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Fate of the Duels (PVP Thread)

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Location: First Order Firezone, fortified barricade in front of research (2)
Allies: First Order Forces
Persons of Interest: [member="Krenis Skirata"]
Enemies: Anyone assaulting his position

Having adjusted his helmets auditory settings to protect his own hearing. CT-47B didn't hear the boom of the Mandalorians sonic weapon, and in the solemn darkness of the hallway. He didn't see it ether. Instead, he simply sat behind cover, removing the near spent battery from his sonic rifle and replacing it with an equally bulky fresh one. As one of the heavy metal boxes he had used to build his barricade tumbled onto his shoulder from the sudden kinetic energy that had rammed against it, the sudden impact causing cracks to form along his reinforced right shoulder plate as swearing and pain emitted from his position 30 feet down the hall. .

A shout from the hallway came as CT-47B peaked out from the gaps he had made for firing and saw the Mandalorian's distinct helmet.
"I've no interest in exchanging shots till one of us gets lucky. What is it you seek Mandalorian?"
Location : hallway to research
Enemies : [member="Darth Praetorias"][member="CT-47B"]

The effects of the explosion weren't so bad near the entrance as he crouched around the corner for cover. His helmets sonic dampers muffled the worst of the shockwave and he took some scorching from the explosion and debris. It would have probably been worst for anyone caught in the middle of the passageway, although that was not really a concern for him.

He was about to go on the offensive when over the encrypted comm line he received word that their forces broke through and there was an eminent strike of the Sith Academy, a far juicier prize for Daxton Bane than a mere research facility. Let the dogs scrabble for scraps he was after bigger game now.

Signalling the crew for a pickup, he covered his retreat with smoke canisters that filled the area with noxious purple smoke. As the shuttle entered the landing bay, its doors opened and he leaped on board before anyone could stop him.

"Make haste planetside. Set me down near the Sith Academy." he ordered them as vessel rocked slightly under small arms fire as it exited the hangar.
Location: Narrow hallway in front of Resarch(2)
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"], [member="CT-47B"], [member="Darth Praetorias"]

Well, the result hadn't been exactly what Keira had anticipated, but it was preferable to dealing with a Sith at the peak of their strength. Better that he get knocked about and end up bleeding on the floor to begin with, and hopefully that was a preface for what was to come. Her saber snap-hissed into existence just shortly after his did the same, orange sparking against crimson as she defended against his preliminary attack. It was in moments like these she hovered on some in-between line, not quite completely immersed in combat just yet, though her form would reflect the exact opposite. Even in instances where her mind was slow to catch up to her body, instinct would win out over all. This was a game she had been playing for far too long, after all.

But apparently she wasn't the only one that had garnered far too much experience, as it was in those next few seconds that the stormtrooper fired. With no questions asked Thalia activated the auditory dampeners of her helmet in order to preserve her hearing, though the rest was up to her reaction time. The first order of business would be the shrapnel and the absolute worst of the kinetic force, and so once again she called on the ethereal, this time purely defensively. There wasn't enough time by far to construct a perfect barrier by any means, but this one halted the shrapnel and made certain she wouldn't suffer any immediately life-threatening or debilitating injury. Even still she was thrown back through the hallway, managing to bring herself to a somewhat graceful stop and roll to her feet.

Before she so much as had time to center herself and process what had happened, another round of shrapnel was hurled her way by an unseen entity, though she was well-versed enough to sense the Force about those ragged scraps of metal. Just who the culprit was didn't concern her quite yet, however. Survival did. Just as the hunks of durasteel came too close for comfort the shielding integrated into her cybernetic arm sprang to life, the shrapnel rebounding off of it, the force of the attack still driving her back but allowing her to remain on her feet. A surge of telkinetic energy followed up quickly afterwards, one she countered with her own. It wasn't enough to cancel out the opposing wave completely, but it removed a good portion of the destructive strength behind it. She allowed the residual force to carry her, twisting in the air to land on her feet at the entrance of the hallway, back to where she had begun.

