Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Annual Chiss Ascendancy Masquerade Ball (PM invite)


The party continued.
Laughter and conversation flowed easily across the great hall as Chiss and even those few non-natives who had been invited engaged in conversation and discussion about the future of the ascendancy.
It annoyed him to no end.
It was not their’s to discuss or even consider ownership over. The Ascendancy was run by the ruling houses and no more, it was by their will that the Chiss lived. All that mattered was the ruling houses.

It was all that mattered.

On the far side of the chamber movement put pause to his inner-thoughts and again raised his attention against the group of Chiss who were mulling around by the entrance. A small gathering of five, all talking quietly amongst themselves, yet stopped when approached by another group this time of about six or seven.
There was the start of some heated words and fingers began to be pointed.
Mitth’uria’nuruodo smiled beneath his mask, all he had to do was wait.

One of the Chiss grabbed another roughly and pulled him close, which prompted the others to all start pushing and shoving each other, their noise continued to get louder and louder as they got more involved, drawing the attention of half the room that could hear.
Mitth’uria’nuruodo left his post, marching quickly across the room a couple of waves from his hand saw him surrounded quickly by other members of the room, each sweeping their cloaks back to reveal small-arms, otherwise forbidden unless…

“Cease this.” He ordered loudly, his voice modulated into a near fierce roar as his group quickly surrounded the arguing Chiss with their weapons clearly displayed. Eyes grew wide, several immediately dropping their grasp on others. “This is a diplomatic occasion and you dare to in-fight.” He moved closer and practically spat his words. “Like foul outsiders.”

“It was a matter of honour. You wouldn’t understand.” One of them, a tall muscular and proud looking Chiss announced. “He has stolen from my family for the last time. The name of Quylen is filth.” He sat on the floor near the one he had attacked, a more elderly Chiss who was still getting up from his assault.

“I have done nothing to your family.” He said, wiping blood from his lip. “Other then saving them from destroying an already tarnished reputation.” His group formed up behind him and collectively spat on the floor as well. “The Nuruodo’s come asking for trouble.”

“I would advise we cease name-calling.” Mitth’uria’nuruodo stated, happy that his mask hid his face. “We are all masked, we are all to go beyond these petty squabbles. For the better of the Ascendancy. If you continue I will have no option but to remove you from the building.”

“Who are you to intervene anyway.” The Nuruodo came forward and pressed his finger hard into Mitth’uria’nurudo’s chest. “Or even bare weapons in a diplomatic party.” He looked around the group with fierce determination. “I am Mitth’alli’nuruodo of house Nuruodo and you shall treat me with the respect I deserve and remove that Chiss from the party for the continued sabotage of my house.” He shook his hand towards the other older Chiss.

There was a moment of silence.
“The respect you deserve was thrown on the ground the moment you raised your fist un-proven against a ruling house.” Mitth’uria’nuruodo stated slowly. His helmet checked and hissed and slowly was removed by the Chiss to reveal his face fully to the group. “As for who I am? I suggest you rethink your word; Father.”

“You…” Red eyes grew wide at the reveal. “Stop this madness. Can’t you see, they have put our house in the dirt, even now I have been given proof that they have assured our nomination for Ruling House is removed by the council elders.” A shaking hand slipped a small data disk across to Mitth’uria’nuruodo who took it and gave it a quick glance. “It will prove that House Quylen is attempted to wrestle more control off the Nuruodos, off House Lorr and even House Qell. It proves it all.”

The area grew tense and Mitth’uria’nuruodo slipped the disc into his chest pocket. “You still attacked a ruling house and as such, under my authority and the authority of the Chiss Ascendancy given to me by the emergency powers of the Defence Hierarchy you are placed under arrest…”

“My boy. Don’t do this.”

“…Arrest and will be escorted from the premises.” One of the Marines-in-guise took hold of his father and placed cuffs over his wrists. A solid push started to move him from the room, despite his loud refusal. The rest of the party fell silent, watching the affair as Mitth’uria’nuruodo began to follow, stopping only to bow to the Ruling Family member as he passed. The door opened and the group moved through leaving the party to regain its composure by conversing over the event.

(PAUSE ----> Music for the mood)
The corridor that led to the main entrance was long and well lit, lines of marine officers carried down the walls assuring that the party was well guarded. Each stamped their foot and saluted as the group walked passed, not in respect to the head of the Nuruodo family but rather his son who had now taken charge of his father’s leading from the building.
“You’ve made a mistake boy. House Quylen is to blame, they are trying to destroy us.”

