Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Exodus Crash | CIS Invasion of UCM's Eshan Hex

Taramaz Arcturus



Location: City Outskirts
Allies: CIS & her Allies | 50 Dauntless Commandos (Thanks Luna Terrik)
Objective: 1 – Crusade
Fighting With: 50 Dauntless Commandos
Post: #1
Equipment: Obsidian-Type Strike Armour, Knight's Obsidian Ring, Blood of the Massassi, Romanus Shield, Obsidian Executor Sword, Obsidian Executor Boots, Dual DC-17 Pistols
Theme: Indestructible
Tags: [member=Alden Akaran] (Possibly?)

The Sith Lord, Taramaz Laurs, and his 50 or so Dauntless Commandos were advancing towards the city, shooting and destroying any SLaM droids they came across. There were many, yet nothing too challenging for the elite task force. One of the arguably more powerful Knights Obsidian leading the most elite, non force user group the Confederacy had to offer. It was a recipe for Liberation. Not just from his training, and raw skill, but from his weaponry aswell. His lightsabers could cut through Cortosis. They used two of the most powerful crystals he knew to exist. And dual wielding them? with black blades, a black cloak, and the Knight's Obsidian armour? He looked like something out of a nightmare, but nothing like his Master would have. He'd been shot from a distance a few times, stray bullets grazing him. Nothing to worry about, really, nothing his armour couldn't deal with.

Currently, they were pinned down behind some rocks and debris from buildings, being shot at by something like a legion of SLaM droids. They were returned fire, but they were outmatched by the droids, as any organic force would be. They weren't gods, and they definitely weren't wearing heavy duty suits made of beskar, and the Knight's Obsidian Armour was good, but not good enough to stop an onslaught of blaster fire from Mandalorian droids from killing, maiming, or mortally wounding you. And the droids were getting bolder, slowly advancing on their position, and as they got closer, so did their shots to his commandos. Then, an idea came to mind, he looked to a Commando, and held his hand open, as if you were asking for somebody to throw you the ball in a game of Space Rugby. And the Commando grabbed two thermal dets, and threw one to the Sith Lord, then, in sync, primed and threw them, hiding back behind the cover. His hands rested on his lightsabers, they held a better chance at saving him than the Romanus on his wrist, or the shield in his Executor Sword.

They waited for the-- boom! -- Sound of the dets going off, and then they heard the clanking of metal falling and hitting the ground. The Sith Commander of the force raised his right hand, holding his sabers, igniting the one in his left hand, two fingers pointed into the air, then at the enemy, then the air, then the enemy, as he signalled for the troops to leap over their cover, and start shooting. It reminded him briefly of stories he'd been told as a wee kiddy about how the Jedi of the Old Republic commanded and lead legions of Clones into battle during the devastating Clone Wars. Very much the same, except he was a Sith, leading clones of another man into battle for the Confederacy. Oh how the tables had turned.

They leapt over their cover, guns blazing, the Sith Lord's sabers activated, all four blades showing off. If the enemy droids knew emotion, the only one they would be capable of feeling right now would be fear, and they'd be leaking oil like a gutted Rancor leaks blood. The Sith walked forward calmly, deflecting blaster bolts, he then lunged forward, impaling a droid through the head, then followed through, slicing the saber out of the droid's head, and decapitated another, ducked under a droid trying to hit him with their blaster. Then, he spun around, slicing said droid in half, and kept slicing through them, then, when only four remained in the group opposing him directly, he deactivated his sabers, and grabbed them with the force, then made hand movements like one would when scrunching up a piece of paper, and the droids lifted up, scrunching up into a ball of droid parts. Their metal warped from the force exerted on them, and they grinded against, being crushed, emitting a god-awful sound.

He then let go, and the droids fell down, still in a ball, their systems crushed, and destroyed. He then turned back to face the way his force were marching, and saw the commandos finish off the grounds, knocking them down and shooting them. Then, out of nowhere, a droid leapt onto his back, holding a blade near his neck, trying to stab the tall Sith Lord. Thankfully, one of the commandos shot the droid, said commando happened to be the one that passed him a det earlier. While Taramaz knew the commando couldn't see any facial expression from the Sith Lord, he smiled, gratefully. Then, he signalled to keep marching. They would stop to rest at a friendly field camp they could see in the distance. Better to save the troops energy for now, and have them walk to their rest, than exhaust them running to salvation that would, in return, not repay their efforts.


They had been marching for only a few minutes, but that's when Taramaz saw it, a Star Destroyer falling, in line to hit the city, more specifically, a part of it's engine, falling faster, on course to land 20, maybe 30 metres ahead of them. And judging by the fact it was on on fire due to damage, and looked very unstable, it was going to land more than close enough to explode, and send debris, shrapnel, etc flying at the commandos. Then, Taramaz saw a small squadron, maybe six star fighters, all also on a crash course. About four friendlies, and two unidentified, possibly a third party.

Then, he was yelling out to his troopers.


Yes, technically brace was a term used with ships, but it seemed fitting. Taramaz, as the leader, naturally stood, looking around. There was no cover, and one of the fighters had landed somewhere behind them. Taramaz, too concerned with checking on the pilot's status, almost missed the engine. About five seconds before it hit, he threw his hands forward, feet back, as if one was trying to stop a wall from crushing them. Then, the engine hit, and exploded. It sent shock waves rippling towards the commandos, shock waves that Taramaz took the blunt of. The ground shook, and bits of metal, both big, small and microscopic shrapnel, even an energy wave from the engine's stored power flew at them, looking to crush and kill them. but they didn't. Taramaz had used the force to form an invisible shield to protect the troops. They stood, and watched in wonder as bits of metal and debris, and other forces hit the invisible wall, and ricocheted off in another direction. The barrage of forces ended in about thirty seconds.

But the barrier stayed for thirty seconds after, for good measure against shrapnel that they could not see. Then, he collapsed, the same trooper who had helped him, and potentially saved his life lunged, and caught him, holding him up. He put his arm around the commando, and leaned on him, the Commando was tall too, 7'6, if Taramaz had to guess. not as tall as him, but enough to support the massive Sith Lord. He hadn't even noticed the countless millions of danger warnings that had been flashing on his HUD. They disappeared shortly after, then got replaced by reports on his physical status, he had over-exerted himself, every thing that had hit the shield was like it had hit him, just trading in physical damage for exhaustion.

He put one of his sabers back on his belt, holding the other in the hand that wasn't holding onto a Commando, one blade ignited to make up for the commandos new found weakness, he could only shoot with one hand due to holding his Commanding Officer up with the other, but a lightsaber blocking blaster bolts from hitting you equally made up for that. Then, Taramaz saw the entire Star Destroyer plunge into the city, his face dropped with grief. He ordered his suit to inject him with energy stims and healing stims immediately. And the suit complied.

Then, Taramaz, feeling newly energised, and healed. Raised his hands, and a few of the Commandos formed up behind him, holding him up, whether or not it actually helped him, nobody could care, it was the thought that counted. They didn't want their commander to sacrifice himself for them again. Taramaz put up that force barrier again, and everybody grouped up.

The shock wave hit first, the ground shook like it was an earthquake. He saw atleast one building crumble. Then, everything flew at him, hitting the shield he'd put up, luckily, because of the distance, it was a lot less forceful, and easier to hold up against. Warnings flashed onto his HUD again, and every time his suit advised him to stop, he ordered it to put another stim into him. He couldn't tell whether it was dirt, metal from the ship, metal and concrete from the city, or wood and stones from the outskirts of the city that was hitting him. Probably all of it. But he couldn't distinguish between them, he was pushing himself to keep the barrier up. This barrage lasted for about a minute, and he held it for another thirty seconds, same as before, before he collapsed again, held up by his troopers. They then sat down behind a rock, facing away from the city.

Taramaz didn't spot it until the last minute, but one of the ship's from when the engine crashed was flying towards the ship that had landed behind them, and he raised his hand, stopping the ship right before it made contact with the one that had already taken it's place in the dirt behind the CIS Forces, then gently laid to to rest beside the other ship. He lowered his arm, breathing heavy, and his mask folded bask, as he breathed in fresh, unfiltered air. It was free of shrapnel, thank god. He just sat there, resting, waiting.
Boots ain't made for walking

Location: Southern Eshan City. One big shockwave.
Objective: Blade to Blaster | Stomping Boots
Post: #4
Direct Enemies: [member="Talimet Garon"]
Allies: CIS
Enemies: ME
Muse Music

Standing tall. Even ground. Sure. Wall-woman walked out and tossed the slug thrower assault rifle. About to grunt her answer. The star destroyer sized craft hitting the city somewhere else deafened her for a second. Watching it out of the corner of her eye. The shockwave of dust, dirt, and rubble not on top of them, but she also couldn’t see or hear anything again. Storms battling outside of the city were paled out compared to that shockwave. A grimace for the dead behind the helmet.

She covered her armored head with her arm. Standing fast, her red armored figure once again probably obscured from sight.

Typical. Honor would have to wait.

Waiting till it cleared enough to see. Dust covering her. Spared the worst from their distance, and from the buildings around them. Clicking of a thick Varad's neck. Khia shrugged off a glancing hit her opponent had scored on her left abdomen in her pass over, blaster marks across the Beskargam. Okay. She preferred it up close and personal. Extending the jagged wrist blade from her right wrist, about knife length, and beginning a run. The blade gleamed true, sharp as a razor.

Straight through that fading dust cloud. Her first strike was for Tailmet's blaster with her right wrist blade, then trying for an right armored elbow to the jaw, she kept moving, hand moving forward, hip seeking behind her opponent. Looking to hip toss Tailmet to the floor and then stomp on her chest, hard. Bringing down the left Boot. One Varad foot at a time.

Personal Gear:
Armor: Cabur Beskargam, Weapons: 1x MRS-1, 1x Icebreaker , 2x Jackknifes, Melee: 1 x Vibrolasso, 1 x Force Pike, Grenade Belt: x4/5 Mixed Grenades, Gear: Targeting Visor, Lifeform Detector,

Personal NPCs, Background Only - Snipers
10/12 Supercommandos from Clan Varad
3x12 Standard Durasteel armored Clan Varad Mandalorians around the city, background forces.


​Enemies: | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Aedan Miles"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Elessar Talon"] | [member="The Avenger"] |
​Allies: The Bryn'adûl | The Extant
​Locale: City-side end of the Bridge

A sudden spark came to the Chieftain, pouting as his right hand instinctively pulled his Mace closer - using it to pull himself upward as his eyes locked onto the glorious battlefield ahead.

​"[Draelvasier]: We make our own fate." ​Tathra's voice was faint for but a moment, his pain no longer serving to deter. The battle ahead of him was all he hoped, death for all. His left hand ripped the shard from his face, his body lurching slightly - still mortal. His hand clenched, the glass splintering in his grasp as he slammed his gauntlet down the length of his chest, shattering the lengths of the shards that clung to his torso.

​Raising a single gauntlet, Tathra cleared Hel Shards for launch. Expecting the fist to join soon.

