Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exodus Crash | CIS Invasion of UCM's Eshan Hex

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: The city-side entry of the Palace bridge. 25m/100m crossed.
Objective: Defend the bridge from CIS forces as long as possible and then fallback to the Palace.
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] , [member="Azure Djitred"] , any Clans of Mandalore who wish to accept his reinforcement request.
@OOM-330 , [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] , @Cay-yo , [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] , [member="Jerek Zenduu"] , @Micah , [member="Voph"] , [member="Srina Talon"] and any CIS player who is attempting to get to the Palace.
Post: 6
Battle Theme: Bastion - Two Steps From Hell



Valdus watched as Azure and her Rancor sped over to the Palace, his mind rattling with battle-plans, contingencies, and ultimately how to escape if things should get much more dire. As he was thinking about these things and his Wardens were backpedaling, firing their pistols, he heard an immensely loud explosion. Swiftly turning his head towards the direction of the sound, he saw half of a behemoth starship carving its way through the city and towards the bridge and palace. " RUN!" He barked at his soldiers, who had also turned to see the starship on a collision course with their current position.

Valdus and his group broke out into a sprint, Valdus and the R-36s' steps were labored at first, like locomotives gaining steam. Every step they took their entire body moved to that side, speeding up the process with whirling, buzzing sounds of joint motors. They were not a fast group to say the least. Just then a part of the ship decimated the bridge, causing a huge tidal wave behind him and his formation. They were promptly and violently pushed across the bridge's interior walls and railings. When the water subsided and a sudden storm began, Valdus pushed himself up, a harsh ringing in his ears, dust obscuring just about everything near him. There was an inferno that turned the sky a deathly blaze color and a violent storm at the same place. He had never seen something so hellish before. In a second Valdus was hoisted upwards from around his waist, a remarkable feat. It was one of his R-36 super heavy war droids, " We must retreat, Al'verde." It spoke in the bassy robotic voice. Without much of a response from Valdus, who was still recovering from getting bashed around on the bridge with such force, the R-36 "Rush" droid spirited him away towards the Palace. The rest of his forces followed suit that were with him on the bridge, suffering minor to moderate wounds that were being taken care of by their TriSpray (all rights reserved, trademark by BigMeds LLC).

Meanwhile, the Ram'ser on the roof saw most of everything - blinding flash of light on impact, the horrible crunching, crushing, screeching of steel on steel, and continued explosions as fuel lines and cells imploded. Needless to say, they were not sticking around to get a 'close shave' from the starship. Using her increased alacrity, she jumped off the Palace roof, using her Ascension pistol to grapple a tower to move her to the ground. When the SD finally stopped, she bolted inside to see to the reserve force and the civilians. [member="Voph"] and the Ram'ser would not engage in epic roof-based combat this fight.

Valdus looked around now, his forces battered and shocked at what just happened. As of now Valdus and his entire force were held up inside of the Palace, without orders the Wardens, Advance Guard, and Ram'ser took up position on the windows with the AT-AD's on the ground floor. "We hold this Palace, barring another untimely visit from some kriffin starship."

While this was unfolding within the Palace, over the burnt and turbulent horizon, came the roar of more starfighters. It would not take long to know who was on who's side as the twelve ARC-170 (replicas, not originals) and fourteen Fang Fighters opened a barrage of blaster fire into the swarm of CIS starships. The fighters attempting to single out the Mynocks and the ARC-170's daring anything with an ion drive and a set of durasteel balls to test them. At the very back of the aerial formation was a single LAAT/X which took note of [member="Voph"] upon the roof , sending two blasts from their Sonic cannons - just high enough that it would not hit Voph or the roof, but attempting to scare the opposition off the roof via the menacing green pulses and odd sound.

As the LAAT/X descended the side doors opened up and out came a hulking power suit with a pair of AC-12 's, or to the less knoweldgeable about the newly formed experimental weapon - a big kriffin gun with too many barrels. This suit engaged the repulsor lifts just before hitting the ground, still causing an audible but ultimately dwarfed crashing sound, the knees bending, then making its way towards the interior of the palacce. Followed by the suits disembarkation of the LAAT/X dropship was an escort of oddly floating orbs and a handful of SLaM droids.


Valdus' forces are regrouping within the Palace while a newly arrived squadron of ARC-170's and Mandalorian Fang Fighters engage [member="Voph"] 's Octrachs and Mynocks in a battle for air dominance above the Palace. With the Palace receiving minor structural damage, Valdus believes the best bet is to hold up inside the Palace while the outside calms down. Through the magic of TriSpray and durable armor, Valdus has not lost any of his elite Wardens to the crashing waves and ship debris.

MAIN FORCE: Within the Palace, posted on windows and the interior balcony that overlooks the foyer.
Commander: Valdus Bral

M. Adv. Guard (9/12) [veteran shocktroop] {3 wounded}
M. Adv. Guard (12/12) [veteran shocktroop]
M. Ram'ser (1/1) [elite recon sniper]
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense] - Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense] - Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
Beviin H. Transport (4/4) [heavy transport] - landed behind the Palace, pilots and gunners still in them.
49 Infantry, 4 Transports

RESERVE FORCE: Stationed within the Palace walls.
Echani Militia (50/50) [Recruit Militia]
SLAM droids (25/25) [Trained Infantry]
75 infantry

REINFORCEMENTS 1st WAVE: Interior of the Palace, ground level.

REINFORCEMENTS 2ND WAVE: Interior of the Palace, defense droids are spread around to cover troops.


Devastator w/ dual AC-12's

8x SLaM droids

10x Defense Droid

14x Fang Fighters
12x ARC-170's
Objective: Assist Celiana
Allies: [member="Celiana"] and CIS allies
Enemies: [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] and ME forces

Kat rose to her feet and watched the bombardment of sand hit their opponents. It was a so.ewhat unorthodox plan but she guessed unorthodox worked so there was nothing to fault. Holding her staff with white knuckles she steeled herself for the combat that was going forward. Celiana was taking to someone on comms and mentioned something she didn't recognise at all. Everyone had their thing and it seemed that Celiana liked to listen to music to get into the zone. Kat was breathing slowly, feeling her body and the actions it was taking. She needed to relax herself, too tense and she wouldn't be able to fight as effectively. She pictured her family that needlessly died here, her brothers, her sister's husband. It helped to steel her resolve.

Storming forward, Kat made sure that she kept the pace that Celiana set. Above them there was a big aerial battle, something out of their control. She watched as a ship was falling at a likely crashing speed. Kat gasped, worried the damage such a crash would make then cried out in horror as it turned away from the safety into the city. "Nononononono! Celiana, they are destroying our city! Our home! This invasion was a mistake. We should have organised a rebeliion from within!" Kat commentated as she just stood and watched the horror show that was going on over the distance, if only she could help the porr civilians.
Location: Eshan Flatlands
Objective: Deplete Mandalorian reinforcements
Allies: [member="Kat Decoria"], CIS peeps, The Force
Enemies: [member="Mig Gred"], [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
Post #4

I was well and truly angry now... One thing to deal with Mandos....another thing entirely to crash a fierfeck'la Star Destroyer into the planet. Looking towards Kat I felt her pain and shared in it. Walking over towards her I pulled my helm off and said "They'll pay for it in blood Kat, this isn't over." Looking down at my gauntlet I spoke into the comms on my ear "Black Lotus Guards, move to the ship that just crashed by the capitol city. Kill every living thing aboard. Seal the ship after you've entered and launch poison gas. If anyone survives that I want them dead by your blades..." Looking to Kat I laid a hand on her shoulder and said softly "an invasion from within may have failed as well Kat, Mandalorians aren't known for treating combative prisoners well. We're here now, we keep any more reinforcements from heading to the city. We protect those who're fighting for our home from being overwhelmed...that's our duty here and now."

I had one thing I could do to potentially help those in the camps and the city though. "Ares....prep a launch of aerosolized kolto and bacta. Target Echani genetic code and fire the rounds over the medical camps and the capitol city." I may not be able to help with fighting, but I could certainly provide medical aid... Looking at Kat I said "we may not be able to support them with our blades, that doesn't mean we'll do nothing Kat."

Looking back towards the flatlands I looked upon where the sands had landed and opened myself to The Force. I felt.....electronic signals....droids. Breathing in I brought my left hand up in a Mantis stance and channeling The Force I splayed my fingers open. Somewhere on the battlefield near droids a short pillar of metallic sand would rise. Then hardened needles of metallic sand would begin to launch from the pillar... "Kat, on me... time to thin the ranks."

Kyle Weir
Eshan Surface, Eshan City, Outskirt Suburbs
Nearby: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"], [member="Ryndrae Talon"], [member="Naedira Darcrath"], [member="Lucien Rayne"]
Duel Music (Kyle PoV): Aviators - Paralyzed (feat. Lectro Dub) (Dance Rock)

Pressing their left shoulder against the tall stout oak with rifle pulled tightly into right shoulder Kyle's brass tandem eye lenses whirr narrowing while putting gaze down through the G-12A's optical sight. What they saw is the platoon of Confederate soldiers attempting to secure an urban concourse, without warning those warriors' grenade-filled bandoliers shine brightly through ember and soot-filled air Kyle knew that it was. "They're going to blow!?" Confused as to why, Kyle did not receive any respite to ponder this thought rudely interrupted by a staccato of red bolts fired from Confederate rifles. Kyle twirls behind cover with all the elegance and agility of an figure-skating athlete, holding weapons across breastplate beneath the hololithic projector beneath the Reinforced Duraplast gorget wrapped around throat. "Hold your fire!" A distorted voice presses through their annunciator with a rich animal snarl, Kyle had not come to fight the Confederate Marines though it took every ounce of child-soldier ingrained discipline for the augmented supersoldier to ignore the hot and oppressive blood-boiling compulsion that floods with adrenaline through veins like corrupting poison, urging this former Death Trooper to ply their sinister craft, sate the buzzing ticking encouragement that cracks up brain stem in an urge towards slaughter.

