Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Contact (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tygara)

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Looking at Natoline’s playful exuberance Tegaea felt a bit old. She had never been as bouncy of course, but she could remember a time long before when everything was a wonder and every day was special. Now…well…a lot of things had happened to make it a little less enjoyable, and her a lot more cynical.

“Yes, my dear, we are building stuff,” Tegaea said gravely. “Come, I’ll show you to our room, and then we can get ready for the ceremony.”

Chesna was waiting in the room for them, along with one of the Qadiri girls who had been freed during negotiations.
“Chesna has been very useful, translating and interpreting things for us. But she has also been very naughty at times too,” Tegaea said sternly.
Chesna flashed them all an innocent smile. “I’m sure both my Mistresses will correct any errant behaviour on my part.” She offered Natoline a wink. “Nice eyepatch. Maybe your mother could start training you in other fun things too….”
She knew she’d get punished for that. That was obviously the point!
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan did not like Taldir being mentioned positively. Sure, the ice woman was good at killing things, but her personality was thoroughly offputting and as dull as dishwater. At least that's what Siobhan thought because for some reason almost all of this writer's characters end up hating each other.

"Yes, gonna start building settlements and take over a Xioquo pirate base. Far as I heard they're sort of like dark elves in fantasy games." Anyhow, Nato's youthful exuberance was just adorable. Even if it made Siobhan feel a bit old. She really needed to go wreck things with Eyrecae. Like on that Tash-Taral planet. Or...have fun with wifey. Doing things married couples did behind closed doors. As for the blonde Eldorai Nato liked so much, we can presume she accompanied Siobhan on her ship because the young Kiffar totally needed to be trolled more by her.

"Chesna," Siobhan said very sternly. Obviously the demigoddess wanted to be punished. "Your cheekiness will be discussed and corrected thoroughly at the next session for the Goddess Ardarvia," she glanced over to Tegs. "Since you met her, what can you tell me about the Queen? That Semiramis woman."
Starleaves n Stimcafs
“A ceremony!” Nato’s eyes, well in this case eye, lit up, fun! But she didn’t have anything to wear, she hoped they had her size, “but I gave all my dresses away to” what did she called the slaves now, “ummm,” she bobbed her head towards the gaggle of freed slaves mulling about, equally not sure about what they should be doing, because they were so unused to freedom. OOOOh but she had her fine silks Tadi was carrying, “s’okaies, I’m good!” She could whip up something chic looking.

Nato was about to break into her big speech about Sio training her with force stuff, but she went quiet and blushed, Chesna was trolling her wasn’t she? Heat rising, she saw the troll to end all all trolls Areialla sauntering as usual dangerously out of Sio’s ship, and she could have died, what with her little pout of her space elf lips. Today Areialla had chosen a tactful white lace shawl though some might argue her garments usefulness as armor, it was nevertheless quite deadly to those unprepared to face space elf sauntering or edgy posturing in negotiations. She had a darker lace red cocktail dress underneath, split tactfully up the side, and ending at her thighs, making those hip saunter movements all the more distracting.


Areialla - Space Elf Queen, without the title bit.
Areialla didn’t say a word she just stood there quietly, taunting everyone, like she always did without saying a word, especially other space elves, as she loved to one up them, in their little mischievous games behind the scenes.

“Ummmmm” Nato said to Sio, starting to feel her usual, whatever that feeling was, being Arei-trolled like usual! “So’we’ve’gotta’ceremony’” she blurted out to Tegaea quickly all one word, blowing some more hair out of her face, but more for effect than actual hair arranging, though there was always that one little strand that came back. Nato also took this opportunity to hug Sio’s arm again, just to let her know she’d missed her mum before moving off.

[member="Tegaea Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]​

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Chesna composed her face into a serious and contrite expression…for about five seconds! She noted and approved of the arrival of Areialla, another in the long line of Space Elf trolls.
“I’ll go and get ready. The Shahbânu will sign our treaty when we’re ready. See you soon girls!” Chesna said and sauntered out.

Tegaea watched the show and shook her head slowly. “I think things are going to get even more interesting….”

