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Private Familial Matters [Judah Dashiell]

Joiol, Tirtha Cove.
House Dashiell Residential Compound.

Set Post-Invasion of Lothal and Mon Cala.

The S-91x Pegasus descended from orbit and overhead of the green world of Joiol as Balun piloted the Starfighter towards the coordinates provided by his Father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . Luna slept soundly in his lap while his Astromech Droid "Chip" was seated in the droid compartment behind the canopy.

Balun wore a look of fatigue, furrowed brows of a troubled mind and bags under the eyes where sleep had eluded him. The battle of Lothal had been horrible, as he had well expected, yet witnessing the slaying of Rossisai Linsla-A Rebel Leader and strategist whom Balun had been seeking to protect, have his head blown off by a sharpshooter in front of the younger lad...-It was an image that continued to play out in his mind when he closed his eyes.

Balun had experienced similar struggles following the Invasion of Coruscant, learning that the aftermath of war was often fought within oneself.

The last time that Balun and his Father had spoken, the first time, hadn't gone as smoothly as it should have. He had sent a letter to Judah on the eve before the fight was to begin, wanting to clear the air and express himself while also leaving his Father without any regrets should the worst come to pass and he not survive the fight. Fortunately, Balun did live to walk away, however he wasn't better for the experience. Few who entered the battlefield ever truly came away as whole as they were walking into it.

Today was meant to be a time of reconciliation with his Father, and a chance for them to find some middle ground. Balun had been given the time to consider the truth of his life and his family, and had reaffirmed his lifelong wish to find his place among them. House Dashiell held that potential, and Judah had given Balun the impression that this was something mutually desired. It was Balun's hope that his role, whatever that might eventually be, be one that his family would be proud of. One that Balun himself could be proud of.

As the Starfighter touched down upon the outskirts of the compound, Balun took Luna into one arm and sought to disembark. Chip would likewise eject itself from the droid compartment, firing its jets to ensure a gentle and guided landing at the foot of the ship. They would wait to be greeted and welcomed inside, and Balun would try to poise himself, to shed the weight of war from his shoulders so that the look of him might alleviate any concern that his Father might have for his health and wellbeing.

He was already expecting Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell on Joiol. Their last meeting on Celestia Station didn't go so well, which, was unsurprising to himself. Highly caught off guard and more than disappointed that he had missed out on Balun's life. Disappointed the boy was so entrenched with the Jedi lifestyle he wouldn't even entertain anything else. Disappointed in himself for causing the boy to be on this situation to begin with. Yet, none of that could be changed. Just had to keep pushing on and attempt to speak to the teenager once again.

Eyes were on the changing evening sky as he waited near the landing pad, not outside terribly long when the Pegasus touched down. The teenager eventually emerged with a creature and droid, the ship shut down. He had been waiting safely on the grass, now he moved closer, crossing the landing pad to greet Balun.

"Tough journey? I got your message."

Normally he would greet a child with a hug - Makai, Myra for example. Yet he wasn't sure what Balun exactly wanted from him. Makai had told him the boy wanted to stick around, but there was still a lot of uncertainty there. Instead he would hold off unless indicated. Instead ocean-blue eyes looked the boy over.

"How are you?"
Balun approached to meet Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell halfway, the boy looking worn-out but otherwise unharmed; "The journey was the easier part of my days lately", he said with a faint smile, glad to be on firm ground once more, and to see a friendly face despite their first meeting,

"It's good to see you. Thank you for allowing me to visit again" He spoke with genuine gratitude, soon to look upon their surroundings with appreciation for the beauty of Tirtha Cove; "This place is beautiful. Much more my taste than Celestia Station" he added, his weary smile turning to a more confident smirk. Balun had always held a fondness and innate connection to nature.

"Sorry if my message seemed inappropriate. I sent it the night before the fighting began; I was sleepless and wished to try to explain myself so that you might understand—that and perhaps have some closure if I didn't survive," he explained. The military operation on Lothal had not been something he was eager for, but he participated out of duty and necessity. No matter how much he believed in the cause, it did not ease him of the tension, fear and anxiety that war often wrought upon others.

"I haven't spoken to Makai since, but if you could let him know that I made it out in one piece, I'd appreciate that" He asked of his father, glancing sideways to Judah, trying to gauge the man's expression for some hint as to his feelings in seeing him once more.
"No need to thank me. You can visit anytime."

Judah waved a hand dismissively, starting to walk down the crushed coral pathway. There was no sense to stand on the landing pad, figuring they could walk and talk on the journey down into the cove area where the homes lay. It was a bit of a hike but nothing unreasonable. Just designed to keep the noise and traffic away from the more quieter areas of the property.

