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Private Familial Matters [Judah Dashiell]

Balun paused for a moment to consider Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's words and his bias towards the Jedi Order. Not only did he have a bad impression of the Jedi, he was also foreign to how the Order operated, likely only knowing the basic information that the public is shown or heard about.

"It's a bit more complicated than that, but I can see how you'd make the comparison...".

It was a subject that would likely come about during many of their conversations, not out of resentment (or perhaps not only out of resentment), but a lack of understanding and the differences by which it separated Balun from the rest of House Dashiell.

"From infancy to five years old, younglings are educated, taught as they would be by parents and in early childhood education, while also nurturing their Force Sensitivity. At this stage, they are called hopefuls, and the Order monitors their progress to gauge whether they are a good fit for Initiation. True entry into the life of a Jedi. This is where I first started; as we now know, my Mother left me with the Jedi Order".

Balun would spare a glance back to his Father momentarily. He would sit back in his seat as Judah placed the omelette on the countertop before him, giving him a nod and an appreciative smile. He knew that Judah probably didn't want to hear about the Jedi, but Balun felt he needed to explain them. Not for the sake of the Order alone but also so his Father understood him better.

"A period of Initiation will usually last from ages five to ten, with each individual progressing at their own pace, of course. Education continues, but more training in the Force is introduced, as are the basic principles of the Jedi Order. Love and respect for life, a yearning for a healthy community, helping others, and doing the right thing. Integrity and all that stuff. The Force is a huge responsibility to bear, though; it's a power that can corrupt people if they allow it. The Jedi teach us to use it sparingly and respect the power we harness within ourselves. To use it for the benefit of others rather than for our selfish desires or ambitions".

Balun's hand would raise to suggest to Judah that he wasn't finished speaking, knowing that his Father would already have plenty to say.

"Once a student of the Jedi is ready to progress from Initiate to Padawan Learner, they are given more advanced classes while continuing mainstream education. They are also likely eligible for an Apprenticeship, providing that a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master is willing to take them on. Temple life is sheltered compared to the reality of life in the Galaxy, and so they are gradually exposed to the natural way of life in our society through field trips and simple assignments. Once they become an Apprentice, it is mainly up to the Master how quickly they are exposed to the Galaxy and their role within their field assignments".

This was the extremely basic version of how students were categorized, educated, trained and prepared for Jedi life until Balun had taken it upon himself to leave the Jedi Order.

"You're right that we are trained to fight—to defend ourselves and those who require our protection. The Jedi are meant to be peacekeepers, deterrents to violence and abuse. But we won't control the free will of others; everyone has the right to make their own choices. The problem is when those choices put another person in danger, say, intending to shoot someone. Then we have to do what we can to keep them safe".

Baluns gaze dropped to his plate, his expression growing more thoughtful. Tense even.

"Then there's the Sith, trained to use the Force to gain power through the dominion over others. They're largely why Jedi need to be so well trained. Killing Jedi is like an achievement for them, something to boast and use to gain greater repute within the Sith Order".

"I see."

It still seemed like training a child to fight. Was he going to argue that point with Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell ?No. The kid was so deep into it he couldn't see his point. Besides, there was an element of being seventeen and thinking one was right about everything in the universe. That was a tale as old as time - every teenager thought they were right and their parents were wrong.

"So these....what did you call the kids....hopefuls? If they don't make it, do they get bounced to a orphanage at a mere five years old? Seems like a lot of pressure at a time when children should be watching cartoons and exploring the world around them. Then only to be ripped away from their only home because they don't have enough mystical power? Seems cruel."

Judah was more curious than anything else. To him - with all the wars a foot - one would assume they would need all to grow up and become Jedi in some capacity. He wasn't going to argue the point on peacekeepers, or the fact they tended to step in on situations. Again, Balun wouldn't see it. There wasn't much of a point to argue until they were both blue in the face.
"That's a good question".

Balun frowned momentarily, glancing back down at the omelette on his plate in consideration. He toyed at the food with his fork before taking a mouthful and finding it to his liking. He liked it a lot. He smiled to himself as he lowered the fork to continue speaking.

