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Eye For An Eye [Lords of the Fringe Invasion of Eriadu]

Amadalia Vyrn

Northeast Conference Room - @[member="Darth Kentarch"], broadcasting; @[member="Masamune Tametomo"], negotiating with some planetary officials, businessmen, lobbyists, etc.
@Lady Exedo @Amadalia Vyrn @Rave Merrill

"What does this mean?" came comments from the blonde's right as she strode right past them, "Do you really think that they are here to free us from the Protectorate?!" Said a turbaned male as the woman went weaving through them in the building she'd entered minutes before. "What about our own independance! Why do we need to depend on either?! We are Eriadu!" Murmurs rose, as she headed passed the lounge. So much talk. So much chatter. It was almost as if watching everything from behind a mirrored wall, observing yet seemingly unnoticed. "Who is this man speaking for the Lords?" came another hushed question from a lobbyist, eyeing the Fringe's security detail. A droids gaze blankly looked past her as she walked by, not a single indication within it's processors indicating movement.

What did this mean? What would happen? So many questions. There was fear. Caution, and curiosity. What would they do? Would they stay and stand by the Protectorate, or would they turn themselves over to the killer of Monsters of the Unknown Regions.
The Admiralty
On board of the Valkyrie
Outerspace (Definitely not above orbit of Eriaduadfsdf)

...after 7 pages of centaur fighting, walking and walking and some other stuff, Jared finally decided to participate in his nation's endeavor to... liberate (?!) some planet from the Omega Protectorate. So where was our renegade Hero, while the proud forces of the Fringean Army were fighting for their lives, doing some rousing speeches no one listened to and well... you catch my drift. While all of this was happening.. Jared was sleeping like a little baby on board of the Valkyrie, drifting somewhere in unknown space.

But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, so eventually Jared woke up. As he lay there blinking in his bed, he tried to focus his eyes on the clock and then he saw it. The invasion had already started like.. three hours. Rave would nooooot be pleased, that was for sure. Gently he pulled himself away out of the embrace of two ladies and started to dress himself.

“Girls, feel free to stay in bed, but it's time for me to kick ass and chew bubblegum.”

And no, he was not talking to himself, there really were two girls in his bed... or maybe he was imagining it. You never knew with Jared Ovmaaoadsifjoierar. Blue jeans and white blouse on, he strolled out of his cabin and walked to the mess. At the same time he reached out towards the captain of his ship.

“Captain, I hope I am not waking you up. But it seems we have overslept, time to travel towards Erddijoijf or whatever it's called. We talked about it yesterday, you know what planet I am talking about.”

With a cup of coffee in his hand, he sat down at one of tables and relaxed a bit with a newspaper in his hands.

Life was good.

At least if you were a egomaniac who could not arrive on time, even if his life depended on it.

TO: @[member="Briika Tor"]
STILL ENGAGING: @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

TEAM MATES: @[member="Ermac Laith"] @[member="Kable Detta"] @[member="Strider Garon"]

Ordo's mind slowly began to register as his body reacted to the danger. His vision was blurry and his ears still rang as the force spurred the big man onward. He pulled his Fett Kal and caught multiple forks of the lightning on the alchemized blade as he tried to block the Mando field medic.

He could feel the multiple wounds and his body felt like he'd been hit by a freighter but he was alive and that meant he had fight left. The alchemical trench knife sparked with force lightning as Ordo started to try and stand. The Sith was powerful of that their was no doubt but Ordo wasn't about to let him kill his people unhindered.

He reached his feet and wobbled before drawing deeply on the force and raced up the pile of debris and leapt toward the Sith. This was all he really could do qith the force and even if it didn't work he would buy his vode time. He hit the edge of the building and tumbled onto the surface 4 meters from where the sith had been and tried to get back to his feet as he held the Fett Kal in his hand. The Sith had time but not much before the battered and concussed Field Marshal began swinging.

