Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family Meeting

Laughter, oh good. Faith took another drink then noticed that Bella was not saying anything. Looking over she saw the look of shock and surprise on her face. Was it because their father had hugged her? Or that he was laughing at something mother said? Or..

What? Faith hated not knowing. She nudged Bella in the ribs.

Bella looked at her, "I'm just trying to absorb all of this" It was new, all new, very new and she for one was floored. Holy Feth is all she kept thinking over and over.

Faith watched her parents it was so odd to see them like this like...was this how they were before? She leaned forward putting her chin on her hands and watched.
He laughed she had made him laugh. She couldn't help but smile at the success. She held up her glass, "news you say very intriguing" Now what she was thinking was not what she said.

The first thought that came to her mind was, it wouldn't be the first time you've seen me crawling around looking for something, or crawling around a bit tipsy. She wore a lot less back then and she was slightly younger. Which made her ask how come he looked so young to her. Like nothing had changed since the day he brought her home. Maybe that was his news, maybe he found the secret to long life and was preparing to share it all with them.

She looked over to Faith and Arabella. Look at them both such dark hair like hers Bella had his blue eyes while Faith had her brown. Garith Jr though he too was dark haired with those beautiful blue eyes. Theo had also been so. Yes it was easy to see the resemblance between the children they were definitely their children.

"I"ll take slow in case I need a third." His news might require a bit more.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
Quite unsure if he was ready for this JR still came into the room. [member="Faith Organa"] whispering something to [member="Arabella Darkhold"]. Whatever they were gossiping about it had to deal with was about the two across the room.

His parents seemed to be in a joyful mood? Laughing? His parents, [member="Garith Darkhold"] and [member="Arianna Organa"]!

Also everyone in the room was drinking? Was he in the right room? He was beginning to think he was hallucinating.

“I’m in the right room, right”, he asked and he looked very shocked and confused.
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

Bella was on her feet and began to make her way to her brother, "J.R." She smiled brightly her brother, her twin, and so many other things it just over whelmed her. She got close enough stopped looking at him. He looked unharmed. No missing limbs. Same dark hair. Same blue eyes.

So...he was alright.

She stepped a little closer, balled up her right hand into a tight fist and punched him in the shoulder, "Where have you been? You left me all alone! and you look...fine!" He looked fine. Fething bantha buggers. She wasn't going to cry no she was not. Then she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "You're in such trouble"
She hit me! No that is not what JR said nor did he think of it. Actually he was more concerned about [member="Arabella Darkhold"] ‘s hand. Sure it was a fist to his shoulder. There was a little pain. Truth was JR took far worse beatings from their father during training. No bending, no breaking, darkness never entered his heart. There was only light.

A greater truth is JR knew what Bella just did come out of love. He could see her light even if she could not. JR welcomed that hug with open arms. Maybe a little too tightly for he did miss her and the rest of the family. “Where light never yields”, he answered Bella. It was a cryptic answer to her question. The answer was not an easy one for minds not ready to hear the answer.
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

"You can tell me later about the light but right now I think if you did Dad might have a stroke" Of course she whispered all of this. She hugged him harder than she meant and longer than she intended but it had been so so long.

She thought her next few words, I thought you dead, sorry.

She let loose of her brother, "oh my Jedi brother." She put her hand on his arm, "things are...different." She'd tell him later about Connor and Audren.

"Mom and Dad are...acting...differently tonight. I think there's something in the air or the food."
Their father having a stroke, JR doubted that. Figuratively, yes he probably would.

“Just as long as they don’t start acting inappropriately in front of us” JR whispered back to [member="Arabella Darkhold"] . What was different he did not know. He took solace she would tell him later.

[member="Faith Organa"] , JR looked over to his other sister. He opened out his arms, “Do I get a hug?”
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

Faith got up and walked towards her brother he looked a little like Theo a gentle face with eyes that showed more emotion than his face. "If they start acting inappropriately we can all leave and they can have the room."

