Just to properly move this side of the discussion into the right thread, I'll share my opinion on out of universe tech submissions again.
I personally don't see a problem with using something from another franchise as direct inspiration for a tech submission, if it has been properly adapted to fit the overall aesthetic, technology level and universe of the Star Wars franchise. While some things just don't fit the canon at all (I'm looking at you Gundams and Master Chief armor, as much as I've enjoyed my Gundam inspired RPs elsewhere), other sci fi franchises do have ideas with applications that wouldn't be out of place or overly powerful with a bit of work. Adapting the technology to make use of inventions and materials that already exist in the Star Wars galaxy would be one example.
That's really the key thing to me more than the direct originality or how easily recognized a particular thing is. 'Can it be made to fit in Star Wars?' is the more critical point.