Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Favorite Star Wars Characters

Kyle Katarn. Probably no surprise there.

Old School Thrawn.
I haven't watched the new rendition of him, but I hear he's okay there. Still want him to get a movie part in one of the spin offs. Perhaps with Daarla at his back.

Talon Karrd, Mara Jade combo. - Mostly because I enjoyed the Emperors Hands angle.

*Insert any traditional Echani here*


I play a pretty mean bagpipe.
1. Han Solo
2. Darth Maul
3. Mace Windu
4. Jaxxon
5. Chewbacca
6. Poe Dameron
7. Darth Vader
8. Ahsoka Tano
9. Rey
10. Wedge Antilles


Well-Known Member

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
Boba Fett
Darth Revan
Darth Vitiate
Obi-wan Kenobi
Darth Nox
Meetra Surik
Canderous Ordo
Darth Nihilus
Darth Sion
Mission Vao
Mara Jade
Luke Skywalker
Darth Talon
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Jango Fett
Darth Malgus
Mand'alor the Ultimate
My favourite character is Kueller. He and Brakiss (who first appeared in the same novel, my favourite novel) were the inspirations behind my other Sith Lord character [member="Darth Vazela"]. They first appeared in the novel Star Wars: The New Rebellion which took place only a couple of years after Return of the Jedi. It's a fantastic story and for the first time in the genre I found myself personally relating to two characters and how they made me feel. They're excellent.


Well-Known Member
I think the bravest characters in SW where Owen and Beru Lars. They have no training, no magical force powers, and where just farmers. Yet they agreed to adopt Luke, admittedly, they should of changed his last name. Though none the less, they took on luke, knowing Vader might come a knocking.

Kai and Gerda

  • The original gang of Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Threepio and Artoo
  • Kreia, Atton Rand (Both these characters completely floored me with their complexity and nuance, it was so unexpected and awesome.)
  • Mara Jade (She’s very rude, it’s fun.)
  • Mammon Hoole (I love the idea of this character more than the execution, and even then my memory of the execution is colored by my childhood perception of reading the Galaxy of Fear series.)
  • Tenel Ka, Jacen Solo (I read a lil bit of that Young Jedi Knights series as a kid and got a kick out of him telling terrible dad jokes in a vain attempt to make her laugh. Their romance later on was obvious, but it wasn't executed as well as I wanted it to be. Which could be said about just about everything in the Legends EU...)
  • Kylo Ren (The only character in the new movies I found somewhat interesting, also very well portrayed by Adam Driver.)
    Ehhhh I guess that’s it?
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