Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Rule discussion

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
The ruling was 'no Cortana knockoffs' in wording specifically. It wasn't a blanket AI ban - mobile artificial intelligence refers to tiny chips that can do insane amount of things.

Red Queen

Corrupted AI of Io Akima
Tefka said:
I have no personal problem with Cortana-esque AI's, @[member="Alli Wren"], @[member="Sarge Potteiger"], @[member="Qae Shena"].

I believe @[member="Cira"] even has an AI Character. Feel free to correct me on that.
THough I dont major in tech and what not, I would like to see some AI's around the site as to make a Cyber war happen. I very much like the idea, and with this supposble ban, it would make that very much harder to achieve.
Just to properly move this side of the discussion into the right thread, I'll share my opinion on out of universe tech submissions again.

I personally don't see a problem with using something from another franchise as direct inspiration for a tech submission, if it has been properly adapted to fit the overall aesthetic, technology level and universe of the Star Wars franchise. While some things just don't fit the canon at all (I'm looking at you Gundams and Master Chief armor, as much as I've enjoyed my Gundam inspired RPs elsewhere), other sci fi franchises do have ideas with applications that wouldn't be out of place or overly powerful with a bit of work. Adapting the technology to make use of inventions and materials that already exist in the Star Wars galaxy would be one example.

That's really the key thing to me more than the direct originality or how easily recognized a particular thing is. 'Can it be made to fit in Star Wars?' is the more critical point.


Disney's Princess
Alli. I don't mean to cut in on your action here. But I strongly remember our talks back in the day when I was rolling RPJ. You said to me:

"I want to change the balance of the power away from the Force User. I want to make the digital realm just as strong as the Force. Allow normal people to change and interact with their world through digital wireless activation. Just wave a hand and poof, a door opens, a droid shuts down, or something like that."

And you wondered why I denied so many submissions. It was based on Intent. You took pride in wanting to turn SWRP Chaos into Cyber Punk. Deus Ex Machinia. You would not consider the alternatives to the genre. Because you wanted to change the genre. And you wanted to use the Factory to supple the Tech that could do that. Then monopolize that Tech into Baktoid Ind so you could control it personally.

Now. That was months ago. You've probably got new ideas about to conquer the world. Which is sexy! I love that shitz. But I couldn't approve it then. And if I were still an RPJ, I wouldn't approve it now. :(
lol that was so long ago... I thought we settled that.... plus I have far too many plans ! I can see your point, I don't think that was quite my intent, as I have a device that lets me do that to an extent, and the only time I have really hacked something I spent like 3-4 posts doing it.. so I don't know I think I have learned a ton since that tech entry.


Disney's Princess
I know right. Lol. We both have. I was such a dork back then. :p

But a lot of who you are as a real writer is all about the digital realm. So I wondered how much was still sticking. How much of the 'Righteous Crusade' was still lingering. I mean. I believe it's a good thing. Every Force User wants a bigger lightsaber, more powerful Force Storms, and healing Fire Crystals in every color. Why should I be surprised a SW Slicer wants to pursue their toys too. It's just good sense. It's just good Roleplay.

I firmly believe you'll get the toys you want. It's just a matter of time. *wink* Keep up the good fight. :D


Well-Known Member
Qae Shena said:
The ruling was 'no Cortana knockoffs' in wording specifically. It wasn't a blanket AI ban - mobile artificial intelligence refers to tiny chips that can do insane amount of things.
o_O every AI I have attempted that I didn't SPECIFICALLY call a Droid brain was denied pretty much. And I've tried like three. I don't know lol maybe that's the RPJs who judged


Well-Known Member
Nope, it was more a self automated taxi driver with access to holonet, it was never going to even hack. It was simply my driver. It got denied because I used the word AI. Then upon changing it to the words droid brain it was accepted. That's the only one that got accepted thus far, but as said that may just be RPJ personal opinion. Cause I know I have seen some that seem a bit more AI than droid brain, so it's not like it's a personal affront to any in particular.
Reasoning behind that is if you say 'AI' it implies that it can do things such as hack into other taxis and the like; it gives it unshackled intelligence.

A droid brain is subservient. Shackled. Someone has to order it to do something.


Disney's Princess
I'm going to show all you guys a magic trick.

  • Character Profiles do not require approval.
  • Factory Submissions require approval.

Okay. So check this out. If you make an A.I. 'Character' , instead of an A.I. 'Submission'. Tada! Magic. It's all okay. See Cira. See HK. See anybody who RP's as a droid, or a cyborg, or a shard, or whatever else Disney Corp can up with now-a-days.


Your welcome. I take cash or credit. No checks pls.

EDIT: This post is False. Lol. - JSC


Though the ruling is stated "No Cortona Knock Off's" I have been told on more than one occasion (for the same piece of tech by three people) That having "AI" in my submission was not okay, even though if one read I was clearly describing a droid brain. Just...throwing that out there.

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