“As for Semiramis, she’s the Shahbânu, an Empress I guess. She rules a large feudal empire, but her vassals are very fractious and there’s numerous independent states as well. Personally she’s brave and quite pretty. On the downside I suspect she’s quite deceitful, and will use any means to use us against her enemies. I don’t suspect she was involved in the assassination attempt, but we should be prepared for her to do anything to advance her cause.”
[member="Natoline Kerrigan"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

For her part Siobhan was fond of Areialla. The girl was very cute, eager to serve and an unrepentant space elf troll. Besides, she was good at strutting! Anyhow, on to serious things, so she listened to what her wifey had to say, pondering. Semiramis was willing to do anything to advance her cause...that sounded very familiar. Actually it sounded a bit like Siobhan.

"Oh, that's fun, so another round of elf Game of Stars, just with messed up internal politics. We've navigated the mine field that was Kaeshana politics and OP before that, it's just another battlefield to conquer. We'd be advised to get a solid grasp of who her chief vassals are, who else holds power and who can be bought so that we're not dependent on her. If they're fractious that's something we can exploit. Same with the Xioquo. States run by darkside force-users tend to be...quite unstable and often at each others' throats." Wow, Siobhan was actually considering ways of advancement that did not solely consist of using her head as a club. Perhaps we have Mirien Valdier to thank for that.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

There was silence between the two of them as Callista let what Coryth has said soak in. A quiet nod, and a squeeze of Coryth's hand as she thought on it more. And then she sighed softly, checking over Tarissa for a moment as she composed her next question. "Coryth...What was your family like...?" she asked softly as she adjusted the blanket covering Tarissa. As she did so, she noticed Tarissa begin to stir and wake from her unconsciousness. Gently, she sent out calming thoughts towards the woman as she tried to ease her confusion.
Coryth sighed heavily, and glanced for a moment to Callista. "My family ... was ..." She bit at her lip for a moment and looked back to Tarissa, "My mother passed away during a plague when I was seven. I don't exactly remember her all that much. But I do have so much that I owe to her for getting us out of slavery and always keeping us both one step ahead of the bounty hunters."

She gave a small shrug, trying to play it off as not bothering her nearly as much as it did. "And my father, well I met him not long after I was knighted. He was dying, so sick. And he refused to let me heal him at all, when I knew I could help him, when I could give him more years to his life. It just ... he wouldn't let me. It haunts me still." Another shrug, "I never really got to know either. With my mom, life was always about running. There wasn't time for play or tenderness. It was always about survival. I wish it could have been different. But then again I wouldn't be who I am today without them." A soft smile followed that but it wasn't much of one.

"Then, I had a daughter. It's complicated but she was the product of my kidnapping and torture. I gave her up for adoption because at the time I was hardly capable of taking care of her. I was too injured, too traumtized to really offer her anything but unjust anger at her. So I did what I could in giving her away. I just met recently. She's rightfully upset with me, I understand that entirely. " Another shrug as her attention turned back to Tarissa who seemed to be waking.

In a heartbeat Coryth was on her feet, and laid a gentle hand against Tarissa's cheek as she sent soothing energies into the Eldorai. "Just relax, we're here to take care of you Tarissa. If there is anything we can do to help you get more comfortable, or that you think you need, let us know. We'll do what we can."

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Callista Gseran"]

Tarissa was still feeling very groggy and somewhat confused when the stream of soothing energies suddenly surged through her body. This was good because the woman could have a vicious temper at times. As her eyes acclimated themselves to the light, she recognised the two humans beside her. Fortunately they were women, for being healed by a human manling would be most dishonourable. Or maybe Tarissa had a warped set of priorities. As the haze was gradually lifted from her eyes, she recognised one of the woman...that Yedai, Callista she believed her name was. Generally Tarissa did not like Yedai but it seemed she would make exceptions.

Tarissa preened herself, perhaps a bit like Aurelia. "I can relax when I'm dead and with Ashira. I am needed and have duties to attend to," she said as she looked around. "I take it this is the Blade's medbay. Has there been any word on the negotiations with Semiramis?" Clearly she was not fond of the idea of certain humans handling everything planetside without her. Nor was she inclined to be an easy patient, though she seemed to calm down just a bit. Or maybe it was simply because she was tired and her first attempt sit up.

