Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

"That is how we made it, hard to find, secret and only for jedi or their allies. These are children and families of jedi who are kept safe so that they won't be targets." The woman motioned for the two fo them and was walking as some fo the children stood there looking over at them. A few showing different pieces of clothing and insignia's from long ago. Patchworked and made to be theirs but... "We have two hundred people on this island and most avoid it. The statues make sure we are hidden from the sight of others."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
"Did they have to be of people? I mean isn't that a bit...I dunno, a bit Sith-y?" the bounty hunter asked. That would always be one thing she couldn't get past. She would never actually like giant stone effigies of people. Or gods. Or creatures. Just no. They were always built on the backs of those less fortunate. Well at least they used to be...Kat imagined that in the modern day, they in fact used droids and then like, but the point stood.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

"We use them, we didn't make them. We have had this island sanctuary for six thousand years and really only know how to turn them on but the sith have been on this world several times, same as the jedi and other species in the galaxy." They were walking and Junko could see some of the other things that they had. Wanting to present it, wanting to get a better idea when she could see more children and some of the people in the village.

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
Kat followed the Jedi woman and listened. 'Well I guess if they didn't build em...' she'd thought to herself. And that was all she had. She looked around at what had turned out to be a small village, children, mothers, daughter, fathers, sons, all watching them carefully. It was odd, to have so many eyes on herself and [member="Junko Ike"]. She wasn't the kind to be the center of attention.
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

Junko got to see a lot more of it and the children and the families were here but she also saw that the jedi among them were just that. They were all families until she stopped seeing where they had a well for water, food being prepared. "This village is beautiful, is the whole island like this or is it just a small place?" She was curious and looking out on it as the woman spoke. "There is one village, some scattered homes for different jedi and scouts around to make sure in case of attack but it is not a massive island. We have just moved in and tried to minimize our presence. We send a small group of the scouts to the city to trade."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
"You guys ready to move?" Kat asked. With small forces it was better to be ready to get out if there were signs of hostiles approaching, rather than stand and die. "I can't imagine you guys have enough people to fight off a large force." Sure they may have stayed safe for a couple centuries or so. But the red head didn't put a lot of faith in the maintaining of the status quo...change was always inevitable.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

The jedi master looking at her and she raised an eyebrow. "We have some places that work as chokepoints to protect us but the real power is that the island cannot be seen and getting here is harder then it might have looked without the crystals to illuminate the pathway here. Even then they still have both an icean overhead and jedi to fight... but I do have some contingencies in place." she had led the way towards the coast and the beach was nice with a lighthouse on one end and a bonfire that looked like something jedi would be burned in or at least their bodies. There were some other jedi enjoying a small game. "There are many islands from here and we have gunboats that can get there quickly."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
The bounty hunter nodded. Always needed an escape plan. She had nothing more to say on the matter. She understood that anything large would be noticed by people, and it seemed that the Jedi wanted to keep a low profile. Couldn't blame them there. Life seemed quiet, nice around here. Kat was actually a little envious. It seemed like a good life to have.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

Junko was looking at all of it here on the beach and she could see one fo the statues witha crystal base there before it provided a few ideas... and she could feel it there. The force energies that came when in the far distance just on the edge she could see an island chain there. The jedi Master was here leading them around so that they would get a chance to see all of the island itself. Looking out along the sides. "There is a few other things we can grow a lot of different foods here and there are the local creatures."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
Kat followed along, listening silently. The people here had managed well. Maybe not with the same exact level of technology, a little dated, but nothing ancient. They had to have traded with someone. Especially to have made it this long. Kat decided to ask if that was the case. "Who else is around here? You guys have to trade with someone right?"

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

"We trade with the Imperial city, it is two hundred kilometers to the city and we are able to go through the tunnels and meet with them. The IMperial city is a wonderful place to go and we can trade food or small crafts for improved tools and anything we might need. We might not press to have lots of technology but we have a good amount that we can use practically." Master Jarl continued to walk forward and give herself some of the better indications when the remains of a small fort was there and it could be seen where they were making their own quarried stone and bricks. "We have slowly been rebuilding it as needed and making it more some place that can serve like a fallout shelter."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
"What kinda defenses are you guys looking?" Kat asked, appraising the distant structure. Brick and stones. Back to the basics it seemed. Kat just hoped they weren't using wooden doors...

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

"Tunqstoid doors, the interior will have a layer of reinforced duraplast while the exterior we are setting up to have a shield generator to give it a small deflector shield. As a topside bunker and place to protect the children ot the familie it might not be armed like a military fort but it will be designed to handle attacks and explosions or just bombings. We have started to work with the walls down below it as well so everything will be protected." Jarl was walking as she prepared herself though showing where they had dug around and made a smaler basement. "We started with tunqstoid walls down below and it will be rooms that are obscenely dense to get through, then turadium blast doors. Where we will be able to get them safe and secured. might not be as comfortable with bunk beds and crates of supplie but should be protected."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
"How long can you guys last in there?" The bounty hunter asked. The walls meant nothing if one starved themselves to death. Or if they could be smoked out. Or poisoned. Or....well a lot of things could happen. War tended to make one a bit more creative than what they cared to admit.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

She was looking at it and Junko had to wonder that as well. Here on the island itself though when the sound of something came here. Junko listened to the jedi master as she was speaking. "Oh that is something else and why people don't come here.... but we can last down there for a handful of months. We have usually used it for storms where we might lose homes in the village to keep dry and warm. It is a tight space but easily possible." She stayed there with a look on her face though while she was looking. "For what we have been working on though well the sounds generally annoy him." She pointed towards the mountain and it was the roar that came before a thundering crash. "One of the largest beasts on the planet that has been living here since before I was born. Just a monster that easily fits the idea of an apex predator on the planet let alone this small island. My grandmother named him Binky."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
"Binky..." Kat repeated. "A giant, possibly pre-historic monster...named Binky..." The bounty hunter shook her head, "Ok, now I've seen and heard it all." How or why the thing didn't come trampling through their village was another thing that completely confounded Kat. This was all pretty surreal.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

Junko had to snicker a little mostly from the idea of the situation and the reaction from Kat. honestly there was a lot that went into naming a pet but bahahahaha she couldn't deny that a massive creature like a Grn-Dl being named Binky was in many ways something no one would expect and if they encountered it wellthey could be in for a surprise and she knew a couple things about them. With a chance of them being dangerous and attacking usually limited since they went after food that moved and they could see... their eyesight was horrible. Out here on an island in the sun there was likely to be even worse as it likely couldn't feel all of the vibrations through the sand.
[member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]

Junko was looking at it as she looked up towards the mountains as Master Jarl was leading them up. There was wooden structures built into the sides of it that went down and it was different platforms and posts like they had seen down by the small stream and farm. Junko could see more of it as standing over the shelter was nice but she could see the village and over most of the trees. Thick rolls of fog the more she peers and the smaller islands when everything was giving them more to work and see. "THis looks still looks amazing and i am glad for once we didn't have to fight through everything. An adventure without violence is just as iportant."

Kat'Lariah Syphex

Don't. Even. Think about it.
Kat laughed at the woman's comment. "Yeah, me too. Nice to see a place before it gets blown to bits or something too." the red head added. From on high, Kat examined the village and the small farm that lay nearby. "What do you guys export?" she asked out of curiosity. It was doubtful that a single farm made up the entire villages exports.

[member="Junko Ike"]

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