Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everything needs a Hostile force OOC

Just the same, I wish my character to could make unbelievable level weapons in seconds.

Or that I could break apart more then a single ship, designed to fight/survive in space, with my miind.

Razor Shot said:
should i then report the posts i have issues with or wait until they talk to me?
I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone:

If you have a problem with someone's post, speak with them about edits you'd like made or explanations you need as to how they're doing what they're doing. Should they prove unwilling to cooperate/make changes, then report the post in question to staff and we'll handle it from there.

Communication first, Staff second.

Staff only becomes involved when we're told there's a problem, so if you've got problems that need addressed, address them yourself. If that doesn't work, bring them to our attention.
[member="Razor Shot"]

The part I quoted. You pulled a crate of plutonium and a crate of plastic explosive out of thin air, man. You've got so much going for you already. You don't need to pull nonsense like that. Did it occur to you that you'd get more respect and score more hits if you didn't keep trying to play god? I played a stealth master for ten years and I never walked up to someone fully cloaked to stab them in the neck. Not once. If you hadn't pulled stunts like that whenever you had the chance, you'd have thrashed Jorus at Eriadu and probably Ember that one time too.

Look, just remove the impromptu nuke. It's the only thing I mentioned in the report, and it's the only thing I care about. Just about everyone on the alien side has tried ever underhanded meta cheating trick to try and destroy that stupid town out of sheer OOC spite. Don't be one of those twits, no matter how much they yell in your ear on Discord.

Also, it's real important for you to understand that what you're raging about and what's being written are different. I didn't make some god-tier artifact in seconds, man. We had hours, put in thousands of words, tossed in multiple Masters' power plus the local Force nexus, and it's still milquetoast compared to a handful of canon equivalents.
You should know already Jon, my older issues with the whole roleplay+respect, wasnt in the stealth. I genuinly got decent respect for the way I handled that. To date, i believe this is the first time I have ever done this style attack. And in the end it was because I was facing meta'd assisted God.

IC Zaiden claimed godhoof, but has taken more serious damage/died multiple times to show it isnt true. I have never attempted to rip ships apart, plural, then still Force Explode with zero worries about the results. Even Mikhail, dick that he is, never did that to me.

All in all, it just caught me off guard, that moments before Rave was alive, said she couldnt find Zaiden, died, then could aid the aforementioned God. I honestly do not mind anything that has resulted. The bomb was frowned on. So? I removed it. But everything else was...

a bit much wasnt it? Lol

Again, as said in the PMs, I have no OOC isssues with anything that has happened. I saw, and retaliated in what I believed was a good manner.
[member="Razor Shot"]

Razor Shot said:
All in all, it just caught me off guard, that moments before Rave was alive, said she couldnt find Zaiden, died, then could aid the aforementioned God.
Yeah. Living, Rave couldn't breach Zaiden's stealth. Dead? I figured a 'run Luke run' moment wasn't that big a deal.
Lol, as said, I didnt even have issuess with it. I took it, and the force blast, took damage, and rolled the dice.

Didnt figure my end game woud be that bad but meh LMAO

And not to sound butt hurt, but if i legitly stopped Force Users, rped zero combat, and became the perfect roleplayer, i would be shit on. Its how it is. Lol just had to snap on Adekos and another for hating when it wasnt even about anything other than being myself. Legitly, for being who I am lmao.

All in all, again, hope were cool and not having issues. Much respect oh master of alch...and Force Weapon....and Tracking...and etc....and etc....LMAO

[member="Rave Merrill"]
Have ya'll met Vader?


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