Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Favorite Star Wars Characters

Josef Ibn Abad

1. Ashoka Tano - a great progressive story from start to finish.
2. Clone Wars Cartoon Anakin Skywalker - the development you see here adds more to his character than the odd display of the prequels
3. Mace Windu - Yes, a tad too suspicious of others but one hell of a sabersman and warrior. His battle with Palpatine was fantastic even if his death wasn’t.
4. Shaak Ti - I just love the Togruta species and to see her in Clone Wars was awesome.

Least Favorite:
Ray - sorry she’s no Ashoka. My opinion would have changed is you saw more than simple training under Luke and suddenly she’s Uber powerful.
Jar Jar - do I need to explain?
Pong Krell - from the clone wars tv show I’m not sure how the Council did not pick up a suspicion about such a blood thirty Jedi who wanted to be Dook

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