"Thank you for your help. Ashira be with both of you. I shall make sure you are compensated." Then her gaze fell upon Coryth. The look in her eyes was difficult to decipher as she studied the tiny redhead intently, never wavering. "You are her, aren't you? The one who received a vision from the Goddess about this planet?" For there was no will of the Force, only the command of the Great Goddess.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Callista Gseran"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Natoline Kerrigan"]

(Skipping Natoline with their permission due to LOA.)

Soon afterwards everything was assembled. Semiramis, her advisors, generals and courtiers were gathered together. Rarely had such ostentatious wealth been assembled into one place.

Facing them was a much less ornate group. The Kaeshana Confederation’s representatives; Siobhan, Kaida, Chesna, Tegaea and anyone else who had come with them, approached the other side of the table.

Tegaea, despite having been in something like overall command, had ceded overall negotiation to her wife. She figured that Siobhan would relish the chance, and Tegaea personally wasn’t too bothered by titles and privileges. Tegaea too now wore a translation unit in her ear which would let her understand the Qadiri, though she still relied on Chesna to speak, as with the others.

Chesna first come forward and bowed formally to Semiramis.
“Her Ladyship, the High Countess of Santaissa, Siobhan Kerrigan, Keeper of the Eternal Flame, Champion of the Star Queen, Former Exarch of the Omega Protectorate, Inquisitor of Ardarvia, Conqueror of Gehenna, Warlord of Bespin, Archenemy of the Bando Gora, Scourge of the Sith and Defender of Kaeshana. She will represent Her Majesty Tirathana VII, Star Queen of Kaeshana and High Priestess of Ashira.”
Chesna was trolling, but everyone knew that Siobhan liked a bit of buttering up, and that it would greatly help her to appear grand and menacing to the Qadiri.

The signing would be a formality. The terms had already been discussed and approved behind the scenes. However, both parties were offered copies of the treaty in their native languages so they knew what they would be signing. Tegaea scanned it besides Siobhan and finally nodded that she was satisfied.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

On a certain level Siobhan probably noticed that Chesna was really trolling her, but she did not mind much. As has been said above, she was a very vain woman and really liked a bit of buttering up. A psychologist might speculate why she was so obsessed with titles and worship. Suffice to say Chesna had earned herself a 'reward'. Now she just needed to come up with a couple fancy titles for [member="Coryth Elaris"] and Mirien Valdier, whether they wanted or not. It was high time to make a lady out of the short stack of fire!

"I really like those titles. Can we have them announced on every formal occasion?" she whispered into Tegaea's ear, probably sounding a bit eager. Anyhow, after having been formally announced Siobhan stepped forward. Or rather she limped, though despite the pain she was in she did her best to appear tall and commanding. She could sense that Semiramis was Force-sensitive, about apprentice level, or a Sciian in Eldorai terminology. The same applied to many courtiers and generals of hers, and so Siobhan did nothing to hide her connection to the Force, but rather let her signature blaze across the room so that all could feel it.

Of course, the real Siobhan was far from indomitable. Alderaan and her run-in with Shadow had been sobering reminders of her mortality, much as this rankled with her, but she still possessed great power. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. My wife has told me much about you and your realm. I firmly believe together we can begin an era of progress and cooperation between our people. Never again shall Tygara be plagued by corsair hordes," she said in her most formal tone. Fancy platitudes to be exchanged, but that was part of the game. Honeyed words exchanged she scanned the treaty they had been handed. Yes, as surprising as that might seem, Siobhan actually took the time to read it, in case anyone was wondering. That done she picked up her pen and applied her signature in her usual messy handwriting.
[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] [member="Coryth Elaris"]

For several long moments, Callista simply listened, sitting lightly on the edge of the bed upon which Tarissa rested. Coryth's tale pulled at her heart, and made her chest ache. While she knew there was nothing she could do to change the past... Maybe.... she could help Coryth now. It felt.. odd. She still felt very out of place here. Both on Tygarra and in this galaxy. But in her gut, she knew there was a reason she had been brought here. What that was, she still didn't know. She shook her head as she remembered the words of the one who had found her.

