Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Family Meeting

Hate was a powerful word. This was actually the first time JR was ever accused of hating anyone. [member="Draco Vereen"] accusing him of such a behavior did not insult him. However it made him dreadfully curious as to why his brother in-law would believe such a thing.

Their fathers’ actions this evening also made JR curious. His father never showed sympathy in the past. Something had changed. JR could feel it, even through the Force. It was a feeling he could not shake. He was not sure what it was, but something was different.

“Su’cuy ner vod”, as JR spoke to Draco, his tone was very inviting. Still smiling, ever optimistic JR seen promise here. Draco seemed to honestly care about [member="Faith Organa"] and Faith loved Draco. JR was very please.
Arianna shook her head, "I never said I hated him" She could see a bit of shock on some of the faces around her. "I did tell him on their wedding day it was all a test. That perhaps one day he would understand. But it seems he prefers to dwell only on what he cares to remember. In truth if I did not want Faith to marry Draco there would never have been a marriage there are many ways to keep a Princess from marrying."

Arianna took another drink. She however treasured other things in her heart like right now watching her children with their father, and watching their father show some of the softness she knew he had. Though it had been many years since she had seen it it was wonderful to see it now.

But now how much did [member="Draco Vereen"] know about [member="Garith Darkhold"] for she had only told her children he was a bad man, not that he was a Sith. Course even Arianna did not know fully he was a Sith only that he had force skills.
Faith listened and watched taking a stance as she would in any meeting but she began to wonder what was going on. So much bonding, so much inviting and declarations.
Was a meteor heading to Alderaan to smack the planet into bits?

But she would admit that it warmed her heart to watch Draco with her father. And to hear her brother JR speak in the tongue so familiar to Draco. Perhaps things were going to get better.

She looked at Arabella, who shrugged her shoulders. She had not yet gotten up to great Draco, though she would in time. She preferred quiet for the moment.
It was noted that [member="Draco Vereen"] was cautious when taking the bottle. The Elder Kashi still smiled. He was far from disappointed. In fact he was pleased. His observations maybe wrong but he was curtain he was right.

After taking the bottle Garith casually leisurely walked back over in the area near [member="Arianna Organa"]. It was not because she was located in that area. It was the nearest point the end table Garith was keeping more bottles for this meeting. There was still eight more full bottles and if he needed more he could just call a servant.

While over there drinking, JR was saying hello. What would he do when he learns the truth, is a thought that entered the Kashi’s mind. What will [member="Faith Organa"] think? They did have a right to know. Still if he told them all of the truth would they still want their father around?
After handing the bottle off to Garith Sr, Draco made his way back to standing within Faith's reach close to her. She was his connection to this group of relative strangers that he knew so little about, after all. The man expected them to be a little wary of his presence, as he was an outsider of this group despite his closeness with Faith as he shared no bonds with the rest of the family as far as he knew. "Not hate then." Draco grinned at his mother in law, "But clearly stating I wasn't in your looooooong list of choices." Granted, at the time he had been a newly recovering Sith, but she hadn't known that. Yes they were relatives, but besides his princess, he'd never interacted with any of them long enough to grow close to them and was worried about first impressions.

"Va biai dush biai ni liser suba, ner vod." He answered Garith Jr with a soft smile at the man in the room with them, speaking in his adopted tongue. Draco was from Phelar on Eriadu originally, but he took to Mando'a fairly well, though he wasn't exactly fluid in it, he could manage speaking and reading it conversationally.

The man looked and found his own drink, a much smaller bottle of decent rum, from a nearby cabinet and began looking for ways to make himself as comfortable as possible. Normally that would involve less clothes, but this was a social matter, and so that would likely be inappropriate. Instead the man tugged on Faith subtly, in an attempt to get her to come sit down in a chair with him to reassure him while the family chatted and caught up after so many years apart.

"Not as bad as I could be,"- Translates very poorly in Mando'a

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Faith Organa"]
Bella watched her father carefully there was a lot to see in his movements even if his face did not say anything. She figured he had a stash somewhere he often did for meetings that were going to be long where he didn't want to, eat everyone alive.