"I know that Padawan Learners who fail to reach Knighthood are encouraged to join the Agricorps. Or at least that was back when I was still there. It's a means of serving society and making a home much more peaceful, without the responsibility of dealing with the politics and legal chit in the Galaxy: crime and all that stuff. I'd imagine it's similar for the Hopefuls, though their stay would be much shorter".

But then what if they had come from families unlike himself?

"Then again, if they had families, then they would probably be the best bet. The Jedi don't force life on people anymore. That's something that used to happen historically, but these days, it's frowned on for obvious reasons. It's either the choice of the Hopeful or their parents that see them try for eligibility into the Order".

Despite having a lot to say on the matter, Balun hadn't had any experience in the organisation or structure of the Jedi Order, of course. He had just been a mere Padawan Learner who had heard rumours and stories from his fellow students—the odd bit of information from his tutors and otherwise reading from the Archives.

"At least, this is all from what I've heard. It's not like I ever made Knighthood or had access to Council records".

Balun glanced back towards Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell curiously, his head lifting as he sat upright a little more.

"I know you don't think much of the Jedi, but surely you can at least acknowledge the good they do for the Galaxy, can't you? Without the Jedi, the Sith would have complete freedom to take what they want, kill who they want and manipulate governments to gain as much influence as possible. Not to mention the simpler assignments that Jedi take on, everyday service in the streets of countless worlds, stopping criminals or bringing relief to people in desperate need."

Balun wasn't kidding himself, he would never convince his Father, but he had to at least try and discuss the matter with him. Judah was biased against the Jedi, while despite refusing to call himself one, Balun would always speak in their favor.

"It's alright that you disagree. I know you disapprove of that side of my life, and I'm not arguing about anything. Unlike last time, it's kinda cool that we can at least have a conversation about it. Not that it was planned or anything".
Judah chuckled a little, focused on cleaning up his mess as he listened to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell speak about the Jedi. He had eaten earlier so there was no point to join the teenager. Instead the kitchen would get tidy as he spoke about the Jedi and their good deeds across the galaxy and the touching of lives in various sectors. He had to school himself into much of a poker face for the conversation. Judah couldn't tell if the kid was looking for validation on his life choices or genuinely wanted him to agree with the points being made. Difficult for him to decide without knowing Balun better.

Wow, this kid is in deep.

"No comment." Judah finished rising his pan and dried it, looking at Balun. "I'm more interested in knowing what you have planned after this. Obviously a few days recovery time then what, back into the Tingel Arm?"
"No comment. I'm more interested in knowing what you have planned after this. Obviously a few days recovery time then what, back into the Tingel Arm?"

Balun nearly spat out a mouthful of omelette as he coughed in response, a hand quickly covering his mouth as he tried to regain his composure. His father wouldn't even comment on the Jedi after all that Balun had just told him. Furrowed brows faced his plate of food, swallowing the mouthful before turning his gaze back across the counter towards Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell .

"Probably", he replied almost begrudgingly. Indeed, without real consideration for the question permitted him.

Sitting back in his chair, he chewed another mouthful as he thought about his next steps. Getting to know his Father and Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell more personally was the height of his priorities. Serving as an Aquilian Ranger hadn't changed, yet they were his family, which was equally important to him now.

"I'm an Aquilian Ranger; I do have my responsibilities. Duties that I swore to uphold...-But you and Makai are also important to me. I want to be a proper member of this family of ours. I've been out there on my own long enough, and this is something I've always wanted".
"I'm an Aquilian Ranger; I do have my responsibilities. Duties that I swore to uphold...-But you and Makai are also important to me. I want to be a proper member of this family of ours. I've been out there on my own long enough, and this is something I've always wanted".

"Don't think we are going anywhere, so I think you can ease into it. Don't skimp out on your Ranger duties if you've made a commitment to be there."

Judah set the dish towel down and stopped to look at Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell .Something in the boy's words stopped him and he was curious as to what the answer would be. It wasn't something he personally thought of but perhaps it was something the teenager had been mulling over since he had been waiting for a long spell to find his biological family.

