Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eye For An Eye [Lords of the Fringe Invasion of Eriadu]

Eriadu, Upper Atmosphere.

Krest gritted his teeth as his ship burned through the atmosphere. There was no slowing down, no turning back. He still had no idea where he was going either. Hopefully he would go unnoticed, but the ship had no cloaking device, no sensor dampeners. He was a ping waiting to be seen.

"Omega Protectorate. I'd love to join the party, but you got to give me a destination." His hand gripped Deus hard. If there was one thing the Zabrak hated, it was flying. Steel death trap waiting to be shot at, that's all ships were to him. The sooner he got out of it, the better. Way better. But for now he had to wait. And that was something he hated almost as much as ships.

@[member="HK-36"], @[member="Noah Corek"], @[member="Basaba Willamina"], @[member="Cira"]
Omega Base
Nyos stood atop an AA tank watching the arrival of the stealth troops. He saw that karking dragon again. He was about to light that flying rats world up. His unit of mobile artillery was comprised of AA tanks, turbo laser canon tanks, and surface to surface missile trucks. All sporting support vehicles with mounted repeaters, E-webs, and pulse canons.

He called out to his troopers, These invaders are going to try and break your spirit, but they will not. I have faced them before, and yes I have been damaged, but they haven't beat me yet, he spoke as he looked over his cybernetics.

I will be right here along side each and every one of you. By my sword, I will take down the enemy of the Protectorate!! For OMEGA!!!!

FOR OMEGA, the resounding battle cry shot out over the city as the Mobile Artillery Division echoed their love for the OP.

Nyos took a megaphone and called to the Fringe Forces, mainly the big lizard. Hey you karking yellow bellied, window lickers, bite my shiny metal a**

@[member="HK-36"] @[member="Ayden Cater"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @Any other Omega side forces @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"]
Miles sat inside the cockpit of his fighter with his squadron in tow over the capitol. He had a mixed unit of fighters, interceptors, and bombers. He commed the fleet commander.

Sir, we have sight on dragons and fringers on the ground. Request permission to engage.

Lock it down boys, looks like their here to stay and fight this time. Looks like they finally found their juevos.

@[member="Ayden Cater"] @Whomever is leading the Fleet
At the same time that his scanners picked up various hostile targets along his flight path, a piercing agony hit Betna's brain. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before and, for a brief moment, he was afraid he'd had an aneurysm or maybe a stroke. It took him a few moments of pain and agony to realize that it felt like something was moving in his head. Once that realization hit him through the cloud of spasming gray matter, his reactive training came to the fore.

Betna was a Force hunter. A bounty hunter and mercenary specializing in the removal and/or retrieval of Force users, both dead and alive. In his line of work, weapons and armor and gadgets reigned supreme, as they should, but most forgot about the last and greatest weapon and armor: the mind. Jedi and Sith alike were known to play tricks on the minds of the unwary. Attacking the minds of their enemies was a great past time for Sith while toying with memories was well known amongst the Jedi. Betna had trained his mind to resist their effects through the art of dissembling. Constantly moving the surface thoughts of one's mind from subject to subject as if a wall of fluid steel surrounded the brain. In this way, even the most skilled of Force users could find no weak point, no chink in the armor of his mind, so long as he kept it up. He'd not been bothered with keeping this defense up while piloting the bes'uliik whatsoever. Partly because he'd been more focused on getting to the fight and flying the ship, though mostly because he didn't think any Force users in the area had the range, or the gettse, to screw with his mind. That changed now, however.

Betna clamped down on his thoughts and shackled them, hard, within his mind. He rooted them into his very psyche and shoved as hard as he could on the intrusion until he could feel it on the peripherals of his consciousness. Once done, he kept the pressure up and began dissembling like his life depended on it, which it did. He kept it up until he felt the probing slide and glance off his thoughts as if one would grasp oil. The resulting fight left his mind safe, but with a nasty, roaring migraine the likes of which he'd never felt before. It also left him angry. Very angry. Not the raging hatred of one's foes type of anger, but the cold, calculated, and focused anger of one who knows just what needs doing to get even, or better.