And now, hey floated in her mind again. Hesitant, Callista reached out and laid a hand gently on Coryth's shoulder before giving it a gentle squeeze. She knew there wasn't much she could say that wouldn't sound hollow, so for the moment, she kept her silence. Instead, she sent calming and soothing energies through the physical connection and to both women. Perhaps later they could talk. For now, Callista felt her story could wait.

She sighed softly, pulling her attention back to the present at Tarria's question. In all honesty, she wasn't sure. "From what i understand, they've already reached an agreement. They are just formalizing it now." She trailed off as she caught Tarissa's words. What vision....?
Coryth nodded, "You really should rest and while I could sedate you, to force you. I won't. I understand the need to do your duty, just please try not to push yourself too hard." Alas she understood the need to follow one's heart and do their duty. "I believe they will be signing the treaty soon, other than that there has been no other word. So I hope all is well."

For a moment Coryth looked a little confused but then nodded. It wasn't the goddess, or so she believed, but Coryth was not one to correct a person's beliefs. "Yes, I had the vision of Tygara, while in conference with the Queen if that is what you are referring to."

At Callista's touch, the redhead smiled. It was a rough past for sure, and life but one the small woman had come to terms with. While horrible, it had taken her a long time to get over herself but she'd managed to come out on top. Somehow she had managed to suffer through all that she had and still remain the sweet, kind woman that she was, with a desire to help every person that she saw and met.

"Would you like us, to help you to where they are now?" She asked quietly, mostly skimming over the part about the vision. Her gift/curse for seeing the future was not something she often discussed, nor did she like to. It was a special talent that she herself was cursed with and had to suffer the burden of alone.

[member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Callista Gseran"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Tarissa clearly did not like the idea of the treaty being signed without her presence. Those humans better not muck things up at the last minute! Well, at least Siobhan was close to being a proper Eldorai lady and listened to her occasionally. Sometimes.

However, she never wavered as her intent gaze focused upon Coryth. It might feel like her eyes were trying to pierce her as she absorbed her words. The little firemane was obviously reluctant to accept the truth. Nothing else could be expected given her Yedai views. "That is what was rumoured. Those visions did not come by accident. Only the Goddess Ashira would have sent them to you. She sent you to us," Tarissa said fervently as she abruptly gripped Coryth's tiny hand. It was bizarre and mind-boggling that the Goddess would choose a human of all people, but she worked in mysterious ways and Siobhan had always spoken very highly of the redhead. To the point where Tarissa suspected the Countess might be in love with her.

"Siobhan has told me so much about you, dear. About the tribulations you went through, the suffering and daemons you overcame and how you serve the Light. It is her light. You are such a brave woman." Yep, Coryth was a religious icon now, whether she wanted or not. Her hand reached up to gently stroke across Coryth's cheek. Briefly her eyes fell upon Callista. There was something...odd about her. Something that Tarissa could not quite put her finger on. Like she somehow was a lost soul. "We must talk about this...later. Please take me to where the treaty is being signed."
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

While all the speechifying took place Kaida was part of the Eldorai delegation, though she said nothing. Angelii guards had been stationed outside to keep watch and she herself was armed as well. In deferrence to the fact that this was supposed to be a diplomatic occasion she had washed the blood off her cortosis armour and taken off her imposing helmet. Then again, the armour looked quite imposing as is, though she felt like upgrading it to phrik. Lately [member="Coryth Elaris"] had acquired some of the precious ore on Seltos, so perhaps she should go ask her girlfriend.

Did you really need to puff up the queen's ego even more? she wondered to herself when Chesna introduced Siobhan with a long list of grand-sounding titles. It's already a fething moon. Then more fancy words followed when the Countess spoke up, though thankfully she kept it brief, which was good because Kaida hated her speeches. Copies of the treaty were passed around and so one ended up in Kaida's hands. She was not a negotiator and the two Countesses had been empowered by the Queen to represent her and Kaeshana, but nonetheless she scanned the treaty's contents. Her cold blue eyes betrayed very little as she did so and then looked up again, having satisfied herself. The terms had already been discussed in advance. The fancy speeches and handshakes were just a formality.