Then again, maybe not.

"So what is a 'proper member of the family' in your words?"
"Well... I'm not exactly sure," Balun answered, his voice tinged with hesitation. His words drifted off, as if there was something more he wanted to express. After a moment, he continued, revealing his thoughts. "I suppose it's about having people around who care about you. And being there for your family. I don't want to feel like I'm on the outside." His tone suggested he was struggling to fully capture the depth of his emotions.

He shifted in his seat, his fingers idly sliding his plate further across the counter as he reflected. "Until recently, I was just a stranger to you. We only found out about each other by chance..." He gave a small, almost self-conscious shrug. "But family, they're supposed to be close, right? They stick together even when they don't agree on things. They've got each other's backs, no matter how rough things get. That's what I want for myself... that sense of belonging." He paused, then added with a thoughtful smile, "Not that I think you'll ever need my help, but I could definitely see myself helping Makai out with security around his mining operations too."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"I don't think you'll have to worry about feeling like an outsider. We're but you're one of us now. A year from now you'll be begging for a moment of peace and quiet, I guarantee it."

Judah chuckled a little and took the empty plate and utensils from Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell ,placing it in the sink for now. The boy had some good points. He asked the question to see the headspace and where the teenager was currently at. He seemed to want to help Makai but that was between his sons - it wasn't his place to interfere in his opinion. He may be wrong about that, after all, he had been the parent of one child for long he was on his own learning journey.

Hopefully it would be easier since one was an adult and married and the other was older.

"I just want you to be happy. I don't know if you're truly happy out there in the Tingel Arm or not...with the Rangers, or if you picked it before finding us. A replacement family, so to speak. It would make sense. You know if things get rough and you can't take it anymore you can just stop and relax and find yourself. You have the house. I'm setting up your trust find which will have a yearly allowance..."

His shoulders shrugged as if to say, what about Balun's wants?

"You said you like horticulture and nature and herbology. Maybe you decide to take a year off, travel around the 'verse studying plants and such, visit exotic locations and gain some different knowledge along the way. What I am trying to say is...eventually...I'd like to see you take a break and do something you really want. Study herbs, visit different Jedi, see some sights."

Judah paused.

"I get the impression you haven't had a chance to stop and explore the man Balun is to become."
Balun chose to set aside the mention of a trust fund for now. Though Judah had offered it, what truly struck him was the deeper sentiment—that his father was willing to support him whenever he needed or wanted it. This was something foreign to Balun, who had spent much of his life feeling alone, even with the Jedi at his side. Support had always come with strings attached, a trade-off, never freely given. Sure, there were people like Nouqai Veil, his best friend who had always been there for him, and Iona Starchaser, someone he was still getting to know. But despite these connections, the aching desire to belong somewhere had always gone unfulfilled—until now, perhaps.

"No, I suppose I haven't," Balun admitted, his gaze drifting to Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , who had begun cleaning up across the counter. His face showed deep thought, as if wrestling with the weight of his own words. "Life in the New Jedi Order demanded my full commitment to training. I was constantly trying to prove myself, all while doubting I'd ever make Jedi Knight. When I left, it became about survival. I took odd jobs for credits, trying to build a life, and eventually, I attempted to form my own family—a Clan—with people who, like me, had faced neglect or never had families to call their own. But it never became what I hoped."

His eyes grew distant as he recalled those struggles, the relentless effort and the bitter reality that had followed.

"Joining the Tingel Arm Coalition gave me something new—a sense of purpose. I fought so that others wouldn't have to suffer. At least, that was the hope," he mused, his head tilting slightly as if questioning his own conviction. He had fought hard for people who didn't even know his name, accepting the risks long before he felt he had anything to lose. "The risks didn't matter as much as the possibility of success. Protecting civilians from governments like the Empire of the Lost—that was everything to me."