Wordlessly she extended a hand, saber hilt snapping back into her palm, blade igniting as if in defiance. "It's nice to meet you too."
Location: Hangar Bay, Crash land
Enemies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Atheus"]
Objective: Secure Omega avenge all Gen'dai
Equipment: HAVOC Magma Cannon, Rest in Sig.​

Fires erupted scattered all over the AEG-77 Vigo Gunship, it was leaking chemicals into the void of space and crackled with energy due to a damaged shield. The Vessel did not slow down as it got closer to the Hangar bay openings of Omega. On the inside of the vessel their were no signals, beacons or anything of that sort to be heard of. From Inside to out the AEG-77 looked to be a dead ship in space. A victim of the direct conflict right outside the Omega's exterior.

Then it crashed... Sliding across the metal flooring producing more sparks than the eye could see. Screeching of metals rang about the Hangar in a unsettling echo. Set into a spin the AEG-77 slammed into a wall after clipping several other ships in hangar first. Flames crept ever over the vessel laying in its weakness. After five minutes the ship was a goner and one would think any survivor would be dead with the heat that came from the ship now. This was not the case. Light tremors pulse in waves, a new figure had arrived on the scene and he was bigger than most. Slowly walking through the flames the armored Gen'dai strutted about with arrogance as he examined Alkor fight in a blur of speed against his opponent, A cyberneticly enhanced man by the looks.

" Did you miss me maggot?" He muttered in his breath. His arms steadied his HAVOC Magma Cannon at the two in the distance. The chamber hissed like a vornskr and sudden two loud boomed echoed as the Molten slug projectiles soared toward their marks which was the chest. One for [member="Alkor Centaris"] and one for his cyborg friend. ( [member="Atheus"] )

"Yuia ghu'ftg ghuftft ang sugax. Tha Gaftagnx ghuftft ftia'n!" he screamed in his peoples lost language.

((OOC Translation: "You world will end today. The Galaxy will burn!"))
[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] @Cabotha @Jerecho#

" ok run yah bunch a Farkers. " Kami yelled running towards the ships.
[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Alyona Volkovna"] anyone else nearby enough to see this

Location: The less than happy Hangar, next to the wall, in middle, give or take.
Objective: Get a drink, I need some caffeine
Gear: Flash bangs, detonite, Lucky pimp gloves, Gourd of Booze(Hard liquor, 89% full), Sight beyond sight, et cetera.

Obligatory Theme music: [youtube][/youtube]

Vorhi's reaction wasn't the one you'd expect. Then again, he was fairly mad, and slightly tipsy.

"Snrrrrk." The snicker at the young Siths' reply was loud, and barely hidden.

"Sorry, just heard the funniest joke. Research..." he mused out loud."...yeah, I'm sure. And I'm sure your intentions are nothing but noble," he stretched his legs absentmindedly. "I didn't come in knowing nothing. Just nothing useful. I knew Omega was a damn vanity project by some wack-job among the Sith. And now, half the damn galaxy's fighting over whether or not your 'lab' should exist. I've lived through five emperors, and drank with three of them. Just because I look like an old fool, doesn't meant I'm completely lacking in perception," he smiled, still as cheerful as they began.

"But, points for the attempted obfuscation. Would've worked on most other drunk idiots, I'm sure," he grinned. "So, one free warning for your effort: Beep." He pressed a button on the remote, as the detonite in the vending machine behind the young man beeped twice, then exploded in a spray of sticky soda and actual fiery death, spraying shrapnel around the hangar. He frowned as he felt a familiar aura. [member="Daxton Bane"] had just ran off. Dang. Was everyone worth killing going to bail out on this ship before he'd get to meet them?

He sighed, waiting to see if the young man would fire at him, or run, or just do something that made this interesting compared to blowing up a soda machine. Still, he wore a contented smile. After all, there were few places the monk was more at home than a doomed vessel.

