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Fate of the Duels (PVP Thread)

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Krenis Skirata


It had taken some time for the words to sink into Krenis' mind. Even with all of his genetic engineering and training and experience with combat, that hallway had probably taken the cake for the most hellish battleground he had ever stumbled onto. Also, Mandalorian was a strange term to be called by. He picked himself off the ground, shaking his head as the multiple concussive forces echoed through his brain. The armor was excellent, but it still bled through.

"Same as you!" Krenis called back to whoever had had the foresight to bring a sonic rifle to a lightsaber fight. He stumbled backwards through the flaming fighter debris as the duel between the sabers went made with all sorts of things happening. Then the research room exploded and the stormtrooper disappeared. That solved that issue at least.

But he had the right goal in mind. Krenis hefted his rifle and ducked down the wall, heading for another hallway. Comm chatter was indicating more forces breaching the ship in an effort to destroy it. He had already felt it shudder as it fired once, although he didn't know at what.
A gust of fresh air or atleast that could be the comparison to the force push he felt come before him. These two men were not to be underestimated too much. So far Saverok was playing around with them and acting arrogant. Tactics needed to be changed and Saverok knew it. With smoke flying up into his view causing some ash from his armor to fly about the Behemoth groaned. With new rounds hitting his armor with a loud tang the Gen'dai raised a brow noticing his feet were moving him on his own. He was sliding forward and pain was beginning to throb on his backside. He was beginning to look like a shot up spice can.

" Heheheh.. Is that-" He stopped after jerking forward with a slight stumble. This was a new round and he could feel it! With a glance the armored monster instinctively leaned to his left and with one powerful push from the ground Saverok Rammed his way through the wing of a medium fighter. Rage flowed well through his veins as he fled to a superior position. Deactivating his lightsaber Saverok focused on the many ships around him. Gnashing his teeth the force shielded him from harm all the while random objects began to orbit his person like a planet. A loud hum echoed in the huge room, a resounding warning that something big was coming. Debris and ship parts floated above with an odd grace.

Red eyes fell on the lights above him and his fists slowly balled. With a roar the Gen'dai threw his arms out releasing the energy he stored so tightly. A heavy shockwave repulsed through out the room in all directions interfering with the lighting above. Debris scattered in random directions at dangerous speeds and at the epicenter of the maelstrom Saverok could only grin that could barely be seen due to the many flickering lights in the Hangar.

Metal parts rattled as he shifted through them like snow. Finally taking cover behind a ship the Gen'dai waited patiently and calmly. Relying on his sense hearing and advanced nervous system to locate [member="Alkor Centaris"] & @Atheus.

" Heh! You sure you want to continue this you two?" he asked making sure to boost his voice in the force.
Location: Hangar Bay
People close by: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"],
Objective: Survive, Fight on multiple sides.
Gear: Sith Sword, Sith Dagger, Pistol, Charges, Sith Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber.
Music Selection: Headstrong,
OOC: Closed Fight

The Gen'dai was fast. After I had backed up, I could hear round after round fire from the corellian. Even seeing the impacts affect the giant being. Even a shotgun can have powerful effects upon the body. No clue what rounds the man was using, but now I wanted it. The Gen'Dai was Stopping. If only for a second, I knew something bad was happening if he was willing to stop for a moment. I backed up away from the man. Circling him around his side as he moved incredibly fast to my right, his left, and broke through a wing of a fighter. It had already been damaged. Now it was surely not going to be flying.

Ships, and debris began to float in the air. Ominous and daunting of how much the man could lift with the force alone. Still charging the ball of destructive energy. I had to use it somehow. I thought fast. Instead of releasing the orb of energy, I let it dissipate. Taking my sword, I stabbed it into the ground. Enough force was used to have the blade close to a third of the way in the floor. I then held on for dear life as I once more used Force weapon around my entire body.

The release of debris and parts of ships floating was massive. Could only be described as a Force Repulse, or something close to it. The blast alone sent a massive wave to try and push myself back. Luckily I was down low to prevent getting hit by the larger pieces, leaving shrapnel to slam into the "shield" I made for myself. Standing up as it was all gone, and the Gen'Dai disappeared. After looking around for the Corellian for a moment, I realized my left arm was in a chit ton of pain. I cringed and grabbed my left arm. Even when using force weapon, the kinetic blow had cause damage to my arm. Trying to pick up my arm, I could barely lift it.