​Forward the brute marched. The first two steps came with some effort, the others came easily as a primal aggression seized the Chieftain. Tapping into the force, Tathra called upon one of the four Servitors that had dug under the city surface when they had landed in Grosck's LZ. Now obliterated by local defence cannons under command of [member="Rick Kaloo"], he had killed many infantrymen but the majority had may way underground before his weapons obliterated the landing craft. His domination of the beast was eased in passing as the Shaman who held control relinquished with little reluctance to his Chieftain.

​Those below would feel the earth beneath their feat shudder, as a total of four Servitors gathered underfoot.

​Tathra stepped out to the edge of the Hermes' wreckage, observing the water flooding through some areas - shrapnel and fire engulfing others. The Servitor burst out from within the dirt, its head halting below Tathra as he leapt down - its body coiling around the Palace as Tathra was perched upon it, Mace raised in his left hand as the Chieftain observed the battlefield ahead. Primal eyes saw the surge of heat on the other side of the bridge, Confederate and Mandalorians gathered alike. There was a mirage of energy surrounding a company of Confederates, a force made shield that protected them from the impact of the Hermes crash.

​Beyond the bridge two of the Servitors would emerge quickly, creating massive holes that would reveal large tunnels dug under the city, where a surge of Bryn'adûl forces would immerge from to engage the Confederate and Mandalorian forces. A total of eight Striker Squads emerging from either side as the Servitors returned underground.

​"[Draelvasier]: Aed - Va'Kue!" ​Tathra's guttural voice had a far reach, finding their ears of the Bryn'adûl opposite those on the other side of the bridge, no doubt revealing himself to the leaders of the Confederates. Whether they recognised him or not - the Chieftain cared little.

​Immediately the Servitor would spiral downward; Tathra leapt from its head falling downward with Mace in hand as he slammed into the bridge, his Mace colliding with the ground and causing a ten metre wide shockwave - sending whatever forces, Mandalorian or Confederate remained on the bridge hurdling aside or simple killed by the kinetic momentum crushing their putrid organs. An assortment of fifteen Striker Squads would emerge from the hole the initial Servitor had emerged from, now replacing the positions the Mandalorians had taken to support Tathra.

​All the while two of the Servitors would begin obliterating the ground beneath both Confederate and Mandalorian troops, the ground beneath their feet quickly swallowing perhaps hundreds instantly, their bodies crushed under rock and debris.

​The Mandalorian and Confederate forces would be trapped in a three-way stream of overlapping fire, whilst their forces struggled to recover from the destruction of the SD, the hardened and ready Bryn'adûl would emerge from all three sides of the playing field, baited to ground by the imminent slaughter. Tathra headed in the direction of the now force shield. Splintering regiments on sides as the giant darted through the battlefield toward the most important people he could see.

​x4 Servitors
​x31 Striker Squads

​| [member="Voph"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Grosck Bah'azet"] |

Location: Eshan City
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: the disease called the Confederacy
Tags: [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Kyle Whir"] I [member="Ryndrae Talon"] I [member="Naedira Darcrath"] I [member="Lucien Rayne"] I [member="Ajax Crowe"]

When the armored Confederate threw the hrenade, Rhaegar reacted instinctually. A slight twitch of telekinesis through the force to alter its course back toward the originator of the ordinance. Yet at the contact between the explosive and the unseen use of the force, the grenade went off. Unintended but not a problem for the man in the suit or the echani firing from their positions below.

Or so he thought.

A wave of liquid fire washed forward toward the building, including his perch in the third story window. Immediately he through up a barrier between himself and the splashing flames as he leapt back from the opening where some of the liquid flames engulfed where he had previously been standing.

Turning away he walked back down the hall, the cane ticking along the wodden boards of the hall. Above him, a part of the ceiling had been sheared off giving him the very thing he had been looking for. An exit. Leaping up, assisted through the force, his feet found purchase on the slightly sloping roof. Easing back to the edge to survey his enemies he felt the pain and anguish that rolled from the echani defenders and Mandalorian troops that had taken shelter in the recesses of the building.

The echani fell, fire consuming their flesh. Beskar clad mandos collapsed as their armor cooked the men and women from within, their screams emulating across the field of battle and the open comms.there was nothing that he could do for them, but there was something they could do for him. They were fated to die already, so Rhaegar felt no remorse in siphoning their life force to himself, tasting the sharp flavor of agony as his power swelled. His fallen vode were at peace, and their final act upon this world would be to give Nemesis the power to crush the enemy beneath the heel of his designer loafers.

Standing at the precipice of the roof he looked down upon the enemy as ants before the might of a god. A cold smile stretched across his lips as he knew that the pathetic specimens before him could not thwart his power, but be crushed by his might. His hands rose as a spell came to his lips.

But he paused as a shadow fell over them all.

A massive section of the hull fell from the sky. Flames covered the forward section as the friction of the atmosphere ignited the hull. The pressure from it stabbing into the lower atmosphere caused his ears to pop. Inscribed upon the side, flames licking at the bare hull, no markings nor design to designate it as an ally star ship. Even Rhaegar Dib, known as Dark Lord Nemesis Nemonus, who had seen the devastations of worlds ... Was in awe. A cold trickle of sweat lapped the nape of his neck as a chill ran up his spine. From his vantage point he watched the impact.

The flash caused him to turn his face away at impact. The immediate and totality loss of life from ground zero nearly staggered him in the Force as thousands of lives were snuffed from existence, a scar on both planet and in the Force stretching out from the crash. His lips opened in an unseemly gape at the atrocity resulting from the Capital Ship.

But even as he watched, the crash continued it's line of devastation. The planet's crust rippled as if water, buildings toppling, as the shock wave rode outward from the point of contact. The lakes and streams nearby erupted sending boiling walls of water outward to boil those not crushed or buried under the shock wave of destruction.

The trail of the shock wave was able to be seen as windows and glass shattered in advance of the upended earth. Buildings crashed, airspeeders exploded, and countless perished.

At the awe and shock that gripped his body, Nemesis forgot to prepare as the glad shattered from the building he was perched on. The wave from the air displacement ripped his jacket and vest from his body, only by anchoring himself to the roof did he manage to not be flung off. Straightening once more the smile almost flickered back into existence until the earth upheaved and the roof fell from beneath his feet.

He dropped with the building, managing to ride the roof to the ground then bouncing off and carreen across the wrecked duracrete road as running families, Innocents, were crushed ruthlessly and indiscriminately by the flying debris. Struggling to his feet he watched as a family ran down the street away from the wreckage. The thought blossomed into Rhaegar's mind that at least there were survivors until a whistling entered his ears.

Eyes rose once.more to the heavens to see secondary debris rain down from the wreckage of the ship. One such flaming missile collided with the family, the parents and older siblings disappearing from the impact. The lifeless body of the youngest daughter rolling to his feet. Bending he cradled the body and looked to the heavens as a fresh wave of debris fell.

Fury filled him at the destruction wrought by the Confederation ship. Pointless misery brought to the echani people because the Confederacy wanted a fight that would bolster their morality and self worth. Success at pushing the Mando'ade from Eshan would mean nothing to the echani people for the Confederacy would merely retreat once more to their space and leave the Mando'ade to once more return. This time to clean up the mess caused by the miss placed righteousness of the CIS invasion.

A single tear tracked down his face, cutting through the grime plastered to his skin. Perhaps fatherhood had altered him at a base level, perhaps it was the welcoming arms of Clan Verd, perhaps it was his blood kin granting him forgiveness, whatever the cause Rhaegar mourned the pointless death.

Slowly he lowered the empty husk of the child gently to the earth before gripping his cane and striding forward over the broken ground. Rage filled his being and the swirl of the force empowered him as he tapped into his emotions. Moving into the clearing that once housed the building he had momentarily stood open he shouted out, voice raw with emotion.

"Come you Confederate scum! Come you hearth breakers and defilers of Innocents! Come forward and meet me in battle and I shall split the skin from your body, flay the flesh from your frame, crack your bones and devour your marrow! Come, meet me on the field of battle and I, Rhaegar Nemesis Dib of Clan Verd will give you the death you deserve! The death you have earned this day! COME!!!

Objective: Drive the Mandalorians from Eshan, Evacuate as many Echani as possible
Allies: CIS and Friends
Enemies: Mandalorians, and any who would seek to cause more harm to the Echani people.
Loadout: Armor, Lightsaber, Ri Qorit Device
Ship Links: Octarch x24 Mynock x28
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Cay-Yo"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Azure Djitred"]


Voph's gaze turned towards the sky as the dropship fired wide. They didn't have the balls to shoot him directly. And that was their mistake. He smiled grimly as his lightsaber flared back to life in his hands, lightning once again bleeding from the violet blade as the Force was channeled through the lightsaber. The blade dipped towards his toes as he reached up with his left hand, a flash of brilliant purple erupting from his fingertips as the LAAT/X was bathed in lightning. Voph let his hand drop as the LAAT/X moved out of range to deposit its payload. He turned to move towards the edge of the palace, left hand raising again. This time in signal.

The Octarch fighters screamed forward, Mynocks trailing behind. They were coming in hot, blaster fire illuminating the ash and smoke strewn air as they opened fire. Targets were picked, and they were seeking to take down as many ships as they could in the initial salvo. After the first contact, the squadrons splintered, each ship turning to pick its own targets, flanked by a wingman. Their numbers were their strength. An no pilot flew alone. Engines screamed as the fighters were pushed to the limits. The fate of Eshan was at stake. And the Octarchy were prepared to sacrifice everything to save what was left of the burning planet.

Voph had business elsewhere. He dropped off the side of the palace, catching the edge of the roof with his hand. He paused, looking down at the carnage below. These marauders. They had been at Commenor. Voph vaguely recognized them, but he wasn't sure how. He hadn't been at Commenor. Had he? That was neither here nor there. For now he had one objective. Get inside. He let himself drop again, catching himself on a windowsill this time. Using the Force to aid him, he pulled himself up and launched through the window, catapulting himself inside. He came to rest in a hallway, Lightsaber flaring in the enclosed space. "Voph to all forces. I'm inside the palace. Send backup when you're able."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Location: Space
Goal: Eliminate the fleet
Allies: ME and allies
Enemies: CIS and allies - [member="Anton Delane"]

The Heresiarch was being pummeled from all angles. The armament frequency modulator would be activated and targeted against the Eternal Glory, leeching its shields to help reinforce the Sovereign's own. The ship weathered its blows and returned fire, slowly turning to bring its own beam weapon in line with the Eternal Glory. When the battlecruiser fired its own weapon, the shields held, though they were certainly strained by the consistent fire. The shot from the Boom, though mostly absorbed by the shielding, did have a concussive effect on the upper hull, with minor fissures resulting in minor decompression of two decks before they were sealed off and damage control teams went to work.

Vanessa smiled as she looked on at the oncoming fighters. The time spend not actively engaging them had been spent getting a targeting vector. The Heresiarch featured hundreds of small-scale composite beam lasers - powerful weapons similar to the turrets of the old LAAT gunship. These weapons would fire, multiple smaller beams cohesively melding themselves into a single larger and more powerful beam that would pierce through the enemy fighters like a sword thrust through their bellies. Their fire from this point on would be continuous, with deliberate slashing and piercing motions made by the weapons to inflict damage on enemy small craft. The dropships were completely ignored - the ground forces would be able to handle them for now, she was sure of that.

