Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fighting the Crosshairs


"I'll be fine," he assured her, releasing her hand once he was standing. "Better than several of my compatriots."

He didn't think of them as employees. Even though he paid them, they were more like family. Every single person that became a Sentinel was carefully chosen. The background checks were extensive, and their personality had to fit with the group. If they didn't, there was no job for them even if they were qualified to perform it. The company was not designed to be run by individuals who wanted to work their way through the ranks. There were, in fact, no ranks within the company. Everyone, including himself, received the exact same pay. He might have the title of owner, but that was purely for business purposes.

They set off then, back to the scene of the crime. Since it had been about a week since the attack, the place was quite well cleaned up, though the HQ building and the ones nearest it were completely deserted. The few of his people still alive were clearly smart enough to stay away for the time being. He wouldn't call them back until they were close to cracking the case.

They entered to silence, and before they went far, he took a moment to feel the place out through the Force. There was a lingering malevolence, especially near the entrance, but nobody was within that he could feel. When he was satisfied, he led her to his office where he took a moment before taking a seat and turning on the computer system once again. There was no way anyone was getting into the mainframe without him. That was one thing he kept secure even from the other Sentinels. If they didn't have a way to access it, nobody could torture the information out of them.

"Give me a second to pull up the security footage. If you want a drink, I keep some Whyren's in the cabinet behind me."

Valery Noble Valery Noble



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched Tycho closely as he stood and moved, still worried about his condition but choosing to trust his judgment. She knew he was resilient, and despite everything, his determination remained strong.

"Better is good, but you're still not at full strength yet," she said softly, her voice holding a hint of concern. She followed his lead as they navigated the deserted HQ, her eyes flickering around to check every shadow and corner, still alert for potential threats.

Once inside his office, Valery took a moment to examine the space. It was neat, methodical — just like Tycho himself. As he settled at his desk, she walked over to the cabinet he mentioned and pulled out the bottle of Whyren's. She glanced at it, then back at him with a playful smile.

"You know, you really shouldn't tempt me with alcohol while we're working a case. But since you offered…" She poured a small amount into a glass and held it up in a mock toast before taking a sip. "You've got good taste."

Setting the glass down, she moved back beside him, her gaze focused on the screen as he accessed the security footage. "Any specific times or areas we should focus on? I have a feeling we're not looking for the obvious here." Valery's expression turned serious again, her gaze sharp as she prepared to analyze whatever came up on the screen.



He would have smirked at her comment if he hadn't been focused on the screen. Wasn't like he was trying to get her drunk, he was just making a friendly offer to his private stock. It was something he enjoyed a glass of from time to time, especially after a really hard day. Frankly, if he wasn't still hopped up on medications from being treated, he'd probably have had a drink with her. Would have taken the edge off. He was one of those weird people that was affected by alcohol in a manner that made him hyper-focused rather than attention deficient.

"It's expensive, but the taste is far more sophisticated than most," he said, pulling up the camera archives from the day of the attack. "Thought it might help relax you a bit after earlier."

As for what they were looking for, he wasn't completely sure. They could be looking for a needle in a haystack. It could be something completely innocuous. Something one of his people brought in as evidence on a case. Something someone tossed in the door. A delivered package. Honestly, the more he thought about it, the obvious was a package delivery.

"Actually, I think we might be looking for something obvious."

The idea was simple: the person behind this was known to be able to utilize illusion to hide things. If they focused on rare occurrences, and things that seemed out of the order, he would expect that. The easiest way to fit in, to be harder to figure out, was to blend in with the norm. A package delivery or someone coming in to discuss a need for their services was likely to go under the radar far more than something odd. Sometimes the best place to hide really is right out in the open.

He fast forwarded to the attack time frame, and then backtracked the camera to pinpoint the origin of the gas. It seemed to come from one of the meeting rooms where they did their initial consults. He tapped the screen and looked at her to call it out. From there he started going backwards to see who had entered that space. On the day of the attack, four people had entered the room. One was a janitorial employee. One was a Sentinel. And the other two were a Sentinel and a young woman that were having a consult. The janitorial was first, cleaning in the early morning. The lone Sentinel entered and appeared to make use of the space for a private call. The last was the Sentinel and the young woman having a consult.