Forcing myself to try and draw the sword from the ground with my left arm. I grunted in pain. My arm was broken. I was so mad I couldn't have been able to prevent it. My arm hurt really bad. And you know what? After hearing the Gen'Dai baiting us into fighting, I smiled. Drawing my lightsaber, The gold blade ignited the area around me. I knew what I was going to do, and Thalia was not going to like me for it. I hesitated for a moment, and decided against it.

"I have no idea who you are. Nor I care. Shut up and fight."

Even while my arm was there, hanging, I lifted my arm on the side of a ship. Groaning rather loudly in pain as I placed my lightsaber just above my left shoulder, And cut down on my own arm. Pain blinded my vision. It turned white and flashing as my stomach contorted in pain. Holding everything in. All of my body was clenching up.

Yelling in pain, in hatred of losing the arm, I put away my saber barely. I stood there. Body shaking. I used the force to call on my sword. Yanking it from the ground with telekinesis. Slapping the grip into my hand. Even with the cold air around me, and the loss of my arm, I could feel my blood boiling. My eyes burned. My left stump of an arm burned. And that pain fueled my rage. I could feel it overcoming my senses. Reaching out in the force, I could feel the beast's rage. His raw energy was so palpable I could taste the blood in my mouth.

Letting loose a bloodcurdling yell, The rage of myself, the Corellian, and the Gen'Dai fueling me all at once. My sword pointed out towards a ship where the Gen'Dai might be hiding behind. Playing cat and mouse are we?

"I will find you Gen'Dai! And when I do, I'm going to rip you apart!"

With all this rage flowing inside me, The sword I carried became my hand. Pointing at the ship, then lifting it and throwing it across the hangar bay. Breaking into pieces and finding no one behind it or around it. Doing the same to a second one, I ripped it from the ground like grass in a field.

"Come out here! Let's see if you can bleed!"
Alkor pumped the shotgun again as the Gen-Dai stumbled, and the emptied out cartridge sprang from the chamber with a subdued sizzle. Another round ready, the Corellian exile trained his aim on the monstrosity and readied a powerful shot. He followed [member="Saverok"] with careful aim, but lifted the muzzle of the weapon with a slight shake of his head as sparks flew, loosed by the wanton destruction of a small starfighter. Chunks of metal and various electrical equipment broke away from the victimized craft that obstructed his line of sight and made a clear shot effectively impossible.

Centaris was not the sort of man to watch his prey escape, though. He moved swiftly, aware of the primal survival instincts that drove certain men to madness. His feet moved at a quickened pace, his eyes on the beast while his mind tracked the pulsating Force in fluid time. Evoked by the chaos and turmoil of the past few minutes, the trance of Battlemind gave the fallen Jen'jidai acute awareness of his immediate surroundings. It was akin to a HUD, alerting him to incoming movements by a thin margin, as well as a "view" of his target's placement.

He could not see Saverok, but he felt him just fine.

Smoke billowed from the barrel of his shotgun as Alkor ducked behind several of the Omega's shipment crates. He listened to the high pitched whine of various metals as they impacted one another, and several explosions sang to him as they wracked the hangar bay. [member="Atheus"] had continued to give chase, and Alkor felt pain blossom through the Force around the other man. He had not sought cover, instead weathering the brutish display of anger by their common enemy in a bid for greater power to loose. It was an effective strategy, but almost too big of a gamble.

Saverok had changed the game, and Alkor was uncertain whether he intended to play hunted or hunter.

Either way, Alkor intended to be the Wolf in this scenario. He did not rise to the Gen-Dai's verbal baiting; instead, when Atheus called all eyes on himself, Centaris was content to stick to the shadows. He stifled his Force presence with a concerted effort, beating back all residual traces of himself with slowed, even breaths. There was one in the chamber with Saverok's name on it. He had no need to rush this.

Alkor glanced out from cover and found Atheus and signalled for the man to engage from the opposite direction as he maneuvered around to flank. The burden would fall to Saverok to keep up with the new pace.

He took aim toward the nearest starfighter and lined the sight up with their exposed fuselage. A droid had opened the chassis and begun pre-flight maintenance as the Omega had come prepared for a ship to ship battle at grueling lengths. It was almost too convenient. "And here I thought I was talking too much," Alkor muttered to himself as he steadied his shot, exhaled, and pulled the trigger.

