Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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EXGAL HUNT - Weekend Treasure Hunt 8: Extragalactic Death World

Mornhun of House Marr

Mornhun brought his ship to rest near the wreckage. He could feel the darkness in it drawing him in. It was familiar, the oily viscous feeling of the darkside that was as much a part of him and his hands or skin. He was a Sithspawn...that was the term. A creature, a monster made by a Sith who was more monstrous the Mornhun could ever be. That was why he had to come, it was what he was made for.

He popped the hatch on the ship with a hiss and climbed to the ground below. He pulled the hood over his head and slowly eased his blade free. The delicate rasp of his blade leaving his sheath was the only sound he made as he walked toward and opening in the hull. He was on the hunt but whether predator or prey was left to be seen.

Jaani freed his arms of his weapons and looked up at the wreck of the ship. There was a dark patch in the tangled green web that could have been an opening. He raised his hand, pointing it out to his Togorian comrade. “Looks like a way in,” he grunted. In his mind he started to plan a route to take advantage of the densest vines, and to avoid overhanging protrusions such as sensor banks and turrets. Without waiting further he leapt forwards, the ship angled away from him so he was able to get a good few feet up before having to hunker down and use all four limbs to climb.

The climbing was surprisingly easy, the angle of the ship and thick foliage were up to the task. Even if he lost his footing, Jaani figured he could slide down the hull to the ground without doing too much damage. He sensed, rather than saw, motion to his side. He immediately swung to the side, freeing up one arm.

To his amazement a long stem curled out of the undergrowth, revealing a large flower. He reacted quickly, instinctively and without conscious thought. His muscled arm reached out, grasping the flower by its stem and yanked it free, throwing it back down the hull behind him. Aggressive plants were a staple of the swamps of Naboo. Perhaps the thing had been simply unfurling to catch the light, but something had made him believe otherwise.

He was disavowed of that notion a moment later when another unfurled a few metres further up the hull. He called out a warning to [member="Mrrew"] right before there was a click and the plant shook. He felt a thud on his shoulder and reached down to pluck the heavy thorn out of his hide jerkin. Another, then another plant appeared.

Making sure his grip was assured, he reached to his belt and uncoupled his energy shield. Holding it sideways, it expanded and activated, covering both himself and Mrrew in a two metre shimmering field. It hissed as more thorns rained down on the pair. Jaani allowed a few gungan profanities to escape his lips. With only one arm free the climb would be that much harder, and to get through the nest of Dart Flowers he’d have to leave himself exposed to them from some angles.

He looked to his companion, hoping he had some ideas.


Inspecting Capital Ship Crash Site (Bow, West)
IFF {MSF-0001-CA}

When the sound of a shielded mass rushing through the sound barrier had subsided, Aynea's vulpine ears caught a familiar sound. There was no mistaking the sound of a blade. She'd spent most of her life around them, never taking much to a saber and not even knowing of their existence for most of her life. Life! The vixen shut the metal plates to the inert starboard plasma rotary thruster and began rushing off into the distant jungle. Her astromech knew what to do.
Aynea quickly paced on all fours towards where she thought was the source of the sound. It was difficult to discern such things in the thick overgrowth and against a large metal hull, but she'd find it no doubt, with time. Her ears had lead her to a rough patch in the jungle of tangled vines and fallen trees. She was a predator first and foremost - the most cunning breed there was - and had a homeworld very similar to the one she was on now. Unlike it, however, the majority of creatures were either Force-sensitive or could detect the Force, making her species of inately-sensitive shaman and mages far from the top link in the food chain. She had learned, through that very nature alone, to be an excellent tracker. She could smell the scent of reek and see the footsteps, each one after the other, pressed into the moist ground below. Following all of the evidence lead her through a giant mosquito cesspool with a breach in the wreckage's hull on the other side. Interestingly enough, the mosquitos didn't bother her as she passed around them. Whether it was due to her nine large vulpine musk glands or the heavy floral perfume she used to keep it concealed, she wasn't sure. Finally the Ruferalahuin vixen had traversed the jungles and its tiny nuisances, and inspected the entrance to the ship's innards. Someone had been there, and it hadn't been long before. It was upon resting her palm upon the bent and tattered edge of the breach that she felt it - a dark force so deep and rich, it beckoned at her musings, tugged on her very soul. It did not bring her discomfort as it did the layman; when one birthed a hybrid-Sithspawn and imbued Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut into a talisman with their Sith Lady spouse, one had seen it all. Such a great torment rested in that metallic grave.
She was determined to find them.