She looked over to where Draco was trying to be comfortable, "Hi, I'm Arabella. Nice to meet you finally Draco. I've heard lots about you" She smiled waved then looked at her mother so she did things to everyone it seemed. Isn't that just so interesting.

What was her father going to tell them all tonight, he was building up to it wasn't he?

Well she'd have a mood lightener ready, if needed.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Garith Darkhold"]
[member="Draco Vereen"] "Yes it was a long list if there were 50 on it I don't think you were in the top ten. But look how it worked out, married, with children and now Prince Consort to a Queen." She smiled

She looked up as Garith came back her way. She knew why he was coming her way. That night long ago he explained it to her. She had run off that night and stayed out all night he sat by a fire and drank. Drink was always first. But he explained she didn't understand all the time but she knew the drink came first. Least until later. Later they were doing so well, they were a team, they love.

But he was a bad man over 900 years old least thats what he said in his sleep but even knowing that, she still loved him. Bad man and Organa women they just went together.

She didn't say anything though she did look up at [member="Garith Darkhold"] Sr. though. Things unsaid. Actions taken. But that was then, this was now.
His patience paid him good fortune. The mystery of [member="Draco Vereen"] feelings and actions were starting to make sense, from a curtain point of view that is. In Garith’s view it was understandable, to an extent. Many a men have done far worse when they believe they might lose what they hold most dear in life. The man clearly loved his sister. From Garith’s curtain point of view, love was far more powerful then hate. Over the years he had heard more than one Sith say love was a weakness. To JR, the emotions of hate come easily. The more you feed it, the faster it grows. Love though was hard work. You have to foster and care for it. The more you tend it the harder it becomes to break it. Selfless love was the key though. Selfless love maybe is harder then baskar. Selfish love cuts far deeper than any blade. Such an emotion has destroyed great men and women. Not that Garith believed Draco did anything wrong. The man was just standing his ground, stating his love for [member="Faith Organa"]. Neither did he take physical action nor verbal offense.

It fact Draco smiled in return and spoke in mando’a. He was honest and forth coming in his feeling and added my brother/ner vod to the end of the sentence. There was great promise here and great hope. Alderaan and the galaxy could become stronger for this. From what JR had heard, the galaxy needed more stability, peace.

What do you say though to your brother in-law to give him hope and faith without preaching? Just send him positive thoughts and hope for the best? His brother Theo would do it in a unique way of humor, JR was not Theo. Flowery poetry did not seem like something Draco would enjoy nor have the patience for.

“It cuyir ner ginr bal vercopaanir, o’r tuur at olaror, bic malyasa’yr shi eoabetter ”, strength and confidence resounded within the Jedi Master’s voice. It was neither an overbearing strength nor confidence. This came from his selfless love, his inner strength.

Translation: from Mando’a to basic galactic common
“It is my faith and hope, in the days to come, it will only become better”
Got to love family get togethers it brought out the best in people and it brought out honesty that was always needed. If there was one place she had always learned to be her most honest it was when she was with family.

She looked at JR a brother who was being a true jedi in that he stayed in the middle stayed supportive and understanding while seeking to build up the others around him. And his mandoa was perfect. Faith nodded this was good.

She looked to her mother always sticking to her position that all she did was to be acceptable and that they were to just nod an accept. Which none of them had ever done so why her mother kept doing it, unknown.

Faith reached over and put her hand on Draco's arm to reassure him all was well and that so far nothing had happened that placed any doubts or fears within her. For some reason unknown to her she was drawn to look at her father wondering what he was thinking she smiled at him. Whatever it was, how bad could it be?

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Garith Darkhold"]
Bella just watched her brother she knew he could speak many languages but she did not think that mandalorian was one of them. Perhaps it was something he learned while away, or recently. She just didn't know.

She didn't really know what to say about anything right now. It felt over whelming. It felt like she would really rather be back on Atrisia and far away from the Alderaan court. Family was family, but when around them all she was just uncomfortable.

Perhaps she should take up drinking as well.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Arianna did not expect anyone to share her thoughts or ideals on who was suitable and who was not. She was not surprised to see JR be so accepting of Draco that seemed to be his nature to just get along.