The report of his firearm was drowned out by the scream of hellfire as his bullet made contact. The small explosion caught the fuel line and rippled along it in both directions. Alkor watched the starfighter as a larger explosion tore through its entire structure and ripped it apart from the inside. Large chunks of material and heat were thrown out indiscriminately, but they paled in comparison to what happened when the refueling tank caught.

The resulting exploison was easily double the size of its predecessor. The howl of gases as they combusted drowned out all other thought and flames danced through that area of the hangar. "Come out, come out," Alkor whispered as he watched for any sign of movement.
Location: Hiding in Hangar Behind a Ship
Enemies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Atheus"]
Equip: In Sig + HAVOC Magma Cannon.
Objective: Sing!

In Saveroks mind his chuckle continued as he thought. His game changer was effective and now it was time to follow up. Closing his eyes the gen'dai began to focus on his enviorment around him, feeling it out literally. Gen'dai as a species were not just hulking masses of muscle, No this was not totally true. Their Nervous system was extremely advanced in make up and very sensitive giving the race a great amount of sensory acuity. All one had to do was chose to focus. Flickering lights, vibrations in the air, metal shifting, grinding as its thrown about with a invisible hand, down to the faintest heartbeat or shift in movement. Takes to his recent encounter with [member="Alkor Centaris"] and the cyborg man [member="Atheus"] who had no idea what he was getting into, The Gen'dai could use his sensory acuity to great advantage.

A mental image of what was going on quickly began to appear like puzzles in his mind. Looking to his left and raising a hand Saverok commanded the force to slide a starfighter wing of and slam into the ground. It was his best idea to throw [member="Atheus"] off with his ship flipping carnage. A small distraction. Turning his head right and retracting his mask Saverok paused while gnashing his teeth some. This man Alkor was a tad harder to track, he was silent unlike the Cybrog man who was more akin to a loud hutt ball buzzer going off. Shifting his eyes forward the Behemoth took in everything he could handle mentally and then much more throwing himself into a maddening rage.

Head lifted to the air the brute let out a high pitched force scream that was unbearable to the ears and it only got better. A high frequency was not the goal. Quickly the scream subsided lowering drastically. Soon there was no more scream to be heard but to be felt and the metal in the hangar could was proof of the new deadly tone. Infrasound. Sound waves pulsed penetrating throughout the hangar bouncing slowly bringing its effects in full. Thrown off Equalibrium, stomach churning, increasing breathing & making a rather intense pressure on the body as if the hangar was getting smaller. Even Saverok himself was even reaping the ongoing effects but they would not compare to what he knew the [member="Alkor Centaris"] & [member="Atheus"] could be going through. Having no air sacks in his chest or any other major organ did that for ya a species.
Location: Hallway in front of research(2)
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Darth Praetorias"]

The best thing about the battlefield was that everything happened too fast to process with any kind of clarity, meaning instinct took over in its absence. For people like her, it was when they were at their most dangerous. The familiarity of the spell woven by the Mon Cal Sith dawned on her just moments before it was released, giving her a few seconds to wonder if all of these Sith used different variations of the same techniques. A protective bubble comprised of the ethereal was drawn forth, riding out the duration of the spell and ceasing immediately afterwards so as to conserve energy. It was at that point an invisible hand closed around her throat, the trooper firing off at nearly the same time. To break the telekinetic grip would take far more concentration, and so her focus was the immediate threat, the shield within her cybernetic activating once more. It chanced that this time she was able to brace herself much more effectively, the shockwave traveling up her arm.

In the next moment she felt something attacking her subconscious, and that something quickly became a manifestation of the darkness that stood before her. That, coupled with the invisible fist around her neck, were effective in bringing her to her knees as she felt her physical form wanting to do nothing more than give in. Long ago she had learned to ignore those survival instincts and push past them in order to become something better, and this was no different. Already she had reduced her need to draw breath via the Force, an ability all but perfected through the years of drawing the ire of far too many just like the two of them. It came just as naturally as drawing on the pain and suffering of the other to sustain her own strength as he dealt with the residual pain of having a piece of shrapnel buried in his leg.