In a nutshell, according to the treaty the Amikarese Empire was being placed under the protection of the Kaeshana Confederation. which would protect it against external threats such as corsairs and the Xioquo. In return Semiramis would support them in creating a base in the northern lands and pay a small tribute in gold. Likewise the Qadiri would be provided with modern technology, though it was left open what exactly this would entail. The treaty went into more detail, but most of that revolved around face-saving measures to present it as a partnership of equals as opposed to vassalage or the establishment of a protectorate. Kaida doubted this entente cordiale would last, but that was not the point.

The point was that her people now had a chance for a new home, away from their doomed motherland. Briefly averting her gaze from the assembled courtiers she surreptitiously brought out her datapad and typed up a quick message to Coryth. Treaty's being signed. Gonna be assaulting a Xioquo base on an island to take out raiders. Suppose there'll be a party afterwards. How're you doing?

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Callista Gseran"]

Tegaea herself had narrowed her eyes at Chesna’s shapely back. The troll was puffing Siobhan up even further, though in a nice way. Tegaea pretended exasperation but secretly enjoyed her wife’s glory-hounding.
“Sure, I think I can find even more for you too,” she added to Siobhan in a whisper.

With the treaty signed and formalised, Semiramis gestured that she would like to speak.
“My new friends, allies from across the stars, I believe that this alliance will be the start of a new age of prosperity and glory for all of us.”
“As a sign of our favour and the honest gifts of any friend and ally, I name both Countess Tegaea and Countess Siobhan to be Jaziri or generals of the Imperial army. I also present these items to you as gifts and invite you into my household as friends.”
‘Servants’ came forward at that moment bearing chests filled with gold, gems and a little silver, as the latter was quite rare and thus esteemed.

Tegaea took the initiative and bowed her head slightly. “I think your Majesty for your kindness and wisdom. In turn we name you as Countess of Tygara, the friend and ally of the Confederation. We give you in turn gifts to show our friendship. We have weapons to be delivered today to your generals which will aid them, and we have technology which you can utilise.”
A couple of Eldorai came forward and laid out some ornate plastic lockboxes. Inside were communicators which would allow the Shahbânu to instantly communicate with her vassals…though they were unknowingly monitored by the Eldorai. For ‘technical support’ reasons, naturally.
Also there were battery powered lights, portable gas-lighters, magnifying glasses and other handy items which would be novelties and advanced to the Qadiri yet not be dangerous.

The gifts exchanged, the two groups parted with their treasures. Tegaea estimated these gifts had netted them a net return of twenty million credits. Not bad considering the gifts they had given in return had cost less than 1% of that!
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Siobhan liked fancy titles a lot. The same applied to gifts, harem girls and in general being fawned over by everyone. She watched while the gifts were exchanged. Needless to say she was not fooled by the "servants", for they were clearly slaves, though the Qadiri had been tactful enough to remove their collars. Likewise they had undoubtedly chosen those "servants" who were the least scarred and appeared the most docile, though she still noticed the way they carried themselves.

However, she stilled her hand. A couple years ago her self-control would have been a lot more lacking. Maybe past events had taught her a thing or two. Such as the simple fact that change could not come on automatism simply because you willed it. It could be imposed by the muzzle of the blaster and the flash of a lightsabre, but people would not accept it if it was forced. Patience, change will come. You will make it happen. For now the priority lay in ensuring that the Eldorai could have a new home. Still, her convictions were quite clear: Over time slavery would be abolished and a new order would reign. Obviously she would be close to the top.

Gifts exchanged and the two groups parted ways. Firemane labour droids carried the chests filled with gold, gems and silver. "Well, that went well, darling. We exchanged fancy words about a shiny and happy alliance, gave them baubbles and technical trinkets and we got gold. The surveys of the planet's minerals appear very promising. Another source of credits for us and to help fund the exodus," she said thoughtfully as she took Tegaea's hand, giving her wife a fond look. We will rule together like queens, ensure the Eldorai have a future and bring change.