Mrrew had nodded, and begun climbinbg up behind [member="Jaani Doosun"]. His Chiru rifle hung from the twine at his belt, leaving both hands free for grasping the vines, and pulling himself up. It was easier then he'd thought it'd be. But he was still on alert. This was an uncharted planet, there could be anything living here. Hidden under all these vines and foliage, prehaps even inside the ship itself.

Or they could be killer flowers that shoot thorns.

The Togorian stared for a split second as the seonc dflower popped out, and fired at the Gungan, before half-climbing half-leaping up closer to the Gungan. The energy shield that appeared between them and teh dart flowers was a welcome suprise. He shifted his weight as to hold onto the vines with his left arm, before drawing his heavy blaster pistol with his right. He'd actually never used it before... This would be a good first testing. Mrrew glanced over to Jaani while the onslaught continued. Mrrew wans't one to get panicked, but if they waited too long to decide to do something they'd probably get impaled by half a dozen thorns at once.

"Two ways we can get out of this without getting killed by flowers. Wait for them to run out of ammunition, they can't have unlimited thorns, and just hope that no more flowers pop up behind the energy shield while we wait..." On queu, another dart flower unfurled out of the vines inches from the front of Jaani's shield. "Or. get out one of your bombs, drop the shield, and we start firing." It wasn't hard to hold onto the slanted surface, how long they could hang their wasn't the problem. It was how long the energy shield could last... and how many flowers there were. Another one unfurled far to their right, a flash of bright petals giving Mrrew a warning before a thorn flew past them, inches behind Mrrew's head. One shot of Mrrew's pistol later, the flower was gone. "Choose quickly."

Mornhun of House Marr

[member="Countess Xyhn"].

His feet did take him. The near soundless step of his boots brought him into the darkness. The inside of the ship echoed the pitch black that had twisted a heart that once issued forth sonnets and romantic prose, but no longer. His pen, abandoned, his thoughts, violent and cold as he delved into the dark.

The smell inside would choke many. The sickly sweet aroma of rotted flesh which was only compunded by the humid jungle air that had seeped in and now lay stagnant in the wicked corridors. The lone sound of a dripping somewhere as his force vision guided him perfectly in the oppressive black.

He walked on the Rhak-skuri gland would do him no good on this he felt. Mammals and those prone to pheromone communication suffered most from it and a feeling told him he would find few of either here. After minutes of moving closer hindered he came to a wall created by a huge root that the ship rested upon and he moved right through a half opened door. That's when he heard the shuffling feet of something ahead....
Planet NE-2
Star Destroyer Wreckage; Port Flank
Objective: South Segment
...on the other side of the durasteel doors Laith discovered a room lined with compartments that ran the entirety of the walls. It was like a bank vault filled with storage boxes that were key controlled. When this section of the Star Destroyer wreckage had crashed into the roots of the colossal tree it was now lodged into it had done some damage. Storage boxes had been ripped out of their compartments in the walls and were strewn across the floor, others half hung out of their compartments but a few had managed to stay intact and relatively secure indicating their was a chance the items they stored were still in viable condition. Laith checked behind him, no activity yet, and then moved further into the room so that he could begin inspecting the boxes for anything useful...