The ghost around him seemed to wail. "If you knew.....then why ask us?"

He bit his lip. The answer was obvious. Why would a monk feign ignorance, show up to a battle drunk, and run around slapping men half his age?

It was fething hilarious.
Location: Hangar Bay
People close by: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"],
Objective: Survive, Fight on multiple sides.
Gear: Sith Sword, Sith Dagger, Pistol, Charges, Sith Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber.
Music Selection: At War,
OOC: Closed Fight

The man had pulled back at my kick to him. While his blade had come to cut at me, it was protected. The white bar of plasma coming into contact with my clothing, only to fall short. Using a force power known as Force Weapon upon my clothing just for a few seconds to prevent the removal of my limb. His smile was clear. One that was meant to show he was preparing for something hazardous to my health. However, I could feel a looming presence enter our area. I looked up to see a ship crash through the ship. Breaking apart as it slid towards us. Using the force upon it, and not wanting to die, I tried to push it back and prevent the forward momentum from crushing the both of us. And I am sure the man would do the same as well.

I'd rather die on my feet from a saber, than crushed by a ship because we were too dumb to do anything about it. Putting up the secondary lightsaber for a moment to concentrate upon the force to do so, A behemoth of a being stepped out from the wreckage. One that was clearly a Gen'Dai. One that I was not too keen on being enemies with. Yet he spoke to the man as though they knew each other in the past. Calling him a maggot, and asking if he missed him.

Turning my head for a moment to see the man's reaction, I could hear a rather strange rifle go off. My senses burned in my head and chest. Forcing me to back up. Leaping back and performing a flip to avoid shots, I found where I had once been standing was a massive hole created by a pure release of plasma from the weapon.

Just the thing to make my day better. Not only was I fighting someone who had very good lightsabers skills, but one that had weapons, and armor to flatten us both, and the signature of the force in a pure rage to prove it. Putting away the lightsaber, I smiled lightly. Reaching over my shoulder, I drew upon the grip of a sword. One made only for me.

The singing of the sword rang through the sheath, and instantly I could feel the air grow cold around me. I was cold. The weapon was a part of me, and as such, would be a valuable tool when fighting this man. Why did I draw upon such a weapon? Lightsabers required a lot of focus when using them. One was difficult for some, two was even more so. And much like the Trak'ata form, not using the lightsaber conserved energy. Instead, I would rely on my physical strength for the weapon.

"Corellian, It may sound weird, but I think it would be in our best interests to survive the encounter with this Gen"Dai."

No clue on the man's name, or origin of him and the leviathan sized being. However, I knew that only one of us would have worse chances of surviving if we didn't work together in some form. Even if that was just to switch aggro between the two of us, and fight him on our own. I would rather fight with the Corellian enemy, than fight a Gen'Dai alone. Even more so by how powerful this one seemed. Not to mention the gear the behemoth was carrying.

Instead of waiting for the man's answer and let the large being get the drop on us like he did earlier, I rushed forward. Altering the flames around the crashed ship to converge upon the Gen'Dai. Sure, it would not likely do damage, but it was just an assault to keep him focused on the flames forging around him, followed by shrapnel all around us to fly into his direction. Pieces the sizes of slugthrowers, to the size of a balled fist to be thrown at him.
In one instant, his attack was rendered useless by a thin layer of energy that fluctuated through the fabric of his opponent's clothes. In the next, the world shuddered, twisted, and writhed as Alkor's senses- heightened further in the heat of battle- afforded him acute awareness of immediate danger. He had skidded along the floor and taken hold of the Force, flooded his being with it, and his body still rippled with that raw power.

The fallen Jen'jidai heard a voice that he recalled, and one who he had afforded due warning. His gaze slowly moved to Saverok, bloodied face twisting into a glare filled with malice. "You could have kept running forever," he told the Gen-Dai as the round met with an ethereal layer of defensive immaterial. Just inches from his flesh, the molten round belched, spat, and dribbled down. Smoke roiled from the point of impact as the liquid metal fell harmlessly to the floor. "Yet you have chosen to die."