With the fighter complement decimated at best and scattered at worst, the fighters of the Heresiarch would be launched themselves. Wings of Forge-class interceptors would fly hand-in-hand with Eightgun assault fighters, while two wings of Coryphin super-heavy bombers would also launch - these ships were some of the heaviest bombers available to the Sith, comparable to the Ajunta-class Starfortress itself. The pilots of these craft were veterans, in some cases with over two decades of fighting experience. Many of them had served Vanessa through her time with the original Sith Empire, as well as with the New Order and in exile during her sojourn in the Unknown Regions. Those that weren't were veterans in their own right, Imperial pilots who had been the most bloodthirsty of their peers during the campaigns against the Silver Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. They were the cream of the crop, and would soon be engaging the enemies, operating in a standard formation with a squadron of Forges and a squadron of Eightguns covering the two of Coryphins, and the remaining squadrons actively engaging the bombers, the Forges protecting the heavier Eightguns from attack.

On board the Corrupter and Sceltor, Darktrooper teams would prepare to repel boarding parties. A mix of standard Dark Troopers, along with snipers, ionizers, and a few assaulters, would be summoned from the barracks and positioned around the ship in a cellular form. The vessels' own composite beam lasers would fire at the pods too.

Through a burst transmission, an order was sent to the rest of Crimson Command. Five of the XoXaan IIs would change position and move to engage the Eternal Glory itself as the single forward UBeam charged up to full power. The weapon, designed to crack open dreadnaught-scale warships, would unleash upon the front of the enemy battlecruiser - how effective it would be was unknown, but if damage could be caused to the forward weapon array, it would certainly change things for the better. The other five would shift position and engage the Boom instead, pouring their firepower against the monoweaponed warship in an attempt to make it disengage. Thankfully they had not been proactively targeted as of yet.

With its LBeams and more side-oriented secondary weaponry, the Heresiarch would engage the Angelic Glory as well as the Verdun. The forward-mounted SBeams would be fired at the Eternal Glory. The ship's seeker baradium missile launchers would also be targeted at the Battlecruiser, launching and soon flying across the battlefield to hopefully impact their target.

Crimson Command
Class | Name | Length | Shields | Hull
Sovereign-class Battlecruiser | Heresiarch | 5000m | 60 | 95 (Attacking Eternal Glory with UBeam, forward SBeams and seeker baradium missiles, attacking Angelic Fury with side LBeams and SBeams, attacking Verdun with other side LBeams and SBeams)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Sceltor | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Eternal Glory with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Corrupter | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Eternal Glory with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Achilles | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Eternal Glory with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Harrow​ | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Eternal Glory with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Titan​ | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Eternal Glory with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Red Harvest | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Boom with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Crimson Sunrise | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Boom with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Firewind​ | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Boom with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Exsanguinator​ | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Boom with all weapons)
Crimson Command XoXaan II-class Star Destroyer | Wachtor​ | 1000m | 100 | 100 (Attacking Boom with all weapons)

Location: Eshan's Capital City, en route to the Palace (on foot)
Allies: The Confederacy of Independent Systems + Allies
Enemies: ME
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Tags: [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] | [member=Voph] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member=Cay-Yo] | [member="Jerek Zenduu"] | [member=Micah] | [member="Valdus Bral"] + those who wish to join

Water. Water everywhere. She could feel it, its pressure on her chest, threatening to crush her lungs. She was screaming, and she was swallowing water, as well as breathing it. She did not have the required instincts to hold her breath, to stay safe for the first minute or so that most people who knew how to swim had. Spots were appearing before her eyes and somewhere underneath the panic, she cursed.

She had not expected to go out that way. She was supposed to go out in a glorious battle, her body too punctured and torn apart by her enemies' weapons. It was meant to be a battle that would be sung of on distant worlds, that would be taught in history classes in the Core. A death that would keep her name alive forever in all its foolish glory. Not… This. Not drowning, because she couldn't swim, on a planet she did not care about, simply swallowed up by water. And those thoughts, and this anger, they were surprisingly coherent for someone about the bloop bloop bloop to death.

Madalena barely noticed the arm that grasped her. Awareness was not a thing as [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] pulled her out of the water. All she knew was that one moment she was choking and everything was going black, and the next breath of air she tried to take ended with her coughing, surrounded by daylight, throwing up the water of the lake. Her face turned red, blood veins popping around her eyes as she tried to expel all the liquids that had gathered inside of her, and she wretched.

It was probably not a pretty sight.

Opening her eyes, she looked around. Everything was blurry and it would probably take some time for the spots to disappear, but she could see the blur that was Cardinal himself and she nodded, her throat still too raw to form words. A movement by her chest drew her attention and she laughed bitterly, pulling Lancelot out of there, kissing the top of his head. Lancelot was alive. But where-

No. The water had split them all. But they were all seasoned warriors and it was likely that most of them could swim, unlike her. The Pathfinder had to believe that they were all alive, and simply scattered.

Lying on the wonderful ground, Madalena closed her eyes and reached out with the Force. It was a shame that now was not when [member="Adron Malvern"] decided to do his Bowel Movement thing, because now she could most definitely use it. But even without, she would manage. [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] and her people ([member="Jerek Zenduu"] and @Micah) were alive, not too far from her. It was a shame that she did not know the Witch [member="Veronika Fleischer"] was to thank in part for that; it would have removed some of the dislike she had developed for her and the two others that she had developed a short while ago. The other one that had been with them, [member="Voph"], she knew from hours before the war, and she could sense him from the Palace's direction.

Lancelot made a noise and Madalena nodded, reaching even further. Where was his regal rider? She had found everyone other than him, and he- there! Far away, further than the others. Her eyes opened, still red from the water and vomiting, but she didn't care. Her gaze focused on the little Gizka and she brought her fingers under its chin, making him look at her. "Your noble knight is to there," she said as she settled the bonds of Animal Friendship through the Force. There was no time to check if he followed orders; she had to make sure he followed them no matter what. "He is alive, but his legs are short. Go and find him. If you cannot come back to us, make sure he is taken to safety. Too much of the city is in ruins now. It is not safe!"

Once Lancelot was on his way, Madalena went for the next thing; trying to stand up. Her legs felt wobbly, but she would never admit that it was taking more energy and strength than she'd anticipated it would. Only then did she turn to Cardinal, smiling the smile of victory of being alive. "Thank you," she said softly. There was much they had to discuss considering the events that had happened during the Life Celebrations. But now was not the time. Now they had to fight and-

Madalena's hands began to tap her body in panic. All her knives but one was gone. Copero's Wail was still on her, as was Fire, but-"Smoke," she said panicking, checking herself again, "my lightsaber is gone!" No. NO! That could not be! It wasn't just a random lightsaber; Fire and Smoke had been gifted to her by [member="Josh DragonsFlame"], they were a gift and they were as much as a part of her as her knives, but whereas the knives were usually nondescript, the lightsabers held emotional meaning to her. They could not be replaced.

Panic made way in seconds to make room for anger. "When we drive those filthy Mandalorians out of here, I'm draining this stupid lake. I'm getting my weapons back," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

And then the next round came; earthquake? Just a random shudder? "I have a bad feeling about this," Madalena mumbled, her muscles working to keep her standing up right in it. It wasn't bad enough that the Mandalorians had taken the planet over. It wasn't enough that they had flattened parts of the city. They had also taken the palace over, bringing unwarranted violence that had been neither invited nor wanted, she would not be surprised if the ship that had dropped on all their heads was their doing as well (it didn't matter that she had no proof for that, it happened and it was bad, so by default, it was the Mandalorians' fault), and now a sound that she could not identify was getting louder.

Was it screeching? Parts of the ground were… Sinking? More ground moving. What…

"Worms," Madalena fought the urge to face palm, "of course, it had to be giant mother-krakking worms."

They were big. They were ugly. What the heck were the Mandalorians thinking, that destroying the planet would destroy the Confederacy's wishes to liberate it? Turn it into a pile of ashes and coal? Did they have an entire zoo of stupidly dangerous creatures to unleash on the planet? Were they still going to attempt their hillbilly redneck incest reproduction propaganda about how they were trying to help Eshan in any sort of way?

"So... Am I Drax-ing them to get them dead?" she asked Cardinal, her voice taking on a very casual and light tone, "or do you suppose a lightsaber can turn them into wormkabab? Think they can be turned into protein soup?"
L: Eshan
A: [member="Runi Verin"], CIS Funded Rebels
E: No Enemies in Sight. Technically.
Q: “Excuse me while I run, I really gotta get out of here.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Yeah, you’re right. Stupid question.” Amea frowned and went back to the job at hand. Up ahead a patrol of the Mandalorians had passed them by. The moment of truth had since then passed. Runi and Amea passed along the streets of the outer city towards the center as what had been a muted boom of fights erupting in the city had turned into a thunderous cacophony of violence and death on both sides of the fight. A city of great historical if not galactic importance had eventually started to bow under the pressure of the two boots that came crashing down upon it. The further into the city that Amea got the more horrified she grew at the sight of the slaughter. She knew very well that people died, that people suffered a fragile existence. She had seen it when her sister been part of founding the Alliance, but most of all she had seen it during that one ship crash in her childhood.

She wasn’t in the right place and this was far from an appropriate time to think about her past. She wasn’t making this situation any better and the same could not be said for her companion either. She had taken lives in a righteous belief that she was protecting others before, and for a brief second she had asked herself if that still held true when she was here. Upon reconnecting with Brien’s squad of rebels deeper into the city she had thought to ask him about it, as a student often would to their mentor, but the sense of urgency that emanated from the unlucky few who had survived this ordeal told her to wait, to hide it and let it go for now. There would be a time and space for doubts but now was far from it. To the best of her abilities she pushed it back into the very backrooms of her mind.

The team walked until they eventually found themselves at a deserted crossroad. The winds swept dust and grime from battle through the abandoned street with a whistle that contrasted the nearby battles which granted the small group a sense of peace that they all knew didn’t belong.

“The calm before the storm.” Brien said while checking a dead body for ammunition. “Something bad is about to happen. I can feel it.”

One of his soldiers opened their mouth to speak but the effect was immediate. A deafening shadow began to cross the sky as piece after piece of debris came hurling towards their sector. Fight turned into flight and with a hauntingly calm motion Brien ordered the group to, by his second in command’s own words, “LEG IT!”

The group began to run. The ground shook beneath their feet as five blocks down one of the smaller pieces of debris pierced the ground with a massive shockwave. Dust spewed in every direction as block after block became enveloped in a storm of bricks and stone.

It was then that Amea knew that there was no running away from this. There was no way to outrun a force with this kind of power, and she did the one thing she knew to be the right idea. She stopped, turned on her feet with a rapid push and raised her arms above her head to let a bubble of pure energy surround herself and those that remained close to where she was. Projectiles from buildings that were no more hurled at her shield but she kept them at bay. Each impact threw her focus off with a direct impact upon her own energy that while greater than she had ever let on was not infinite.

