Vylmira's Wrath
Objective: Drive the Mandalorians from Eshan, Evacuate as many Echani as possible
Allies: CIS and Friends
Enemies: Mandalorians, and any who would seek to cause more harm to the Echani people.
Loadout: Armor, Lightsaber, Ri Qorit Device
Ship Links: Octarch x15
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Cay-Yo"] [member="Jerek Zenduu"] [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Azure Djitred"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Things just went from bad to worse. Voph felt his rage subside as he took cover behind a column, blaster fire still bathing his position in a deadly red stuttering glow. The Mandalorians were doing something. The sky had grown dark. More Ysalamiri. And from the radius, there were a lot of them. "Voph to all available assets, Mandalorians have something en-route to the Palace." Voph paused, a moment of fear flooding his veins before it gave way to the hyper-clarity offered him by the Battle Meditation. "Take it down. Do NOT let that thing reach the palace. Armageddon Protocol." It would cost him the air game. But he didn't care. If that device landed, there wasn't any hope for the combatants on the ground. Not with that many lizards.
From the distance, afterburners flared. Losses were sustained in their bid to redirect, but that didn't matter. Armageddon Protocol had been enacted. Voph paused for a moment, then sent out the call. "This is Voph to all Confederate Forces in the vicinity of Eshan City. The Palace is now a Warzone. If you are enroute, disengage and seek alternative objectives." Voph hugged the wall closer as bits of the column shattered against his helmet. He looked up, and said a silent prayer as the swarm descended. Hundreds of fighters flew towards the War Fort, showering it with blaster bolts and torpedoes. A squadron of Mynocks lined up their trajectories, guns blazing. "Been an honor flying with you boys. I'm buying the first round for whoever survives this. Set...Mark!"
Simultaneously the cockpit pods ejected from the fighters as the afterburners flared once more, sending the empty hulls streaking towards the War Fort on a direct collision course. Voph just prayed he wouldn't have to sacrifice any more. A blaster bolt grazed his shoulder, and he prepared to move, but was stopped. The Force was calling to him. Distress. Something was wrong. Voph pressed himself against the wall again, and Cardinal's sword clanked against his back. He'd almost forgotten he'd picked it up when the bridge fell. Then it dawned on him. Cardinal was in trouble. And Voph needed to get to him. Now.
Voph turned, and sprinted down the hall, bringing his arm up to create a Force Barrier around himself as he ran. He could sense the voids in the Force on the floor far below. He knew the Mandalorians holding the palace would have forces hidden within. So, he did the next best thing. Sprinting through the remaining Echani, he launched himself through a wall, using Force Push to weaken it before his heavy armor finished the rest. He rolled to a stop, and clambered back to his feet. The Echani Militia were still firing at him, pressing their advantage as he fled, but faltered when he turned to face them. Voph's saber flared again, and he spun, blade held low. For a moment, he was plunged into darkness. His arm came up, and Voph prayed he had positioned himself close enough. As he fell, he triggered the Ri Qorit, sending out a wave that would kill any Ysalamiri within the area.
Whatever the results were, he landed heavily next to the throne. He lifted an arm to grab at the throne's armrest, and pulled himself to his feet. His head was still reeling from the Ysalamiri, and he wasn't sure if that was a lingering effect he felt, or if the field hadn't dropped as he'd hoped. Either way, he was here now. With any luck, backup would be here soon. Otherwise... Voph steeled his mind. Cardinal needed his help. And he would fight to the last breath to defend his own.
OOC NOTE: Echani Militia written with permission from Valdus