((Sorry so much in one post.))

Lord Ghoul

OMEGA BASE- Fighting Mandos in a Dark Alley
Mando Squad:mad:Ermac Laith @Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor @Strider Garon

Ice blue eyes widened as three blaster bolts blistered through the air toward him, but he was already committed to spraying the bucketheads with the lightning forking from his fingertips. All he could do was mutter a curse. The first bolt skipped across the exposed portion of the knee between his thigh and shin plates. A flash of white-hot pain pushed all other thoughts out of his head. His leg started to buckle, but he pushed through the pain. At least two of the Mandalorians were down from the lightning. Then Mikhail witnessed a third block his lightning with a knife.

The force-sensitive Mando promptly stood up after receiving the full blast of a grenade and vaulted four kriffing stories to land four meters from Shorn.

"Kriff," Mikhail muttered.

He limped away from the ledge, right leg dragging slightly, nearly buckling with each step. Blood leaked from his neck. Shrapnel embedded in his elbow and armpit made functioning a literal pain. Smoke curled from the new, black pockmarks in his breastplate and thigh. And now he was supposed to go toe-to-toe with a force enhanced buckethead who ate grenades for breakfast and leapt tall buildings in a single bound? No thanks.

The Thronebreaker raised an open palm toward Ordo. Mikhail would blow the guy off the roof. Off the building. Off the whole damn planet. He unleashed a Force Push strong enough to launch a rancor into atmosphere and the very air rippled with energy before him.

Krest was fast, but bullets always had a tendency to be faster then people. Even after he let the force he built up release and burst out of view they ripped into his armor. Thankfully, the bullets only grazed through his skin. Unfortunately, bullets caused bleeding. He pressed a hand on one of the wounds in particular, a deep frown on his face. They burned, but they wouldn't kill him. He could still function. He gripped Deus tighter, still hidden around the corner. No matter how much better one was with the Force, they still had to deal with Krest's skill with a blade. And now that he had a physical blade, he would be that much harder to deal with.

"You know mate, we don't actually have to fight. I owe someone a favor, only reason I'm here. I like to keep true to the favors I owe, so if you could just let me past I can repay it and go ya?" He didn't expect their not to be a fight. Instead he pulled out his crossbow with his free hand, checking the ammo. As per usual, it was filled with BANG quarrels. Never know how big something was you needed to shoot down.

@[member="Lord Daemos"]
OMEGA BASE- Fighting Mandos in a Dark Alley
Allies: @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Mando Squad:mad:Ermac Laith @Ordo @Kable Detta @Briika Tor @Strider Garon

Foot steps ran she had taken long enough to get here. There was someone familiar about and she headed towards that direction. A mask and the amulet that Ashin had charmed for her to prevent her identity to be recognizable. To those that were force users, her aura the swirl of the force around her would be like static, noisy, and unrecognizable. A speeder was in the distance and she climbed aboard it and made her way towards Mikhail Shorn ‘s location. It didn’t take long and upon arriving the weaponry that was fired towards the man caused her to kick off the speeder and land behind him.

Good timing…

Danger alerted all around her and peering up she noticed the weapon that was going to be raining down upon them. Summoning every ounce of power she had with in her, she reached out towards the exploding war heads. She couldn’t cause it to rain over the protectorate forces, she couldn’t bear that much death on her hands. .The Force moved creating a sphere around the Napalm containing it to a large sphere of fire in the sky above them.
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

AKA, Hell.

Preliat had arrived at Generator One, at the request of Ayden Cater, and received the panicked cries of the over-run troops. The falling turbolasers were also hard to miss. Preliat, for a moment, regretted the decision to not get back into his ship. The enroaching Fringe and Vong troops would make it impossible for Preliat to do anything but stay back, unless he wanted to be slaughtered. The Vong also took their time executing prisoners, which gave Preliat precious, precious time.