The onslaught continued. The weight on her shoulders grew heavier.

"Runi. Anyone." Amea grunted. "Find. Us. Cover."

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Palace Throne Room.
Objective: Defend the Palace from CIS invaders.
Allies: [member="Azure Djitred"] , any Clans of Mandalore who wish to accept his reinforcement request.
Opponent: @OOM-330 , [member="Scherezade deWinter"] , [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] , @Cay-yo , Allya Vi'Dreya , [member="Jerek Zenduu"] , @Micah , @Voph , [member="Srina Talon"] , and any CIS player who is attempting to get to the Palace or into the Palace Throne Room.
Post: 7
Battle Theme: Bastion - Two Steps From Hell



The Palace was large, [member="Voph"] must have come in through a higher floor and through the side, as the front was more locked down than most fortresses were by the elite Wardens and others in Valdus Bral's militia, including the ever hungry Cuddles the Rancor. Due to the location Voph really wouldn't see anyone there, however he would notice almost immediately, should he go towards the main floor or the throne room, that his connection to the Force would be all but severed due to the Defense Droids that carried the infamous wizard lizards.

High above the the Palace Valdus' and Vophs fighters were duking it out, flaming hulls crashing into the waters below as both sides would begin to take causalities in various numbers. While Valdus' wing was much smaller than that of Voph, they were of a higher caliber craft. The Mynocks were quickly targeted by the Fang Fighters and the somewhat bulkier Octarchs would begin to get double laser cannon fire from the ARC-170's , their tail gunners taking potshots at the Mynocks as they zipped past.

As all of this was going on Valdus tapped ten SLaM droids and three Defense Droids, and motioned them to follow, which they did so obediently and without question. " Get those Echani militants covering the inside of this Palace, undoubtedly we'll get some visitors soon." As he said that, the order was quickly barked out to others. Echani Militia began to jog up the stairs, heading to the floor above the foyer and the throne room as to create a top to Valdus' wall of friendly forces. They were not very quick, so it is possible that someone who is coming in through the top or through an obscure way would not get noticed, however if someone is looking for a fight then these Echani would find them faster than not. This militia force were no friend to the CIS, they were loyalists for various reasons, and would treat the current invaders as invaders.

Valdus' clunking grew louder as his large armored feet began to tread over ornate marble of the throne room. He made his way to the elevated platform that held the throne, illuminated by the blazing sky outside from high up windows that were not large enough to fit a person through, maybe a child, but enough to carry the ornate stained glass display that told of great Echani events. This window display wrapped around the high vaulted ceiling in its entirity. Valdus admired the craftsman ship for a little while, then set his large shield to the side of the throne, letting it lean against the arm, the orange glow reflecting off the Bral Clan Mythosaur emblazoned upon his shield. Valdus then took a seat on the Throne and relaxed back into the high backed masterpiece, legs splaying as he made himself comfortable. He knew that eventually someone would come to challenge the throne and when they did they would the grizzled veteran there to oblige them. Valdus lazily flicked his fingers to the SLaM droids to various positions, some more obscured than others. The ten SLaM's hid behind large columns of marble that held the ceiling on the left and right. The Defense droids hid higher up behind pillars, exuding a null aura for a total of 30 meters (~100ft).

As the very ground began to shake from the large Servators a large distance beneath the Palace, Valdus wondered just how much would be left to fight for after this war was done. Most of his troops had ways to escape, should he signal the retreat now? Would that change anything? The answers to those questions he did not know. Mulling over solutions as he sat there on the throne, he growled out under his breath, " Thirty years I waited to fight for the glory of the Mand'alor. Thirty years I suffered dishonorable combatants who praised and prided themselves on hollow victories." He was fuming now, the growls getting deeper, " I will find who is responsible for this slaughter of innocents." In his right hand he held the fully extended Naast Vibroaxe in its pole-axe form and his left he held the end of the throne's armrest which began to creek before a jagged crack shot down from beneath his palm, down around the orb like arm-rest head, where it terminated at the junction between the arm rest and the throne's seat.

MAIN FORCE: Within the Palace, posted on windows and the interior balcony that overlooks the foyer.
Commander: Valdus Bral
M. Adv. Guard (12/12) [veteran shocktroop] {All wounded healed by Azure}
M. Adv. Guard (12/12) [veteran shocktroop]
M. Ram'ser (1/1) [elite recon sniper]
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense]- Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense]- Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
Beviin H. Transport (4/4) [heavy transport]- landed behind the Palace, pilots and gunners still in them.
49 Infantry, 4 Transports

RESERVE FORCE: Stationed within the Palace walls.
Echani Militia (50/50) [Recruit Militia] - all of these are spreading to the upper layers of the Palace, they will likely encounter [member="Voph"]
SLAM droids (25/25) [Trained Infantry] -2x of these are in the throne room with Valdus.
75 infantry

REINFORCEMENTS 1st WAVE: Interior of the Palace, ground level.

REINFORCEMENTS 2ND WAVE: Interior of the Palace, defense droids are spread around to cover troops.

LAAT/X - Retreating from [member="Voph"] 's assault, finding a safe space to land for damage repairs away from the conflict zone.

Devastator w/ dual AC-12's - Interior Balcony that over looks the Foyer

8x SLaM droids - all of these are in the Throne room behind pillars taking flanking positions.

10x Defense Droid - 3x are with Valdus in the Throne Room

Fang Fighters (12/14) -2 this post
ARC-170's (12/12)
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Eshan City
Objective: War
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Cay-Yo"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Valdus Bral"]
Theme: Link
Post: VI

Cardinal was eerily silent. His sunburnt eyes moved, glancing from one place to another as he took in the situation around them. It was all going to hell. This battle was turning from a simple skirmish of reclamation into an onslaught that could bring this world to it's knees. After carrying Madalena back to solid ground, the Dominus pressed his hand against the datapad installed into his gauntlet. There were a few stray coughs, expunging water from his lungs while he kept his mind focused. He had not been paying Madalena much attention, his mind hand been racing with the events that had just happened. He looked to her now when she spoke of her lightsaber being lost. He looked to the waters before them, his hand rising to search for what he already knew was gone.

His Greatsword, a treasured gift had been lost to the waters as well. Kark. There was no moment of rest or relapse as in the next moment the ground would quake below their feet. An uneven, hellish shifting rumbled from under them until finally a blood-curdling screech sounded....from the ground? The worms were shifting and gnawing at the ground beneath them, turning it to sand and rubble and making it shift beneath them.

Cardinal, could not help but cough once more, his lips drawing into a thing smile as he looked up to the palace. "They're keeping things interesting..." He muttered before rising to his feet. "Madalena. It's time we end this. I can buy you some time but I'm not sure how much." He glanced back to the woman, enjoying hearing that tone she often used, casual and free. The Dominus tapped his datapad and his body began to shift unnaturally, as if he was being pulled from reality. "Fight well." He said as he leaped into the waters before them. His physical form bled into invisibility as he plunged himself into the waters. A large mass of water rose from his bodies impact, covering his escape into the river.

When first he slammed into the water, Cardinal focused the Force into his legs, allowing it to take the brunt of this effort. He swam and swam until finally his HUD showed him exactly what he needed to see. Not quite at the bottom of the waters, laid a mess of rubble and metal. Within it there had been a number of Czerka knives and a small metallic cylinder. He knew it well. Smoke. Cardinal hurried, grabbing the knives and sliding them into his belt. He would need them, Madalena would have to forgive him. The lightsaber was another matter. He turned to face the surface, tossing the lightsaber out so it would float a few inches from his gauntleted hand. With a minor exertion it would fire off, moving through the waters and launching itself into the air, not far from where [member="Scherezade deWinter"] had stood. 'Madalena.' His voice touched her mind in a quiet whisper, a warning at what was coming. More so, so he could feel a moment of connection with her, before turning his mind to war. With the blades set in his waist band and the lightsaber returned to it's owner, Cardinal moved once again.

This time the man would shift his sights towards the opposite shore. It was a quick swim with the Force flowing through him, giving him a well of energy and speed. When he did emerge from the waters, it was slow and paced. He did not want to disrupt his stealth field generator anymore than necessary. At almost a crawl, Cardinal pulled himself onto the beachhead, gazing up at the palace before him. Cardinal held his arms out, drawing them into his torso as he bend down deep at the waist. In one explosion of the Force the man would fly from his place at the shore, soaring far above the number of droids and Mandalorians who stood between him and the palace. It was a hard landing to be sure, as he slammed into the palace's rooftop. He exhaled, drawing his fist from the cracked concrete.

Cardinal stood to his full height, no longer looking back. Now he drew the two Czerka blades from his belt, rolling his neck slowly as he muttered softly to himself.

"Mayelfa..." He muttered, considering the meaning of the word, the ancient battle chant of his people. Gods it felt so foreign to his lips. The Sandali before him were warriors, who had wrought terror on every enemy that dared to stand against them. As he moved through a threshold, still invisible to the sight of men, he could not help but mutter the word once again. "Mayelfa..." He had to be focused, fast, strong, and ruthless. For this to work, for him to survive, he would have to fight as he had as a boy. He had to fight as a true warrior.

"Mayelfa." He said finally, as he descended the steps, leading him into some main hall. The hall extended and reached a room that Cardinal could only identify as a throne room. He could feel it....a disconnect from the Force. A drain. Ysalamiri. As he was about to pass through the threshold he stopped, glancing back at the path where he had come from. He needed to leave, find another- No!

It was as if another voice called out to him, a voice he had not heard in hundreds of years. It took him, commanded him, led him to a single conclusion. Do it!

The savage, guttural barking that erupted out into the hall was loud and deliberate. It echoed out from Cardinal as he stepped through the threshold. He continued to bark, pulling his hood down from over his head. His stealth generator toggled, allowing him to materialize into sight as he continued the aggressive barking. He saw him, the Mandalorian, the man who had been leading the defense. Cardinal held his daggers up, watching as the Echani militiamen brought their weapons to bare. It was almost hard to tell, but it seemed as if the Dominus Prime, was smiling ever so slightly.


Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Palace Throne Room.
Objective: Defend the Palace from CIS invaders. Defeat [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] in combat.
Allies: Azure Djitred , any Clans of Mandalore who wish to accept his reinforcement request.
Opponent: @OOM-330 , Scherezade deWinter , Cardinal Vi'dreya , @Cay-yo , [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] , Jerek Zenduu , @Micah , [member="Voph"] , Srina Talon , and any CIS player who is attempting to get to the Palace or into the Palace Throne Room.
Post: 8
Battle Theme: Frontline - Pillar



Valdus sat there upon the throne of Eshan, a seemingly lifeless statue poised in a daunting though regal stance. He listend to the sounds of war outside, his eyes shifting to the top of his visor to look out the stained glass murals that adorned the top of the vaulted ceiling. At first he was unaware of the intruder, [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] , he expected a visitor with a much more grand and loud entrance. However, the ever vigilant Echani, all warriors by birth, did see the man who raised his daggers in challenge.

