Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fighting the Crosshairs


TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The following is a live holonet report.

"This is Stacy Odom coming to you live from just outside the quarantine zone in CoCo Town where security forces are currently assessing a report of a biological agent being unleashed in several buildings, including the newly constructed headquarters of Sentinel Corporation," the logo appears on the screen," which they believe to have been the initial target of the attack. Here's the Lieutenant in charge. Let's ask him some questions."

She stepped closer to a man in an Alliance Security uniform.

"Sir, can you give us an update?" she asked, holding her recorder out to him.

"At this time not much is known other than a device was set off that unleashed a gas within several buildings. There are numerous dead that we are working to identify and we do ask that the general public remain out of the area for the time being. If you have loved ones who worked here please wait for us to contact you and don't rush down to the scene."

"Is the public safe, Lieutenant? Was this an isolated incident?"

"We do believe this was a singular incident, targeted at the Sentinel Corporation building. There is no further threat to the public as the gas has dissipated. Our forensics team is conducting further analysis and for the time being this area of CoCo Town will remain closed. We'll provide further information as we get it."

The Lieutenant stepped away to get back to work and she brought the recorder back up to her mouth.

"We will continue to provide further updates as they arise, but as the Lieutenant said, this area continues to be closed. This is Stacy Odom, signing off..."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery arrived on the scene with swift determination, her fiery gaze cutting through the chaos surrounding the quarantine zone. The air was thick with tension as security forces scrambled to maintain control, and the distant glow of holo-cameras illuminated the faces of worried onlookers beyond the cordons.

Stepping past a few officers, Valery quickly flashed her identification, her presence instantly recognized and respected. She was no stranger to crises like this, and with the Sentinel Corporation being involved, her instincts kicked into high gear.

Pausing briefly, she surveyed the scene — the Sentinel HQ loomed in the distance, its once pristine exterior now a symbol of the tragedy unfolding within. Alliance officers and forensics teams moved between the various buildings, checking for any further threats, while hazmat crews stood ready for decontamination.

Valery's expression hardened as she made her way to the closest officer, "What's the situation inside? Has the source of the attack been confirmed?" Her voice, though calm, carried the weight of urgency.

The officer nodded quickly, "A biological agent was released. We're still working on identifying the exact substance, but Sentinel Corporation seems to have been the primary target. No sign of the attacker yet."

Valery frowned, already formulating a plan. "Keep me informed. I'm going in to see what I can find." First, that meant finding a familiar face who would undoubtedly be nearby.



Outfit: Sentinel Standard (Coated in a layer of seeming dust)
Weapons: Lightsaber
TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

That face was nearby, though not within the secure perimeter. In an alley not too far from the headquarters. He was leaning against the wall, golden eyes staring out of the alley as he sucked in breath, his face half red indicating something was wrong with him, but given that he was on his feet, he was obviously fighting it. He was weakened, and in need of help, but he wasn't about to go out there and look for it. He didn't want to risk the person who did this knowing he was still alive.

Behind him, lying on the ground in various states of distress, or in death repose, were several other Sentinel's that hadn't been lucky enough to not be in the building when they'd been attacked. These were the ones he'd gone back in for, utilizing breathing techniques to keep form inhaling the gas that was used to attack them. He'd gotten as many as he could before he'd taken in too much and inhaled a small amount of the gas himself.

He was busy utilizing the Force within his body to try and trap the toxin and keep it from killing him, but he had to do that while also keeping an eye out in case the person behind the attack was still in the vicinity. The people he'd brought out who were still alive wouldn't live long if they were attacked in a secondary strike. Best he could do for the time being was keep the toxin away from his brain and heart. Eventually, he knew, someone would find them and they could get help, but with the news on the scene he couldn't risk being seen.