There was a clicking sound, as Preliat stood up on the roof of the facility. There were more clicks, as various Omega Pyre and Mandalorians stood up. They were part of Preliat's men, men who would follow the Rally Master to the death. They hadn't expected the Vong to break through so easily, but they had. But that wasn't a problem, not anymore. Preliat hoisted the hefty Corek rifle to his chest, and watched the other OP troopers and fellow Mandalorians do so. He turned his head behind him, signalling with his hands. The Vong were not well versed in the hand signals, or so he assumed. A sweeping arcing motion, followed by a breaking of his hands. There was a very scary sound to hear, the activation of a lot of grenades at once. Sonic grenades, frags, and the nasty incendiary kind. Very scary stuff. Not tank-busting gear, no, that would come in a moment. Preliat's HUD blipped as they came, and his grenades ran, several dozen men all chucking their grenades off at once, making it seem like it was hailing.

Preliat waited for a moment, and then, of course, there'd be a lot of explosions. Preliat waited for a moment, before leaping off the edge, activating his jetpack, and flying over the Vong positions. He let loose his entire magazine of his rifle, letting loose a volley of fire that cut down only a few Vong, but due to the limited magazine, didn't do much damage. However, Preliat dropping onto a Vong warrior, throwing his rifle aside, and wrapping his crushgaunts around his throat- that did a lot. Preliat squeezed, feeling the weak Vong armor crunch beneath his gauntlets, before he drew his Beskad and his Disruptor pistol, turning and pumping a shot right into the face of another Vong warrior. Preliat drew his blade across the throat of another Vong, letting himself be showered in the blood of the Vong. He turned to Dredge, spotting him through the various warriors. His eyes narrowed, and he started to trek towards him, as his men, and the remaining Omega Protectorate soldiers began to tangle with the Vong. His other men began to engage the Vong, tangling with them in close-quarters. Blaster fire and Amphistaffs swang about, and if Dredge wanted to get to the generator, he'd have to get through to his men.


Totes thinking of the final battle in the Patriot right now.


Contrary to what @[member="Nyos Val"] seemed to assume, the napalm bombs did not in fact go off in Fringe lines. Instead, they hung in the air, suspended by @[member="Spencer Jacobs"]' masterful use of the Force. There the bombs exploded harmlessly into balls of fire, like two newly birthed suns.

Lacking a target lock and dumb firing at conttrails, the Protectorate air support entirely missed at the stygium-cloaked Sekairo transports. Furthermore, the Typhoons and Manticores had apparently gone entirely unscathed by the 2 seismic charges and 4 proton torpedoes. So, the Sekairos fired four more proton torpedoes at the Manticores, four more concussion missiles at the Protectorate M47 squadron, and the Akure-class tanks launched 2 more seismic charges at the Typhoons and infantry forces.

Faenrovon, for his part, disentangled himself from the invincible cyborg and flapped off to another section of the battlefield.
"We have a problem commander, Mandos have arrived and they are hitting the position!" A radio operator said to the commander at the fringe CP. the arrival of the strike team posed a very small problem but it was nothing that tank and artillery fire couldn't fix. "Back your men up, we will level the building now that the defense systems can't bring down our fire!" Commander Musta said to his men on the ground, they out numbered the incoming force with the aid of the two fringe companies that were with them. And now it was time to use that numerical advantage. With the explosions going off killing a few dozen men sergeant Vuuhan decided it was best if they used what they had right now. "SEND THE ARTILLERY AND TANK FIRE TO THE FACILITY!! FORM PERIMETER AROUND THE MANDOS!!" Sprinting through the lines he left the mandos to engage the current troops that they were fighting. A few dozen fringe troops and twenty Yuuzhan Vong warriors. This was going to end before it even started. The other three hundred men that were at the site formed a barrier around the men fighting in the shape of a semi circle. The troops gathered up quickly and began to pour blaster, rocket, and horde rifle fire at Preliat and the friendly troops they were engaging. "Target the generator facility level it!" With that the artillery fire and incoming tanks halted to adjusted and aim their fire at the facility