Hazel spheres dare a glance around the proud tall oak that had graciously protected the comparatively smaller Death Trooper from a blistering rain of searing red blaster bolts. Kyle witnesses the Echani, Mandalorians and Confederates fall into a bloody melee that for a moment is observed in a quiet almost reverent silence the soldiers not heeding or noticing the impending detonation of their own munitions. Clambering onto their feet, Kyle holds rifle in one hand its' barrel besides knees reaching for a collapsible force pike. "Centaris!" The Coruscant Security Force Officer calls out towards Alkor metallic din filled with wrath albeit not hatred. "Look out!" A fireball expanded around the melee swallowing its' participants like a hungry rancor in an ostentatious explosion that sent out a shockwave that Kyle charges courageously through with reckless abandon completely undeterred from their advance. The warriors who once stood within the courtyard of buildings are no more, their ashes scatter without consequence like leaves on a stiff unpleasant hot breeze. Even through their Security force-issued powersuit Kyle perceives the overwhelming warmth.

After a short and blisteringly fast sprint, Kyle arrives at the site of that earth-shaking explosion and finds a sarcophagus of violent dark energy pulsing around a charred figure who is barely recognizable as the former Warmaster. Kyle is left paralyzed for a moment studying this caccoon forged from death that swirls around Alkor the tortured wailing incorporeal visages of Confederate warriors contort and writhe in a disgusting tortured mosaic. Those faces shed away from Centaris, finding their home back in the soil this prompts Kyle to issue a warning to those frightened Mandalorians who desperately scramble away from Alkor. "Run, you idiots!" Most acquiesce and many fall all the same as Centaris pursues those that flee, with Kyle pursuing Centaris in turn circling around the man steadily intentionally failing to intercept the possessed Alkor. "Throne of Sieger, this man's bladework is beautiful." Kyle reflects on Centaris' movements, though the former is not force sensitive their nervous system possessed sufficiently subtle and artisan augmentation to precisely study each of this master's movements it is something Kyle could not help but appreciate even as Alkor cut down no less than three fleeing Mandalorian warriors before finally turning to face Kyle, although in truth the rage-drunk Centaris is more focused on the building behind this new and strange armoured figure.

Here the two warriors stood in the ruins of a scarred and broken courtyard, floor littered with ferrocrete debris and ashes belonging to those who had been freshly incinerated. Kyle's hands are fastened tightly around an active force-pike the metallic shaft wrapped in a tight sheath of crackling indigo energy. An explosion rings out from a window above tiny pieces of wood, metal and ferrocrete rain down over Kyle with audible ding and klang against their armour. Centaris' new foe did not lash forward or attack but began by simply delieving a formality with their cool dispassionate metallic voice, almost droid-like in its' quality. "Alkor Centaris, stand-down and drop your lightsabre!" It was clear from the Powersuit's pennants and identifying iconography that the wearer belonged to some Paramilitary organisation, they are no Mandalorian or Echani that much is for certain. Their blade held low in a Taras Kasi guard, Kyle's thumb manipulates the power output of force pike with their thumb so as to be Non-Lethal. "Surrender, you're wanted on warrant on several homicide and genocide charges." The outwardly calm and cool Kyle contrasted heavily with the obviously furious Centaris who appeared as if he is prepared to murder his way through legions if necessarily. Kyle knew having witnessed Alkor's power and influence over the force that without their augmentations they would have stood no chance.

A crimson haze rolls through the concourse, the weak-willed had been driven mad in its' wake although this fact is yet unknown to the unwitting Kyle who stood boldly between the fury-drunk Alkor and their objective. A pair of warriors who Kyle does not recognise save for some Confederate markings on their equipment flank the Mandalorian Warmaster, the Coruscant Sergeant studies them attentively for a moment before finally acknowledging their presence after being for so long fixated upon their target. "Do not obstruct me." One could hear a snarl worn on Kyle's hidden features, the caution is imposed with a stern mechanical tone as it echoes out through Durasteel annunciator to the pair standing on either side of Alkor. Their armour Kyle notes wordlessly is the ubiquitous warplate worn by Confederate Warriors, or atleast a distinctive branch for their military. Historically they'd proven to aid the Coruscanti people. The Sergeant respected that, and a little bit of it even manages to rise and push through their obstinate taciturn voice into outward tone. "A warrant has been issued by Coruscant Supreme Court for the arrest of Warmaster Alkor Centaris." The powersuit-clad Kyle wears a distinctive albeit scratched insignia belonging to the Coruscant Security Force on their left battered pauldron identifying Kyle outwardly as a member of what amounted to a Federal Paramilitary Law-Enforcement Gendarmerie, along with a 'Warrant Number' on the considerably smaller right which served as an identifier.

Before Kyle could continue a sinister all too familiar stinging chill climbs up their hardy polymer-bonded spine sending its' hairs erect against bodysuit. Kyle, a peerless warrior trained from childhood to serve, who had been gene-forged by the finest artisans to know no fear or instinct of flight felt something they had not felt in a very long time. Dread. "....Lord Graush?" That question rolls forth in an uncharacteristic bashful timidity, Kyle's knees bent and struggled not to collapse entirely. The sheer icy malevolence forces Kyle to turn away from Alkor and their allies to face a ruined stone doorway retreating from it steadily, awaiting for the monster concealed within darkness to emerge into the crimson coloured light of Eshan as it burns and a Star Destroyer wreathed in fire steadily plummets towards the surface like an executioner's blade threatening to fall and sunder the city beneath its' shadow. On the grounds of the ruined stone Echani concourse where no heroes dwell a titanic battle between six warriors is about to begin: Outcast, Knight, Scion, Ghost, Lord and Widow.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Eastern Eshan City (suburbs), Eshan[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Let’s Dance, Shall We?[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Attire: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Phrik Curiass, Bracers, Pauldrons[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Armament: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Echani Vibrosword (x2) LINK[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]CIS & Allies[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ME & Friends[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Tags: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Kyle Whir"] | [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"] | [member="Naedira Darcrath"] | [member="Lucien Rayne"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Post: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]4[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Not long passed before the Echani, filled with such an ire even a Sith would be jealous, stepped out of the building once more. The ill-fated red mist grew ever closer with each waning second and now threatened their very own position. The waning light of Eshan’s bright star cast an eerie crimson glow upon the cracked surface of Eshan’s crater as it refracted through the expanding sea of red. The crater, a scar levied upon it by the ruthless might of the Mandalorian Empire. It was dark and everything of the unfolding battle to be screamed of malcontent. Bodies now littered the world, both civilian and combatant. The were but husks of their former selves, mutilated by the savagery that came with war. It was a darkness brought upon their sovereignty by the overreach of the beskar clad mongrels and it was once they dreaded to relinquish. Eshan had become a testament to the what happened when brutish malevolence was allow to flourish unabetted. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]That misstep was now being corrected. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ryndrae reached deep within himself, allowing the power the Force bestowed upon him to fill him entirely. His aura, raw and untamed seemed to pulsate outward, threatening to consume all within its grasp. It would be metaphorically suffocating as it expanded. Further. Bigger. More powerful. Yet it stemmed from a man not present in the heart of the fight nearby. Instead, from the enraged Echani that stood away from it. For now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]His gaze shot toward the sky to meet the fiery abyss of a large, fractured warship plummeting toward the city. It bent and broke apart, spreading out in its descent to rain down in meteoric devastation upon the already mauled and maimed city. It was death incarnate, and it would have its fill. His eyes flashed a vibrant red-orange hue, as he allowed himself to be swallowed into the Darkside. To feel the warmth of Bogan’s embrace. His muscles tensed and his dropped, angled outward from his side. His palms cupped with crooked fingers. His knees were bent and a breeze caused his long, white hair to whip about wildly. Still, though, the Force was gathering within him. Such power pleading and screaming to be let loose. Such force empowered by a pain and a hatred he once believed unfathomable yet erected within him by the slights levied against his people. Against his family.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Mandalorians had brought about this fate and they would suffer for it now. Such death to achieve nothing. To place a puppet on the throne. To outright mock it by the puppet being a male in a matriarchal society. It all added to the enormity of emotion that brewed within him. It threatened to erupt from him and explode. It threatened its escape from him to forge its own path of vengeance. And it would be so soon enough.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]His fiery eyes flashed to the red wave of malevolence once more as he continued to take in more and more of the Force. A crash thundered out as a fragment of shrapnel, consumed by raging fire, barreled into a nearby building, cleaving it in two. The building was ripped apart, sending fiery bits of debris and new shrapnel in new directions before finally impacting into the torn earth with a concussive force the whipped his hair about once again. It was the tipping point and all in a single blast of Force energy, the man erupted. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A blood curdling yell bellowed out of him as his arms shot forward unleashing a massive wall of Force energy. It would drive forward like a tidal wave of concocted of sheer power hell bent on driving out anything within its path not secured to Eshan’s surface itself. It would impact the vile red sea of mist and force a fissure through it, separating it and pushing it to the sides and away. The mist would swirl about, threatening to become a cyclone before dispersing in a number of different directions before settling once more to slowly try to reclaim its lost territory. But, for now, there was time. The clash of the unmovable forces would soon come and time would show the victor. It would bestow who it was who was most deeply seated into their convictions.[/SIZE]