...the Sonic Carbine was shouldered again, it had spent roughly half its ammunition now which meant Laith might need to rely on other methods to keep the insects at bay, and the Mercenary began to search the storage boxes looking for anything that might be useful or valuable. Several of the boxes were empty and others had items which had degraded to a point that they were useless. Kneeling next to another box that appeared to be in relatively good condition Laith pried it open and looked inside trying to identify the contents...
...he'd found what looked like a bizarre electronic component. Nothing he'd ever seen before to be sure. Taking it out of the box Laith would have come over the comms of his helm saying..."What do you make of this?"...but contact with the Astrometric Droid back on his ship had been sporadic at best, even more so since entering the wreckage, so he didn't have high hopes that his message had transmit well. He might have found something valuable though. The Electronic Component was placed in a pouch on the utility belt of his Beskar'gam for safe keeping and Laith stood to his full height once again...

...turning around he'd head back out of the room, moving towards the durasteel doors before poking his head out to ensure it was clear. Not so clear. The moment his head poked out from between the doors a swarm of those insects stirred, just like they'd followed his trail and had been waiting for him, and flew at him on the attack. Laith managed a...
"Fe..aarrrgghhhhh..." he waved his arms before falling back into the corridor as the insects swarmed, landing all over his armor where they bit at the beskar and attempted to burrow their way into it...

...with insects covering him, crawling over his Beskar'gam, Laith could all but feel them biting and attempting to burrow into the hardened mandalorian armor. No matter what he did he could rip them all off. He had no choice. Activating the Shockweb in his armor an electrical current surged across the Beskar'gam and arcs of electricity leapt off the armor while making contact with the insects and literally jolting them into submission. Miniature arcs of electricity continued to arc across his armor, sparking when they made contact with one of the insects, until sinking back out of view except for the occasional minor discharge indicating the shockweb was still active. Usually Shockwebs were used to stun larger individuals however the electricity in this case should have been enough to fry the bugs. Once it was done Laith would have switched it back off, rolled onto his stomach and begun to stand...

...climbing back to his feet the Mercenary wasted no time in following the corridors for another section in the wreckage that he hoped was a tad more hospitable...


Electronic Component claimed x1

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Jaani’s mind was made up the instant the flower appeared on their flank. He swapped his shield to his right hand for a moment, just to give himself time to pull a vine from its purchase on an electrical panel. He wrapped the vine around his left wrist and tested its strength. Deciding it was enough he gripped both the vine and his shield in his left hand. It was awkward, but he was able to unstrap his club whilst keeping his cover from the mass of plants ahead of them.

Shifting his weight and the grip on his club, he managed to drop a booma into the curve of its head. It was an awkward shot, the plants ahead were ten metres up and at a seventy degree incline. With one smooth motion he pushed off the wall with his legs, giving himself a slightly better angle. The booma hit the hull near where Jaani had aimed. The sphere cracked and covered the nearest plants in bright blue electro-chemical gel. There was a crackle and they wilted and fell away. Jaani hit the hull again awkwardly. His shoulder burned with pain as he hung on by one arm before finding purchase for his legs again.

He repeated the process once more and the main body of plants were down. “Wesa need d’get inside. Too open!” Jaani exclaimed. He deactivated and holstered his fold-away shield. Swapping his club for a fletchette pistol he continued the climb with much greater haste. The effect of mass fletchette was almost comical against plant matter, shredding it instantly.

Planet NE-2
Star Destroyer Wreckage; Port Flank
Objective: South Segment
...the corridors stretched through the wreckage of the Stray Destroyer in all directions. As he moved Laith would encounter several junctions offering differing directions with which to travel and he had to make quick decisions, especially if he thought he heard the sound of the bugs behind him, before moving on and hoping he'd chosen correctly. At one point the Mercenary was scaling steps that lead to a higher level in the wreckage and later on he was descending a completely different set of steps that might have taken him lower than the level he'd done most of his exploration on. After the last encounter with the bugs he'd heard movement but hadn't encountered any of them, yet...

...he'd been moving at a maintained pace for an admirable amount of time and despite only feeling a low level of fatigue he felt it was time to take a moment and recover. Accessing the datapad on the right arm of his Beskar'gam Laith would attempt to track the route he'd made through the wreckage so that he could create a semi reliable map to follow through the wreckage. He couldn't afford to get sidetracked or lost at this point in his exploration. Once he was satisfied he'd have committed what he'd done to the datapad and then turned his head to look in either direction that the corridor stretched done. Nothing...