All of this was allowed to reach a crescendo as she slowly pushed the worst of it away, drawing on the side of herself that was the most downtrodden, remembering just how broken she once was and in some cases continued to be. It was this she allowed to drive her, utilizing the same strategy that had been quite literally beaten into her by an old mentor: pain is power. The surrounding negativity was pulled inside of herself, siphoned to the very core of her being so that she might shift her focus to it, containing that simmering volatility behind a barrier of glass that was ready to be shattered at any second.

And then suddenly all of it was expelled outwards in one wave, all of her hatred and anger at her adversaries contained in that single action. Bits of debris were picked up along the way, carried along at a speed just as deadly as a gunshot, the blast itself echoing through and down the hallway as it reverberated off the durasteel. The goal was to throw her opponents backwards with more than enough force to break bone and deliver severe concussive damage, perhaps enough to end the fight before it properly joined, though she wasn't counting on it. No, she just wanted to make things easier and deliver a bit of retribution in the process.

There was a strange sort of tense silence that enveloped the three of them in the seconds following, and she slowly pushed herself to her feet, chest rising and falling visibly after what she had pulled. An explosion sounded at the end of the hallway, though no blast of shrapnel and flame followed after, and so her guard was momentarily lowered as she saw the door to the research lab dented outwards. And so then came the charge. The durasteel box was buffeted away with a telekinetic hand just strong enough to manage such a thing, tumbling somewhere off to the side. In retaliation to his punch the vibroblade within the left gauntlet of her armor shimmered into existence, sparks flying between their respective weapons as she pushed him past her with his own momentum, onward to whatever he hoped to achieve. He was no longer part of the problem, and thus no longer a concern.
Location: Hangar Bay
People close by: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"],
Objective: Survive, Fight on multiple sides.
Gear: Sith Sword, Sith Dagger, Pistol, Charges, Sith Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber.
Music Selection: Headstrong,
OOC: Closed Fight

I was completely consumed by rage. A rage fueled by Pain, and anger. Feeding increasingly so upon the corellian, and the Gen'Dai. After flinging the two ships, I could hear an explosion. Darting my attention for a split second to see Alkor, I then turned back to another and tossed it like a child would with a toy. Albeit, a very large toy. Slinging it across the hangar to crash into a second. Piece flying, and my rage soaring the more I was this way, I could watch as in my peripheral vision, a ship losing its wing. After the wing fell, striking the ground, much like a hunter, I had to look at it for a moment, and determine which way it went.

When you are hunting animals, never search where the sound had come from. Search around the area in which it didn't. It is moving. It changes spots. It just doesn't stand still when it knows it's being hunted down. Instead, I looked not to the ship, but instead looked to the ships around it. I felt close. Like I was almost there. About to find it when I could hear a scream. One that made me fall to my knees. All sounds drowned out from my hearing. I was trying to cover my ears when I began to feel the darkness well within me more deeply.

Drawing upon the pain of my body hurting, the loss of my hearing, the burning in my lungs, and even the sickness of wanting to puke, I raged. I continued to rage. I knew where the man was now. I had heard where he had come from. I was starting to lose myself. Not caring that my ears were bleeding, or how tears streamed down my face in crimson lines, I charged forward. Yanking the vessel away from where the Gen'Dai was hiding.

"You no hide from me!"

My speed was incredible if I were to try and stop to think. Flashing forward at inhuman speeds. G-forces alone from suddenly moving to stopping would wreck my body. I didn't care. I brought my blade to slash at the Gen'Dai. Wildly slashing left and right, up and down with such ferocity. Not caring if I was missing or even hitting him. Only to inflict pain upon him. Pain. That's all I wanted. Pain to fuel me, pain to harm him, and to kill him. Gen'Dai could heal themselves. Lets see how well he could heal himself with being frozen, and being chopped into hundreds of pieces.

"You die now!"
The world went red.

Any other description would fail to do his situation justice. The pain was extraordinary. It fed him like a hound took to a slab of meat. Any other warrior would have been cowed entirely by the experince, but Alkor Centaris tilted back his head and drank in his own suffering.

Blood blossomed from his ears as he dampened his sense of hearing only enough to prevent lasting damage. He did not recoil from the reverb.

His arms ripped with spasm as the sound slunk down his spine and crawled through his arms. Sound torture had been the lesser extreme of his master's favorite pastimes. "Focus," had been the mantra. All other notions of resistance were weakness, and worthy only to be cast aside.