“So you have said, and many would have believed you if you had done it through the proper channels rather then trying to start a brawl in the middle of a public event.” His voice was full of anger, after all was it not also his family name that had just been wiped through the mud. “Instead you lower yourself to the level of a Ras.”

“I’m sorry, I just. I had received information that they were planning a move today. I just, I had to act.” They had almost reached the main door, it’s large form opening at the hands of two marines. “One day this family will be yours to be inherited, there must be a legacy. I had to for Nuruodo honour…”


The impact of the shot threw Mitth’uria’nuruodo and his father backwards several paces, the green bolt having come through the air at great velocity the second the doors had opened and hit the patriarch solidly in the chest.
The marines all scattered, weapons drawn and aimed towards the city scape beyond as a protective barrier was created around the downed pair.

“Father.” Mitth’uria’nuruodo rolled over to his fathers side, running his hand down his face as his own visage turned to one of terror. There was still life there, but barely. A great crater in his chest meant he had only moments of life left. “We’ll get you out of here, we will…” He sounded panicked, yet as his face drew closer to his father’s ear a whisper that would only be heard by the man about to die slipped from his lips.

“Long lived will be my house Nuruodo.”

The last breath of his father escaped his lungs and he released a wail of pain that flowed through all, the great doors sealing closed once more as the marines began to fall back from an attacker they could neither see nor find.


The shot had been true and at the utmost furthest range she could muster. However it also meant that a life had been lost. One of the two that would be intended tonight.
The rifle was placed back in a sealed-box, a trigger pulled to turn the interior item into a molten mess of metal and slime, untraceable.

She then took a look around her vantage, atop of the tallest building this side of Csilla. A single tear rolled down her check.
“Long live House Nuruodo.
Long live Mitth’uria’nuruodo.”

Then she fell. Stepping off her vantage point and allowing gravity to send her to eternal salvation.

Looking over at the gentlemen with the Merenzane Gold, Malicar replied, “Indeed. You should travel to Mos Eisley and let them make one for you—when you have some time. Perhaps one of the only redeemable facets of that spaceport, if refinement is a priority. Do you enjoy your drink and your evening…”

With a dip of his head, Malicar turned to his sister and said in a tone that seemed pleasant, but she knew better, “My dear, you should enjoy this event for its obscurity of your persona. There are much more ‘interesting’ people to speak with and learn from without consequence or fear.”

A loud thud down the bar sounded. Malicar did not look immediately. A distraction like that was usually a cover for something much more interesting. The Master Agent was disappointed when nothing else was amiss. His attention turned back to the sound.


She looked over and Malicar caught her eye. His eyes were not kind following her performance. His look was all the Shi'ido needed to know. Turning his attention back to the others, he watched as another female chiss approached. An exchange of words and then a challenge.

"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintances, named and not. The evening bids a good chance to solve many mysteries surrounding all of us. I shall endeavor to find whom has two left feet or not by night's end,"

With boredom threatening to dull his senses and the music beginning to pick up, Malicar offered his open hand to the female and quipped playfully, “Then let us start with you and unravel the mystery of footedness among our lot. Shall we…?”


Adenn grinned slightly behind his helmet, Aditya was better suited for this, seeing as she was being rather polite. Watching as they shook hands, Adenns gaze swept the room once more, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Then they settled back on [member="Sentiri"], he listened politely as she spoke again to him.
Indeed, armor is an extension of the Mando’ade. Personally, I think I’m wearing the perfect garb for the occasion.” He gave a light chuckle before inclining his head to the truce. “I’d ask for your name, and give my own, but I think that’d defeat the purpose of a masquerade ball. However, you no doubt already heard her say my name. So, I’m Alor Kyramud.” When she tried to follow where he was looking, Adenn smirked. Then he answered her other question. “I can only speak for myself, I’m here to protect these two; and they’re here to enjoy themselves. I think.

As Aditya spoke about getting his helmet off, Adenn chuckled again.
A worthy aspiration Aditya, but one that may fail. But then again, that’s all part of the challenge, isn’t it.” Then she spoke about a “new fashion statement,” Adenn merely shook his head. Then he nodded his head that they’d have to thank the host for the invitations.
I don’t think a new fashion statement is needed.” He said wryly.

Then Adenn turned his gaze towards Beth, and he noticed that she and a chiss were flirting? Sighing to himself, Adenn made a mental note to tell someone about that. It’d be amusing to see what would happen though. Around that time, Adenn noticed a slight commotion coming from the hall’s entry. Looking over, Adenn immediately noticed four Chiss Commandos enter, fully garbed in armor and weapons.