Location: Medical Camps
Objective: Survive Ambush
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Iapo Sim"] [member="Rato Hus"]

Pei was already moving before Luna ever shouted. Smoke grenade was launched down, to obscure where the commandos were exactly from the bolts. The veteran rushed forward, and pushed one of the recruits forward, as a blaster bolt slammed into the ground where they had been standing. “MOVE! Get to cover!” Rifle was pressed against his shoulder, as he jumped out of the smoke and began to fire. One, two, three. Each bolt hit it's mark. He dove behind some crates to avoid enemy fire. The plastic crates absorbed the blasts, but the acrid smell of the melting crate told him it wouldn't last for long. Letting his rifle rest on his shoulder, and he drew his vibro-blade. As Luna shot one of her attackers, he spotted another coming up behind her, trying to fire at her back. The man launched himself, and drove the blade right into the back of the would be attacker. “She is far too good a woman for you to kill in such a way, bastard.” He spat out. Turning the attacker around, he used the dead echani's body as a shield to absorb the blaster bolts.

Through the arms of the corpse he opened fire, rifle spewing it hot death at the fools desperate enough to try and take them out. There was simply no decent cover here. Try as he might, he alone couldn't protect everyone. By whatever divine beings there may be out there, he wished the Adjudant was here. She always had a habit of making sure everyone got home, with all those impressive force powers of hers. Oh well, there was no time for wishes.

Bodies of the echani fell, giving them a small reprieve. “Move! Move move!” Several recruits fell to the combined blaster bolts, and he gritted his teeth. Save the living, grieve the fallen later. Complete the mission. There was no other way. “Hold the area till our comrade has completed her task!"

Hoisting his blaster rifle, he took aim at a Mandalorian charging their position, t-visor in his sights. A little lower....a powerful blast, and rather than hit the heavy helmet, it ripped through the mostly exposed neck, the head coming off and rolling on the ground. He wouldn't be repeating that shot today, he didn't think.
Location: the CIS Medical encampment
Objective: Why are you here? (BYOO)
Allies: ME, [member="Helly Reyne"]
Enemies: Cis
Gear: In sig

It had not helped Cynthia as Helly lashed out. It only caused her to cry more as the crushing feelings weighed down. There was such conflict inside. Everything around seemed to move about lick clockwork, cold and calculating clockwork. That was only expected with droids. "One person." She said through shaky words. "It was one person who did that! And he will be punished for those crimes. DON'T YOU DARE CONDEMN THE ENTIRETY MY PEOPLE FOR ONE PERSON'S HORRID MISTAKES!" She said lashing right back out at Helly in anger, an anger that could be seen behind the teary eyes. "AND YES THE CIS ARE THE ONES ATTACKING!" Cynthia's stance had changed completely, fits clenched tight as aggression rolled off them. Each breath came out heavy as it went in. It took a moment to settle her self down remembering right now Cynthia was in what was considered hostile territory and that there was other camps around. "The plan was to apprehend the leaders. Gather their ledgers and find out where and who was buying salves. Against orders fire rained down, and another thing, My people are nothing like the sith or the first order."

Cynthia moved away a bit towards dull olive and heavy duty containers. She'd lean her back against them and slide down the red cape prevented the sound of metal scraping against metal. The Mandalorian woman lowered her head as the distraught emotions bared down on her. Almost as if she was being crushed by them. "If you was afraid Helly then why did you not let me protect you. You always had the choice of been part of our culture. I would never have forced it upon you. Same as we don't force our control on worlds. That's right Helly, CIS are attacking the Echani and not the Mandalorian's here. You came in force, the echani called Mandalorians here to aid them as an ally not a dictators. It's why there are echani fighting back against you."

The woman looked up to that beautiful face she had remembered so vividly. "It seems your leaders filled your heads with lies. While I can believe you may be here for relief effort, it does not make me any least suspicious why you land armies into a city rebuilding. Just think about it, what are your leaders hiding from the rest? What covered up motives do they have? At least with my people there are no secrets..."

A shadow became baring down over her face blocking the light. "Helly? Look." She said watching and pointing at the star destroyer crashing down in the direction of the city. It was then the grief was pushed back deep down and replaced with a scary feeling. "You want to help these people right?" Cynthia asked rushing to her feet and opening a coms channel. "This is Cynthia Solus, Alor of clan Solus. Any empty troop transports avainable I need at my position immidiatly." There was a quick response from a friend she did not know was here. [member="Sanya Val Lerium"], was sending hers as well as a walker to use for a moving medical base or to assist Civilains to get over rubble blocking their paths. Rushing over to Helly and taking hold of her shoulders. "I need you to ensure they wont be shot down, command what medical droids you can. Please. They bare the Inquisition Industries symbol on." She said with urgency. "There are two troop transports and a vehicle transport making it's way here now. And so you know our conversation isn't over. We will continue this later, first we need to help the people."
Location: Planetary Capital
Objective: Reconnect with allies
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire
Equipment: Lancelot (Link in Sig) Mini Power Lance Cay-Yo Uniform Durasteel Sword


Heard the horrible noise of something crashing through multiple buildings only then knowing he had been scooped up along with Lancelot by Madalena. Cay-Yo was completely disoriented by the events that followed. One moment he felt himself being pressed against Lancelot and Madalena to being completely alone being swept away by receding water. Cay-Yo was slammed against the concrete streets, stray starship panneling, droid parts, street signs, and a plethora of other objects of discernible nature. Then the Patitite was pressed into some sort of metal structure that tangled him up only briefly. When he was able to see what it was he discovered it was a heap of B1 chassis without limbs, most of which showed signs of incredible brute force damage with twisted or severed metal bindings. As the water receded more so into the lake Cay-Yo realized that he had been wounded on the left thigh by something in the water. There was no way of telling what had injured him but what was discernible was the glowing green, translucent, gel-like substance of Patitite blood oozing out of his wound. In the distance he could see the towering MTTs, it must have been some hundred or so yards away from him. A considerable distance to walk for a Patitite let alone one who had a leg injury.

The small warrior searched around with his right hand feeling around for his weapon when his fingers touched the hilt of his durasteel sword, good at least he could still put up a fight if he had to! His power lance was no where to be found, it must have gotten swept away as well. Cay-Yo wasn't sure if he could yell loud enough for the others to hear him over the thunderous noises of battle and destruction although he did give it a shot. His voice was wavering and soft. Being bashed around in the manner that he had just survived was strenuous as it was. Nearly drowning had taken his breath away so even now as he breathed freely it did not seem like he could get enough air in to say much of anything.
Location: Souther Eshan City, Eshan
Objective: Defend
Enemies: CIS and their allies
Engaging: [member="Khia Varad"]
Allies: ME and their allies

In those brief seconds the reload took, Talimet decided to return fire. It was a sign that she wasn't the helpless figure she had been before. Though she doubted her assailant thought that. If she had thought that, then the attack would not have happened.

Rookie, she might be to actual battle, the young Mandalorian was more familiar with hand to hand combat. Keeping her gun trained on Khia was difficult, but not impossible. That was until she lost sight of her. When that happened, she attempted to find her again and failed.

Khia having gone around the building, she was not able to follow her movement. However, she had seen where the figure had flown and turned to see the incoming grenade too late. In a way, she was blessed for having a low tech weapon. Her suit was something else though.

The not electrical systems would still function, but the others had been shorted out as her attacker expected. The lower tech devices she had would still work, but Talimet did not activate them and still kept her blaster trained on Khia.

There was one thing that could be said about Talimet, she wasn't panicking. As if she was in tune with everything around her, she moved and adjusted to everything. Even though her suit's systems were shorted out, she could use her senses and took her helmet off. It would be a detriment to keep it on and have it obscure her vision and hearing.

Long hair, pulled into a tail fell down her back and her weapon was once again focused on Khai. Letting out a sigh, she took several steps closer and fired at the target in front of her. The darkening skies had very little effect on her but might have caused her aim to be slightly off.

"Come and fight me on the ground."

This wasn't a game and their lives were at stake. Nothing was fair in this, but she hoped some honour was within this other Mandalorian and they could fight on even ground.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Location: Eshan City - Near the Bridge to the Palace
Equipment: Jedi Youngling Hand-Me-Downs | Training Lightsaber | Awesome Sour Jawbreakers
Fools Currently Suffering: #TeamCIS | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"]
Friends In High Places: [member="Vanessa Vantai"]

The kitten had come to believe Jedi must be useful for something.