Betna glanced over his sensors and data as he kept up his mental defenses. He was happy and somewhat surprised to see that he'd not lost much altitude and hadn't crashed the fighter in the previous psychological struggle. The Mandalorian armed the blaster cannons mounted on the starfighter and rechecked his payload. Satisfied that all was still in order, he pulled the control yoke back to gain altitude and placed himself between the bogeys on his sensors and the planet's sun in the sky. All the while, he did his best to ignore the gnarliest of migraines and the ensuing nausea it caused.

@[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Antillie Jenika"] @[member="Dash Ardellian"]
The Bushi allowed the Sith
To take command and simply
Stepped back to watch the crowd with
Mindful eyes and open thoughts.

The Sith know nothing of peace
Or balance, but knew enough
Of politics to easily cease
The cautious minds of the wary.

Masamune simply watched the other
As he spoke and talked aloud
To quell and firmly smother
Doubt and fear and caution.

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Darth Kentarch"]
The still recovering self proclaimed Supreme Overlord Dredge sat back in a chair on one of the fringe vessels that had arrived on the planet. This was not a matter for the horde to get involved in at all. But the fringe did sponsor some of the little "pet" projects that were going on in horde space. So Dredge had to do them the kindness of being here as a part time member of the faction. However that did not mean the man didn't bring forces of his own to help in the invasion, in his current state he couldn't fight due to his arm still healing from the massive blow delt by the field Marshal Garon the overlord's arm remained in a sling as he looked forward at the invading army that he had brought to aid the fringe in their battle here on this forsaken little craphole of a planet. Oh how he longed for the day when he could bring his empire to the might in which the Fringe had, to be capable of fending off the republic and burning worlds of whoever they saw fit. It was best that Dredge served them now and worked along side of them lest they turn their eyes to him and his nefarious doings. Such as freeing his commander from the grasp of the mandolorians or building monsters on his homeworld that he intended to unleash upon the galaxy. Either way it was in his best interest that he was here to aid his friends when he could in their endeavors of revenge against a faction that should of died a long time ago. Standing from his seat the Yuuzhan Vong moved over to his men, this was normally the moment where he would give his no survivor speech but he had been lost In thought about why exactly the mando had chosen to spare his life. He would not of done the same for the lesser creature but it still radiated within him on why he was still alive. Clearing his throat he spoke to the men down bellow him in a softer but still commanding tone "You are all the embodiment of our beliefs, our gods, our way of life, now make the fringe proud and take this world or I will put you all to the a-" cutting himself off Dredge thought about that, would he really kill his own men for failure? He tried his hardest to keep his composure but the man wasn't a god, he wasn't this person to quickly get over a life changing event and walk away from it unscarred. He bore his wounds physically, psychological, and spiritually. "Just kill the enemy." He said as he quickly walked back to his quarters to think. "Commander Musta, take over and respond to blue leader when he calls." He said as he walked away to rest and heal

"Yes my Lord." The NPC commander bowed and saw to it the unpacking of the horde war machine. "Get me the Grutchin, artillery beasts, tank beasts, and infantry out and ready to move onto the protectorate base as soon as possible! We need to move forward and push the attack before they are completely mobilized and ready to launch counter attacks! The main army is on the way and we need to take down objectives before they arrive! Move, for the horde!!" As the large Yuuzhan Vong commander barked orders his subordinates listened and quickly carried them out to make them so. Coming out of one the ships marched a decent sized strike force counting one hundred and seventy five of Yuuzhan Vong infantry all dressed in the infamous crab armor of their people. "Get the beasts up and moving!" As the infantry formed and they began to break up into their assigned squads and units the rest of the horde units began to pile out of the ships. A solid ten artillery beats roared as the lined up and prepared for the attack on Protectorate forces. They would remain here at the FOB to take on fire missions when asked. They could provide accurate and deadly fire that would wreck enemy lines with enough fire power. Following the Artillery beasts came the Horde's tank beasts counting in up to twenty Yuuzhan Vong creatures that would act as heavy armor for the infantry when they advanced on the enemy positions. Forming in drill formations the troops were ready to launch their assault on the planet.