A cough racked him and some blood trickled down his lips after, but he didn't move otherwise, just waited.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery stood amidst the chaos near the quarantine zone, her senses stretched through the Force, seeking something — or rather, someone. She could feel it: a flicker of life buried beneath the overwhelming pall of death and confusion. It was faint, tinged with pain and fatigue, but unmistakable.

Her eyes narrowed in focus, and she began moving toward the alley just beyond the quarantine perimeter. The closer she got, the more the presence crystallized in her mind. It was Tycho, and he was in serious trouble.

She broke into a sprint.

Darting past the main response teams, Valery slipped into the shadowed alleyway, her heart pounding not from exertion, but concern. As soon as she turned the corner, she saw him — leaning against the wall, blood on his lips, and Sentinel bodies strewn around him.

Valery's fiery gaze softened as she rushed over. "There you are," she said, as she moved beside him. "You've pushed yourself too far — let's get you out of here. You need treatment" Her hand hovered over his chest, sensing the toxin still lingering in his system. She needed to act quickly before it did irreversible damage.

"I've got you, so please, trust me," she added firmly, already planning their next move.



Outfit: Sentinel Standard (Coated in a layer of seeming dust)
Weapons: Lightsaber
TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

He could sense her before he saw her. Halfway between expecting help and an ass kicking, he couldn't help but smile just a little when he saw her. Only three people could have that effect on him and the other two he was glad hadn't been the ones to find him. Neither Anneliese nor Ran needed to see him like this. Frankly, he didn't want Val to see him like this, but he knew she was very capable of helping and that she had the authority to see things through.

"Always," he said, when she said to trust her.

There was no hesitation in his willingness to trust her, but he was still concerned about the others behind him that were alive as well. They were barely hanging on, the few that were. All of them needed help, not just him.

"Them too."

Whatever she wanted to do with him he would allow. Now that he knew they were safe, that they needn't be worried about the person who did this finding them, he allowed his body to collapse so that he could focus inward on keeping the toxin more firmly at bay. If it destroyed his other organs it would just make everything harder for the healers and medical professionals to help him. Valery would keep them all safe. Nobody would pick a fight with the grandmaster of the Jedi on Coruscant.

At least he hoped not.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched as Tycho's body finally gave in, collapsing after his brief effort to keep himself and the others alive. His trust in her was evident, but now that he was no longer standing, she could see just how dire the situation truly was. Kneeling beside him, her fiery gaze softened with concern. "I've got them," she reassured him gently, her voice carrying both resolve and comfort.

With a quick assessment, she noted the condition of the others — the few survivors who had managed to hang on were on the brink, their breaths shallow and labored. Valery's heart tightened, but she couldn't allow herself to hesitate.

Focusing inward, she reached out with the Force, drawing upon its energy to create a protective barrier around them all — one that projected an inner warmth. It wouldn't heal their injuries, but it would stabilize them long enough for proper medical help to not arrive too late. With one hand still hovering over Tycho, she activated her commlink with the other, her voice steady despite the urgency.

<This is Valery Noble. I need immediate medical assistance. Multiple casualties, and one in critical condition.>

As she spoke, she carefully shifted Tycho onto his side, ensuring his airway remained clear. His struggle against the toxin was apparent, but his resolve impressed her. The tension in her shoulders eased slightly, knowing help was on the way.

Turning her attention back to Tycho, she offered him a small, reassuring smile. "Stay with me. Help is coming." Standing up, Valery flicked her hand and tapped into the Force. Its tendrils, strong but soothing, reached out to those in need of help and gently lifted them off the floor.

She wasn't going to wait for medical aid to arrive — she'd bring the patients to them.



Outfit: Sentinel Standard (Coated in a layer of seeming dust)
Weapons: Lightsaber
TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Even though he was locked in an internal battle with the toxin, her words reached him, bringing a sense of comfort. Knowing someone was going to look after the others made him feel better. If he died, so be it, but he really wanted those he'd managed to save to live. Anything for them. They weren't just his employees, they were his family. These were people who were doing everything in their power to help and protect people that needed it. People like that were worth making the ultimate sacrifice for.