Their entrance surprised Adenn, after all, he hadn’t expected to see armed guards here, especially so many. He had seen the two guards before, with [member="Dezoti"], but this was a group of four. It was then that Adenn noticed the child within the group. That such a child needed so many guards intrigued Adenn, and then he saw the child do something with the force. Whatever it was, it had shaken another Chiss that was there.

Crossing his arms over his chest then, Adenn sighed to himself, another force user. Then, the boy and his guards came towards them. Glancing to Aditya, Sentiri, and finally Beth, Adenn then settled back on the group approaching them. As the Chiss Commandos eyed him up, Adenn eyed them as well. They may have been better armed than him, but they weren’t better armored, and it seemed they were slightly nervous? Adenn couldn’t tell, he was never a good people reader. Then the child spoke.

As he spoke, the childs eyes settled on Adenns visor, and Adenn stared back, deciding what to say. Then Beth, and her flirt came over and spoke. Adenn was going to speak, but Aditya spoke first.
Greetings Latos.” Smirking behind his helmet, Adenn turned his head slightly towards Aditya before focusing once more on the child. “It’s su cuy’gar in Mandalorian.” As he examined the child, Adenns thoughts Examining the child once more, Adenns thoughts ventured to the Arikyrzium-crystal on his belt. It may affect the child if he got within a 1-meter range, so Adenn moved slightly so that the child wasn’t that close. “I’m Alor Kyramud, of Clan Mortui, part of the Mandalorians. In case it wasn’t obvious.” Adenn gave a wry chuckle then, to show that he was kidding. “What brings you here adiik(child)?

Adenn then noticed the commotion off to the side with the Chiss. They seemed to be fighting about something, though what, Adenn couldn’t tell. However, Adenn could tell that the one group had weapons. That alone had Adenns hand inching towards his own sidearm, but he stayed it before he touched the pistol. That matter was theirs alone, but he’d still keep an eye on it. Thankfully, the situation seemed to resolve itself, as part of the group went their separate ways. A grim look came across his face then, whatever had just happened, it would not be the last of the situation, Adenn was sure of it. Shaking the thoughts form his mind, Adenn turned his attention back to Latos, while keeping an eye on the rest of the group.

@Malicar @Thurian @Beth Cadera [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] @Karisa @Thorne @Sivan @Thurian @Cleru



Asura was not one for fashion, she often enjoyed the element of surprise and elegance. Her cookyness had won her over on that matter. Needless to say her fellow Chiss would not be her surprised.Her stepmother on the other hand was more upset with her choice of fashion this evening. It was was not surprising to her father though he had grown to accept her for who she was. Her step mother though refused to accept her in the family refusing to call her by her name. Her whole life she had been called ‘Blueberry’ which in certain circumstances and social events the nickname stuck. Azura simply played on the nickname merely having fun with it.

Regardless she wore the dress in confidence, her nature was to be outrageous and cooky, her close friends understood and accepted her for who she was. She knew who she was and wasn't about to pretend to be something she wasn't.Azura was late snickering to herself she was going to have a good time.

The ball had already started when she had entered the room, mostly everyone had been engaged in conversations with someone or another. She laughed when her mother gave her a look of scorn, while her father simply laughed in the ‘that's my girl’ demeanor. Ordering a martini from the bar, she was looking for somewhere she could mingle.
Small talk was such a strange thing. The action was far easier than Sentiri had believed as a child. Then, even bringing herself to talk with people about subjects she found interesting was a chore. Dragging out bits and pieces of trivial non sequitur seemed just as fruitless. But, now older, the woman recognized that the act was really two parts. The first was enjoying the moment, learning little trifles, and in general allowing for a relaxed conversation when, if such individuals were to initially meet under other circumstances, that meeting would otherwise be rigid and on ceremony. The second was creating the possibility for future pleasant encounters.

Sentiri's eyes drew across the crowd once more. Her head cocked slightly as she saw a woman with armed guards in tow. Something about the way she moved was... familiar. The Agent couldn't quite place where she had seen the woman before, but her curiosity was piqued and there was no way to quench that.

Her attention refocused to the conversation happening around her. Sentiri took her glass up in a soft toast to the woman Mandolorian's rhetorical question. "And I am glad to share my joy with you." She took a sip of the wine she was nursing. The Agent wanted to enjoy herself, and doing so would require temperance this evening. She wanted to remember each conversation fondly. "Atrisia? That was one of my first stops when I first began traveling the galaxy. Lovely place, though my stay was admittedly quite brief."