Faith reached over to touch Garith, was he real. Yes it was flesh and blood she nodded confirming to herself he was real. "Welcome home" She opened her arms to embrace him it was hard as much as she was happy to see him she missed Theo. "You didn't happen to see Theo, Dar or Bud where you were did you?" She asked hoping for some good news.
It would not have been good news if they were where JR was. Wait, what, JR was stunned, did he hear that right? Jr was wounding why he did not see Theo or Bud at the dinner. He just assumed there was a divorce when he had seen Faith with [member="Draco Vereen"] .

Who is what, missing, JR asked. By the Force, they were not where I was. I was called by the void. How long have they been missing Faith?”
[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith stepped back from the look on [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] the answer was no he did not see them. She nodded disappointed for certain. "Yes, you've all been missing at the same time. All the males in the family gone."

Faith stood there looking at her brother, "I was hoping you were all together that..if you were here that.." She rubbed her ear and then looked back at everyone. So this means that Theo, Dar and Bud were still among the missing.

"But it is good that you and Father, [member="Garith Darkhold"] are here, and restored to us." It was one of those moments she could use a hug from [member="Draco Vereen"] .

"So does this also mean that you and father were not together?"
Bella decided to sit and listen, she already knew what had happened with their father. Some parts she'd share with them all later. But for now it would seem that JR and SR had some talking to do.

The captive family audience was waiting.

But her brother had been in the void, that explained a few things for certain. feth.
That look, disappointment, saddens, hurt. [member="Faith Organa"], his sister. “Hay”, smiling, Jr nudged Faith arm with a gentle tap, “You held hope all this time. I have faith in you; you can count on me to keep on looking!” Yes there was some silly word play in there. There was still hope and JR was not going to let his sister to lose heart.
The void, missing people and upset children, frack was a thought. Finishing another bottle his placed it down on an end table and marched over to get another bottle. Pretty soon it would be his turn to explain some things. Things that would no will most likely change people’s lives, irrevocably.

“I will look as well”, Garith chimed in that much as he picked up a new bottle.

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Arianna Organa"] [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

"Thank you maybe you can look in places we haven't." Faith nodded as JR tried to make it better. Eventually this would hurt them all this feeling of loss and horrible helplessness of finding them.

Maybe Draco will show, maybe her Theo, maybe even the mouthy flirt Laira.

Faith moved away from JR to go and look out a window. She needed to compose herself. Then she looked back. What other news would be revealed tonight.
Draco made his way into back of the Winter Palace where the parlors and such were. Faith had run off quickly after waving to guests to change and go see what the commotion was about, leaving him alone with a few stragglers to play diplomat which was not his strong suit. Luckily the Twins were still around and able to play that game far better than the reformed barbarian chieftain would ever be capable of. All he knew so far of what was happening was that some of Faith's family had shown up unexpectedly.

To be honest, that worried him. More than anything it worried him if her former husband had returned quietly tonight, where would that leave Faith? Trapped between a rock and a hard place for certain, but it also worried him. Draco wasn't the Sith Lord Faith had fallen in love with, not by a long shot but that didn't mean he didn't have darkness in him, a streak of selfish evil that stirred in his gut when his family was involved, that urged him to strike down whatever it was that stood between his family, their future, and him. He knew it was there, and he considered it selfish of himself, that his second thought had been 'what about me?' but he couldn't help it from rising in his mind. Love meant a lot of things, it meant wanting what was best for her, but it didn't mean he couldn't desire what was best for Faith to include him in every minute of her life.

The man knew nothing of what to expect when he entered the room wearing his shirt with the color and several buttons undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and still wearing the nice shoes and pants from the party. Draco had seen a lot of pictures over the years of her family, but he wasn't one for recognizing faces all that well when he entered, so he didn't stop to speak with anyone in the room he didn't spend his nights with. The warrior simply walked straight to Faith, wrapped one arm around her waist and spoke, loudly enough for the room to hear. "Why don't you introduce me to the rest of your family that hates me?" referencing Arianna's numerous attempts to be rid of him, and one kidnapping he wasn't entirely sold the Queen Mother hadn't been involved in.

[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Faith Organa"]
Faith laughed a bit nervous, "not everyone hates you, Tia still likes you." She looked at her brother stepping from the tightness of Draco's grip she realized he was concerned that they would take her away.