To this point, he'd merely had no idea or conceptual basis upon which to make an educated guess just what that something might have been. Still, it made sense that the Jedi must exist within some niche of the greater cosmic ecosystem. That much seemed evident from even a cursory review of history. From what the boy had been able to glean, the galaxy was propelled by a series of events in which the Sith and the Jedi each tried to destroy each other. Neither ever succeeded, as their efforts inevitably resulted in an imbalance in the Force, which caused the Force to react to correct the imbalance. If this hypothesis was correct, then both the Jedi and the Sith were necessary within the current framework of universal metaphysics. The stronger any one of them became, it generated an equal and opposite reaction.

Put more crudely, the darkness would rise and the light to meet it.

Now, the boy at last had some frame of reference for just what the Jedi might be useful for. Piggy-back rides. He was enjoying this. And, in all his time with the Sith, you didn't see [member="Mythos"] offering him piggy-back rides.

The boy's tail swished behind him, flicking back and forth, even as the boy's head was turning this way or that in effort to try and see the things. All the things! Including the flash of light in the sky.

...wait, flash of light in the sky?

The boy's feline ears perked up, then flattened back. The child's head craned back, as his catseye pupils tried to focus on the point above. Who would put a giant laser pointer in the sky like that? Even before he'd been conscious of doing it, the kitten started scrambling up up Jerek's back in vain effort at getting closer to the point of light.

The point of light that was starting to get bigger.

And bigger.

New hypothesis: That was not, in fact, a giant laser pointer in the sky! This theory looked to be true, as the shape of a star cruiser began to appear above the clouds.

"Micah! Put up a protection bubble around us!"

Normally, the boy would object to being told what to do -- especially by a Jedi -- except in the present circumstance, the young Cathar would tend to agree with the proposed course of action. With Jerek holding his feet, the boy stood straight and made a large arm circle that concluded with his hands folded together in front of his chest. The youngling took a breath, as he tried to orient his Force Sense along the various ley lines of Force currents that were available.

Then his hands parted. The child's fingers executed a series of obscure signs and gestures, as the boy began softly uttering an incantation in the ancient language of the Sith. The Dark Side of the Force swelled within and around the boy, tenuously stretching out as though to envelope Jerek and the Mandalorian girl in it's shadowy grasp.

The Cathar's eyes rolled back in his head. He felt his body slipping away into the abyss, as his mind's eye was propelled into the Force. The child's feet lifted away from Jerek's hands, as the boy began to levitate toward the center of where the Protection Bubble was beginning to form. A Sith Rune shimmered along the ground. The child snapped his arms out, parallel to the ground, as his palms were flat -- as though pushing out against the invisible dome that now snapped into being.

The initial crash was buffered by the barrier put in place by the Mandalorian girl, mitigating the force of impact that made it to the kitten's shield. Within the sphere, the child's haunting Sith incantation continued to echo as the boy channeled Sith Magic through his body. The last time he had used this spell, it had been Ossus and he had faced a great flood wave.

As if on cue, a sudden swell of water crashed against the boy's shield. The waters broke over the barrier, revealing the shape and contour of the shield as they flowed down along the invisible field. As the waters began to subside, the boy's bubble burst as the kitten collapsed onto Jerek's back, sliding listlessly toward the knee-high water as he passed into unconsciousness.
Objective: Scourge
Location: City Outskirts
Wearing: Mandragoran Armor, Light Shield Bracelet, Lightsaber, Two knives
Allies: CIS, Mandragora, @Rhaellor, [member="Fawn Alzi"], @Asher Mossa, @Veronika Fleischer, Eshan Peoples
Enemies: @Grosck Bah'azet

While Gorsck thought about exactly what he was going to do to Kasca's body once he actually got a hold of her, the Witches did their work. Asher joined them atop one of the Daoshim and they waited. She was glad of the extra witch present. She knew their enemy would eventually lose his temper and stop thinking of... whatever he was distracting himself with, and attack. By then, the witches would be done with what they had needed the shield for and it wouldn't matter that it would come down. So Kasca began working on another spell, using the electricity charged by the lightning storm conjured by Veronika.

By the time he fired grenades at the shield, it was poorly enough maintained that some of the grenades hit and the shield went down. The rest of the grenades were thrown high into the air by Fawn Alzi. Kasca felt the ripple of energy dissipate as the shield came down and added its energy to her spell. There was almost a warped look to the air around her hand. As the shield came down, she seemed to throw something, but it wasn't visible to anyone. What could it have been? Only when the smell would reach the brutes nostrils would they understand (if they were able to smell the faint odor). Lightning crashed down and ignited the gas that had been sent at the enemy, engulfing them in flames of obscenely high heat.

While Veronika was concentrating on water, Kasca was fire. She fed the flames and the heat, hoping to roast the brutes and their weaponry.

Location: The Capital, Eshan
Accompanying: [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Tag: [member="Kaine Australis"]

How long would he play with the appetizer?

There was the Mandalorian conquest. Something that was pristinely out of character for a warmachine of their caliber. Though the battle was yet young, the rallying cry uttered by the Mandalorian warriors was not that which he expected. Not that which he desired. When Darth Metus was a younger man, a battle like this would have inspired him to look to his liege. He would have fought tooth and nail, waiting for the arrival of his Sole Ruler to appear on the battlefield. In the present, there was no such timely arrival. There was no advent of the Infernal to rally her dogs around her feet. The prey he wanted to appear eluded him; and in her place he was given a pest which buzzed about the air. The armor-clad target before him was no greater than a wasp - irksome and worth only being swatted away. As each passing moment of their bout raced by, that fact became concrete in the Sith's mind. For the "Warmaster" displayed a hidden talent - the Force was with him.

Yet no hasty tutelage would ever stand in the way of a Sith Lord and his Apprentices. Not by a long shot.

For an instant, the Sith's teeth grit against one another as the Warmaster danced his way out of his grasp. He weaved and bobbed through the air like an insect, before diving for the surface once more. His assault on the ground watch matched by the Cin Bes'uliik following after, roaring as swiftly as it could by the might of its engines. And to match it, the Vicelord was taking aim once more. Not with telekinetics, mind, but with something a touch more effective. He spared a thought to the safety of his apprentices and the Echani monarch - but he quickly dismissed the notion almost as quickly as it came. For [member="Adron Malvern"] had heard his command to keep the Exarch alive. [member="Srina Talon"] was no pushover. [member="Darth Tacitus"] was a literal Demon. And her majesty, [member="Spencer Jacobs"], had been a personal tutor to the Vicelord a lifetime ago. With such might upon the ground, Darth Metus thought he could focus on the task at hand.

An incantation began to hiss from his lips as the Dark Side fell mightily upon his shoulders. His comm buzzed with a cry from above - a ship had been captured? but he ignored it and focused upon the "Warmaster" once more. With an outstretched hand, the magick flared into being: a web of dazzling energy erupted about Kaine's form as he tore through the skies. The energy kept apace with his momentum, attempting to coil about his body and prevent further movement on his part. And once he fell victim to its grasp, the Force would no longer be his ally. Technology would no longer be his saving grace. He would Fall, just like the regime he so desperately supported. As the Vicelord worked his magic, additional forces from the ground took to the skies. Barons continued to unfurl and rise, meeting those beskar-clad supporters of the "Warmaster" head on. For a moment, a symphony of blasters and rockets roared above and about the Vicelord - but he moved after his prey undeterred.

That is, until the screams erupted into his helm. Warning after warning blared onto his HUD as he finally spared a second's worth of attention towards his surrounding. What he found was more than a flank or some fortification falling - but rather the sky itself had become their adversary. The Sith looked up, eyes widening at the sight of a burning Star Destroyer plummeting towards the surface. The report which he had ignored earlier had now reared its ugly head. The Mandalorians captured a Star Destroyer and were now crashing it to the surface! Did they truly believe themselves the heroes? Did those thousands who leapt at the word of the "Warmaster" truly think themselves the preservers of Echani life?! No. No. Darth Metus knew better. He was born and raised by Mandalorian hands - he knew exactly what they were. They saw Eshan as nothing more than another cog in their warmachine. They saw the Echani people as martial and worthy of conquering. Assimilating.

The Mandalorian Empire was no different than their predecessors. They were no different now than they were under the rule of Ra Vizsla. They cared not for any soul except their own. The fact that they dared spew such "heroic" rhetoric over the comms was despicable. Darth Metus had expected that those who threw around the word "honor" like it meant something would actually exercise some shred of it. But rather, they threw around propaganda to the last breath. They would die to the Confederate blasters and bombs, screaming that the Southern Systems were the villains - when it was them who were sentencing a city to death. When it was them who bombarded them. When it was them who brought nothing but death and dismay upon Eshan since the moment they entered the system. The Mandalorians were nothing more than bloodthirsty conquerors. And just like the Galactic Empire...Just like the Jen'ari Empire...the Vicelord would not rest until he saw them cut down.

But in this moment, his reliance upon the might of Adron, Tacitus, and the Matriarch herself waned. He remembered, for but an instant, that he was a mortal - and by extension so was his beloved apprentice. The Sith allowed the spell to burn a solid morsel of his reserves, thereby allowing it to continuously snake and pursue the "Warmaster" as he retreated through the air. And once the taxation upon his energy was made manifest, Darth Metus urged the Bes'uliik to the earth. The lumbering beast complied - dive bombing to the surface as quickly as possible, before skidding to a sloppy halt a few paces away from the Matriarch's party. Every second counted - and while his forces above (thank you [member="Derek Dib"]) were doing their best to address the crash down which capital weapons' fire, the impact would still be significant. There were many innocent who would die by this Mandalorian offensive - but among them would not be his apprentice.