Violet eyes shifted over to his enemy from moments ago, the battle between them effectively forgotten in favor of fulfillment of an oath. "This is a satisfactory agreement, for the moment. My only stipulation is that I be the one to end him."

[member="Atheus"] began to manipulate the carnage and brought the flames to bear on [member="Saverok"] as Alkor disengaged the lightsaber in his right hand. He replaced it on his belt and unslung the shotgun at his back, loaded with incendiary rounds. With a moment's adjustment, he sent two shells in rapid succession toward the lumbering target, less interested in killing him outright than gifting him with a surprise...

Location: Hallway
Objective: :p
Allies: [member="CT-47B"], [member="Darth Praetorias"]
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]

Dull bangs had filled the hallway after each impact, yet these sounds did not wield enough intensity to overpower the battlefield’s ear-shattering orchestra playing in all rooms and corners. Following a set rhythm, again and again, the makeshift projectiles had dismissively bounced off the solid wall of energy and loudly hit the floor without dealing any apparent harm to their intended victim. It would be foolish to brand the attack as entirely fruitless though; the shield’s sudden appearance strongly suggested Darth Veles’ opponent either wore a particularly nice suit of armour or sported a few cybernetic enhancements built right inside her body. Maybe both – and the amphibious Sith Lord fully intended to use that knowledge to his advantage. A quick scan through his cybernetic eye’s lens confirmed the Mon Cal’s thoughts, further approving of whatever he intended to do in the near future.

Instead of offering his adversary a reply, the Sith Lord had opted for a momentary silent approach and further closed the distance between them, all in effort to get out of the tight and crowded hallway that was completely unfit to bear the upcoming battle between glowing blades and the ever-present mysterious energy, both obviously wielded by all participating parties. As his steady pace brought him closer to the two, Veles measured both Dark Side users with his large, bulbous orbs that burned in the colour of a fiery furnace. Trust was a rare commodity among their kind, thus the consideration of battling both had crossed his mind. Pondering that particular possibility, his hand swiftly undid the cloak and let the heavy cloth rest on his shoulders unrestrained, but destined to be cast aside the moment the situation called for it.

"May the Force serve you well, friends." Veles spoke coolly and offered a courtly nod to the two. Suspicion and anticipation both visibly sparked in his glassy eyes, mirroring the two figures as he gazed upon them. Which one should be dealt with first? The injured man would be an easy prey due to his consistent bleeding state - thus the judgement fell upon the powerful armoured female.

The intoxicating dark fuel of the Dark Side ran high through his body, begging for a release, only to crash against the Dark Lord’s will that denied its rampant madness to take over. It was time for him to retrieve his own lightsaber and add his red illumination to the corridor’s darkened walls. Challenging his opponents, Veles brought the blade up before swinging it down in a flourish to salute them, also distracting their eyes from his mouth soundlessly muttering the same word over and over, an old Sith incantation that manifested itself as strands of Dark Side energy. Commanded by their master, those weaved into an indestructible green web intended to tightly wrap around the woman’s body and leech on her sensitivity to the Force, render her harmless and unable to call upon the Force for help; more of a test to see its effect on Force users and how they dealt with it than anything else. The fiendish Sith spell was a forbidden piece of magic rarely used by the Mon Cal – and thus he shifted his focus to perform a more reliable action, mentally penetrating the woman’s armour and clenching a telekinetic fist around her throat to deliver a devastating damage to her trachea.
Location: Hangar Bay
Fighting [member="Alkor Centaris"] and Winter Soldier Atheus​

Fire. It was always fire. Needless to say Saverok had learned his lesson the last several times he messed with fire and he was not going to stand around and wait to get burned. A Ragging inferno engulfed him blinding him with light and knocking him around due to the fragments of metal that were added in. After being hit in the head several times by random chunks of metal Saveroks mind was made. It was time to move. Lowering his center of gravity the Gen'dai dashed to his right sliding on the metal floor. Black smoke accompanied him as he traveled in his naturally enhanced speed. Letting go of his Magma Cannon and letting the weapon fall behind him on its sling the Gen'dai slapped his left hand to the floor to slow down his approach.

