Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eye For An Eye [Lords of the Fringe Invasion of Eriadu]

Over Eriadu City

Miles and his squadrons saw @[member="stardust"]'s fighters fire upon the city and in that moment gave up on waiting for @[member="Ayden Cater"]'s orders and went in to assault position. His squadrons were comprised of , 12 OS-G2 'Knights', 12 OS-I2 'Inquisitor' and one squadron of 5 OS-B2 Crusaders.

Alright boys, Inquisitors I want you running Gorilla, hit and run. Use your speed. Knights with me on the main attack. Crusaders running overhead maintenance. Clean up any stragglers....Alright, Knights, Wing-A formation slight left and weapons hot.

The Knights followed Miles into the enemy formation of fighters. Firing at the fighters down from the starboard side(coming down at you on your right). A few fired a Proton Torpedo. The Inquisitors came from the bottom at a starboard angle as well but moments after the Knights as to not collide. Having speed on their side, Miles' units would be tearing through the Fringe with relative ease. Hopefully breaking their formation or routing them entirely.


Well-Known Member
Taking the brunt of the pain, Kasamann fought unconsciousness for a moment. But that was it. Then his body utterly slumped, nothing holding him up any longer, the man fell to his side.

If he lived, he would no longer move on another planet in aggression.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"]


here for your dad

@[member="Nemene Talith"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

A hat was what we chiefly needed.

The two women walked as if they were old school friends heading out together for a light lunch and a cappuccino, perhaps she would have the smoked silverfish wrapped in jiqui. Wait. No, they're not actually going for lunch. Although they could if they wanted to, they were sassy ladies own their own agendas.

By sassy ladies, of course, I mean vicious killers with a fondness for torture.

As they made their way to the Governer's Estate, the blonde woman had clearly had enough of the weather, removing an ornate bauble from around her wrist and using it to tame the strands of wild hair into a high ponytail. Besides, who went into chaos with their hair down? That's madness. I think we need to examine this practise more, as ladies. Keep the hair out of your face, ladies. Ponytail awareness.

They were nearing on their destination, the grand building cresting on the horizon and with the lingering smell of death around them the Silent Sister paused, turning to Nemene with mock concern laced throughout their features.

I think they may shoot at us.

Lira Dajenn

Governor's Estate
Nemene looked at her sister with a perked eyebrow as they crested a small building to view the Governors Estate. Soldiers were lined up outside of it and she thought for a brief few seconds before answering. “You better go first then.”

The Queen of Rattatak quipped back at her sister, something she was not really known for doing. She smiled slightly, and then drew the lightsaber off of her hip. The long saber-staff settled nicely in her palm and she twirled it around several times as they approached the line of soldiers and sentry turrets. On the last spin of the hilt she pressed the small trigger on one end and a single sun orange blade sprang to life.

The lightsaber snapped into being just in the nick of time, blaster bolts began to stream towards the two sisters and almost immediately Nemene began to send them back. A wall was formed, a wall made up of a flicking orange lightsaber.

Soldiers began to fall, struck down by their own blasters. Nemene simply moved her hands with a liquid grace. Her lightsaber flowing and weaving about to bat at blaster bolts whenever they neared her or Evelynn. Their approach to the Governors Estate never stopped, never even slowed. Once or twice a stray blaster bolt singed her hair or clothes, coming close to striking her, but the Queens expression never changed.
@[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Evelynn"]
@[member="Evelynn"] @[member="Nemene Talith"] @[member="Vulpesen"]
[Was already typing up my post when I saw that you were at this location. Sorry mate, just post after me and that'll be our order. Me, you, them.]]
Governor's Estate

Of course this wasn't going to be simple - the smugness the one in front strode with irritated him to no end. Typical Dark Sider, that one. But other than a few undisciplined shots... no one fired. These were experienced men, hardened against the Fringe and Bando Gora. Firing into a lightsaber, even en masse, would do you no good if all fire came from one direction.