"Scout Group One! Proceed to Omega Base to test their defenses, travel well my brothers and die with honor! Commander Break! Take your droids and move to assaults the Capitol city! As the Yuuzhan Vong unit of fifty infantry and ten tank beasts roared in delight for their approaching deaths they mobilized and headed off down the road towards the omega base in the Capitol they would arrive in roughly two posts if anyone were wanting to stop them early before testing the defenses of the Capitol. As the troops left the commander Musta gave the order to begin arty fire on key locations of the city. Turbo laser towers, walls, things of that nature. As the giant creatures moved and shifted taking aim at the city that was a few miles away they began to fire and rain down giant balls of explosive plasma and death on the city and defenses it packed. Their mission was simple cripple the OP defensive effort so the invading army could proceed inland and take the Capitol by force. The scout force was starting to move into the outskirts of the city where they would more than likely begin to encounter resistance, their rifles were raised and the beasts were on their toes as the column of men marched down the streets in two long lines of twenty five men on each side with five tank beasts every ten meters in the middle giving distance among themselves if they were to be ambushed suddenly. Good spacing and tactics would win them this fight, though their fares may of been sealed the ones back at the forward operating bases were not. They had a chance and now this small band of Vong were the initial shock troops to provide intel to the people back at base. We would only be able to hope they reached their objective to die noble deaths on the field of battle. The force dead warriors earned that much.

@EVERYONE & @[member="Break"]
Let the invading commence

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Ayden Cater"] (because I forgot to try and get past yall first.)

Gavin threaded his way from the safety of the fringe fleet and toward the Protectorate ships. He would have to get around them to provide cover for ground troops.

He adjusted his systems as he preped for evaisive maneuvers. His old Clan-skin armor from his younger Mando days. He had flown under Jasper Ar'klim callsign Ordo, when they hit the Mon Cal shipyards and now he'd face off against former allies. Why? Because Feth it.

He brought his ship low and kept his head on a swivel. It was only a matter of time before the turbo lasers started and the blossoms of light threatened to end him early.

"Come on boy's," he said as he wondered if he would finally find his end here against a worthy enemy.


Well-Known Member
Rocking his shoulders back, then forward, the Andolith loosened tension built over the wait. It was time, his ship had landed and he stepped off the ramp to begin another invasion, this one however being the first in his new form. A cracking noise set off his senses, and his stalk eye swiveled to and fro for but a moment until he realized the source. His tail was shifting and snapping of its own accord, leaving deep crevices in the ground beneath him.

Reaching up for the barest of moments, his first and second fingers touched his Taozin Amulet. Simultaneously the huge beast vanished, his body was already protected and ready to go. So now he simply had to wait for the true battle to begin.
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] (We're not the NPC type)

@[member="Ermac Laith"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Briika Tor"]

Ordo lifted his weapon to his shoulder to fire at the obvious intruder. Ordo was not the best at sensing but he could tell when power was close and the man was strong.

Ordo fired twice as the Sith darted away and down an alley.

"He went down the alley!" He said as he took point. "Diamond formation over lapping fire arcs 3 yard spacing between us."

He said as he fell into ramikad'yc mode. He didn't know the Sith personally but a back alley was a good place for an ambush. Ordo combat walked toward the alley his weapon hard against his shoulder plate and his grey-green eyes scanning the area.

"Stack on that alley." He said as he moved. "Watch for lightning."

Lira Dajenn

Eriadu-Near Governors Estate
Nemene stood atop a landing platform, a soft cloak fluttering in the breeze and her hair whipping from side to side as she watched. Already she could see streaks of turbo laser fire across the entire world, already she could sense death and dying, already she could feel battle brewing all about them. The sensations caused a smile to twinge on her lips, and goosebumps to roll up her spine.

Getting onto Eriadu had been simple enough, a Kuat Drive Yards Blackbird, flown by Evelynn of course, had seen to that.

The Landing platform had been equally easy to find, no one really watched the private one starfighter sized landing spaces on a world like this when an invasion came, there were other more empty spaces to worry about. So Evelynn and her had found their way to the planets surface, having been called upon by the Fringe to aid within this little battle, and since neither of them were very skilled in space battles, coming to the surface was the best option for them both.