With another movement his hands fell in place to grab his Dragons Flamesaber Pike, A 2.1m long staff of pure phrik with a nasty blade as a surprise. The transition was sloppy and the slugs blowing up in his face did not help him all too much. Turning his body from left to right helped turn the few of the slugs into glancing blows on his chest piece instead of a direct hit which left a minor dent with scorch marks all over. Red eyes fell on the shotgun and anger sprouted slowly. With a sigh Saverok commanded the force to jerk the Shotgun in [member="Atheus"]'s direction just to cause some more chaos.

" Heads up Cyborg!" he joked and leaped forward sweeping his pike left to right. A deep growl sounded as the lava blade extended 3 meters, Super heated plasma oozed from the blade in a deadly arc of liquid. The Gen'dai was more than fitted to take on them both no problem. All he needed was one grab and the pike would assist in that. Pikes were bested used to keep enemies at bay and everyone knew that. The danger lay inside Saveroks own reach where he could rend flesh from bone with a single crush.
Location: Hangar Bay
People close by: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"],
Objective: Survive, Fight on multiple sides.
Gear: Sith Sword, Sith Dagger, Pistol, Charges, Sith Lightsaber, Shoto Lightsaber.
Music Selection: Headstrong,
OOC: Closed Fight

The flames and debris did nicely to keep the man at bay for now. Gen'Dai were well known for their impressive strength and fortitude in battle. Literally absorbing attacks and even people to keep themselves alive. Seeing this man take the fire with shrapnel as well as an almost complete direct shot from a scattershot would not be the last of this man's feats of strength today. Nor would it be mine. With the Gen'dai yanking on the shotgun to face me as another round was being released, I release my hold on the flames and the flying shrapnel to send a modest force push in the corellians direction. Powerful enough to resist the wide spread of rounds, and keep them from hitting me, but not powerful enough to send his own shot back at him.

With the less than showy appearance of a saberstaff, I knew right up on the bat how this Gen'Dai would be fighting with the weapon. Passive and at a range. If you decided to come within the range of the swings, his physical strength would keep him from being at a disadvantage. Pike was likely resistant to lightsabers, and I knew my sword wouldn't cut through it like cloth. The armor he wore was either highly resistant to many fields of attacks, or was using once more lightsaber resistant metals because of the fighting style with the lightsaber pike. All the puzzle pieces were falling into place.

Even more so when he charged at me. I was a wild card to him. He knew the Corellian to some extent. Thus having him on the backburner, and focusing on me was to find my weaknesses and strengths, or to keep me at bay and not allow me to attack at all while defending against the arsenal of the man I made a slight truce with. I remember slightly about the stories of a Gen'Dai my master Nickolas had met. If this was the being, then he was powerful.

I needed to back away from the Gen'Dai for now. Using myself as bait as you would say. I jumped up and blast backwards with a force push. Effectively pushing myself instead of someone else. Newton's third law right? It might buff the behemoth at best, otherwise, it would just dust of his armor from the soot. For me, it send be back, just outside of the pikes reach.

"A heads up is not good for you, Gen'Dai."

Gathering the force in my left hand, A small pocket was forming. Visibly a ball of purple energy was gathering in my hand. If anyone was close enough, my silver eyes would slowly be draining of their color and turning black before burning with reds and oranges as I was drawing heavily on the dark side of the force. I was prepared should the Gen'Dai come towards me. Or hell, if the Corellian wanted to team up on me and join forces with his "buddy" I would do my best.
Location: First Order Firezone, fortified barricade in front of research (2)
Allies: First Order Forces [member="Darth Veles"], Darth Praetorias
Persons of Interest: [member="Krenis Skirata"]
Enemies: Anyone assaulting his position, [member="Keira Ticon"]

CT-47B shifted at his barricade, small pieces of white plastic falling out from the cracks in his left shoulderguard as he shuffled left and aimed over the shrapnel studded durasteel box with his newly reloaded X-11E, before firing a circular wave of energy with a diameter of 50cm at her knees and upper leg area as the Sith Lord Veles' attempted to crush her throat.