While the majority of the Echani, around forty five, had gone to higher levels where [member="Voph"] was , five had dispersed towards the Throne room entrance. The moment that [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] materialized the Echani lept forwards in attempt to beat him down with the stocks of their blaster rifles; two echani on the left and right with one circling behind him.

Valdus' grip on the armrest loosened as he rose his hand, signaling not to the Echani, but the hidden SLaM droids to hold their fire. This was the Echani's fight, there was a good chance that they would all die here from forces outside their control, Valdus would at least give them a chance at victory or a warrior's death.

While the Echani engaged in melee combat with the newest arrival, Valdus stood up slowly. The sounds of motors whirling just under the crashes, the sounds of blaster fire, and distance explosions that occasionally caused the room to ignite with an orange glow. He reached down through the convex opening of his shield and the throne's armrest, gripping the shield's handle and hoisting it upwards. The shield was large enough to be a door, but the shape and the heraldry that had gashes and dents demanded respect, it was unmistakable. Hoisting the shield up to its resting position Valdus began to descend the few steps that raised the throne above the rest of the room. The Naast Vibroaxe clicked loudly, causing the shaft to telescope down to the size of a battle-axe; in comparison to the Mandalorian who was the height of a Wookie and twice as broad.

MAIN FORCE: Within the Palace, posted on windows and the interior balcony that overlooks the foyer.
Commander: Valdus Bral
M. Adv. Guard (12/12) [veteran shocktroop] {All wounded healed by Azure}
M. Adv. Guard (12/12) [veteran shocktroop]
M. Ram'ser (1/1) [elite recon sniper]
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense]- Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
M. Wardens (11+1 Super H. Droid [12/12]) [elite point defense]- Cabur Shield powered down, switching power cell.
Beviin H. Transport (4/4) [heavy transport]- landed behind the Palace, pilots and gunners still in them.
49 Infantry, 4 Transports

RESERVE FORCE: Stationed within the Palace walls.
Echani Militia (50/50) [Recruit Militia] - all of these are spreading to the upper layers of the Palace, they will likely encounter Voph
SLAM droids (25/25) [Trained Infantry]-2x of these are in the throne room with Valdus.
75 infantry

REINFORCEMENTS 1st WAVE: Interior of the Palace, ground level.

REINFORCEMENTS 2ND WAVE: Interior of the Palace, defense droids are spread around to cover troops.

LAAT/X - Retreating from Voph 's assault, finding a safe space to land for damage repairs away from the conflict zone.

Devastator w/ dual AC-12's - Interior Balcony that over looks the Foyer

8x SLaM droids - all of these are in the Throne room behind pillars taking flanking positions.

10x Defense Droid- 3x are with Valdus in the Throne Room

Fang Fighters (12/14) -2 this post
ARC-170's (12/12)
Senator of Vaklin, 1st Siskeeni Advisor
Location: Space
Objective: rescue as many echani as possible

Derek stood as the impact of the pieces of star destroyer finished their hellish rain upon the planet. He felt the echoes of loss through the force which raised his gorge, the taste of bile infusing his mouth. Swallowing against the nausea he moved over to where Captain Smoke was still staring at the monitors revealing just sections of Eshan City in ruins. The wide spread devastation wasn't fully able to be brought into scope just yet. The Viceroy's mind flickered with the speed of light.

"Captain Smoke, open a channel to our fleet."

As the comms were opened he cleared his throat.

"Brothers and sisters of our Coalition. Today we came to assist the echani people, to fight for their rights, for their freedom to govern themselves completely and unadulterated as a free nation, a free state. We volunteered to come, to fight for that idea. For Eshan. For her people."

He paused.

"The reason we came here was to fight for the echani. Bit our mission has changed. Captains of the CIS Valiant I and CIS Valiant II, you are welcome to join the Confederation fleets in their engagements. The United Siskeen Coalition is now operating to save as many lives in Eshan City and the surrounding areas as possible. The USC Kraken, Freedom, and Defender will move forward as a diminutive blockade. Our sentinels will be between either destroyer and the Kraken at point. All fighters from these ships will scramble and take up position within the formation. Do not engage unless fired upon. Captain Smoke, hold them steady. All other vessels hold for instructions."

Derek clapped Captain Smoke on the shoulder.

"You have command. Stay the course. Forward all other Captain's frequencies to my comm. And instruct Lucian to meet me in the hangar with my gear."

With a final nod Derek departed the bridge, riding down the turbolift. His last view of the bridge already had Captain Smoke taking charge per orders. He activated his comms as he shrugged out of his jacket letting it fall abandoned to the floor.

"Captains of the Diamond Class Cruisers. Dump your infantry. Space those droids if you have to. We need all that space for getting refugees out of the combat zones and disaster zones. And if I hear any quips about 'Droid lives matter', I'll personally space you. Captains of the Nest Carriers, launch all starfighters to remain with Captain Smoke. We will be using your hangars for added space for extricating the survivors."

Stepping from the turbolift he met Lucian, his pale haired commander of his personal guard, who was carrying a large back that he had shouldered. Moving in step with Derek he didn't need to say anything. The Viceroy knew Lucian was with him regardless. As they marched across the hangar to the Tsrotzhu named the "Eclipse" and boarded, Derek continued with his orders, this time to Captain Jasmine Card of the USC Avenger.

"Captain Card, the Avenger will remain under Captain Smoke's command of the 7th Fleet. But we will be using you for our return. Launch your starfighters and prepare for incoming damaged vessels and wounded. Send your dropships to rendezvous with the 'Eclipse'. Out"

Aboard the "Eclipse" the pilot raised the ramp and , having already went through his preflight checklist and gaining permission for departure, raised the ship and slipped through the magcom field. As Derek was giving his instructions on the comlink Lucian was busy strapping on matte black plate armor over the Viceroy's back and chest, thighs, biceps, forearms, and shins. The pastoid armor plates were no beskar or durasteel, but it could turn a slug and stop a blaster bolt.

Silently Derek nodded his thanks as he slipped on the shoulder holster and tossed a bandolier of grenades and extra clips for his rifle across his torso, continuing to give orders.

"Dropships of the USC Avenger. Half of you join the 1st Group, the remainder join 2nd Group. 1st Group follow the 'Eclipse' down. 2nd Group, head to the outer areas for your rescue objective. Both groups, do not fire on the ME. We are USC representatives who have not engaged with hostile actions. We don't want to provoke an offensive response. That said, if they fire, return it."

The ship shuddered lightly as it entered the atmosphere, the Groups following behind.

U.S.C. 7th Fleet, Auxillary Command​
Flagship: USC Kraken (SD-584 "Leviathan" Class Star Destroyer)
CIS Valiant 1 (Valiant I Class Star Destroyer)
CIS Valiant 2 (Valiant 2 Class Star Destroyer)
USC Avenger (Gunray-class Star Destroyer)
USC Freedom(Tambor-class Star Destroyer)
USC Defender (Enmesh-class Interdictor Cruiser)

x2 Sentinel-class Patrol Frigate
~ USC Sentinel's Revenge
~ USC Sentinel's Favor

x8 Blastoise Armored Escort Cruiser
~ USC Hawkbat
~ USC Blade
~ USC Valeria
~ USC Widow's Snare
~ USC Onyx
~ USC Gamora
~ USC Ivory Wish
~ USC Faust

x2 Diamond-Class Carrier Mk:II
~ USC Diamond's Glare
~ USC Diamond Cut

x2 Nest Class Carrier Cruiser
~ USC Razor's Nest
~ USC Mynock's Nest

U.S.C. 7th Fleet, Auxillary Command (under Captain Smoke's command):

Flagship: USC Kraken (SD-584 "Leviathan" Class Star Destroyer)
USC Avenger (Gunray-class Star Destroyer)
USC Freedom(Tambor-class Star Destroyer)
USC Defender (Enmesh-class Interdictor Cruiser)

x2 Sentinel-class Patrol Frigate
~ USC Sentinel's Revenge
~ USC Sentinel's Favor

{Forming a triangle formation, Kraken at point, Freedom left, Defender right. A Sentinel on either side of the Kraken. The Avenger behind the triangle formation. All starfighters and gunships deployed and dispersed within formation. A holding pattern, holding fire )

1st Group:
~ Eclipse
x4 Blastoise Armored Escort Cruiser
~ USC Hawkbat
~ USC Blade
~ USC Valeria
~ USC Widow's Snare
x1 Diamond-Class Carrier Mk:II
~ USC Diamond's Glare
x1 Nest Class Carrier Cruiser
~ USC Razor's Nest
x7 MAAT/I Dropships
x5 LAAT/A Dropships

2nd Group:
x4 Blastoise Armored Escort Cruiser
~ USC Onyx
~ USC Gamora
~ USC Ivory Wish
~ USC Faust
x1 Diamond-Class Carrier Mk:II
~ USC Diamond's Cut
x1 Nest Class Carrier Cruiser
~ USC Mynock's Nest
x6 MAAT/I Dropships
x4 LAAT/A Dropships

(1st Group and 2nd Group entering atmosphere. 1st group headed for the ruins near the palace. 2nd Group headed for the outskirts. Both groups are evacuating echani from the danger/combat zones.)

(CIS Valiant I & CIS Valiant II released to join CIS fleet.)
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Eshan City {Main Streets}
Objective: Strike back
Tags: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Spencer Jacobs"] [member="The Avenger"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Equipment: Echani Armor {Concept}

Elessar's eyes watched as their enemy surrounded them. The Mandalorians were brutish and of little concern to him, at least in the present moment. It was the streaks of white flecked in the sea of armor that caused his eyes to narrow in certain distaste. So some of their own had turned against them in some vain and foolish attempt to bring the Queen to heel or death? Not while he still drew breath. The pristine silver sword that was clasped in his hands raised to be parallel to the ground, held out behind the warrior as two of his own kind descended upon him. Streaks of silver hair fell over his eyes as he watched these men. He could recognize them, ever so vaguely their presence in the Force stirred something from his memory.

There was no time to consider where he'd known these men from as the two of them struck out in unison. Each one brought their blades level to the ground in a swift slice, aiming to carve at Elessar from either direction. His movements were like water, causing him to bend deep at the waist, his hair falling back behind him as he felt the soft breeze to come from their passing blades. Elessar drew himself back up, his own sword flying through the air as silent as a leaf in the winds. It met the abdomen to one of the men and his silver sword was tainted with a crimson streak.

The other warrior turned, silently he'd attempted to decapitate Elessar. The General brought up his free hand, his fingers wrapping around the warrior's blade, harmlessly. The step forward brought Elessar's sword through the man's gut in one fluid motion. Through all of this Elessar's expression never changed, but in the final moments as life fled from the man, the general let out a soft sigh. "Why?" He asked, but received no answer. He expected none. The man had already died on his blade. Elessar drew back, allowing the body to fall lifelessly to the ground, while keeping his eyes closely fastened on the battle in the distance. Giant, worm-like creature were moving through the city, making a mess of everything the Echani cherished. He looked to [member="Srina Talon"] and [member="Spencer Jacobs"] and called out smoothly. "We can't wait anymore." With nothing else standing in his way, Elessar would launch himself into a sprint, hoping to be joined by his niece and Queen.