Firing furiously the acid from the tanks melted and chewed through the hull of the building slowly exposing the generator before the incoming plasma rounds from the beasts on the way would level it into nothing more than a smoldering pile of melted scrap, first generator would be down in a few seconds, but now they couldn't leave until the pest were exterminated. But the tanks would have to wait to engage, the mandos attack had taken the Yuuzhan Vong's strike force down from one hundred and fifty to less than ninty five. Though it wouldn't matter much anymore the objective had fallen and the constant fire from the acid shooting tank beasts would knock the generator off before the plamsa rounds even showed up now they had a fight on their hands. Once the artillery would be freed up they would call in a strike on the mandalorians position to destroy them all. They were just busy destroying the generator at the moment. @[member="Preliat Mantis"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"]
Generator One

Overlooking the battlefield from a nearby hill was the tall figure of the armored droid, he watched the brutal battle, just recently arriving, it was an eery reminiscent at the time of some other battle, at least to the writer. He watched the last charge of the Mandalorians, for death and glory, for Eriadu. This will be the hour they draw their guns awake, fell deeds awake, it was now the time for wrath, the time for ruin, and for the red dawn.

The droid folded one of his arms behind his back, with the other taking the hilt of his white-blade training lightsaber, not activating it yet.
"The Mandalorians stand alone."
He muttered.
From behind one of the Iron Knight captains joined him on the hill, overlooking the battle.
"Not alone, sir."
He said, cocking his bolter.

HK nodded simply, looking back to the soldiers hidden behind the hill.
"Mark 4's load gas projectiles, Mark 3 and troopers join me on the hill."
He commanded simply to the captain beside him.
He nodded and raised his hand, forming gestures for the rest of the troops behind him.

HK has not been idle in the mean time, and he was late to the battle for a good reason, well except the writer having stuff to do in RL, he was able to raise a force of reinforcements of HBD-300 Droid Series, squads of Mk. 3 and Mk. 4 models, as well as summon the Iron Company forces along with their heavy assault caste of Iron Knights he brought onto the planet to act as his body guards, and any native militia volunteers he was able to muster.
"Changing payloads."
The droids confirmed, with another gesture one of them was summoned on top of the hill along with HK and Iron Knight Captain as MK 3 droids took their spots, taking the six seconds they needed to stabilize and power up their mounted mass-driver cannons. The MK 4 droid extended out his arm and activated its targeting laser modules, coordinating with other MK 4 units for precise fire on the Vong infantry position.

"Mark 3, fire mass drivers, focus on the Tank Beasts."
His order was relayed by the Captain once more as the line of Mass Driver cannons mounted on the droids sang out in turn, hurling its projectiles at ridiculous velocity towards the Tank Beast lines, it was crucial to use this attack before the Beasts were able to close in on the facility and friendly lines. The Beasts may have had resistance to blasters, but kinetic damage, especially those of high velocity, was effective against them. After all, Beasts were able to be killed by such tactics as collapsing roofs on them.

"Men, prepare for counter-attack."
He ordered as the troopers spread out in defensive positions, avoiding both the fire of the mass driver units nearby and any counter-attacks from artillery or tank beasts fire, being grouped together for such things was generally a bad idea. The Iron Knights moved up artificial emplacements of sandbags and durasteel plates, they had little time before the Vong would counter attack, they knew of their position after that first Mass Driver barrage, after all, but they still had time before their commanders realize and shift their focus, they would use that time to prepare.

"Iron Knights, fire, militia, my brave volunteers and defenders of this planet, load in buckshot rounds."
He ordered and the troopers responded with a chorus of "Yessir."