So they let her waste her energy spinning her saber around while Sarge stepped out of the front entrance, motioning with a hand to the varied positions in windows, balconies and sandbag emplacements for the soldiers to hold their fire for the time being. "You get one chance to surrender." The armored man said, voice distorted by his mask. "Come peacefully. Makes this easier for me."

No Dark Sider ever listened. They surely wouldn't, either. In fact, he expected to be goaded about it; par for the course, really. But he was a Jedi, and diplomacy was always the first option. The application of force was the second, naturally.

While his hand rested on his saber, he didn't pull it. Not yet.

Offering peace with a weapon actually drawn was just strong-arming. Offering peace while expecting a fight...? That was rationality.
Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
ENGAGING: @Mikhail Shorn
MANDALORIAN FIRETEAM: @Ermac Laith @Strider Garon @Briika Tor @Kable Detta @[member="Ordo"]

The dumpster had saved Briika from most of the big chucks of debris coming down from the walls of the alley building directly above her, but still she got peppered with the smaller stuff, leaving the medic's red beskar'gam with a few new nice dents and scrapes in it. Luckily she was only battered and bruised a bit, which was a good thing as Bree watched in horror as Strider crashed in a fire ball through the third story window on the other side from her when his jet pack failed, then one of Ordo's grenades went off as he used his body as a shield. The explosion sending the massive Mando up into the air, then back down again. It was fortunate that she had not worn a jet pack nor carried any extra ordinance.; just carried her medical supplies along with other essentials for the team.

There was nothing Briika could do for Strider at the moment, which pained her greatly, but she could help Ordo. The golden blonde scrambled out of the rubble to where Ordo had landed as Kable returned suppression fire and Ermac went off to engage the Sith further. Bree tried to maintain C-spine precautions as she rolled the big guy onto his back to do her primary survey unsealing his buy'ce and taking it off laying it to the side. His airway was open, he was breathing, and the man had a heartbeat, though it was fast and thready… possible internal injuries. The Marshal was unconscious, which didn't surprise her as he had landed head first. At least his pupils were equal and reactive, which meant it probably was only a concussion and not a serious brain bleed. There was something to be said for being a hard head, and Ordo was known for having one.

On secondary survey, Briika noted Ordo's beskar'gam thank goodness had taken the brunt of the blast, but there were pieces of shrapnel protruding from in-between where the armor plates covered. Grabbing her medpac, she began to deal with the most serious; stopping the bleeding and covering them with bacta dressings best she could until she could get his armor off to truly access his wounds further and treat them fully. He was stable for the moment, but… some of her med supplies she would need if he crashed had not survived the Force crush.

Bree opened a comlink to the dark-haired Detta brother, who was a few meters away from her location. "Kable… Ordo is down and out. His condition could go critical if we don't get him out of here to a med facility ASAP. What's our enemy status? And, any sign or word of Strider yet?"
Governors mansion
Vulpesen grinned as he came up from the other side of the girls, opposite of @[member="Sarge Potteiger"]. "And you might be spared the humiliation of being knocked down by me." He was ready for a rematch and considering how these girls had tortured him, this rematch could get quite interesting. Of course, he was still open to surrenders. All that meant was that he would win without a fight. "So tell me girls, what'll it be?" Even if they didn't listen, hey, at least he tried.

@[member="Nemene Talith"] @[member="Evelynn"]

Lord Ghoul

OMEGA BASE- Fighting Mandos in a Dark Alley
Mando Squad:mad:Ermac Laith @Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor @Strider Garon

Mikhail stared down from the top of the four story building overlooking the alleyway. He smirked as the Mandalorian unit broke apart spectacularly. Their tight cohesion and coordination evaporated in the midst of the chaos. Separated, he could pick them off one by one. His inner gloating was promptly interrupted as one of the Mandos hit the thrusters of his jetpack and wooshed up toward Mikhail. He reached for the Force, but not fast enough.

