Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fighting the Crosshairs


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

While Tycho waited, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to drift, meditating on what they had discovered. It was a better use of his time to consider all of the information that they had gathered together, and that he had gathered elsewhere, in piecing together the nature of the crime they were dealing with. If he could connect enough of the dots, the information that she gleaned from the cameras might give them a solution to the crime as a whole. And if they had that, they could stave off whatever attack was planned next.

The gossam continued to watch her as she studied the cameras, but it didn't stop her.

"Yes, well, cooperation is important in keeping everyone safe, I suppose," she said, her voice still tense and agitated, but she was outwardly calm.

On the screen itself was a lot of business as usual. Vehicles going by, people walking the streets together, employees heading to work. It was largely nondescript, which would be why when something, or rather someone, flickered in an out of existence near the edge of the screen, it would undoubtedly catch Valery's attention. It wasn't a glitch in the software. It wasn't a trick of the eyes. Someone literally entered the screen and almost immediately disappeared from it.

That person had white skin (even paler than Tycho), was bald, had an extremely lithe frame, and the camera was good enough that she'd even be able to see two red gems embedded in the skin below his eyes, even if he was only on the screen for less than a second.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's eyes narrowed as the flickering figure caught her attention, her posture straightening as she leaned closer to the screen. "There," she muttered softly, pausing the video at the exact moment the pale, bald individual appeared. Her gaze sharpened, focusing on the distinct details — the two red gems embedded beneath his eyes, and the way he seemed to phase in and out of the camera's view.

"This isn't a glitch," she whispered, more to herself than to the Gossam, her tone edged with concern. She quickly ran the footage back and forth, making sure she hadn't missed anything crucial.

Turning back to the Gossam, Valery spoke more firmly, "Whoever this is, they can phase in and out of sight, and that makes them extremely dangerous." Her fingers danced over the controls again, saving the frame for later analysis before sending the information to Tycho. He needed to see this as soon as possible.

"We're getting closer," she added softly. "This could be the key."

Her mind raced — this mysterious figure could be more than just a hitman or assassin. There was something else at play here. She could feel it.



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

His meditation was disturbed by a notification on his datapad. Slowly coming back to himself, he took a deep breath and his eyes drifted open once more. Still he sat in the waiting area, and nobody else had occupied the seats nearest him. Either he looked imposing, or it was a slow day. Given the lack of people speaking to the front desk he figured it was the latter. Not everyone had issues to discuss on a given day, after all.

Reaching for his datapad, he noted the message from Val and activated it, noting the image she'd pulled up of a man who seemed to appear and then disappear. Consistent with one who could utilize illusions, a note of excitement jolted him from his seat and he quickly left the building to hold the screen up and get a direct vision on the place where the man had been. Once he had his frame a reference, he sent Val a message to say he was going to investigate further, and then crossed the street.

He approached the exact spot where the man had been and stood still, allowing his senses to feel outward, tapping into the ebb and flow of the Force. That same malevolent feeling from the alleyway radiated in a path going backwards from where he stood. He turned around and looked into the distance. The perpetrator had come from that direction, but it didn't mean going that way would lead to anything. In all likelihood he had left a speeder somewhere down the street and had come from who knew where.

But he had that feeling down, and he had a face now. That was more than he'd had before. The notion of plastering his face all over crossed his mind, but he thought that might fluster him and he'd react violently. They needed to prepare a line of attack, not jump the gun.

He stood there, thinking, letting people walk around him, as he waited for Val. Two heads were better than one when it came to figuring these things out.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery moved swiftly through the streets, her senses attuned to the familiar pulse of Tycho's presence as she approached. His message had come through, and though she felt a surge of urgency, there was no rush in her steps — only focus. She knew Tycho would be waiting, already piecing together the clues, but she also sensed the disturbance in the Force, the lingering malevolence of their target.

As she reached the spot where Tycho stood, Valery's gaze swept across the street, noting the flow of people around them, the ordinary, unremarkable bustle of life that contrasted so sharply with the darkness they were hunting. The Force felt thick here, tainted by something unseen but unmistakable. The man in the recording — an illusionist, likely — had left his mark.

Valery approached Tycho, her eyes narrowing slightly as she scanned their surroundings. "Got your message," she said quietly, her voice calm but carrying the weight of her resolve. "Looks like we're on the right track. Can you still sense it? That lingering darkness?"

She turned to him, her expression serious but with a glint of determination in her amber eyes. "We need to be cautious. If he's using illusions, we can't trust what we see or feel right away." Her hand briefly brushed the hilt of her lightsaber, a subtle reminder that they had to be ready for anything.



Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Yes," he said, still looking off into the distance. "His presence lingers. It's strong. Stronger than I expected. Stronger than me."

He was worried about just how strong it was. This was something he would not be able to face alone. He wasn't even sure if he and Valery would be enough to fight this person. What he was most worried about was the fact they were strong enough to have people working from them under false pretenses, but were dealing with threats themselves. Given the person's propensity for utilizing toxins and gases in their attacks, he was certain they meant to target a wider victim pool and soon.

Turning to Valery, he focused on her eyes.

"I think I need yours and the Orders help with this one. I have a strong feeling that an attack on the city is imminent and I cannot handle it alone. I'm not strong enough to take him on by myself and my Sentinel's are depleted thanks to his efforts."

This wasn't about him and it wasn't a pride thing. He would never let his own pride or ego get in the way of keeping others safe.

"Will you all help me in this?"



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery's expression softened as she listened to Tycho, her gaze steady and filled with understanding. She could see the weight of his concern — the hesitation in his voice, the realization that this was a threat far larger than they initially anticipated. It wasn't just about pride, she knew that much. He was being realistic, and she respected him for acknowledging that this was a battle too big for him to fight alone.

"Of course," Valery said, her voice warm but carrying a sense of firm resolve. "The Order will help, and you know I'll stand with you every step of the way." She glanced around, sensing the darkness still lurking nearby, and her hand instinctively drifted toward her lightsaber.

"If there's an imminent attack on the city, then we need to act quickly. I'll contact the Order and coordinate reinforcements. We can't afford to let them make the first move." She paused, her eyes locking with his again. "But we also can't rush into this blindly. Whoever this illusionist is, they're dangerous, and we'll need to plan carefully to counter whatever they have prepared."

Valery reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder for a moment, a silent gesture of solidarity. "We will stop them together." With that, she stepped back, her mind already working through potential strategies and contingencies as she considered who to bring into this particular situation.

There was no room for hesitation now.


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