The Iron Knights opened fire onto the Vong lines, they were equipped with heavier MK 1 boltguns they had greater range than the MK 2 guns given to the militia troops. The Knights of the Iron Company were trained in the use of the MK 1 boltguns, they were able to wield them much more efficiently than normal troopers would, chunking out barrages of the heavy hitting explosive projectiles, they were powerful enough to crack armor even of some vehicles, they would truly test the crab armor worn by Vong. MK 2 guns had in turn higher rate of fire and they were lighter so that normal troopers, such as those of the planetary militia, would be able to wield them more effectively.

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
Second Generator Area
MGSin' it up
@[member="Aeron Kreelan"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Break"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

Supprisingly, Praetorian didn't meet up with any serios resistance, as she darted from building to building to keep out of sight. Even if she were to get spotted, it'd be childsplay to call upon the Blue Krait* to evac her or provide fire support. All Praetorian had to do so far was ambush the occassional OP Patrol and take 'em out. Mostly though, Praetorian stuck to higher floors in buildings as she got closer to the generator, not wanting to tip off the Protectorate that there was somone else in the area. After a while of this, jumping through windows and silently stalking through building hallways she eventually reached the edge of the buildings, and the perimiter of the Second Generator. Praetorian made one last check of her Arsenal**, and jumped over to the top of the wall on the perimiter of the Second Generator. Two of the Anti-Infantry guns pointed in her direction, as Praetorian started running towards them, pulling out her lightsaber. The Mercinary Woman through her lightsaber at the second one, and smasshed the first one with a point blank force push. The Lightsaber carved through and destroyed the gun, returning to Alliera's hand as she jumped and connected to the wall with the Magnetic clamps

*-The Blue Krait, borrowed from Isley with his permission:

**-Alliera's arsenal:
Standard Lightsaber, you saw it here
Silenced CZ-835 Machine Pistol, Standard and Bang Shells:
standard Beskad
Silenced CZ-836 Assault Rifle, with Standard and Bang Shells:
4x Standard Thermal Detonators

Fett Kal Trench Knife:
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Slowly the big guy started to get to his feet. His body was wracked with pain and his mind was swimming. His vision still blirred, ears ringing from the blast and now exhaustion from the force he had drawn on so deeply. He had given his vode a chance. A distracted Sith was the only achievement he had left for the day and he was about to go 0 and 2 verses Sith Lords.

He stared as best he could through his visor and began to stand. If he was going to die today he wasn't going to do it on his knees. Slowly he got a booted foot on the roof as a second blurry figure arrived.

'Not my day' he thought to himself.

The air may have shimmered or radiated or any number of other things but his blurred vision couldn't tell. He dropped the trench knife and used both hands to stand and straighten. This was it...he was ready. Both feet flat on the deck and his chin held high. Ordo could kind of feel the power in the two but then that could have been the major concussion. What happened next, you ask? One second Ordo was facing his fate and the next he was soaring. He had always loved to fly, but he preferes a ship when he did it. Nevertheless, it was a little calming after a life of war to feel free for that time. He didn't know what would happen. It didn't matter now. He hoped Rianna and his adopted children would be ok whatever the Manda chose for him.

@[member="Briika Tor"] @[member="Kable Detta"] @[member="Strider Garon"]
On Board the Starfall
High Orbit over Eriadu
@[member="Gavin Ovmar"]

"Sir, we've got a small group of ships breaking off from the main Fringe force and moving to engage us." Ayden quirked an eyebrow and smiled. So someone took the bait. "Redirect our fire. All batteries; concentrate on the lead cruisers." One of the sensor technicians called out next. "Telemetry from Duihr's Eye is coming in. Linking to the Starfall's sensors." The projected hologram of the enemy fleet blurred for a second before snapping back into focus with greater clarity than before. 'So they're keeping their fighters close by to try and and protect them.' Ayden's smile turned into a grin as he recalled the travesty he inflicted upon one Sith fleet at Valen for failing to launch their fighters ahead of time.