"this is my brother Garith jr. some call him JR." She then looked over to where her father stood, "And this is my father, [member="Garith Darkhold"] Sr. It's his estate we worked out of on Atrisia after the attack." Draco already knew that she did not know her father well.

But they were family and it was important to recognize the value of family, not only had that been ingrained on her since birth but also as a mandalorian family was important. Now how all of this would go, she wasn't sure.

"Dad, JR this is my husband Draco Vereen." It was hard to say those words tonight because everyone in this room knew Dar'yaim and knew of the devotion they had for one another. Here among her family tonight Faith felt the heavy burden of guilt lay upon her shoulders.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Garith Darkhold"]
[member="Arabella Darkhold"] had spared the Elder Kashi the surprise of [member="Faith Organa"]’s marriage. How could any father who truly loves his daughter be angry at her for finding happiness? It would defiantly be an irrational response to be judging her… when tonight he would be confessing so many of his own sins. It did not show among Garith’s features but he was happy for Faith and [member="Draco Vereen"] .

All this time in this room though… [member="Arianna Organa"] , had she noticed the broken whiskey bottle on the floor yet?

Attack, yes he heard about that but truthfully there were more pressing issues on his mind.

During Faith introduction of his brother [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] and himself….Garith was taking another stiff drink from his bottle of whiskey. It may have seemed a rather casual response to the situation but was Garith’s own coping mechanism.

Looking upon his daughter Faith, Garith found a smile. It was not forced but for a man like Garith it did not come easy. He had just spend far too much of his life hiding sentimental feelings…like happiness for his daughters.

“Yes, Bella informed me”, he spoke, wounding where his two grandchildren where that had not met yet. “Congratulations”, Garith looked over to Draco, “Both of you, congratulations.”

Garith looked down at his bottle and back to Draco. “I’ve been told, I’m a rather difficult man”, Arianna. Was he insinuating it could have been Arianna who has said that? Could it be he was searching his minds of words of encouragement she had given him in the past?

The Elder Kashi shifted his vision back over to his son in-law Draco. “I might be. However, I would like make an effort to be more then what might be perceived of me. Corellian Whiskey”, he held up the bottle in his hand, “It is my favorite. I was unable to be at whatever type of wedding ceremony you and Faith had…to start to make up for that I would like to share.”

Garith moved about half way in-between him and Draco. He held out the bottle of whiskey, “Go ahead and take it son. Let us share a drink tonight. We are family!”

OOC: Draco, please go ahead and post before JR, if you would like too.
"Thank you ner ahiraor." Draco winked at Faith with a roguish grin after she introduced him and her family members that were gathered in the room. Arianna had said she was tolerant of his presence and had been accepting after the grandchildren were born, even if they had been born only a few months after the wedding ceremony not that the twins existence had changed Draco and Faith's plans on the matter one way or another.

"And thank you for the congratulations." Difficult was he? He had no idea how difficult Draco could be. Faith knew, Faith would inevitably enlighten her father on that matter even if Draco was agreeable most of the time his socks still to this day were often flung randomly in the general direction of the hamper and he would still walk past them, even step over them, for as long as he could. Most of the time though he was a trophy husband, comfortable to be supportive and happy to help with whatever Faith wanted.

The warrior stepped forward and claimed the bottle, with a great deal of hesitation and cynicism written on his features. He knew only a few things about Faith's father. One, he was atrisian and long lived. Two he was a Sith Lord, which Draco couldn't much hold against the man having served the Wrath of the Dark Lord and the Hand of the Dark Lord prior to meeting Faith and had struggled with that side of himself, still struggled with darkness sometimes, for years. And Three, that he had and Arianna had some pretty good genes when making a kid. Still, the offered drink gave Draco pause. "Sure, why not?" The bottle pressed to his lips and Draco drank pretty deeply from the half empty vessel, swallowing a few times before handing it back. The stress and awkwardness of meeting new family members he was unsure of would melt off of him, as well as his restraint.

[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Faith Organa"]

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