Not like he had any family that was going to miss him, after all. They'd already abandoned him.

The news of survivors in need of medical assistance would come as a shock to first responders who had been told that everyone was dead. The effort to claim bodies quickly turned into a rush to get people to where Valery was with the injured. Techs came on the run, droids with stretchers not far behind, their intent to collect everyone, Tycho included, and take them to the nearest medical facility. Valery would be allowed to tag along. Pretty much everyone knew who she was and nobody was about to tell her no if that's what she wanted to do.

They'd take them all to the med facility and do everything they possibly could but ultimately the only person to survive would be Tycho. The others didn't have the benefit of the Force to protect them and had inhaled far too much of the toxin. He was put into a room with an oxygen line on his nose, and eventually woke, though felt so incredibly weak he could barely move anything other than his eyes.




Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery remained beside Tycho's bed, her fiery gaze softened with concern. She had watched over him since they arrived at the medical facility, her mind racing with thoughts of the lives lost and the weight of responsibility she always carried. But for now, Tycho was alive — the Force had kept him going.

When his voice finally broke the silence, weak but unmistakable, Valery stepped closer, a gentle but relieved smile appearing on her face.

"I'm here," she whispered, her hand resting lightly on his arm. "You pulled through. The medics have done everything they could for you, and now it's about letting your body recover." Her voice was steady and calm, but the concern that lingered behind her words was clear.

It had been a close call, especially for the others.

Her eyes scanned his weakened form, noting the oxygen line resting beneath his nose and the paleness of his skin. The toll the gas had taken on him was severe, but the fact that he had survived at all was a testament to his strength and the powerful connection he had with the Force.

"You saved as many as you could," Valery continued after a brief pause, "Some are still being treated, but the doctors have high hopes that most will make a full recovery." Most, but she couldn't guarantee that all of them would.



Outfit: Sentinel Standard (Coated in a layer of seeming dust)
Weapons: Lightsaber
TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

She was still there. He hadn't expected that. Nobody had ever cared for him enough to stay by him when he was injured. It was- strange, the feeling he felt at having someone care enough to stay by him while he was treated. Why had she? What was he to her but a thorn in the side, someone who used the Force in its entirety and did things she couldn't condone? It was weird.

"Thanks," he said, his golden eyes coming to rest on her eyes. "I'm glad some of them have survived. Even if they hadn't their lives were worth me trying to save them."

A coughing fit came over him suddenly and he jerked his head to the side to ensure he didn't cough on her or get blood on her as some more flew out of his lungs. Whatever the poison had been that had been used on them, it was some nasty stuff. She was right that he would recover in time, but did they have time for him to recover? If the culprit thought he was dead, he might stick to his original timeline. If he knew that he wasn't, he might hasten his timeline so he could strike while Tycho was confined to a bed. He didn't like that idea, but there was no way he was getting out of the bed.

When the coughing subsided, he turned to look at her.

"Why did you come looking for me? Why do you care at all about me? Nobody ever has before."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze softened as she met Tycho's golden eyes, his question lingering in the air like a distant echo. The pain etched on his face, mixed with confusion and a hint of vulnerability, tugged at something deep within her.

"Because… it's not about what you've done or the methods you choose. It's about who you are." She leaned forward slightly, her voice low but resolute. "Even when our ways differ, I can see your dedication to doing what's right. You risk so much to save others, and that's something I can't ignore."

Her hand reached out, resting gently on the edge of the bed, close enough for him to see but not imposing. "We might not always agree on everything, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I've seen people who were consumed by their pain and struggles. And I know what it's like to feel alone, like nobody is there for you."

She paused, her fiery eyes reflecting genuine empathy. "But you're not alone now, and you don't have to be. You're still standing because you fought to be here, and I'm not going to just walk away and leave you to recover on your own when I can help."