...deciding to venture deeper down the corridor rather than return the way he'd come Laith would eventually discover another set of stairs that lead into the deeper levels of the wreckage. Low light vision was a requirement here so he maintained the loadout he had set his helm to as he made his way deeper along the path he'd chosen. Descending down the stairs it would come as a bit of a shock to Laith when natural light started to filter into the wreckage, breaches in the hull in this section allowed it to filter in from the higher levels creating a level of luminance but the most interesting thing was yet to come...

...a platform came into view at the bottom of the stairs, durasteel grate, and beyond that actual water however it soon became clear why this was. The Wreckage had lodged itself into the roots of the ancient tree where it was discovered and the roots had grown, actually they were very prominently seen in this portion of the wreckage where Laith had descended, moisture had accumulated here allowing the trees roots to feed. Perhaps rain had filtered down through the breaches in the hull and gathered in this location? As he looked across from the platform, over the water and root system intermingling in this area Laith saw something that caught his attention. It was a small object...
Mrrew nodded, smiling slightly as he watched pieces of plant matter fall past the m from the devestation Jaani's boomas caused. The Togorian was pretty sure he'd found a new favorite hunting partner. Quickly holstering his blaster pistol again, Mrrew climbed quickly up the vines and foliage. His claws helped greatly in scaling the vine-covered surface, as well as ripping out one plant by it's vine-liek roots as soon as it unfurled a few inches away. It was a quick climb before they'd gotten to the dark spot, where voliage and vines covered an opening in the hull. Probalby a burst viewport. He shifted his weight to his right again, pulling his phrik blade out with his left arm, A few slashes later, vines and thin roots fell apart, revealing a dark opening into the ship.

Mrrew stared into the gaping black maw for a moment, glanced back at [member="Jaani Doosun"], before placing his sword carefully back into it's sheath. He hoped tht the fall wasn't to bad... With a jerking movement and a slight leap, the Togorian dived into the opening, trusing his luck to make sure he landed on something solid. After a minute, a thump was heard not far from the opening, and Mrrew yelled up to the Gungan. "Looks safe!"

(I apologize for the rushed rp)
Planet NE-2
Star Destroyer Wreckage; Port Flank
Objective: South Segment
...difficult to make out what he was looking at from the platform where he was standing however Laith knew the dangers that could be waiting beneath the surface of otherwise tranquil water as well. He wasn't about to make a deadly mistake just to retrieve the object that caught his eye. Lifting his left arm he'd pass it back over his shoulder until his hand closed tight around the hilt of his Vibrosword and he unsheathed it in a swift motion that brought the weapon back around in front of him. Approaching the edge of the platform Laith would kneel down, looking into the water from beneath his helm before thrusting the Vibrosword into it so that he could check its depth...

...he was in luck. The Vibrosword hit bottom and judging by the depth of the water it would come to roughly waist height if Laith decided he would climb into it and make a move for the object he had been eying up. Drawing the Vibrosword back out of the water Laith would pass his left arm back behind himself again and sheath the weapon once again while contemplating his options. During this time he remained alert to his surroundings, paying attention to his hud display so that none of the insects dwelling in this wreckage could ambush him from behind, then he would decide...
"Why not. Not guts, no glory."...before bracing himself on the side of the platform and hopping into the water which rose to his waist...

...treading through the water wasn't terribly difficult but Laith didn't move as fast as he could, he wanted to avoid splashing and creating unnecessary noise as well as keep up to date on his surroundings, but he made it to the object. It looked odd. Wood and bone carved from what Laith could determine. A Talisman. When he came to it the talisman was just floating there on the water making the Mercenary wonder until he reached out with his left hand and closed it...