The barrel of a flechette rifle barked flame. Sharp impact. The squeal of metal on metal. Sparks flew from his phrik breastplate. Shorn stumbled back from the ledge. "Agh," he cried through gritted teeth. Reaching a hand up, he tore a long, thin shard of metal from the section of his collarbone that the armor had failed to cover. Pain emanated from other areas of his body. Right armpit. Left elbow. Fingers. Small flechette flakes wedged themselves into these places like sand. He could feel the blood leaking slowly from the wounds, warm, sticky and trapped beneath his skintight, black thermal.

The Thronebreaker moved back to the ledge, wounded, annoyed, but undaunted. Blasterfire erupted from below, coming from two different directions. The first bolt slammed into his thigh plate, just below the hip. He grunted, nearly thrown off balance by the well placed shot. At the same time, a sporadic spray came from a separate position. Three red lancets of energy peppered his phrik chestplate. Smoke curled from the new scorch marks in his armor.

Ice blue eyes flared wide. Ok, now he was pissed. He raised a hand and drew in the Dark Side. Two blaster bolts zipped toward him and slapped directly into his open palm. He absorbed the energy utilizing tutaminis. The power rippled through him, uncontrollable. He unleashed it all. His anger and annoyance at the Mandalorians, his pain, and the energy of the blaster bolts. Force lightning crackled from the tips of his fingers.

This was not some apprentice's force lightning. This was a full blown Sith Lord utilizing Chain Lightning that would fill an entire room with sizzling blue bolts of electrocution.

The tendrils leapt down at the Mandalorians who were boxed in. He aimed first for Ermac, who stood atop the pile of rubble, then dragged the web of lightning toward the rest of them. If the chain lightning hit one of them, it would leap to the next closest person within a reasonable distance and then the next person. And so on.

There was an added factor to this Force Lightning. The vast majority of the Mandos' grenades might have failed to go off once crushed, lacking the spark necessary to ignite the propellant, but if the force lightning hit one of the Mandos... those crushed grenades would go boom.
Northeast Conference Room - @Darth Kentarch, broadcasting; @Masamune Tametomo, negotiating with some planetary officials, businessmen, lobbyists, etc.
Northeast Conference Room Entrance - Rave Merrill, @[member="Lord Daemos"]
Front Steps - @HK-36, broadcasting
On Approach - @Basaba Willamina (speeder), @Krest (starship)

"Good to see someone onsite, Daemos," she said with a brisk nod of her shadow-wrapped helmet. "There's a droid giving a speech on the front steps. I'm expecting incoming enemies any minute. I've got the front door covered from here, and this hall behind me is the only entrance to the small conference room where our diplomats are meeting with planetary leaders. Do me a favor -- get on the roof, get overwatch, and comm me on frequency 326-3827 if you see anything."
The tune of a hundred and fifty Yuuzhsn Vong troops rushing a fortification rang in the air, screams and war cries echoed everywhere. "FOR THE HORDE!!" Sergeant Vuuhan screamed out and rallied his men amphistaff in one hand horde rifle in the other. They had a solid thirty meters until they hit the barricade and they were gaining ground fast. Blaster bolts flew both ways a few headshots from snipers took down Yuuzhan Vong infantry here and there but it wouldn't matter in a few seconds. The armor they war protected their chest against the hits they took to the bodies artillery rounds impacted the remaining turbo laser towers destroying them. They were almost there closing in on the goal and their objective. Twenty meters, ten, the enemy could see their bright yellow and black eyes glistening with death and vengeance. The protectorate would be slaughtered in their holes their battle trenches would soon become their graves. Colliding with their positions the Vong warriors jumped into the trenches and began to engage in close quarter combat. Spears flew slicing through weapons and armor and in the middle of it was the good sergeant ripping the throat from a protectorate soldier with his fangs. As the blood dripped from his fangs he swallowed the mans flesh watching his neck erupt with blood his now fading body twitch on The ground as he died a soldiers death. "MOVE UP!!" The fringe companies behind them began to advance shooting down most of the protectorate stragglers. The front lines were secured now all that was left was move into the facility and take down the generator.