“Lets go see if we can't find something to do shall we? It's been so very long since we've had some fun.” Nemene purred as another strong gust of wind struck her. She looked back to her sister and smiled, today would be a day of blood and battle.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Darth Kentarch"] @[member="Masamune Tametomo"] @[member="Rave Merrill"]

HK heard the Sith's counter-broadcast, the effectiveness of which could be put in the question, actually, since one of the Kentarch's key weaknesses was "Low Charisma", and decided to download it to his memory banks from the holo-net, he would modify it, use snippets from it for his own gain. While he was one it, he began to download old Protectorate media recordings of battles with Bando Gora, on Eriadu and other planets, especially focusing on clips where HK was shown during rescue missions.
"Know your enemy before you face them, my Sith guest."
HK's voice would boom out from speakers in the hall Darth Kentarch was, in fact his voice boomed out from other holo-terminals, just as Kentarch was broadcasting his speech moments ago.
"And do not try to deny your Sith identity. I have heard this tone before, those false words. That and wearing a whole-black outfit, looking more like a conqueror than a diplomat."
On holo-screens would show the image of Kentarch, just from the speech he was making, it would zoom in on the lightsaber he visibly had on him.
"And wielding a lightsaber, there is no more cliche Sith outfit than that. Should you actually take effort to look into this territory and learn more about it, Sith-ums, you would realize that I am one of the mercenary elite of the Pyre."
The holo-screens would show the clip then of ceremony in which HK was made the Colonel of the Pyre by Lady Protector Tegaea, a rank that coordinated the Pyre mercenary forces. Of course he has decline the rank later on when he disappeared but they didn't need to know that.
"Quite sloppy, I must say, you come into this land claiming that you are here to liberate yet you do not know its situations or who plays which parts? How are you to liberate and protect if you do not know what you are liberating in the first place? And quite a clean tactic you employ here, Sith, you come with your army FIRST then you speak SECOND."

Now the holo-screens would show the live-feed of the battle, it seems HK was on the side of some building, a tower or a wall, it showed the City of Eriadu, being bombarded by Vong plasma artillery, somewhere off in the distance army of Break's droids was seen moving.
"It is the Fringe who is trying to hold this planet on gun-point. It is not the Protectorate firing explosive plasma artillery projectiles onto the people they have sworn to protect. It is the Yuzhaan Vong weapon, a weapon of creatures who hate this Galaxy and its people, they have waged a galactic war against us before."
A very, very old clip of the destruction the Vong brought to the Galaxy was shown on the holo-screens then, it was recording HK took during those times when he joined the war against the Vong briefly as well.
"And yet you, the Fringe, bring them here to a planet you wish to free? Is that how the Fringe liberates? By sending armies who would love nothing more but to destroy every being on this planet, and bombarding civilian homes while their Sith speakers hiss out false words of comfort? You are no liberators, you are corruptors."

"If there is any oppression, slaughter, or war on Eriadu, then the Fringe has brought it with them. The Protectorate has brought freedom and prosperity to the planet, liberating it from a reign that has forgotten its true purpose and swayed under the influence of Evil Tyrant Tarkin."
Clips of the Battle of Eriadu were shown, snippets taken from the time the Protectorate waged for the control of the planet. The battle for the Capital City ended quickly, the clips showed Eriadu troopers surrendering the city without a fight, glad to give the city from under control of the Tyrant that ruled over them before Protectorate liberated the planet. Another clip showed the Eriaduan troopers joining those of the Protectorate in tearing down the statues of Tarkin, a symbol for the people of Eriadu that it wasn't just an effort by the Protectorate to end the rule of Tarkin Tyrant. It was cooperation by both natives and the Protectorate. A clip of the Eriaduans storming the Secret Police Headquarters was shown as well, another symbol that the natives were glad to join the Protectorate and leave the evil rule of Tarkin.
And just to remind them why, clips of liberation of multiple different concentration camps used by Tarkin, freeing the natives who were held there for slave labor. Old, young, just barely walking, weak and starved from harsh life in the camp. Life before the Protectorate was harsh and uneasy, and HK made sure to remind the people of Eriadu that, he wanted them to remember what kind of evils of a Tyrant Ruler the Protectorate saved them from.
"Ever since we have rid the people of Eriadu of this foul influence the planet has flourished, the people's minds were eased and they were prosperous. But that was not good for you, was it? You must come here and try to take this prosperity and make it your own. You do not come to liberate and fight for people, you come to swoop on the profit and use them. I have fought your kind, Sith, sure and relentless, clad in black armor and clothing. I have fought them since the ages of Old Republic, and if there is one thing that I learned about the Sith."
While he was talking the holo-screens showed the broadcast of the destruction of Donyanyd as it was conducted by Darth Apparatus, the battle of Keldabe where the Sith tried to conquer the Mandalorian homeworld, other miscellaneous battles of present and old, highlighting Sith cruelty and love of destruction.
"Sith love nothing more than to kill, manipulate, and use, but yet, their lives are rather short, meet brutal ends, and quite often, they live as puppets."
Then the clips showed Darth Apparatus, unmasked, as he was being given last rites after his demise on Fondor at the hands of Chloe Blake, it showed Darth Onyx, during his first funeral, when HK was his pallbearer, the Sith resting in the coffin, it showed other miscellaneous Sith being defeated, in duels or during battles, Apprentices and Knights.