As the armored man spoke, she regarded him as well with a careful respect. "A pleasure, Alor Kyramud," Sentiri responded, bowing her head with eyes closed in a trusting motion. "I am sure that we will have many opportunities for you to learn my name as our two peoples grow closer. For now though, I am enjoying the little bit of mystery these masks award us."

Concerning that level of mystery, inquisitiveness was not to be ignored in the mind of the slicer. Sentiri couldn't shake thinking about how she knew the Chiss woman in the blue dress. After all, she really hadn't met all that many Chiss since returning home. The way the woman strode around"Speaking of stretching our legs, though, I believe there is a matter to which I must attend," Sentiri said, giving the Mandalorian woman a wry smile. "If you'll excuse me."

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"]​

She placed her nearly empty wine flute on the bar to be gathered and locked her gaze on the guarded woman. With practiced grace, Sentiri wove her way through the crowd of people toward the object of her curiosity. As the distance between them closed, recognition came at last. So focused on her destination, the commotion of a brawl on the other side of the room was lost in the din. The Agent approached with the confidence of knowledge which gave Sentiri a slight thrill, as though she had won some sort of guessing game behind all of the masks.

"Good evening," Sentiri said to the woman, holding out her hand in greeting. "Could I steal you for a dance?" Sentiri wanted to say more. But she held her eagerness in check. Winning the guessing game was still strong in her mind and she wanted to know if her potential dance partner had the same keen eye.



Dezoti kept her gaze high as she surveyed the ball around her. She knew there were many eyes on her, even with her mask the armed guard definitely made it easy to figure out who she was. So the Aristocra was prepared to spend the evening alone. Much to her surprise however another approached her. Given the masks it was hard to tell who, but as soon as [member="Sentiri"] spoke the masked woman smiled.

She knew this voice.

"Of course. It would be a perfect time to be unsoldiery, hmm?" A subtle hint that she recognized her companion. She held out a hand, bowing her head formally.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ

House Palace; Csilla.
Csapla'to'sarcuo looked up at Beth, eyes dull, his mouth moving as though he were talking to himself. The invitation to dance was heard, the child seemingly coming out of his reverie to stare at the Mandalorian, a thin smile on his lips.

"Yes. No. Maybe," He muttered, as he reached up to scratch at his ear, trying to make the sound inside go away. "Dead things walk among us, lines through time that snap and end... so much noise, so much the galaxy wants to say..."

Then the Ozyly-esehembo turned at another voice, red eyes focusing as though only just becoming aware of the individual (Jac'leru'rizzem) that stood beside he and Beth. There was something but nothing, a body without life, a presence but no Force. Csapla'to'sarcuo couldn't comprehend, as he tried to focus on the hole in the galaxy. He failed, there was nothing to see, hear or know about the stranger - the void - that was contained within a Chiss' physical form...


Csapla'to'sarcuo screamed at the top of his lungs, facing the Force dead living corpse. The Commandos that guarded the child, standing alert in the background while he spoke, suddenly burst forward with rifles raised, all four aiming at the potential threat posed to their charge. But the boy raised a hand, stopping the guards, as his shout slowly diminished and reverted to mumbling, his eyes glazed over again...

"ArendintheForce,adeathlivinginlife,aholewheresomethingshouldbe... that is what you are."

There was no rational way for a being so enveloped in the Force to understand something that existed outside of it, so Csapla'to'sarcuo ignored it. The Force didn't feel it, therefore it didn't exist. Then the Mandalorian with white hair (Aditya Fitz Kierke) spoke, greeting him, causing the Ozyly-esehembo to smile suddenly, as though nothing had happened, as the Commandos stepped back and resumed alert positions - though their crimson eyes were warily trained on Jac'leru'rizzem through darkened visors.

"I am not dead, yes," Csapla'to'sarcuo said simply, as he reached out and touched her arm. "Not yet. I know when I die. I know when you die, too. I know when everyone dies... it makes talking to walking dead things hard. But I'm happy to meet you before you decay to dust. You are pretty."

Then the armored Mandalorian got Csapla'to'sarcuo's attention, the helmet speaking in a vocalized voice. There was something missing in the Force about this one, too, but unlike the first, paths through the galaxy could be felt connecting to others...

