Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Everything needs a Hostile force OOC

I shielded Xer'ir's ships, my fleet for all intents ofpurposes is seperate from his, so his fleet had 2 left, and my i think i changed it to three (after i chucked mine at you) to make it more realistic, and that includes mine, so there were actually two ships left after i threw my three at you.


20 ---> 2
?(never established) ---> 5 ---> 2 (not counting my ship)

That is how it worked in my head.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
[member="Rave Merrill"]

It could fall in the outskirts, it could fall just outside, it could demolish one building. Sorry that Valiens is flurry firing on the frigates defending the Mothership, who are still in the planets gravity pull. But, you should be more worried when Valiens destroys the Mothership that is directly over Hythe Park. That is something you'll all have to deal with on your own

C'est la vie
[member="Razor Shot"]

Razor Shot said:
Turning, he readied to leave, before he noticed a man that had approached, perished. Near his person, was a roughly 3 foot long, by 2 and a half foot, by one and a half vertical steel lined crate, which Zaiden examined for a long second. Stepping away from the rockface he was thrown into, ignoring the pain as he had long ago learned to do, he glanced inside the crate. It had approximately 125 pounds worth of a C4 like substance. The Force pulled at him instantly, in two separate directions. First, the light told him this was one of the possibilities he had seen - the utter destruction of the area and its life. He had seen the man charging at Siobhan and the others, before he was blown to pieces, revealing the explosives were encasing the one item Zaiden didnt see at first: a massive container that held roughly 15 pounds of plutonium.

Lol, Rave gave a warning, which made little sense as she had not seen him, to a woman that is literally ripping ships apart like nothing, while defending a duo set of masters wielding an alchemy item made with the most powerful styles in cannon, in what two posts, that is capable of defecting the entirety of the enemy.

I use the ideas already stated, that my alt had brought men to the ground, and then that one of the others was also droppng men.

If the intent is to destroy this whole area, what better a way then a bomb?

All in all, I did a logic based move, against an illogical situation.

I stick by my choice.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
Cheated? All that has been done on the side you work with, including meta gamed info, is not cheating?

But following a path that has been laid out, ie the destruction of the establishment + the dropping off men + the likelihood that these xenophobic species would want to cause mass damage, is cheating?

That makes no sense...

Lol you have an all mighty masterwork staff made in bare moments, yet isnt going to effect a single being, or even a few, but mass minds. A woman that is harder than Mikhail. Ships that make our fleet look like we came with slingshots to a starship fight.

Very well man.

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