Had there been no electronic warfare ships with their advanced sensors, their attempt at hiding their fighters might have worked out. Of course, it didn't mean much to see an enemy coming if you couldn't hit the. Unfortunately for them, the Starfall could target things just fine. "At seventy kilometers, I want all flak batteries to open fire. If they continue their charge, I want all quad batteries to open fire at sixty-five kilometers. Secondary batteries switch to their support ships at fifty-five. All missiles fire at fifty kilometers. Relay those orders to the rest of our ships and let's see how well they weather our attack."

The Starfall's massive long-range cannons swiveled and took aim at the leading cruiser, a Nimix-class. Twin explosions of viridian shot forward in a flash. A moment later and another cannon fired, this one shooting a pair of icy blue ionized bolts towards the cruiser. The other long-range cannons quickly followed suit as the rest Protectorate fleet opened fire on the approaching ships. If they continued on their charge, they would soon find themselves assaulted by veritable walls of quad laser fire, alongside turbolasers, ion cannons, and mass driver fire. It was rarely a good idea to attack a readied fleet, as the enemy commander was about to find out.
(OOC: totally missed the shots fired at the artillery unit, my bad)

Nyos tumbled to the ground as the dragon ran away. (Flew away, what-evs) He rolled to his feet and witnessed the impossible, The napalm bombs had backed up from the ground and re-exploded in the air in some sort of invisible bubble. Well, looks like I still have a fight on my hands. He turned to see a pair of speeder bikes closing in to give him a quick lift back to the OP line.

The Artillery Unit scouts saw the enemy dropships pop into view as their stealth systems disengaged to fire upon the city and called in their positions. Immediately the AA platforms tracked, locked on to their heat-sigs and fired as quickly as possible, 8 missile pods screeched through the air, broke into a dozen pieces each of smaller heat-seeking missiles and made for their targets.

The incoming fire form the stealth ships started peppering buildings, luckily, as the unit had spread out among the streets, a few tanks and other vehicles were in the wrong place at the wrong time and were blasted from existence.

Scramble, incoming boggies. Deploy flares...

The OP dropships all spun out of the path of enemy fire, and spurt out dozens of decoy heat sigs hopefully blinding the incoming fire. Another pair of ship weren't so lucky, now down to four dropships, they moved further apart as to discourage cluster shots.

@[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"]


Well-Known Member
Why was he listening? Just use Torture by Chagrin and drop the sad sap! A voice retorted in Daemos' mind, but at the same time he lowered the sights of the pistol by a hair - he was battling as a favor to Rave. Could he hold another responsible when he bore the same reasons of being?

"What is your favor...?" Daemos inquired, watching the man draw a crossbow. He clearly was intent on still battling Daemos, so his gun raised back to its prior position. The moment the man stepped from behind the corner, he would be lit up.
"I owe a favor to the droid. HK-36." @[member="Lord Daemos"] started to sound familiar, but he still had no idea who the man was. Once he was sure his crossbow was working right, he stayed where he was. No reason to start a fight that might not happen. But just in case.. The Force built up around his form, ready to help him move if he needed. It would only take another second for him to figure out if there was a fight or not.


Well-Known Member
Figuring Daemos by his voice was nigh impossible, thanks to the voice technology held in his Beskar'gam. "You offer aid to a droid..." Daemos murmured, then nodded. It was a ruse, the man was going to wait for Damien to tun and then he was going to have at his back. No, he wouldnt allow this.

Leaping high into the air, the behemoth flipped to the bottom of the stairs. Returning to the spinning of his Kama, the Czar warrior now stood close enough to settle the sights of his slugthrower towards that of the mans skull. Then he shifted his arms momentum, bringing the scythe like blade to come wrap around his throat before he shifted enough that the loop slid off and onto the wrist which held the gun.

Lastly, with simultaneous pulls, his scythe hurled at a durasteel crunching speed as he fired three quick rounds, "Im not going to fall for such an imbecilic lie."

