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[member="Cira"] [member="Lily Kuhn"] [member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Tefka"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Allyson Locke"]
(Codex also tagged as custom crystals may need to be submitted via Species)
Greetings, Chaos. I've been planning something for a very long time. At least a few months.... Let me check. About four. When I first asked the question, I didn't really know where to ask, so I poked Lily Kuhn
Who directed me to Jamie, which was appropriate. I hadn't poked Jamie because I knew she was quite busy, as she always is. Doing awesome work!
Unfortunately, Jamie was busy and burnt out, so I paused on it for awhile. Now, there's not much more planning, I'm really about to go through with it. Let's cut to the chase.
I want to make a Company, a Subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards called "Kuat Crystal Solutions" and I wanted to grow Custom and Star Wars Canon Crystals. This included Lightsaber-able Crystals and Stygium Crystals (Company Tier 5/6 Specialization).
Hold on! I don't mean I want to be Oprah and throw Gems at everyone! Whew. My general plan is thus...
Non-Unique/Extremely Rare Star Wars Canon Crystals: Mass-Produced
Lightsaber-able Star Wars Canon Crystals (Non-Unique/Extremely Rare): Minor Production (Possibly require a Thread)
Custom Crystals (Possibly Available as Lightsaber-able): Mass-Produced
The validity of this is already real, all it takes is the environmental conditions of the real world, and a contained ecosystem (Basically, a laboratory). But it's not Synthetic.
Original Link <-----
Originally, with the different ruleset we had, I was planning to just be another way for people to write up threads, instead of having to make a dev thread into hostile environments. Still, this didn't mean everyone got off scott free, they would still have to write a thread with us if they wanted a crystal from KDY. It would have a price, relations matter, story matters, KDY might even refuse the order if the gem was too precious/rare/etc. Now, with no development threads, and I'm not looking to make the
unique or
maximum rarity crystals, it's all just story. I'm not going to submit any Star Wars canon crystals to alter them, just offer another window for them. I may make "spin-offs" meaning altered crystals, and that's something to think about. I understand some of the crystals are wild.
New Non-Essential Guide to Lightsaber Crystals -> Lava Crystal is described as having a lava drip, but we don't recognize that. I agree with this.
I won't make outrageous new lightsaber crystals. Probably just different colors. Any that might be "special" (i.e. Electrical Effect - Firkrann, Creates a narrow, precise blade - Velmorite, Improved cutting power - Sigil, and so on) I will not Mass-Produce, and may even require a thread to whoever I sell it to (At Judges Discretion). Honestly, the only heavy thing I feel I will be doing, is the
Stygium Crystal, which I will only grow with the Company RM Specialization. I have linked the Factory Judges, as this is under a physical identity of a lab growing crystals. I have linked Tefka, as I think but I don't know if he still comes in for super decisions, if this is super at all, Idon't know, might be. And I have tagged Codex Judges because I do want to try and grow crystals in a manner that alters the original result that may birth something new. i.e. a new crystal species.
Not Synthetic, but grown.
"These gemstones have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined gems do. We don’t “make” gems. We control the environment so that crystals can grow naturally: recreating the conditions in which gems grow in the earth.
The process of growing gem crystals in a laboratory rather than mining them is a bit like making ice in your freezer instead of finding it in a lake. You place the starter material, water, in a container, and put the container into a controlled environment: your freezer. Create the right conditions of temperature and time and ice crystals will form. The freezer ice will usually be cleaner and more perfect than lake ice because you can carefully control the environment. But it’s still ice, just like the ice that forms in nature. In a way, what we do is a sophisticated high-tech version of freezing water to form ice."
Please let me know your opinions and decisions as soon as possible.