"One of those four is behind this. I know which I'm most suspicious of, but I want your unbiased take first."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched Tycho closely as he worked through the footage, noting the deep focus on his face and the subtle tension in his shoulders. Despite the gravity of the situation, it was clear he was in his element, analyzing and piecing together clues that would evade most.

"Relax me, hm?" she teased softly, the corners of her lips curling slightly. "Careful with that, or I might start expecting that kind of treatment more often."

When he started explaining his suspicion, Valery leaned in, eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she studied the footage with him. The list of suspects wasn't surprising — attacks like this rarely came from blatant outsiders. It was almost always someone within the organization or a well-placed infiltrator.

After a moment of silence, she nodded slowly. "The janitor is the most obvious — early morning access, cleaning supplies that could mask the delivery of something else…" She frowned slightly, her gaze shifting to the young woman and the Sentinel with her. "But that feels almost too easy, too careless. I'm more suspicious of the consult. She might be an outsider, but what's her connection?"

She paused a moment, then continued, "Though regardless of who we investigate, it's important we don't draw any conclusions yet. Any of them could be our target."



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"My first instinct was also the janitor, but I don't think it is him," he said, rolling through the footage of each one more time.

There was something off in one of them, and he barely noticed it. Just something about the way that lone sentinel moved. They didn't appear to be doing anything but standing around on a private commlink call, but there was the ever so slight stutter in the way they moved. It was barely even noticeable. He zoomed in further, making sure he wasn't seeing things, and watched it over and over again for several minutes before he was absolutely positive of his findings.

"It's the lone sentinel. I know him, but something is off in the way he is moving. It's almost- fake?"

That didn't make sense, but he rolled the footage backwards to see where the man came from. At first he appeared to come from the men's lockers. No cameras in there, for obvious reasons, but he rolled backward to when the man entered, and noted that he wasn't wearing his uniform. Most of the Sentinel's took their uniform home with them because many didn't come into the headquarters unless they needed to. Plus, since everything was tailored specifically to them, they didn't need to come in to collect an outfit.

Tycho continued to trace the man out of the building, utilizing the cameras on the exterior to note that the man had come from an alley which, prior to that, he left a speeder to enter. That was odd. Why go down a dimly lit alleyway before coming to work? A lot of questions, but he turned his attention back to Valery.

"I think we need to go check that alleyway. It's odd he went down it instead of coming straight here."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery watched Tycho work with intense focus, her brow furrowing slightly as he zeroed in on the Sentinel's footage. She could see it too — that subtle oddity in his movement, like something wasn't quite right. Her thoughts raced as he continued to trace the man's path, her mind piecing together the implications of what he found.

When he finally looked back at her, she nodded, a determined glint in her fiery eyes. "That's definitely suspicious. Worth checking out, but let's be cautious with assumptions and conclusions, still."

Her gaze shifted to the screen again as Tycho described the Sentinel's strange path through the alleyway. "Let's start with the alley, though." she agreed, her voice firm. "It might give us a clue as to where he was before coming in, or even show if he met with someone. If we're lucky, we'll find something that explains it all."

Valery straightened, her presence radiating a calm intensity. "Are you ready to go," she said, resting a hand briefly on his shoulder.



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Conclusions can only be drawn with enough evidence," he said, agreeing with her statement.

He stood and stepped around her, brushing a hand to the small of her back as he passed by to make sure he didn't bump into her. Knowing she would follow, he left his office and moved back through the headquarters building and out the front door. Now that the area had been cleaned up and secured, traffic was back to normal outside. They had to wait a few moments before they could cross, but that was fine as he took the opportunity to survey the area around them, just checking to see if they were being watched. Everything seemed normal, though.

After crossing, he approached the alley while drawing his saber to his hand. It brought him comfort to have his blade at the ready should he need it. Stepping into the mouth of the alley, he stopped and scanned it. There was certainly something odd about the place. It was dark, unlit, and strewn with various debris and garbage as it probably had been for long ages. Likely cleared out every once in a while, it was generally ignored except by people wanting to lie low, or throwing out the trash.

