Keepin Corellia Weird
So I made a unique company (Coronet Hypernautics) before I laid claim to CEC... I'd rather run the Hypernautics products under CEC, would I need to absorb CH as a subsidiary, or is there another option?
Generally it means there's a dozen of them.John Locke said:This is something I probably should know but if I sub a semi-unique turbolaser, does that mean that only 10 of them are in existence? Or does it mean I can only use them on 10 ships? (I.e. can I sub a semi-unique weapons system and put multiple of it on one ship and then multiple on another ship to a total of 10 ships) I think I know the answer but wanted to check.
If the item in question is on the canon item list it belongs to the writer account that submitted it to that last.Xiang Vang said:Any canon approved submissions (i.e. holocrons and such) that once belonged to a character now merged into another account, are the items grandfathered into the merged account or does a thread required to retrieve them?
The limit is three submissions in the factory per writer. That means across all characters, in total, you may have no more than three submissions posted at any given time that are not yet approved.G.W.S. said:Is their a limit on how many factory posts you can have at a time? And if so, is it limited per character? ((As in; I submit two factory submissions on this character, and then on my Ren, I also submit two factory submissions.))