[member="Saverok"] was at the epicenter of this new torment, that much was certain. Alkor let the shotgun fall to his side long enough to fill his lungs with air tainted by copious carbon monoxide molecules and other byproducts of his destructive rampage. He felt his body reject the poisons, but did nothing to hamper them.

Their pain was necessary for what was to come.

While the world was red, there was only one way to bring about sanity once more. When his violet eyes reopened, Alkor knew what he had to do. His sight centered on Saverok as the Gen'Dai belted out his wicked screech, and the Force guided the Corellian exile toward the proper shade.

With three rapid shots of the High Impact ammo, he aimed toward the convergence of power. The Force shivered around Saverok's brutish body, and where it cleaved, Alkor fired.

How do Shatterpoints react to high explosives? Let's find out.

Location: Hangar
Enemies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] & [member="Atheus"]
Objective: #Batpoodoocrazy
Equipment: In sig + Havoc Magma Cannon.​

The infrasonic scream ended suddenly. The Gen'dai hunched over holding his throat and throwing up pieces of hos own body only to watch it hit the floor and travel back into his body. He could make no sounds his vocal cords had been destroyed so many times over during his scream. Gagging on his own parts and then the world fell on him. The cover behind was ripped to the side by [member="Atheus"]. Next came his wild assault of swings. Saveroks eyes were able to track each and every swing but that held him no advantage if his mind of focused more on recovery than attack. Stepping back and jerking his body several swings missed him and the others clapped against his armor freezing it at the spot.

- "Why am I retreating?" - He asked himself inside his mental and received no answer by word in return only a simple chuckle. Slowly the Gen'dai got more into the the pace of combat and his mind was set and making this Cyborg regret his blind assault. He had forgotten briefly about [member="Alkor Centaris"], his worst mistake he had made thus far... Or was it? Rounds fired off flew threw the air whistling their tunes getting ready for the chorus. With a groan of pain Saverok felt pain shift over his entire body, even in his mental and then it intensified greatly. Due to his perception of time the world seemed to freeze, though this was only couple seconds. Never before had he encountered what was known as a shatter-point. Half of the Gen'dais torso lay exposed to the cold of the hangar and [member="Atheus"]'s blade. But Their was something wrong and it could be felt. Stumbling back some and dazed this was where Saverok ceased to be.

You could see it in his eyes and feel it in the air. 1500 years of hate flooded the Gen'dais entire being and the blood lust returned in full. There was no hesitation in action, no though just instinct. Flailing his arms about the behemoth scurried about with random uses of force speed. Why it a juke? Attempts to get away from [member="Atheus"] the cyborg? If so why did it seem like the Gen'dai was going in a zigzag circle. Was it panic? Slamming into several ships, the vessels slid back under the extreme kinetic force. Did he get stronger?

What the kark was going on?!


They wanted a fight and now they got one! Careful what you wish for! " You karking maggots just dont know when to quit dont ya! I'll give ya reason to quit while your ahead!!" he shouted pulling out his Rapture Mk.1 the Gen'dai aimed the Heavy particle beam cannon at the nearest ship which was couple meters away from himself. A launcher made to destroy Vessels and the hangar was full of em.

A scream bellowed from his mouth prepping his body and igniting Force Rage.
*Click* The Trigger was pulled back.
Light stabbed the eyes​
Location: Room 3
Allies: [member="Rylan Thatcher"]
Enemies: None currently
Objective: Get into the computer

Explosions and other various sounds of combat could be heard loudly in the relatively peaceful room.
"Cover me." She said to Gherron as she walked over to a console.

Nef had an idea, provided she could get in of course. She was no slicer, that much was sure. However there was a little program on her datadagger which had gotten her past some systems before. The lady plugged the deceptive device into the console...nothing. Turns out, a 700 year old security bypass software does very little. Nef hadn't needed it for the longest time, so it hadn't occurred to her to update it.

"Gherron, do you know much about slicing?" She asked, slightly amused and annoyed at her obvious mistake
Location: Hallway
Objective: :p
Allies: [member="Darth Praetorias"]
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]

Hissing like flames doused by water, the Dark Side’s sickly green tongues licked his opponent’s impenetrable bubble before dissipating at its master’s command, failing to deliver their ultimate promise. Veles’ traditional application of telekinesis upon another’s throat fared much better, displaying promise at first. Forced to address multiple threats, the woman’s will clashed against the Dark Lord’s and his grip upon her neck grew stronger with each passing second, bringing the armoured victim to her knees and closer to the great inevitable. Only a few moments stood between Veles and devastating victory – and then her raw passion hit back, revealing the woman to be quite a master of telekinetic arts, possibly going even deeper than Darth Veles’ knowledge ever would.