There was sincerity in her voice when she spoke, and it was foreign to him. The idea that anyone cared? Even if what he did was to help people and to better the lives around him, nobody had ever seemed to care before. He was just one person in a galaxy full of countless souls, doing what he could do to help, which made little impact on the grand scheme of the galaxy.

"I risk nothing. My life has little meaning to anyone. My own parents gave me away at the age of three to become a child soldier in a pointless conflict that should have ended thousands of years ago."

But still, she did profess to care, and there was something in that which he couldn't resist. Her hand, near to him. He reached out and grasped it, opening his mind to her so she could see everything of his past, everything of who he was. The people he'd killed, all that he'd felt had deserved it in the search for justice. The pain he'd felt when his parents had sent him away. The pain he'd felt realizing his own people had betrayed him and his squad for the sake of money and continuing a conflict that consumed countless lives. The worry he felt for the people of Coruscant. The fear he had that something terrible would happen to Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal if he did nothing.

It didn't matter if she knew it all. If there was one thing he did know, she was a good person, and she intended well. If she still cared about him after seeing, through his eyes, his life from the time of his birth because, as a Kage, he could remember the look in his parents eyes of pleasure, but not love.

"I fight because it gives my life purpose where otherwise I have none. I appreciate that you profess to care about me, and I believe you do, but you shouldn't. Caring for me just puts you in danger, especially now, and I don't want that. You need to tell Anneliese to stay away, too. I won't risk anything happen to her, ever. I couldn't-"

He sighed and a solitary tear ran down his cheek.

"I don't know why I feel this..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery listened quietly, her heart aching as Tycho's pain, loss, and turmoil washed over her through the Force. The images and emotions that bled into her mind were overwhelming — a lifetime of betrayal, loneliness, and countless struggles that had shaped him into the man he was today. He had endured so much, more than most ever would, yet he continued to stand, defiant against a galaxy that seemed to only take from him.

There was something darker to his past, too, but Valery had her own troubles of times long behind her.

"I'm sorry," she murmured softly, her gaze locked onto his tear-streaked face. There was no pity in her expression, only genuine sorrow for the pain he had been forced to endure. "I know words alone won't change what you've been through. But I want you to know that I'm not here because I feel obligated, or because I'm just trying to show compassion for the sake of it."

Her fingers tightened around his hand, and she offered a soft, reassuring smile. "It's okay to feel this way. You've carried everything on your own for so long, but you don't have to anymore. Not with me, and not with Anneliese. We're here to support you, even if it's just in small ways."

She paused, taking a deep breath. "But if you're worried about Anneliese or me being hurt, then let us help you. Don't push us away — use our strength and support to face whatever's coming. You're not alone anymore. I promise you that." She paused and leaned back a little, hoping her kind words would help.

Though, there was still one question that lingered on her mind.

"A good start would maybe to finally tell me your name," she said with a hint of humor in her voice — an attempt to not get lost in sorrow, but find a way to move forward with a smile.



"Helping me puts you both in danger," he said, not relinquishing his grip of her hand. "I don't want anything to happen to either of you. Not for my sake. If I die, fine. I chose this life for myself knowing full well I could. But I won't risk your family losing you on my account, and I certainly won't risk Anneliese being hurt because of me. I cannot ask that of either of you."

Maybe he was being too protective, he didn't know. Having never had family to care for before he didn't know how much protection was too much. He just knew it was dangerous for them to help him, even though he knew eventually he was going to need their help. With the new attack he was certain that the person behind the attack on Ansion was well aware of his investigation, and that he was correct that Coruscant was their next target. Which meant he needed to heal up, and quickly.

But the last bit of what she said, well, he couldn't help but chuckle at that, which caused him to groan.

"Don't make me laugh. It hurts."

She was right, though. He hadn't ever told her his name. Though it surprised him that Annie hadn't. Maybe she didn't feel like it was her place to tell Val? More likely it just hadn't come up. 'Hey, you know that guy that you took down a spy cell with? Yeah, his name is Tycho Arak and he's teaching me the dark side.' Yeah, he didn't see that conversation happening.