The Sith didn't care for his own wellbeing. He didn't care if the Destroyer's remains struck him down. And though his Bes'uliik had enough common sense to raise its shields in defiance, the Vicelord focused the whole of his focus on the Matriarch's group. He raised a Ward of Protection around them as quickly as he could, hoping that this would be enough to spare them from harm. The ground shook underneath him. The open comm began to fill with the screams of the innocent. The Mandalorian Empire would answer for this this cowardice. But first, he would ensure that his Apprentices and their Charge lived.


Objective: Scour Eshan of Mandalorian Presence.
Location: Eshan's Capital City - Ruins -> Palace Road - > Echra Corp Ruins.
Allies: The Golden Company, Thyrsians, The Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Nearby: [member="Eyros"]
Enemies: The "Mandalorians."
Nearby: Unknown.
Gear: See Link in Signature.


As the vehicle housing the bodies of the fallen raced through the tectonically ruined portions of the city, Khonsu allowed his eyes to chase after it until the transport vanished from sight. His jaw clenched tightly as he watched the mechanical steed recede into the distance, leaving him with the unpleasant sensation of rows of pearlescent enamel grinding against enamel. That feeling lingered, long after the speeding machine was gone. Those were his people; dozens of them. They were driven forth and butchered like cattle; the collars around their necks acting as improvised explosives. He would make those who’re responsible pay. There was no longer an accord between him and the Echani people, let alone the Mandalorians that occupied this world. They had aroused the wrath of a lion, and it would not be sated until both Eshan, and Mandalore themselves drowned in the blood of their own people.

However, that was a future that would have to wait -- as Khonsu’s train of thought was disturbed by a forced connection with his orbiting flotilla. The image was distorted by the ambient factors lingering in the atmosphere, but the rendered image was that of Astarii Saren; his newest acquisition upon ascending to Thychani Commander. Her features, distorted as they were painted dark portents on the words that would soon spill forth from her thinly-pressed patrician lips. “Sire,” the Hapan woman began. “We’ve encountered a plethora of new Mandalorian transponders flooding into the system; placing us between the occupying forces and their reinforcements.”

Khonsu growled. “That merely makes the orbital action a target rich environment, Trierarch.”

Her features sagged, slightly, and the Thyrsian believed that she let out a heavy sigh in response. She always liked taking command whenever Khonsu or his predecessor was absent from the Angelus. Even now, amongst the bespeckled void, that woman relished the battle between the two giants, Yet, there was something in her distorted voice that caused the Sun Guard to devote the entirety of his attention to her garbled transmission. He questioned her on the hesitation in her voice; to which she responded in kind.

“Sire… We’ve caught wind of a Destroyer-Class vessel falling from orbit. Apparently, they were boarded and were unable to repel the invaders. Its present trajectory is headed towards the surface, and likely will catch our forces on the ground in the shockwave. I’d advise immediate extraction until the tectonic quakes subside.”

“There’s no time, Astarii. We’ve come too far away from our beachhead to make it out before the Destroyer impacts. We’ll simply have to hold fast and pray that the city doesn’t come down on top of us.”

She scoffed, before offering an amused smirk. “You’re a damned fool, Khonsu. You’re lucky I like you. Very well then. We’ll do our best to ensure the battle remains in our favour in orbit - you do your damndest to stay alive. You owe me a drink, after all.”

It felt hollow, but Khonsu allowed the barest hint of a smile to peel back his darkened lips. With that gesture, the tight-beam transmission was severed, and the Sun Guard’s visor filled with pulsating warning runes that dragged his gaze towards the heavens. It was there that he saw the doomed vessel, caught within the planet’s gravitational embrace. There was no stopping this cataclysm, not with what the Golden Company had in their formidable arsenal. They would simply have to bunker down and ride out the coming destruction however possible. While the bulk of his forces were securing their landing zone, the man worried little for their collective safety as they controlled a majority of the Thyrsian’s propriety shield pylons. They’d be well protected once that carnelian barrier projected itself amongst the blasted lands.

That left him to concern himself with his Vanguard, and the various Outrider elements racing through the city’s panicked streets.

As the vessel, which would come to be known as the Hermes, spiralling towards the surface of the planet, Khonsu became a dervish - moving with all the alacrity his armour could provide him; all the while ordering his forces into cover. Following his commands to the best of their abilities, the gilded, towering walkers of the Sun Guard began lumbering towards the nearest structure that matched their respective heights. While their deflector screens would be able to safeguard them from many threats; orbital debris and the resulting shockwave might prove to be too much. The soldiers, who found themselves bereft of transport, rushed towards the various cargo lifters and withdrew the giant crystalline apparatus’ within.

Wordlessly, those that gathered the pylons activated their grating repulsor-fields and began its animation cycle. It wasn’t long after the sequence began that the armoured column was engulfed within a crackling plasmatic barrier.

Ubambe!” Khonsu shouted in his native tongue, as the false-firelight of his visor swivelled towards the heavens; watching as the fragmenting destroyer hurtled towards the city. The cry was echoed throughout the ranks of the Sun Guard, becoming increasingly more agitated as they carried on - waiting to see if death’s cold embrace would collect their souls. Instead, their bodies remained warm and rife with vitality beneath the projected curvature of the collectively generated shields. In lieu of being struck dead by the so-called messenger of the ancient and forgotten gods, they would be saved; despite the majority of the Planetary Capital would suffering in response. The Sun Guard smiled, darkly, at the thought. It wasn’t planned, nor was it anything that the Thyrsian could’ve expected.

As the first chunk of orbital debris hit, Khonsu and his men braced for the coming destruction. But, instead of where weaker men quaked in their boots as the skies rained fire -- Khonsu began to laugh.

| [member="Gaius Cadera"] |​
Post: 3​
Allies: Cuddles the Rancor, Clans of Mandalore and our allies, [member="Valdus Bral"]​
Enemies: CIS and their allies, any CIS trying to get into the Palace​
Cuddles - Survive​
Azure - Heal the wounded​
As Azure wandered between the civilians and injured soldiers, singing her songs of healing to the injured. The witch was oblivious to the goings on outside, Cuddles was not. Cuddles stood watch dutifully at the palace doors, ready if anyone should drop in front of her. What the Rancor was not prepared for, however, was a star destroyer falling from the sky. She quickly went inside the palace, and watched as the Bral soldiers got washed inside by the tidal wave. Cuddles let out what seemed to be the closest thing to a laugh a Rancor could make, as Azure ran into the entry hall of the Palace, alarmed.

"I hear the noise outside, what in the Goddess' name happened out there?" Azure helped up any struggling soldiers, inspecting them for injures at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Allies: CIS | Echani | [member="Ryndrae Talon"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Naedira Darcrath"]
Enemies: United Clans of Mandalore | Mandalorians | Thrysians | [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"]
Location: Outskirts of the Former Capital, Ruins
It had taken Ajax several moments to track down his quarry after having lost sight of the Mandalorian around a corner. Smeared blood covered the edge of the corner, small spatters along the cracked duracrete. "I winged him. Huh. Must be a little rusty." the Echani mumbled. The men who'd joined their fearless leader in the drop had begun to converge on his location, a raised voice greeting them. "I tagged one, now it's time to bag 'em." A sloppy grin spread across his pale features, at least for a moment.

A violent shout erupted from behind the man, just in time for him to look back over his shoulder and see an expulsion of debris headed right towards he and his men. Not even time to let loose a profanity, Ajax unceremoniously dropped to the ground. Less than a second later, large chunks of duracrete, wood, metal, and dirt assailed him. Relentless, the Echani grunted as a particularly large chunk of trash slammed into his ribcage. *Mother karker that hurt.* A scowl of disgust snaked across his lips. Frantically he tried to locate the source of the debris, unsuccessful. With a frustrated growl he shoved himself to his feet, attention flicking back towards the bloodstains. "Aww, didn't want to stick around for the party?" Ajax almost sounded genuinely disappointed. The stray sound of gravel scratching revealing the man's quarry.

Slowly, methodically he approached a corner that led into a shattered alleyway, glass and broken crete scattered amidst a healthy spattering of blood. Eyes ablaze with madness, Ajax rounded the corner to a pitiful sight. The stench of blood and piss mingled with the burnt ozone and sulfuric aroma that gripped the ruins of the capital. "Not today, Wermo." His tongue bit deep, twisting the Mandalorian's language against him. A boot found the opaque faceplate of the fallen man's helm, a violent sneer ripping across Ajax's face. "Sucks to suck." he said plainly as he leveled the scattergun nearly point blank between the chin and breastplate of the beskar armor. "Sayonara, kid."

The subtle depress of the trigger sent a cacophonous echo coursing through the broken alley and back out into the street. The deed had been done - one of them by any account. Streaks of crimson rained down upon Ajax's armored shoulders. Bathed in a shower of grit and gore he cried unto the heavens, eyes closed and mouth agape - all would hear his rage this day. Upon opening his eyes, a different fate than that of glory greeted him. Yet on the outskirts it would not be the epicenter of destruction, his eyes got as round as dinner plates. Above them, in the sky, a scourge the likes he'd never seen. A vessel the size of a small city was descending - near to ground even. The rumble shook the skies, the sound of roaring engines threatened to snap his ear drums - and then the cataclysmic concussion of the impact.