...the attack came quickly. Erupting upwards an enormous insect collided with Laith and threw him backwards into the water submerging him completely. The Insect resembled an enormous Beetle proved just how voracious it was when it clamped onto the chest piece of Laith's Beskar'gam and tried to chew through it. Apparently they bread these bugs bigger down in the lower levels of the wreckage. Underneath the water the vacuum seals on the Beskar'gam served their purpose in containing the Mandalorain while he was fed a supply of oxygen ensuring this fight would be -slightly- easier than it could have been...

...down underneath the water Laith struggled, the Bug had clamped onto him tightly, knowing that if his armor was anything other than beskar he would have been in a lot of pain right now. Punching with his right arm Laith drove his fist into the side of the bug again and again. It didn't do any damage but eventually it helped to dislodge the giant insect enough that Laith rolled it and took the mounted position where he rained down other blows. A brutal struggle ensued between man and bug that only ended when Laith was finally able to punch one of his fists through the underside of the insects exoskeleton and into its innards filling the water with a slimy goo that began floating to the top. Bug was dead at least... he emerged from the water Laith looked for any other hostiles but he didn't see anything. He checked the Talisman man in his left hand and it was still intact. Moving back to the side of the platform he'd pull himself out of the water and onto his knees where he'd rest and do a quick check of his equipment...
-Wood and Bone Talisman Claimed

[member="Jorus Merrill"]


Well-Known Member
Looking for a moment at the bodies that led from his ship to the side of the massive Death Star, Damien sighed again. Zombies were quite the bothersome opponent, as usually they swarmed in packs, were nearly impossible to kill except for a clean decapitation, and many other irritating features. Combining this with the massive swarms of Mosquitos he was forced to repel after they gathered around his form, seemingly driven just as the Zombies, the entire way was down right sour to the mind.

But that was just the thing, there had only been a few along the way - hundreds of the insects though - and thus he presumed to find more once inside. Likely far more than he would care to think of.

Reigniting his lightsaber, Damien sat stead fast, attempting to burn a molten entrance along the hull of the ship. Going first upward above his head by a few inches, then to the left, back down, before back to his initiating point, he concentrated a blast of air pressure that launched the new found door inward. Lightly kicking off the ground, he lurched through the hole to land on a control panel that would likely rest about waist high - all the buttons and dials were dead however. He could imagine the time where the interior was once crowded with life, each display reading analytic information to the men posted at the stations.

Some things didnt get a second chance however.

Dropping low to a crouch, Damien ran finger along the display by his left foot, cleaning a trail among the dark dust - grime being a more proper term as time had long ago turned the simple dust to molds and rusts galore. The Undead surely would never touch such things. It meant nothing to them: no food, nor a threat.

Looking through his HUD, Damien murmured, "Voice, keep scanners running for any threat. Aging could have caused minor fungus to become deadly."

"Yessir." Came a reply through his speakers, and Damien noticed the view he saw shift slightly to show a panoramic view of 360 degrees around his body. One of the best features his armor had, as he couldn't be crept up on. Deactivating his saber, he chose to keep its hilt in his palm rather than stash it, as being sure of protection far out weighed freedom of use for the appendage.

Stepping to the ground, the Ancient moved down the hall to the left. Multiple doors came along his path, all showing the same ancient grime the previous room had. What sort of things would the Sith find? The Force whispered that others were topside, moving among the planet as they sought to claim or scout an unknown planet. There was a good chance however that they would find something worth it, as there was a nearly untouched - scavenging wise - Death Star.

Ahead Damien could see another doorway that seemed to open to a much larger room past. Stepping through the arch, he paused, sighed, then leapt as silently as he could straight upward.

Landing nimbly on the rafters above the room, he began to walk foot before foot along the thin beam. Seeing as there were hundreds of Undead below all milling about in the auditorium sized room. Through unknown means, possibly Force intervention, he had managed to not be spotted through his entrance. Luckily light filtered through holes that cracked the surface walls to his left, illuminating a bit of the room, the rest he could see easily through his predatorily based vision, and augmented Armors sensors.