"I came here to see people, to watch and talk," Csapla'to'sarcuo said in response, inclining his head, as he stepped closer to Alor Kyramud. "You are different... your paths align with others, so you're not cut off from the Force like the Chiss talking to Beth. You have connections... but they are... disrupted... I can't find them now, but they are there in the future. What is adiik?"

There is death. It comes. The Force shifts, the life ends, the son mourns with his face but not his heart--

Suddenly, the Force was gone. Csapla'to'sarcuo blinked. His mind was... quiet, as he realized his connection to the mystical energy had disappeared. For the first time in his life, the Ozyly-esehembo was able to think clearly, to see as others saw, to not be drawn into dazed visions showing the futures of those around him. So perplexed by the sensation of nothingness, Csapla'to'sarcuo didn't pay attention to the commotion occurring nearby, with the Houses fighting - nor did he focus on the vision he had started feeling - instead remaining beside the armored Mandalorian, looking up with a grin.

"The Force is gone, it's so quiet..."

[member="Beth Cadera"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] | [member="Cleru"]​
Beth gave a nod at @Cleru’s more detailed explanation of assassin. That was fair work. “Exciting work, eh?” She said with a sly smile. A bit surprised by his honesty but on the same note, she wasn’t about to out him to the world. Or anyone, for that matter. Really, it was just all intriguing. She wished she had more interesting thing to say than stitch people up after they get shot by a blaster or something.

Either way, she took her hand back with a smile. There was… Some electricity, it felt like. Not literal, but… She shook it off as she spoke to @Latos. Cleru mentioned to be patient with him and she gave a nod. She had like… 10 billion brothers and sisters and was the oldest. She was the definition of patient at this point in her life.

Beth took a deep breath as Latos mentioned dead things and she stood back up with a small chuckle afterwards. Welp, he was definitely talking about [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"], there was no doubt about that. She looked up to her grandmother with a perked brow as she gasped and stepped back from the suddenly screaming child. She glanced over to Cleru with very wide eyes and very perked ears. Did she do something? Did he do something?

It took a second, and she barely understood what he said, but realized it was because Cleru was Force Dead. She felt the hole around him, too, but having had both her mother and father being Force dead at one point had made her know the feeling. For someone who had never experienced it, she could only imagine it as being a shock. She remembered when she saw her father, Kaine, after he had been injected with the cure. She shivered at the memory. Empty, just so… Empty.

She looked back to Cleru as Latos attention seemed to go to Adenn and Aditya. “Well… Um. How about that dance?” She asked, somewhat nervously.


Eriate really had no patience for these sorts of games. No, she didn't want to guess what his name was. She could figure that out if she wanted to but that was going to be frowned upon. This whole exercise seemed to just encourage the 'non-gifted' members of the society an excuse to use their deduction skills. Then her brother had to toss in a small lecture that made her brow tense just a tad. Maybe she liked the respect of her position and status. But he wouldn't know what that was like, he had always been the favorite of the two after all. Now her frustrations were getting the better of her, so she pushed it down and away within the recesses of her mind. Her cousin seemed to share her feelings about this party as well, given the gruff demeanor she was carrying at the moment; perhaps Eriate would seek to liberate the two of them from this affair. She looked to the man who had just learned of her identity (@Thorne) and replied:

"As I said before, this sort of affair just lacks in the thrill everyone else gets from it. If I had to 'guess', you are a man of respect and influence, and that posture and stride suggest military background. You speak with elegance, so clearly one of officer or nobility; my guess is officer of course." She paused and gave a smile to the strange military man. "But, that is all for my deductions as of this moment. I'm feeling generous tonight it seems. Now if you'll excuse me..." With that, Eriate stepped away from the crowded bar, moving to her cousins side (@Remi) only to hear someone screaming now inside the room, but it thankfully died off. Odd. She thought, but did little else to acknowledge it.

"Do you come here often?" She asked in a dry tone, her eyes glancing at the other woman. "Perhaps we should try and seek out entertainment elsewhere in this place. I don't think our kind will find common ground here." She whispered. She had seen the look in her brother before, he was all into acting mode now. Not that she blamed him, if nothing else this was a place to garner friends and allies for their cause. But these were not the people she gelled with. Though, the officer certainly was a gentleman to say the least, but he seemed to have bigger problems on his mind.


Azura had finished her drink, just as a server was passing by, quickly placing her empty drink only to take another one.”Why not"she thought to herself with a snicker. Passing buy those by already engaged in different conversations. Her odd self usually would have said something witty and out of the ordinary but thought twice on the matter for the sake of sounding rude.