"I read the message. I am not sure if I would consider it inappropriate. However, what might be inappropriate is talking about it at this time. I get the intent, and of course I want to know your thoughts. Even if I don't quite agree with some of them. We can discuss it later if you like."

He wasn't quite sure how the letter was to draw closure if Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell had died, but then again, such was probably the thinking if a teenaged boy. One who, while quite well intentioned, didn't know how much on the universe as a whole. Then again, when he left Saleucami at seventeen to go and going the Republic he had many of the same thoughts. Battles and reality and quickly set him straight.

Yet he frowned at Balun's last words, brows furrowing.

"Sure, Makai didn't give you his contact information? You don't want to tell him yourself? I can relay the message, of course."
A pause. "You two got along okay? Something happen?"
Balun moved to walk alongside his father as they ventured towards the residence, which looked more like a resort in his eyes. "It's okay, and I get that you disagree with some things. I'm not going to get pissed like I did last time. I am sorry about that too; I won't make excuses for my behaviour, but it was a shock," Balun replied, soon to add. "But I'll leave it at that. Another time, like you say," he concluded in agreement.

Chip continued to follow in tow of Balun, remaining quiet and observant, while Luna, on the other hand, had run off into the nearby grass, still in sight but much more content to be playing and chasing the bugs, barking and chirping happily. Balun cast the Merqaal a glance to keep eyes on her before looking back to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .

"He did", Balun informed his father, "But I figured you could get word to him quicker than I. I was hoping to spend more than just an hour around here with you if that's okay?" he asked shortly thereafter. On the flight to Joiol, he had thought about it a good amount. Balun needed proper time to get to know his father, and it was fair to assume the same for Judah, if they were to be a proper family.

"I wondered if you'd be open to the idea of me crashing here for a couple of nights?" he glanced back at Judah curiously. "If you're up to it, of course," he added warily.
"We were both shocked with many unanswered questions. It is to be expected."

Judah watched the creature bounce around in the grass, clearly happy to be off a vessel and into nature. It reminded him of Makai and his little Loth-Cats that would bounce around everywhere. He knew that latest one was living on Danger Arceneau's Farm, having the time of its life chasing every piece of wildlife in the fields it could find.

"No, we would probably both reach him at the same time, but I can let him know for you."

They walked down into the little valley that held the buildings. Lucky for them most of the way was lit with landscape lighting, so they wouldn't be stumbling through considering the sun had sunk below the horizon. Footsteps crunched on the crush coral for a few minutes, curious as to why Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell would think he would only be allowed an hour or two at the property.

"Of course, I was hoping you'd stick around. You want to stay in or do you prefer to be on your own and stay in the guest cottage? Its up the hill a ways. I will warn you nothing is quite complete here. Lots of boxes laying around, things just got finished being built. Which would explain why its quiet."
"Your place sounds good", Balun answered with a pleased smile, grateful that Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell had accepted.

They continued to walk on towards the estate, Luna's head peaking up out of the grass every now and then to ensure Balun didn't get too far away from her and anxiously following after the pair of them so as not to be left on her own. On the other hand, Chip continued to roll on in tow of Balun, staying closer and listening as the pair talked.

"I don't mind a mess; my place is a bit of a wreck itself. Salvage parts, clothes, dishes and stuff" he chuckled softly. His personal quarters were situated in a military base on Maldra IV, however, and were nothing as comfortable and luxurious as Judah's residence here on Joiol.

"So this is your place, huh, the Dashiel Estate, so to speak" he turned his attention back upon the property with a curious eye. If ever there were a place where he could better learn about his new-found family, this was it. "I hope you don't mind if my Merqaal comes inside. They're very clean creatures" he asked, sounding hopeful. Luna was a most loyal animal companion and one that Balun had established a connection with through the Force. She had become something of a comforting presence, especially during times when he felt outside of his element or comfort zone.
"So teenage boy mess that needs to be cleaned?"

Judah gave him a wry look as if to say 'clean up your space', wherever that space may be. He was going to have to try to get more details this time. He assumed it was some military base or Jedi Temple or something similar. Maybe some weird place a bunch of Jedi kids found and turned into their own, there was enough abandoned space stations and military bases out in the 'verse.

"Hmmm...not quite. This is Makai's idea. Family compound for myself, his family, and the Arceneau family. Not quite a main residence yet. Maybe that will change once the newest Dashiell arrives."