He walked inward with that seem feeling he'd had back on Ansion that there was something amiss with the space. An illusion? Maybe, but there was so much dispersion to it that he was having a hard time sifting through the lingering Force energies to figure out where it was.

"Something's off. I feel as though something is hidden here, but I can't place my finger on it. There's a definite malevolent nature to the air in this alley, though."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery followed Tycho out of the building, her senses heightened as they crossed the street. His hand brushed against her back, and she glanced at him with a small nod before turning her focus entirely to the alleyway ahead. When they finally reached its entrance, she could feel the shift in the atmosphere — an uneasy sensation that prickled at the back of her mind.

"Yeah… it's not just the lack of light here," she murmured, her fiery eyes scanning the shadows. "There's definitely something masked in this place. I can feel it too." She reached out with the Force, but the malevolence clouded her senses, making it difficult to pinpoint anything specific.

She stepped in beside Tycho, her hand resting cautiously on the hilt of her own lightsaber, though she refrained from igniting it just yet. "If there's an illusion here, it's meant to deter or mislead. Whoever set this up didn't want anybody poking around." Her gaze swept the alley, narrowing as she tried to pierce through the fog of energy that distorted the area.

"Let's move slowly and keep our guard up," she suggested, voice low but steady. "Try to find any physical markers or signs that might break through whatever illusion is lingering. Sometimes it's easier to detect when it's disrupted by touch or sight."



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

She sensed it too, which was good. In the cave on Ansion he'd been able to directly feel where it was an dispel it with ease. It had been blatantly obvious, meaning it had been done in haste. This case, it seemed the person behind this had taken the time to make sure that their illusion was well crafted even when they left it behind. That either meant the culprit was growing stronger or bolder. Possibly both. Neither was a good thing and he was feeling extremely wary. Having just recovered from being attacked, he needed to exercise caution.

They moved slowly down the alleyway, peering this way and that, cautious of both traps and illusion. There was much out of place for the alley, but it wasn't what they were looking for. The only thing he spotted was a shimmer in the air in front of Valery. Wait, a shimmer in the air? Reaching out, he grabbed her arm to stop her from continuing further.

"Trap," he said, motioning to the air in front of her. "Not lethal since you aren't alone, but they were covering their bases."

That meant what they were looking for was nearby. He attached his saber to his belt once more and looked around the area they were in. Nothing appeared abnormal, though he felt a very strong sensation of the Force all around them. They'd walked right into the illusion without even knowing it. Making a series of gestures with his hands, he used a dispel on the illusion, causing the air around them to shimmer and then settle once more, leaving them standing in the middle of a crime scene, blood scattered across the ground in numerous Sith symbols, and the body of his Sentinel splayed out in the center of it.

"Metos," he said with a sigh, lifting a hand to rub his forehead. "Damnit. Well, we were right, at least, to explore this lead. Now we need to figure out if there are any cameras that watch this alley on the opposite end, and then watch both to see who goes in and out."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery’s gaze shifted to Tycho when he grabbed her arm, and she froze, her senses instantly sharpening at the single word: trap. The shimmer in the air became more apparent as he pointed it out, and she could feel the subtle pull of the Force emanating from it. This wasn’t an ordinary illusion or diversion—it was deliberate, dangerous, and meant to ensnare anyone who stumbled upon it.

When he dispelled the illusion, the scene that emerged sent a chill down her spine. The smell of blood filled the air, and the grisly symbols painted across the ground in stark crimson formed a sinister pattern that could only belong to the Sith. Her stomach turned, but she quickly masked her reaction with a steady breath and stepped forward, her expression hardening as she took in the sight of Metos' body.

“Damn it…” she murmured, echoing Tycho’s frustration and grief. He hadn’t deserved this. The violence and desecration of the scene only deepened her resolve.

She crouched down beside the symbols, studying them closely. “Whoever did this wasn’t just trying to hide the body,” she muttered. “They’re sending a message.” Her fingers hovered just above the Sith markings, careful not to touch the dried blood. “A warning, maybe. Or a threat. This goes beyond just covering their tracks.”