In the split second afterwards, CT-47B fired another blast at her mid rift, intending to rupture the crucial organs beneath and shatter the Jedi's ribs.
"Tch..." when his weapon was whipped wide, Alkor felt his finger tug the trigger and the second shot misfired. Luckily for [member="Atheus"] the other man got a hasty telekinetic defense off, and the potentially wicked blast was rendered ineffectual. The distinct sound of a saber's extinguishing came before the former Jen'jidai placed the weapon on his hip, and he gripped the shotgun with a second hand to steady it. There would be no more cute mistakes with his aim.

He lined the sight up with the back of [member="Saverok"], circling around behind him as the other combatant seized his attention. The most effective strategy for fighting an opponent of this size was to split his attention and force him onto the defensive. Already he had proven adept at defending himself from the ranged attack, so Alkor had to switch gears. He gripped the ammo box filled with incendiaries and ripped it from the shotgun, though one remained in the chamber. With haste, he switched over to the high impact rounds. Though they lacked the punch of his AP rounds and the anti-personnel efficiency of the fire rounds, they had a greater merit.

Saverok was so heavy that the other rounds dented his armor at best. The low grade explosions would change his tempo drastically. Before that, though, Alkor had a shot to fire off. He aimed for the ground at the Gen-Dai's feet, loosed the bullet, and an acute plume of flame roiled upward directly between his makeshift ally and the treacherous brute. Hopefully the other man would put the gift to good use.

Alkor pumped the shotgun once and primed the next bullet, filling the chamber with something that his old friend would not enjoy.

He continued to circle to keep himself at Saverok's back. In the middle of the massive man's lunge for Atheus, Alkor unloaded a round that would blast Saverok and hopefully force him off balance. He had to remember what they taught him. Despite his assassin background and the merit of single combat, the Mandalorian way was to utilize what advantage you had.

Atlas Kane


Location: Hallway in front of Research [2]
Allies: [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']CT-47B"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Darth Veles"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Iroatas"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Xalus"], [member="[/FONT][FONT='times new roman']Anor Ren"], and anyone I missed.
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Objective: Get rid off the attacker

The blades clashed, a short hiss sound, then Praetorias drew back, ready to launch another attack. He seemed like he had just survived a ship-crash and he felt like it too. He was bleeding from multiple wounds, his entire back was seared from a detonator explosion and he had exhausted much of his power using the Force. Yet he was still intent on attacking. He wanted blood, craved revenge for what had happened to him. And he would get it, one way or another. He stepped back, readying himself for another attack. His blade was craving to taste blood once more.

But the attack was denied. Just when he was about to lunge at his opponent once more, more shrapnel started flying, this time aimed at his challenger. He was not certain where it came from, but he didn't have any time to worry either as it was quickly followed up with a burst of telekinetic energy, forcing the armoured figure further down the hallway, towards the exit to the hangar. Praetorias didn't have to look around much to find the source of the attack as a Mon Cala revealed himself from a cloak of invisibility; Hard to see in the shadows, Praetorias' distracted mind still had enough of a self-preservation instinct to make a note of that fact. The armoured figure spoke words, but they didn't reach the Sith, he was too focused on the Mon Cala's next moves and she didn't seem to be making an attempt to attack either. So he stood there, waiting.