Location:on the move on the outskirts of Eshan City
Objective: Medical provider to all, including enemy wounded
Affiliation: Doctors Without Borders
Allies: CIS + Eshan
Equipment: AM-1 Ambulatory Corvette
Interacting with: Heading to [member="Valencia Hadley"] field hospital
Post: 3

She could have taken a minute or more to mourn the loss of their comrades. But then who would lead the mourners?

Ayda got off her knees, and made it through the AM-1 Ambulatory vessel to the pilot.
The interior was nearly packed wall to wall with the patients and staff lucky enough to have boarded the vessel, as the other 5 ambulatory vessels had been literally been pounded from above in a hailstorm of missiles and artillery. Hopefully none were the result of friendly fire. Friendly fire...that was an oxymoron. But who really knew if it all or partially had been a result of either side battling it out and their little convoy had been caught in the cross fire. Did it really make a difference? All the same, they had lost countless good souls and all of the patients on those vessels.
And yet, they were spared.

"I can't get a bead on any of our other vessels..." The pilot stated, having lost all signals from the rest of their company.
"I know... I know..."Ayda replied, bracing herself steady as there was no room for her to sit. The copilot seat already had of their surviving patients.

"Have we gotten clearance on where to put down?"

"Where? Down in that hellhole? We lost it all, Doc. We don't have a pot for anyone to piss in...we've lost our entire operation. "

"We're still operational...we're still here." She replied.

The pilot took a second to glance back before shaking his head.
"We're done... there nothing more we can do. not without those supply transports...and they didn't have much time to pack up before we got word to evacuate. "

"They were-
We are all in this for the same reason. We all understood the risks. They were going to regroup and set up a new medical location. That has not changed."

"Not changed? You know what just happened?
We lost everyone, everything through that hailstorm. What are we going to do with a tin can full of patients and what, 2 doctors and some orderlies?"

"Two doctors, three nurse practitioners and two orderlies....and patients who need continued treatments-" She were giving him the exact head count as far as able bodied staff still intact, before the pilot cut her off.

"Or what, they die? Die like so many senseless deaths in this hell?" he shot back.

"Or they die, yes.
They are under our ward..our care. It is our responsibility to care for them through hell or high water..."

"This mission's over , doc. You have to face the facts. we're done. We need to make for high exodus and book out of this system" And the craft suddenly surged upward, as the pilot started gaining altitude.

"We all will die. It is an inevitable destiny awaiting each and every one of us. Our chances for survival is to head back down and locate a viable field hospital still in operation. We'll never make even low orbit." She could do nothing but reason with him as the craft were almost braking through the clouds and continuing to make for the upper stratosphere.
it were at that moment when the sensor displays started bleeping as to all of what it were picking up above. There were fleets, vessels, orbital platforms and a constant flow of smaller crafts that could only be none other than fighters. But those bleeps could not differentiate as to what side they were on if there was a side left anymore.

Descend because you know, that where you are heading don't know or care who we are. If we're not transmitting their security clearance... they will shoot us out of the sky."
And she were right. They didn't have any military transponder, as they were basically a neutral organization. the CIS clearance was adequate, but were they at all even sure half those bleeps they were heading toward were half CIS?

"We're seconding her motion...
We're not finished down there.." came Mathew from behind Ayda.
"Turn us back...before we truly die senselessly up here..." The other doctor and staff had heard their debate and were backing Ayda. Their mission were not over.

The AM-1 Ambulatory corvette vectored abruptly to her left and descended back down , loosing the two missiles that were coming at them from above into the clouds again. The pilot didn't say a word, other than maneuver the vessel out of range of the missiles. In no time, the tone which warned them of having a lock on them subsided. So it were over chaotic battlegrounds, there were many targets that a wayward missile could re-lock itself on. Ayda didn't pray to her Creator for that. But those 2 missiles had found another bigger target to lock on to.

They broke cloud cover once more, only this time they were below them.
Ayda had made her way back toward the patients with what remained of her staff.
With the pilot was searching for a friendly ground assembly that they could latch on to, Ayda and her staff got back into making their wounded as humanly comfortable as the rocking corvette would allow.

"Doc... we got a signal. A homing signal. It's from a medical encampment due West of here....5 ,maybe 7 minutes ETA." The pilot shouted back.
I am a son of the Mountain.

Location: Eshan City
Objective: War
Tags: [member="Valdus Bral"]
Theme: Link
Post: VII

They descended on him as if he was a force that could be stopped. When the Echani moved in, hoping to detain or incapacitate the Dominus Prime they had not counted for the man to move so swiftly. He had broken between them in a second, as if his massive size had nothing to do with his speed. In reality, in this moment it did not. His fist was clenched around the dagger when it slammed into the face of the unsuspecting Echani warrior. They had taken him for light, they were a disgrace to their own society. When the warrior was felled by the punch, two more of them stepped forward, one managing to slam his rifle against Cardinal's shoulder. Cardinal reeled at the attack, but swung his body into a spin. As his left arm turned in, his right would lash out, the blade of his Czerka knife slicing through the man's throat. He let out a wild cry as the crimson liquid sprayed over him. Now the Echani furthest from him had abandoned his caution, his blaster rifle was aimed at the Dominus.

Cardinal charged, closing the distance faster than the man could prepare his rifle. Bowing his head, Cardinal's shoulder slammed into the warrior's chest, driving him back as the mammoth of a man pressed his hand to his torso. When Cardinal finally felt his back slam against the wall he could hear the loud crack his charge had caused, he'd broken something, or somethings. The Echani recoiled to the ground, crying out as the man before him, stained in blood, turned to the rest of his enemies.


The blaster round has slammed right into Cardinal's chest. Had he been wearing another set of armor, or none at all he would have died. Still, the blast winded him enough for another of the Echani to fire off a round.

Wham! Wham!

Two blasts slammed into his chest, in rapid succession. The pain was both halting and motivating. He didn't give them time for another shot. He strafed to the side, narrowly evading another duo of blaster rounds before he charge forward. His arms came up to defend his fast as more of the rounds slammed into his armor, shearing off it's protective coating. He closed the distance, yelling loudly as he brought his arms open in a wide arch. Each of the men impressively dodged the maneuver before in unison their legs flew out. Slamming into his abdomen, Cardinal coughed out in pain. He was slow, weak, ....something was off.

He was pushed back and one of the men pressed the advantage, his mistake was he pressed it alone. When the fist rose to slam into Cardinal's face, the man's hand had already been raised in anticipation. With the Echani warrior locked in his grip, Cardinal rushed forward, his head leading the assault as it slammed into the warrior's temple and then over and over the man's helmeted head would slam into the Echani warrior until the visor began to break and chip away, revealing eyes that appeared to have been scorched by the flames of a star. The Echani fell back and Cardinal looked to the remaining two. One which had finally recovered from Cardinal's initial punch and the other which had not pressed his attack with his mate.

His breathing was heavy and he desperately wished he could call onto the Force, to bring him some manner of stamina or strength. The two Echani were wary....distancing themselves as they produced their signature weapons. Two vibroblades gave off soft hums as Cardinal raised the only knife he'd retained. The other must have been dropped when he charged the Echani into the wall, shattering his ribs.

The first Echani to press the attack was fast, hellishly so. His blade cut across Cardinal's chest before the man could react. The vibrating blade sliced through a good deal of his armor, drawing a thin line of crimson from him. Rather than reel at the pain, Cardinal focused himself with it. He stepped forward, using his knife to slap the vibroblade away, grabbing the man's neck ruthlessly.

That's it.

The other Echani attempted to maneuver around Cardinal, but this fight had come to an end. Raising the man by his neck, Cardinal dropped his knife, hefting the warrior over his head only to slam him into the one that moved behind him. It was crude and the sound of their skulls impacting caused even the Dominus to consider his actions, but they would be considered later. As both of the bodies fell limp, Cardinal stood silently, breathing labored before finally his star-like eyes raised, eyeing the Mandalorian. The fight had taken it's toll, yet still the man would raise a single finger, aiming it at the Mandalorian. "Wewe ni ujao...." His words echoed out in the thick language of the Sandali. It was a simple phrase, which meant purely.

You're next.

Location: Eshan City - Near the Bridge to the Palace
Equipment: Gravity Hurts, Lightsaber, Vi'Dreya Crystal, Ianua Dagger
Allies: [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], [member="Micah"], [member="Voph"], [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Cay-Yo"], @Confederates
Enemies: [member="Fedrig"], @Mandalorians


She could have been hurt!

The thought raced through the teen's head as he stayed glued to Allya's side, watching his girlfriend form a protection bubble of her own to cover her troops. Jerek watched with part admiration and part devastation, that she could create her own shielding through the Force yet deliberately excluding herself. Soon after, Micah floated out of his reach, levitating above them in the air as a smaller protection bubble formed over the trio, similar to the one the Sith boy had created on Ossus. Relief flooded over the Jedi teen as one more callback to Ossus came crashing down as well.

"I knew I should have packed those galoshes."

In an instant, their world was transformed from a battle-ravaged city to a watery vista, the rolling, surging tsunami waves swallowing the beachhead and any unprotected troops still left standing there. Yet through it all, Allya, Jerek and Micah remained unharmed. Witnessing the carnage from within the bubble of shielding, Jerek was grateful now to have brought Micah along. He still worried that the lesson the boy might take from this was not one that Jerek wanted to teach, the lesson of using violence and war to help others, to free them from oppression, had likely crashed with the wreckage of the star destroyer. It was hard to impress a virtue of selflessness on the child who was responsible for protecting Jerek's girlfriend right now at his request.

But if it was selfish to protect the things he cared for, then Jerek was happy to be selfish.

Being within a protection bubble, two of them in fact, was a surreal experience. Jerek could see what was happening outside of it, but it felt so far away, and the water that muted the sounds that reached his ears made it seem even farther. He marveled at the overlap between the two bubbles, Micah's resided halfway in and halfway out of Allya's larger bubble over her entire army, and the edges of it seemed to shimmer where they met. Curiosity compelled him to reach out a gloved hand to it, but the armor's HUD shrieked a warning as he got too close. Jerek drew back his hand back in surprise and narrowed his eyes at the HUD's fading alert, determined sometime to get another closer look at it.

Sometime was another day, however, because the padawan knew from experience that Micah wouldn't be capable of it again today. As the waters dropped to about the level of his knees, Jerek saw Micah's bubble fizzle out and the boy begin to sink. The padawan was ready this time, and caught the passed-out kitten on his back, wrapping his arms behind him to steady his deadweight load. Jerek was still dry, though, and he looked to Allya to find his girlfriend still maintaining her bubble, his mouth twisting into a concerned expression.

Still, one problem at a time.

Jerek sought out one of Allya's commandos, a clone trooper he had gotten to know during the flight to Eshan. "Corporal Crash. Can you look after Micah here, he pushed himself too far. I think he just needs to rest, but if you have anything that could help him back on his feet sooner...just a mild dose, alright?"