"And as for me. I do not wish you death, Sith. I do not wish death to your, or the Fringe. I wish you peace instead, peace away from fight, away from hatred, away from war. I wish that to the people of this planet as well. I implore you and your allies, leave now with your forces and cease combat, we can avoid any unnecessary bloodshed. If you really wish the best for the people of this planet, you can come back with just your diplomatic delegation and we can have a civil meeting between the Protectorate representatives, those of the Fringe, and the Eriadu leadership. Otherwise, all you are bringing here is war."
The holo-screens would show the feed of the city once more, fires burning as more artillery Vong bombardment was sent by the Fringe.
"And if you, or anyone else doubts my words, let it be known that it is a fact I will take a bullet for each and every citizen of this planet, and the Protectorate, not for my gain, but to bring Peace to the lives of those who wish to stay away from war and live their lives as they see fit."
And then the holo-screens would show clips of HK in battles, taken from perspective of other soldiers who were taking videos for records or holo-news broadcasts, or any war journalists that joined them. There were many images of HK carrying in his arms and on his shoulders wounded civilians, scarred children, and those too old or weak to get away, during many battles he carried them to safety. There was a shot of him rushing forward on Zhar as a pillar was about to collapse on a little girls, the droid shielding her with his body as the pillar hit them. The little girl would run out from beneath as the droid rose the pillar on his back, saving her life. There were many other similar images and videos following.
The droid kept speaking to add contrast,
"And perhaps, Sith, we should read between your lines rather than take your words in as they are, then we will learn the truth."
And following that was one of the lines of Kentarch's speech, modified by the droid,
"The people of Eriadu deserve -bzzt- to be held at gun point by -bzzt- dirty tactics -bzzt- employed by the Sith Empire."
"The people of Eriadu deserve -bzzt- to be held at gun point by -bzzt- dirty tactics -bzzt- employed by the Sith Empire."
"The people of Eriadu deserve -bzzt- to be held at gun point by -bzzt- dirty tactics -bzzt- employed by the Sith Empire."

And with that long message, the droid's broadcast would conclude, for now.
As opposed to the Sith with "Low Charisma" HK was a well-known figure around the Protectorate, and he had this time video evidence to back this up. So yeah, to the people around the planet this should have been rather effective in keeping them on the Protectorate's side and build dis-trust in the landing Fringe forces and their representative wearing traditional Sith clothing.
A confirmation to land finally came through and Vulpesen descended in his ship, growling as he caught a passing glance of the dragon he had fought several years before. "Great. He's here." Continuing down, he was given clearance near the Governor's estate, the jedi shut down his ship and moved down the ramp, once again asking Ace to stay in the ship. The battle would be hard and the last thing he needed was for his companion to get blasted, burned or slashed.

@[member="Nemene Talith"] @[member="Evelynn"]
OMEGA BASE- Moving to engage Sith intruder

Strider did not have time to enjoy the kiss of Briika for it was go time. A sith bunny hopped into the base just to inform us that he hated mandos and to announce he was a big sith badass. So in response the mandalorian commandos formed up in diamond formation as Ordo Commanded.

The diamond formation is a classic military pattern that has been in use for millenniums, used by for quests of speed and security. The diamond formation is just like what it sounds, a diamond shape. Each point in the diamond (there are four) represents the position of an soldier, and a fifth position for a team leader placed in the center of the diamond, for a total of five soldiers. The diamond formations is a highly effective way to move forward at a good speed while protecting all element in motion.