He didn't have much an idea. The compound was certainly a drop in-and-out type situation, especially since there was the Farm and the fact Makai was currently staying at his Gallinore home more often. Lucky enough, Gallinore was quite close to Joiol. His place on the other hand, a little far flung in comparison.

"Yeah, she can come in. Makai had Loth-Cats throughout his life, so I'm used to little creatures scurrying around. Come on, I'm at the very end here..."

Last building in the cove. It seemed he had some priorities straight because he already had chairs and loungers on the porch overlooking the ocean. The interior was a much different story. Boxes, barely any furniture. It looked like a practical bachelor pad. Judah made sure the merqaal entered before shutting the door.

"I bought a penthouse in Commonwealth space. Just trying to figure out what I want where and where I might spend the most time....Guess I won't know for a few months." Judah paused. "I love to cook though so kitchen is fully stocked. Drink? Food? Or if you're ready to sleep theres the guest room with a bed and bedding, believe it or not."

Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell
Luna spared no time racing into the house, and soon, the sight of boxes gave her the inclination to leap up on top of one of them, turn back, and chirp at Balun and Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell happily. Chip would follow, followed by Judah and Balun himself. "You weren't kidding," he remarked as he glanced about the living space with a grin; "I can help you out with all of this if you'd like," he offered happily.

"Lothcats are cute, Makai's got good taste, but they're pretty common," Balun smiled as he thought of his brother having pets just like he had Luna. "I found Luna when I stumbled upon a poaching ring in the Outer Rim. I went to set her free, but she followed me instead. Since then, we've been inseparable," he described, turning to glance towards the Merqaal with a fond smile.

"You can cook?" he soon asked, suddenly interested in the prospect of a meal, "Hell yeah, I could eat", he smirked broadly. "I don't exactly cook very well. Most of what I eat I buy. Otherwise, it's easy to eat stuff, snacks and that sort of thing" Balun explained, not really thinking about the fact that Judah might not agree with his habits. He lived his own life, so naturally he didn't exactly healthy habits or boundaries.
"I didn't ask you to come over to put you to work. Not on a second meeting."

Judah watched the creature bounce around on boxes, enjoying herself if the chirp was any indication. The house, despite being part of a compound, was still massive and Luna would have more than enough spaces to explore and get lost in. Although, if Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell 's words were any indication, the merqaal might be sticking to the boys side like glue.

"She seems pretty grateful."

Eyebrow raised at the mention of how he ate. It wasn't unusual for a seventeen year old boy, but something stuck out to him.

"The Jedi didn't teach you any basics? What if you're in the field for weeks?"

Judah didn't know how Jedi assignment went, so he was assuming 'in the field' much like his own military training. One had to be prepared to be shot down and stay alone for days or weeks. Survival training and what not. The old salvager hoped his son at least went through that. Either way, they started moving to the kitchen, lights flipping on as they moved. The countertop jutted to a portion with barstools underneath, where one could sit and look in on the action and potentially eat.

"Take a seat. You have a want for something? Does Luna need food too? I have no idea what those things eat but I'm sure I have something."
"I mean, yeah, I know the basics, but since I left, I've just been going it easy," he replied with a shrug. It was much easier to buy quick take-out, something he didn't have to cook. It always tasted better and could be eaten on the run.

"As for my time with the Jedi..." he answered, pausing to consider his words more carefully, knowing his father's disdain for them; "I never really wanted to be given a Master, and I never made an effort to impress them. I went on the occasional field trip within classes. Still, it's the apprentices who take on field assignments most of the time, and usually, the older, more experienced students are given solo assignments. I made life difficult for my tutors, so I wasn't exactly their first pick or preference".

Balun allowed a moment more of silence having spoke on his time with the Jedi, however he found himself wanting to change the subject in order to avoid any awkwardness.

"Does spending a few nights sound like a simple visit? It's not like we won't have time. Maybe tomorrow," he suggested, a small grin coming into form as he looked back at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . "After all, it doesn't look like you're going to do it without some motivation," he added with a bit of jest at Judah's expense.

Balun followed towards the kitchen and sat atop one of the stools, his arms resting on the countertop as he leaned forward to look at the place. It was quite an impressive kitchen; everything seemed rather expensive and top-of-the-line. Balun assumed that the kitchen cost more than all his belongings. "Man, you must've spent a tonne on this place, huh?" he remarked. It was the most expensive-looking kitchen in someone's home that he had seen. It was one thing for restaurants and whatnot to own a flash kitchen, but it almost seemed criminal for this place to go unused while Judah and Makai weren't around much.