"So what's the plan now, Jaziri Alcori? I brought a consignment of archaic musquets and breech-loading single shots to provide Semiramis' army with 'modern weapons'. They've been sent to Nantaris and Taldir to train our allies with. Modern enough against the Xioquo, completely useless against us. We got some from the Eldorai War Museum." Clearly cynical Siobhan was learning the rules of 'benign' colonialism.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Callista Gseran"]

“I think, love, we can go on a tour of the palace for a while. We’ve got some Qadiri girls we freed who are proving to be very helpful. There’s also planning for the new settlements…we probably want to tour them soon. Oh, I believe that Nantaris and Kaida are showing off the new weapons. Nothing can possibly go wrong….”

One assumes that Tegs and Sio would meet Coryth, Tarissa and Callista in the palace. And so a jump cut to…things going wrong.

“Listen, you stupid bucket of bolts, just translate what I’m saying!” Nantaris was berating D-43.
“Yes, yes, oh magnanimous one, I was merely pointing out that they view you as subordinate due to your gender.”
Nantaris glowered, then looked across at Kaida. The two dozen Qadiri sergeants and officers were all looking at her. Naturally she was the female with the more impressive armour so she had been assumed to be in charge. Besides, the Qadiri were suspicious of the droid.
“For the Lord’s sake,” Nantaris growled. He hefted one of the rifles from a case and took some of the simple brass jacketed bullets. “Right, you lot, look at me. Her worship, the Grand Captain there has ordered me to give a demonstration. She likes to watch,” he said.

Whether D-43 massaged the translation, or the Qadiri didn’t get the joke, they now looked at him.
“This is the new repeating firearm the deal with your Queen has produced,” Nantaris said, holding it up. “Unlike your old weapons, the powder, shot and wadding are provided in this one metal cartridge. To load, pull down this lever on the bottom of the weapon, slide the cartridge in, pull the lever back, fire.” The shot boomed out and hit the wall being used for target practice.
He did so, doing it slowly mainly since it was the first time he’d used a weapon this primitive in many years. It also helped show it off.
“Now, you try,” he ordered one of the female Qadiri in the front rank.
She came forward and snatched it off him. Taking some cartridges she inspected the mechanism, then loaded, fired, reloaded and fired again in less than six seconds.
“She says it’s quick, but not as effective as the space weapons.”
“Well that’s the point,” Nantaris muttered. “Tell her, D-43, that her people do not have the gross industrial base to create weapons of a higher technological era.”
The Qadiri glowered suspiciously, but finally nodded when D-43 added something.
“What was that?”
“I told her, Master, that the blasters are going to the Shahbânu’s guard.”
“But they’re not.”
“But she doesn’t know that,” D-43 said smugly.
“There are some days I don’t want to melt you down. This is nearly one of them. Right, well, get the rest of this lot to learn how it works, then get them to start training their men…or women, or whatever it is here.”

At that moment Myrtirae emerged from the shadows and wandered over.
“Hey boss, we’ve got those gunships ready. Uhh….”
All the Qadiri were staring at her. They’d been careful so far to only show off Eldorai or humans to the Qadiri. Myr’s beautiful blue skin, lekku and eyes were definitely not human or Eldorai.
“Lovely timing, Blue, welcome to Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” Nantaris said sardonically. He looked at the astonished Qadiri warriors. “Tell them that this is Myrtirae, leader of the Twileks and that she comes from beyond the stars. Tell them that she single-handedly defeated the corsairs in space and will now join me in the assault on the Xioquo.”
“Boss, you’re being a jerk. Is this payback for the lekku thing?” her pretty blue face had gone a bit pink.
“Of course not! I just want them to be astounded by you so they don’t get angry and frightened.” He had his fingers crossed behind his back though….
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Things were not going wrong at all! By galactic standards the repeating rifles were hopelessly outdated. Archaic slugthrowers were a niche thing these days and had been so for millennia. A stormtrooper could be bombarded by a dozen old slugthrowers and not feel a thing. It was not a joke to say that several had been found in a museum or bought from antiques dealers. However, by the standards of Tygara they would be modern and make things far more even between the Qadiri and the Xioquo.