He glanced at Judah, unsure if he was explaining this for his father's sake or if he was finally acknowledging it for himself. "Of course, that was before I met you and Makai," he added, a hint of realization creeping into his voice, as if this was a piece of the puzzle he had never quite fit into place until now.
"Of course."

Judah wasn't going to push in one direction or the other in regards to Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell taking a break and sorting through things for himself. Right now the teenager seemed all in on this Aquilian Ranger group. While they both had already established that Judah disapproved of some of the choices Balun was making, this conversation wasn't regarding that. He wasn't going to bring up such a thing in an overt manner again. This conversation was regarding taking time to find one's self, in whatever direction Balun chose to go in.

Judah could at least acknowledge without being able to sit and breathe without worry, the teenager couldn't figure out much. Survival mode. At least if Balun could slow down and not have to be concerned about things such as housing, food, and credits some other interests and ideas would have the ability to form.

"Speaking as a former young man in the military who suddenly had to end his service - just do me a favor and start thinking about your next steps. Nothing big. I just don't want to see you floundering like I had to when things didn't go according to plan. I mean...obviously things worked out but still."

He paused.

"Plus, after all you've been through, I think you deserve a chance to be selfish."
"You were in the military?"

Balun turned to his father, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , his voice laced with surprise. He had never been able to learn anything about Judah's past service, and now this revelation stirred something in him. Maybe, just maybe, Balun wasn't as much of an outlier in the family as he had always felt. If Judah had served, perhaps he understood the weight of responsibility and duty that Balun had always carried.

"Where did you serve? What military? What government?" Balun pressed, eager to uncover the untold stories of a life his father had never shared. It struck him in that moment just how little he truly knew about the man who raised him, about Judah's life before he became absorbed in the world of corporate power and influence.

"Did you see much action in the field?"
"Where did you serve? What military? What government?"

"Galactic Republic Navy. I was a fighter pilot." He paused, trying to think. "Called the Galactic Alliance now. So that was a long time ago."

He stopped moving, stopping to look at Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell . Judah didn't like speaking about his military service but this was apparently important to Balun. For himself, not necessarily so.

Wasn't like he served for too long anyways.

"Yeah, tons of action. Republic was always fighting somebody so I spent a lot of time in the field. Mainly in the Core and Mid-Rim. I was out before Makai was born and then started the salvage company."

Shoulders shrugged.

"I wasn't anyone special or did anything that impacted anyone. It was just a way for my seventeen year old self to escape Saleucami."
"Seventeen years old and fighting in the Republic Navy as a Starfighter Pilot," Balun repeated in disbelief, a slow grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He glanced across the counter at his father, a spark of pride in his eyes. "Well... looks like the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree after all," he added with a smirk, realizing that he wasn't so different from Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell after all.

For a moment, Balun let the weight of the revelation sink in, his gaze drifting toward the living area. The smirk faded, replaced by a solemn expression as his thoughts turned to the dark reality of warfare. Judah had downplayed his own achievements, but Balun knew better—only certain kinds of people stepped into battle willingly.

"You talk like your service wasn't anything special," Balun said, his voice breaking the silence. "But combat... any kind of combat... that's never a small thing." He shrugged slightly, a faint smile flickering back to life as he looked at Judah, waiting for some kind of response—whether a glance, a nod, or a few words.

"And I imagine you had some Navy contacts that came in handy for the salvage business," Balun continued, his tone thoughtful. "Especially with all the post-war wreckage out there. I've seen some massive debris fields—there's definitely credits to be made."
"You talk like your service wasn't anything special," Balun said, his voice breaking the silence. "But combat... any kind of combat... that's never a small thing."

"No, combat isn't a small thing.However, it was just a means to an end. I didn't join for any altruistic reasons in the slightest. My father was to give the farm to my brother since he was the oldest son. I didn't have many options beyond things staying the same, although I did entertain the idea of taking to the spacelanes on some type of merchant vessel."

Saleucami was well and fine and he enjoyed his time growing up on the planet. It had been or less a fact or life that he would have to move on and come back if he wanted something on his own. Which he did, but never went back to Saleucami, although he had been entertaining the fact. In the end, he didn't consider it a wise move.