With a practiced ease, the demonic soul moved unseen above the lot of them. Only the Apex truly understood what stealth meant, and with little knowledge Force wise on Stealth, he was forced to rely on his own familiar abilities. Blending with the moving shadows, D sought to go as quick as he was able, nearly slipping a few times.

The hollow architecture of the structure left a nearly deafening din of constant snarls or growls, scraping and shuffling, so extreme Damien forced himself to concentrate on filtering through which sound came in the form of aggresion. Luckily none seemed to - for now.

Finally resting an arm against the opposite wall from which he came, Damien rose to his full form and glanced down through the darkness towards his enemies. As he was moving, he had noticed that luckily, there was indeed an open door now beneath him and behind his position, the only obstruction being getting there unnoticed.

Flipping backwards, Damien seemed at first to wish to go completely downward, as his arc began to pull him in that direction, but instead he managed to right his body and grip the rail with his hands. Calculating, with the aid of his suits computers, Damien released his hold, and thrust himself further with the aid of the Force. When the ground neared, a seperate pressure met him from below, slowing his descent until there was almost no noise.

Spinning on his heel, Damien charged head first into a massive body - one that may have been an old storm trooper, or some kind of similar soldier. Watching the form fall, Damien nearly gasped...

The others heard the thud of the Undead hitting the ground, and instantly the din of thousands of peaceful groans, became a raging vortex or ever louder screams of hunger.

Launching himself over the mans body, as well as the last few feet between himself and the doorway, Damien jerked himself through. Racing down the hall, he did his best to keep his breathing even, as he was no longer as super as he once was. It wasn't as if his body was something to trifle with, but its speed and endurance arent even as good as his old forms base abilities were. Yes he had better strength, but most of his talents were oriented among speed and finesse, not brute bashing abilities.

Easily seeing behind himself, Damien watched as the trail became swarmed with Zombified soldiers and naval men...

So he kept running.
C O M P A N I O N E S K | N E - 2

AWESOME Soundtrack Exploration Mix!
Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy

The hiss of the ramp would welcome in a light mist as the whine of hydraulics would open up the treeline in front of her. Chloe was wearing her Protectorate Deep space excavation suit, a standard heavy duty suit capable of providing her at least four hours of oxygen. With a full seal, it should protect her from anything that might be out there. Should being the key word here.

Her large egg like glasteel helmet would pan around, guiding the attached beams of light in the direction she'd turn her head. "Alright.. lights, check." She went through her small mental list of various gadgets and necessary survival must have yous. Backpack, food, med-kit, comm, her saber, the Ambassador, and that nifty paddle gun. It wasn't deadly, but it would do the job at knocking a critter down.

She brought a small scanner from a pocket, and from a small case she set down by her feet, brought out the hovering mapping droids. They were small droids, with enough power to let them fly for a few hours as they would record a map of the local area.

"Alright... here we go." activating them, she watched them start to hum, rising into the air. She had them connected to a small holoarray on her wrist. Music would fill lightly within the confines of her helmet.

But I'm not broken, in my dream I win...

Placing the box back on the ship, she made sure the ramp would close behind her. Didn't want to come back to a surprise like she did last time with the GT-F0 droid...

In here I'm nothing, a Cosmic Castaway!
Objective Location: Segment North

[member="Mrrew"] [member="Jaani Doosun"]

Radar blips everywhere. Suddenly as if the void opened up and expelled a dozen ships to this airspace. Something was up here, had this somehow been a ruse. What forces manipulated this event he couldn't fathom but it was just a problem he'd have to deal with. Rayl looked around as he skimmed low for a good landing spot. A clear ridge head beckoned him to land there. A little open, but it was the only place he could see to land. "By the good credit may I not be killed this day". Rayl slowed his ship and activated the repulsors. Coming down for a soft landing on the rocky outcrop. His craft didn't sit level, something he noticed instantly. Powering down and keeping the brake on would make sure it'd stay where he left it. Nothing like coming back to where you parked and then your ride not being there.