A few moments passed, Praetorias' head snapped between both of the figures a few times, then he felt the Dark Side surge through the Mon Cala. Readying himself for an attack that never came, he watched the Force User as he made his attack. A Sith technique to trap his opponent, followed by another surge in Dark Side power from the Mon Cala, most likely attacking the challenger telekinetically A lucky opportunity for the Sith Lord, who took a half-step back, allowing the Mon Cala more free room for his next actions. Perfect, he thought as he started to get a feeling for all the pieces of shrapnel that had hit him. He kept his blade readied in front of him, but started to draw out the sharp piece in his thigh with his free hand, using the Force to get rid of those that were only stuck loosely along his side.

The piece of metal in his thigh was starting to come out, blood now running more freely, but only for a moment, as Praetorias used his command over the Force to stop most of the bleeding. The shard had been burning hot when it hit Praetorias, causing some tissue to stick to it when it started leaving his body. The pain was unimaginable, but the Sith didn't show or vocalise his pain; Instead he embraced it, causing his hatred for the one that had done this to him to grow, fuelling the Dark Side energies throughout himself to regain some of the strength he had lost. It was not enough however, the pain might be fuel his power indirectly, but it would not be nearly enough and it wouldn't be easy to get more; Nevertheless, he would at least attempt it.

He concentrated on the female warrior again, letting the Dark Side flow through the very core of his being, through his physical form and eventually outside it, towards the armoured warrior. Praetorias was using the Dark Side to reach out towards the warrior and start siphoning her life Force directly to gain back his own power. It was almost second nature to the Sith Lord at this point. However, usually he stole the life force of unprepared or beaten targets, not seasoned combatants ready to start a proper fight. He was interested to see if the Mon Cala's efforts were going to be enough to distract her for Praetorias to be able to properly employ his Force technique. The tactics he would employ during this fight relied heavily on whether this attack would succeed or not.
As the shrapnel began to rain over him, piercing both his robe and the surface of his skin, Abyss made a decision. This fight had been fruitless, as had most others that he had observed on the omega. It was time to leave, to become one with the shadows so he could have at least impact the constant struggle for the omega in a way that was more suited to him.

He had seen before that his enemy wasn't one to be tricked by smoke and mirrors, but on the other hand he didn't seem like someone who would feel the need to follow him if he would indeed disappear. A smoke grenade was dropped in front of the sith knight, as he collected his focus, weaving a net of darkness around himself, becoming nothing but a translucent silhouette, unseen and shrouded in smoke. Turning around he, began to walk away, leaving his opponent behind so he could fight with whatever demons lived inside the mans mind.

This was fun, but I gonna run and catch some of the DM thread from now. Sorry

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]
Vorhi watched as the man threw a smoke grenade. he really think a smoke grenade would stop a man who literally sees immaterial matter through raw spiritual essence? And the boy called him a fool. Fan-fething-tastic. He sighed, looking at the room full of miscreants. Screw it. This wasn't worth his trouble. This wasn't worth the headache. And frankly, he'd grown tired of this supposedly glorious war. All this trouble over a weapon. He sighed, walking back towards his ship. He nodded politely to some of the others, made an obscene gesture towards @darth vornskr on principle, and then grunted. "Crap, I broke the landing gear...." He thought about this briefly and looked at one of the other shuttles. "Time to hot-wire something."

The ghosts yelled at him. He would've glared at the three of them if he had eyes to do it with. "Look, I get why you think this is all important, but, frankly, screw you. You sent me on a wild goose chase, and then I had to interrogate a sith who is barely old enough tie his own boots," he grunted. "I'm out a ship, and a good deal of luck. I am stealing that shuttle, and then, finding a world to get drunk on," he sighed, "And maybe making a mistake more relevant to all of this."
Location: Hangar
Allies: [member="Kami Meran"] |@[member='Kami Meran']
Enemies: Anyone who is trying to stop me.
Objective: Get out of here.