The battle raged for a few minutes before the position was overrun and defenses there had fallen. "Sir!" A young Yuuzhan Vong warrior ran up to the sergeant and caught his attention as they approached the facility "What of the Prisoners?" He asked the senior warrior to which Vuuhan retorted with "What Prisoners?" As he walked away towards the facility. A wicked smile light up on the young warriors face understanding just exactly what the sergeant meant. Turning around the warrior approached his squad and ran his hand under his chin. Shortly after the sounds of screams could be heard from the sergeants position. It was best that you died in combat when facing the Vong. Because they didn't quickly and humanly execute prisoners. They took their sweet time with it. And they had all the time in the world for it. Approaching the facility the sergeant looked at it and sighed it was locked down tight and they needed to bring up a tank to knock down the doors. "Move up the beasts!" He said as the tank beasts began to come towards the men. They would be there shortly to knock down the doors and destroy the generator

Antillie Jenika

@[member="Arrbi Betna"] @[member="Dash Ardellian"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

Two klicks ahead of her, the Bes'uliik -- an itty bitty dot in the sky -- dropped some pretty big warheads toward the landed Fringe frigates, whose shields protected part, but not all, of the forward operating position. It turned toward her, and the torpedos overshot, then detonated harmlessly. Not ideal.

What was ideal was the flying brick that had just stalled itself into immobility about a klick and a half right in front of her. Cancelling momentum against warheads would work exactly once; every time she'd tried a second time in her prior life, her clone donor's life -- or in sim -- she'd been unable to regain the speed to make that happen again, when faced with a second barrage of missiles. She got tone, and two of her six mag pulses snapped out across the distance between them. She climbed just above the angle of their flight, entered optimal laser cannon range, and opened fire at the Bes'uliik's starboard flank, aiming for the profile of the cockpit.


Well-Known Member
Daemos winked, and took off at a slight jog through the door she blocked and outside past the robot with a curt nod. In seconds he was reaching the side of the building, in a second he was moving to begin his climb. Gripping the Kusarigama he crafted so recently, he dug the chainless Kama into the building for leverage as he rose higher and higher. The Dark energy that coursed along the blades edges was so beautiful..

The roof of the building was wide and flat, perfect for a sniper. Concentrating for a long moment, the behemoth felt a slight weight begin on his spine, which grew in weight until he felt the proper size of his sniper. It consisted of make shift parts, Beskar among them, and was created by the smith in his first attempt at an energized slugthrower.

Laying against the surface, his body flattened as best as capable, as well as hidden in the shade of another nearby building, the Czar set his rifle on its stock. With a speed that matched his skills, the man combined part for part, then found himself gazing down a variable zoom. Slowly turning the knob on the side, it zoomed by 10% each click. Far off in the distance, but approaching swiftly, was a speeder bearing a lithe form.

Pulling his gaze from the scope, he stared in that general direction for a moment. Soon enough his Czar enhancements kicked in, to combine with his HUD binocular capabilites. Speaking into the mic on his collar he said, "Incoming speeder. Should I mo--" Pausing for a bare instant before continuing he glanced to the skies where he spotted the incoming craft, "Scratch that. The speeder is coming in from the northeast, approximately 200 yards overhead is a ship as well.

"Moving to intercept the ship." He commed once more, then lined his rifle skyward. 2 swift shots were placed, both seeking the right wing. The damage of his prototype held quite a bit more then the average anti material rifle, however only carried two shots per reload.

Thus as he rose and began to reload as he awaited the course such an action would bring.

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @[member="Krest"]
The ship wasn't flown by a defensive or aggressive pilot, but a droid. A droid that had one simple program, go where Krest wanted it to go. This had major flaws in a battlefield, and it proved deadly. The ship's right wing was blown through, causing the ship to begin it's spiral to the ground. Krest's form remained glued to the exit ramp, him using his metallic hand to grasp one of the bars attached to the frame.