The next thing Ajax was aware of, acutely aware of, was the burning in his lungs. A violent cough sending an amalgamation of blood and dust to the ground. Painful blink after blink in an attempt to see. Everything hurt, everything looked a tinge of red. "How's that for an entrance?!" Ajax barely managed to squeak out. *My weapon.* He reached out numbly towards what looked like a scattergun. *Yes, that's mine.* Ajax fought against the urge to wretch, his body suffering from the colossal impact the spacefaring vessel had thus created. Dizzied, he stumbled to his feet. "What in the hells..." he muttered as he surveyed the landscape. He hadn't thought it could get worse - he was wrong.
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Eshan City, Outskirts
Objective: Support Naedira
Tags: [member="Naedira Darcrath"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Ryndrae Talon"]

As Naedira stepped in front of Lucien, he drew his spear up while leveling his eyes on the woman before him. He trusted her, to some degree, yet the uncertainty in her voice left him on edge. How the hell do you not know someone can do this? His mind questioned, yet his lips remained firmly fastened as he watched the man crash out in waves of power and strength. Lucien was captivated at the display yet by the time his mind came to his Master was calling out to him. They were surrounded, but those who assaulted were not Mandalorians. He stood by his master as she spoke, warning these warriors to stay back. As she took to her weapon and the Echani charged, Lucien stepped away from her, moving to the side to create a birth between them. It may have seemed he was trying to distance himself from her, he was. Cold steel took to the air in a wide arch, fast and deliberate the tip of his spear came down just as the Echani warrior charged for him. He stopped the man in his tracks, confident eyes set upon the silver warrior while he offered a pompous smirk. "I hear you're good warriors." The man who stood before him held a blade, so pristine it almsot appeared to be formed from crystal.

The Echani said nothing, merely ran his thumb over an activation pad causing his blade to give off a low hum. So this was the Vibroblade these weapons were known for? He glanced down to the tip of his spear. It should hold up to a vibroblade from some time, due to it's Phrik edge. However, there was no telling how long that would be.

Thought was abandoned as Lucien charged forward, drawing his extended spear under his arm before thrusting out in one, excellent motion. The Echani did not even bother meeting the attack with his own blade. Instead with the grace of the wind, the warrior spun, allowing the spear to pass by him harmlessly. That was when Lucien fealt the hilt of the man's sword slam into his face. Although his head swung to the side, he lashed out with his left arm. A wide sweep whiched forced the Echani warrior back out of Lucien's space. Bringing his spear level in his hands the man focuesed his gaze on the warrior. He'd dodged Lucien's attack and broke his defenses in a fraction of a second. Bastard's fast. The Knight muttered. They began a paced stalk, circling each other as their steps slowly began to meld into one. Lucien was the one to break the trance-like movement as he cleared the space between them. His legs were wide as he straffed forward, bringing his spear up to carve through the man's skull. He met only air. So he would draw back and thrust forward again and again, still finding nothing but wind. The Echani would shift his torso, rapidly bringing the base of his sword up to deflect the spear at each and every turn.

At his final thrust, the Echani warrior grabbed the staff to his spear, bringing his foot up in a sweeping motion. The slam into Lucien's neck was jarring. So much so that he released his spear and stumbled away from the man. What came next was hot pain, rushing into his shoulder. Lucien had not seen the shallow cut into his shoulder, yet he felt it. He watched as the Echani warrior casted his spear back, behind him. The Knight's face was contorted in confusion when he saw the warrior's silver blade had been stained with crimson. He stood, injured and unarmed with this warrior's hawk-like gaze fixated on him. Even now the man stood as if nothing had changed, he was going to kill Lucien.

Everything that came next was a sordid mess as far as Lucien was concerned. The Echani warrior charged forward, but in the next moment the ground quaked and everything around Lucien seemed to crack away. The debris fell, hard and fast, one of the pieces slamming into the man's shoulder. Luckily it had slammed into a tree jsut before hitting him, so it did not hold enough velocity to sever through him. Still hurt like hell though. Lucien was thrown to the ground where he watched the Echani warrior duck down in fear. A large, metallic, piece of rubble slammed into him. Lucien watched as his torso was effectively seperated from his legs. In a mad panic he began to crawl away from the bloody sight. "What the kark!" He back up, his eyes rising to the sky which appeared to be shattering into flaming pieces above them. "What the hell is going on?!" He watched as another piece of debris rushed down right for him. In fear, he drew his arms over his face, preparing for thei nevitable.

The metallic debris slammed into the side of an invisible barrier, causing Lucien to look up, only to find his master standing before him. He looked panicked, who wouldn't? Naedira. Of course he could not see her face, but even now he had no misconceptions of her abilities. She was incredible. An inferno had raged over them. It had, until his master bent and shaped it to submission until finally all that remained was nothing. As it was extinguished, Lucien pushed himself to his feet, his body still aching from the blade wound in his shoulder. He listened to his Master and nodded softly. "Right..." His right hand was light, empty and that was when he arched a brow. "Where did my...." When he looked up to search for his spear he found only a pile of rubble, which he stared at blankly for a moment before.....This.

When Lucien turned his master had bled back into the field of battle. He needed to find his spear, now.
[SIZE=12pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Upper Eshan Atmosphere → Eshan Surface[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Disable Landing Acclamator-class Assault Ship ([member="Premier William Harris I"])[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Attire: [/SIZE]Flight Suit[SIZE=12pt](w/ Helmet & Gloves)[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Armament: [/SIZE]KC-95 “Ace of Spades” Blaster Pistol
[SIZE=12pt]Ship: [/SIZE]T-77 'Talon' Stealth Interceptor
[SIZE=12pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]CIS & Allies[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ME & Friends[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Tags: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt][member="Premier William Harris I"] | [member="Caesar Kenway"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Darth Novus"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]Post: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]4[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=12pt]The eight Talons continued to open fire on the engines of the unescorted Acclamator with a salvo of ion cannon fire. The goal was to disable the ship’s engines completely and send it harmlessly careening to Eshan’s surface below. It may not have been able to completely negate the strength in whatever the vessel carried to the surface, but if effective, it should have at least been able to put a dent in it. At least here’s hoping it would. The icy-blue torrent continued to streak through the upper atmosphere on a collision course for the larger vessel. All eight of them focused on the same end game objective. Still though, they continued their descent, matching speed with the slower Acclamator to ensure they could award themselves with the amplest time possible. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Above them, the battle still raged onward. Lines comprised of a myriad of color painting the colorlessness of open space in bright contrast. Fire. Explosions. Exhaust trails. All of it contributed to the masterpiece steadily being put together. The crafty hand at work being an extension of war incarnate. Even the smoldering essence of fractured star destroyer joined in the cacophony be built, separating piece by piece as the vessels of the Confederacy attempted to minimize the devastation that would inevitably rain down upon the city. Turmoil had already rooted itself deep into Eshan, a result of the ongoing plight with the suppressed freedom of a world. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]More and more the destroyer fanned out as it broke into smaller and smaller pieces, allowing for the airstreams that wrapped the planet to sway its trajectory in whatever fashion they were able. And as the vessel continued to break apart into an ever-increasing amount of fragmented shrapnel, the meteoric storm created in its wake seemed hell bent on pulverizing the city. If it would have its way, it would fan the flames and seek to engulf the city into a sea of fire. The city already cried out in anguish from the abrasions the Mandalorians had already inflicted upon it. What further pleasure could evil seek than to press the issue until those abrasions festered into putrid wounds?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Inside the cockpit, alarms began to resound in a fanfare of despair. Proximity Alert! Proximity Alert! The command would repeat and repeat. Alden threw his gaze around in the cockpit; he could sense something sinister in the air, but could not find it with his naked eye. Perhaps it was a simple system malfunction, but that was unlikely as the Sky Marshal took every extra measure he could to ensure his ship was always as fit as it could be to operate a mission. That lead him to another option. One that was more likely the issue. Whatever was triggering the alarm was likely coming at him from a blind spot. Sensor would be able to detect objects approaching in those spots, but he wouldn’t physically be able to see them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]<<Saber squadron, on - >> He was cut off mid-sentence as he saw a fire laden object barrel through Saber-4 off his left flank. “Frak!” He screamed out in the cockpit as he felt the life vanish from existence and the once elegant fighter, become nothing more than a warped ball of smoldering wreckage. <<Stay sharp, watch your blind spots, but keep pressing the attack,>> he finally said as he yanked the yoke of his fighter hard to the right. The Talon pitched sharply in that direction, allowing Alden to narrowly avoid being clipped by another fragment that rained upon them from above. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He took almost immediate action to make contact with the Fortressa high in orbit above. ::OPCON. Saber 1. Saber 2 is down. Still engaging enemy Acclamator. Over.:: Just as the commlink closed, Alden caught another fragment of the wreckage clip into his view. He pulled hard on the yoke again, this time banking the Talon to his left. It was too late, though. The shrapnel that torpedoed in his direction clipped the rear of the right wing, cleaving a gash through the fin. Fire roared to life at the spot of impact, leaving behind it and thick trail of dark smoke. For the moment, he managed to maintain control of the ship, even in its crippled state. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Unfortunately, there was an uncertainty that the ship’s integrity would hold as the flames started to rapidly expand. The controls to lock and seize and the ship began to pull hard to his right. A moment more passed before he reached out with the Force to touch the minds of the remaining members of the squadron. <<Saber squadron, I’m hit. Controls are locking up and systems are starting to fail. Saber 2, it’s you squadron now.>> Almost immediately, he broke away from his attack and the formation that still fired upon the enemy ship, even as chunks of molten flaming shrapnel rained down all around them and their target. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]::OPCON. Saber 1. I’m hit and am being forced to eject. Saber 2 has the reins. Over.:: It was the last command Alden uttered before reaching down to the lever nestled between his legs. He closed his eyes, briefly, and took in a deep breath, before finally pulling the lever upward. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He hated this part. He always hated it. Ejecting was never fun and as he rocketed into the air, he watched as his ship spun in an uncontrolled swathe of fire toward Eshan’s surface below. Seconds passed before the vessel erupted into a plume of fire and smoke as it impacted the ground just outside the city. His parachute, however, was taking him into the city itself. To his left he could still see the remaining six Talons of his squadron engaging the Acclamator that descended to the surface below, praying they’d be able to finish the job before the ship got too low to the ground to take any truly susceptible damage. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]For now, all Alden could do was wait. He had no control over the speed in which his parachute allowed him to descend. All he could do was look on. See a red cloud of something being split in half by something unseen. The thunderous flam of a number of grenades resounding somewhere off in the distance. The flicks and flashes of stray blaster fire across scattered city blocks. It seemed even the bridge that led to the palace hadn’t be able to escape the wrath of war and the cruelty of Mandalorian conquerors. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As he neared the surface, it became evident that he wasn’t going to be landing on the ground somewhere this time. No, it seemed that a rooftop landing was on the agenda for today. Not the quaintest of places to land, but he couldn’t argue over the merits that it certainly beat dying. He had no intentions of dying. At least not today.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]And so, he braced himself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]His feet hit first and he quickly allow his knees to bend to absorb the as much of the impact as possible, trotting a few paces before coming to a stop. He quickly severed the parachute’s connection to his harness, ensuring that a stray gust of wind would not take him tumbling off the roof. Next, he took of the harness, allowing himself a freer range of movement. Finally, he reached out with the Force, desperate to find someone or something familiar. Meanwhile, he felt down to his side to assure himself that his firearm was still snuggly in its holster. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]As his mind reached out, he was comforted in realizing that his master, Adron Malvern, actually appeared to be close by. Directly beneath his position, actually. <<Master,>> he said as his mind brushed against that of Adron’s. <<What’s the situation? My ship was destroyed.>> He reached upward and removed his helmet, tossing it carelessly down to his side. He then removed his gloves and tucked then into a pocket, all while approaching a door and making his way into the building from the rooftop. [/SIZE]