Adson shifted the turbolaser aim, and spread shot throughout the hangar, making sure to not hit friendlies. Hopefully the Trandoshan was in. He closed the ramp. "Kami, I'm gettin' out of here. I've got the info, lets move." His ship's powerful engines rumbled, blasting an exhaust wave behind it. Thrusting above the burning wreckage above the hangar, Adson left the hangar.
[member="Adson Tracyn'kemir"]

Kami stopped
" get those people out i have my own plan to escape. she said looking to a TIE." if it goes south i'll knock oh the wind sheild." she joked breaking in to a run and hopping to a few crates and in to a tie.
powering it up she flew a few feat and untethered it.
" Lets go"
Location: First Order Firezone, fortified barricade in front of research (2)
Allies: First Order Forces [member="Darth Veles"] @Darth Praetorias [member="Iroatas"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Anor Ren"]
Persons of Interest: [member="Krenis Skirata"]
Enemies: Anyone assaulting his position, [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ordo"] (I'm so sorry)

(I'm moving to the apocalypse now DM thread, any First Order groupies not busy fighting or who feel like it should come with. )

CT-47B paused, ceasing his near constant firing at Keira and holding his body against the metal barricade, before tilting his head down to listen to his radio.
First Order troops had landed in another hangar, and were encountering heavy resistance and as such had subsequently requested aid from the elite assault party ravaging the research area.
"We've troops landing in the fourth hangar! Under fire from the enemy, they're requesting reinforcements and we're done here. Everyone grab your research and get out of the lab, I'm burning it behind us."
CT-47B took a copy of the groups collective research, storing it in his armor before waiting for his allies to leave the lab.. And upon them doing so, would destroy the hard drives of any computers in the room with his viibroknife, tripped several switches, turned on the gas and cut open a pipe. Letting the room fill with flammable gas and a highly viscous oil before he approached the doorway and activated his second class A thermal detonator and tossed it inside. Immediately after, the Stormtrooper shut the door, and broke the panel with a thrust of his vibro gauntlet blade.

Having trapped the possibly severely injured Ordo in the highly flammable room, with no possible way to access the data within, and a powerful detonator with a sheer blast range of 20m in all directions that went off near immediately behind CT-47B and sent shrapnel flying around the room as its blast pushed the thick metal doors with such extreme heat and force they bent outwards towards the First Order troops before it ultimately held.

Leading the charge to reinforce the others, the huge Stormtrooper hooked his X-11E to his side and grab one of the shrapnel embedded durasteel boxes and charged down the hall using it as a shield, before throwing it at Keira with the all the force could muster and sent a punch towards her cheek as he ran out, his vibrogauntlet knife sliding out to strike her face. Those Sith who had previously formed a connection with the Stormtroopers mind, (Veles and Praetorias) would realize the Stormtrooper would not be stopped, fueled by a mixture of fear at the potential of failing the Order the allies he was meant to reinforce, and rage at the enemies who dared to stand in their way.

(The research section and its available data is destroyed as a result of this post. I feel this is fair as the First Order's controlled it since page 1/2.)
ALLIES: [member="Velok the Younger"]
ENEMIES: @Mia Rekali

He didn’t have the grip on the Force to feel the warning of Velok’s power and only managed to remain uncrushed because he moved forward to stay within the bubble the Jedi created to shield herself. Its area of effect was small and so he pressed in close, effectively barring him from the sort of slash he might have preferred to gut her with. He hadn’t yet learned patience, nor subtlety. Sometimes it seemed doubtful he ever would though currently he at least still had the excuse of youth. But at least in that moment he chose living to fight another minute rather than taking a swing that might have ended in him dying anyway.

She rolled away and he followed, pressing pressing pressing. He had been in few battles but war was in his blood - he was the tank, pressing relentlessly, attempting to take all or part of her concentration.

The sword was heavier and so he stabbed downwards with that as she rolled away, hoping he might push straight through a limb and pin her. The saber was more fluid and so as he pressed forward he slashed again, right to left. Hopefully if she was coming up out of her evasion it would be her head rolling instead.

I am sorry beyond words for how long this took. I didn't get the original tag so didn't know it was my turn for ages, and then life sort of kicked my ass in a few different ways. I've put all other threads on hold so I can focus on this.
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