"We do have a few things in common though."

Judah saw Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell looking towards the living room and he came out from the kitchen, motioning for the teenager to follow. He imagined the boy might want to look around or find his pet. He hadn't heard any nails clattering around on the wooden flooring near them, perhaps the creature had moved upstairs.

"How do you think I've afforded all this? Biggest salvage company out there. Not a fan of war but idiots trying to kill the other has kept me flush with business for years now"
Balun nodded in understanding, though he lingered, reflecting on Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's words. While Balun had always fought with a sense of purpose—to protect innocent lives from oppressive forces and uphold the virtues instilled in him through Jedi training—Judah's motivations had been different. Judah had joined the Navy not out of a sense of duty or idealism but to escape the life he had once known.

The thought of it was foreign to Balun. He struggled to imagine fighting without a deep belief in the cause. For him, it was that conviction that had sustained him through the horrors he had witnessed. The idea of fighting without purpose, simply going through the motions, seemed unbearably difficult, perhaps even soul-crushing.

"You're passionate about what you do now, though, right?" Balun asked, a note of curiosity in his voice. He wondered if Judah's salvage business was just another escape, another way to survive, or if it was something he genuinely enjoyed. Everyone liked earning credits, but Balun's question went deeper. Was his father truly happy, not just in what he did, but within himself?

"Does your company use the salvage to manufacture anything? Or do you recycle the materials and sell them on?".
"You're passionate about what you do now, though, right?"

"Oh, definitely. I absolutely love what I do.I even stay in shape to work the salvage lines from time to time.There's a lot of misconception about salvage and what we do in the hyperlanes and beyond. That is okay though. It sounds odd but companies like mine and scrappers guilds are important. Not only for the reuse of materials but just the clean up processes as a whole."

Judah truly enjoyed every aspect about salvaging. From picking scrap to board meetings to rubbing elbows with other corporation owners. He had fell backwards into salvage as a way to make credits to support himself and have a touch of independence - he had been his own boss after all. It was hard and dangerous work but it required a certain mind, someone who liked a certain challenge.

"Back in the early days we manufactured automatons. Still do. Some machinery and vessels. Space stations have been a specialty. Ocean mining is a division. Our 'green energy' division has been booming in the Commonwealth region of the Sith Order. That has been a surprise."

An interesting region. He had been surprised his energy division had taken off after years of being extremely niche.

"Most days we collect the scrap, send it to our refineries, smelt it and pour it into various generic shapes ; beams, sheets, get the picture...and sell it. We do have some contracts for custom shapes and sizes of things, mainly for droid companies. We find a lot of rare compounds that get resold as well."

Judah paused.

"Your brother focuses on mining, minerals, gemstones in addition to agriculture. He's been focused on a lot of aquaculture processes that are in testing phases. You like horticulture, you should check out some of the processes, you may find them interesting."


Balun echoed the words with curiosity, his mind turning over the idea. He wasn't entirely sure how salvaging corporations could contribute to sustaining life in distant worlds, but the thought sparked his interest. His passion for all things green was undeniable. He envisioned lush planets brimming with dense forests, their towering trees swaying in the breeze, and vast, sprawling plains covered in vibrant greenery, alive with the movement of countless creatures. In his mind, this was the perfect picture of a thriving, living world—a paradise he loved to see.

"How exactly does your company help on that side of stuff? Like, I get recycling materials to create new resources for other manufacturers and chit, but how do you go from that to applying it to nature?".

When it came to imagining where he might fit into the corporate framework of their family, Balun found it hard to picture. He had never truly been involved in manufacturing anything himself. However, he did have a knack for tinkering. Whether it was electronics, his lightsaber, or various small projects, he enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together. He'd even modified his own blaster pistol—a personal project that, to his surprise, hadn't malfunctioned yet. It was the thrill of working with his hands, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what he knew that drew him in, even if he didn't see how it fit into the larger corporate world.