Saber 1: Destroyed
Saber 2: 100%/100%
Saber 3: 100%/100%
Saber 4: Destroyed
Saber 5: 100%/100%
Saber 6: 100%/100%
Saber 7: 100%/100%
Saber 8: 100%/100%
Location: Eshan – Medical camp
Allies: [member="Pei Ven"], [member="Rato Hus"], [member="Iapo Sim"]
Objective: 2 – Survive
Fighting With: Echani loyalists and space debris
Post: #3
Equipment: SC4 Repeater, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Commando Armor

With the firefight in full swing now, Luna was extremely thankful to see that the majority of her Dauntless had been able to find cover of some kind in the exposed space. Some were able to cower behind durosteel crates and others were clearing out tents and using them for cover. The enemy had begun to slowly swing more into a semi circle of fire around the squads, or what was left of them. There wasn’t any fire coming from behind the Dauntless anymore, which was a small relief to the commander. At least they wouldn’t have to be constantly looking over their backs for now, while the mounted laser was still firing away from the tower.

That thing was objective number one at this point. The longer that they let that thing continue to eat into their line, the more likely it would be that they would quickly be pushed back, or worse. To her right, she could see Pei covering her back, as usual, giving her a sense of slight relief momentarily to know her comrade was fine.

For now, she had no idea how many people were still alive. The area was in chaos, though she could hear through the comes that Pei, Iapo, and her sergeant were all still alive and kicking. Reports of casualties were starting to come in, though there was no way to know how accurate they were with everything going on.

Luna needed to focus on the moment and staying alive, however, and the first step to doing that would be taking out the tower. Earlier, she had time to line up a shot to try and kill the gunner in one shot, but now there was so much fire coming from the that tower that taking time to line a shot up wouldn’t be happening.

Instead, a thermal detonator was pulled out of a patch on her belt, primed, and hurled in the direction of one of the main struts underneath the tower. It bounced once..twice..three times before settling up against the metal. And one second later that grenade exploded, annihilating the strut, as well as blowing the echani near it forward and to the side, sent flying by the shockwave. The tower leaned back and forth momentarily before collapsing forward, the top of it crashing on top of a few echani who were none the wiser that their covering fire location was now falling on top of them.

The commander grinned to herself lightly, knowing that the tide was slowly turning in the Dauntless’s favor at this point. With Iapo turning a few slam droids to their side as well, hopefully, that would mean the squads would be able to escape this with minimal losses. Which for the situation they were in only a few minutes ago, would be a best case scenario.

At least, those were the thoughts going through Luna’s mind moments before noticing something in the horizon of the sky. It looked almost like…falling stars. Something Luna assumed to be pieces of debris from fighters falling to the surface. Nothing too big and it looked to be a ways off from their position anyway.

Then it all changed. The debris got larger, and larger, until it looked like huge pieces of a capital ship were falling out of the sky. And they were no longer just falling a far distance away.

They were falling right on top of them.

The first large piece struck the ground right outside of camp, slamming into the ground with a force that shook Luna off of her feet and landing her on her rear. The force all kicked up a large amount of dirt that came colliding through the camp, effectively throughing the firefight into chaos as visibility came to a halt. Luna only had a moment to scream into her mike, “Find overhead cover!! Wherever you can! Switch your masks to ventilation now!!,” before more pieces slammed into the earth, causing the feeling of an earthquake to shake through everyone.

Luna couldn’t see a thing. The dust was too blinding, even with her visor pulled down, and she barely heard the sound of something falling extremely close to their location. It struck the ground, sending a shockwave forward and throwing the commander forward with the force of the impact, leading to her slamming into a stack of crates, hearing a sickening crack of her helment..and her head, before everything suddenly went quiet and dark.

The body of the commander laid now, unconscious, in the middle of the camp circle, as the chaos resumed around her. The shockwaves, earth movements, and fires started by the debris had sent the entire group of Echani and Dauntless into survival mode. Medical droids were trying, desperately and futilely trying to douse the fires. And in the middle of it all, unknown if anyone would see or recognize her with the soft dust covering and the chaos around her, the commander of the Dauntless forces laid, the darkness of unconsciousness consuming her mind.


Objective: Defend the Echani
Allies: ME forces
Enemies: [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member="Micah"] and CIS forces

Squad: 12 Mandalorian soldiers

Keeping things quiet, Fedrig ordered his men forward with sharp hand signals. As they moved they shot down any strangling CIS that were patrolling the area. Radio had informed them that there was a main group walking to the palace, however thirteen soldiers, no matter how good could take on 100+ droids and Force Users. Fedrig grumbled, he didn't like the idea of stepping away from a fight, even one with impossible odds. They should have taken a choke point that was the bridge and stood their ground. They could have lasted days from that point. However, they were further from the bridge than the CIS invading force.

Looking around, an idea formed in Fedrig's mind. If they attacked the CIS forces from behind, while they were on the bridge, it limit the number of forces that they could throw at them, prevent them adding to invading force if the defences of the palace put up a decent fight as they should. It was risky but all good plans came with a risk. Straightening himself up, he looked over to his men. "Boys, we're attacking the CIS forces from behind! Gives us a strong position to aid the forces defending the palace!" Fedrig smirked as his men roared their agreement. Better to fight and die with honour facing impossible odds than live and barely faced the action.

The squad made their way to the bridge, it was a decent distance away but Fedrig thought they were making good time to spring his trap. That was till one of his men shouted out. A massive Star Destroyer came falling from the sky, crashing into the lake surrounding the palace. The damage and debris being dropped down onto the city was intense. "Get into cover boys!" Fedrig barked as he dove out of the way from debris hitting him. There was a large quake and the sound of a tsunami as the Star Destroyer crashed into the lake. Debris finally stopped falling. Fedrig moved from his cover, "everyone report!" His men reported one by one they were alright, that was till Fedrig realised only 12 men called in. "Where's Lopus?! Lopus, report!" Fedrig growled. However, there was silence in return.

"Chit. We need to continue without him. Right, c'mon, we need to teach these sons of banthas that we will defend Eshan with our lives!" Fedrig growled in his deep voice as he charged his men forward. They made short work of the distance from their location to the bridge, however, the CIS forces seemed to have taken a blow from the tsunami, teaches them a lesson Fedrig thought. He spotted CIS forces on the beach nearby, "charge your weapons boys, time to kick these fools out of our territory!"
Location: Eshan [Just Outside of Eshan City-Makeshift Battlefield]
Accompanying: [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="Spencer Jacobs"], [member="The Avenger"], [member="Tellu Talon"]...And possibly others?
Allies: CIS + Eshan
Enemies/Frenemies: [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Aedan Miles"]

This battle was ill-begotten chaos.