Well. So much for landing normally.. The Zabrak frowned, his teeth gritted hard. He yelled out, over the alarms that were blaring in his ears, his voice annoyed and urgent. "Open the door droid! Go find a place to land afterwards yeah!?" There was no response from the pilot droid, but the exit ramp lowered. Krest really needed to give the bot a name, but now wasn't the time. He detached his hand, leaping out of his spinning ship. Luckily for him, he wasn't that far above the ground. It took a mere two seconds before he slammed against the dirt below, the Templar using the force to cushion his landing.

Krest took off instantly towards a nearby building, bursting inside. He had no idea who shot at him, but he knew someone did. And he was sure the person was still watching.

@[member="Lord Daemos"]


Well-Known Member
Rising from his crouch, Daemos slapped the gun free from its stock to which he flung it over his shoulder. Then he took off at a dead run, leaping hard from the edge. Wind yanked against his cloak and hood as he traveled to the next building. Moments later Daemos crouched atop the building he watched his opponent enter. Turning so his back faced away from the wall, he slipped backwards and began to plummet downward.

Gripping a thin gutter on his way down, Daemos transferred his momentum to fling into the nearest window. Roughly two floors above the survivor of the wreck, the man began to slowly move through the room. Heading for the stairs, it took less time then he thought to reach the next floor.

Krest was no stranger to combat. His blade Deus in hand and free from it's sheath. He worked his way up slowly, already feeling @[member="Lord Daemos"] enter the building. He was not sure where the man was, or if he was friend or foe, but only that he wasn't alone, and possibly in danger. He built the force around his form, preparing to burst his figure in which ever direction he needed. His steps were light as he moved up to the second floor.

Who ever was in here with him, it wouldn't take long to figure out if it was friend or foe. And either way, Krest was about to get involved with the war.

Now, and only now, did Jorus allow himself to relax. Hands shaking a tad, he pulled out a set of collapsible leather cuffs, the kind his sister's company AEL made. Terentatek leather to make them Force-immune, durasteel cable to cut off the hands of anyone who tried to Force-strength their way out of it, a powerful lock. One of Kasamann's arms was useless, so Jorus shrugged and cuffed the remaining slim -- but cuffable -- wrist to one of the front legs in an awkward sort of hogtie. As OP containment crews arrived, he stripped off the Ninjarmor torso and passed out the swords, then wrenched his shotgun out from under the sign when a speeder's corner afforded him the chance to brace the twenty-foot-long bit of metal.

Jorus wasn't, at this point, in charge of Kasamann's imprisonment. That would be up to @[member="Ayden Cater"], who was really exceptionally busy. But OP had protocols for containing stunned, comatose, drugged, bled-out Dark Masters. The containment crews (who had recently finished dealing with that last zombie, and all affected persons) handled him separately from his armor and his swords. Jorus kept the one called Viper -- the jewelled one, with emeralds on each scale of a snake, rubies for the snake's eyes on the pommel.

Only when the other sword and armor were gone did the medics patch up the mutilated arm. Severe blood loss, at a guess, plus several days' worth of coma charge. The medics sedated Kasamann too -- drugs never hurt, right? And some ixetal cilona in there to keep the Force FAR away from him. Jorus spent the time reloaded his riot gun, while he had the chance, and the shotgun. And pondering whether the stealthentaur could shuffle off to a new body if he got shotgunned in the head. With a grunt, he put a few pinches of DUST in the critter's back and side fur where it would never feel or find them.

Sword in one hand, shotgun slung over his back, he shuffled back to the Gypsymoth and took off, cloaking. He was, as it happened, extremely sore, and he'd taken more than a few cuts himself, plus lightning.

The stealthentaur, secure in OP custody and due to wake up in about a week, was no longer his problem.


Well-Known Member
Stepping from around a corner, facing the stairs the man tread, he held one of the slugthrowers he wielded. Down the sights he lined up several swift shots - both legs, his right shoulder, a head shot, and then a torso shot. Lastly, as he was holding in his left hand, one of his Kusarigama which thrummed with its black energy.

Easily Daemos could deduce who the man was, he had taught him to utilize Force Imbuement as well memorized his Force Signature as he always did. Since last they met, Krest had grown quite a bit, but that didnt put him on level with the High Knight. Having been of the rank for many decades now, he wielded his power quite well.