"In battle when faced with a frontal assault you will form a firing line. Thin two-rank formation to compensate for lack of numbers and maximise fire frontage. When one line is reloading, the second covers. You will learn to create defensive positions by digging trenches and blocking the enemy with barbed wire. Familiarise yourself with the guns, then fire on the targets," Kaida spoke in her authoritative voice, which was quickly translated by D-43. "Be mindful of the recoil and don't waste ammunition."

One of the Qadiri officers, who had been handed a repeating rifle that looked a bit like a Karabiner 98k just shook her head and glowered suspiciously at the outsiders. "You are not giving us the tools to actually be independent. It is dishonourable and an offence to our pride to take orders from outsiders. You claim to be of our blood, but you do not even look like us," she spoke angrily.

Kaida raised an eyebrow as she looked over to the disgruntled officer. Several other Qadiri soldiers had likewise stopped practicing with their weapons. "What was that?" she asked the 'bucket of bolts' who seemed to be stuck with translating duties. Presumably the droid was hoping that he would not end up being frozen by the violent frost elf.

"Oh, she was voicing her scepticism about the gun's efficiency, Mistress," the protocol droid explained in what was apparently an attempt to defuse the situation and move on without anyone getting punched in the face, set on fire or frozen. A noble venture, but probably fated to fail, alas. After all, Kaida needed to get the chance to act like a drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket. One wondered whether there might be an Eldorai version of that movie, featuring Angelii.

"That wasn't all. Translate the rest," the Seraph said in a frosty tone that could freeze worlds. Someone a bit more diplomatic than Kaida would have tried to solve things more...tactfully. But she was not inclined to do that sort of thing. The joke was that the best alternate career for an Angelii was to be a Priestess of the Goddess Ardarvia. Maybe Kaida should visit one of her temples.

One could hear something like a sigh escape the protocol droid. Maybe he was wondering why he kept ending up with such violent people with a temper. Verily, the life of a protocol droid was not easy. "If you insist, oh frosty one. She says taking orders from you is dishonourable, insulting and so on."

"This is a pathetic farce. We should not bow to xenos and deceivers who call themselves our 'cousins'," the Qadiri officer snapped, her temper clearly going from bad to worse as she saw the talk between the Eldorai and the 'metal demon'.

"I see." The Seraph did not even bother ask for a translation. Suddenly the eyes of the Qadiri were invaded by drops of water to blind her and then Kaida punched her in the face. The frost elf's fist happened to be covered by a gauntlet encased in ice. The punch broke the officer's jaw. The blow landed perfectly, and the jaw snapped with the sound of a broomstick broken over a thigh. The officer fell to the ground and was out cold. Her blood splattered onto Kaida's gauntlet as the ice encasing it melted. "Anyone else? No, good! You're her to learn, so carry on. First line, take aim at the targets and fire. Then second. Rinse, repeat."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Callista Gseran"]

Commander Marissa Gynt of the Orion had finally gotten to sleep when a knock on her cabin door roused her. With a groan she sat up.
“Enter, Lieutenant,” she said.
Lieutenant Ward entered, offered a brief salute. “Sorry to wake you, ma’am,” she said, “We have a bit of a situation.”
“I’ll come up. Give me a moment.”

A few moments later the Commander was on deck and the pre-dawn light revealed a darkness before them. The Orion was the first of Firemane’s surface ships to be deployed, a Triton Class Corvette to help control the sealanes of Tygara.
Gynt, who had been commander of a space borne corvette, had taken some time to get used to maritime life. It was simpler in some ways…no 3D maps required…but on the other hand there was weather and obstacles to take account of.
“Commander on deck!”
“At ease. Lieutenant, what’s the situation?”
Ward brought up a holomap of the twenty kilometres surrounding them. “That convoy of Xioquo we sighted yesterday? They’re not stopping at the fortress. In fact, they picked up more troops there, we think. They’re coming this way.”
Gynt examined the map with a frown. Twenty ships, eight of them bigger than her corvette, and others packed with troops, were heading her way. They could only be heading for the unprotected Amikarese heartland.
“How many troops?”
“Difficult to say, ma’am. We’re estimating that each ship can carry about 500, so perhaps 6,000 warriors.”
“I’m going to need some COC for this. Get me CEO Alcori on the line.” She had not known that Siobhan had also arrived.