She straightened up and turned to Tycho, nodding at his suggestion. “I’ll check the far end of the alley for any surveillance feeds or hidden recording devices. If they’re bold enough to leave something like this behind, they might have slipped up elsewhere.” Her voice was firm, but there was a flash of anger in her eyes. This was personal — for both of them.

“Stay on guard. They might have left more than just this trap here.”



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"They knew someone would investigate from the Jedi," he said, recognizing the symbols on the ground. "It's a threat that what happened to me will happen to you if you don't back off. They don't know who the you is, but I can guess they've been following enough to know I've been spending time with you, Ran and Anneliese."

That made his stomach crawl. If they knew someone would find this, and they knew who he was associating with, then they were all in danger. Damnit if he hadn't warned Valery this would happen. There was a strong chance that whoever this person was, they would target her family. They were absolutely that vile. People did not matter to them except as playthings, lives to be extinguished. He would have to warn Annie about this next time he saw her so she could be extra cautious, even if they were nearing the endgame.

"Be careful," he called to her as pulled out his datapad and began to take a record of the scene.

It was important that he take meticulous notes on the scene so he had a record of everything, including the trap. It and the illusion were non-recordable, after all. Everything else he took photo and video evidence of before calling for a medical team to come and collect Metos' body and take it for autopsy. He would notify next of kin personally as soon as he had a free moment to do so. Metos didn't have immediate family, he was unmarried, but his mother lived on Coruscant so he would go and visit with her after all was said and done. It was the least he could do.

In the meantime, he also sent a message to Ran Serys Ran Serys and Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal to let them know to be careful and that they may be targeted by the person behind all of this. He had to make sure they were both safe. That was plenty to take care of while Valery investigated the other end of the alley. Hopefully she would have some luck.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's gaze lingered on the gruesome scene, the weight of the situation settling heavily on her shoulders. The Sith symbols, etched in blood, sent a chill down her spine. This wasn't just a warning — it was a challenge, one meant to provoke fear and drive a wedge between her and the people she cared about. But fear wasn't something that would ever deter her. If anything, it only fueled her resolve to see this through.

"I don't back down from threats like this," she said firmly, turning her fiery gaze toward Tycho. "We're not going to let them intimidate us or the people we protect."

Even as she said it, she felt a flicker of concern in her chest. The Sith targeting Tycho was expected, but going after his loved ones — and possibly hers — crossed a line. She'd have to reinforce security measures and inform the others as well. Kahlil, the kids… they had to be safe, and they would be.

This wasn't the first time someone threatened her.

Moving toward the far end of the alley, Valery looked around and began to sweep for residual traces of illusions or technology. Her senses were wide open, straining to catch any fluctuations in the Force that might indicate lingering traps or illusions. She paused as she detected faint traces of something.

"Are you finding anything?"



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

He finished everything up, waited for the medical personnel to take Metos's body away, and then followed her towards the end of the alley. Residual traces of dark illusions were certainly present at that end of the alley as well. This guy was very much trying to cover all of his tracks. But had he been able to? That was the question he was hoping to answer. And if there was any luck on their part, they'd be able to find somewhere he slipped up. There had to be something for them to follow.

"Definitely feel something," he said, letting his eyes drift up and down the street.

There was banking guild building across from them. If he knew anything, those types really liked their security.

"Think you can get them to cooperate and let us review their security footage?"

He motioned towards the building so she knew who them was. While he had a lot of connections in the security world now that he was running a prominent security company, there were just some places that didn't care about those things. What he did know, though, was that the Grandmaster of the Jedi had a lot more pull than he did, and if anyone could get the banking guild to help them out it was her.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery moved beside Tycho, her eyes narrowing as she traced the lingering traces of dark energy through the air. Whoever had orchestrated this was meticulous, leaving as few traces as possible. But there was always a trail, however faint, that could be uncovered.