Disembarking to this foreign world filled the crime lord with a bit of pride. Being one of the first here was pretty nice. It was those others that worried him though. Stranger danger and all that. He'd have to be cautions not only for them, but whatever else actually lived here. Taking a moment away form his worry, his hand became occupied by a recording device. He wanted a record of his travel here. "Star Lord Exploration Log: Companion Esk, NE-2. I've currently made planet fall. The atmosphere is breathable here, lucky for me. I tracked several craft on radar near me. Likely other explorers. But the chances of a dozen of us arriving all at the same time is obviously cause for worry. If I happen upon any of them, I hope they're friendly. In the distance is a jutting scrap of metal. That is where I'm headed to".

Rayl hid away his recorder and stepped off the ship. Landing sure footed on the rock. In the distance the obstruction jutted from its grave as a sordid reminder of the crews demise. It was easy to tell it was apart of a star ship that crash landed here. Perhaps valuables on board would reward his exploration efforts a little more richly. Or at least sate his now overflowing curiosity. Lingering no more on the subject, he traveled into the jungle towards his destination. It's perils all waiting to kill him with no remorse.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Chloe Blake"] would feel a familiar presence -- familiar, and impossible, as if the soultrapped former grandmaster of both the Jedi and Selabite orders, and Chloe's own Master, was looking over her shoulder. As if somehow, Je'gan's strange relationship with time and eternity had led his perception to this spot, maybe centuries ago, maybe never. This might be an echo, or a deception. And though the whispering voice was his, the diction was not.

I give to you the Second Mark of Shule, the Eye Unblinking.

Terrible pain would lance through the Master Warden's left eye, as if it was being torn out. But the sensation vanished at once.

I give to you the Mark of Lesser Regret. May you always see the truth, and may it never break you.

There was no tangible or visible mark...but as Chloe explored the crash site, she would find that the deceptions and illusions of its various defenders were useless against her. Their teeth, claws and pathogens, of course, remained terribly lethal.


Well-Known Member
West Segmant

Sliding loosely along the slick metal floor, Damien managed to squeeze himself through a small crack managed by a power outage mid door closing. It wouldn't stop the Undead, but it would likely slow them. Returning to his charge, Damien raced to reach his max speed again, eyes frantically racing along the area.

Multiple doors lay closed ahead of himself. But to the right, he could see light refracting oddly, and moved through yet another crack in a door. Looking about, every object not bolted down was instantly flung to the floor near the door: boxes, crates, chairs, and even a heavy half destroyed monitor.

Turning he continued down the hall.

This was one far longer, larger, and dimmer than the predecessor. Each door he passed was long ago jammed closed, and there weren't even many prints among the dusty floor. Step after step led him further along the ground, before a loud burst sounded behind him.

"Voice!?" Damien asked. Before the word was finished, the portion of his HUD showing behind himself zoomed and showed the door itself had bent and blown inward, loosing the horde inside after himself.

Both doors had allowed him seconds reprieve however, which was worthy of note.

When his focus finally came back to his fore, Damien found himself literally slamming into a wall. Growing anxious, Damien sought a way out, and spotted a port above himself that allowed probe droids to move among the ship.

Igniting his saber, the man launched it upward, gripped it with the force and swiftly used it to slash the closed door open. Rocketing upward, the man slid through, narrowing avoiding curling fingers that neared his foot.

Placing arms and feet against the vertical tunnel, he paused to catch his breath. This was more exhausting than he had allowed his body to notice.

Thus he began a climb...


Well-Known Member
Damien paused in his climb...

There were now three options as he saw it: Follow the advice the Force shot his way, attempt ignorance and continue, or attempt contact while doing either of the prior...

Damien reached out into the Force and called, "Where too then? Options are limited!" He didnt guide the words, rather hoped the Force carried it to the originator of the warning.

Reaching out with his mental senses, he passed in all directions through the walls, attempting to find a possible seperate route. Through his left, was a small tunnel, likely similar to the one he found himself in, however following parallel and above the hall he left. Moving his saber once more, he slashed three times, then threw his body hard against the wall. Then went through.