They had barely stepped foot from their ships, barely moved their army, barely breathed the death-scented air before things started to spiral out of control. It was as if there was some sort of invisible hand pulling on the strings of fate in such a way that the bigger picture had been lost. Nothing made sense at all, not in the slightest, save for the fact that the Clans of Mandalore did not belong on Eshan. Their influence, no matter the level, was unwelcome.

It would always and forever be unwelcome.

She knew that her Queen was anxious to get to the heart of the problem. There was an ill-suited usurper sitting on the throne of their people. It was more threatening than some realized. It flew in the face of their culture, their beliefs, and their command structure. Eshan was a matriarchal society. It had been this way for the lives of her forbearers and those that came before them. A hundred, a thousand, times over. This…This was just another insult, another atrocity, in a growing list of grievances.

The brother of her father, Elessar, aided her is taking care of the wave of red smoke. It was a simple enough tactic but Srina was still apprehensive. She had willingly given her only rebreather to Spencer and she still hadn’t heard anything back from their sensors about the composition. That wasn’t promising. In the interim, [member="Kaine Australis"], seemed to have dodged the attack darkshear that [member="Darth Tacitus"] had thrown in his direction. He seemed to be dodging everything. How?

Silvery eyes narrowed when she realized that she felt the Light Side of the Force echoing gently from above. He was a madman, the Butcher of her people, and yet he moved with the light? He was an abomination. No amount of water would ever wash his hands from the innocent blood that he had spilled, and yet, he was blessed enough to draw strength from…from what? Some warped sense of peace?

Nauseating. Pure and simple.

Kaine took aim and shot again. Srina tensed, preparing to retaliate, but again her efforts were rendered unnecessary. The Queen sent the shots right back from whence they’d come. In that same moment, Mandalorian forces poured down from the skies like a hurricane of locusts. She lost sight of Kaine in the bedlam but his war cry echoed through the air. For Eshan? FOR ESHAN?

Every Sith had their vice. Greed, power, gluttony…For Srina? It was Wrath. Deep-seated, soul bending, unbridled ire. It took amazing amounts of hubris and abhorrent acts to draw it from her core. When it poured forth on the wings of something that belonged to the Netherworld there was no stopping it. Her hand slid beneath the deep blue cloak that hid slender shoulders to grasp the hilt of her weapon by the name of Icefang. A strong gust of wind blew up debris and dust as the sound of flapping wings registered in her ears over the sound of howling savages. She knew the sound of a dragon. More importantly—she knew the rider.

[member="Aedan Miles"].

He used the Force to amplify his words and Srina rose her hand to forcefully dispel the parlor trick that so many Force Users were fond of. She didn’t want to hear his declaration. His excuses. He, who had protected her, taught her—cared for her. He who had once referred to her as family. Aedan would know, despite her empty expression, that the sight of him turning his back on the history they shared would leave her unsettled. He would know that the knowledge of his involvement in this travesty broke her. He would know everything. Yet, here he stood. Against her will, an edge of something dark, a flicker of agitation, of fear, began to snip at the back of her mind. She could feel the invasion on her psyche as if he were digging phantom fingers into the base of her skull. Planting seeds of doubt and anxiety where they did not belong so that they might turn into paralyzing waves of paranoia and terror. It was unusual. New.

‘How could you, Aedan?’

….How could you?

Her telepathic words were the voices of many. All distraught. All intertwined. All true. The fear induced from Aedan’s ring was setting in like a winter frost taking hold. A sudden rush of power and courage pouring through her veins caused silver eyes to flare, burning, before they became tainted with amethyst. [member="Adron Malvern"], in his unknowing wisdom, had reminded her of one thing with his timely support via Battle Meditation. One, perfect, unassailable truth.

She was the Dread Queen of the Confederacy...And she was not alone.

“We will pass.”

One of her masked Dauntless Commandos stepped forward to assume the fight on her behalf. It was almost as if he sensed what could not be. Her beloved Queen requested that they deal with the issue and at that moment, she wished, she could oblige. There was no forgiveness for this. There was no amount of debate, apology, or posturing that would ever take away the revelation that among all the galaxy—one of the few that she trusted was willing to bear arms against her for avenging the death of her people. The Aedan Miles that she knew, the Pirate King, whom she held in high esteem in her own silent way…Was dead. Aedan, was dead.

In his place stood something that looked like him. Spoke like him. Yet, it was not him.

He was just another Mandalorian puppet.

She turned to allow [member="The Avenger"] room to pass by her right flank. Srina did not respond to anyone, only, to nod [member="Elessar Talon"]. He had volunteered to lead them through the masses to get the Palace and she would take him up on that offer. [member="Spencer Jacobs"] was in danger, here, no matter her strength. There were too many variables. Too many ways to come into contact with something she should not. Her Dauntless Commando, masked, and severe would never let her down. He would never succumb, he would never fall, and despite the dull ache that lingered in her chest at what such a victory would mean…She knew that the unnamed soldier would win. He knew his duty, moreover, he had made a promise.

Srina pressed forward and brought her hand to her armored chest, before letting her palm flow outward, releasing the curse of Te’Kyr. A large white feline seemed to spring from nothing and immediately latched onto the nameless Mandalorian soldier that stood before her. At first, he seemed confused, but then, he began to howl in pain while the spirit devoured anything it could to ravenously ingest the delicacy of Mandalorian Iron. The pale woman ignored him for now and instead engaged once of the Echani traitors that had arrived with [member="Kaine Australis"]. They dueled, briefly, but with each strike of Icefang her opponent seemed to move slower and slower. The light armor their kind favored was a mistake. By the time the male realized his warmth was being drained and that his body was being frozen—It was too late.

An almost furious blast of kinetic power shattered the pieces of the enemy that had been frozen and tossed back additional attackers. The Dauntless followed up behind her, dealing with her scraps, whilst they cleared a path. The amethyst energy from Adron still sang furiously in her veins. Her determination not to feel, to push everything away, was slowly starting to rub grief-stricken nerves raw. When a new group of fighters began to engage them the young woman she lifted a second weapon from a corpse. A vibroblade, her first weapon, and a complement to Icefang.

One of the warriors was twitchy, unpredictable, and seemed to enjoy creeping in and out of range. Srina leaped forward and cut at the exposed point of his upper arm. The counter was lightning fast and rather powerful. It would have struck her in the forearm if it hadn’t gotten caught in the guard of the vibroblade. This style was fluid, revolving around controlling the flow of battle, and both parties were fiendishly good at it. A blade lock followed, easily undesired, and the Exarch didn’t let it linger.

Srina pushed the pommel of Icefang out to her right so that the point arced left. She planned to get another thrust in but the other warrior pressed down, making contact with the vambraces at her forearms—though he made a mistake. He forgot to factor in the guard. Srina pushed forward, the cross lifted away from her arms, and the point of the cold-inducing sword bent toward her opponent’s chest. Her expression became fierce, and she threw it forward, using a display of strength to finish the job.

Wrath had boiled up again. Coming and going with the ebb and flow of Adron’s power. Before she took back her weapon, her hand flew forward with a downward swing, and a wave of cold overtook the nearest group of enemies. They had a moment to think. A moment to breathe—before absolute zero set in. The blue-hued Echani had artificially lowered their core temperatures, drastically, so that their bodies would cease to function. Fatal or not, at this point, it didn’t matter. They either were Mandalorian or working for the Mandalorians.

They were just as guilty. Just as culpable. If she did not fight, she would die. Her Queen may become overwhelmed. They were deluded. Senseless. Pityingly, in the way.

Right about then the light on the battlefield darkened again. Was someone eclipsing the sun again? Reports began to come through her comms like wildfire. Everyone was talking at the same time. Screaming. Panicking. Her eyes trailed upward as she dispatched another enemy, only to realize, that a ship was coming in hot and fast. The line kept breaking up. An enemy had taken one of their allies Star Destroyers to crash into the city? Srina could only watch in horror, before, bright lights came from nowhere. The large ship was hit directly and seemed to break apart in response. Regardless, before she could do much more, [member="Darth Metus"] dropped down beside her.

Not far away from the others he also shielded the rest of their allies when the flaming debris came down. Srina could see the dust, the blinding light, and the ground tembled while pieces of the capital ship rained down over their heads. She couldn’t see outside of the ward of protection and instead offered her Master silent strength. For her Dauntless, she prayed, that they were also under her Master's protection. In the distance, somewhere far off, she could feel her sibling. Tellu. Her chest felt tight. There was so much sadness…So much loss. Regardless, there was also a will to survive. Srina held on to that while she tried to help reinforce the ward.

Whatever fresh, new hell this was, they would survive.


HG-54 "The Vora" Class Verpine Hand Cannon [Strapped to Waist]
Lightsaber [White Blade/CrossGuard] [Hidden Under Cloak]
Icefang [Sword]
Holdin' Aces [Ring]
Ring of Aspiration [Ring]
Te'Kyr [Ring]


Heart of Cold
Terentatek Body Glove - Full resistance to standard telekinetics, pronounced resistance to advanced telekinetics.


SU-03 Hunter Cloaking Device - A lightweight, ion resistant cloaking field made and produced for agents in the field.
Holo-Comm [Communication Device]
IG-100 Mk. II Series Magnaguard [Squad of x10]
B3 Ultra Battle Droid Mk. II [Squad of x5]
Add'l Droid Support May be Added

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