Her gaze followed Tycho's gesture to the Banking Guild building, and she nodded thoughtfully. "I think I can convince them," she said, determination sparking in her voice. "With everything that's happened, they should understand the importance of helping us." With that, she turned on her heel and began making her way toward the entrance, posture calm but exuding the authority and presence of a Jedi Grandmaster. As she approached, Valery glanced back at Tycho and offered a reassuring smile.

"Let's see if we can get access — if they're hesitant, I have other cards to play." Her tone was playful, but she was fully prepared to assert herself if needed. The loss of life was no small matter, and she wasn't about to let this lead slip away and risk more people losing their lives.

Stepping inside, Valery approached the first clerk she saw and dipped her head respectfully, though her gaze remained firm. "Hello, I'm Valery Noble of the Jedi Council. We're investigating a serious incident that happened nearby and would like to review your security footage. One person already lost their life, so it could help prevent further harm," she said, voice steady and compelling.



TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"I'll let you lead the way," he said as he followed after her.

She gave him a reassuring smile and he nodded back to her, trusting her to take point on this. He could easily have gotten what he wanted from the Banking Guild. It wouldn't have been hard, even. It just would have involved a lot of actions that she wouldn't like, and he didn't feel like causing problems with her. They would have gotten the information they wanted, but it would have required using abilities which would intrude on the people's minds and leave, potentially, lasting effects on their minds.

They entered and Valery approached a clerk, a Bith, who looked up at her.

"A serious incident that took place on our property?" he asked, looking between Valery and Tycho. "I would have to direct you to our security advisor for that and I believe he is busy. Would you like to schedule an appointment?"

Typical. The norm for the Guilds was to deflect and defer. They would push the runaround so that they didn't have to be responsible for anything. They did the same thing when it came to their money. Tracing money from the guilds was harder than fighting a rancor with both hands tied behind your back. He knew because he'd tried before. That being said, he chose to remain silent despite the response that was given to Valery because he didn't want to interfere with her methodology in the situation. She was a very prominent Alliance figure, and eventually the Guild would probably recognize that.




Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery maintained her composure as she glanced briefly at Tycho, then back at the Bith clerk. She softened her gaze, letting the Force flow through her, the subtle shift in energy around them almost imperceptible.

"You don't need to schedule an appointment for us," she repeated gently, leaning forward just slightly. Her voice was laced with calm assurance, the influence of the Force seeping into each word. "This is an urgent matter, and you'll notify your security advisor immediately. He needs to make time for it."

The Bith's expression slackened, his eyes glazing over momentarily before he blinked and nodded eagerly. "No appointment needed… I understand. I'll make sure he's informed that this is urgent. Please, wait here," he murmured, almost as if in a daze. He rose swiftly from his seat and hurried away, leaving the two Jedi standing alone.

Valery exhaled softly and turned to Tycho, a small, knowing smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Sometimes, a little nudge is all it takes to avoid unnecessary delays," she said, her tone light but with a touch of playful amusement. "Let's hope this speeds things up."

She shifted her stance slightly, taking in the surroundings of the opulent Banking Guild lobby, and waited patiently for the security advisor to respond to the unexpected visit.



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

He shrugged when she turned to look at him. What she'd done didn't bother him any. Quite frankly, he'd have been more forceful in this situation, which was entirely why he'd wanted her to handle it rather than him. He wasn't above realizing that he had faults. Sometimes the best person for the job was someone other than himself. Her methods were less volatile, but still effective. In the moment, she had the cooler head, and he was appreciative of that fact.

"Nicely done," he said when the Bith left to get the security advisor for them.

They waited for a short time before a portly Gossam appeared, trailing behind the Bith as it approached the duo. Well now, he knew the bankers guild was a portion of the commerce guild, but he hadn't espected one of the head honcho species to be in charge of security. That seemed beneath them. Or maybe not since this was Coruscant, the hub of the entire galaxy, and the richest planet up for grabs. Maybe almost every important position on Coruscant was manned by a member of those who controlled the guild.

"I am told," she wheezed, and Tycho wondered if it was because of all the neck rings or her weight, "that you need access to our security systems. I'm afraid that is not possible. Our proprietary system cannot fall into the hands of a competitor."

