Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Final Fantasy XV (No spoilers).

So the new Final Fantasy releases in just two days (29th November).

I've pre-ordered for PS4 and I have to say, I'm so hyped for another single-player based game again! I'm really hoping that this title will bring the franchise back from how terrible XIII was; and as much as I enjoy multiplayer titles, there just seems to be so few really decent SP games coming out again.

Who else is excited if anyone?

Naturally, as it says in the title, no spoilers please.

I have the special edition pre-ordered for PS4 and I'm super excited as well! Final Fantasy fans have been waiting far too long for XV so it better be good or Square Enix will have a big problem on their hands XD


Disney's Princess
It reeks of desperation and black leather fetishes. I'll watch it on Youtube just to laugh and shake my head. Square can suck it. :(
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

All are entitled to their opinions. Even if they're wrong. (I'm kidding there).


I, however, have been hyped since the platinum demo. So.... might have to post a temporary LOA soon..... :p
The joys of pre-ordering across a retail site, relying on couriers to deliver on time doesn't seem to have paid off this time around.

I have however heard some pretty good things and I'm seeing that the game's receiving pretty good praise which bodes well for Square-Enix.
[member="Darren Shaw"]

What a time eh, how many games have come out and how much has tech changed over the last decade this game was being created.

I really, really hope it sells well!
The Last Son
[member="WolfMortum"], Considering what the game was supposed to be, verses now, I like this one better. So much has changed. Even the style of gameplay is different. But its new and fresh. I am keeping a mind open for that.


Disney's Princess
Watched it on Youtube + Ending...


Prettiest looking bad game ever. :(

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