The grey-striped trooper nodded his head, "Yes, sir. I'll see to it that he's well-cared-for." The clone reached out his arms, and Jerek turned to let him take Micah, stopping him for one moment to press a glittering gemstone into the sleeping boy's hands.

The Jedi watched the boy be carried off to a more sheltered area of the beachhead, wishing he could do more directly. He was no Jedi Healer, though, and the aftermath of the flooding was almost certain to create a new opportunity for the Mandalorians to attack. Returning to Allya's side, Jerek scanned the horizon, but the dust from the falling debris had made it a thick and soupy mess. The HUD of his armor wasn't offering much more, the sensors seemed to be confused by the swarming dust even when the teen switched it to the full range of its information capabilities, so Jerek was left relying on his own senses.

He could see it before he could feel it, the slowly receding waters quivered, making new waves against the bubble's sides before it died.

Without the ability to see much farther than the former coastline, Jerek reached out to Allya instead, putting his focus on her. "It's okay now, we're safe." When her bubble finally fizzled out, and the floodwaters swept in to cover the once-dry ground, Jerek reached out to take her hand. He gripped it tightly, not wanting to ever let go again. Not wanting to ever be separated again. He pressed his eyes closed, exhaling sharply to steel his focus, training it back on the reality they faced. "That starship, do you think that was one of ours or one of theirs? It's crash did not help matters, even my suit's sensors are overwhelmed."

Tapping into his own senses, the padawan reached out to his surroundings through the Force. He could sense the confusion, the pain, the panic of the city's inhabitants nearby, most of them rushing to parts unknown. Or perhaps they were simply running to run, some primal instinct driving them instead of reason or purpose. It was noise to Jerek's senses, a noise that threatened to drown out everything else. A noise that threatened to break down the restraint he had over his emotions at the moment. Jerek willed himself to breath and focus, to put the suffering of the masses out of his mind. He could not help each one of them with the chaos of now, but he could help them all by securing their future. That was his purpose here.

Slowly, the Jedi youth began to sense others with a purpose, out there among the hazy dust cloud. Thirteen of them, moving together as one unit, making their way right to the beach on which Jerek and Allya stood. Instructing his HUD to focus on the unit, it was eventually able to resolve some data which instantly put Jerek on guard. "Someone's coming. A lot of someones." He dropped his hand from Allya's and stepped forward to give himself some clearance. She had protected him last time, now it was time for Jerek to prove that he could do the same in return. "I think our fight is going to be here, not at the palace."

The padawan unclipped his lightsaber and stepped into the familiar comfort of Soresu's opening form, igniting the green-hued blade to ward against the danger approaching.
Location: Planetary Capital
Objective: Reconnect with allies
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems [member='Scherezade deWinter'] [member='Allya Vi'Dreya'] [member='Cardinal Vi'dreya'] [member='Jerek Zenduu']
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire [member='Valdus Bral']
Equipment: Lancelot (Link in Sig) Mini Power Lance Cay-Yo Uniform Durasteel Sword


Looked to the fiery skies above where he lay in the pile of droids. Wars from his homeworld were never so violent or encompassing, neither had been the invasion of Copero. This was a different sort of violence and destruction a form of war fundamentally different than the very personal conflict that was common between the Patitite. To be sure Cay-Yo was awe-struck by the sites however the diminutive warrior was not fearful. This what he left his home for. Power, adventure, a way of life that none of his people had known before and here it was before him laid bare in all its inspiration. The strength of these larger species could only be comparable to gods. They could build cities that stretched into the sky and destroy them with unparalleled force in a moment. Build ships that stretched for great distances, and in an instance arrive at far-flung destinations. Nature itself seemingly was in their command. The Patitite would know this power, Cay-Yo would see to it. If they did not what would become of his people and home? Surely they'd be exploited. Either by the will of those who felt a sense of urgent desire to protect or by those with an unwavering ambition to conquer. There would come a day when the Patitite would no longer truly decide their destinies.

In midst of his revelations he was disturb by his companion, Lancelot, who had come to find the wounded warrior "Lancelot." he grinned with renewed spirit. Cay-Yo stood with some effort, as he took the sash off his torso to tie around his wounded thigh. The Patitite pulled himself into the saddle of the Gizka and urged him towards the MTTs. The swift steed flew through the debris like the wind. Hoping over obstacles, pin-balling between uneven ruined walls, and then finally he had made it to Madalena and the others. He noticed quickly that Cardinal was missing he drew his small durasteel sword from its sheathe so that it gleamed back the colors of war " Why are we waiting? We should be fighting! We must avenge the droids." he declared urgently. He wanted back into this fight. Through this conflict only then would he know if he had what it took to bring his people into a new age.

Location: Catastrophe, Eshan City Outskirts
Allies: [member="Naedira Darcrath"], [member="Lucien Rayne"], [member="Ryndrae Talon"], [member="Kyle Whir"] (you're in this now, buddy), [member="Ajax Crowe"] (Out of sight, for the moment)
Enemies: [member="Rhaegar Nemesis Dib"]

The woman entreated with him to allow her and another to aid him. They hadn't been introduced, but he knew the nature of her duty, or at least, he had some idea. Sent to watch him, to make sure he wasn't a double agent perhaps, to kill him if he turned out to be untrue. He understood the measure, and while it was annoying, he was too preoccupied to direct his wrath toward her. Instead, he took a large step backward and spoke. "Back up," he told the three as napalm splashed the area ahead of them and pools of boiling flesh, bone, and muscle sent toxic fumes billowing skyward.

It had been effective enough. The enemy hiding above panicked, or at least, he felt a wave of something in that direction. More importantly- was this giant man actually trying to arrest him? He side-eyed the figure for a moment, but before he could speak, the ground jolted.

Alkor stumbled and bumped into the Nabeen Knight, catching himself before he could collapse and send her sprawling with him. Of course, he did not bother with an apology- it wasn't going to be the last tremor, and he only just realized as much. "Chit," he cursed as screeching, molten scraps of starship streaked overhead. The first made landfall far enough away that the concussive force was negligible, but that would not necessarily be true all around.

"You're going to have to get in line," the former Warmaster told the Death Trooper in earnest. "It looks like we've got more to worry about right now."

They truly did.

The second impact came, but Alkor was ready. He rooted himself to the trembling dirt as the quake moved across his body, gritting his teeth to endure the nerve pain that followed. It felt akin to an electrical shock, without the burning. "If you want to help," he told the two Knights Obsidian, "do what you can to minimize casualties here. I don't have the ability to do much for anyone else."

That was when he heard it. Icy talons gripped his heart as the words uttered by his enemy struck him. ...of Clan Verd. Keira had said they would no longer follow Yasha. She chose to take the Clan away from Mandalorian space, away from senseless conflict with pointless enemies. Yet this man- this man had chosen poorly.

He remembered Rhaegar, briefly. They met on Ashrah. He was Ginnie's husband. She was fat with his child.

Yet here he stood.

"This one," he said quietly, "is mine."

He exploded into motion immediately, having no other words. The ground cracked and hissed, hot from the residual heat of the napalm and unsettled by the debris from above. As he moved, he felt Eshan itself lurch, reeling from something much, much larger.

And the ground began to seize, tilt, and both rise and fall at once. It took all of his awareness and skill to continue forward. As he did, he screamed out-

Attn: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Elessar Talon"] | [member="The Avenger"] | [member="Salij-Nekt"] | [member="Tellu Talon"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Amelia von Sorenn"] Enemy: [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Kaine Australis"]

I would like to give a shoutout to [member="Darth Banshee"]. You were a wonderful writing partner throughout this entire invasion, both OOC and IC. Together, we crafted an epic story of revenge and of love, of tragedy and loss, of violence and war. As of this moment, Tacitus has died. I have left things open so that you may deliver the killing blow yourself, should you desire to do so. You've earned it.

Also, post #1000 :D

~And with strange eons, even death may die.~
- H. P. Lovecraft
  • Eshan
    The ruins of a broken world

The galaxy was a vast and wondrous place. Vast and empty, yet teeming with worlds bearing the gift of life. It was a place of transformation and rebirth, of growth and hope and love. The galaxy was a cold and cruel place. The stars uncaring as the tiny mortals basking in their light lived and loved and warred and died. Its story was an old tapestry, weaved from tragedy, a grizzly book of a billion shattered dreams which no one cared to read, each page forgotten as soon as another was written.

A million nations have called the galaxy their home and they fought a million wars and died a million times, their heroes and villains, triumphs and tragedies eroded away by the unstoppable advance of time. All of this has happened before. And it will happen again.

In orbit above Eshan and down below, a new page was being written, a new tragedy unfolding and once again the heroes and the villains fought and died as they wove the great tapestry of time with threads made from the broken lives of mortals and painted with the blood and ashes of of a world. A myriad of ships flitted back and forward as the lines were drawn, engaging in the deadly, complicated choreography of war, exchanging brilliant lances of destruction as starfighters wove between them like agile birds weaving around lumbering dragons.

A behemoth was somehow taken and it began its inexorable fall towards the planet's surface. Other ships intercepted it, engaging in a desperate effort to rip it apart, to prevent its burning, broken hull from devastating the city below.


The look on the Emperor's face as he listened to the woman's tirade, very much indicated that he was neither impressed, or in any way moved by her words. His eyes were, in fact, completely expressionless, dispassionate and cold as the Nelvaanian winter storms. In that moment, there seemed to be nothing human, or living, in those unnatural feline eyes of his, nothing but the mathematical calculation of an intelligence that was completely alien to most people in the galaxy as he wove his spell. Around him, the Darkside rippled in anticipation, responding to his presence with cold, efficient precision. Where most Sith were a raging, untamed fire, he was as cold and disciplined as ice.

It had been a calculated risk, one which he had known it could fail, but that was the nature of all gambles and he had planned in advance for this eventuality. His foe attacked, unleashing a series of quick, Force-amplified bellows that tore their way towards him, bringing with them the red gas that felt like a fog over the normally clear ocean of the Force. As she did so, she reached towards him and crushed his rebreather, tearing the mechanical device away. A barrier popped around him, swiftly erected by the Echani queen the Emperor had met but hours ago, halting the red mist even as the Sith Lord, his spell now broken before it began, raised his hand to unleash the telekinetic wind that would shield him from the worst effects of the sonic blasts. Even so, he staggered under the power of the assault and he felt something warm and wet dripping from his left ear, a sign that his eardrum had popped and he was certain one of his ribs had cracked, if not broken entirely. But he was still standing, still grasping his sword and his three crimson-bladed lightsabers still hovered around him.

Up above, his two whispy, wraith-like demons circled closer and closer, faster and faster as they dived, responding to their master's mental call, swooping down from two directions as they dissolved into black smoke and slammed into the Necromancer's body like angry Tuk'ata pouncing upon their prey. Yet, they did not savage him, for they were not the apex predator upon the killing field. No, today they were the prey.

The Force shuddered as if struck by a silent thunderclap as the Darkside erupted around the Necromancer with the fury of a volcano tearing itself out of its stony prison. Tendrils of black smoke swirled around him and the air shimmered, as if recoiling at the mere touch of the foul, cold, suffocating darkness, a black stain upon the light that could be felt throughout the city and the world beyond by any who were attuned to the Force. This was the true extent of the Necromancer's power, the vast, hidden well that he could draw upon, now laid bare for all to see.