She thought twice now about her dress and why the heck she decided to wear a corset, she thought her insides were going to implode from being strung up so tight.She must have looked awfully funny in the attempt to adjust herself.She simply laughed at her own misfortunes at that thought, she didn't take regard to other opinions at the moment.

Azura finding the need the for some fresh air she found her exit, a veranda was not to far away.She had found her chance to enjoy the view of the outside world. Her human side needed to take in the scenery. Without further adieu she opened the door taking in the fresh air. Closing the sliding door she gently loosen the straps taking a much needed breath.One would have never noticed she had done so unless they were peaking. Leaning against the railing the cooky halfbreed talked underneath her breath.

“Aah that's better, much need breath of fresh air"She laughed to herself

Mandalorian Prophet

A sad smile formed on Cleru's features as [member="Latos"] spoke to to him. Er, well. Screamed at him. It wasn't the first time one of the Skywalkers had screamed at him as such. When he returned home after the Vong had kidnapped him he received a similar welcome. But that was a long time ago now. The agent gave [member="Beth Cadera"] a nod of his head as she spoke. It would be a perfect distraction compared to thinking about his past.

"Of course." Again he held out his hand, smiling to the knife eared Mandolorian. "It would be my pleasure."


Mitth’uria’nuruodo stood to his full height from his position by the now dead body of his father, his breathing was deep and entirely purposeful, after all he had just lost a father. The marines and several of his own commando team had gathered around the body, their faces as stoic as his own as they regarded the body of the fallen chiss.

“The question is were they aiming for him, or you sir?” One of the marines stated as two began to move the body away into one of the side-rooms, away from wandering eyes. “Either-way we should shut down the ball, alert intelligence and start sweeping for—.”
Mitth’uria’nuruodo shook his head.
“No.” He readjusted his cloak, his mind only just realising the cut that had split his hand open when he had fallen, spilling blood across his arm and now chest. “The party must go on, the ruling houses must be chosen and the military stand down from our position. To delay it…” He pointed at the area where the blaster-bolt had hit the floor. “That is exactly what they want, delay so they can get a better position to make a play on favour.” His words caused some unease around the corridor but general agreement followed.

“Those of you who were inside put your masks back on, we all know who is who. Find anyone who is of commanding rank and alert them to what has happened.” There was a ruffle of activity as masks that had been discarded were placed back on and weapons returned to hidden holsters. “…and for the love of the Ascendancy do it quietly.” They all moved away leaving Mitth’uria’nuruodo and two of his closest commandos behind.

“Sir, maybe it would be best if we at least got you to somewhere safe. We don’t know if there will be a second—.”

“Not going to happen.” He responded. “My father has just been murdered and that means my house is in a very dangerous position of being leaderless. Already you can hear the vultures beginning to circle in preparation to rip it apart. No. I need to go out there and face those who expect me to cower.” He began to head back down towards the ball. “However place the gathering of House Quylen under arrest.”

“Understood sir. All of them?”

“The ones who were involved in the ruckus. Even the head. If any of them ask for charges, be honest. Accessory to Espionage. No need to throw the murder word around just yet.” He had to hide a smirk. “Just get them out of that room, make a scene if you have to.”

They re-entered the room, his mask was all but forgotten but he cared not. Let them see his face, let them know his name. His guards branched off and began to round up the House Quylen group that had foolishly not moved from their position where the fight had broken out, several shouts of objection going with them as they were very clearly forced out of the room.

Mitth’uria’nuruodo himself, aware of all the eyes moved across the room towards the one he needed to be seen to talk to. He slid through the crowd until finally, placing a hand on the bar he came face to face with @Thorne.

“Cousin, how good to see you here.” He made sure his face showed dire tidings. “We need to talk, now.”
When it raines... it pours.
“Then let us start with you and unravel the mystery of footedness among our lot. Shall we…?”

The unnamed Chiss offered his hand in a gentlemanly fashion with a gesture towards the dance floor. Brask'ari'sabosen gave a fleeting glance towards [member="Thorne"], who had yet to answer her question as Mitth'orn'eruod still seemed lost in thought, then crimson orbs focused back onto the bearded suitor. Not many male Chiss wore facial hair. It was actually quite hard to grow for the near-humans. Plus with most were in the military, it was frowned upon to even try.

She inclined her dark head graciously, accepting [member="Malicar"]'s invitation, then placed her small hand within his larger one. "Yes. Let us begin to solve this great mystery, though it appears it may not be the only one this night that needs deciphering."

