build, we need to explore and gather information.”

This was all rather difficult, but the point she was trying to get across was that she needed everyone to work to their strengths, do what they're good at. “Any volunteers?”
Bounty Hunting, that's how she found them.

Chance encounters often had that odd quirky trait about them that you often get wrapped up in things you'd probably never even hear of or get caught up in otherwise. It was nice, in a way though. To actually be around other people who weren't droids or grumpy aliens. The crowd though, was a bit much for her. She'd walk in filled streets and what not, but she had been part of an army before. The Republic, and she couldn't bring herself to conform there. Couldn't be entrusted to care for her fellow soldier enough to risk her own life.

That was years ago, and a lot had changed.

She only recently had escaped from her six year state of being a hermit in her ship, thinking up incredible pieces of technology. She began to miss other living things, somehow... the galaxy that pushed her away from all the attention she received... began to pull her back again like in her youth. There was a hatred of the Sith that wasn't as finely tuned when she was younger... dabbling in shady business with extremely questionable people. She would like to think she had cut those ties since then, but a few strands were still left attached.

It was difficult to conduct business when every item needed a background check and a witch hunt to determine you weren't some force using saber toting genocidist sith. It was especially difficult when you were basically the only employee dropping this stuff off to people. She held a blind eye to the more dubious of characters for a long time... and after her talk with Preliat... she couldn't do that with her conscious intact any more.

She vowed she would change, to prove she wasn't simply a vessel to carry her incessant greed and capitalism, to prove she could be selfless. Well, saving a bunch of rugrats fighting the good fight seemed like the best way to do that at the time on Tantorous.

Now she was in a crowd of over 50, and she had to open up her helmet so she could breathe. Had she developed an anxiety of large crowds, or was simply that gut response of "I'm not a soldier, what am I doing here?". She hoped it was the former, as she really needed to suppress the later. For Preliat. For herself.

Her Mantra had been to prepare for war.

Wars were fought by soldiers.

She could not say that she fought the good fight if she was not a soldier.

For the first time really, she was actually preparing for war.

At the prompting of the main rugrat that seemed to be organizing things her, she asked if there were any volunteers to get supplies, or build, or explore the galaxy. She could do any one of those really, but there really only was one thing that she had become famous for doing. Raising a hand, she called out over the din.

"I can supply you with any sort of material you need, and construct it in any fashion you want... for free." That last bit was difficult, offering up her charity. "Including the rarest materials you can find anywhere in the galaxy. I've the experience to do it. I'm not limited to that service either..."

That was supremely difficult for her to say, and she just stood there waiting for a response. She had been the first to volunteer, it seemed... which was a good sign. Perhaps it was because she was clearly older than all of the others here? Maybe it was just the right time for her, and she finally beginning to open up.
So, there were lizards and snakes on the ground. Kaia new this, and that was why she slept in her ship. Sure, the gangway was always open when she was here, anyone who wanted to come in, bring food, or find food, play some dejarik, or any of the other (hundreds but she’d never admit it) hologames on her X-Station-9000, were always open. Plus there was always music playing in her ship. It was home and she made it feel that way. She was a Starchaser, aside from the ancestral home that was on Corellia and now lost? She didn’t know of a single Starchaser that had a house. Even her Jedi-grandfather was an explorer of sorts. And a Jedi, so that meant no house.

This way was better.

When the group was called, though, she was there. She felt a bit odd. Mara had brought her here, and well, she hadn’t seen the other Warden super secret Force using flight person in a few days. But she was starting to get traction with some of the other members of this little Covenant. They did have a really good thing going here.

When the leader(?) [member="Aela Talith"] started speaking, though, Kaia felt she was part of the group a bit. They needed jobs? Exploring? Supplies? “I can help with supplies. My ship and stuff.” She nodded. Such a well-spoken girl. That’s what you get for living on a starship for the first nearly two decades of life. “But what kind of exploring, do you mean?” Space? Or…. Was it going to be in the dirt.

Dirt was dirty.
A mighty magnet impacted upon fleshy fingers as Kaili and I bonded over mischief as was the usual idea. However, the girl was a fool if she thought I would rest my routines. It wasn’t as much the fact that I believed there actually was a traitorous sith amongst us as much as I believed in the possibility that there could have been one. None of the people in the camp passed my sensors without my saying so and none of them passed me as I climbed up on top of the girl’s head to get a better view.

I lost count at a hundred. I snapped an occasional image for the sake of preserving this moment. Pictures from the start of a movement was one of those things that increased in monetary value over time and if there ever came a time when money became a concern once Master Kaili was a bit older I would be ready to cash in.

That was not to say she couldn’t find work elsewhere. I had run the probability of her finding other work and I could amongst other things calculate that with her running temperament she would be an excellent drummer. Mix that with the family’s well-kept secret violinist and you had an alternative cantina band already.