"My name is Tycho Arak, though I have little connection to that surname and would shed it if I had reason. It's the only connection to my- the people who birthed me, and I don't care for it."

Everything else she had said was not lost on him, but it would take him time to process it. People caring for him was just that foreign a concept. It wasn't that he didn't like it, he just didn't really understand it. It was the same with the feeling he felt towards Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal . The urge to protect her at all costs was there, but he was still processing the why. It was probably something that would just take time.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery kept her gaze steady on him, a mixture of concern and understanding reflecting in her fiery eyes. "Well, Tycho, I think that name suits you just fine," she said softly, choosing to completely disregard any mention of his last name. He had made it clear that it meant little to him, so she wasn't going to press the matter or attach any significance to it.

"But you're not going to keep me away from this. Whether you like it or not, I'm already involved, and I'd rather be here to help than sit back and wonder if you're going to be okay." Her hand remained in his, squeezing gently as if to anchor him amidst the storm of emotions swirling between them.

"I know it's hard to accept support when you're used to doing things alone, but… let me be here to help,"she said, her tone firm yet kind.

"Besides, I've faced worse odds than this before. And I've got a feeling that you're worth the risk," she added with a small smile, hoping it would ease the tension a little. Valery was determined — no amount of pushback was going to change her mind.

"Now, what do you say we focus on getting you healed up so we can figure out our next move together?"



He muttered something under his breath to the effect of 'stubborn woman' but didn't say it aloud. To be fair, she was the Grandmaster of the Jedi for a reason. If she backed down from things because they were difficult or dangerous she would never have risen to that position. It was inevitable that she get involved anyway. The person behind everything was going after the people of Coruscant, and undoubtedly that meant the Jedi would be involved in resolving the issue.

"Fine, you can help," he said, laying his head back and closing his eyes. "Coruscant's going to need your help anyway. Just promise you won't do anything for my sake that puts you in danger. For them, sure, but not for me."

No, he still wasn't going to place the value on his life that she clearly was. He knew better. His life was dedicated to the pursuit of justice and that meant death would likely come for him at a young age, which he was perfectly fine with. He was NOT fine with people risking themselves to save him. He wouldn't even allow that from his own employees.

"But yes, healing would be good. I think trouble is looming for Coruscant much sooner than I thought."

He squeezed her hand.

"I don't know why they want to kill the people of this world but I'm quite positive that is their goal."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze softened as she felt the tight squeeze of his hand and heard his words. She could sense his frustration, his unwillingness to let anyone place themselves in harm's way for him. But there was a determination in her eyes that spoke of an unshakeable resolve.

"I promise I won't do anything reckless just for your sake, Tycho," she said gently but firmly, her thumb brushing soothing circles over his knuckles. "But I'm still going to be there. I'll protect the people of Coruscant, and I'll help however I can, no matter the danger."

Her gaze briefly turned inward, her brow furrowing in thought. "Whoever is behind this doesn't just want power or territory. Targeting civilians, spreading terror — there has to be much more to it." She shook her head, the fire in her eyes flaring up again. "I won't let them succeed. I've seen what that kind of darkness can do, and I refuse to let it take more lives."

She then looked at him with a softer smile, one that carried warmth and reassurance. "So rest now and focus on healing. And we'll worry about the bigger picture after you're up on your feet, alright?"

It was a promise she made not just to him, but to herself as well. She would protect the people of Coruscant, and she'd stand by his side, whether he wanted her to or not.



"A vendetta of some kind, I think," he said as he started to drift off.

Yes, a Vendetta. A vendetta against the pain and suffering that people wrought on each other. In truth, it wasn't far off from how Tycho himself felt about the way that people treated each other. Causing each other such grief over nothing was something he found abhorrent. So, too, did the person behind these crimes, but that person had chosen to become the opposite of what Tycho was. Rather than trying to help people, they'd chosen to eradicate them in order to end both the suffering and the people causing it.