She just took another sip and waited for someone else to talk.
Theo had finally gotten word that he was suppose to be in a family meeting. His mother and father weren't usually so formal about things like this so he imagined his grandmother had something to say.

Theo began talking before he even came into the room, "Whatever [member="Laira Vereen"] said, I didn't do it. That water sprinkler just happen to come on.." Then he stopped, oh...there were a few strangers in the room.

He stopped, "my apologies I didn't realize that my parents weren't alone." He gave a lopsided grin trying to hide some of his embarrassment. He slipped in and went over by his mother and father. "sorry" he whispered as he sat down, he nodded to his Grandmother. But now there were 3 people in the room he did not know.
Hearing his son [member="Garith Darkhold JR"] made the Elder Kashi stop and pause, thinking of the past, present, and future. It was hard sometimes. Sometimes emotions drove you and you did not think of your actions. Garith suffered from addiction. The obvious one was whiskey. The not so obvious one was hate. He lied to himself for a long time about it. He denied himself the truth. He believed he was only really hurting himself. The truth was he was hurting his children and the ripples of that he had hurt his grandchildren. He also hurt [member="Arianna Organa"]. Garith had always detested weakness.

He feared the pain of loss. In denying the truth, of that truth…he was about to make all the same mistakes again. How was he supposed to correct this crime? There was only one way. He had to face the truth and admit what he did was wrong. To do so he would have to do something he had never done, ever. Take a knee, to surrender to a greater truth. It would be a humble action, an action that the old Garith would not do. How would [member="Arabella Darkhold"] take his actions? She needed stability just like his other children. How would [member="Faith Organa"] handle the truth her father had an evil past that truly did not deserve forgiveness? How would his son in-law view the truth?

To start Garith looked over to Arianna. The Elder Kashi was about to apologize to Arianna for all the wrong he had done to her. Then he heard an unfamiliar voice enter the room. He was still a man who guarded his true feelings. In the past that even meant family.

A new voice that said new names that was newly familiar to him. The clues were unavoidable. This was his grandson. He looked healthy and strong. “I’m sure whoever got wet will dry off”, the first words he spoke to his grandson [member="Theo Vereen"] . “Welcome to the family meeting my Grandson.”

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco tugged on Faith's arm, trying to tempt her into sitting in his lap while they all caught up with each other. Partially because he wanted her to be close to him, partially because he was in a snuggly mood now as the drink started to settle into his system and wanted to make the most of it while he could. He grinned at Faith roguishly while Garith JR spoke, tugging on her arm playfully, "Aye, don't we all hope for that. Hmmm, Faith. Don't we?"

His eyes slowly darting back to Arianna, Draco responded to the Queen Mother with a little snark, "I know, you had some top notch choices ahead of me." Draco probably shouldn't have said that, but his filter was a little slow to catch up to his thoughts. Arianna would probably glare at him, he would be lucky not to get a certain look from Faith for being so difficult with her parents. "But I guess it worked out in the end Queen Mother. Look, here's your grandson." Draco waved a hand at Theo as he entered, catching himself from what he wanted to say when his son entered, not joking about knocking when his parents were alone.

"I'm sure Laira's fine." The twins had always shared a comaradery with one another that often included some form of practical jokes back and forth, sometimes playful yet real physical violence. Whatever it was, Laira would live one way or another. As for Garith, Draco would likely be pretty accepting even if he was wary of the man around his children. Draco was after all a repentant Sith Lord that had lead quite a few charges alongside the One Sith Empire during its height, even going so far as the prod the Mandalorians to attack Roche when the Republic was usurped by the Prime Minister.

[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Faith Organa"]
Sensing the emotions from his father [member="Garith Darkhold"] was almost a little over whelming. Pain, fear, regret were some of the emotions. There was also love, pride, and happiness. His father looked to his mother [member="Arianna Organa"] and he felt, thought his father was about to say something, maybe something even profound.
That moment did not happen as someone new come into the room. [member="Theo Vereen"] , his nephew. “Hello”, looking at his nephew, he smiled, “I’m your uncle Garith Junior.”