The two made their way onto the dance floor through the crowd, then took up their respective positions before one another. Brask'ari'sabosen was well-versed in ballroom dancing, and the arts in general. It was part of the Sabosen's education while attending the Academy of Arts and Sciences on Sposia to get her medical degree. The waltz was an upbeat one, even lively one could say. Perfect to check out if the anonymous man had indeed two left feet or not.

"If I may ask, where do you fair from good sir?" Ari inquired just before they took their first steps together.
Sentiri took Prusde'zoti'lore's offered hand in her own. "I agree," Sentiri gave a gentle tug on her newfound partner's hand and led her towards the dance floor. The Agent was elated to have discovered the identity of one of the ball's attendees, especially one whom Sentiri had only met while they were wearing a full suit of armor. But now that the prize of her guessing game was literally in hand, Sentiri found herself not wanting to break away and continue the guessing game. Suddenly, there was a whole new social game to play.

One number finished and couples shuffled on, off, and around the area cordoned off for dancing. The operative found a spot towards the middle and turned towards her dancing partner. Sentiri's dance lessons came to her and she remembered the poses and positions she would need as the musicians began another dance number. Without even thinking, she took one of Prusde'zoti'lore's hands in her own and placed the other just above her waist. Sentiri looked up ever-so-slightly into the woman's eyes as the dance began.

"You look different without the armor, Prusde'zoti'lore. Better. But you still move like a soldier." Sentiri's face creased a little in amusement.



There was a brow raised as [member="Sentiri"] took the Aristocra's hand, namely from the pair of guards that stood watch over Dezoti. She waved her hand casually to dismiss them. This was a friend after all. "My my, who'd of thought you knew how to dance." She gently took the agents hand in her own, the other resting casually on Sentiri's shoulder as the dance began. Dezoti wasn't the best dancer, but she quickly followed her partner's lead.

"I'm sure you can give me some more lessons at a later date Sabosen'Tir'Inrokini. Somewhere far more private."
Beth placed her hand in @Cleru’s with a grin. She hoped she wasn’t too rusty – it had been quite a while since she last danced. She had learned through a tutor in Sundari, but she wasn’t quite the best… But, she knew she had to impress. Not only the attractive Chiss in front of her, but also as part of the Clans delegation. It was important, after all.

With that in mind, off to the courts they went. The Swing seemed appropriate for the current beat of the music, so they moved their bodies as the dance required. And… Beth continued to avoid stepping on his toes. That was a positive, as they danced. Some slight strands of her hair fell during the more fast paced parts, although Beth had a continued wide grin with how much fun it was.

Mandalorian Prophet

Swing. An old favorite of Cleru's. He hadn't expected [member="Beth Cadera"] to be able to keep up with the rapid movements required, but much to his surprise and delight the Chiss was completely wrong. Round and round they went, he taking the lead as he seemed to have more experience with the style. The kind smile he had was gone, replaced by a grin. He was having an absolute blast. Not many Chiss could keep up after all.

Soon enough though the dance would end, Cleru having tossed the smaller woman up in the air to catch her in his arms. "Right." He was somewhat out of breath. It had been a while since he could last dance like this. "I should dance with you more often." The Chiss winked as he helped her to her feet again.
The dance was… Exhilarating. The movement, the chemistry between them, was only amplified during the fast-paced dance. Really, Beth was surprised that she herself did as well during the dance as she did. The grins on both of their faces showed their excitement and joy at the dance. “You’re a great dancer,” she commented as they danced.

Finally, the dance ended in a grand-finale – he tossed her, then caught her. Impressive. Not that she didn’t think he could catch her. She just… Well, wasn’t sure. Likewise, she took a few deep breaths as she regained her stamina. Man, she would never have been able to pull that off without the near daily training. Huh, guess it does come in use, even in noncombat situations.

A giggle escaped her lips as [member="Cleru"] mentioned he should dance with her more often. “I think so, we made a pretty good pair, don’t we? The assassin and the medic find a new career - dance.” She gave him a playful, teasing grin as she pulled the stray hair behind a pointed ear.

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru simply grinned back to [member="Beth Cadera"] as she mentioned the career change. With how unstable the Chiss still were, he couldn't exactly shun his duty to his people for a woman he just met. But he wanted to know more about this Mandalorian. Who knows, he might change his mind with enough time. "A good pair is an understatement." With her hand in his own he lifted it, giving it a gentle kiss without once breaking eye contact.