"I can modify and manufacture small projects, but nothing on the scale of your guys work. I built my lightsaber and my Blaster is a custom job, did the work myself. I've also used the Force to manipulate the fabrics of my clothes, making me faster and giving me an edge in a fight...-But yeah, again, nothing like what you guys have done".

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Hm?Oh, it doesn't. Its diversification. Its important to have multiple streams of revenue. Can't put all of the eggs in one basket, that would spell complete disaster for the company. There are hundreds of thousands beings relying on me in order to get paid. It would be short sighted not to ensure the success of the companies at this point. Irresponsible."

Judah motioned for Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell to follow him up the stairs. He wanted to at least show the boy where the most put together guest room was, so the teenager could navigate from there. Much like downstairs, the home was very empty beyond a few boxes stacked here and there, a bulky piece of furniture or two wrapped up in packaging materials.

"Don't count yourself out. That's impressive. I mean, its not like I am out at Salacia manufacturing every piece." He shook his head. "Sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders, when it comes to some things anyways."

Judah offered a teasing grin, alluding to some of their disagreements. Half-way down the hall, he stopped and flipped on the lights to a guest room that overlooked the beach and ocean. Nothing but a bed and a nightstand with lamp, but there was bedding and an attached bathroom.

"Here you go. Its not the most put together room in the universe but good for tonight. Tomorrow morning I'd be happy to show you that stone cottage in the woods. It will give you an idea of the layout of the land as well."
Balun gave a silent nod, rising from the stool and falling into step behind Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell as they left the kitchen, walking down the hallway. His eyes flicked to each room they passed, a small frown forming as he realized both Luna and Chip had been oddly absent from their conversation. With a sharp snap of his fingers and a soft whistle, he called for his Merqaal companion, knowing full well that Luna, out of the two, was the one more likely up to mischief.

The telltale pitter-patter of small feet echoed down the corridor, growing louder as Luna darted towards them, her chirps and clicks reverberating in excitement. In a flash, she scampered up Balun's leg, scaled his back, and perched herself on his left shoulder, affectionately nuzzling her head against his cheek. "There you are!" Balun grinned, leaning into her touch in a playful nuzzle of his own. Luna was an endearing little creature, an extraordinary blend of soft fur and sleek scales, with three delicate feelers sprouting from either side of her head, enhancing her senses to detect movement from afar. Balun raised his left hand, giving her a gentle scratch under the chin before shifting his attention back to his father as they approached a modest, nearly bare room.

The bedroom was simple but comfortable, with just a bed and a lamp—exactly what Balun needed for the night. His datapad hung securely from his belt, and he had Luna to keep him company. Though Judah couldn't know it, Luna was more than just a cute pet. She and Balun shared a Force Bond, a deeper connection that allowed them to communicate thoughts and emotions telepathically. To others, she might seem like nothing more than an adorable companion, but to Balun, she was much more—a true friend.

"Tomorrow sounds like a good plan," Balun said warmly, a smile tugging at his lips as he glanced at his father. "I'm really glad I made the trip out here. It's been good so far," he added, his tone carrying a genuine sense of contentment, wanting Judah to know how happy he was to be there. "Oh, and by the way, don't stress about my droid. He will probably be hanging around the ship. He won't cause any problems for you".
Judah didn't sleep very well throughout the night. He was fine until Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell stated there was a droid outside and that 'he won't cause any problems for you'. Already having a deep phobia of droids, the last line didn't sit well with him as he tried to settle in for the evening. While he always woke early, he had threw in the towel so to speak nearly two hours before his normal already early wake up period. No sense in sitting around when he couldn't get comfortable and sleep to begin with.

By the time Balun had got up, he had already got in his workout regimen, shower, caf and breakfast.

The sun was still climbing in the sky, spraying beautiful oranges and yellows across the ocean surface as they walked outside. Two person wide footpaths with pea rocks were found all over the expansive property. Judah knew the real reason ; Makai ran every morning, and it provided paths for him across the property. It also was just a way for those staying to wander and enjoy nature, the paths carrying those to key points on the property.

Gravel crunched under their feet as they walked towards the forested area.

"Sleep well?"

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