Now, whether it’d be a success or not was a calculation I did not have the means to run. It all depended how the as-of-now leader of this little group would.

I stored the notion to my memory banks for later contemplation. Right now I had to-

Someone strange was lurking in the corner. I feast my sensors on them but got no match or even positive indication that it was someone who I knew of.

<[ ^-~--~-^ ]> <[ ^-~--~-^ ]> <[ ^-~--~-^ ]> <[ ^-~--~-^ ]>

“Droi-” Kaili was about to call out when she found herself distracted by Henry. “What’s up, Henry?”

< “Over there, in the shadow. Hooded man or woman. Quiet and not turning up on my sensors.” >


< “So?! Do you even listen to yourself? ‘So?’ It’s like you want people to spy on your newfounded movement. Is this what you want, Kaili? Do you want people to ruin everything before it has begun?” >

Kaili sighed and slowly shook her head. This was what she got for creating a pet-droid with spying functionality. It would seem it bred paranoia. Though obviously it wasn’t something that was all too strange or illogical. The person in the corner did indeed seem a bit, well, shady, but for all that it mattered she had a small gut feeling about who it could be.

“Could be Micah.” Kaili shrugged. “Wanna go over and check?”

< “Duh.” >


With a robot spider sitting atop her head Kaili backed away from the crowd. She obviously wasn’t as subtle as her siblings, but there were perks (and negatives) to being blunt about things as well. Her boots clacked to the ground. She was gonna check it just to prove her own creation wrong.

(Going for [member="???"])
Hanging back near the periphery of the group, Vexen went quite still when people started to look around at Aela’s instruction. She hadn’t realised this was going to be a meeting where everyone was expected to contribute. Several gazes lingered on her, eyebrows furrowed quizzically as Vexen imagined their owners considered what she could help with. She took half an involuntary step back.

Backs turned on her as the group carried on listening to their leader. She took another step back, this time consciously. She noticed her gnarled and damaged left paw was twisting her fur about it, tangling it into a knot. She stopped it and smoothed out the fur. Her fur was so smooth and soft now. Her legs stopped the retreat briefly. This was his group, his family. She would do whatever he asked of her. No one had ever given her anything before. Rajik had asked much of her, and offered a meagre portion of food, and the occasional beating in return. He’d looked after her, given her a new home. Her new brush wasn’t something taken, borrowed or exchanged. It was a gift. Her first.

It didn’t make this easier though. It wasn’t normal to be around so many people like this, out in the open at dawn. Vexen wrangled her hands and stayed beyond the rear line of Covenant members. But she stayed.
The determined approach from one [member="Kaili Talith"] would be met with a silent observation. The rebreather mask would shield the identity of the individual, the hood of the cloak tugged low to where barely the steely gray glint of a weathered phrik mask shown. From behind the tinted polarized t-visor, eyes would scrutinize her her thinned lips, the flare of copper in her eyes.

What she would see as Kaili would tote her rather paranoid droid in hand, was a complete lack of alarm. The Force would appear to not touch the form, a mere bump within that fabric if one would desire to span their senses. A bit fuzzy, as if squinting at a mirage at the distance. Not a word would cross towards the young blonde, not even when she would come to a halt before the masked one.

Instead, an expectant aura would flow, as if merely waiting for what the Talith had to say.
She stood stunned for a second.

Any material they needed? Any construction? She looked flabbergasted for a few moments, her eyes fixated on the woman that had spoken. Triam Akovin. Aela recognized her of course, it was hard not to. The woman had somewhat of a reputation, and seeing her here among what was basically children was somewhat surprising, yet she had brought something to the table that no one else had.

Slowly the young woman nodded.

“That...” She trailed off, her eyes wandering towards the building in the back, the sole durasteel construct that was slowly rising out of the ground. “That would be wonderful!”

There was no lack of enthusiasm. “We'll speak later, please.”

Her eyes very clearly shifted to the building behind the group, a small nod to Miss Akovin.

Then she moved her attention to the young girl, perhaps around Aela's age. “I mean exploring systems, scouting. We'll be fighting, like we did on Tantorus. We need information. What planets can help us, what worlds are safe for us to hide, build bases. We need scouts, good ones."
We grew closer and I wanted to taste the fear of the hooded man in front of me. Alas, I was a mere robot and such things as taste was one of few luxuries to being a non-droid being like me. His rebreather hid his appearance and just about everything that a real spy would do. I partially shut my photoreceptors in an attempt to get a better look but the man or woman was hard to detect.

My circuits began to heat up along with my temper. Oh this just wouldn’t do...
###### ###### ###### ######

Kaili raised her brow at the hooded figure. She sensed no outright fear or apprehension. There was no running away and even then she had been rather obvious in her approach. To her it spoke of a small semblance of trustworthiness.

