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Firemane Industries and Technology Storefront

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
With a 10% discount for the guns that comes to 225,000 credits.
4 magazines are provided with each weapon, so we will sell each with another 6 magazines at 10% reduction for a total of 135,000 credits.
We'll also provide 5 buckshot magazines with the same discount for an additional 50,000 credits.
This brings your total to 410,000, but let's call it 400,000. We can provide you with details so you can manufacture the ammunition yourself, after signing trademark agreements and a licensing fee. Or you can purchase the ammunition as needed, your choice.

Is that acceptable?
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

This is a fair agreement. We shall transfer funds securely as soon as you are ready to ship to Sullust. My purchasers would prefer to sign non-disclosure, trademark and licensing agreements to allow for production by our government.

A pleasure doing business, and you can expect to see us in the future,

Office of Military Procurement,
Galactic Alliance,

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
A licensing fee of 1,000,000 credits and a signing of the documents will allow us to give you the manufacturing details for the ammunition.

Thank you for your business, and good luck!
Storefront has been updated with the Colossus Reactor!

Colossus Reactor: A powerful, secondary, hypermatter reactor for large capital ships. It allows a battleship to maintain all normal power requirements through the normal reactor, while this one provides the necessary energy for special shipborne weapons. More than one can be installed on large vessels. Can only be installed on a ship over 1000 km.

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
[Member=Tegaea Alcori]

May I please purchase the following

10x Hydra-class anti air tank

10x Typhoon-class artillery tank

10x Manticore-class Heavy Support Tank

7x Mag'ladroth-Class Dwarf Personal Walker Exoskeleton

10x Javelin Weapon Emplacement

10x Ballista Weapon Emplacement

10x Keraunos Missile Turret

3x Tempest Cannons

5x Illyria-class frigate

70x Silaqui-class Dropship variant

2x Thuella-class Cruiser

64x Adril Starfighters

2x Ariane-class Assault Cruiser

I know it's a tall order, the credits are good they are coming from Jen'ari Planas Inc. If a contract would be easier we could do that too.

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