There was nothing for the Sith Lord to do against this artistic explosion rushing to meet any and all trapped inside the corridor. Aside from deactivating the weapon firmly grasped inside his cybernetic hand, Veles did nothing. Yes – he should have cut his way to the spacious hanger, plenty of room to dodge. Too late now. Offering little to no resistance, prepared for the blast mentally rather than physically, the Sith Lord let the hateful wave carry him on its unstoppable tide until his flight crashed against a solid, unbendable obstacle that put an end to it all. Blunt pain washed over him, resonating through his reinforced body, mind struggling to stay conscious. One thud later and the amphibian landed on his feet with surprising grace and elegance, albeit not without his legs threatening to collapse. Only the pain and adrenaline pounding him from within swiftly pulled Veles back to reality, keeping his awake and sharply focused.

Lightsaber still safely locked in his webbed hand, the amphibian stroked its activation stud again, red light revealing several pieces of debris taking a peek into his body, sharp stabs mixing together into one grand orchestra of pain. Very well. He could work with that. Veles unceremoniously ripped out the largest metal pieces sticking from his body like small, thirsty leeches – several bloody droplets signed the floor as he did so, but the Mon Calamari showed no hurt or concern in his expression, only faked serenity that masked the burning inferno beneath. Three deep breaths saw his chest rise and fall. Gathering a few, free bursts of energy from his pain and anger, the Sith Lord raised his empty hand and unleashed a short torrent of lightning-like ionic energy at his opponent, painting the surrounding walls in esoteric purple. Another one came immediately after, cut short only to be followed by more in similar fashion, an endless onslaught to keep her busy, unwilling to stop the steady rhythm. Just as his steps, a solid pace bringing him closer towards her, lightsaber tip kept close to the ground by his side.

And then he violated the unspoken rules without any warning, pattern broken and replaced by deceit. Bending the Force in his favour, Veles released a simple distraction that manifested in form of blinding flash filling the tight corridor up to where his opponent stood, playing tricks even on her trusty visor - time Veles used to mass the Force in his body, fuel him like a furnace, shooting the Sith Lord forward to let both lightsabers fulfill their purpose.
Red, flashing lights fill every corridor and room of the ship. Followed a heartbeat later by a wailing emergency siren. The crew of the Omega is abandonning ship. With a catastrophic power failure and the Omega too close to Castameer's atmosphere, there is a limited amount of time to escape before having a front row seat to this extinction level event.
All ashore who's going ashore.
Location: Computer room en route to hangar
Allies: [member="Rylan Thatcher"]
Objective: Get out of dodge
Enemies: Anyone who tries to stop the escape

On the prompting of the crimson strobe and the siren's call, Nef quickly disconnected from the console and started for her ship.

"I shall expect you to come and see our son." She said, embracing *ahem* "Rylan" on her way out. "And please, try not to stay away for too long, okay?" Nefertari pleaded with her fiance, tears coming to her eyes. She knew they would both leave the Omega safely, but still questioned whether the father of her child would actually be there for him.

Giving her man a brief kiss, Nef charged into the corridor; lightsaber in hand just in case.
Location: Hangar Bay
People close by: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"],
Objective: Survive, Fight on multiple sides.
Gear: Sith Sword, Sith Dagger, Pistol, Charges, Sith Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber.
Music Selection: Headstrong,
OOC: Closed Fight

The behemoth of a being began to run away from me. His strange pattern of running made it difficult to keep a pure sight on him, and only watch as ship after ship crushed or blew apart with the pure force of the man's body. He was moving in such a way that could only be one thing. He was enraged. Even more so when I could hear his screams upon the battlefield. This made me... perplexed. I held my rage in for a moment. Trying to control my thoughts, I could feel myself growing weary. We had to end this now. Snarling behind my mask, the Corellian knew what I was going to get at.


