Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*eyes this place*

Join the sith? The empire of old was known for a very fast promotion rate. I think I've got enough fire coming from my front. Last thing I need is sith politics trying to kills me as well.


The Jedi offer me nothing, the Sith offer me... nothing, I've chosen my path, it's to late for me to turn back.
It is never too late. Ajunta Pal chose to change his path long after he had died. The sith offer hatred betrayal and a dangerous life. The jedi offer life and the chance to begin anew.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Katarine Ryiah said:
*hides the pretzels behind her back* I uhhh...
-pinches off a piece of the pretzel and noms it-

Mmmm... that's good.

-holds out his hand and puts it on Vulpesen's forehead so he can't reach the pretzel-

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