On the note of recognition, Daemos smiled behind his Helmet, for he could not be recognized, "You sought to hit the place where an ally of mine holds defense, this i cannot allow. However, i give one warning. Leave, and this need not go any further." Slowly the Kusarigama began to slide from his fingers; loosening his grip so that he held the chain mid length, spinning it at high velocities.

...options down in the alley were limited and Laith knew that. Looking up at Mikhail Shorn as he loomed over all of them from the rooftop of the building the Warrior would continue to aim upwards, allowing the enhanced optics of his helmet to augment his natural skills as he zoomed in, after watching his first shot hit its target and be absorbed into the phrik armor that the Sith was wearing. After his shot had found its mark Laith would have seen the subsequent shots that were fired by his comrades, some hit Mikhail Shorn's breastplate and the others were absorbed, before he noticed shimmer of force lightning as it crackled across the fingers of his enemy...'s completely possible that Laith could have leapt out of the way then but he took his time, he let his optics do their work, and he squeezed off another burst of fire from his Blaster Rifle while the Sith sent his lightning down at him. As he squeezed the trigger of his Blaster Rifle he'd send a three shot burst of fire up at the Sith this time, the first shot would be the most accurate and the other two not as much, aiming to hit him around the leg or higher in the midsection while he utilized the lightning. He had to keep some sort of pressure on the Sith. Once he'd squeezed the trigger on his Blaster Rifle and made his shots Laith would have leapt out of the way. Not fast enough though. Dodging aside the force lightning would have caught him nonetheless...

...the chain lightning would have caught him from the waist down and sent brilliant electrified arcs throughout Laith. Excruciating pain followed and the Warrior howled...
"AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!" he hit the ground and rolled off the rubble, on the opposite side, and back into the alley way. Underneath his armor he could feel his flesh cauterizing, scabbing over and pussing and he would grit his teeth beneath the helm he wore; his face set itself into a grim expression and he didn't make any further sounds but the damage was done. He'd still be able to struggle to his feet and walk but his movements would be more labored than they had been; he was reminded why he disliked force users just then. He remained low in the alley, he hadn't risen to his feet yet, his back against a wall and his Blaster Rifle still clutched in both hands. At least he had no grenades to detonate.

Tipping his head backwards Laith would look up towards the rooftop of the building again, the one advantage the Mandalorians being separated had was that the Sith would need to divide his attention between all of them now, and then start to struggle to his feet...
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]@Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor @Strider Garon
OMEGA BASE- Fighting Mandos in a Dark Alley
Mando Squad:mad:Ermac Laith @Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor @Strider Garon

Kable heard Briika's grim report of Ordo's injuries. They needed to get him out of there. Strider was still unaccounted for but between Kable and @[member="Ermac Laith"], they were keeping the Sith Lord pinned. That was until force lighting started raining down on them.

The spider web of light shot downward and engulfed Ermac. Kable knew it was only moments before he would be the next target.
Kable remembered the thermals on his chest. Sure they were crushed and were pretty much paper weights now. But he didn't want to take a chance with electricity running through them. In one swift movement, Kable unsnapped the bandoleer with his left hand, and flung it through the window of the first floor of the building. It was out of range of getting hit.

Now to get out of there. He could take cover and avoid the chain lightning. But that would leave Briika and Ordo completely open. That wasn't an option. He ran in the direction of Ermac's shouts. Kable opened fire as he ran, his shots weren't accurate, they were intended to gain the attention of the Sith. Unfortunately, it worked. The arcs of lightning came Kable's way. At the last moment Kable launched himself forward into the air. The lightning engulfed him as he was falling. The pain was excruciating. He could feel his skin melting as he fell in slow motion.
Kable landed behind some rubble which shielded him from more electrical damage. His muscles were still locked up but his mouth still worked. He half gasped, half growled into his comm hoping that his words fell on the intended ears.
"Strider.....cough...Ordo...cough...cough. Are you old dogs done fighting.....cough cough.....or is this a war for the young now?....cough"

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

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