Tycho slept for the better part of a week. Hard not to when your body was trying to recover from ingesting a toxin designed to kill it. Frankly, he was fortunate that they'd been able to stop it in time. The labs had already analyzed it and it was, yet again, a neurotoxin, though this one designed specifically to kill rather than to target a part of the brain. It was a new tactic, but he remained certain that it was the same person behind the attack on the HQ and the attack on Ansion. They hadn't been tracking any other big cases that revolved around the use of toxins for mass attacks.

He'd made those deductions in his few lucid moments as he rested, but eventually he woke again feeling much better. Still a bit tired, but certainly he felt better than he had when he'd been brought in for treatment. And Valery Noble Valery Noble was still there. Or, at least, when he woke, she was.

"Still here, I see."

He slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. They dangled down until the tips of his toes touched the floor, which was cold to the touch, but he didn't jerk away from it.

"One might start making inferences of impropriety from how much time we spend together. At least until we make moves to take this criminal, or group of them, down."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery turned in her chair as she heard his voice, relief softening the lines of concern that had lingered on her face over the last week. Despite her efforts to rest, she had spent several hours at his side, waiting for him to finally regain consciousness. When he did, she was obviously relieved.

"Of course, I'm still here," she replied gently, a small smile playing on her lips. "You should know by now that I don't just leave people behind."

His remark about impropriety earned him a faint blush, though Valery quickly tried to brush it off by leaning back in her chair and briefly eyeing the door. "We have bigger things to worry about. Now that you're feeling better, we can look into it all as soon as you feel ready for it." She paused, meeting his gaze with quiet resolve.

"We'll find them. And this time, we'll end it." Of course, she was going to allow him time to get adjusted again. He had been stuck in bed for a while, so he'd likely be sore and a little uneasy on his feet.

Nothing that would keep him down for long.

"If there's anything you need, let me know. I'd be happy to help."



"A hand would be good for starters," he said holding his out to her.

When she took it he eventually got off the bed, his legs briefly wobbly before stabilizing. On the plus side, since he hadn't required any form of surgery, he was already dressed. A good thing since it meant he hadn't had to kick her out. He grabbed his lightsaber and returned it to his belt before stretching a little bit. Having been in a bed for so long, he was feeling pretty rough. But stretching felt good and let his body relax back into the normal feeling of utilization.

"It's going to take a concerted effort. I need to examine the security records from our building and see if I notice anything out of the oridinary. This attack was personal. I think they would have delivered it themselves, not by courier."

That meant they needed to go back to the scene of the crime, which was, hopefully, cleaned out at this point. It had been long enough for that, so it seemed likely the place was safe for them to enter from a gas standpoint.

"We need to go back so I can connect to the security system. It's impossible to access the company network remotely. I designed it to receive but not be able to send."

It was safer that way. Keeps people from being able to hack the network without being physically present and that was essential to protecting the privacy of the people that worked for him, and the people they were working for. Plus it kept all of the evidence and data they collected safe from falling into the wrong hands.

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery reached out without hesitation, taking Tycho's hand to help him rise. Her grip was firm but gentle, her gaze focused on him with concern as he steadied himself. "Careful now," she murmured, watching closely as he stretched and adjusted to being back on his feet after so long.

"Returning to the scene makes sense," Valery agreed, her expression shifting to a more determined one. "We'll go through the security records together and figure out exactly what happened. But I want you to take it easy, alright? We don't need you pushing yourself too hard just yet."

She offered him a small smile, her eyes softening again for a brief moment. "And if it was delivered personally, we'll make sure to track down every trace they left behind. We'll get to the bottom of this."

With a gentle squeeze of his hand, Valery gestured for them to start heading out, ready to face whatever awaited them back at the scene.


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