In her room at the palace Tegaea found herself wakened by a gentle touch from an Angelii.
“My apologies, Mistress, but Commander Ward needs to talk with you.”
Tegaea disengaged herself from Siobhan and Chesna, and pulled on a robe over her kiddy corrupting body.
A few moments later she was in the impromptu holoroom set aside for the offworlders.
“Commander?” Tegaea asked. She knew if they had awoken her it would be for an important reason…or else.
“Ma’am, sorry to wake you, but we have a situation out here. Large Xioquo fleet has left the fortress and is sailing your way. I count twenty ships, perhaps 6000 troops. They’re heading for Mansura by the looks of it. They may not even be aware that we’ve landed on Tygara. Whatever the case, ma’am, what are your orders?”
Tegaea examined the map now presented, examined what she knew of relative strengths and forces. “I have only 200 troops total, but half of them are on the northern continent. We’ve given weapons to the Qadiri, but they’ll not get up to Mansura in time. Any defeat gives our enemies here ammunition against us. I want you to hold them off as long as possible, Commander. Don’t endanger your ship, but give them a display of power. I’ll call in a bomber wing from the fleet to assist, but it’ll be a couple of hours before they get there. Can you hold?”
“Yes, ma’am. Our weapons have longer range and we’re quicker, so we’ll keep ahead of them.”
“Alright, may the Force be with you,” Tegaea said. After the call disconnected she swiftly contacted the commander of the Valora’s Blade to call in some support.

Commander Gynt meanwhile found herself forced to prepare for battle. “Battle stations. Prepare the cannons. Ready torpedoes. Range?”
“Enemy is 4km and closing. Lookouts can just see them in the light.”
The sun was rising rapidly. The glint of metal on distant ships, the slight smudge of smoke from steam and coal engines.
“Bring us closer, and cross their T. We need these first shots to count,” Gynt ordered.

The two fleets closed. The largest enemy ships, five in all, were formed up behind three smaller ones. They had seen the Orion too and were making full steam towards it.
“Enemy ships almost in effective range, ma’am. Seem to be ironclad vessels with large calibre solid and explosive shell weapons. Maximum range…perhaps two kilometres.”
“Well we’ll just have to keep out of range then. Turbolasers ready?”
“Yes, ma’am. Locked on to lead target.”
“On my mark…fire!”

Twin bolts of green fire burst from the turbolaser cannons and arced over the sea. With a flash like a miniature sun they impacted the unsuspecting ship dead on. Flames and dense smoke boiled from the ship before a second volley caused the ship to vanish in a bright explosion as the ammunition expoded.
“Target destroyed, ma’am!” Ward called triumphantly.
“Good…now we just repeat this 19 more times,” Gynt said lightly. She suspected it wouldn’t be that easy!

[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan had still been asleep when Tegaea left her. Rolling over, she found herself a bit annoyed about the fact that her redhead-sized blanket had disappeared. On another note, she had also decided to dye her hair red because redheads reigned. Hearing noise coming from outside and tracing it back to the impromptu holoroom, she gently disengaged herself from Chesna and quickly slipped on a satin robe. After all, it would not do if everyone got to see her goods!

Especially the kiddies, even though it was very unlikely that they would be prancing around the palace. Then she limped out of the bedroom, past two Angelii standing sentinel. "There you are. I was missing my blanket," she said somewhat cornily when she found Tegaea, but her expression turned serious when she saw the holomap, which seemed to highlight an engagement on the river. "Xioquo are making a move on the river? Are our troops holding?" she asked, knowing that they had deployed one of their new surface corvettes to patrol in preparation for the attack on the island fortress.

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