Around him and his foe, the battle intensified as the Sith droids sought now to fight their way through the embattled regiment and towards their leader, rushing right into the Ultranauts' bayonet charge, bolts pouring forth from wrist-mounted blasters and met with fire from the charging soldiers and the cold, sharp steel attached to their rifles. The two formations clashed like a pair of tidal waves and the number of casualties suddenly skyrocketed as a bloodbath ensued.

On the other side, the Ultranauts met the Mandalorians head on, facing the reckless enemy charge with discipline and coordinated, devastating firepower. Flamethrowers hissed and blasters shrieked, the Xiphos' autocannons fired into the enemy waves even as another salvo of missiles from the Crimson Fire tanks streaked their way across the sky, homing in on their targets. Grenades detonated, sounding the drums of war over the cacophony of other weapons and louder still did the heavy turbolasers of the TX-1 thunder their warcry, inflicting a miniature apocalypse wherever they hit.

Bravely did the regiment fight, yet the enemy assault had begun to take its toll. Surrounded and outnumbered, casualties mounted, vehicles exploded and ever fewer reserves made their way to the front of the line as they were gradually depleted by the mindless droids and the cowardly, vile Mandalorians who had forsaken their honor by following the Infernal and her attack dog into a senseless war against Eshan.

Up above, a massive hulk broke into pieces, the shadows looming ominously over the city as they made their unstoppable descent. The first alarmed reports began to circulate over the comms, speaking prophecies of the city's impending doom. Still, the war dragged on. A lone fighter, the last survivor of its squadron, tracked its foe across the sky. Finding its position behind its foe, it fired its last ion torpedo, seeking to send the enemy war bird plummeting to the ground. It would not get the chance.

Somewhere in the distance, the first section of the falling Star Destroyer impacted with the wartorn ground below, A massive shockwave followed, sending the fighter into an uncontrolled spin that ended with it colliding with a building. Its missile, too, was thrown off its path and it spun end over end, plummeting towards the ground, its ion warhead detonating close enough to where [member="Darth Metus"] and [member="Srina Talon"] were shielding their group against the devastation unleashed by the dying ship, close enough to disable the two grenades the vermin [member="Kaine Australis"] had left at their feet, before fleeing like a coward, their internal circuitry burned a millisecond before their internal processors interpreted the signal to detonate. It was a fortunate coincidence, an act of fate that the battered torpedo had detonated so close, perhaps close enough to also disable the so-called "warmaster's" various cybernetic systems, or at least inflict some damage.

Another section of Star Destroyer tumbled towards the city...

The Eternal Emperor grinned at his foe and it was a cold, vicious expression, the savage nature of a predator about to disembowel his prey. He gripped the hilt of his longsword tighter and he charged, crossing the distance between himself and his foe in a split second. The floating lightsabers drew a crimson pattern in the air as they followed him and his terrible longsword flashed, twirling in his hand as he launched himself into a quick, efficient flurry of three slashes with the practiced reflexes of a swordmaster, each cut flowing into another cut.

His crimson sabers danced as if held by invisible hands, jabbing, slicing, seeking the flesh of their master's foe even as the Emperor finished his flurry with a backhanded, downwards slash of his longsword, accented by a powerful telekinetic blast running along the blade.

Then the earth shook as somewhere in the distance, a broken piece of warship slammed into its final resting place, sending fighters plummeting out of the sky and men tumbling to their knees, flinging him backwards across the blood-stained ground. He took the time to look up at the sky and witnessed the death sentence of the city, plummeting down towards them. For the first time in many years, a particular expression flashed into his eyes. Horror.

A scream of rage tore itself from his lungs as he realized the utter insanity of what the Mandalorians had done. This was not a logical tactic, a strategic move to defeat an enemy. It was senseless slaughter, of Echani, of Confederates, of the Mandalorians' own troops, for no better reason than that they would rather watch the city burn, than let it be free of their grasp.

The engineering section of the Star Destroyer was plummeting directly towards the landing zone. Within it, soon, the reactor would fail and go critical. And then the city and everyone in it, would be no more, nothing but a memory and a glassy crater would be left of what had once been the capital of an ancient people. Of his troops and of his brother, of his friends and of the woman he loved, there would be nothing left but ashes. Fate was, once again, in a cruel disposition.

No. Fate would be denied its cruel games today. He could still do something about it, before it was too late. He could save the regiment. He could save his brother and his friends. He could her and, perhaps, the city that had once been her home. He reached out with his mind and called forth the last card he held in reserve, his one remaining trick. From their position at the protected center of the regiment's formation, five abominations slithered their way across the ground, a mass of putrid flesh and teeth and writhing tentacles screaming with the voices of the dead, pleading for merciful release.

The Ruinous ones advanced towards Banshee, intent only to kill, to rip apart and to destroy. Mindless abominations which existed for a single purpose, they would serve the Sith Lord's needs. He had no doubt that Banshee would cut her way through the sithspawn, he had seen her fight. But the creatures would buy him time. The time he needed to do what needed to be done.

He half-limped his way into a clearer portion of the battlefield. When had his leg been injured? It did not matter now. There was only one thing that mattered. The Eternal Emperor of Nelvaan reached into his vast wells of dark power and fed the amulet around his neck. The All-Seeing Eye awakened and bit into his flesh, drinking greedily from the darkness which flowed into it and from the Sith Lord's life. In return, it gave him sight of things too distant, or hidden to be seen with the naked eye. There. Amongst the twisted, mangled wreckage of the falling shard of ship, was the reactor.

He cast his mind into the Force and this time, he reached deep within his well of power, drawing upon his demon-enhanced reserves with all his might, the power searing its way through his body and into his soul. His longsword clattered to the dirt, as did his lightsabers, now extinguished, released from their wielder's grasp. One arm was paralyzed, the nervous connections which controlled its muscles burned away by the immense power coursing through his veins, power which no mortal body, even his own sorcerously altered one, was meant to handle. But his right arm was still functional and with trembling hand, he reached for the sky, as if to grasp at the burning wreck carving its way across the sky, towards the positions of his men. With a grunt of effort, which then turned into a defiant scream, he released the power he had gathered within him, sending it forth, casting it out, straight and true.

The incoming section of ship groaned and cracked, then shattered into a hundred smaller pieces and then into a hundred more. Before the Emperor's vengeful, indomitable will, the dead hulk was nothing, just another obstacle in his path, one that broke before his onslaught. Deeper, he reached. He felt the reactor, about to fail, about to draw its last, dying breath and with it, turn the city into ash. He cast out his will, deeper, further, tearing into the veil and into what lay beyond.

He was the Eternal Emperor of Nelvaan. He called and the Netherworld answered.

The veil tore itself apart, a rift appearing for a brief instant in the reactor's path, like a disembodied, hungry maw, it greedily bit down, encircling the failing reactor, pulling it from the realm of the living and casting it into the great beyond, denying fate its cruel claim upon the city below.

Spent and wracked with pain and numbness, the Emperor fell to his knees in the dirt, a sorrowful expression upon his face. As the shadow of the falling wreck loomed over him, he closed his eyes. His last thoughts were of the Echani maiden to whom he had given his heart. I am sorry, Srina. I love you.

A lone, wounded soldier made his way through the rubble, half stumbling as he struggled to walk. Keep going, he told himself, speaking with silent thoughts, for words took too much effort. Must push forward. Must finish the mission.

Just a few more steps, the soldier shambled on. One foot in front of the other, he stumbled and fell to the ground, drawing a few ragged, gasping breath as he struggled to put weight upon his arm and push himself upright. He held the things tight against his chest, like a parent holding a terrified child, or a priest holding onto his sacred charge. Just a few more steps.

He was one of a few who remained. One of a few who had survived as the broken shards of the dying hulk crashed upon them and then the war droid had exploded. Scant few hours ago, they were thousands. Now...

Somehow, the soldier found them in the rubble. The things he now held so dearly against his chest, grasped clumsily in a broken arm. Must keep going, he repeated to himself, struggling for breath. Must finish the mission.

Somehow, through the wreckage and the battle around him, the wounded soldier made his way to those he sought. There, just a few more steps. Ahead of him, were the Confederacy's Vicelord and one of the Exarchs, the Echani one. He shambled on. He stumbled and he crawled, then he stood and shambled on again. Finally, his destination was within reach. Finally, his mission would be complete.

He fell to his knees before the Echani Exarch, unable to stand, trembling hands struggling to lift the package he had carried across the broken field. A burned and battered flag. And wrapped within it, four lightsabers and a sword. "The Emperor.... has fallen."


Location: Medical encampment outside of the capital
Objective: Rescue survivors
Allies: CIS and allies, [member="Valencia Hadley"] | [member="Cynthia Solus"]
Enemies: Mandalorian Empire, [member="Subject 5"]?
Gear: Dual lightsabers, stun blaster pistol

She wanted to hear that the Mandalorian Empire was innocent. Desperately. She wanted answers that would relieve her doubts, show her a different truth, anything to absolve Cynthia of her association with this horrible event. Promising to punish a man for genocide didn't assure her of anything, it was the bare minimum.

"How am I supposed to believe that you're distancing yourself from the man when he's been given a gun and allowed to shoot at our people? This isn't about which one person is to blame for this catastrophe, it's about your inability as an empire to take responsibility for what happened under your own watch. If you would just look me in the eye and own up to it..."

Her attention was directed away from Cynthia, towards the enormous object heading straight towards the city. She gazed on in disbelief, slack-jawed and wide-eyed, as the behemoth spacecraft plummeted headlong into the very place they had come to liberate. Even as it was being fractured into smaller pieces, the impending impact was still devastating. A feeling she hoped to never feel again resurfaced, the same one that took over when she stood on Coruscant. Cynthia was there with her then, as well.

The destruction that ensued was immense, buildings crumbling as city blocks were wiped out in an instant. Even from a distance, the lights and sounds were overwhelming, and Helly continued to watch in horror. It was all she could do.

Cynthia asked if she wanted to help the Echani people. That meant going into an active battlefield. Helly may have wielded dual lightsabers, but the only reason she owned them, to begin with, was for special effects at concerts. She knew how to use them, sure, but she didn't have any force abilities, just exceptional internal cybernetic engineering.

Turning back to Cynthia, steeling herself with a face still full of shock as destruction still echoed in the distance, she took a step toward her. "I'll make sure nobody here attacks your people, but you have to make sure that none of your people attack any of mine when we're in the thick of it, alright?"

She called out to her droids and jawas, "Get everyone injured to the transport!" Pointing out three medical droids, two combat droids, and three jawas, she continued, "All of you stay here with me! We're heading into the city!"

One of the jawas cried out in protest as Helly understood barely half of it, but she stood adamant in her decision and stood by for Cynthia's own come and pick them up. It could have been incredibly stupid to do what she was doing, but she had never been known as an intelligent person. Creative, certainly, but common sense was something she could have used more of.

"I'm trusting you, Cynthia..."

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