Landing in a crouch, he called again, "How about this one?"

Fear and sorrow ripped through Naast'ika like the pain and agony that raced along his neural pathways behind the spreading tares and rends in his flesh. Hyperspace anomalies were shredding the Corvette sized Mesen'loras inside and out. Deep gouges formed where flawless beskar plating had once been. Inside, rooms and bulkheads were suddenly ripped from his flesh and left behind in hyperspace. The deep, fleshy parts of his body were torn from him by the turbulence surrounded him in Hyperspace.

Fearing for his life, Naast'ika finally disobeyed his captain and plowed back into realspace. The cold embrace of the void was warmly welcomed by Naast'ika. He could feel parts of himself depressurize, venting the contents of three rooms and a hallway into the dark of space. But Naast'ika didn't care, he was free of the horrible place that had hurt him. His voice rang out through subspace frequencies as he sang his pain and sorrow into the depth of space. Heedless to the planet he drifted towards, Naast'ika simply tumbled through space and sang out his sorrow for all to hear.

To those that may be in orbit, a brief and weak hyperspace signal would pulse through the NE-2 system as a the Corvette sized creature burst into existence. A fraction of a second later, the signal would be gone and all traces of its origin would disappear with it. Shortly after this, anomalies would fill subspace communicators with strange, haunting songs.


Well-Known Member
Choosing to continue without another response from his aid, Damien moved in a swift low run, past where the hall had ended. With little difficulty. The Sith found his new, shorter body aided in moving among the compact space. Low light assistors kicked in, amplifying his already potent talent. Compact and cramped, similarly to the earlier, but even more than, he moved like a snake with legs.

Something nearby called to him through the Force...

Reaching out again, he attempted to sense mental essence among the thoughtless, trying to find the man who aided him...

[member="Velok"] (just in case yu didnt see the previous tag)


Inside Capital Ship Crash Site (Bow, West)
IFF {MSF-0001-CA}

Into the ruins the foxtress went.
It was dark inside, dank, and almost immediately reeked of the smell of exotic fungi and mottled flesh. She followed the breach through the outer armor of the hull and found a small corridor to use, likely a main for the former ship's deck hands. The way was almost pitch-black, with only minor large rips and punctures in the outer hull where overgrowth had set in to leak beams of solar light in every few hundred feet. The light reflection was just enough for her keen eyes to see, glistening feral yellow in the shadows against the magnification of its rays, revealing the wide-opened pupils of her eyes. Following an scent was virtually impossible there, effect of the menagerie of undesirable smells emanating from the ship's remains.
As Aynea crept further in, she could see the faint stains of blood smeared or splattered across the walls. The whole atmosphere was almost... surreal.
"oof... ow!" She grumbled after her foot caught a bunch of loosened cables.
The Ruferalahuin did not feel quite at home there. Something felt particularly off. She followed the cables down the corridor to a crushed and broken blast-door down the way where the cables had turned into it. Slowly she crept forth, lowering to a half-crouched stance. Slower... slower... slower... she was but feet away from the turn. She paused for a moment, contemplating on what might lie at every new turn. With a subtle but painful impulse, an array of strange film-like platelets turned out from beneath her skin, covering much of it under her robes. Her gaunted hands carefully rose to the hood of her faintly-glowing glistaweb robe and pulled it back, free from her head, letting her silver hair fall gently over her collar. With one lightning-fast and surreally quieted motion, she rolled around the corner of the doorframe to face the room before her.
What the.... She thought.
Two unmistakeable creatures lurked in the room, aloof; zombies. She had produced enough of them with her fangs to clearly know the sight of such a creature at first glance. It made her almost wish she had kept the Reaper's Ring, which would have rendered her oblivious to any of them aboard the corpse ship. Fortunately, these did not seem to take note of her. She could either dispatch them, or carefully sneak around them. Either action came with equal and dangerous consequences, for none foresaw the true nature of the beasts that reigned within the shattered Black Hex.

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