As the Gen'Dai was rearing up a cannon, I stabbed my sword into the ground. Knowing what I would be doing. As the bright light flashed, I reached out with the force. Gripping onto the ship he was firing at. The blast sent the ship behind me, only I changed it's course. Using its own momentum, and with a little push, I sent the ship around in a U-turn to come right back around to the Gen'Dai. Fully planning on using it as a ship sized missile. Drawing my sword, I threw my essence into the Dark side. My eyes burned. Absorbing every ounce or negative emotions from every person in the hangar.

Anger, Rage, Fear, Hatred, Lust, and even the pure thrill of killing. My body burned. I felt like I was on fire. Truth be told, I likely was from the explosion with my clothing having some on me, but concentrating it all into an orb into my right hand, I brought everything I could together. Creating a sphere of energy about the size of my head, and thrust it towards the Gen'Dai. The ball of pure destructive energy was aimed to wipe the Gen'Dai from the face of existence. Only if the Corellian could do whatever he did a few moments ago again, only this time, hit him where it hurts.
"You are not going to enjoy this," Alkor spoke solemnly as [member="Atheus"] called for him to do something... outright insane. The fallen Jen'jidai raised his weapon slowly as the other man screamed out and convalescent energies began to fluctuate at his fingertips. The power grew exponentially, and the Force screamed between [member="Saverok"] and his mortal enemy.

If only Atheus understood just what he had wrought.

The Shatterpoint was obscene, one after the other powerful blows having savaged the hangar and nearly torn it to pieces already. A handful of times in his life, Alkor might have sensed something like this. Instances like this, the tightrope between life and death, had the potential to change the galaxy in its entirety... or do nothing at all.

The rage, despair, panic, and uncertainty rippled around its focal point- the instant at which it would all come together, only to be torn apart. Alkor let out a ragged breath, cowed by the monstrousity of what he felt. There were few things so terrifying as to utterly unnerve Centaris.

This was one.

He bit into his lip as the blast of Dark sided energy tore toward Saverok, and Alkor unloaded the remainder of his magazine. In the subsequent seconds, he wondered if it had been worth it.

One after the other, small explosions wracked the blast and bonded with it at the cellular level. Destructive energies born of the Force rapily grew in response to prompts from live ammunition, and the superheated ball of fire grew to an intolerable heat.

Alkor could feel the residual burn from his position, nearly five meters away. The flame would consume anything it touched, a fireball in the truest sense of the name. Like a fuel-air bomb, it would burn on itself, consuming the very oxygen to substantiate and rip apart everything within its radius. Alkor screamed out, "GET AWAY FROM IT."

Whether the man heeded his warning or not, Alkor turned on his heels and sprinted toward one of the hallways for cover. The containers and ships that adorned the ravaged hangar were not enough.

The blast rocked the Omega, tearing asunder starfighter and shipment container alike as the flames ate them like a starving god. Ash and echoes were all that remained in its wake. The very floor blackened, burned, and disintegrated. Hull breaches screamed across the alarm system.

The hangar flashed bright red as danger lights blinked brightly.

In the Force, even the least trained of sensitives could hear the horrific screams.

He almost did not make it. The flames gorged themselves indiscriminately, and hellfire licked at his heels as Alkor dove through out into the corridor. He did not spare a backward glance, as the intolerable warmth scorched through his clothes and seared at his skin. The Hangar was a destination fit only for the damned.

His gaze moved from one side to the other as he searched, intent on any means of escape he could find. The former assassin liffed the comm link to his lips and called out to [member="Keira Ticon"] : "Come on. We're leaving. Escape pods. Quick."

When the Mandalorian woman regrouped and they boarded a pod, they would be in the clear.
Location: Hallway in front of research(2)
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"]

Bladework substituted for anything within the ethereal in those next few moments, her reflexes enhanced by that plane and nothing more. Orange plasma intercepted the majority of the artificially generated blasts of ion energy, the sparks that did break through her defense doing little to hinder her, given the immunity of the vital pieces of her inventory to such attacks. In the next few seconds he closed the gap with a crimson blade in hand, it evident even from the initial strikes that his finesse with a saber far surpassed her own. Whereas he valued precision strikes and fluid movement she often utilized nothing more than blunt force and hard strikes to end fights before they began. Not always a completely successful strategy, but almost always an effective one.