Assuming Marshal Ordo would take team leader position Strider would take point, Drawing his EE-3 carbine,with a Fett kal Trench Knife attached to the under barrel in bayonet style, Responsible for forward security of about 120-150 degrees firing arc as they moved forward. Strider was all ramikad'yc for sith was on the menu today and these mando'ade were well suited to hunting the darjetti.

Mando Squad:mad:Ermac Laith @Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor
Target: @Mikhail Shorn
The moment the Sith spawn had landed near them, Kable stopped smiling at @[member="Briika Tor"] and slammed on his helmet. He brought up his L3 river rifle and moved with his brothers and sister.
They moved as one unit.

At the command of the diamond formation, Kable slowed his step, allowing the others to get one pace past him. Then he turned around matched the others pace, only he was walking backwards. He kept his rifle moving in a systematic sweep of their "6". He had no visual of the front, he had to trust his fellow warriors to cover that. But nothing was going to sneak up behind them and survive.
@Ermac Laith @Ordo @[member="Strider Garon"]
His head hurt like no tomorrow and he yearned for migraine pills or, at least, to rub his temples under the helmet. Unfortunately he had a job to do and taking his helmet off would only cause more problems.

He realized be was nearing his target and checked his sensors. He was at roughly 2,000 feet above the ground and the Fringe's beachhead was coming into view. Betna yawed the Bes'uliik to the left and aimed for the center of the enemy base. He triple checked his weapons and kept an eye on his sensors. If anything jumped out at him, he'd have plenty of warning to react accordingly.

As he came closer and closer to Fringe positions, all he could think about was the karking migraine he had and how much he wanted to boot the cause of it in the shebs.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
Blue-green eyes gazed back at the young man smiling at Bree through her darken T-visor; a similar smile gracing her lips though @[member="Kable Detta"] couldn't see it. Briika wondered if he had the same fluttering in his stomach that she did, but all thoughts of that nature were vanished immediately when a Sith so rudely cut them short.

The young combat medic without hesitation slid into her position at the right point of the diamond formation at the command of Marshal @[member="Ordo"], grabbing her M-12 "Kath Hound" shotgun from it's quick draw harness that was strapped to her, then moved like she had been trained to do by Marshal @[member="Strider Garon"] covering the right flank of the Mando squad.

@[member="Ermac Laith"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
<This is Serpants Bane Three Four, moving into the Capital city, we will laze targets for you on the way over> as the small battle group of Yuuzhan Vong spaced seven meters apart walked down the streets of the outskirts getting ready to hit the main defense of the capital. They all stood ready to die for their overlord and for the fringe if it meant returning the favor for what had happened on Fondor that disgrace of an invasion. A band of brothers and warriors moved down the road and among them was Sergeant Vuuhan a Yuuzhan Vong who had made his way in the ranks and proven himself to be a true believer of the cause that the Horde stood for, he was in charge of his platoon along side lieutenant Skrill the platoons commanding officer. The two men were spaced out in the column in different sections as to not stick out to the enemy, neither of them wore different distinguishing marks to tell them apart from the other Yuuzhan Vong in the columns. Their men knew them by face and would follow their orders to the last man. As the sergeant passed through the ranks breaking out of the column to check on his men, as he passed each one he got a head count and made sure they were all ready to head into the howling darkness that was war, whether they made it out or not it wasn't their call. But Serpant's Bane Three Four was in it for the long run and they had work to do. As the platoon made first contact into the city artillery plasmids rained over their heads striking at defense towers and other defense networks that the protectorate had on standby to stop the incoming army of the fringe. "This is Vuuhan! Move up and secure a COP for incoming forces before we press on to the next objective!" Giving the order the troops stormed into the outsides of the city and more inland there were sure to be incoming patrols and defenses that the protectorate had set up but they were tough enough to take them on. As the sergeant looked around for a suitable building to serve as a command outpost a bit into the city he found one that would be of good use. A holonet radio broadcasting building.

