[member="Aedan Miles"]
Aboard the bridge of the Siege Tower,
Orbit of Abregado-Rae
"... so yea if you can gather up some people and come this way I would really appreciate the assist."
HK nodded to himself in his captain's chair as he listened to the transmission, luck had it he was aboard his frigate as the message was received,
His Yeoman asked him, turning to face him, among with other crewmen aboard the bridge,
"Your orders?"
The droid looked up to his officers, he would push himself off of the chair, speaking up,
"Mandalorians have asked for aid, Abregado-Rae shall answer. Send a transmission on return channel,"
Soon enough, Aedan would receive a following message,
"This is Iron Knight of Abregado-Rae, I am mustering my forces, we shall be on our way soon."
Back on the Siege Tower, HK would continue to issue orders to his crew,
"Begin mobilizing the Iron Company aboard the Siege Tower, contact the Protectorate, let them know that we have received a distress signal from the Mandalorians and we are sending a ship to answer it, ask for any assistance available, sent a message to the Kaeshana and Liberty Concord as well, ask for their aid, let the Iridonians know there is possibility for work."
He would command as he looked over the holo-map of Aeten 2, reviewing its orbital position and map before they would even jump into hyper-space.
[member="Drazav"], [member="Levia Sol"], [member="Tali"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="EA-9 001"], [member="T1N-C4N"], [member="Orion"]
The Iron Company forces, as well as members of the Protectorate registered with the Iron Company and Abregado-Rae would receive notification that forces were mobilizing to answer the distress call sent by Mandalorians from Aeten 2. This did included Tali and Noah, if they wanted to have a look at the forums, they will receive Spam from it as well, as well as the droid members of the Droid Workers' Union, as well as freelancers who signed up to receive announcements about new jobs like Levia did in orbit of Corellia when the Tower stopped by there.
And as the shuttles and dropships were hurrying loading the Siege Tower with troops from the barracks on the planet, other factions would receive call from HK as well,
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Anya Venari"], [member="Hecate"],
To Kaeshana HK would simply let them know of this possible conflict, and ask if aide would be possible. He didn't expected much to come from this, Kaeshana held no allegiances to Abregado except informal friendships between him and some of its members, like Siobhan, Kaida and her sister, and to some extend Anya. Single warship from the Space Elves would be satisfactory to HK, but even that would be a pleasant surprise.
[member="Calico Tal'Verda"], [member="Canal Tal'Verda"], [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"], [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"], [member="Listeri Dalane"],
Librety Concord would receive a similar transmission, a call to help Mandalorians in response to a distress signal they, enemy unknown, but HK would have bigger hopes for this one. Liberty Concord spent plenty of time about Abregado-Rae, and after their last fight with the New Order, they were surely itching for more, especially when there was a chance that the Sith may be involved, although any speculations HK had about that he did not voiced, he had no evidence, just suspicions.
Either way, they were invited to join him aboard the Siege Tower, or sent any ships they could spare to help out.
[member="Ayden Cater"],
As to the Protectorate, HK would just let Fondor know that he was going to answer this distress beacon, just in case it would turn out to be a trap and HK's forces would get ambushed there, that was part of the reason why he was asking for help from Kaeshana and Concord, there was possibility of this being a trap, and if it would be so, he did not wanted to bring the Tower alone just to be surrounded, with allies they would have a chance to fight back, maybe even turn the tide against their attackers.
[member="The Destroyer"],
As per their agreement, HK sent to Iridonians a notifications that there was a job he would want to hire them out, little did he know, the Iridonians were already hired by the New Order. Well maybe at least part of them was hired out, where this would go even the writers does not know.
So that would be pretty much it, the Siege Tower would be hanging about the Abregado's orbit, waiting for the troops to finish mobilizing and see if they would get any responses from the factions they contacted.