Sic transit gloria mundi
Location: Dromund Kaas System, on the Siege Tower
Objective: Assist Mandalorian forces
Allies: [member="HK-36"]
Enemies: Sith and Friends
These days Siobhan was not much of a melee combatant. She had actually never used a lightsabre in her big duels, so it stood to reason that her skills had suffered since she preferred fighting at range. However, nonetheless she gratefully caught the phrik spear tossed into her grasp. "Thanks," she said as she gazed out into the vacuum of space, joining HK and his Greycloaks on the dropship they were boarding.
"Best coordinate with the Mandalorian fleet to provide us with cover and backup your fighters when we approach," she added. "Think I should crush a bridge again?" Not much seemed to be going on in space. Perhaps it was time to make things more eventful.
Location: Dromund Kaas System, on the Siege Tower
Objective: Assist Mandalorian forces
Allies: [member="HK-36"]
Enemies: Sith and Friends
These days Siobhan was not much of a melee combatant. She had actually never used a lightsabre in her big duels, so it stood to reason that her skills had suffered since she preferred fighting at range. However, nonetheless she gratefully caught the phrik spear tossed into her grasp. "Thanks," she said as she gazed out into the vacuum of space, joining HK and his Greycloaks on the dropship they were boarding.
"Best coordinate with the Mandalorian fleet to provide us with cover and backup your fighters when we approach," she added. "Think I should crush a bridge again?" Not much seemed to be going on in space. Perhaps it was time to make things more eventful.