"I would very much like to get to know you, Beth."

Matt the Radar Tech

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House Palace; Csilla.
Mitth'orn'eruod observed the proceedings occurring near the front of the hall, his crimson eyes narrowed. With his attention so focused, the Admiral dismissed the surrounding conversation, instead intent on gleaning as many details as possible from the disruption. There was no doubt in his mind that this was an elaborate ruse by his cousin, though proving as such would be difficult at best. Brask'ari'sabosen asked a question, to which Mitth'orn'eruod was about to reply, but the tussle across the way made him pause, as armed Chiss surrounded various members of an exiled Ruling House; it was a surprise they dared show their faces at the ball, come to think of it, considering they were so ostracized...

"He is a relation, unfortunately," Mitth'orn'eruod began, before watching the group escort key members of House Nuruodo from the premises, with Mitth'uria'nuruodo being the one to do so. "Please excuse me..."

There was a brief moment as Mitth'orn'eruod considered Brask'ari'sabosen agreeing to dance with an unknown individual, but it passed, as Mitth'orn'eruod considered she was free to do as she wished. However, before Mitth'orn'eruod could make toward the entrance to the hall, a nearby child screaming caused him to stop in his tracks. Not far away, it appeared a group of Commandos were guarding a Chiss youth, one who appeared young by any standard. The likelihood of him being an Ozyly-esehembo was high, given the escort, and for a moment the Admiral wondered at why the boy was attending the ball. Being around such a chaotic social engagement was likely overwhelming and sure to strain the training efforts the child was going through.

I am too late to interrupt the scene at the entrance, they appear to be gone, but I can certainly sort this situation out here.

Mitth'orn'eruod walked over to the Ozyly-esehembo's guards, leaning close to one as he muttered some words to the side of the commando's helmet. The order was clear and succinct, with the Admiral identifying himself to ensure the command was followed:

"I am Admiral Mitth'orn'eruod. Get him out of this area. Now."

There was no arguing, no delay, as the Commando nodded and relayed the order to his fellow guards. They weren't to blame, they were just doing the best they could under the orders they had been given. But the Ozyly-esehembo carers were in for a different reaction, as it was their primary concern to ensure the Force children were protected and isolated, to whatever extent was necessary, to ensure they were able to fully develop their power. And somehow Mitth'orn'eruod doubted attending a social function, filled with so many people that held so many futures to see, was the best course of action. He would bring it up later.

"I apologize, guests, that the child must leave," Mitth'orn'eruod said to the Mandalorians with whom the Ozyly-esehembo was speaking (Aditya Fitz Kierke and Adenn Kyramud). He offered a curt bow, not wanting to offend the individuals. "Such events can be taxing on minds this young, and he appears overwhelmed. Besides which, I suspect the announcements for our new Ruling Houses will begin shortly, so please enjoy being witness to an important part of our culture."

By that time, another development had occurred, with the focus of the Admiral once again returning to the front of the hall. There were guards taking members of the Quylen House from the building, removing them roughly amid protests and shouts. The situation was disruptive to the Chiss attending nearer that direction, but the noise level in the hall likely kept those further away from really hearing much. The only reason Mitth'orn'eruod noticed was due to paying attention in that direction previously, solely because of his cousin's involvement.

And speaking of whom...

Mitth'orn'eruod offered a cool stare toward Mitth'uria'nuruodo, as he stepped away from the Mandalorian guests, excusing himself. His cousin's absence of a mask, and the smear of blood across his hand and chest, told the Admiral more than enough. Given the expression on the latter's face, along with the gore, and the sudden return despite leaving with his father minutes prior... there were but a few conclusions to deduce, of which Mitth'orn'eruod suspected he knew what had happened.

It would seem unfortunate tidings have touched House Nuruodo, Mitth'orn'eruod thought to himself, as he placed the glass of Merenzane Gold down on the bar. I'm sure his father will be missed.

And then Mitth'uria'nuruodo was standing before the Admiral, expression showing tension and concern. The request to speak in private was heard, with Mitth'orn'eruod merely motioning away from the main throng of ball attendees, toward a back corner of the hall, away from most prying eyes and ears. The Admiral wondered if his mask was even worth keeping on, given he was being identified by almost everyone he met or spoke with, which said a lot about the mannerisms he shared and exhibited. He would endeavor to do something about it in the future... but for now:


Mitth'orn'eruod turned to face his cousin, crimson eyes staring...

[member=Karisa] | [member="Thurian"]​

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