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Theo had to admit to being a bit stunned, his grandfather wow. What do you say to a man that you have not seen in your entire life? He was trying to think of what to reply manners and decorum took over, "Grandfather, nice to meet you." he left off the word finally. His mother would not approve of snarkiness. He walked over towards him and without much warning hugged his Grandfather for the first time in his life. Doing the guy thing he let go and nodded.

Course follow up questions like staying long? Are you here to eat and run? or from the looks of things drink and run. Theo looked at his grandmother she seemed fine. ok maybe he was just being snarky then.

He looked at the one calling himself his uncle, "Uncle Garith, nice to meet you to." He reached over to hug him as well briefly yet warmly. He didn't add where have you been. He looked at his parents they were, fine least they looked find, nothing out of the ordinary. His father trying to snuggle his mother, mother trying to keep peace.

But then Theo looked around was his namesake here too? No. It didn't look like it. The woman on the couch he had seen in holos, "Aunt Bella nice to meet you in person."

He laughed trying to find some balance, "Is something wrong?" He looked at all the faces once more.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Faith looked at Draco oh he was feeling the alcohol she smiled, "Yes we do. That the future should be brighter with all of us in it" She kept putting Draco's hands down, and she most definitely was not sitting in his lap in front of her parents. She sat next to him holding his hand and giving him that look.

She could only shake her head as she listened to Draco and her mother go one more round, "it's been 18 years, let's find something new to be snarky about. I'm sure there are a variety of topics which would fit the bill quite nicely." Faith was always uncomfortable when the two of them began their round for round tit for tat battle of words.

"Theo come sit and listen there seems to be much on everyone's minds tonight." There was a lot, more than she realized but now how to keep peace with all of these personalities in one room.

And what as her father trying to say before Theo walked in.

Faith giggled, it would be difficult with two Garith's and Two Theo's running around.....eventually, maybe.

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Garith Darkhold"]

It is not a healthy descriptive word to place into a sentence when meeting one of your grandchildren for the first time. Garith had spent so much time alone. He had spent too many years down a dark path. A simple hug was not simple to him. He was almost that far gone. Deep down though, there was still a part of him that held true empathy for those he cared about. He attempted to reciprocate the gesture [member="Theo Vereen"] had given him. One handed, Garith was still holding a bottle. The Elder Kashi timidly reached out with his free arm. His grandson had used two arms and came full in. Garith arm, there was not a full embrace. It was more of a guy hug. There was space in-between his arm and Theo… as Garith lightly tapped his grandson’s back with that freehand. “Yes, nice”, Garith words, in response to Theo’s words….as they hugged.

As other spoke, Garith with drew into his own silent reflections. Back to a time of before, a time when he was not full a hate and bitter anger. The memories were there. Still it was so long ago it felt more like it felt more whispered dreams. Dreams that became more detailed each moment he spent with his children and grandchild. It was a awkward painful remainder of what he had lost, the horrors he had done in the past, and in recent years he had failed to be here when his kin needed him most.

[member="Draco Vereen"] , [member="Faith Organa"] and everyone else in the room
Bella watched curious to see how her father reacted. What she saw began to confuse her. She knew it shouldn't but still she felt troubled and uncertain. Everything she knew about her father was slowly being contradicted.

Had everything that happened truly affected him that he was no longer who she had known? Would he continue to change? Would she have to learn to know her father all over again. She looked at her brother Garith he had to feel these changes as much as she did.

She looked at the floor trying to figure out what to do, her father's presence in the force for the first time in her life, it wavered.

[member="Garith Darkhold"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Arianna watched the exchange between her grandson and Garith Sr. The gentle way he held their grandson reminded her of how gentle he could be, how warm, and loving. The man that growled so much and glared at the world she knew only briefly.

All this, and hugs too.

What was on his mind? What did he have to tell them, and how much would it alter their lives. Faith as leader of the Coalition, and Queen of Alderaan could not have a Sith on Alderaan for long. What was he going to say? Was he changing? Would he work to protect Alderaan and the family? Or was this one of those times he laid down the law and expected them all to adhere.

She could only wait.

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