As she said the last words, her eyes fell directly upon him, and he knew he was the competitor she spoke of. Not that he cared. He didn't want her system.

"I will review to see if there is anything and send you notice in a few weeks of my findings."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's smile didn't waver, but her eyes sharpened with a focused intensity as she regarded the Gossam. "I appreciate your concerns about proprietary systems, but this matter is far too urgent to wait for a review that could take weeks. People's lives are at stake, and time is something we simply don't have."

She stepped forward slightly, lowering her voice to project a sense of urgency and reason. "I assure you, this has nothing to do with business competition or rival interests. If it makes you feel more comfortable, I'm willing to review the recordings myself, without anybody else. I do not run a business, so the info is useless to me." She glanced at Tycho briefly before returning her gaze to the Gossam, her expression unwavering.

"My role here is purely to ensure the safety and security of Coruscant, and I can't do that without your cooperation," she continued, her tone firm but diplomatic. "So, please — let's work together to resolve this quickly. If the footage is as secure as you say, I won't need more than a few minutes to review it. It's the best way to ensure your systems remain protected and that we get what we need."

Though, just to be safe, Valery added, "The alternative is that I escalate the death of a person to local authorities. They will secure the entire area and buildings will be evacuated to conduct a proper investigation. That would be far worse for business."



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Tycho nodded when Val looked at him. If that was what it took to get access to the surveillance footage, then he was fine with it. After all, he wasn't interested in their systems, at least not that day. Another time, perhaps, and he would have been, but the focus was on solving this case in order to protect the people of Coruscant, not on him learning how to take down the Banking Guild. If he wanted to do that, he'd just take it down, not walk right in an ask for access to their security systems.

The Gossam frowned, clearly thinking about still saying no as it looked from her to Tycho, since it was obvious they were working together. It was reasonable for her to assume that it was still a potential security threat on their end.

When Valery invoked bringing in the Coruscant security forces, however, it clearly changed the tone of the entire situation. The Gossam balked and looked around as if she were expecting those security forces to walk right in, and then straightened once more before clearing her throat to speak.

"I do not think that is necessary," she said, regaining her composure. "But if YOU will follow me, I think it could be arranged for you to view the recordings."

The Gossom turned to shuffle off and Tycho turned to walk over to a waiting area and take a seat. He didn't like not being involved in gathering information on the death of one of his Sentinels, but he was alright with Valery handling it because she had the best of intentions. She was trustworthy, and they did work well together, even when she didn't like his... unorthodox methods.

Val would be lead back into an office with a LOT of security screens and hardware. Several other Gossams were busy watching the screens. The one they were talking to directed Val to a secondary system for post-recording review before typing in a code and allowing access to the network.

"Please refine your search to only applicable views and times."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery offered a polite nod to the Gossam as she followed her through the halls, her expression composed but focused. She understood the Gossam's hesitation — security systems like these weren't meant to be accessed by outsiders. But Valery was resolute. This was about more than just getting the recordings; it was about justice and protecting others from being targeted by these attackers.

"Thank you," Valery said softly as the Gossam guided her to the surveillance office. Stepping inside, she took a moment to take in the myriad of screens and equipment, her gaze flicking over the busy workers. There was a faint hum of machinery, and the atmosphere buzzed with a quiet intensity.

Once the Gossam entered the access code, Valery turned toward her, her tone remaining calm but firm. "I appreciate your cooperation. I'll make sure to limit my search to exactly what's necessary."

With that, Valery leaned over the console and began typing in the specific timestamps and camera views that were relevant to their investigation. Her fingers moved with practiced ease, her eyes narrowing slightly as the first recordings loaded up. She was searching for anything — a shadow, a figure, an anomaly — that could provide insight into what happened to Tycho's Sentinel.

After a few moments, Valery glanced back at the Gossam with a more genuine, grateful smile. "This means a lot. You're helping us get closer to the truth."

She returned her attention to the screen, scanning through each frame with careful scrutiny. Even though Tycho wasn't physically by her side, she could feel the weight of his trust in her, and she intended to honor that by finding the answers they both sought.


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