Her senses spiked just a moment too late as a blinding flash sparked across the enclosed space. Even as she turned her head away she saw white replace any semblance of normal vision, the auto-brightness effects of her HUD doing nothing to grant her any recompense from the assault. In no time he capitalized on his own attack, and being guided by nothing more than her sixth senses Keira raised her blade to do nothing more than bat away his cuts and slashes, maintaining a defense that was just that and not much else. Staying on the defensive had never been her strong point, but it allowed her time to gain strength for an offensive that would hopefully bring her one step closer to ending this. He was already injured, that much she could inherently sense, and it was only a matter of getting lucky one more time.

And then the alarm sounded. The wailing of sirens left her temporarily deaf as well as blind, though the sound dampeners within her helmet were capable of whisking away that issue. Slowly her vision crept back, her blocks becoming a touch more solidified, stance strengthening. Seeking an opening in his pattern she threw a punch with a phrik-plated fist - repulse hand activated, of course - as hard as she could towards his abdomen. It was a hit anyone with any amount of sense would want to dodge, especially so if they found themselves unarmored such as the Sith. A strike similar had punched through duraplast, and one could only imagine what it was capable of inflicting on flesh alone.

As her fist flew forward her lightsaber extinguished and found itself at her waist, tomahawk instead being taken up in her right hand. Using the momentum of her punch to shift into a spin that did nothing more than distance herself from him, she let this secondary weapon fly towards his head in a boomeranging motion, snapping back into her grasp regardless of whether it connected or not. With this sequence hopefully proving enough to distract him her form would blur, and she would make her unnaturally quick way to the escape pods after receiving the transmission from her brother. As much as she would have liked to end the life of the Sith herself, survival took precedence over skewed morality.

Once she reached her destination her pace slowed dramatically in mere seconds, and she did nothing more than step into an escape pod after him, sitting down across from her adoptive sibling as they made their escape. No dramatic injury plagued her, though there was no doubt she had seen combat, her armor scuffed and scorched in more than a few places, an exhaustion that ran far deeper than the physical realm permeating every fiber of her being. Reaching up she pulled off her helmet, running a hand through her hair and enjoying the feeling of the relatively cool air. "Did you have fun, vod'ika?"
Location: Hallway
Objective: Get out
Opponents: [member="Keira Ticon"]

Aggressive and endless, his strikes continued to keep her busy with their deadly tongues. Offering her no breathing room between each slash and stab was an effective tactic. Only when the alarms rang their sudden and unexpected warning in thunderous voice and flashing red lights, Veles let the distraction affect him. Merely a slight, split-second hesitation between his relentless onslaught, but more than enough time for his opponent to grasp the sudden chance and retaliate with a hit of her own. A terrible and unforgivable mistake for someone of his rank and experience, realized immediately after, too late to be corrected though. Flying towards his form was a fist clad in metal, to which Veles responded by regaining his composure and taking a decisive step back, leaving the attack’s reach and mockingly poking the fist with his outstretched lightsaber – ineffective, just as expected.

Only inexperienced fools tried to punch lightsaber-wielding opponents without wearing appropriate laser-blade resistant materials; his opponent certainly did not lack experience and calling her a fool before she lied broken would be very premature. No; the woman’s next move confirmed her to be a veteran of many battled, using wits and quick reflexes to toss him a distraction, which the Mon Cal needed to address before pursuing her escape. Darth Veles’ artificial eye spotted something flying towards him at great speed, the Force promptly working in unison with his cybernetic enhancements to save the Sith Lord’s life. Before the fearsome edge lodged itself deep into his skull, Veles’ cybernetic hand had acted with surprising clarity and speed, grabbing the small executioner by its handle, seizing it like a trophy. Sparks of battle-like spirit in his eyes revealed the assassin desired to dance for a bit longer.

Pounded from outside and inside alike, the Omega no longer supported its inhabitants and their life expectancy. The floor shook violently under Veles’ feet and his bulbous orbs darted over to his original escape route, realizing it to be not an option anymore, much to his shock. With the hanger and most ships docked inside devastated, the Dark Lord followed his opponent’s example, sprinting towards the escape pods, too late to catch her and return the weapon straight into her chest. Now it’s been turned into something for the future, a promise. Waiting for nobody and nothing else, survival a priority, the Sith Lord stepped into the nearest escape pod and launched it. Then came a boom and silence marking separation from the doomed titan.
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