"This place looks more like a holiday resort than a home. I dunno how you get any work done out there, knowing that this place is just sitting here waiting to be lived in," he chuckled softly, shaking his head in amazement. He had lived in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which taught of self-discipline and restraint alongside all the typical education and training. Then he had lived on the street among people who would've given both testicles for a home such as this. It was difficult to imagine that Judah and Makai both spent more time away from it than they did actually using it.
"I'm in no rush. Got a few months. Tomorrow sounds fine though."

Judah figured he would have to get further settled in closer to the arrival of the first grandchild. Now, he had zero idea where Makai and Myra would want to be during those critical periods, but it would be one more thing off his plate during that time. He imagined the time period would be busy, having to step in for Makai in business matters while he spent time focused on his family.

He carefully avoided the Jedi issue. Hearing his son wasn't a favorite of tutors was concerning. Not because he wanted his son to be popular, no, just for the fact it painted an air of inequity placed upon mere children. Mere children who essentially, did not have parents to speak for them. Yet Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell was attached to the cultists, for better or for worse.

Entering the kitchen, he got Balun a glass of iced water and laughed.

"Yes, it did cost quite a bit, lucky Makai has covered the cost of everything but the interiors. Thats up to the family. As for this place being more a way it is. After criss-crossing the galaxy, dealing with problems, listening to governments queen, worrying about your employees the last thing you want to do is see the rest of the galaxy. Not that one doesn't work while they are here."

Starting to take things out of the cooling unit to make omelettes and toast, he continued on.

"As for not coming here often, got to make credits to keep places like this, so I think that is a motivating factor."

A pause, looking over his ingredients and not Balun.

"So, now that you're a Dashiell and quite the stubborn one, would you like a guest house here? Beachside, forest, the vineyard. Plenty of places to choose. Or do you prefer to room with your old man?"
"So, now that you're a Dashiell and quite the stubborn one, would you like a guest house here? Beachside, forest, the vineyard. Plenty of places to choose. Or do you prefer to room with your old man?"

"Wait, you have a guest room in the Forest?" Balun asked abruptly, the notion having taken his interest to the forefront.

"That would be amazing. I love being out in nature. I'm very good at horticulture, alchemy, and herbalism. They were my favourite classes, and I took extracurricular learning in the subjects. I can create medicinal pastes from plants and all sorts." He seemed to go off on a bit of a rant but a happy and eager one. Flora wasn't the only thing that Balun was gifted with but also fauna.

Balun had an unnatural connection with animals, or as the Jedi called it, Animal Kinship. Luna wasn't the only animal that had befriended him; wild animals had also turned passive in his presence. However, it wasn't something that Balun often told others for fear of them thinking he was crazy. His father certainly would have.

"What exactly does a Guestroom have? Is it just a single room, or is it like a self-contained residence?" he soon asked. Perhaps he could make a natural living there instead of in The Nest. Have his own garden where he could grow his own herbs, living on the edge of a forest surrounded by trees and animals of all kinds.

Although...-He would be giving up his independence, and the Tingel Arm Coalition still required him. But even if it was part-time, serving with the Coalition and then spending weekends there at the Dashiell Estate. No doubt Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell would want him to stay so that he could influence Balun in the direction that he would prefer him to be going.

"Maybe I could stay there regularly? Not all the time but maybe visit for a week at a time or something?".
Judah was amused as he listened to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell excitedly talk about plants and herbs and tinctures. It was great to see some passion coming out in the teenager beyond the Jedi and fighting the next battle. He made a mental note to try to encourage a little more of this side of Balun. Just a subtle push - but not yet. Such a thing required trust.

"You'll have to teach or show me a few things. Maybe we can take a walk in the next few days in the woods and point out some knowledge. Never know when I'll need it."

Doing a little chopping some some vegetables and greens, Judah was surprised Balun was even entertaining the idea. Perhaps due to the open space and being away from the main group. There would be less pressure to have to be part of the family all the time. Going from nothing to everything could be disorientating, so it made sense why Balun might need to be on the fringes. Plus, he was technically almost an adult.

"No, its a self-contained stone house. There's roughly....what, a thousand acres here? It's not too far back in the woods though, so its not as if you'd be completely isolated from everything but maybe just far enough to be comfortable. As for staying, it would be yours so you would be free to come-and-go as you please. With or without us being around."
"It would be mine? Just like that, you'd give me a whole house?" Balun blinked back in disbelief, looking at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell as though he had lost his mind. Balun had never truly been given anything before. Even his training lightsaber and Jedi gear had to be earned through his trials of initiation in the earlier years, followed by his trials to become a Padawan.

