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Private Familial Matters [Judah Dashiell]

After bidding Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell goodnight and closing the bedroom door behind him, Balun made his way to the bed. He settled himself sideways across the mattress, his back resting against the cool wall. With a practiced motion, he unfastened his datapad from his belt, activating it to check his holomail for any updates from the Maldra IV facility.

As he skimmed through the messages, his thoughts drifted to Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil , whom he had left back at the Nest. He had helped her escape from both the Sith Order and the Lightsworn, and now, his mind wandered to how she might be handling her newfound freedom in his absence. His best friend's well-being weighed on him—was she struggling to adjust, or had she found some peace? The question lingered as he stared at the screen, the flickering glow of the datapad barely registering against the current of his thoughts.


Balun had slept exceptionally well, far better than he had in a long time. The bed he'd been offered was a luxurious haven, a stark contrast to the stiff bunk back at the Nest on Maldra IV. The comfort it provided was the kind that only credits could buy. As they strolled along the forest path, Balun couldn't help but grin at his father's question. He turned, his expression full of satisfaction. "Yeah, that bed was comfortable as chit!" he said, his voice brimming with approval.

Perched on his shoulder, Luna clung to his robe, her claws gripping tightly but harmlessly, thanks to the thick fabric protecting his skin beneath. The Merqaal, usually so in tune with her surroundings, seemed utterly captivated by the vibrant sights and sounds of the wilderness around them. Up ahead, their trusty BB-model Astromech, Chip, rolled along the path, sensors sweeping the area and scanning for any nearby life signs, ever watchful.
"I've forgotten how teenage boys speak."

Judah rolled his eyes a little. Yet it was good Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell had a comfortable evening, despite the fact that he himself did not. In the old salvager's mind, it was critical Balun enjoy the company of the family. It was very evident arguing with the boy wasn't going to change his stance on the fighting and view of the lightside Force users. All he could do was hope to be a more positive influence and remember every teenager rebelled against their parents. Makai did. Balun would be no different.

For now, Judah continued to need to know more about Balun.

"So, you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? A crush of any sort? I don't think I've asked you that yet. I imagine fighting and moving around the Tingel Arm would make it difficult to find someone, but if I know teenagers, they typically find a way to make it happen."

Shadows stretched across the vibrant green grass as they drew closer to the trees. The stone cottage was a bit of a hike but not totally isolated. It was placed just inside the forest, almost a world away from the mansion complex down in the Cove.
"So, you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? A crush of any sort? I don't think I've asked you that yet. I imagine fighting and moving around the Tingel Arm would make it difficult to find someone, but if I know teenagers, they typically find a way to make it happen."

"I had a girlfriend for a while, but that was last year," Balun said, casually revealing both his preference and the fact that he'd had a relationship before. He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "I thought I'd found someone new. I was really into her, but she's not around anymore. She was my co-pilot aboard the Liberty's Edge, the freighter I came in on to Celestia Station."

As he spoke, he shrugged, an attempt to downplay the lingering disappointment in his voice. Iona Starchaser had been awesome—someone special—but life had taken them down different paths. He understood when she explained that she needed to focus on other parts of her life, and he never held it against her. They had parted on good terms, but that didn't make it any easier.

"Thankfully, working with the Coalition isn't all about constant fighting," he began, a hint of relief in his tone. "Honestly, there's more exploring than combat. We spend a lot of time discovering new worlds, meeting with people, and showing them that the Coalition is really looking out for their best interests. Scouting missions, negotiations, diplomacy—it's a mixed bag. There's a lot to do, and it keeps me busy," he admitted, with a slight smile. "But if you're asking whether I spend my downtime partying? Not really my thing."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
There was a nod. He reached out and clasped Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell on the shoulder, giving a small squeeze. Heartbreak was rough at any age but add in the fact that, at least in his eyes, Balun was still a kid and it made things a little worse. Judah had seen teenage heartbreak first hand and hoped he wouldn't have to intervene as he had done previously. Yet he wan't above meddling in Balun's affairs if push came to shove.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Who knows what will happen? You're still very young, perhaps she will come around again. With so much occurring in the galaxy, its hard to know which way to turn at times."

Truth for no matter what age in life one was at.

"No, I didn't mean partying. However, it wouldn't be an issue. Partying is a natural part of being your age. You should go to a few, experience some fun. Just don't get arrested. I'm not bailing you out over some idiotic antics. There were some great parties in the military when I was your age and a little older. Probably had too much fun that would have horrified my mother."
Balun chuckled softly, more at his own expense than anything else. "Yeah, I've had a drink or two before, but I guess to go to a party you need friends, and... well, I don't exactly have many of those," he admitted with a self-deprecating grin. "The only real friend I've got is Nouqai Veil. We grew up together in the Order. We both left for our own reasons, but we've always had each other's backs."

He conveniently left out the fact that Nouqai was once tied to the Sith, or that she had been captured and held prisoner by the Lightsworn. Balun knew Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell wouldn't need much more reason to disapprove of anyone important to him. Just the mention of her past as a Jedi was probably enough to stir doubt.

"As for girls... I'm not in a hurry," Balun continued, shrugging slightly. "I liked Iona, but I never said anything to her. We were crewmates, just getting to know each other. I didn't want to come off like a dick by saying something awkward. As long as she's happy and doing what she wants, that's good enough for me. I've got to keep focusing on my own stuff, you know?"

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