The building was long and tall about a good twenty stories and more than likely fitting to serve as a good forward observation post for the city. The large relay on top with a bit of hacking could be used as a sweeping system to jam communications for the enemy. As the columns stopped the men on the left side and seven tank beasts pulled over and swarmed the building. The horde had direct orders to keep civilians alive and unharmed. They would comply but that didn't mean they liked leaving what they saw as infidels alive. The LT broke from the left side of the column to lead his twenty five men into the building. "Stack on the doors, breach and sweep! I want this places cleaned out so we can bring in a tech team to begin slicing!" Barking orders the troops proceeded into the fold and started to clear the building of civilians or whatever personnel might be left behind. "Sergeant Vuuhan! Take your men and move up to begin contact." Making the order the radio tower was secure and soon they would begin to set up defenses in the area, building blockades setting up anti air establishments things of that nature. It would serve them well to begin the process but they were still In the midst of clearing room by room to make sure no one was there to stop them or disrupt them in any way. Sergeant Vuuhan nodded when he received his orders, he would move quickly and with haste to move forward and to the capital building.

Breaking down into another set of rows the twenty five men broke into two colums of twelve and thirteen, the Vong had a job to do and they were to move on to the next waypoint given to them by the commander. "Move out!" Proceeding onward to their dooms the men scanned the rooftops carefully to make sure they were not to be ambushed. Little did they know that protectorate forces were already setting up defenses in the streets and preparing for infantry advancements. "Keep your spacing!" The Sergeant cried out to them as they continued to push onward. Moving up to one of his men taking point he gave him a pat on the shoulder to reassure the young Yuuzhan Vong warrior that everything was to be ok. "Brother, we will get through this. The infidels will burn for their transgression." The young warrior was stout and nodded back at his commander. "Yes Sergeant, for The Hord-" before he could finish his sentence the young warriors head exploded in a spray of black mist the sergeant didn't have time to feel it for the round that had hit the warrior traveled through his comrades head and imbedded itself into his armor. Flying backwards the shell shocked sergeant hit the deck and gasped for air. "SNIPER!" The platoons troops yelled as they dove for cover behind tanks. As the sergeant lay there gasping for air the world span abd tumbled while he tried to regain his bearing. As he looked from his back he could see blaster bolts flying everywhere around him. They were under attack and if he didn't get up to lead his men they would all certainly die. Reaching out to grab his rifle he picked it up and slowly began to look around, ahead of them was a barricade of Protectorate troops firing at them. He needed to fight back "GET THE TANKS UP!!" He screamed at his men as another blaster bolt impacted his shoulder armor. Being pushed back he grunted and lifted his horde rifle to fire back at the troops behind cover. All around him men were being shot and killed. They had lost five already and he intended to keep their numbers of men lost at as minimum. "I SAID GET THE TANK UP!" He screamed once more as his order began to come to life. The tank beast roared and moved forward to fire a burning ball of explosive fire at the barricade killing most of the men there. As fire and slug rounds blasted downwards from the roofs above Vuuhan moved to take cover behind the beasts themselves. "THIS IS SERPANTS BANE THREE FOUR REQUESTING FIRE MISSION DANGER CLOSE!" Back at the command center the orders were received and coordinates transmitted after a few adjustments the balls of plasma screeched and glared across the sky as they were fired into nearby buildings where the ambush was set
@[member="Kasamann"]'s modified StealthX was the kind of non-cloak stealth ship that worked very well in space, but very poorly in atmosphere, and especially once it landed. It was also the kind of ship that got attention once it landed. Eriadu, a crucial city-covered planet of twenty billion people, had a pretty decent security setup. The report went out, and Captain Jorus Quentin Merrill answered.

Odd vanishing alien, elite small ship, the kind of problem that required creative solutions. Fringe had an elite squadron overhead; he couldn't get this close with Gypsymoth. He had to make the final approach on foot, to the point where he could see the landed Fringe ships through the skyscrapers. Catching sight of the StealthX, a little way from the main group, he moved closer by instinct. Instinctive navigation, after all, was his specialty. His Mandalorian shell gun currently contained two shells, one concussion, one ablative ceramic flechettes mixed with dampener aerosol. Apart from the shotgun, he had his Czerka pistol, his knife...and one Class-A thermal detonator with a blast radius of forty metres.

Rearing back from cover between two buildings, he threw that detonator in a high arc, putting Force-enhanced strength into it. The detonator soared toward the StealthX.

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