Of course, these were nothing compared to what was expected of Jedi Knights to pass, but it still meant having to earn his keep. Not like what Judah was offering him. "What's the catch? What do I have to do for it?" he asked, suddenly wary, unable to not be suspicious of the sudden generosity.

"This doesn't mean I'm going to university or anything. You know that, right?" he cocked his head back with a slight tilt as he eyed his father, trying to gauge the man's exterior for any telling signs of deception.
Ingredients tossed into a pan, now starting to sizzle, Judah looked highly amused. Despite being at poor Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell 's expense, he found the line of questioning from the teenager quite funny. In typical skeptical style, Balun acted as if he was hesitant. At least it seemed, or at least it wasn't outwardly noticeable, that the boy hadn't picked up on his long-con plan. Have the kid around more and slowly influence him.

Not sure if it would work, but it was a shot.

"You've told me three times so far you're not going to university. I get it."
Eggs were being cracked. "No strings. You're my son."
"Okay, sure, but there's got to be a catch, right?"

Balun glanced at the pan sizzling away before looking back to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .

"Sure, you're my father, and we're family and all, but you don't just hand someone a house free of cost", Balun added sceptically.

But the damage had been done. Judah had allured Balun's interest by mentioning the Forest: "It sounds amazing to be surrounded by nature, though. There was so little of it on Coruscant, although they did have a sentient-made arboretum where we could relax".

He wouldn't describe how the Force felt its strongest when Balun walked in the wilds. Natural life, untouched by sentient intervention, flourished as nature's cycle intended. It was often a peaceful time for Balun, who would walk among the flora and foliage, allowing himself to release his concerns and stresses, and simply be in the moment.
"Okay, sure, but there's got to be a catch, right?"

Judah paused for a moment, spatula in hand as he thought about any potential catches for Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell . He wasn't sure how many pitfalls one guest house would have. Proximity to the rest of them? Potential intrusion by family or farm workers? Part of the land was a working vineyard after all. Vegetables pushed around in the pan, he finally answered.

"I wouldn't be able to sell it. This is a family compound, a getaway. It would be for you and if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend, for them in theory."

Shoulders shrugged.

"Your brother was gifted an entire company at five years old. In this world, gifts tend to be a little larger."

Hearing about a man-made park or arboretum made him shake his head.

"Parks and green space is nice,but nothing compared to the spoils of real nature."
"Wait, what?!" Balun barked in surprise. "How the chit does a five-year-old run a company? Who the hell gives a business to a youngling?" Balun questioned it rather enthusiastically. He couldn't imagine it, yet he pictured a five-year-old wearing a suit, sitting at a table surrounded by officials. He scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head slowly.

"I'm guessing you ran the company until he was old enough and smart enough to do it himself?" Balun assumed, glancing over to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell as he worked at the stove. "That would've been a lot of pressure to put on him, even if someone else was running the show; Knowing that he needed to grow up and be smart enough to run the business. I can't imagine it. Where the hell do you find the time to have fun and do dumb chit like most other kids do?" he said rhetorically, glancing off to the side to study the rest of the room, though his mind and attention remained on the conversation.

"I guess, by comparison, I got it easy having a live-in that I can come and go from" he chuckled softly, somehow finding it easier to fathom that Judah had just given Balun his own little dwelling on their property.
Judah laughed as he was putting the finishing touches on the omelette. He had much the same reaction Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell was going through at the time. As he grew older and his wealth expanded, so did his line of thought on the manner. Now, if the situation would happen again, he would certainly not bat an eye regarding such a thing.

"Gifted to him at an auction of all things."

Plating the food, Judah placed it in front of the boy and continued.

"I did run it until about....less than a year ago. Its on him now, I didn't do much with it beyond keep it going."

It hadn't been his place. Ensuring vehicles and parts were continued to be produced, a profit was made. It was a much smaller corporation barely out of one planet. Not terribly difficult for him considering he had been focused on Salacia for the most part. He would let Balun eat as he continued to answer the questions.

"Smart is debatable....the stories I can tell. You're right on one front, there is some push or pressure to go in one direction. Business mentoring from a young age, private tutors, working in the company. He could have graduated and said no, howeever. As for stupid kid shit, he did plenty. There was more than enough time, maybe too much time given somethings I've heard."

Judah shook his head.

"I doubt it is any different than the Jedi. They train you from a young age to fight and prepare for battle, no? Same thing, just for making credits."

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