Krest wasn't new to combat, not at all. He felt @[member="Lord Daemos"] leap, and he himself burst forward. His figure went right towards the staircase, already barreling down it. What ever Daemon was cutting for, the Zabrak simply wasn't standing still. Before he barreled down the staircase he fired a single BANG quarrel, not at the Lord, but at the roof itself. The roof collapsed, cutting off any chance of pursuit. At least through the staircase.

He made it outside, already using the Force to speed his actions. Buildings weren't his thing. Neither was range, but what can he do.

Always with guns. Why can't people just fight like they use to?


Well-Known Member
Charging for the nearest window, he barreled through and hurled the bearing end of his Kusarigama upwards. Once it successfully wrapped around an outstretched ledge, he ran along the wall of the building till he leapt skyward and landed in a crouch next to his target once more.

Lining up shots once more, the clip dropped free as another flew directly from his pocket to the gun, then more shots rang loose. Krest thought he could evade the Czar and in doing so made a grave mistake. Speed was his thing, he would always chase his enemies down, then hed capture em.

While the man was intent on dodging the shots, his Kusarigama began spinning swiftly overhead. Then he launched it in a swift arc, intent on wrapping the chain around the mans legs before yanking him to the ground. As this happened he picked up speed on each shot, in as many deadly areas as possible.

TEAMMATES: @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] and 6 x Deathsquad Commandos
OTHER ALLIES: @[member="Break"] @[member="stardust"] @[member="Alliera Verd"]
ENEMIES: @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Na'Varro, Adair and their six top commandos moved on the second generator in what one might call "stealth mode". Alen was masking his Force signature and he could tell that his ally, the Sith Knight was as well. The bounty hunter known as Hannibal Oryen had joined them, and the Dark Jedi Master was more than happy to have him along. Kitt spoke well of him, and if Solo thought of him that highly, then that was enough for Na'Varro. In a loose formation, the nine Fringers moved through back alleys and side-streets, making sure the coast was clear before they moved out into the open. Na'Varro did not plan to fail in this. The shields had to go down so the fleet had somewhere to go once they punched through Ayden Cater's defensive fleet. That no fleet had shown as yet was not in Alen's knowledge. He was here to secure his objective.

The defensive troops led by Aeron Kreelan presented a problem. They out-numbered his little group by many times ... Alen knew they could fight through them, but surprise was more his style.

"Deathsquad boys, take vantage points along this line. Snipers out, distract these OP troops while doing some damage. Me, Adair and Oryen will be slipping past."

"Roger that, sir."

Alen waited. Minutes later, the sound of snipers firing told him that his Deathsquad boys had engaged the enemy. Silently, the three Fringers moved out.

Now the second generator was in sight. From his vantage point, Na'Varro noticed there was only one door in the entire complex. He wasn't exactly keen to use it. Who knew who, or what, was on the other side? Slowly a small smile crept up his face, and he looked over at Adair. That small smile became a bloodthirsty grin. Alen had something in mind.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He turned his head back to look at the generator complex. "Yeah, doors were always overrated anyway."

Alen looked over at Oryen.

"I'd suggest covering that door. You never know who might come out." Smiling, he leaped down from his vantage point. A masked Force-wielding vigilante had made quick work of the anti-infantry turrets, so he and Adair crossed the open ground between them and the generator complex without too much difficulty. Now they scaled the outside walls of the facility. The Force did have its advantages, namely, heights weren't too much of a worry. Climbing wasn't either.

Scrambling to the roof, Alen stood and got to work. His hands stretched out as he felt the structure of the roof through the Force, searching for supports and structural weaknesses. Then three of the roof's supports began vibrating, shaking exponentially as he Resonated them with the Dark Side of the Force. That dark power raged through him like white water as the duracrete roof began cracking under the strain. Then a support broke, and chunks of duracrete began raining on the generator room below ... and anyone inside.

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