Then again, she was just fourteen years old.

“See? They didn’t run away. I think you can trust them.” Kaili shrugged. “Even then I only know this one guy who likes to hide in the shadows like this.”

There was no response from neither Henry nor the stranger and Kaili tilt her head. She squinted for a second to see if the T-visor would allow some sort of visual but quickly found herself left with disappointment. She shook her head before chuckling and tilting her head in a greeting.

“Hi, I am Kaili.” She said as she extended her hand. “Are you here to help?” Kaili allowed the stranger a moment to nod or shake their head. “Or are you here to ‘rat us out,’ so to speak?”

It was best to keep to the ‘yes and no’ questions. For all she knew this person was a mute and expecting a spoken answer was just rude. Henry on the other hand continued his distrust as he slowly extended himself past the top of the girl’s forehead as if going in for a closer view with his camera.

Which he was, of course.

“Not that those questions make a lot of sense. You’d make a pretty lousy spy if you admitted you were here to spy on us.”

Kaia was listening. It was one thing she was good at. After all, she had to remember the Seven P’s, and really, that lesson cost her a lot of sleep in the past. She had learned it. And she remembered it, even if she spent a feth ton of time playing Battlefront. But right now? It seemed she had a potential job to do!

“I mean, I can definitely work on finding us some safe havens.” She bit her lip, looking around. “But if it comes to finding bases on the ground, besides what I can learn from starports? I’d need someone more suited to that. I don’t mind flying and putting up bunk space on my ship, for someone who wants to come help.”

Otherwise, Kaia would have to start walking in the dirty dirt.

“But aside from that, I know I can make it so we can at least bug out really well. And then make some rendezvous points.” She was thinking shadowports. She was thinking Underground.

[member="Aela Talith"]
[member="Kaili Talith"] would not be able to sense nor see the mild amusement that would shine behind the void of the black visor. Nor would Henry and she be alerted towards anything beyond the seemingly stoic blank stare of that metallic mask and rebreather. With arms crossed over the chest, a heavy dark gray green cloak, and leaning against the wall with little apparent care, the figure was a hard man -- or woman to peg.

[ Tion'meh Ni cuyir a ohbina? ] «What if I am a spy?» came the counter in Mando'a, the voice metallic and gritty, as if whistling through the blades of fan. It wasn't particularly helpful when it came to discerning if it was a male or female voice. A right ankle went to cross over the left.

[ Meg malyasa'yr gar, bal gar cabur beskar'ad narir?] «What will you, and your guardian droid do?»
The devil decided to speak a language beyond my capability of hearing and I continued to lean forward in an attempt to pierce that betwitched helmet of his but it still didn’t work. My leg took a step forward but I ran out of legroom. With a small surprised shriek I fell towards the floor yet slowly found myself hovering back into the caring arms of my master. Coming to a halt in her hands I quickly climbed her arm to take a spot on her shoulder.

Once more I leant in for a better look. I would crack that shell of theirs somehow.

##### ##### ##### #####

Kaili chuckled as the man spoke up in Mando’a and though it quickly faded as Henry fell from her head. With a worried yelp she quickly took a telekinetic hold of the droid and placed it in her hands.

“Ni malyasa'yr ganar at kyr gar.” «I would have to end you.» Kaili stammered with her broken Mando’a. “Ret slanar pabida ner vod. Gotal'ur ohvasktr.” «Maybe go get my sister. Make an example.»

Kaili leant back and crossed her arms. Was he expecting the LAA to have taught her the language? She obviously didn’t understand it completely, but she certainly had enough of a grip to hold basic conversations. It was part of the whole ‘diplomacy’ package. Knowing a language was the first step to gaining equal grounds.

“Ni malyasa'yr laya meh mhi taylir bic at Cavas.” «I would appreciate if we kept it to Basic.» The girl continued her stammering as she shrugged. “Buse'e ia'yitagr bal an ibac.” «Common courtesy and all that.»



Lilin listened to what everybody else was able to offer. There were people who could provide the Covenant some materials, some of them incredibly rare and limited. And then there were those who could scout, explore, gather information. They were all there to help and they were able to do that. But what could she do? She was no true explorer -- she didn't spy, scout, gather intelligence. There was practically nothing she could do for the good of the Covenant.

Her eyes turned to the leader [member="Aela Talith"], one of the noble Talith family. She'd heard there were a few children of them, perhaps at least the majority or even all of them being members of the faction. It was like a family thing for them, she guessed.

She was not very near the girl, but she thought if she asked something, the leader would be able to hear.

"Besides scouting, scavenging and building, is there anything else we can do?" she nearly shouted to make it sure she was able to be heard. "All of these things are amazing and very important for us, but a few of our members, myself included, may not be so talented at such things."

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